Is it possible to paint wood with latex facade paint. Facade paint for wood: oil-based compositions, acrylic, silicone, alkyd. Preparing the facade for painting

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Wooden surfaces, of course, differ from all others not only in their natural beauty and originality of structures, but also in their vulnerability to external influences. That is why, if you have a country house or cottage, which is built from natural material, you should pay special attention to protective equipment. One of such modern offers in the construction market is paint for wooden facades.

What awaits you

Let's start with the fact that facade paint on wood, like concrete, plaster or any other surface, is continuously exposed to an unfavorable external environment in the form of:

  • Sharp temperature changes.
  • Ultraviolet radiation from the sun.
  • high humidity.
  • , mold, fungus, etc.

That is why its purpose is not only to give aesthetic appearance to the structure, but first of all, reliable protection of the painted surface from the influence of harsh operating conditions.

The right approach to painting a house made of wood

Since wood is perhaps the most vulnerable building material, painting the facades of wooden houses causes the most questions in the planning process.

So, taking up the decoration of the house outside with your own hands, you first need to figure out the following:

  • Is it possible to paint wood with facade paint?
  • How to prepare a wooden surface for painting.
  • What paint for a wooden facade is better.
  • Conditions and technology for applying paints and varnishes for outdoor work.

Let's start by studying the proposals of the construction market in the field of exterior decoration, or rather, we will study the paints for the facades of wooden houses.

The choice of facade paint

There should be no problems with deciding how to paint the facade of a wooden house. Numerous modern manufacturers offer a large number of high-quality, diverse products of this type to the consumer's judgment.

All facade paints for outdoor woodwork can be divided into:

  • Oil.

In the very recent past, only oil paints were known and widely used for outdoor woodwork.

  • Acrylic.
  • Silicone.
  • Alkyd.

Oil based paints

Oil paint for wooden facades is very popular due to the fact that:

  • Its price is relatively low..
  • It is prepared on the basis of exclusively environmentally friendly natural drying oil..

For your information!
Drying oil consists of residual pomace of flax, sunflower and hemp oils.

Actually, this is where all the advantages of oil paint end.

  • Characteristic smell (remains for a long time after application and complete drying).
  • Rapid loss of the original appearance under the influence of sunlight (cracking, fading).
  • Quite a long drying period (from 12 hours or more).
  • The coating does not "breathe" (vapor-tight).
  • Re-applying the old layer of water-soluble paint is not allowed.
  • Guaranteed durability of the coating does not exceed 3 years.

Acrylic paints for wood

Modern acrylic mixes for outdoor use are water-dispersion and solvent-based. They also differ in the set of additives in the mixture:

  1. Solvent-based facade acrylic paint for wood contains:
    • Organic resins.
    • Substances that increase resistance to atmospheric aggression.
    • UV filters.

Often, the desire of the consumer to purchase a durable and environmentally friendly paint for painting a wooden facade is not fulfilled. Paint, the object of which is the facade of the building or other wooden exterior elements, should not lose their qualities under the influence of temperature changes and moisture.

Manufacturers are not always to blame for the imminent loss of attractiveness. Very often, the consumer himself is poorly aware of the technology for applying a coloring matter to a wooden surface.

Is it possible to paint a wooden house with exterior paint?

The answer to this question is unambiguously positive, only in the process of application it is necessary to follow a certain technology. This will guarantee the durability of the painted coating.

According to facade paint manufacturers, the coating remains unchanged for about two decades. But in practice, after a couple of years, cracks and chips can be seen on the painted surface.

Exterior paint for wooden surfaces should not only be applied to the primer layer. An antiseptic (antiseptic primer) provides protection for the wood itself, but does not increase the life of the painted surface in any way. The paint should be applied over an alkyd primer to increase adhesion to the surface.

Is it possible to paint wood with facade paint while preserving the natural structure? The color of the surface can be more or less dense, it depends on the chosen paint.

For a dense and opaque coating that completely hides the wood texture, use:

  • Oil paints;
  • Alkyd enamels;
  • Acrylic paints.

If it is necessary to emphasize the wooden facade, preference should be given to varnish or antiseptics with the addition of color.

Modern coloring compositions are elastic and allow the wood to breathe. Oil formulations should be selected a couple of shades lighter than desired, they tend to darken over the years. Acrylic analogs are universal in application. Their successful application is possible both outside and inside the premises. Enamel will allow the wooden surface to retain all its properties, in addition to a glossy or matte surface.

If the house is a new building, the elasticity of modern coloring compositions will allow them to endure the shrinkage of the building without chips and cracks.

Some rules for applying facade paint to a wooden surface

  • Be sure to use an adhesive primer. If its use is not possible for any reason, for better adhesion of the paint to the wood (after applying the primer), the surface must be sanded. To do this, use sandpaper or a grinder.
  • The use of an antiseptic. A wooden building is exposed to fungus, mold and all kinds of beetles. To protect the wood and preserve the shade of the paint, the use of an antiseptic coating is mandatory.
  • New building painting times. Not every built house can be painted immediately, despite the elasticity of modern paint. This is due to the fact that the wood needs to dry out from natural moisture. Only in cases where construction is carried out with the use of glued beams, painting is possible upon completion of construction work.
  • Application technique. The process uses a wide brush, which is carried out strictly along the wood pattern. The end sides are treated with sealant.
  • Working conditions. Painting the facade of a wooden building should only be done in warm and dry weather. This will ensure the durability of the coating.

Additional processing of natural wood will significantly increase its service life. What dyes are recommended for processing a wooden facade and how effectively do they cope with their task?

Types of paints

The wooden facade needs additional protection. The modern market is replete with paints and varnishes, which causes difficulties for buyers. Proper selection of paint will not only transform the structure, but also extend the life of the wood.

High-quality paint for the treatment of wooden surfaces should perform the following functions:

  • minimization of cracks and deformations;
  • masking the loss of the natural color of the tree;
  • giving a shade to a wooden coating;
  • protection of the product from external factors;
  • minimizing the occurrence of mold, fungus and other negative phenomena.

Colorless varnishes and paints

Transparent coatings will be a good solution for those owners of wooden houses who want to emphasize the natural color of the wood.

Among obvious benefits colorless dye, it is necessary to highlight the following:

  • Vapor permeability- dyes of this type effectively remove excess flag from the wood, minimizing the risk of mold and fungus.
  • UV protection- colorless varnishes and paints adequately perform the function of an ultraviolet filter, protecting the wooden coating from the harmful effects of sunlight.
  • Practicality– re-treatment of the surface is necessary after 3 years without first removing the previous layer of paint.


Water-dispersion paints are in great demand both on the Russian and European markets. Abroad, their share reaches 82% from the entire production of paints and varnishes.

The popularity of the dye is due to its merits. Among them are the following:

  • Wide color palette- water-dispersion paints are presented in various colors, which will allow you to embody the most daring design decisions.
  • Coating durability- thanks to high-quality pigments, the dye will last a long time: from 4 to 8 years.
  • Environmental friendliness– thanks to the unique production technology, the coating does not harm human health. Often it is used even for finishing children's institutions.
  • Protective properties- the coating is distinguished by weather, water and color resistance. Moreover, water-dispersion paints are characterized by water resistance, vapor permeability and resistance to low temperatures.

As for the disadvantages the dye is not intended for work at sub-zero temperatures. The composition of the coating includes water, under the influence of severe frost, the paint peels off during application.

Another disadvantage of the dye is its price.. The cost of water-dispersion paints is several times higher than the pricing policy of other products on the market. But in return, users receive a dye with high quality characteristics.

Opaque enamels

Opaque enamels based on organic solvents occupied a leading position in the market a few years ago. With the advent of water-dispersion dyes, enamels were somewhat crowded out.

Among the advantages of the dye, one can note the democratic cost and a variable palette of colors.

Note! Among the varieties of opaque enamels, only polyurethane dyes differ in durability. However, their toxicity is as high as their durability.

The main disadvantage of opaque enamels is their toxicity, fire hazard and low level of resistance to external influences. Moisture and temperature changes provoke severe wear of the coating.

Technology for painting a wooden house

Painting the facade is a responsible task. If you follow the step-by-step recommendations, the procedure will not cause difficulties even for inexperienced users.

Removing old paint

This is one of the fundamentally important stages when repainting the facade. Ignoring the procedure will cause the new coating to peel off along with the old paint particles.

There are several alternative ways to remove the old coating. Among them are the following:

  • mechanical cleaning. The technique is effective in cleaning a flat and smooth surface. A scraper or grinder will get rid of only a thin layer of old paint.

Note! To minimize the time spent when processing the facade with a spatula or grinder, it is recommended to preheat the surface in advance with a building hair dryer.

  • Chemical cleaning. The technique consists in applying a chemical substance to the facade of the house, which can soften up to 9 layers of old paint. In the future, the old coating and the remnants of the substance are removed with water and a stiff brush.

Note! The modern market offers the buyer environmentally friendly compounds for removing old coatings. The harmful effects of the substance on the human body are minimized.

  • Hydro jet cleaning. A special apparatus that provides strong water pressure in the shortest possible time will get rid of the old coating. Before applying a new paint, the surface of the facade is recommended to dry thoroughly.

Sanding and putty

In order to extend the service life new paint, the old coating must be sanded using a grinder or disc drill.

Note! Sanding of wood is recommended to be carried out in the direction of the fibers. Otherwise, scratches and other damage will remain on the coating.

Puttying is an equally important step in preparing the coating for painting. The procedure will allow eliminate bumps and gaps which may be visible when a new coating is applied.

The application technology is simple and straightforward. The sanding must be applied in a thin layer to the damaged areas of the wood and dried before further processing.

Note! Sanding of wood must be carried out using oil or adhesive putty. A material of this type has proven in practice to be resistant to moisture and other adverse environmental factors.


The wooden facade is exposed to external factors. For protection of the coating from fungi, mold, excessive moisture and insects wood must be treated with a primer antiseptic.

Note! For outdoor wood processing, it is recommended to give preference to mixtures characterized by water-repellent and protective properties. We are talking about antiseptics on a water-dispersion basis. The colorless "North Antiseptic Primer" received good reviews.

For quality surface treatment several important rules must be followed. Among them are the following:

  • The mixture must be applied to a dry and clean surface. Otherwise, the primer will not be absorbed enough, and, accordingly, the protective properties of the mixture will not fully operate.
  • Water-dispersion mixtures need optimal temperature conditions: +10⁰С. If the application rules are ignored, there is a high risk of violating the chemical properties of the substance.
  • Surface treatment should begin with damaged areas, cuts and ends. Particular attention is recommended to be paid to places where wood comes into contact with metal surfaces. These areas are more likely to develop mold.


Upon completion of preparatory work you can safely proceed to painting the facade. Subject to the coating technique, the procedure will not cause difficulties even for non-sweating users:

  • paint needed pour into a special container for ease of application. The mixture is recommended to mix thoroughly. In the event that the coating is too thick, it must be diluted with a solvent (no more than 10% of the total mass of the paint).
  • The roller must be dipped into a container of paint and removing excess coating from the tool Apply it to the facade in the direction of the fibers. For subsequent application, it is recommended to cover 3 cm of the previous strip.

Note! Painting must begin with the corners of the building, painting them very carefully. It is necessary to complete the procedure by applying a coating to the basement of the building, as excess paint will flow down.

  • One hour or one day (depending on the recommendations of the paint manufacturer) after the first coat need to apply the final layer. In accordance with the technology, it is recommended to apply it with undiluted paint.

Note! Painting the facade is not recommended in rainy or too sunny weather. A dry, medium cloudy day is ideal for work.

Main manufacturers

The modern market is full of manufacturers offering various types of dyes for coloring wood. What are the features of modern coatings and how not to make a mistake when choosing a quality dye.


Belinka, a manufacturer from Slovenia, which is widely represented on the domestic market. The company offers customers both colorless dyes that enhance the natural shade of wood, and a coating with a variety of colors.

Belinka's products effectively protects wood from sunlight, fungus and insects.

Usage impressions: when painting, a large consumption of paint was recorded. It is recommended to apply the coating in one layer, otherwise the joints will be visible, even if the first layer was applied 2-3 hours ago.

Tikkurila (Tikkurila)

Tikkurila is a Finnish dye manufacturer that has received many accolades from country house owners. Company products are characterized by worthy European quality. The cost of Tikkurila dyes is in a more expensive price range compared to competitors.

Note! Among the company's products, it is necessary to highlight the Ultra Classic coating. The dye is designed specifically for a sharp temperature drop. The product adequately showed itself in conditions of severe frosts.

Usage impressions: The Finnish manufacturer lived up to expectations. The dye lasted 5 years. During the period of "existence" the paint has retained a rich shade, the first sign of destruction was a fine mesh on the coating.

Alpina (ALPINA)

Manufacturer Alpina pampers customers a wide selection of dyes and regular updating of the line. Inexpensive Alpina coatings compete with more "promoted" manufacturers.

Dyes protect wood from mold, fungi and exposure to sunlight. The manufacturer provides a computerized coloring service.

Usage impressions: wood absorbs paint like a sponge. The consumption of the coating directly depends on how well the pre-treatment of the facade was carried out. The dye really has a water-repellent effect, drops of water flow down the coating. The only downside is water stains.

Neomid (NEOMID)

Neomid is a manufacturer of budget dyes, which are characterized by environmental friendliness, resistance to sunlight and precipitation. The indisputable advantage of the coating is a small consumption of material.

Application impressions: The first thing that attracts attention is the low price of the product. Under low temperature conditions, the coating showed itself poorly. In some areas of the facade, the protective film was damaged, peeling appeared.


SNEZH - manufacturer of dyes, focused on construction companies. Products provide wood stability from fire, protect the coating from insects. In the price / quality ratio, the advantage in favor of the price is obvious.

Application impressions: dyes SNEZH left an unpleasant impression. The coating is not adapted to precipitation, after a year the dye washed out, creating an uneven shade. SNEZH products are designed for interior decoration, where there is no high humidity.

TEKNOS (Teknos)

Teknos is enough expensive dyes, but the price is fully justified. The coating is used in the construction industry, mainly for finishing prestigious buildings.

Dyes are characterized by high resistance to external influences, temperature changes, moisture, mold and fungi. The protective film is resistant to abrasion and impresses with its dirt-repellent properties.

Application impressions: when applied, the composition lies flat, does not fade under direct sunlight. The coating was applied in one layer more than 6 years ago. To date, there has been no damage to the façade.


ROGENDA is a worthy manufacturer of dyes, which uses both domestic and foreign technologies.

Today ROGENDA occupies a leading position in the market offering high strength products. Accordingly, the price of dyes corresponds to their quality characteristics.

Application impressions: the colorant is quickly absorbed, which confirms the good penetration of the coating into the upper layers of the wood. During 4 years of operation, the color of the facade remained saturated. The only drawback of the coating is an unpleasant smell when stained.


ZOBEL is a German manufacturer offering the highest quality dyes. Coatings adapted to extreme operating conditions, durability of paint is guaranteed for a period of 5 to 7 years.

Application impressions: the dye is convenient, economical when applied. After 5 years of operation, significant damage and deformation were not found, in some areas of the facade there is slight peeling. In general, the high cost of the composition is justified.


Dulux dyes are produced in more than 100 countries, where they are recognized one of the best coatings for wood surface protection. The high class of the dye has been noted at international exhibitions, by ordinary users and reputable construction companies.

Application impressions: the dye is applied to the wooden pediment, which constantly "suffers" from snow and melt water. For three years of operation, the color of the coating has not changed, no damage was noticed on the pediment.

Yaroslavl colors

  • protection of wood from fungus and mold;
  • resistance to sunlight;
  • resistance to tree deformation;
  • long service life from 6 to 8 years;
  • the presence of a variable color scheme that imitates noble wood.

Application impressions: both antiseptics for preparatory work and dyes left pleasant impressions. For 4 years of operation, the coating has not changed its properties.

Flugger (Weather vane)

Weathervane is a manufacturer of expensive dyes from Denmark. The coating not only protects the wood from harmful external factors, mold, insects, fungi, but is also characterized by a dirt and water-repellent effect.

Application impressions: the dye was applied to the facade in one layer 3 years ago. During the service life of the roughness or cracks on the facade was not noticed. The coating shines like new, the cost of the product is fully justified.

Symphony (Symphony)

Symphonia is a reliable manufacturer of antiseptics and dyes for wood protection. During its existence, the company received not only positive reviews, but also the trust of customers due to the durability of colorful products.

Impressions from the application: paint from the manufacturer Symphony was purchased 3 years ago for painting a wooden house. When applied, the coating does not leave streaks, lay down evenly. The dye dried quickly enough, a noble shade imitating natural wood turned out.

Can trees be painted or whitewashed?

When purchasing wood facade paint, buyers often wonder if it is possible to whitewash trees with the same coating. The answer is obvious, the dye can compete with lime, which is traditionally used to protect trees from external factors.

Water-based dyes have the same characteristics as lime - they protect against burns and frost, but do not cope with pests. To protect the trees, it is recommended to use acrylic paints. They effectively protect trees from the harmful effects of insects.

BONUS! Selection of paint for glued laminated timber

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Despite the widest choice of synthetic finishing materials, a huge number of people still prefer wooden facades from clapboard, siding or blockhouse.

Facade paint for wood for outdoor use

Painting wooden walls outside the house

Facade paint for wood for outdoor use

As you know, wooden surfaces suffer from moisture, temperature changes, fungi and insects. In order for the cladding to retain a presentable appearance for a long time, the surface must be treated. A properly selected coating will not only protect the wood from the adverse effects of the environment, but also emphasize the natural beauty and uniqueness of the wood structure.

Why paint wooden surfaces?

The house should be beautiful not only inside but also outside.

For a long time, the only option for covering wooden houses was oil paint based on drying oil. However, now the range has expanded many times over. Acrylic antiseptic primers, various enamels, colorless polyurethane varnishes and much more have appeared.

Oil paints

In order to make the right choice of paintwork, you must consider:

  • what type of wood is your facade made of;
  • under what weather conditions the work will be carried out, in what climate the house will be operated;
  • Is it possible to paint over the facade before assembly - in parts - or is it necessary to work with the finished wall.

When re-processing, you need to know what paint was used for the primary painting. If you don't know, it's easy to determine. Scrape off a piece of the old coating - the oil paint will chip off, and the acrylic will roll up.

Example of a painted wooden house

What paints for wooden facades exist?

The choice of coating for a wooden facade, first of all, is determined by the color scheme, your taste and budget. Before we go to the hardware store, first we will understand the concepts. What is enamel, varnish and paint, how do they differ from each other?

Dye is a suspension of pigments in various substances. It creates a uniform, opaque film.

Enamel- these are pigments in varnish, in the consistency of a suspension. Hard, opaque, textured film.

varnish- substances in organic solvents.

Properly processed facade increases the life of the house several times

Table. Paints that are usually used for facade decoration.

Decorative coating Pinotex Natural

Now about each type of coverage in more detail.

Colorless varnishes and paints

Transparent coatings qualitatively emphasize the natural structure of the tree. The advantages of such a coating, in addition to external beauty, include excellent vapor permeability, due to which such paint dries perfectly on the surface of wood. And thanks to ultraviolet filters, the wood does not fade in the sun.

Environmentally friendly colorless water-based varnish for wood "Aqua" for outdoor and indoor use

On a note! Renewal of such coverage will be required not earlier than in a few years. When repainting, it is not necessary to remove the old layer.

It is transparent varnish that is considered the most popular and widely used option, as it allows you to create any decor under a layer of varnish.

The disadvantage of such coatings is the rather high cost.

Water-dispersion paints and varnishes

This type of coating is one of the most popular in the world. Water-dispersed paints occupy about 80% of the entire world paint market.

Environmentally friendly, odorless, water-based acrylic paint for wood

The advantages of such coatings are color fastness, resistance to moisture and sun. A breathable film is created on the treated surface, thanks to which it is very comfortable to be inside such a room.

The downside of the coating may be unsuitability for work at sub-zero temperatures. Due to the presence of water in the composition, under the influence of frost, such paint exfoliates. In addition, such a coating is less durable, re-treatment may be required after about 4 years. These are mid-range paints.

Textured exterior paint

Opaque enamels (traditional oil paints on drying oil and close analogues)

Such enamels based on organic solvents used to be extremely popular. Recently, they have been seriously supplanted by water-dispersion paints.

Opaque enamels

The main reason for the decline in the popularity of traditional paints is increased toxicity. Who among us at least once in his life did not feel bad, inhaling paint? In addition, such paint is more flammable. It is impossible to call opaque enamels durable. When exposed to moisture and temperature changes, the facades quickly lose their presentable appearance, and the coating cracks.

The advantage of traditional paints is low cost. These paints are among the cheapest on the market.

Alkyd wood paint for outdoor use

Alkyd paints are obtained by mixing a binder - alkyd resin, coloring pigment and solvent (kerosene, white spirit and others). Sometimes the mixture includes a desiccant that affects the drying rate, thixotropic (to avoid spreading) and antifungal additives. This coating is water resistant, dries quickly and does not turn yellow, unlike some other coatings.

Video - Dufa. Paint for wooden facades Woodflex

How to paint the wooden facade of the house yourself?

Painting the walls of a wooden house from the outside

We will need:

  • work gloves;
  • protective mask;
  • wide brush;
  • small brush;
  • rag;
  • grinder and sandpaper;
  • drill and disc brush for drill;
  • spatulas;
  • paint stirrer.

Tools and materials for painting

First, let's find out if we are going to repaint the old, peeling wall or process a new, unpainted facade? Those who are painting a new facade can skip the first step in our instructions because we will start by removing the peeling paint.

Step 1: Removing Old Paint

The most important thing when repainting an old wooden facade is the quality removal of peeling paint. If you leave dangling, chipping pieces of old paint on the wall, they will soon fall off, taking some of the new coating with them. And all the work will go down the drain.

Removing old paintwork is not always easy.

There are several ways to remove old paint. You can clean the surface with a scraper or a stiff brush, then rinse with a special solution or water under pressure and dry thoroughly. Or you can warm up the old paint with a building hair dryer and scrape it off with a scraper or spatula. The method you choose depends on your capabilities and the condition of the old coating. The main thing is that as a result of pre-treatment, the surface becomes homogeneous, smooth and dry. No loose paint, protruding lint or smudges.

On a note! For the convenience of further work, it is necessary to remove drainpipes and other elements that protrude and may interfere with work from the facade, and also, if possible, seal the windows with foil.

Exterior decoration of a wooden house with wood oil

Step 2. Sanding and putty

For best results, both old and new wood should be sanded with a sander or drill wheel brush.

Sanding the walls of a wooden log house

wood sanding

If there are gaps and irregularities, they must be repaired with wood putty using a spatula. For wooden facades, oil or adhesive putty is best suited. Due to its composition, it better tolerates moisture and the adverse effects of the environment. Apply a thin layer of putty to damaged areas and dry thoroughly before further processing.

Sealants are intended exclusively for sealing joints and cracks in an already erected building. At the construction stage, the seams between the crowns are sealed with tow

Step 3. Surface treatment with a primer or antiseptic

Any wooden surface - no matter old or new - must be treated with an antiseptic or primer. The main mistake of the majority is precisely that the priming stage is omitted. It is understandable, because often a primer or antiseptic is more expensive than paint. However, it is the priming of the walls that guarantees the perfect result at the end.

Priming and impregnation of the wall of a wooden house with an antiseptic

Modern antiseptic impregnations not only protect wood from corrosion, insects and fungi, but also stop the beginning process of wood decay (which is very useful in the case of restoration of old walls).

Painting a wooden house outside

New, unpainted wood surfaces also need to be primed. Typically, paint manufacturers produce primers that are ideal for the type of paint you choose. Therefore, the best solution is to purchase a primer from the same manufacturer as the paint you have chosen. For example, if you are painting a wall with Tikkurila Pika-Teho paint, Tikkurila Valtti Pohjuste primer will work.

Tikkurila Pika Teho

Tikkurila Valtti Pohjuste

The primer or antiseptic is applied with a brush in one layer, carefully rubbing the composition into the wood. After coating with a primer and before painting, the wall must be dried. Different types of primers dry for a different amount of time, see the drying information on the package of your product.

Step 4. Coloring

After the surface has been sanded, primed and thoroughly dried, you can start painting.

This is how the house looked like painting house

Important! Pay attention to the weather conditions in which you plan to work. If you are going to process a new facade and it is possible to paint it in parts, it is better to paint indoors. If you need to paint an already finished wall, carefully study the weather requirements on the paint package.

In this example, the facade paint Dulux Domus Aqua is used.

For different types of paints, climatic restrictions may vary. Manufacturers agree on one thing - do not choose wet, rainy weather, scorching sun and heat for painting, or early morning when the facade is not completely dry from dew. A dry, medium-cloudy day is best for such work. Humidity - no more than 50%, air temperature - from +5 to +20 degrees. It is recommended to start work no earlier than 10-11 am.

Before starting work, the paint must be thoroughly mixed with a paint mixer or a stick.

Different paints require different amounts of applications. On average, the paint is applied in 2-3 layers, carefully drying each of them. Sometimes the first layer is diluted with a primer. For exterior painting of the house, a wide, dense brush with fairly stiff bristles is best suited. Apply paint in a thin, even layer, moving along the fibers.

Painting the exterior walls of a wooden house

Painting a wooden house is done in 2-3 layers

Important! The drying time of each coat of paint may vary depending on the type of coating. Different manufacturers paint can dry from 2 to 24 hours.

The house is painted

A well-painted wooden facade is a beautiful appearance of your house for 10 or even 15 years. The main thing in this process is to carefully approach the choice of materials, carefully follow the instructions and take into account climatic conditions.

Video - Painting a wooden facade

Acrylic paints were introduced to the market half a century ago. It is safe to say that this is a real breakthrough in the construction and repair industry. Today, this type of coating is preferred by most consumers.

The composition of this material is simple. It consists of three elements: resin (binder), water and coloring pigments. Those who are not yet familiar with this coating are interested in whether it is possible to paint wood with it? The answer is undoubtedly positive. Moreover, this option has a lot of advantages among similar compositions. How to paint a tree with acrylic paint and how to choose the right product?

Features of acrylic paints

It is ideal for painting wooden surfaces. Thanks to a huge selection of color palettes, everyone will be able to bring their design ideas to life. The material is environmentally friendly, so it can be applied to furniture, doors and windows, even in children's rooms.

After application, the coating does not emit toxic elements. In addition, the paint does not have a strong odor. Therefore, it can be used in public places.

Another advantage of this material is fast drying (1-2 hours). This is an absolute plus for those who want to do the job quickly and at the same time with high quality.

In addition, it is not necessary to clean the tools used in the staining process with solvents and other odorous compounds. It is enough to rinse them under running water.

Another important feature of acrylic is its long service life, which varies between 10-12 years (depending on the manufacturer). The coating is sufficiently stable, which makes it possible to use cleaning products on the painted surface.

Acrylic paint protects a wooden product from ultraviolet rays (due to the resins contained in the composition), mechanical damage. It is water-repellent, breathable, resistant to temperature, high and low humidity.

Acrylic coatings resist the formation of cracks and bubbles on the surface, have a high degree of hiding power, which allows you to apply a minimum of layers.

Another distinctive feature is the ability to remove the paint before it sets on the wooden surface. After drying, a protective film is formed on the painted products, which can only be removed by using special solvents.

Important: After processing products with acrylic paint, it literally breathes. At the same time, protection of wooden products from pests is ensured.

Are there any disadvantages?

Despite the many advantages, acrylic also has disadvantages:

  1. The price for a quality product is very high.
  2. If you store the paint for a long time, then it can exfoliate.
  3. Too cheap acrylic paints can lose their color, especially under the influence of ultraviolet light.

As you can see, the number of minuses is very small and they relate mainly to product quality. However, the existing disadvantages should still be taken into account if you want to paint wood with acrylic paint.

Selection rules

The choice of quality composition depends on what product is planned to be painted. If its location is indoors, then it is recommended to select a coating intended for indoor use. Such compositions create a smooth coating on furniture, interior doors and other decorative elements.

They do not lose color for a long time and are considered absolutely harmless. In addition, acrylic indoor coating dries quickly, is easy to apply, and does not have a strong odor.

Another thing is if it is necessary to paint outdoor objects - external doors, windows, facades, etc. For this, it is recommended to choose a special coating made for external work. Both options differ in composition. The latter includes special elements that resist atmospheric changes (consists of coloring pigments, fillers, fixers).

This composition provides reliability and durability of the coating, elasticity, protection from moisture and the sun, quick drying and a high degree of vapor permeability.

This composition can be applied both to a new product and to old structures made of wood (only before this, the surface must be carefully sanded).

Store acrylic paint preferably at a temperature not lower than 0 ͦ and not higher than 30 ͦ C.

Important! Before use, it should be mixed and diluted.

How to apply acrylic on a wooden surface?

Before using this material, wooden products should be prepared for the process. Especially when it comes to old surfaces. If the facade, window, door, furniture are new, then there is no need for pre-treatment. Acrylic can be applied immediately.

So, if the product has cracks, indentations, irregularities, then they should be repaired with a putty designed for wood. If you plan to use a light-colored coating, then it is preferable to select the appropriate shade of putty, otherwise you will have to apply several layers of paint to mask the contrast.

After it dries, carefully sand the surface with a grinder or sandpaper. It is worth noting that in this case, you should be careful not to disturb the position of the fibers. Therefore, it is recommended to grind along their direction.

Next, the product should be cleaned of dust. To do this, you can use a vacuum cleaner or a damp sponge. Then you need to apply the soil. This will ensure low paint consumption and good adhesion of the surface and the base layer.

Important: Do not use a water-based primer on outdoor products. It is better to purchase an oil-based material for these purposes.

After the primer dries, a decorative layer of acrylic paint is applied. If you plan to paint a door, furniture or window, it is better to use a natural-based brush. For bulk work, it is recommended to purchase a roller.

It is important that outdoor structures be painted quickly after applying the primer. This is due to the fact that some types of soil are not susceptible to ultraviolet radiation and high temperatures (you can read about this in the instructions for using the primer).

Painting wooden products with acrylic paint is the best option. And this applies not only to those that are indoors, but also located on the street. The main thing here is to choose the appropriate and high-quality material.

Wood is still often used for the construction of residential buildings. Some choose it for the environmental friendliness of the material, some for affordability.

But both understand that the natural base requires additional protection. Facade wood paint for outdoor work perfectly copes with this function. The main thing is to choose the right product in the store and apply it using all the recommendations.

To update the appearance of a house built of natural wood, two completely different substances are used, which will be discussed in more detail below.


This coating completely preserves the structure of wood, does not hide or mask it. The popularity is also explained by the fact that this material is produced from natural substances with a small addition of synthetic components. Such additives only improve the technical characteristics of the varnish.

It is vapor-permeable, resistant to abrasion, perfectly repels moisture, and as you know, a tree quickly absorbs a large amount of water and collapses under its influence. The lacquer dries quickly and, importantly, protects all elements from exposure to sunlight.

If the outer walls are varnished, then they need to be updated after a few years. But before re-applying, it is not necessary to peel off the previous layer at all.


This coating already has different shades due to various synthetic dyes. Coloring compositions differ in price, the presence of various components, the duration of operation and other characteristics.

There are several types of paints that can be used for applying to a wooden facade. Each type needs to be discussed separately and its advantages and disadvantages evaluated.

Oil paint

It is made exclusively from a natural solvent with the addition of synthetic dyes. The basis is drying oil, which is extracted from the seeds of flax, hemp and sunflower. The price of such a coloring composition is very affordable. That is why it is still popular today. But oil paint has many disadvantages.

  • An unpleasant smell that persists for a long time after application to the base.
  • Long drying time, about 12 hours.
  • Apply paint only after the old coating is completely removed. Otherwise, after a few months, the updated layer will peel off and crack.
  • Rapid loss of original appearance under the influence of ultraviolet radiation.
  • The service life of the applied layer is up to 3 years.
  • Drying, oil paint creates a vapor barrier that interferes with natural ventilation.

Evaluating all of the above, we can say that this option is not the most suitable for updating and protecting a wooden facade.

acrylic paint

In hardware stores, this type of coloring compositions for wood is presented in two versions:

  1. Solvent based.
  2. Water-dispersion.

Solvent-based acrylic paint is characterized by the presence of resins that dissolve in organic substances. Manufacturers also add components that increase resistance to solar radiation and other negative atmospheric factors.

Thanks to this composition, solvent-based acrylic paint:

  • For a long time does not lose color.
  • Protects wood from moisture.
  • Good resistance to temperature changes.
  • Allows steam from the interior to pass to the outside.
  • The applied layer does not crack.

Some manufacturers produce compounds that can be easily used to paint the facade in the winter season. Water-dispersion acrylic paints are distinguished by the absence of pungent odors. This is one of the important factors that affects the popularity of such coverage.

In addition, manufacturers introduce polymer components into the composition that improve technical characteristics, and such a coating remains consistently attractive for a long time. All acrylic paints have a number of distinctive characteristics that allow them to occupy their niche in the range of facade paints:

  1. Create a polymeric protective film on a surface.
  2. They let moisture out of the interior.
  3. No harsh odor.
  4. Resistant to abrasion and fading.
  5. Create a durable coating due to high adhesion.
  6. Service life up to 20 years.
  7. Wide palette of color solutions.

silicone paint

For wood, this coloring composition is exceptionally well suited. But it's very difficult to find it. The price of the goods is quite high, because construction stores bring it extremely rarely, and even then only on order. Despite this, professionals recommend that owners whose houses are located in a climate zone with high humidity and sharp changes in the average annual temperature use just such a paint.

Using the silicone composition on the outside, you can not worry about:

  • Preliminary application of a primer layer before painting.
  • Cracking of the applied layer.
  • Moisture absorption.
  • Erasing paint.

The main thing during application is to follow all the instructions if you plan to do your own painting.

Alkyd paint

Such a coloring composition for a wooden facade is made from polyhydric alcohols and alkyd resins. It perfectly protects the base from moisture and high temperatures. But it is necessary to work with such compositions very carefully.

  1. The substance is highly flammable. When processing the surface, make sure that there is no open fire or source of high temperatures nearby.
  2. It is advisable to protect yourself well. Use a respirator, goggles and clothing. But that's not all. The service life of the painted layer is not more than 5 years.

After that, the paint begins to crack and crumble. To avoid this, professional craftsmen recommend protecting the surface layer with clear varnish.

Paint application method

Paint brushes come in different sizes. To paint the facade, it is better to stock up on several. The widest one is suitable for a large area. A smaller tool is useful if you need to update window frames or decor elements. But with brushes you need to be able to work.

Often, traces remain from the tool or smudges form. Therefore, they are best used for small parts. But if there was no other option at hand, then the brush can also be dealt with. It will take more time, but the result will still be.

The roller is best used on flat surfaces. If the outer walls of the house are made of solid logs, then it will be very difficult to process all the corners. In this case, you will also have to stock up on a brush.

It is considered the best option for painting external walls. The layer is applied evenly and does not spread. But here, too, you need to be careful. Not all paints can be poured into this device. The coloring solution must have a certain viscosity, otherwise the spray gun will be damaged.

Not everyone can cope with such a device on their own, therefore it is better to hire a professional team that knows how to work with which paint.

Staining rules

It is important not only to choose the right paint, but also to apply it correctly in order to get a good result that will please more than one year.

  • We start by preparing the foundation. It all depends on whether it is a new or an old house. If the house is new, then you need to thoroughly sand the surface and cover with deep penetration soil.
  • If the house has already been used and painted before, then you need to remove the old paint. If this is not done, then the new layer will crack and fall off very soon under the pressure of the old scales. It is necessary to ensure that there are no cracks, chips, traces of fungus or vital activity of insects or rodents on the surface. If such flaws were found, they are removed.
  • Be sure to apply a deep penetration primer. To do this, use a brush. If a silicone composition was chosen for external use, then this step is sometimes skipped.
  • The primer needs to dry completely.
  • Then you can start applying paint.
  • The solution must be mixed well. During storage, the coloring components may settle to the bottom, and the color will change.
  • It must be remembered that almost all paints are applied in 2 or even three layers. For the first layer, you can dilute the paint with a primer, but here 2 should be undiluted. Re-applying is done only after the previous one is completely dry. Drying time is indicated on the package.

You also need to pay attention to the weather. If there is a wind, the sun bakes strongly, or vice versa, it is going to rain, then it is better to postpone everything. The wind will cause a bunch of dust and dirt, which will instantly stick, and you can remove it only by completely removing the paint layer.

Hot weather will not allow the paint to dry evenly and from this the applied layer will not be as durable. And high humidity will not allow the coloring composition to securely fasten to the surface of the wood. For high-quality staining, cloudy weather is suitable with an air temperature of 5 to 25 degrees Celsius, humidity should not exceed 50%.

Please note that the morning time is also not suitable. Dew can settle on the facade, and the surface must be perfectly dry before applying the paint. Start coloring no earlier than 11 am.

Requirements for facade paints, naturally presented by buyers: durability and environmental safety. They must also retain color, withstand significant temperature changes, and have attractive natural shades. Quality is ensured not only by the manufacturer, but also by compliance with the rules for painting different surfaces. For example, facade paint on wood should be applied to a layer of adhesive alkyd primer. As a standard, buyers use antiseptic primers, but they only provide protection for the wood, but not adhesion of the layers.

That is why even good facade paint cracks and peels off within 2 years after application. At the same time, manufacturers guarantee the integrity of the coating for decades. To achieve this, it is necessary to follow the application technology. Many years of experience accumulated by manufacturers allows us to create the best paint and varnish materials for the facade. The division into types of surfaces that they paint has a positive effect on the result, since the degree of absorption of different building materials is different.

How to paint a wooden facade?

The choice of paint depends on the desired result: it completely covers the wood, creating an opaque layer, or leaves the wood structure visible. In the first case, acrylic or oil paints are used, in the second - tinted antiseptics or varnish.

Modern paints are distinguished by better resistance to atmospheric precipitation. Oil varieties are usually chosen in light shades, as they fade over the years. This does not affect performance, only the gloss changes, losing its original appearance.

Acrylic paints are elastic and breathable, their formula allows you to maintain a balance of moisture and dryness of wood. It can be used for both facade and interior work, while it can be used on an old surface. You just need to make sure that it is dry and correctly prepare the surface. Alkyd enamels are also used for painting wooden facades. They provide a brilliant sheen or satin (matte) surface, penetrate well into the pores of the wood, while maintaining its natural properties.

The color palette of almost all facade paints allows you to give the surface any shades, to implement original design solutions. Elasticity allows them to stretch and shrink with the wood, protecting them from cracking. This property is important for painting only erected buildings, which will shrink within a year.

Any facade paint is applied after special preparation of wood. If an adhesive primer is not used, the adhesion of the primer to the wood is ensured by sanding. To do this, use a grinder or sandpaper with a fine grain. After grinding, the surface is cleaned of wood dust with a wet brush.

When choosing a tinted antiseptic, one should take into account the presence in the composition of additives not only against decay and bugs, but also protecting against UV radiation and moisture. They prevent the growth of mold, algae and maintain the freshness of the shade. Tinted antiseptics are divided into the following varieties:

  • glazing,
  • covering.

The former leave a transparent layer, only shading the wood. The latter do not allow you to see its pattern, structure, as they create a dense layer.

Qualitative characteristics do not deteriorate in any type of antiseptics, the transparent layer protects the tree as well as the dense one.

How to paint a wooden facade?

The paint is applied by hand with a wide brush along the natural pattern of the beam or log. The ends of the tree are treated with a special water-based sealant. It does not allow moisture from the street to penetrate into the pores of the tree, while maintaining its ability to breathe. The second layer is applied after the facade has been treated with an abrasive sponge. It creates microscopic roughness, which ensures high-quality adhesion of the layers.

It is important to know that a new wooden house can be painted immediately if it is built from glued beams. Other types of wooden materials require natural additional drying. The same applies to the old wooden house. You should make sure that the log or timber does not contain excess moisture. Work is carried out at positive temperatures in dry weather.
