Surface finishing with cement particle boards (CSP) in Kaliningrad. CSP Panels for House Exterior Finishing Cement Particle Board Prices

Traditional, used for centuries, methods of housing construction and decoration of buildings are gradually losing their relevance. Modern building technology focused on new materials with high performance, structural and environmental properties.

One of these materials is CSP - cement-bonded particle board. It appeared on the Russian market not so long ago, but the prospects for its use on the scale of domestic housing construction seem to be quite significant.

Finishing the facade of the DSP with slabs - photo

CSP are monolithic sheet slabs with a density of up to 1400 kg/m3 and a thickness of up to 35 mm, with a very smooth top layer with a given hardness. These products are in great demand in the technological methods that are gaining popularity, when all wet operations are excluded as far as possible and the so-called “dry type installation” is performed. The quality of this board product is regulated by GOST 26816-86, as well as by the regulatory document EN 635-2EU, adopted in the territorial space of the European Community.

DSP boards - dimensions, types, characteristics

DSP is an indispensable material in the construction of new mixed-use facilities and the repair of old buildings. DSP sheets do not load bearing structures and walls. Also chip-cement composites are used as structural material, which is used to strengthen the rigidity of the elements. Without the use of DSP, it is impossible to carry out low-rise construction: cement particle boards used as formwork in solid and strip foundations, thereby significantly reducing the time, labor costs and complexity of installation, since the DSP does not deform during pouring, as well as during the period of solidification of the concrete mixture.

Cement-bonded particle board allows you to forget about such labor-intensive operations as preparation and kneading cement mortar, plastering of wall surfaces, as well as their alignment. Due to the smoothness of the DSP sheets, the operations of preliminary puttying of the slab surface are excluded from the technological process, so they can be immediately used for priming and painting.

Production technology and component composition

What is included in the functional composite DSP:

  • portland cement grade not lower than M-500 - 65%;
  • waste wood shavings business wood conifers – 24 %;
  • mineral additives in the form of aluminum sulfate or chloride - 3%;
  • liquid glass - 2%;
  • water - 6%.

Important! When purchasing cement-bonded particle boards for finishing the facade of an individual mansion, preference should be given to those types of DSPs that contain liquid glass in their composition. DSP sheets with this additive in the set of initial components are indifferent to humidity, temperature changes, and precipitation.

The production technology of this functional material is quite simple:

  • a certain volume of needle-crushed wood shavings is placed in the drum;
  • minerals are added to it;
  • portland cement, liquid glass and water are also introduced there;
  • as a result of intensive mixing, a homogeneous mass is obtained;
  • the slab is formed from several decks: in the middle of the slab there is a layer with a large fraction of chips, which determines the level of its strength. External floorings contain finely crushed shavings, which give a flat surface of high smoothness;
  • the workpiece is processed on a press;
  • after that, the semi-finished product is fed along the conveyor belt into the solidification chamber.

The resulting products are cement-bonded particle boards of a monolithic structure, which are not subject to delamination. A significant advantage of the composite obtained in such a technological way is the absolute absence of emission of harmful volatile substances, since the boards do not contain thermoplastic resins, glue and other synthetic components.

Operational properties of cement-bonded particle boards



The exceptional bending and tensile strength of CBPB is due to the technology of their production: pressure under pressure, heat contribute to the creation of a monolith that is able to withstand significant loads. During deforming bending, the strength of the material changes by no more than 10%.


DSP sheets can be sawn, cut, drilled, ground, milled using various tools:

  • circular saw;
  • grinders;
  • drills for metal.

Prices for angle grinders (grinders)

Angle grinders (grinders)

Moisture resistance.

Mineral components in the composition of the material, as well as Smooth surface plates make DSP practically immune to moisture in all its manifestations. However, there is still a small degree of swelling: when immersed in water for a day, it swells by only 2%. That is why during the construction of buildings small gaps between the plates are provided. The smooth surface contributes to the rapid evaporation of water, so DSP sheets are used for the construction of moisture-resistant walls, the construction of hygiene and sanitary facilities in public buildings.

Environmental friendliness.

Cement particle boards are absolutely harmless to environment, they do not contain phenols, formaldehyde compounds, they do not contain carcinogenic impurities and toxic substances. Plate sheets do not accumulate electrical charges.

Fire resistance.

DSP refers to flame-retardant and low-combustible substances. Even if the ignition did occur, the flame spreads very inactively, being localized in the source of ignition. When smoked, no toxic substances are released.

Resistant to low temperatures.

The frost resistance of CSP is one of the highest. The measurements showed that the destruction of the composite occurs only after fifty cycles of flexion-extension. In percentage terms, this is no more than 10%, which confirms the high performance properties of the material at low temperatures. This is especially true during construction in the regions of the Arctic, the Far North, Siberia and the Urals.


Sheets of cement-bonded particle boards are not subject to rotting, the destructive action of mold and fungal structures due to the antiseptic compound - calcium hydroxide. The concentrated alkaline environment of the material is formed during the production cycle, so the CSP is bypassed by gnawing animals.

Prices for cement particle boards

Harmonious union: CSP panels panels for exterior decoration of the house

Before proceeding with the installation of cement-bonded particleboard panels, you need to determine the thickness of the material and its dimensions. Sheet parameters according to the standard:

  • length from 3200 to 3600 mm;
  • width - from 1200 to 1250 mm.

Material thickness in question device exterior finish comes to the fore in view of its importance. Here it is necessary to take into account the required wind and heat protection, the load on the slab and, at the same time, the load created by the material on the building frame.

  • frame housing construction - 14-35 mm;
  • floors in the draft version -10 mm;
  • window sills, awnings, slopes - 18 mm - 30 mm;
  • fixed foundation formwork - 14 mm -20 mm;
  • partitions, walls - 14 - 18 mm.

In scale frame construction walls various premises they are made mainly of plates with a cross-sectional size from 12 to 40 mm, and outside they take a sheet thickness from 16 to 24-28 mm. For mounting the DSP on the facade of the house, it is better to take a sheet of 16, in extreme cases 18 mm: it does not break under permissible impact and does not create an excessive load on the frame base of the building.

Table 1. Physical and mechanical characteristics of DSP

Planar deviation, mm0,8
Density1100-1400 kg/m3
Humidity8 +/- 2%
Daily swelling in cross section2%
fire resistance92%
Bending strength DSP 10-16 mm14 MPa
Bending strength 24 mm11 MPa
Deviations in the cross section of the DSP 10 mm+/- 0.8mm
Deviations in the cross section of the DSP 12-16 mm+/- 1.0 mm
Deviations in the cross section of the DSP 24 mm+/- 1.0 mm
Maximum errors in the parameters of the DSP-plate+/- 2 mm
Noise protection88%
Low temperature resistance12%
Vapor permeability2%
Daily water absorption15%

Installation of DSP panels on the facade of the house

Before proceeding with the installation of panels on a frame house, you need to think about warming buildings. As a rule, in climatic conditions Russian Federation during the installation of DSP panels on the facade of the house, a heater is used in accordance with climatic conditions the area where the house is being built.

The choice of insulation

As a heat-shielding pad, a variety of types of insulating material are used:

Each type of insulation has its positive aspects and some disadvantages. Compared to naturally occurring insulation materials, such as linen waste, their advantages are obvious: they are more effective in keeping the heat inside the building.

Important! If you opted for non-combustible mineral wool as a heater, then it is better to buy wool in slabs, and not in rolls: it does not cake when placed vertically.

So, the insulation has been purchased, now it's time to start installing the panels from the DSP. Doing it yourself is not at all difficult if you follow the instructions and meticulously follow all the instructions.

Prices for various types of insulation

Various types of insulation

Step-by-step instructions for installing DSP panels on the facade of an individual house

Step 1. We form a crate throughout the outer wall space.

On all walls with the help of a level we mount reliable system fasteners of the vertical direction, capable of withstanding the serious load that the DSP boards will create. The elements of the lathing system can be wooden, for example, from a 50x50 bar, or metal in the form of pipes rectangular section 50x20 or metal profiles. The distance between adjacent elements is at least 60 cm. The vertical direction must be maintained flawlessly, then it is possible to install DSP panels without problems.

Step 2 Heater pad.

Important! The calculation of the required volume of purchase of this component of the facade must be carried out separately, depending on the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe walls and the type of thermal insulation.

We distribute the insulation over the entire wall space, laying it between the verticals of the crate. The insulation must be attached to the wall with self-tapping screws of the required length.

Step 3 Adding a windproof membrane.

As soon as the building is insulated, a windproof membrane comes into play, which is applied over the insulation to the entire wall space. It also needs to be securely fixed in place. During this stage work, you need to pay attention to the fact that the difference between the plane of the membrane and the plane of the already installed insulation should be at least 2 cm.

Prices for windproof membranes

Windproof membrane

Important! Do not neglect the ventilation gap device! If it is not left, then it is likely that condensation will accumulate inside, which will ultimately lead to rotting of the frame.

Step 4 We drill holes for fasteners in the crate.

We prepare holes for fasteners.

Step 5 Installation of panels from cement chipboards.

We proceed to the installation of DSP panels. The step between the fasteners should not be less than 30 cm and more than 60 cm, and the gap between adjacent plates should not exceed 5 mm. The gap is left in case of deformations that occur during temperature changes or during movements of the soil layers.

In order to avoid cracking of DSP sheets from fasteners, self-tapping screws must be tightened at a distance of 1 cm from the edge of the plate. By the same principle, decorative columns, bearing supports and crossbars are clad.

Important! It is not recommended to install cement-building slabs in order immediately around the entire perimeter of the building. Installation of panels should be carried out in stages, separately on each wall. Only after the installation of cement particle boards on one wall space is completed, you can proceed to the next wall.

Step 6 Grouting of interplate joints.

After the building shrinks, the seams between the sheets of cement-bonded particle boards can be rubbed with any means intended for this or designed as exterior accents.

Step 7 Final decorative trim walls.

After the installation work is completed, you need to start decorating the walls. In this matter, each owner is guided only by his own aesthetic preferences, because cement-bonded particle boards provide an incredible variety of choices. Houses lined with csp panels can be painted, treated with tinting compounds, finished facade plaster or add to facade fake diamond. Or maybe it is worth designing the architectural appearance of a new building in the Russian style? Then you need to stick unique design elements on the walls of the house that imitate wood carving- deaf, through, consignment note.

Thanks to its use in construction work modern materials, in particular, cement-bonded particle boards, the house will be warm, durable, fire resistant, and have excellent soundproofing properties. And it's also very beautiful! Finishing individual households with cement particle boards allows you to create your own unique architectural appearance of any house, any village, any city!

Video - Sheathing the frame of the DSP house

In the first part of the article, we talked about the advantages of cement-bonded particle boards, the DSP facade and the correct installation of this material on external walls. In this article, we will answer the following questions:

  • How to decoratively finish the facade of the DSP with paint and plaster.
  • How beautiful to close the joints of plates in the half-timbered style.
  • How to make a facade for siding from DSP.

How and how to finish the facade of the DSP


I have experience with DSP on the facade. Paint is a normal solution, but, due to the thin layer, it does not cover the joints of the plates and the fasteners well. I tried to glue clinker tiles on cement particle boards. The result - 120 square meters fell off the facade. m.

DSP has a smooth surface, so the classic methods of finishing slabs on the facade do not work.

So, the developer is faced with a choice of how to properly finish the DSP. The most important thing is the preparation of the seams, because. in case of hack-work, all jambs will then appear on the facade. In the first article, we already mentioned that it is necessary to leave a deformation gap between the plates about 6-8 mm. Now the question arises: should the seam be open or closed? An open seam, in most cases, is not suitable for aesthetic reasons. In addition, you need to protect wooden block(vertical racks of the crate), on which the slab is attached, with waterproofing material.

If this is not done, then the bar exposed to rain and snow will begin to rot.

Another option is to close the seam with a decorative strip - a flashing. This option is most often used if the DSP facade is stylized as a falsework.

Important: decorative strips can be sawn from wood, about 16 mm thick chipboard or fiber cement siding with a wood grain texture. For example, this was done by a portal member with the nickname SergeyU, fixing the layouts with a length of 3600 mm and a section of 10x190 mm with four self-tapping screws.

Wooden flashings, open to all negative atmospheric phenomena, can twist and warp over time.

But this version of the facade is not for everyone. It should also be remembered that it is necessary to lay out the flashings not as it turns out, but strictly in accordance (at least try) with the canons of a real fachwerk, which is described in detail in our article.

Moreover, it is necessary to figure out in advance in what order to fix the plates on the facade so that the seams run smoothly. Otherwise, then you will have to puzzle over how to beautifully fix the bar if the DSPs went off the rails.


I will express my opinion on how the majority makes an imitation of a half-timbered house on the facade. Boards 10-12 cm wide are taken and simply nailed to the walls. Such a fake literally hits the eyes. You don't need to be an expert to understand that this is a common layout of boards on a facade. No aesthetics, no beauty. A real fachwerk is assembled from a powerful beam with a section of 20x20 or 25x25 cm. The frame is filled at the same level with the outer plane of the walls. If you do an imitation, then from a board with a width of at least 15 cm, and it should protrude from the wall by no more than 2 cm, and even better flush. Then the view turns out to be normal, and the facade looks.

Of course, making a beautiful pseudo-fachwerk on DSP is not an easy task. A competent calculation and preliminary drawing up of a facade design project is required, which precisely indicates how to lay out the plates so that the seams run symmetrically.

Let's consider a simpler version of falsework on the example of a house Lutsenko.

Lutsenko FORUMHOUSE user

My wife and I bought a plot on which there was a log cabin of a bathhouse measuring 6x6 m. The first winter showed that it was cold in the house and the wind was blowing through it. We decided to insulate it, attach a veranda and at the same time make a facade of the DSP for fachwerk.

First, let's show what the house was like.

And what he became.

The renovation process was divided into a number of successive steps:

1. Purchase of material.

2. Installation of the crate.

3. Insulation and installation of hydro-wind protection.

4. Installation of DSP.

5. Priming and painting.

6. Manufacturing of flashings.

7. Installation of slats.

8. Final version.


Each edge of the sheet was fastened with 4 self-tapping screws + 1 in the center. I calculated so that all the screws were covered with slats. I drew the cladding scheme in Paint.

DSP size on the facade Lutsenko 3200x1200x10 mm. The holes in the slabs were pre-drilled on the ground. The sheets were sawn with a circular saw with a tungsten carbide on the teeth.

It is necessary to cut the slabs on the street because of a large number generated dust. It is best to mount the DSP with an assistant, so as not to pull heavy plates alone.

Another version of pseudo-fachwerk on DSP made SSergeyA.

According to the user, he closed the gap between the sheets, as recommended by the manufacturer - laying a sealing cord with a diameter of 8 mm (with a gap of 6 mm). The cord (rope of polyethylene foam) is recessed into the seam by 2-3 mm.

From above, the joint is sealed with an elastic sealant.

The exposed layer of sealant is then smoothed out with a spatula.

In this photo, the seam is sealed with a tourniquet, sealant and painted over with structural paint.

The elasticity of the material allows you to smooth out the stresses that occur in the seams of the prefabricated structure.

The sealant maintains its effectiveness of insulation under the influence of atmospheric precipitation, high humidity and high temperatures.

Important: the heads of the self-tapping screws are sunk 2 mm into the plate, and then all the fastening points are also puttied with an elastic compound. Dust-free, with sanded bumps and cleaned of dirt, the facade must be primed and then painted with structural paint.

The overlays were sawn to size in advance from the DSP, primed, painted and only then screwed, and the caps of the self-tapping screws were carefully painted over.

In this project, in places where flashings are used, the joints are closed only with a bundle, without the use of sealant.

A carefully prepared base, a high-quality even cut of slabs and strict adherence to the recommendations of material manufacturers are the key to a high-quality facade.

Beyond coloring DSP, the facade can also be finished with elastic plaster.

In this case, as with painting, if the seams are sealed using the “elastic band + sealant” technology, you can do without the use of decorative overlays and get a smooth, uniform wall with a beautiful texture.

DSP facade for siding

Judging by the reports of portal users, such a DSP-based facade is also popular.

But, choosing this option, you should prepare in advance for a large amount of work on sawing cement-bonded particle boards.


I like DSP, but I decided to be more original and dissolve the plates with a circular saw into “boards”, and then mount them like siding.

After installing the facade, the user plans to prime it and paint it with acrylic paint.

In addition, when sawing fiber cement siding, chips and scratches can result, which will have to be painted over with expensive paint. Also, expensive trimmings are obtained (the price of fiber cement siding in 2015 was about 930 rubles per 1 sq. m versus 200 rubles for a DSP), which then, unlike DSP, you will not put into action. Another argument that outweighed in the direction of cement particle boards is the width of the fiber cement siding 19 cm, and the user wanted "boards" on the facade with a width of about 31 cm. This reduces the number horizontal bars, which means that the speed of work increases, installation time is saved and costs are reduced.

The user estimated that one and a half times more fiber cement panels would need to be installed than "boards" cut from DSP.

As a result, the user unraveled the slabs using a circular saw, on which he put a diamond blade from the “grinder” through the adapter ring (because these tools have different fitting diameters for saw blades).

Egor Shilov

I bought a DSP 1 cm thick and 1250x3200 mm in size. I cut the slabs into 4 strips, about 30 cm wide, fastened them to the crate and painted them in place. The facade fully justified itself, during the operation nothing fell off, the paint did not peel off.

At the end of the article, we present the economic benefits of such a facade, which Egor Shilov calculated. So, the cost of making homemade siding from DSP, which included: the cost of plates + their sawing + painting, including the purchase of paint - 480 rub. for 1 sq. m.

Recall that fiber cement siding cost 930 rubles. for 1 sq. m. The total difference was 450 rubles. The area of ​​the facade of the house is about 300 sq. m. The total savings turned out to be 135 thousand rubles.

You can learn everything about the facade based on cement-bonded particle boards in the topic DSP facades, fastening, processing and finishing.

In the video - an example correct installation « wet facade» for expanded polystyrene.

The simplest surface finish of DSP is painting with the formation of seams (gaps) between the plates (see Fig. 1). The most suitable for this purpose are paints on acrylic or silicone base. Depending on the type of paint and the wishes of the customer, the paints are applied in one or more layers on a dry, primed surface of the slab.

1 - DSP;
2 - soil Amfiselan Tiefgrunt LF KAPAROL;
3 - covering paint Silicone-EG inf3501;
4 - elastic joint filler "Bau-silicone" inf. 5501

In the future, the formed seams (gaps) between the plates can:
- remain as a design detail - in this case, it is enough to cover the edges of the plate with the paint you need
- filled with elastic mastic; - hide behind decorative metal, plastic or wooden slats.

In cases where a jointless surface finish is required, a screed filler system must be used.


Plaster work on DSP skins it is possible to carry out with and without a visible seam.

Structural plaster system using the example of CAPAROL with open expansion joints

Primer Putzgrund Ambient air parameters when applying the Putzgrund primer: T =18 °C, W =50%. Primer consumption - 0.28 kg/m2. Drying time -12 hours. Application is carried out using a roller with a pile length of 10 mm. 10% water by weight is added to the primer. The time for applying the primer on 10 panels is 2 hours.

Texture plaster RolPutz Palazzo 25 Ambient air parameters when applying Rol Putz structural plaster: Т =18°С, W =50%. Consumption of Rol Putz plaster - 2.5 kg / m. Drying time to a degree that allows the paint to be applied is 24 hours. The time required for the polymerization of the plaster, which makes it possible to transport the wall panels, is 72 hours. Application is carried out with a trowel, then with a roller with a pile length of 18 mm. It takes 7.5 minutes to apply a layer of plaster with an area of ​​1 m.

Finish coat 1 layer Muresko plus Palazzo 25. Ambient air parameters when applying Rol Putz structural plaster: Т =18°С, W =50%. Consumption of Rol Putz plaster - 2.5 kg / m. Drying time to the degree allowing to apply paint - 24 hours.

The time required for the polymerization of the plaster, which makes it possible to transport the wall panels, is 72 hours. Application is carried out with a trowel, then with a roller with a pile length of 18 mm. The coverage needs to be structured. It takes 7.5 minutes to apply a layer of plaster with an area of ​​1 m.

Application of structural plaster RolPutz
Ambient air parameters when applying RolPutz structural plaster: Т =18°С, W =50%. Finishing paint consumption - 0.56 kg/m. Drying time 12 hours. Application is carried out using a roller with a pile length of 18 mm. It takes 3 minutes to apply a layer of paint with an area of ​​1 m. For this type of work, you should use the technology of one manufacturer and follow its recommendations.

Surface preparation system for plaster without visible expansion joint CAPAROL is presented below:
1 Insulating adhesive CAPATECT - DAMMKLEBER
2 Mineral fiber thermal insulation boards.
Facade thermal insulation boards CAPATECT -MW - Fassadem dammplatten.

3 Reinforcing layer
adhesive and putty mass CAPATECT -Klebe - und- Spachtelmasse.
+ fiberglass mesh CAPATECT Gewese
4 primer Putz GRUNT 610.
5 Upper layer plasters.
Structural plaster ROLL PUTZ.

Direct wallpapering of the working surface is carried out after fixing the primed slabs and filling the expansion joints with elastic mastic.

The surface finish of the boards can be done using vinyl wallpaper, glass fiber, non-woven wallpaper. AT this case expansion seams will be hidden.

Vinyl wallpapers are used for finishing rooms with high aesthetic requirements and where high wear resistance or washing ability of interior elements is required.

1 It is not recommended to use paper-based wallpaper!
2 It is recommended to use glue and wallpaper manufacturer's technology.
3 It is possible to fasten GKL sheets directly to DSP sheathing using screws
with overlapping seams, in this case it is possible to apply any type of wallpaper.

It is not recommended to stick ceramic tiles directly on DSP sheets.

To receive durable finish on the DSP sheathing, it is necessary to fix the GKLV sheets directly on the DSP sheathing using screws with a seam overlap of at least 200 mm. (in this case, the DSP sheathing plays the role of a supporting element).

Adhesive mastic is applied to the entire working surface of the plate. 4 - GKLV sheets.
In rooms with high humidity (bathrooms, showers), ceramic lining rooms with high humidity, it is recommended to carry out according to the following scheme (Fig. 3).
1 - DSP;
2 - expansion seam;
3 - fixing the DSP to the frame;
4 - sheets of GKLV;

6 - soil "Tifengrunt" inf.4503;
7 - glue "Flexkleber" inf. 0710;
8 - ceramic lining;
9 - mastic for seams "Fugenweiss" inf.7503

In rooms with insufficient ventilation for structures with a constant water load (walls adjacent to the bathroom, shower cabin), DSP with an appropriate waterproofing coating should be used (Fig. 4): 6 - Flechendicht waterproofing

1 - DSP;
2 - expansion seam;
3 - fixing the DSP to the frame;
4 - sheets of GKLV;
5 - junction of GKLV sheets;
6 - waterproofing "Flehendicht";
7 - soil "Tifengrunt" inf.4503;
8 - glue "Flexkleber" inf. 0710;
9 - ceramic lining;
10 - mastic for seams "Fugenweiss" inf.7503

Floors made of cement-bonded particle boards for thin-layer floor coverings (Fig. 5) linoleum, carpets it is necessary to putty over the entire plane, giving Special attention junction of plates. For putty, it is recommended to use acrylic-based elastic mastics. Possible irregularities, inconsistencies of the edges of the plates are recommended to be removed by grinding according to the previously described technology.

1 - DSP;
2 - primer "Tifengrunt" inf. 4503;
3 - putty;
4 - linoleum;
5 - elastic joint filler "Bau-silicone" inf.5501;
6 - expansion seam

Ceramic tile floor
When installing a floor made of ceramic tiles, it is recommended to use prefabricated floor bases made of gypsum-fiber sheets, on a leveling layer of dry backfill, while the DSP plays the role of a bearing base (see the diagram in Fig. 6)

1 - DSP;
2 - expansion seam;
3 - dry filling;
4 - PE film 0.1 mm (bitumen paper);
5 - Knauf Superpol(floor element);
6 - screws for GVL 3.9x19;
7 - adhesive mastic;
8 - putty Fugenfüller GV;
9 - waterproofing "Flehendicht";
10 - soil "Tifengrunt" inf.4503;
11 - glue "Flexkleber" inf. 0710;
12 - ceramic lining;
13 - mastic for seams "Fugenweiss" inf. 7503;
13 - edging tape

The simplest surface finish of DSP is painting with the formation of open seams (gaps) between the plates.

Facade painting TsSP TAMAK. System with visible expansion joints

Primer, 1 layer Finish painting, 2 coats Manufacturer
Disbon 481 Caparol Thermo San NQG. Facade paint based on silicone resin Caparol
Tiefgrund TB Amphibolin - Caparol. acrylic paint Caparol
CapaSol LF Caparol Acryl - Fassadenfarbe. acrylic paint Caparol
Caparol Sylitol 111 Konzentra - silicate based primer liquid glass Silitol Fin. Mineral paint Caparol
Malech / Elastocolor Primer Elastocolor. Elastic acrylic based paint MAPEI
LNPP, Samara
VD-AK-18 (Shagreen). Water dispersion acrylic paint LNPP, Samara
VD-AK-035 VD-AK-117. Water-dispersion acrylic in two layers PIGMENT, Tambov
Soil Strengthening Bolars structure. Textured Bolars based on acrylic dispersion Bolars, Moscow
Primer Facade Alpha Coat. Textured paint, matte waterborne quartz Sikkens

Facade painting TsSP TAMAK. Expansion Seam System


Front plaster TsSP TAMAK. System with visible expansion joints or joints covered by decorative strips

Scheme of the device of an open expansion joint to compensate for linear changes caused by temperature and humidity effects.

The basis Primer, 1 layer Finishing plaster Manufacturer
Adhesive reinforcing mass Klebe und Spachte Imasse 190 grau + reinforcing mesh 650 Caparol-PutzgrundStructural plaster Capatect-Fassadenputz R 30 DAV-Russland
Capillary Fresque (Fresco) - decorative relief paste with a fibrous texture Maxdecor
Optimist G - 103. GK "Optimist" Finishing plaster GK Stena
Optimist G103 Finishing polymer-mineral plaster Dozhd GK Stena
Acrylite-08 Acrylite 415, flexible plaster OOO VLKZ OLIVA
primeseal Stuc-O-Flex Representation in Russia - Publishing House " Beautiful houses press
Optimist G103 Finishing plaster Manna D-708 GK Optimist
Clay Extra (manufacturer CJSC PK LNPP) + cement M500 D0. The fiberglass mesh is alkali-resistant. Textured plaster Fine LNPP CJSC PK LNPP

Front plaster TsSP TAMAK. Expansion Seam System

Scheme of the closed seam expansion device

Training base layer Finishing plaster Manufacturer
Primer Malech. Puttying with Mapetherm AR2 and MapethermNet mesh (mesh strip 33 cm wide over the expansion joint) Mapetherm AR2 over the entire area with reinforcement with MapethermNet mesh in the middle layer. MAPEI.
Puttying with KerabondT + Isolastic latex and MapethermNet mesh (33 cm wide strip applied to the expansion joint) primer Malech application of Mapetherm AR2 over the entire area with reinforcement with MapethermNet mesh in the middle layer Silancolor Tonachino- decorative plaster based on silicone MAPEI.
To seal the expansion joint at the junction of TAMAK CSP sheets 12 mm thick, a polyethylene foam cord (for example, Vilaterm), Ø 8 mm, is placed in the joint, then the elastic putty "JointCompound". Primer "Stuc-O-Base" Stuc-O-Flex Stuc-O-FlexRepresentative in R.F. Publishing House "Beautiful Houses", Moscow
Sealing joints with acrylic sealant Accent 117 Extra Flex "elastic glue + CEMENT M500D0. Alkali-resistant glass mesh, recessed in the middle layer of glue Sahara Flex - elastic plaster CJSC "PK LNPP", Samara
Adhesive reinforcing mass Klebe und SpachteI masse 190 grau + reinforcing mesh 650. Primer Caparol-Putzgrund with quartz filler Capatect Fassadenputz R 30 Caparol
Align the seam at the joint of the DSP panels until a single plane of junction of the plates is created. Lay Vilaterm or Isonel cord in the seam. Diameter 6-8 mm. The upper edge of the bundle should not reach the plane of the DSP sheets by 2-3 mm. fill the seam Bostik sealant MS Polymer 2720 Primer Akrylit 08. Elastic plaster Akrylit-415 VLZK OLIVA


When conducting finishing works, the instructions for use of the material systems given by the manufacturer must be strictly followed.

The least demanding on the quality of the finished surface are texture paints, so they are recommended for independent painting of facades with a roller. It is recommended to apply non-textural (smooth) paints only on specially prepared surfaces with recessed and puttied screws.

For fixing TAMAK DSP to frames on facades, it is recommended to use galvanized or anodized self-tapping screws(hereinafter referred to as self-tapping screws), because black (phosphated) can corrode under the action of atmospheric moisture, while they lose their strength qualities, and rust can come through the finish coat.

Preparation of the surface of TAMAK DSP for facade finishing works

Before painting, it is necessary to prepare the surface of the DSP as follows.

Cement-bonded particle boards (DSP) are classified as universal sheet building materials. Raw materials for cement-bonded particle boards (CSP) - Portland cement, crushed wood chips and additives that reduce the effect of substances contained in wood on the formation of cement stone.

Manufacturing technology of cement-bonded particle boards (DSP)

The production technology of CBPB can be briefly described as the formation of a three-layer "pie" from two types of cement-chip mixture: a mixture with fine-chip filler forms the outer layers, and with a coarse aggregate - the inner layer. Then the puff board is molded under high pressure hydraulic presses and obtains ideal smoothness and thickness.

The use of cement-bonded particle boards (DSP)

CSP is applied:

  • As sheathing and cladding along rails or frames, vertical - for walls, partitions, pillars, ventilation hoods, etc., both for interior decoration and for facades.
  • As an outer screen layer of a ventilated facade.
  • In the construction of floors and flat roofs.

CSP is not a serious competitor fibreboard, drywall, GVL and bakelized plywood, due to the variation in the characteristics of these sheet materials. All these plates are in demand depending on the working conditions and the required performance.

DSP board size

DSP size standard 2.7 * 1.25 m and 3.2 * 1.25 m with thickness gradations in mm 8; ten; 12; sixteen; 20; 24 and 36.

Main technical characteristics of cement-bonded particle boards (DSP)

We list the main characteristics of DSP boards:

  1. Specific gravity (density) - 1250-1400 kg / m3. A standard DSP sheet with dimensions of 2.7 * 1.25 m and a thickness of 16 mm weighs 72.9 kg.
  2. Ultimate strength in bending at thicknesses of 10, 12, 16 mm - 12 MPa; with a thickness of 36 mm - 9 MPa.
  3. Tensile strength along the perpendicular to the plane of the plates is not less than 0.4 MPa.
  4. Modulus of elasticity in bending - not less than 3500 MPa.
  5. Flammability classification - group G1 (classified as low combustible).
  6. Frost resistance of 50 cycles with a guarantee of a decrease in strength by no more than 10%.
  7. Thermal properties. Thermal conductivity coefficient 0.26 W/m*deg С.
  8. The value of the coefficient of linear expansion is 0.0235 mm / m * deg C.
  9. Vapor permeability coefficient 0.03 mg/m*h*Pa.
  10. Specific resistance when pulling out screws from 4 to 7 N/m.
  11. By biostability classified as class 4 products
  12. For sound insulation - with a thickness of 12 mm, the value of the insulation index airborne noise 31 dB. When laying on a reinforced concrete base made of load-bearing slabs, they reduce the penetration of impact noise with a DSP thickness of 20 mm - by 16 dB. When laying on elastic materials - by 9 dB.
  13. Linear increases in size after soaking in water for a day - 2% in thickness and 0.3% in length.
  14. The service life when used in dry rooms is at least 50 years.

Pros and cons of cement-bonded particle boards (DSP)

We list the main advantages of DSP boards:

  • Environmental friendliness. DSP does not contain any harmful and dangerous substances either in the composition or in the manufacturing technology. Phenolic-formaldehyde resins are absent in the chip filler.
  • Frost resistance is good - at least 50 cycles.
  • Fire resistance G1 is a definite plus for the facing material.
  • Moisture resistance of DSP boards that do not have a protective layer of hydrophobization - weak, protection from moisture is required - minus
  • Soundproofing and soundproofing qualities are excellent.
  • Good biostability. Fungus and mold do not form on the surface of the plates, even when used in a humid environment.
  • Excellent resistance to longitudinal deformations, used for cladding along guides in frame houses any number of storeys.
  • It combines well with other materials and constructions such as wood, polymers and plastics, metals and ceramics.
  • High manufacturability, simplicity and speed of processing. Cutting, drilling is possible. Installation is simple, most hardware is suitable.
  • Almost all types are possible finishing according to DSP, it can be pasted over with any type of wallpaper, including heavy ones, plastered, tiled, painted with any compositions - water-based, acrylic, oil, alkyd, etc.
  • The smooth working surface of the DSP and perfectly even thickness allow saving on finishing. On the smooth (cemented) side of the DSP sheet, it is possible to apply a paint layer without priming, especially since the adhesion is excellent.
  • In terms of cost, DSP boards are quite competitive with other sheet facing materials, with favorable strength indicators.

The disadvantages of DSP boards include:

  • Sheets have a significant mass, up to 200 kg, depending on the thickness. When working on the upper tiers, you cannot do without lifting mechanisms, which gives a certain rise in price. Mounting heavy plates at height is also difficult.
  • The service life is not very long - in contact with the external environment no more than 15 years. Manufacturers guarantee fifty years of work only under the condition normal humidity which is not always realistic.
  • Thin, from 8 to 36 mm sheets of DSP with a large area - about 4 m2 and weight cannot but have some fragility. Working with DSP is not so easy, accuracy is required. Plates may break during installation.
  • Sealing joints and seams between DSP sheets is not possible with any material. Sealants are recommended that can mask the seam, provided they are flexible in the presence of moisture. Putty compositions that have stiffness properties after setting cannot be used for sealing joints, this can lead to deformations of boards operating under atmospheric conditions and to a reduction in their service life. Rubber-based sealants are considered the best option for DSP.
  • DSPs are hygroscopic, and linear expansion during facade cladding is inevitable. The plaster of the facade on the DSP without reinforcing mesh and protection of the DSP from moisture rarely cracks after five or even less years of operation. In case of installation errors - insufficient fasteners or frame and work in humid conditions, DSP sheets can go in “waves” and even come off the fasteners. Sometimes experts recommend protecting the DSP from external moisture under plaster with damper layers of polyurethane foam, with fasteners on clamping rondolas (or other types of dish-shaped fasteners). This option requires elaboration in terms of fulfilling the vapor permeability condition for external walls. The dew point must not be allowed to winter time hit the inner plane of the CSP.

Transportation and storage of DSP

It is required to provide protection from atmospheric influences, long-term storage is possible exclusively in horizontal laying, but DSP is transported in the “on edge” position.

Installation and surface finishing with cement-bonded particle boards (DSP)

Installation and surface finishing with DSP plates is carried out in the following order:

  • Before fixing the DSP sheet with self-tapping screws to the frame or base, it is required to drill holes for the self-tapping screws, while the DSP sheet must have a solid support along the plane (it is impossible to drill the DSP "on the fly").
  • Vertical cladding and cladding are usually made with slabs 16 mm and 20 mm thick.
  • The most economical and fastest type of final finishing on DSP is painting with compositions based on acrylic, latex or silicone. Compensation gaps in the joints of sheets are obligatory.
  • DSP sheets are characterized by very smooth surface, there is no porosity. Priming on the cemented sides of the sheets can be omitted, provided that the DSP is not operated in a humid environment.
  • The sealing of seams and joints of the DSP is possible with sealants that mask the seams, and wooden, plastic or metal strips are used for finishing. This finish is used to imitate facades in half-timbered styles, and in particular due to the excellent smoothness and geometry obtained when facing DSP, appearance just perfect. The “picture” of the half-timbered house is quite realistic and has its own charm.

For leveling under finishing, DSP sheets are considered one of the best materials, due to good rigidity and ideal smoothness of the sheets. Finishing and leveling with DSP boards give excellent results. Finishing materials may be lacquer plaster mixes, facing tiles, wallpapers of any type, natural and artificial linoleums, laminates, cork, soft materials carpet type and others.
