Low basement of the house on one side. The height of the base from the ground according to the norms. The height of the basement in the construction of buildings with a basement or basement

The construction of the foundation is not limited to the laying of its underground part. Above the ground to a height of 50-70 cm is built on top part foundation - plinth.

The socle is called the upper part of the foundation, protruding above the level of the vertical layout (Fig. 1.)

Rice. 1. Plinths: 1 - wall construction; 2 - brick plinth; 3 - waterproofing from two layers of roofing felt or lining roofing material; 4 - the second waterproofing along the foundation or in the basement body; 5 - ceramic tile on the cement-sand mortar; 6 - blind area; 7 - facing frieze stone; 8 - mesh 150 x 150 x 4 cm, tied to the outlets of the reinforcement; 9 - facing tiles from natural stone; 10 - hard cement mortar; 11 - outlets of reinforcement embedded in masonry; 12 - concrete pad; 13 - foundation concrete blocks; 14 - foundation (from prefabricated blocks, rubble masonry, rubble, etc.); fifteen - facing brick; 16 - plaster; 17- reinforcing mesh; 18 - air vent; 19 - insulation

The plinth is not only a support for the walls, but assumes the function of protection from natural influences: in winter it is covered with snow, in spring melt water undermines, in summer and autumn it rains. Therefore, the strength and resistance of the base to adverse natural conditions must be mandatory. Structurally, the plinth practically does not differ from the foundation, but its appearance must correspond to the general architectural solution at home. To do this, the outer part of the basement is plastered, lined with natural or artificial stone or tiles. In the simplest version of the finish, the base is overwritten cement mortar and paint. The top of the base must be strictly horizontal.
The height of the plinth can be different depending on the terrain of the site. But in any case, the height of the plinth should not be less than 50 cm above the level of the layout. A house with a low plinth seems squat and loses architecturally.

Plinths are made of solid brick grades for frost resistance 50 Mrz by the method of continuous masonry or from concrete foundation blocks .

House basement waterproofing

Two waterproofings are placed on the plinth, each of two layers of roofing material on bituminous mastic. The first waterproofing is arranged at a height of 20 cm from the level of the blind area, the second - along the top of the basement. The purpose of waterproofing is to cut off the migration of moisture into the walls due to capillary suction of water from the soil and moistening the walls from melting snow and rain splashes (Fig. 1.). Previously, one waterproofing was arranged at the level of the top of the basement. Such waterproofing cut off the infiltration of water into the walls, but the base itself was in a moist state. As a result, the moisture accumulating in the capillaries of the basement material increased in volume during winter freezing and tore the capillaries.
The process, repeated from year to year, destroyed the material of the plinths of houses. Therefore, they began to use double waterproofing of the basement. To protect the plinth from atmospheric moisture, they are lined with bricks, natural stone slabs or ceramic tiles.

Basement construction. Zabirka

The most successful constructive solution for the basement is rubble masonry with simultaneous brick cladding.
The basement superstructure above the strip foundation is made the same width as the foundation itself. plinth column foundation(it is called a fence or a fence wall) is never thick: if it is brick, then the laying is carried out in brick or half a brick; if rubble, then no more than 30 cm wide. If the soil at the construction site is rocky, sandy or gravel, then the pick-ups are laid from ground level; if the soil is clayey, then deepen the pick-ups into the ground by 20-30 cm, and under them make sand cushion another 20-30 cm thick. Align the upper plane of the base (as well as the upper plane of the foundation) using the building level.
And one more thing that you should not forget about when building a basement - natural ventilation closed space bounded by basement walls, floor and ground. For free circulation of air in this space in the basement on each side of the house at a height of 15-20 cm from the ground, ventilation windows (air vents) approximately 15 x 15 cm in size should be left. it is worth hammering with wooden corks.

Plinth brickwork

When erecting foundations, the plinth is laid out from a red solid clay brick grades not lower than 75 or front brick with jointing. For brickwork you can use a solution of composition 1: 0.3: 4 (cement: lime or clay: sand, by volume) - for foundations in low-moisture and wet soils; composition 1: 0: 3 - for foundations located in water-saturated soils.
Bricklaying is performed in horizontal rows, laying the brick flat (on the bed). Each brick of the upper row must lie between two or more bricks of the lower row, closing their joints. The order in which bricks are laid relative to each other so that their joints overlap is called ligation. The simplest is single-row, or chain ligation, when rows of bricks across the wall (poke) alternate with rows along the wall (loose). At the same time, the transverse seams in adjacent rows are shifted by a quarter of a brick, and the longitudinal ones by half a brick (Fig. 2).

Mortar joints between bricks should be within 10-15 mm. The thickness of the horizontal joints of brickwork should be 12 mm, vertical joints - 10 mm.
When plastering walls, the basement of the foundation, the seams should not be filled with mortar to a depth of 10-15 mm for better adhesion of the mortar to the surface during its plastering.
In order for the masonry to be of high quality, at the corners of the foundation to advance installed poles from logs with a diameter of 10-12 cm, wooden slats are attached, marked in height at 77 mm (brick thickness 65 mm plus joint thickness 12 mm). The top of the first row is fixed with a mooring cord. On the cord, the horizontal laying of the row is checked. As the rows are laid, the cord must be moved up. (Fig. 3.)

If a this technology plinth masonry will still be difficult to execute, then instead of a mooring cord, formwork panels can be used, or edged boards. They are supported on rails-orders and intermediate bars hammered into the ground. On the board, lines are applied that define the top of the stacked row of bricks.

The masonry starts from the corner and gradually moves to the left of the laid part of the basement row. The mortar trowel must be in right hand. With the left hand, they remove the brick from the stack and lay it on the mortar. Part of the mortar is pushed with a trowel onto the side edge or end of the previously laid brick, then the brick is pressed with the left hand, with light strokes of the trowel handle, it is pressed so that the upper edge coincides with the horizontal line drawn on the board, or is in line with the mooring cord. When laying the outer versts, the mooring cord is pulled for each row at the level of the top of the stacked row, indented from vertical plane by 3-4 mm. Usually, the mooring cord is tied to nails fixed in the seams of the masonry. To check the horizontal and vertical masonry used building level 500-700 mm long.

To control the quality of the masonry, after fixing the orders, beacons are laid out on them in the form of a sheltered penalty or intermediate orders are established (every 3 - 4 m). Part of the mortar, into which the brick is pressed, sometimes protrudes beyond the plane of the foundation plinth. It must be immediately removed with a trowel, put back in the box (bucket) and mixed with the solution located there.
Plinth for log, cobbled and frame walls usually performed in one or 1 1/2 bricks (i.e., 250 and 380 mm wide).

  • Why does a house need a basement?
  • The basement of the house with two-layer walls.
  • Peculiarities of basement waterproofing.
  • Elimination of cold bridges in the basement.

The plinth is above-ground part foundation. It's a pretty complex knot. where the vertical (plinth, walls) and horizontal (floors and ceilings) structures of the house converge and adjoin each other.

The correct device, waterproofing and insulation of the basement - the necessary conditions for the construction of a durable, economical and heat-saving house.

The figure below clearly shows what will happen if the house has a very low base.

Plinth height not less than 20 cm. protects the walls from moisture (in the picture on the left)

The height of the basement of a private house must be at least 20 cm. With a low base, there is a high risk of wetting the wall of the house. The walls will be moistened from splashes when raindrops hit the ground, when snowdrifts melt, or from capillary suction of moisture directly from the ground.

Damp walls lose their heat-saving properties. Water freezing in the walls gradually destroys them. Dirt, dampness, fungus and mold appear on the walls outside and inside the house.

In areas with high snow cover, it is better to make the height of the base not lower than the level of stable snow cover. This rule is especially important for houses with wooden walls.

To protect the walls of the house from moisture emanating from the ground, two lines of defense are created:

  • Increase the height of the basement in order to remove the walls of the house as far as possible from the ground - a source of moisture.
  • Arrange waterproofing of the walls of the house and the basement in danger zone exposure to moisture.

A high base increases the cost of building a house. Therefore, depending on the design of the walls and, they try to find a reasonable compromise between the size of the basement and the level of waterproofing.

Be sure to arrange between the basement and the wall of the house ghorizontal layer roll waterproofing.

In some cases, which are discussed below, it is necessary to do additional waterproofing of the walls of the house.

For a private house it is recommended to make a sinking base. At the sinking plinth outside surface walls protrude beyond the border of the basement by about 50 mm. Water falling on the surface of the wall flows down and falls from the wall past the basement onto the blind area. This solution does not allow water flowing down the wall to fall on horizontal waterproofing and flow into the wall along it. For better water drainage a dropper is fixed along the lower edge of the wall.

It should be noted that in addition to the moisture-proof function, the plinth plays a certain role in the architectural appearance of the house. A house on a high plinth looks more solid and spectacular, and the plinth finish can emphasize the beauty of the floors of the house.

Correct basement of a house with single-layer exterior walls

The height of the basement of a house with single-layer external walls must be at least 50 cm.(shown on the left) Or for plinth height less than 50 cm, but not less than 20 cm., additional waterproofing of the walls is required. (pictured right)

The outer surface of single-layer walls is less protected from moisture than that of multi-layer walls. Therefore, the basement of a house with a height of at least 50 cm.

If the plinth of a single-layer wall is below 50 cm., then arrange additional waterproofing in two places:

  1. In the wall, above the first or second layer of masonry of aerated concrete or porous ceramic blocks, another layer of rolled waterproofing is laid.
  2. The outer surface of the wall, in the area of ​​the lower rows of masonry, is protected from water by a layer of vertical waterproofing. To do this, it is enough to use hydrophobic primers and water-resistant plasters when finishing the wall. It is better, but more expensive, to clad the plinth and the lower part of the walls with a material with low water absorption, for example, clinker tiles.

Plinth construction for a single-layer wall basement houses or at home on foundation - slab can

Dimensions of the basement of a house with two-layer outer walls

The minimum height of the plinth for a two-layer wall insulated with polystyrene foam is 20 cm. For a wall insulated with mineral wool, at least 30 cm.(on the left picture) A low plinth will result in moisture exterior finish and soaking mineral wool insulation(pictured right)

Besides, thermal insulation of the plinth eliminates the cold bridge through the plinth and load-bearing part walls bypassing the thermal insulation of the floor and walls.

In a single-layer wall, the floor is raised to the level of the second or third row of masonry. The vertical waterproofing of the basement is raised to the same level. 2 - waterproofing; 4-5 - plaster on the grid; 8 - finishing; 9 - floor on the ground

If on site or weakly heaving, then the task of combating the forces of frost heaving is not worth it. In this case, it is necessary to get rid of only the cold bridge through the base and the bearing part of the wall.

To eliminate the bridge of cold in a house with single-layer walls without basement insulation, it is necessary to raise the floor to the level of the second or third row of masonry blocks of the outer wall. This is sufficient, since the material of a single-layer wall has a low thermal conductivity.

The bearing part of two- or three-layer walls is usually made of a material with high thermal conductivity. To eliminate the cold bridge in two-three-layer walls, only the upper part of the basement can be covered with insulation, by approximately 0.5 m. below floor level. This will increase the length of the path heat flow along the plinth.

If the basement space under the house is not heated, then the basement is covered with thermal insulation on both sides.

In multilayer walls, to eliminate the cold bridge, one outer or both sides of the basement are covered with thermal insulation (for houses with unheated basement space or floors on the ground)

For multilayer walls, another way to deal with a cold bridge is used. The lower rows of masonry of the bearing part of the wall are made of wall material with low thermal conductivity. The floor level is raised, similar to how it is done for a single-layer wall.

For insulation of the basement and the underground part of the foundation, extruded polystyrene foam slabs (penoplex, etc.) are best suited.

It is convenient to insulate strip foundations. The design of pile foundations with bored (including TISE) or screw piles more suitable for a cold base. Insulation of such foundations is quite problematic and expensive.

The basement space of houses with pile foundations is usually not insulated. design basement floor and the floor of the first floor of the house on pile foundation chosen with this in mind.

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Plinth - rising above ground level outer wall, which is a kind of transition between the foundations and the facade of housing construction. This upper part of the building can serve as walls for basements, semi-basements and basements.

The design and construction of the basement of the building requires a thorough approach. Of particular note is such a parameter as height. Too low a plinth will not be able to protect living quarters from moisture penetration. This negatively affects the integrity and life of the building, making living impossible.

The height of the plinth depends on the following parameters:

  • base type;
  • house building project;
  • characteristic features of the soil;
  • purpose of the basement, if provided.

Important are the building regulations, which should not be neglected.

The cost of building a foundation and a plinth is most estimates. And if the project does not provide for the presence of a basement, some believe that the base can be made flush with the ground. This, of course, allows you to save money at the construction stage, but inevitably harms the building itself. The basement is an indispensable part of houses, in the construction of which materials susceptible to moisture are used.

The main function of the basement part of the building is to protect the facade from contact with the ground. A barrier to soil water, rising through the capillaries from the base, becomes waterproofing, which is laid directly between the walls of the facade and the plinth.

Along with isolating the building from the effects of groundwater, the following functions are assigned to the base:

  • protection of the facade from pollution;
  • protection of the skin from mechanical damage;
  • compensation for shrinkage under the weight of the structure;
  • isolation of basement floors from negative influences;
  • ensuring full ventilation and improving heat-insulating qualities;

In addition, the basement gives the house an aesthetic appeal and a complete look.

In order for the basement part of the building to perform all the functions assigned to it, it must have sufficient height. Otherwise, moisture will penetrate into the living quarters, and the front part of the building will remain unprotected from pollution and mechanical impact.

According to building codes and rules (SNiP), this parameter should not be less than 20 cm. This is the minimum figure. It is better not to save money and build a plinth with a height of 30 to 40 cm. Structures built of wood are more susceptible to moisture, so the distance above ground level for the lower part should be at least half a meter and reach 90 cm.

The parameter from 20 to 90 cm is the recommended basement height for buildings in which there is no basement in the project. If housing construction is being built with ground floor, it can reach 2 meters. To calculate a more accurate indicator of the required height allows taking into account climatic conditions and the average level of precipitation.

Doing it yourself is quite difficult, but possible. For this purpose, the average depth of snow cover over several years is calculated, and 10 cm is added to the obtained value. These data can be obtained by analyzing weather forecasts.

The main types of plinth

The construction of a high basement leads to an increase in the cost estimate. This is not a reason to save. The main thing that outer wall, towering above ground level, was durable, had high performance properties.

The height indicator depends not only on the soil, foundation, project, but also on the position of the base relative to the facade wall. It can be done in one of the following options:

  • sinking. The outer wall is located inside the front part. This option is suitable for buildings with fairly thick walls.
  • Speakers. The plane of the base is pushed forward. This solution is the only one possible option for buildings with thin walls and ground floor.
  • Level. The basement part of the building smoothly passes into the facade, that is, both the upper and Bottom part located in the same plane.

Each type has its own characteristics, affecting what the base will be.

How does the type of plinth affect the height?

The protruding plinth is the most expensive option, but it is necessary in cases where the project provides for an exploitable basement. The height in this case should be maximum. Otherwise it is impossible to achieve good thermal insulation characteristics. No savings in this case it can not be.

For buildings that do not have a basement and a basement, it is best to choose a sinking option. The facade overhanging wall becomes an ideal protection for the base of the house from mechanical damage and atmospheric adverse precipitation. The height of such a base is made minimal. The larger it is, the lower the degree of protection.

Plinth height and foundation type

The basement part of the building on a low foundation (slab, tape, pile-tape) is made of bricks or blocks. The first option is less reliable. Blocks allow you to achieve a higher level of security.

Both plinth options require a high-quality finish that provides protective functions. If the groundwater is close, equip the drainage, and if low - blind area. The height of the basement is made no less than the minimum recommended if there is no basement. The minimum figure is taken solely to save money.

The pile foundation is low if the grillage is directly at ground level, and elevated. The most unstable is columnar, requiring mandatory compensation for heaving of the soil. For this purpose, a height of at least 20 cm is made.

The gaps formed between the pillars or piles are laid with bricks, closed with shields or asbestos-cement slabs. The basement cannot be too high due to the design features of the foundation itself.

The height of the basement in the construction of buildings with a basement or basement

Buildings with operated basements are most widely used in private housing construction. The rationality of such a decision is due to the ability to use this part of the building both for household needs, placing a laundry, pantry, boiler room, cellar in the basement, and for expanding the living space, equipping an office, bedroom, gym, and so on.

Sometimes both of these appointments are combined. It all depends on the proposed building area. The main thing is that this approach is more cost-effective than adding an additional floor above ground level. Overall Height there is much more plinth here than in buildings without a used basement. It, according to SNiP, is at least 250 cm.

The amount by which the basement will rise above ground level depends on the purpose of the basement. If it is supposed to be used as a utility room, it is allowed to take the minimum limit. You can’t save on the basement floor for living rooms, so a small margin must be added to the recommended height.

In a private house is a basement that acts as the first floor. Others consider it a standard zero floor, which is located below the soil level. In any case, its creation remains unchanged and requires compliance with certain rules.


It is worth noting that the construction is characterized by high costs compared to the usual one, and in some cases, expanding the construction area will be a more economical option.

The approximate cost becomes clear after the implementation of geological and engineering surveys, establishing the type of soil, level groundwater. Sometimes after it turns out that in this place the construction of such a building is impossible.

Basement floors in private houses require the creation of drainage, high-quality waterproofing and insulation, so it will not be possible to do with the simple formation of a continuation of the foundation. Failure to comply with waterproofing rules or the use of low-quality materials increases the likelihood of flooding.

To carry out such work, builders must be highly qualified, since negligent attitude to work in this case is more likely to have undesirable consequences.

Lighting and ventilation

Since the arrangement of full-fledged windows in the basement is most often impossible, the premises will be insufficient. Therefore, the location living rooms preferably on the ground floor. The most popular arrangement options are entertainment and sports facilities: home cinemas, billiard rooms, swimming pools, saunas, gyms.

It is worth remembering that operation is also associated with large investments, allowing you to maintain the space in the required state. Forced ventilation the basement floor of a private house is especially relevant in gym and premises with high level humidity, and the creation will be required for saunas and showers. The pool below ground level is also difficult to arrange.

When you can not do without a plinth

It becomes necessary most often with a lack of floor space above the ground, and the impossibility of accommodating all the planned premises.

In some cases, the size of the construction site contributes to the creation of a basement. It can be small or narrow, with the owner having the means to build a large building, and the space on the upper floors is no longer sufficient.

Arrangement is also common in the presence of a site characterized by the presence of a slope with a noticeable difference in height. In this case, the relief becomes the focus of everything landscape design and allows you to build a very original building.

The basement in a private house, the photo of which is presented above, gives respectability to the entire building and can accommodate various premises, basement or utility areas. It is also worth noting that such a building differs more high properties thermal insulation. With proper arrangement, you can reduce costs and accelerate their payback. Thanks to him, you can not worry about the loads that fall on the foundation, and the house itself becomes more reliable. in accordance with established rules must be within 2.5 meters.


There are three main types:

  • recessed basement in a private house;
  • speaker;
  • located on the same level as the base.

The first option has become the most widespread. This is facilitated by less exposure to moisture, compared with other species. Also in this case, humidity does not have such a detrimental effect on other parts of the building, since water quickly drains from the basement.

The protruding type is optimal for a house with thin wall structures. So you can equip rooms that will be located almost underground. Sometimes it acts as a place to store seasonal and rarely used items.

The arrangement of the basement floor of a private house on the same level as the foundation is not always rational, since it will have insufficient protection against moisture and at the same time act as the beginning of the wall. It will require the use of additional waterproofing materials, which entails extra costs. It is also worth noting the impossibility of improving appearance building.


Due to the fact that the base is a continuation of the foundation, it is built from a material similar to that used to create the base. Sometimes it is possible to choose the materials that make up the wall structures. Most often used ready blocks, brick and monolithic concrete. Regardless of the perfect choice, competent calculation is required. Special attention should be given to determining the thickness of the walls.

Screed and concrete plates act as a floor. The base can be formed from ready-made reinforced concrete slabs. For facing works often applied wood material. If the basement in a private house rises significantly above the ground, it is possible to create full-fledged windows and doors in its upper part, while it is desirable that they face the south, west or east side. The arrangement of openings on the north side is undesirable, as this can lead to deformation of the frames due to the accumulation a large number snow.


It is advisable to start with the stairs to the basement in a private house, as it is an integral and important element premises. Three types are most widely used staircase structures providing a comfortable ride. The arrangement of the classic march option is possible if there is sufficient space. If the design of the floor and its dimensions do not allow creating such a comfortable descent, a bolt or screw view will do.


Separately, it should be noted waterproofing work. The underground structure must be coated on both sides with materials that protect against moisture. This will increase their reliability. Waterproofing elements located above the ground does not require mandatory internal waterproofing.

The basement floor in a private house, which is based on a solid concrete slab, has undoubted advantages:

  • it is possible to arrange premises for any purpose;
  • the structure is distinguished by sufficient protection from negative external influences, for example, humidity;
  • it takes relatively little time to build;
  • outstanding structural strength.

High-quality arrangement of waterproofing is the main point in the construction. In case of non-compliance this rule the floor slab will have poor adhesion to the base wall elements. As mentioned earlier, the height of the base should be within 2.5 meters. For its construction, a pit is dug with the required depth.

Design work

First of all, when arranging, it is necessary to establish the required thickness of the walls. Here you need to build on the type of soil on the site and the location of the building. If the ground is sufficiently reliable, it is possible to create walls with a thickness similar to those that walls in other parts of the house have. Otherwise, it is recommended to increase the thickness by 20-30 cm. When using wood for the construction of a building, the basement in a private house can be made of concrete blocks with your own hands.

An important stage is the preparation of a project, which must necessarily take into account the location of groundwater. This is due to the fact that the depth of the pit should not reach the level of the water. Preliminary exploration of the soil is carried out to determine the possible depth.

The height of the basement is one of the parameters that are of great importance when building a house. This is the lower part of the building, erected on the foundation and performing important functions related to the preservation of heat inside the building. The plinth is necessary in order to protect the walls from exposure ground water, it prevents the formation of fungus and mold on the walls, increases the resistance of the structure low temperatures. Due to the presence of the plinth, the heat exchange between the indoor and outdoor areas increases.

In order for this part of the house to meet all the requirements and contribute to the solution of the tasks set, it is necessary during construction not only to choose a quality and reliable material, but also take into account the height of the plinth being built.

How to determine the height of the plinth

One of the types of socle is sinking

The effectiveness of the protective functions that the basement of the house performs directly depends on its height and type:

  1. The protruding plinth requires additional finishing and the construction of a visor that protects the structure from precipitation and moisture accumulation. It becomes a decoration of the facade of any building.
  2. Falling - the most durable. In this option, the joint of the basement and the walls of the house is completely protected from moisture, which is a guarantee of increased safety of the foundation and the protection of the waterproofing layer. During the construction of this type, there is no need to construct mandatory water outlets.
  3. Level with the wall. The least popular type of plinth. It requires the construction of a visor, and when additional finishing is carried out, it becomes bulging.

The choice of the height of the plinth being erected is influenced by the type of foundation, the depth of groundwater, and the climatic conditions in the area where construction is underway. In addition, it is important to have a basement ( basement).

Starting work on the construction of the basement, it is worth considering that the higher it is, the less likely it is that interior spaces may be damaged by moisture penetration. Erections start directly from the foundation of the house, and at the joints with the walls of the building, proper organization of waterproofing is required, which prevents the possible penetration of moisture through the capillaries of the porous material into the walls of the building.

Plinth flush with the wall

The impact exerted on the plinth is comprehensive, as it withstands a constant load from the walls. And in cases where there is no basement in the house, and the floor is located on the ground, the basement is also subject to the pressure of the earth, which is covered inside the entire perimeter of the house.

If, in order to determine the width of the future basement, it is necessary to accurately determine the choice of material from which the walls of the house will be built, and its type depends on the quality of the foundation, then the height will depend on the presence of a basement, temperature regime, weather conditions and the amount of natural precipitation characteristic of the area where construction is underway. These settings in various fields are very different, so there are no strict guidelines for determining the height of the base.

Minimum Height

The construction of the base begins directly from the foundation, and raise it to a height of at least 40 centimeters. It is believed that this is the minimum height of the basement of the house.

High plinth at home

This height is optimal if there is strip foundation, although on a different basis a plinth of this height is erected, based on the average for a decade of the level of snow that falls annually in a given area. A basement of this height is erected only in cases where the house does not have a basement.

In some areas, the height of the basement of the house is lower than this indicator. In especially arid areas, the construction of a brick structure is allowed up to a height of only 20 centimeters. But even here there is a risk of abundant moistening of the walls of the house when ordinary rainwater gets on them. In most cases, a properly constructed blind area can make a difference. Although with a low basement height, as well as with improper foundation construction, the walls of the house may suffer from capillary wetting of the walls with groundwater. This will lead to the destruction of the material from the inside and a significant reduction in the life of the building.

standard height

Plinth standard height

The basement floor requires a significant increase in the height of the basement itself. Now to the main functions that are designed to perform this design, the provision of installation in a technical room is also added engineering systems, which include pumps or valves. In some cases, when choosing the height of the basement, they are guided by the height of the ceilings of the basement.

Important are the features of the construction of the foundation of the house. If the level of the foundation coincides with the level of the ground, then the height of the base cannot be less than 70 centimeters, and sometimes it reaches one meter. standard height, during construction country house reaches 50 or 70 centimeters. It is this value that is recognized as optimal for most areas with a variety of climatic conditions and different depths of groundwater.

So, to determine the height of the basement during the construction of a country house, it is necessary to take into account:

  • depth of groundwater;
  • the amount of precipitation;
  • the presence of a basement;
  • the need to organize a technical room in the basement;
  • view of the equipped base of the house.

Features of waterproofing and insulation at different heights

The effectiveness of the tape base will be reduced to zero if there are no ventilation ducts in it. These are holes, the distance between which should not exceed 3 meters. They are arranged around the entire perimeter, providing high-quality air circulation. Interior walls and partitions are no exception. These openings can only be closed ventilation grilles. In the video you will see how to properly insulate and waterproof the basement of the house.

The use of any plugs is strictly prohibited, since the moisture present in the basement space leads to the formation of mold and mildew. When building a brick basement, it is enough to leave gaps in the masonry to organize ventilation ducts; in other cases, pipes are used that are fixed between the blocks. Jumpers can serve as sheet steel or conventional fittings.

Reliable protection of the basement from groundwater provides waterproofing material. It can be roofing material or another type of rolled waterproofing, such as:

  • glass roofing material;
  • rubemast;
  • euroruberoid.

Lay it in two layers directly on the foundation, applying to it bituminous mastic or heated bitumen. Between layers waterproofing material apply a layer adhesive composition providing a strong connection.
