How to install a sink in the kitchen: installation rules for mortise and free-standing models. How to install a sink in the kitchen - we do everything consistently and wisely Installing a sink in the kitchen

The times when the choice of plumbing equipment was minimal are long gone. Modern appliances are very diverse, so even the most experienced home master sometimes does not know how to install a sink in a countertop in the kitchen. Consider the design features and step by step analyze the easiest way.

How to choose a sink under the countertop

In any plumbing store, the buyer will see a large number of the most, but not all of them are suitable for tie-in. There are several options:

  • Overhead. Are established on a curbstone from above, completely close it. Extremely easy to install. The main disadvantage is the presence of gaps between the furniture and the sink.
  • Mortise. They are inserted into the hole equipped in the base. Installation is a little more complicated, but the cuts are reliably protected from moisture.
  • Integrated. Practical combination of a sink with a working surface. The side can be at different levels: flush with the table, below it, etc.
  • Underbench. Integrated only in: hardwood or stone. The edge of the bowl falls below the level of the base.

In practice, mortise devices are most often mounted. They are durable and attractive, convenient to use. The equipment made of stainless steel and artificial cast is most in demand.

Rules for installing a countertop sink for the kitchen

Before starting installation work, it is worth deciding on the place where the structure will be built in. It is usually tied to . However, modern technology allows you to embed the device anywhere in the headset. When choosing an installation site, it is advisable to follow these recommendations:

  • The bowl is placed as close as possible to the working area, so it is more convenient to cook.
  • The design divides the work surface into two parts: dirty and clean. In the first, the products are processed, in the second they are served.
  • Do not install a sink near a stove or refrigerator. It's impractical.
  • It is desirable that where the bowl will stand, it should be light. If necessary, additional lighting is provided.

It is best to choose a deep appliance: it will be possible to wash large dishes and other large items in it. The mixer should be chosen low - this combination will give a minimum of splashes during operation.

What to prepare before installation

For high-quality insertion of equipment into the countertop, in addition to the plumbing fixture, you need to prepare:

  • electric drill and electric jigsaw;
  • Screwdriver Set;
  • drills for drills;
  • pliers;
  • square, pencil and ruler;
  • fasteners, if they are not included with the device;
  • rubber seal;

The sink should be carefully inspected before purchase. It should not have dents or scratches if it is made of stainless steel. If not, additionally need to check for chips. Even small defects in the shell will not allow it to fit snugly to the base, and this is unacceptable. It is optimal that the kit includes good quality fasteners. Otherwise, it's better to buy them.

Inserting a sink into a countertop: 5 main steps

The work of installing the equipment is carried out in five steps.

1. Markup

Place the table top face up. We unpack the plumbing fixture. Ideally, if there is a marking template in the kit. If not, we will circle the product itself. To do this, turn it over and put it in the place where it will be placed. It is very important that the built-in sink does not prevent the cabinet doors from opening freely. This needs to be controlled.

If everything is fine, draw a contour with a simple pencil and get a line on which the edge of the kitchen sink will be located. Now you should determine the inner contour of the bowl. To do this, we measure its side, its length is on average 12 mm. We set aside the resulting value inward from the intended line and outline the inner border. It is on it that you will need to cut a hole. To prevent chipping when sawing, we stick masking tape along the contour.

2. Working with a hole

We take a drill, put a drill with a diameter of about 10 mm into it. We drill a hole on the previously outlined inner contour. We install a jigsaw file in this hole and carefully cut an opening under the bowl. If the device has a quadrangular shape, drill holes are made in each of the corners.

An important point is to hold the sawn off part. At the moment when the cutout is almost ready, it can fall out and break the laminated coating. Therefore, it must either be held from below or secured with something suitable. These can be clamps, self-tapping screws, etc. Carefully remove the cut off fragment and clean the hole from fine dust.

3. Processing the slice

It must be understood that absolute sealing of the cut line is impossible. But it is worth trying to make sure that it is as protected as possible. Otherwise, this problem area will first turn dark, which will indicate the appearance of moisture inside the wood board. Then foci of mold development may form, and the base will become unusable.

We start with sanding. We clean the cut with fine sandpaper, getting rid of all the bumps, remove dust. Then we take the sealant and apply it to the cleaned surface. Considering that the site will not be noticeable, you can take the usual white composition. For ease of application, we use a small spatula, if it is not available, you can apply the drug with your finger. Gently smooth the sealant so that it covers the entire cut with a thick smooth layer.

4. Cooking the sink

Before installing the equipment, it is necessary to stick a sealing tape on it. We turn the bowl over and determine the place where the seal will be located. We take a rubber band, which should be included in the delivery, and use a rag soaked in gasoline or solvent to degrease it.

We apply a continuous layer on the sealant. It should not be too much so that it does not come out during the gluing process. We put the tape on the edge of the sink and press it so that the composition grabs. It may be that a self-adhesive seal is supplied in the kit. It's easier to work with him. It is necessary to remove the protective strip and stick the insulator.

5. Attaching the sink to the countertop

We apply a layer of sealant between the side and the seal. Since there is a small chance that the composition strip will be visible, you can choose a mixture that matches the color. For example, black or any other. Transparent sealant is a universal solution.

Then we put the fasteners on the back of the bowl so that they are not fixed until the end. Now insert the sink into the base. We start embedding from the area where the mixer will be mounted.

We tilt the bowl and carefully lower it into the hole, put the fragment in place. Next, we gradually install the structure, so that the sides stand on the inside of the base. To make the bowl fit tightly, gently press it, moving along the perimeter of the equipment. In this case, excess sealant may come out from under the device. Wipe them off immediately with a rag. After hardening, it will not work imperceptibly. We carry out the installation by tightening the fasteners.

On this, the installation of the sink can be considered complete. It remains to connect it to the sewerage system, put it in place and connect it to the water supply pipeline. It cannot be argued that the installation of mortise equipment is very simple. However, if you wish, you can do it yourself. Accuracy, patience and strict adherence to the instructions guarantee a good result.

  • Material prepared: Inna Yasinovskaya

Since the sink is one of the most sought-after plumbing fixtures in the home, special requirements are placed on the quality of its installation.

Quickly and with a guarantee of results, this work will be done by an invited master, but you can do it on your own.

Of course, the complexity of the installation depends on the type of sink chosen. For example, installing a sink under the countertop will take a lot of time and effort, but installing an overhead sink is a very simple task, even a beginner can handle it.

Features of choosing a sink for the kitchen

Sinks of any shape and design are available for sale. Choosing a bowl for the most sophisticated cuisine is not difficult. Models from different manufacturers differ in a number of characteristics, primarily the material used.

In specialized stores you can find sinks from:

  • of stainless steel;
  • enameled metal;
  • acrylic;
  • glass;
  • stone and even wood.

Another important characteristic is the installation method. Most often in a modern kitchen you can see built-in sinks, they are practical, reliable, durable, their installation does not require special skills.


Sinks of this type are simply put on the curbstone. As a rule, this is a countertop pressed from stainless steel or other sheet material. In it, in addition to the actual sink, there is a small table, often ribbed, to ensure the flow of water. These models favorably differ in low price and ease of installation. Minus - there is always a gap between the sink and the walls of the cabinet, which will collect dirt.

Mortise sinks

Unlike the previous type, this sink is cut into furniture. To do this, make a hole in the countertop, into which the bowl is “drowned”. Such models have a more attractive appearance, they are distinguished by an abundance of design solutions. They can be installed on any surface, have any shape, they are not tied to the standard parameters of kitchen furniture.

Undermount sinks

The difference between such sinks is clear - instead of embedding, they are attached under the hole in the countertop. Properly selected and properly installed, such a sink will become a real decoration of the kitchen. It looks attractive and practical. Above the tabletop there are no protruding parts that would contribute to the accumulation of dirt and make cleaning difficult. Of the minuses, the high price and complexity of installation can be noted.

Preparation for work

Any type of kitchen sink can be installed independently, of course, for this you will have to try. Work should begin with the preparation of tools and material. The list of what you need depends largely on the type of sink. If you want to install an overhead sink, it is enough to get fasteners, buy self-tapping screws, prepare a screwdriver or a screwdriver. For mortise and underbench models, the list of necessary tools is slightly wider.

Would need:

  • pencil, ruler, tape measure;
  • electric drill;
  • round nozzle for a drill for grinding;
  • screwdriver, flat and Phillips screwdrivers;
  • jigsaw;
  • sharp knife;
  • sandpaper.

Sealant is useful for installing any type of sink. You can buy cheap silicone, but it is better to give preference to special formulations with an antiseptic. This will protect against mold and the spread of unpleasant odors.

Washbasin installation

The easiest way to work with overhead models. Sinks of all standard sizes are on sale, for installation it is necessary to purchase or make a module (cabinet) with the same dimensions in advance.

Important! Before attaching the sink to the cabinet in the kitchen, it is worth spending a little time processing the ends.

As a rule, kitchen furniture is made of chipboard or other similar boards, which are extremely susceptible to high humidity. Furniture must be protected. It is easier and more efficient to cover the end face with a layer of sealant. It will ensure a snug fit of the sink and protect the cabinet from moisture.

Before starting the installation of the overhead sink, you need to put and fix the mixer. It is easier to do this before the sink is fixed, after which it remains only to connect the water.

For fixing, special fasteners are used - a corner with holes. It is screwed to the walls of the cabinet with self-tapping screws. Put on the sink, shift it to a snug fit, clamp, remove excess sealant.

Steps for installing a flush sink

This type of sink looks much more impressive, however, it is more difficult to mount it. The process of installing a sink into a countertop in the kitchen will take time and effort, but the result will exceed all expectations.


Before marking the hole, you need to choose a place for washing. This is an important stage on which the convenience of using the sink, its functionality and the durability of the countertop itself depend. When choosing a place, you should be guided by your own preferences, but do not forget that too thin material around the bowl can cause a decrease in the strength of kitchen furniture.

Note! It is recommended to indent from the front edge of the countertop about 5 cm, from the wall - at least 2.5 cm. If, for some reason, smaller indents are required, you will have to strengthen the countertop from below with several bars.

The place has been chosen, it meets all the requirements and wishes - it's time to start marking. This will require a template. Included with expensive sinks, especially those with an original shape, is a paper stencil, which you just need to attach to the countertop and trace with a pencil, but if there is none, you will have to make it yourself.

The template will require a sheet of cardboard, comparable in size to the dimensions of the sink. A bowl is placed on it, the outer contours are circled. Next, you need to select the part that will rest directly on the countertop. Actually, this is the width of the side. It is measured and transferred to cardboard. It is also worth immediately noting the places where the sink will be attached to the countertop.

Cut out a hole using scissors or a utility knife. To make sure that everything is done correctly, the template is put on the sink, if necessary, the curvature of the lines is corrected. If everything is within the normal range, the contours are transferred to the countertop.

Cutting a hole

The best tool for cutting curved shapes is an electric jigsaw. Instead, you can use a manual or electric hacksaw with a thin blade, but then the cut will look sloppy.

The work is not particularly difficult. Having selected the optimal diameter of the drill, drill several holes for the web to enter. The holes should be at the cut line on the inside of the future cutout, but not cross it.

A jigsaw blade is inserted into one of the holes and they move along the contour, focusing on the applied line. There is no need to hurry, otherwise chips and notches will appear.

Advice! So that the nail file does not pinch, and the cut-out part does not sag, self-tapping screws are screwed into the cut as they move.

Once the incision is complete, the screws are removed. At the same time, it is necessary to support the plate from below, preventing it from falling. Immediately it is worth checking the correctness of the cut hole, for this the bowl is lowered into it, the gaps are checked. The sink should not touch the walls, but not too far away from them.

Next, the inner surface is processed. It is easier and more efficient to do this with a cylindrical nozzle on an electric drill, fine grinding is done manually with sandpaper. The result should be a smooth surface without roughness and burrs.

Installation and fixing

Since the kitchen is a room with high humidity, the inner cut surface must be protected from water and steam. The cut is smeared with sealant, leveling the layer with a plastic spatula or a finger moistened with soapy water. If, during sawing, chips of the decorative coating of the countertop were formed, they are also closed up.

Next, the junction of the bowl and countertop is sealed. Often, the manufacturer completes its products with a polyethylene foam sealant, which is glued to the inner surface of the sink. This is convenient, but you need to make sure that the seal does not go beyond the perimeter of the sides, otherwise it will not be possible to press the bowl tightly against the countertop.

To prevent the sink from moving during operation, it is additionally fixed. It is necessary to fix the bowl securely, since it can withstand a large load. As a rule, fasteners are included in the delivery, these are brackets of various shapes that wrap around the countertop and are clamped from the inside with bolts or screws.

Fixing the bowl is a delicate job, a screwdriver is not suitable for this, you can only work with a screwdriver, controlling the pressure. The screws are tightened diagonally, confirmation that the sink is securely fixed will be a sealant evenly squeezed out around the perimeter.

The last thing left to do is to assemble and connect the siphon. The installation is completed, you can supply water to the mixer and use the sink for one hundred percent.

Features of installing a sink under the countertop

The process of installing a sink below the level of the countertop is in many ways similar to installing a simple mortise model, this work can also be done by hand. Of course, the statement is true only if the countertop is made of wood or wood-based panels; working with exotic materials, like the same stone, is unlikely to work at home.

Just like in the previous case, work begins with markup. Immediately mark the installation locations of the fasteners. Cut out a hole. The surface is carefully polished. The cut of the plate is pasted over with a special film, the tree is covered with several layers of varnish. Attach the bowl following the manufacturer's instructions.

Install a sink of any type and shape under the power of a home master. You just need to stock up on tools, prepare the material. For everything to work out, it is important to follow a few simple rules.

It is better to work with an assistant, you need to clamp the fasteners only manually, “feeling” the screwdriver, and, most importantly, do not rush. Installing a sink is exactly the case when one wrong move can ruin the whole job.

The sink is an indispensable piece of furniture in the kitchen. It is very important - just like a gas stove or refrigerator. But install the sink in the countertop do-it-yourself is much easier than connecting a gas stove, if you know the principles for performing such work. To do this, it is enough to have the necessary tools and a great desire to learn new things. Choosing the right sink is important here.

Types of kitchen sinks

Kitchen sinks have a very large assortment. You can verify this by visiting a specialized plumbing store. There are many types of sinks. They can be divided into at least six types.

Depending on the type of installation, one can distinguish:

  • Angular, rectangular, round and oval, figured. The simpler and more versatile the shape of the sink, the easier it will be to care for it. Complex figured sinks can decorate the interior of the kitchen well, but they will not be practical in everyday use. Do not forget about the main function of the sink - the presence of a convenient place for washing dishes and other things.
  • Single and with two departments. There are models with a convenient transfusion of water from one sink to another.
  • The faucet can be located on the sink itself or on the wall.
  • The presence of additional functions, such as installing a filter, taps for connecting garden hoses.

The most popular are stainless steel sinks. They are durable, functional, easy to clean, suitable for any interior and most importantly they have an acceptable price.

Steel quality can be checked using an ordinary magnet. When buying, you must attach it to the sink. If it holds up well, then the sink is made of good steel. When the magnet falls off even with a slight movement, it is better not to take such a sink.

Sinks made of steel and granite are both overhead and mortise. Self-installation of a mortise sink in a countertop is not a difficult process, as is the installation of a bill of lading. But for this, you first need to take care of the foundation.

Instrument preparation

In order to attach the sink to the cabinet, you need the appropriate tools. Before installing the sink, it is necessary to check the presence of fasteners for it in the kit. Often these are double-sided clips. Them you need to fix on the ends of the already trimmed countertops and on the inside of the sink. Additionally, the kit should include a tubular sealant for the tightness of the joints.

You also need to take care of the following tools:

  • Jigsaw and a set of paintings to it. It can be replaced with an ordinary saw.
  • Drill with drills of different diameters and screws.
  • A set of tools for measuring: a clerical knife, a water level, a square, a ruler, a screwdriver for screws, a pencil and a tape measure.
  • Silicone sealant.

Sturdy cabinet - a guarantee of durability

Overhead and mortise sinks are installed in cabinets with opening or sliding doors. In this case, the back wall of such a cabinet should be open. In order to assemble the cabinet correctly and reliably, you need to know a few features of mounting.

The bottom line is that such structures do not provide for additional reinforcement and bulkheads, as this can interfere with sewer pipes and the installation of the sink itself. In this regard, the cabinet does not have additional stiffening ribs, which will affect its service life. Moreover, if you install an overhead sink, it will not even have a countertop. Instead, the entire top of the cabinet will be occupied by a steel sink panel. This will also negatively affect the strength of the structure.

A feature of the assembly of cabinets under the sink is a careful approach to its strengthening. It should be much stronger than other kitchen furniture. When installing a sink in the kitchen, rubber gaskets must be placed under the nightstand. This will prevent water leakage. Even with high tightness, moisture can penetrate under it. Rubber gaskets should preferably be treated with waterproof agents. In the inside of the bedside table, you need to install fasteners for jumpers. They are installed after mounting the sink and connecting it. Such jumpers can be made from thick strips.

Installation of overhead and mortise sinks

The overhead sink can be installed in conventional and retractable ways. In the first case, slides are installed on it from the side and front, and the cabinet itself has special grooves. After assembling the bedside table, you can install the sink on the grooves and start connecting it. With a direct mounting method, it is necessary to carefully seal the joints. This is what will happen. The sealant will qualitatively stick the sink to the nightstand: it has good waterproof properties. It is necessary to apply it around the entire perimeter on the top of the cabinet and firmly plant the sink.

A large and heavy sink cannot be fixed only with sealant. In this case, it may eventually fall into the bottom of the cabinet along with the dishes and damage the sewer pipes, fixtures and water hoses. You can strengthen it with the help of additional bars or by installing an internal protective crate.

As a rule, overhead sinks are supplied with additional fasteners. They can be made from bars, which must be firmly glued to the top of the cabinet. Then the sink will rest on them.

Before installing a mortise sink, you need to make sure that the cabinet is strong and that the entire sink can be installed in the opening. After fixing the sink, there should be no distortions and irregularities, and it should sit firmly on the nightstand.

Step by step installation instructions

Self-installation of the sink in the countertop will not be difficult, but the instructions must be read and followed. The quality of the installation will depend on this.

How to embed a sink into a countertop

Most sinks have a template to set when purchasing. It is packaged in a cardboard box. It is enough to cut it out and attach it to the countertop. Use a marker to circle the outline - and you can proceed to subsequent work.

If there is no template provided by the manufacturer, you must make it yourself. You can use cardboard from the packaging of a TV or computer, but it must be durable. Having attached the sink to the cardboard, it is necessary to outline its contours and cut out the desired part. If the template came out big - it's okay, you can always trim and fit it to the desired shape. It is better to cut off more initially. Otherwise, it is likely that you will need to look for another cardboard.

Location and place cut

For such work, it is just appropriate to apply the proverb "measure seven times - cut once." You can freely move the template on the countertop until you start completely cutting out the place under the sink. After determining the exact location, the template must be glued with stationery tape - in order to evenly outline the contours. After that, the template can be thrown away . Surface at the cut must be glued with adhesive tape to avoid damage to the surface during operation.

In order to learn how to install a stainless steel sink on a cabinet, you need to understand how to properly cut a hole for it. First, you need to drill several holes with a diameter of 2 mm along the outlined contour. They are made as close as possible to each other, 3-5 centimeters long. You need to drill for a convenient and easy entry of a saw or jigsaw. Before starting the complete sawing of the contour, it is necessary to connect the holes into a single groove.

Spare blades are purchased before drilling begins. Countertops tend to be very thick and can be difficult to cut. The jigsaw in the hand should be positioned confidently. Minimal bevels and hand shifts to the sides during work can lead to breakage of the blade and damage to the table top.

Completing the installation

Sealant must be applied to the end of the cut hole. Its quantity should be sufficient for high-quality gluing of the shell, but you can not overdo it, as it will crawl out of the edges. The sink must be pressed firmly against the countertop and held for a minute. If the sealant has crawled out of the edges, it is removed with an ordinary rag from the outside and inside. It will take several hours for the glue to dry completely. After that, it is necessary to wash, connect to the water supply and sewerage.

Important points when installing the sink

Insertion of a sink is a simple process, but requires special attention to detail. Especially when it comes to specific types of sinks, such as ceramic or glass. They should be well attached to the countertop.

Several rules must be followed sink settings:

Most sinks are installed in the corner or near the wall adjacent to the bathroom, as they are tied to the sewer. But today, technology allows you to mount it anywhere in the kitchen.

Where to install the sink depends on the preferences and taste of the hostess, as well as on the type of kitchen furniture. If each part of the headset is separate, and in the near future it is not planned to completely change it, then you can install an overhead sink. But in the case of installing a sectional kitchen set with one large worktop, it is better to buy a mortise sink to avoid dampness.

The sink is one of the indispensable attributes of any kitchen. It is required to the same extent as a stove (gas or electric). But installing a sink in the kitchen with your own hands is much easier than connecting a stove, if you know the basic instructions and the characteristic secrets of such work.

Different sinks are needed, different sinks are important

Indeed, kitchen sinks are produced in the widest range, from which in a specialized plumbing store "eyes run wide". Kitchen sinks can be divided into at least six categories:

  • Sinks hinged, cut-in and laid on. The hinged option is now rare, it is more relevant for communal apartments and government institutions than for modern repairs. But mortise and overhead sinks compete with each other in popularity, their long-term reliability and aesthetic appeal are comparable;
  • Sinks made of stainless steel alloys, chrome-plated or nickel-plated, sinks made of natural granite or artificial stoneware, acrylic and even glass (!). However, due to practicality, 90% of all models are made of stainless steel and representative porcelain stoneware.;
  • Sinks angular and standard, round, oval, square, rectangular and curly. The more intricate the shape of the sink, the more difficult it is to give it impeccable cleanliness and maintain a sparkling shine on a daily basis. After all, the sink is used not for beauty in the living room, but for mundane household needs in the kitchen;
  • By design, ordinary single sinks and sinks with two bowls (of the same or different sizes, the same or different shapes, etc.) are distinguished. There are convenient models with an overflow of water from one bowl to another;
  • By the location of the mixer - on the wall or on the sink itself (the first option is rare);
  • According to the availability of additional options - the ability to install a water filter, outlets for connecting a washing machine, automatic valves for adjusting the drain, additional taps for connecting garden hoses, etc.

Stainless steel sinks have gained overwhelming popularity due to their affordable price, durable functionality, compatibility with a variety of kitchen renovations and ease of sanitization.

You can check the quality of the steel alloy of the sink right in the store - an ordinary flat magnet will stick to it very firmly, with bad steel the magnet will “fly off” at the slightest hesitation.

Granite and steel sinks are available in overhead and mortise versions, do-it-yourself installation of a sink in the kitchen is possible for both. However, we must first take care of the furniture basis of our assembly efforts.

How to assemble a sink in the kitchen - we mount the cabinet

Mortise and overhead sinks are installed in bedside tables and cabinets, with opening (less often sliding) doors in front and an empty opening in the back. The assembly of these elements of a kitchen set has its own characteristic features. The fact is that they do not provide for internal bulkheads, they can interfere with the connection of sewers and water pipes. This means that there will be no additional stiffening ribs inside the cabinet. If an overhead sink is installed, even the countertop is missing, it is replaced by a steel sink panel.

The assembly of the cabinet under the sink should be much more reliable and durable than other parts of the kitchen set.. It must be installed on special linings, because. with the best tightness, water leaks are possible. The material itself will not interfere with the treatment with water-repellent compounds. Inside the nightstand, it is necessary to provide fasteners for tightening jumpers - they are installed after connecting the sink to communications for the strength of the entire structure. The jumpers themselves can be made from flat and thick planks, which will serve as additional mini-shelves inside the cabinet.

How to install an overhead sink on a cabinet - a quick guide

The overhead option for installing a kitchen sink is ordinary and “retractable”. In the latter case, the sink itself is equipped with curved slides on the side and front sides, while special grooves are provided on the nightstand. After successfully assembling the sink in the kitchen, it remains to push the sink into these grooves, move the structure against the wall - and you can connect communications.

If you use the direct version of surface mounting, you will have to seal all joints. A quality waterproof sealant combines the properties of an adhesive and a protective waterproof compound. The upper perimeter of the open pedestal is generously smeared with this composition, it remains to accurately place the sink itself on top.

A large and heavy surface sink must not be installed only on sealing adhesive!

Otherwise, one day it will fall into the cabinet along with the dishes, destroying the sewer and breaking off the water hoses under pressure. Negative impressions from such an accident will be available to both you and the neighbors below. As well as the elimination of a plumbing collapse and the repair of two rooms already from the personal budget. How to install an overhead sink on a cabinet without the danger of such an opportunity? With the help of auxiliary bars or internal crates.

It is customary to supply simple overhead sinks with additional fasteners. As such, massive bars, precisely screwed from the wrong side of the cabinet, are suitable. It is necessary to accurately mark the lower edge of the pre-installed (without glue!) Shell and build an internal crate along this line. Then the sink will rely on auxiliary bars, and not on the thin end of the nightstand. The operation is similar to hidden lathing installation, only in the final stage it is supplemented with adhesive sealing of the junction of metal and wood.

Installing a sink in the kitchen - do-it-yourself mortise installation

Before attaching a metal sink to the pedestal using a mortise method, you need to make sure that the pedestal is strong and that the entire structure can be accurately installed in the mounting opening. Experiment with the movement of the bedside table in advance - after fixing the sink, this will have to be done only once. After connecting the sewerage and water supply, the bedside table with the sink should stand “like a glove”, without distortions and vibrations.

How to install a sink in the kitchen with your own hands - a step by step diagram

Step 1: Markup

Most mortise sinks are sold with a ready-made template, it plays the role of a packaging container. It is enough to cut out such a template from cardboard and attach it to the countertop at the location of the sink - and the contour of the seat is ready.

If there is no template, you will have to make it yourself. To do this, it is better to use thick cardboard (for example, from a TV or monitor). After measuring the inside of the sink, transfer this measurement to the cardboard surface and cut off a few centimeters more. It is better to cut a piece of cardboard several times than to look for a new piece.

Step 2: Location

The proverb about the need to measure seven times before the first cut is very relevant for our work. You can move the finished template on the countertop easily and freely - until you start to cut it through. So consider how the faucet will open, where the filter will be, how the kitchen utensils will be located, etc.

Outline the cardboard template should be as even and accurate as possible. To do this, it is attached to the countertop with ordinary tape and draw one thin line with a pencil. After that, the "cardboard assistant" is peeled off and sent to the waste paper, it will no longer be useful to us. We glue the perimeter of the future hole on the outside with 8-12 cm masking tape in order to prevent damage from mechanical tools.

Step 3: Drill and saw

Yes, yes, the first mechanical tool will be a drill, not a saw. A drill with a diameter of 2 mm is selected and several closely spaced holes are drilled in the place where it is convenient to start cutting out the contour. The holes are connected into a single groove with a chisel.

Sawing the tabletop is convenient jigsaw for wood. Just do not forget to stock up on extra canvases - thick tabletops are difficult to saw, the canvas is likely to break with a slight deviation from the vertical. Take your time and drive the jigsaw confidently - it is more difficult to correct a curved cutout than immediately cut a hole along a plumb line, with a strictly perpendicular cut.

Step 4: Finishing the installation

Apply sealant to the end of the fresh mounting hole and firmly insert the sink. We hold the sink under load from 10 to 60 seconds (depending on the type of sealant). Carefully remove excess glue from the outer and inner sides of the sink and wait several hours until the sealant is completely cured. We connect hoses, pipes, sewers, install a faucet and use the new sink for our pleasure.

Installing a kitchen sink is a seemingly simple task. But this is only at first glance, until the installation of a kitchen sink with your own hands begins. Then immediately pops up a lot of important questions and nuances. We will tell about them in our article, as always in detail and in pictures.

Types of sinks by type of installation

To date, four types of kitchen sinks are known, differing in the method of installation and operating conditions:

  • Overhead. This type is considered the easiest to install and also inexpensive. In this case, the sink is superimposed on a separate pedestal and acts as a countertop. The disadvantages include a small thickness and gaps between the sink and the cabinet, which is not very aesthetically pleasing and convenient.

  • Mortise. They got this name for a reason - they are mounted in a hole pre-cut in the countertop. Thus, the sink turns out to be built-in, which means it is more beautiful and convenient.

  • Underbench. They are best suited for glass, stone, granite and hardwood countertops. The edge of the undermount sink, as a rule, is set below the level of the work surface - this arrangement allows you to achieve excellent sealing, to avoid moisture getting under the sink and, as a result, swelling of the countertop. True, the price of this type of shells is quite high.
