How to repair horizontal blinds with your own hands. Roller blind repair. Replacing the horizontal bar

Blinds are a device that does not experience significant loads during operation, so it can last more than a decade. Taking into account the rules of regular use, there is no need to apply to the strength characteristics of the components of the product high requirements, and the application is more durable materials will entail either an increase in the weight of the accessory, or its rise in price.

However, both horizontal and contain movable units, the details of which during operation and under the influence external factors are subject to wear, so the failure of the blinds due to the breakdown of some component is not a rare situation.

Fittings and tools for repairing blinds

Troubleshooting most often comes down to replacing the old part with a new one, so in most cases it is quite possible to repair the blinds with your own hands.

Consider how to fix the blinds yourself with the most common breakdowns.

If the device breaks down, before undertaking its restoration, it is necessary to evaluate the rationality of the repair.

Recovery is justified if:

  • blinds are a high-class artistic accessory, for example, a handmade piece;
  • the damage is not significant and is eliminated by replacing or adjusting a low-value component;
  • as a result of the repair, an improvement of the accessory is possible.

Repairing blinds is impractical if:

  • the device is of little value, and its physical wear is on the verge of running out of a resource;
  • there are no obsolete worn-out components on sale, and their individual production by a professional is required;
  • there are several damages, and the cost of their elimination is close to the price of a new accessory.

Blind damage without a rational prospect of recovery

If, after assessing the situation, it is decided to abandon the repair, then the purchase of a new accessory is made taking into account the factors that led to the failure of the old one - for example, if there are pets in the house, it is better to install blinds with vertical arrangement lamellas.

Repair of horizontal blinds

Accessories with horizontal slats are at least reliable devices, how vertical blinds, but their design is simpler. Periodically cleaning rotating elements from dust can significantly extend their service life, but it makes no sense to try to bring a part that has already failed to life, since the size and design of most components do not imply Maintenance- only a replacement, which also needs to be done correctly.

Significantly extend the life of the accessory minimal cost maybe its self-restoration, as to fix do it yourself horizontal blinds- a task for most home craftsmen is quite doable.

Replacing damaged lamellas

In order for new strips to replace the damaged ones, you need:

  • select products that are identical in size and color for replacement;
  • plugs are removed from the holes under the lower cornice, stop knots are squeezed out and cut off;
  • planks that are not damaged are numbered and removed until the defective element is removed;
  • a new lamella is strung on cords to replace the damaged one;
  • dismantled strips are installed in reverse order;
  • the ends of the cords are threaded through the holes in the lower cornice, and stop knots are knitted on them.

Dismantling the lower eaves of horizontal blinds

If, as a result of cutting old and knitting new knots, the lower cornice has risen significantly, which is not functionally or visually acceptable, then you will have to replace the lifting and lowering cords with new ones - of the same length.

Replacing the side ladder

If the ladder is torn, it is not always possible to reliably restore its integrity without compromising aesthetics. It is better to replace the wicker element with a new one, for which you need:

  • a cap is removed from the desired side of the upper eaves;
  • the ends of the old ladder are released from the caliper on the axis, and in return, the new limit switches are installed;
  • a new ladder is put on the side of the lamellas - over the old one;
  • on the lower cornice, the ends of the old ladder and lifting cord are released;
  • the ends of the new ladder are fixed on the lower eaves instead of the old ones;
  • the lifting-lowering cord is pulled up from the slats and again passed down, alternating position relative to the transverse rungs of the new ladder (left / right);
  • the lifting cord is attached to the lower eaves;
  • the old wicker element is cut with scissors in place into pieces and removed from the planks.

Cord ladder: before installation and as part of wooden horizontal blinds

Manufacturers of horizontal blinds offer cord ladders all applicable sizes and basic shades.

The description will be more accessible after watching this video:

Replacement of the block with lifting-lowering and rotary mechanisms

Signs of the need to perform this operation are difficult to rotate the slats around their axes or the inability to fix the blinds in a partially raised position.

The replacement procedure is carried out in three stages:

  • dismantling of the failed unit;
  • purchase of a new mechanism according to the model;
  • installing a new fixture.

The locking knots at the ends of the lifting cord are released from decorative caps and untie.

Plugs are removed from the sides of the upper eaves. The upper cornice is turned with its back side towards itself, the axis with the rotary mechanism fixed on it is shifted longitudinally with the help of crooked pliers and removed from the mounting hole. Cords without knots are pulled up by pushing the intermediate rollers with a screwdriver.

Stages of dismantling the lifting mechanism

The block with lifting and turning mechanisms is kept in the upper eaves due to pinching by its elastic walls. To release the lifting and turning unit, you need to slightly push the walls of the cornice with your hands, and alternately remove the lifting and lowering and rotary mechanism s.

Stages of dismantling the lifting mechanism

New lifting and turning mechanisms are assembled into a unit - for this they have a corresponding protrusion and groove. The assembled unit is inserted into the mounting socket of the cornice and fixed in place by snapping it into place.

The control cords are wound in turn between the rollers, distributed in the grate at the exit from the cornice, pulled out until the slack is eliminated and recessed into the guides with a screwdriver with a narrow sting.

Stages of installation of the lifting mechanism

After checking the correctness of the wiring of the cords, they begin to return the shaft to the design place - they push it through the new assembly with crooked pliers.

Important! In the cross section of the shaft there is a face, which, when the part is advanced, must be aligned with the mounting hole of the rotary mechanism, which has an appropriate profile for this. To align, you need to turn the rotation mechanism a little.

Stages of installation of the lifting mechanism

After installing the control unit, the profile of the cornice is slightly compressed by hand and the plug is returned to its place on its end. It remains to put decorative bells on the control cords and fix them with knots.

Stages of installation of the lifting mechanism

The described node replacement algorithm is optimal. Failure to follow the sequence of operations is fraught with damage to components during disassembly-assembly of the accessory.

Repair of blinds with vertical slats

Devices of this design are subject to wear no less than accessories with a horizontal arrangement of light-blocking strips.

Repair also consists in replacing failed components with new parts.

To understand what details are discussed in the description, the device diagram with the specification will help.

Conditional diagram of the installation of curtains with vertical slats

In vertical blinds there are accessories ,process repair of which does not deserve a description, for example, chains - control and connecting. If one of them is torn, then replacing it with a new one is easy to do even without instructions. Therefore, consider a more complex, but also common, situation - as on one's own repair vertical blinds if the slider is broken.

  1. For convenience of work the control cord is dismantled.
  2. The fasteners of the control mechanism are given away, and the assembly is removed from the eaves.
  3. We dismantle all runners.
  4. The "distance" of the broken slider is compressed on both sides and removed from the defective element.
  5. The released "distance" is inserted into the new slider until the control click.
  6. The control cord is re-threaded through all the runners.
  7. By alternately stringing on the shaft, the runners return to the eaves.
  8. The control mechanism is mounted on a regular place (it is better to perform with an assistant).
  9. The chain of command is established.

Important! For the correct operation of vertical blinds, it should be remembered that it is possible to move the slats along the eaves only if they are perpendicular to the opening plane.

Failure of lamellas due to incorrect use of curtains


Breakage of vertical or horizontal blinds is a common enough situation to familiarize yourself with the ways to repair this accessory, especially if they are an element of the interior of your home. A device that looks strong enough today may fail tomorrow, and repairing it yourself will save a certain amount, often a significant amount.

The main essence of the article

  1. Blinds are an accessory with limited strength characteristics, therefore, non-standard mechanical impact easily disables it. It is important in each case to objectively assess the feasibility of repair.
  2. The design of most types of such curtains is not complicated, which allows you to restore working condition devices on your own.
  3. The probability of the prospect of aligning or straightening something has been reduced to almost zero for the blinds, and most of the restoration repair operations involve replacing failed components with new ones, so when buying accessories in a store, it is important to have a dismantled part with you as a sample.
  4. Operating your blinds according to the manufacturer's instructions will extend the life of this stylish accessory.

The design of the blinds is simple and quite reliable, with right conditions operation and proper care, they faithfully serve for a long time. But with a careless attitude, breakdowns still happen, in such situations it is necessary to diagnose and, if necessary, repair the blinds.

Design features and accessories

To start repairing blinds, you need to imagine how they are arranged. The designs differ in the type of curtain opening and are either vertical or horizontal. We also separately highlight roller blinds, which have their own distinctive features.


Despite the rather simple appearance, horizontal blinds consist of a large number spare parts. To repair them, it is important to know where which part is located. It is not difficult to disassemble the structure, but in order not to get confused, it is recommended to sequentially lay out all the components for the blinds on the table, and assemble them in reverse order. Below is a diagram of a typical horizontal design, in fact, they all consist of:

  • upper cornice - a bar on which the entire structure is suspended - 1;
  • balance - this is the front cover of the eaves - 2;
  • lower eaves - a bar at the very bottom of the canvas - 3;
  • rotary axis - metal pin in the upper box - 4;
  • left and right bars of mechanisms - 5 and 6;
  • left and right plugs for balance - 7 and 8.
  • the body of the mechanism into which the rotary axis is inserted - 9;
  • mechanism wheels - 10;
  • left and right chain covers - 11 and 12;
  • calipers - 13;
  • caliper adapter - 14;
  • special insert in the caliper - 15;
  • plugs for the bottom bar - 16;
  • correctors for bead: left, right and central - 17 and 22;
  • side covers for the lower cornice - 18;
  • fishing line clamps, located below from each edge - 19;
  • control circuit connector - clamp - 20;
  • clamps for the control circuit - 21;
  • clamps for the ladder on each side - 23;
  • clips for braid - 24;
  • control circuits - 25;
  • braids - 26;
  • fishing lines - 27;
  • ladders - 28;
  • screws - 29-33;
  • C-shaped clips that are put on the pin near the calipers - 34.

Interframe horizontal blinds have several differences:

  • flexible wire - 1;
  • special bracket - 2;
  • adapter - 3;
  • rope and handle lock - 4 and 5, respectively;
  • control handle is different lengths – 6;
  • side covers on the upper eaves - 7.


Vertical light protection systems for windows have their own design features, the complete set of blinds is shown in the diagram:

  • cornice - 1;
  • rotary rod - 2;
  • slider - 3;
  • distance - 4;
  • lamella holder - 5;
  • plumb line for lamella - 6;
  • plumb line for control cord - 7;
  • control mechanism - 8;
  • C-clip - slider stopper - 9;
  • asterisk - 10;
  • insert - 11;
  • bushing - 12;
  • chain connector - 13;
  • carriage with a screw, put on a pin - 14;
  • ordinary plastic stopper - 15;
  • magnetic stopper and corner to it - 16 and 17;
  • control circuit - 18;
  • lower connecting chain – 19;
  • control cord - 20;
  • latch for brackets, bracket and extension - a holder that is screwed to the surface and a cornice is installed on it - 21, 22, 23;
  • screws and nuts - fasteners for brackets - 24;
  • hook for a slider, required for an inclined track - 25;
  • remote adapter - 26;
  • vertical groover, bracket and corner for it - 27, 28, 29.

In order for vertical blinds to look beautiful and even on the window, special weights are mounted below the light fabric strips.

Accessories for vertical blinds, as well as for horizontal ones, can be purchased from manufacturers or large stores that sell these products. When choosing fittings, do not forget that not all spare parts are equilateral, for example, you can’t attach the left plug to the right side.


Roller blinds are much simpler than horizontal and vertical counterparts:

  • box - cassette, cover left and right, parts may be missing from inexpensive products - 1 and 11,12,13, respectively, optionally one with a hole for a cord;
  • guides - rails, mounted on the side parts of the frame, the canvas moves along them, fits snugly against the window, may not be included in the package - 2;
  • lower bar - 3;
  • mounting profile, with which the blinds are attached - 4;
  • pipe and shaft, usually with a diameter of 18 or 25 mm - 5 and 6;
  • control mechanism and panka to it - 7, 8;
  • pipe adapters - 9;
  • cap for the bottom bar and for guides - 14 and 15;
  • chain connector - 16;
  • retainer - 17;
  • corrector - 18;
  • chain - 19;
  • fasteners - 20;
  • pile shlegel - 21;
  • double-sided adhesive tape for gluing rails, textiles and mounting profile – 22, 23, 24;
  • plastic strip with adhesive strip - 25.

Common breakdowns and how to fix them

Breakdowns usually occur due to debris and dust that got into the grooves of the structure, they make it difficult for the blinds to move, plastic parts burst from this, cords, fishing line and chains are torn. AT this case dismantle the structure and replace the fittings. Also, improper installation and fastening of the blinds lead to distortions of the entire system and is one of the main causes of malfunctions.

Careless handling is the cause of damage to the lamellas, as a rule, this happens due to the fault of animals and children, they hang on the canvas, the strips bend and break. Here, the replacement of damaged parts will help; in the process of repair, it is important to completely repeat the algorithm for the complex interlacing of ladders, cords and fishing line.

How to repair horizontal blinds

Often, the repair of horizontal blinds comes down to replacing the lower latches and hooks that are responsible for turning the slats. Before starting work, purchase new components for blinds, be sure to check that they are identical, for example, latches can be with a smaller or larger diameter. Try to purchase parts from the same production as the blinds themselves.

First, dismantle the broken hook, pull it out with pliers to install a new one:

  • hold the swivel mechanism with your hand to prevent rotation;
  • insert the hook into the hole;
  • insert the other end into the bar.

The old fasteners are simply unscrewed and new ones are fixed in their place.

Be sure to watch the master class on how to repair a broken control mechanism.

Changing the cord is the main stage, you can hardly do without it. To change it, remove the curtain from the window, measure the length and width of the blinds, tell the seller the parameters when buying, he will calculate how many centimeters of rope will be needed for the repair:

  • pull out the old rope;
  • start threading a new one, first put it on lifting mechanism so that it passes between the roller and the cylinder;
  • then thread the end from the underside of the basket at the attachment point of the ladder and at the same time slip the rope between the ladder;
  • pull to the basket, at the same time it must go along the bottom, and in the cells of the ladder;
  • run the end into the hole on the ledge;
  • the second rope is pulled according to the same algorithm, but it is threaded into the near punching of the planks;
  • with a crochet or needle, first on one side, then on the other, pull the rope through all the strips, grabbing the ladder;
  • insert the ends into the plug and tie a strong knot.

Watch video from detailed instruction how to repair blinds with your own hands, which clearly shows how to change the control mechanism and a torn ladder, as well as shorten the curtain.

To repair lamellas, you should:

  • remove the plug, cut the knots, pull out the rope;
  • put new strips;
  • a new rope is threaded, the process is described above;
  • when the canvas is assembled, tie the ends of the rope into a knot and put on the retainer.

Repair of a torn ladder is performed as follows:

  • remove the ladder from the caliper;
  • disconnect the curtain from the cornice, remove the rope;
  • pull out the old ladder over the edge;
  • install a latch on a new one;
  • pass the strips into each cell;
  • then thread the rope according to the instructions above, alternate the jumper of the ladder to the right and left of it;
  • when you reach the bottom strip, tie a knot and install the latches.

Watch a helpful video tutorial in which the wizard talks about typical problems and clearly shows how to eliminate them.

How to troubleshoot vertical blinds

Repair of vertical blinds, basically, comes down to replacing the chain:

  • remove the protective box, if any;
  • unscrew the covers from the sides of the eaves, pull out the plastic gear that connects the sliders to the chain;
  • put the gear lock in a hanging position, all sliders must be open, otherwise the mechanism will jam;
  • miss new chain through all the details;
  • assemble the blinds in reverse order.

If the slider is broken, repairing vertical blinds is much more difficult than changing gears or a chain:

  • measure the width of the strips, purchase new parts according to the dimensions;
  • open the cornice, remove the control chain;
  • unscrew the control mechanism from the shaft, remove the runners to the broken one;
  • put on new ones, be sure to insert until it clicks;
  • stretch the control chain through all the elements, stringing on the shaft;
  • when we got to the last detail, we insert the shaft into the control mechanism, fasten it to the eaves and assemble the box.

When repairing blinds, you can remove all fabric strips and wash them. Often, old curtains no longer suit us: they have lost their color, the design is wrong, or they are very dirty, or you just want to update the interior, in these situations you can purchase new fabric, multi-lamellar or plastic trims and hang them on the old cornice.

On the next video step-by-step instruction how to assemble runners on the ledge.

Repair wooden blinds, as well as metal roller shutters and rafshtor, it is better to entrust specialists. These are expensive and rather heavy products. Of course, with the proper level of training and a set of tools, you can disassemble and assemble such structures with your own hands. But it should be understood that these are quite strong, durable and reliable products, they simply could not fail, therefore, first of all, it is important to diagnose and find out the cause. In the production of outdoor metal blinds, each manufacturer has its own secrets and makes changes to the design, so if you have problems with the operation of such systems, it is better to immediately turn to professionals.

Vertical blinds are a simple device consisting of the following parts: eaves, connecting and turning chains, control cord, slats, hangers, lower weights. If you wish, you can fix some malfunctions that occur during the use of these curtains with your own hands.

Types of damage to mechanism elements

The design of the blinds is simple, however, during operation, several common breakdowns of device parts occur:

  • breaking the chain connecting the lamellas;
  • breakage of the cord that moves the strips along the eaves;
  • damage to the "shoulders" (plastic parts located in the upper part of the curtain structure and connecting the fabric to the cornice);
  • breakage of the runners on which the lamellas are attached.

Repair of vertical blinds

A very significant advantage of the product is the simplicity of the mechanism and the availability of spare parts presented by manufacturers in the markets and in stores, the ability to independently disassemble it.

You can repair the curtains with your own hands, the main thing is to carefully disassemble the product, and then assemble it, adhering to all the stages.

How to change the connecting chain

Quite often, the integrity of the chain is violated (with careless handling of the product) connecting the lamellas below. A new part can be purchased at a specialized store.

Replacing a damaged control circuit

Such a break happens infrequently (as a rule, as a result of sudden movements). The main requirement for this type of do-it-yourself repair is that the runners must be in the open state.

How to fix a control cord

This element in the design of curtains is quite difficult to spoil. A common phenomenon is a decrease in the quality of the cord and, as a result, a part jumping out of the control mechanism.

How to install new hangers

Failure given element fixing it by hand is pretty easy. AT hardware store acquired new item appropriate size (according to the width of the lamella).

Repair steps for replacing the runner

To repair such a violation requires attention and skill. It is necessary to carefully disassemble the mechanism and assemble it in the same sequence.

In addition to the standard care of the structure (as for any curtains, they require dry cleaning or wiping of small dirt wet wipes), it is necessary to follow the elementary rules of careful handling of the product and then repair of vertical blinds will not be required.

  • if the slat mover sticks or the strips do not unfold, no force should be applied. With absence apparent reason malfunctions, it is better not to disassemble the mechanism with your own hands, but to seek help from specialists;
  • operating requirements - slats can only be moved along the cornice in a position perpendicular to the window;
  • due to the fact that the mechanism is equipped with plastic components, better management- smooth, free movements;
  • since the fabric of these curtains loses color over time, when replacing one canvas, it is advisable to update several neighboring ones so that the shade of the new element is not very striking.

Do not rush to write off damaged blinds, it is advisable to first consult with professionals. If, nevertheless, the mechanism of your curtains is damaged, you should get rid of such blinds, or disassemble them into parts.

It may happen that repairing the curtains will cost less than installing a new product, even if there are damage to various elements.

AT recent times blinds have become so firmly established in everyday life that they have become quite a familiar subject of window decor. For industrial premises, classrooms and offices - this is the most common solution. But what if the blinds don't open? In this article, we will consider the main causes of such breakdowns and how to eliminate them.

Most often, it is the rotary mechanism that breaks in the design of the blinds. But sometimes the cause of the malfunction may be mechanical damage lamellas or web fasteners.

Be sure to follow the rules for operating the blinds and keep children and animals away from the mechanism

If the horizontal blinds do not open

First of all, you should always pay attention to the condition of the canvas itself. This is especially true for plastic blinds, since such thin slats are often deformed and confused, which makes it impossible to lift them. In addition, the thread ladder, on which the plates lie, could fray, which caused a distortion. If all the slats are even and neat, the reason may lie in the lifting mechanism itself.

You need to check the condition of the cord itself (chain), with which the horizontal blinds are raised. If there are no nodes and it was not confused anywhere, then the problem is in the box itself and you should contact the master for repair services. Sometimes it is not profitable to order such works, their cost may turn out to be the same or even higher than the price of new blinds.

Skewed and uneven angle of the slats may indicate a malfunction of the rotary mechanism. If the latches break, the blinds will not hold in the assembled state, and if the canvas is strongly warped in one direction, the position of the slats will need to be adjusted.

If parts of the turning and lifting mechanism can most often be replaced with new ones, then broken or bent lamellas cannot be repaired, such blinds can no longer be restored to their previous good condition without replacing the entire canvas with a new one.
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If the vertical blinds do not open

Vertical blinds break in the same way as horizontal ones, and there are several reasons for this:

  • Deformation or damage to one of the lamellas. In such a situation, it is easier to replace it with a new one, otherwise those standing nearby may get confused;
  • Guide damage. If the guides are bent or severely deformed in one place, the movement of the slats will be difficult or impossible;
  • Broken control cord. Violation of the integrity of the cord, with which the lamellas are controlled, may be in a conspicuous place or inside the cassette. It is important to find the place of the break and repair the cord.

Serious damage to vertical blinds often requires the intervention of a master. It is impossible to sort out the entire cornice on your own or completely disassemble the control and rotation mechanism - this requires professional skills and special knowledge.

What to do when the electric blinds do not open?

If the motorized blinds stop responding to remote control commands remote control or panel keys, they do not open or close, it is worth calling a repairman for such systems. It is impossible to try to repair automatic blinds on your own, since such intervention often leads to even greater damage.

But before calling a specialist, it is important to check the following nuances:

  • Are the batteries in the remote control good?
  • If you have a spare remote, you should try to open the blinds with it.

The reason for the breakdown of automation may be a malfunction of the electric drive or a failure in the communication settings between the remote control and the receiver on the mechanism. Sometimes mechanical or automatic blinds fail due to improper installation of the cornice or canvas. That is why it is better to entrust the installation of the structure to specialists.

In any case, only a professional will be able to diagnose and fix the breakdown quickly and with guaranteed quality. In order for the blinds to last as long as possible, you must strictly follow all the rules and recommendations for use provided by the manufacturer in the documents for the product.

Today plastic windows so popular that it is no longer necessary to tell what they are and what their benefits are. One of the additional structures installed on plastic windows are blinds - horizontal, vertical and roller blinds, which are an alternative to ordinary curtains.

When choosing a color, keep in mind that your blinds will look lighter on the window than the sample on the "fan" with samples.

Installing blinds with your own hands and repairing them is not at all difficult for those who know how to hold a tool in their hands.

There is on the market big choice components, in almost every city there are firms specializing in the sale of blinds and accessories for them.

Before installing horizontal blinds on plastic windows, we will prepare essential tool. We will need:

On the diagram of horizontal blinds, it is indicated: 1 - control chain, 2 - control chain holder, 3 - lining tile, 4 - box, 5 - fishing line fastener, 6 - plug, 7 - mounting plate, 8 - box side covers, 9 - blinds.

  • drill with a drill with a diameter smaller than that of self-tapping screws;
  • screwdriver;
  • pliers;
  • pencil.

The delivery set usually includes self-tapping screws, metal L-shaped mounting brackets in the form of corners with holes and latches, and plastic corners-clamps for fixing the bottom bar. If the above accessories are not available, they can be purchased separately. Now you can start the installation by following a few simple steps.

  1. The installation location is determined by applying to the upper sash of the window.
  2. Attachment points are marked. To do this, brackets are applied to the installation site and marks for the holes are made with a pencil.
  3. We drill holes for self-tapping screws. You can not drill holes, but make them using the same self-tapping screws, but PVC material, from which plastic windows are made, is quite dense and viscous.
  4. Brackets are screwed to the upper sash of the window.
  5. The side plugs are removed from the upper eaves and the blinds are installed on the brackets, falling into the latches. Put the side covers in place.
  6. If your window is opened for ventilation, then it is necessary to install latches on the lower sash of the window so that the blinds do not sag when tilted. To determine the exact location of their installation, lower the blinds completely, attach the clamps to the plane of the lower sash, make marks for the holes. After that, drill holes and fix the clamps on the screws.

Exist different types, so their designs and fastenings may be different, but the principle of installation remains the same for different designs. The installation of vertical blinds differs from the installation of horizontal ones primarily in that the brackets are not attached to the window sashes, but to the wall above the window, and this process is similar to the installation of ordinary curtain rods.


Horizontal blinds, like vertical ones, are easy to maintain and repair. The design is quite reliable, and can serve for years without problems. But there are times when, for example, with careless handling, individual parts may fail. Active children and pets can help too. Another reason may be the contamination of the mechanism, which leads to difficulty in the movement of the lamellas, an increase in effort during operation and, finally, a breakdown. This is in need of repair.

Today the market is saturated with accessories for vertical and horizontal blinds, so you can do the repair yourself. It is only necessary to determine the faulty part, find it and replace it. When disassembling the structure, it is necessary to remember the location of the parts and the sequence of disassembly, so as not to be mistaken when assembling in the reverse order. In this case, you can use photographing the disassembly process. Before starting repairs, prepare the following tools:

  • screwdriver;
  • pliers;
  • scissors;
  • a wire bent in half so that an eye is formed, as in a needle - for threading a cord.

Main malfunctions

If the canvas of the lamellas has ceased to open, close, turn around its axis, then the cause of the malfunction is in the rotary mechanism. To replace it, do the following:

  • blinds are removed, side plugs are removed from the upper eaves;
  • the axis is pulled out of the rotary mechanism with the help of pliers;
  • the mechanism is removed, for this you need to unclench the sides of the eaves;
  • a new rotary mechanism is taken and the structure is assembled in the reverse order.

On the diagram of horizontal roller blinds shown: 1 - side decorative covers, 2 - side bracket, 3 - guides, 4 - blade, 5 - self-tapping screw, 6 - clamps, 7 - frame, 8 - guide rail, 9 - bottom bar, 10 - upper chain limiter, 11 - box.

If the lamellas are damaged and need to be replaced, then, having removed the blinds, we do the following:

  • cord plugs are squeezed out of the bottom bar, end knots are cut off and the cord is pulled out;
  • damaged lamellas are removed and replaced with new ones;
  • the cord is threaded into the holes of the lamellas, the bottom bar and the plug;
  • knots are tied, plugs are inserted into the bottom bar.

To replace a torn ladder, the blinds are also removed by removing the side plugs of the upper eaves, and the following points are performed:

  • take out the upper ends of the ladder from the caliper located on the axis of the mechanism;
  • the canvas is disconnected from the eaves, the cord is removed;
  • holding the lamellas in hand so that the whole canvas does not crumble, we pull out the ladder to the side;
  • clamps are installed on the new ladder in the same way as those installed on the old one;
  • lamellas are threaded into the cells of the ladder;
  • with the help of a wire, a cord is threaded into the holes of the lamellas, so that the jumpers of the ladder alternate either to the right or to the left of the cord;
  • the ladder and the cord are fixed with the help of a plug in the bottom bar.

If the blinds began to open tightly, then first of all it is necessary to check whether the rotary mechanism is clogged. It is recommended to periodically clean it with a vacuum cleaner and lubricate it with oil, for example, from sewing machine. The reason for the difficulty of movement may be damage or bending of the rotary axis (rod). If the axle jams or runs unevenly, then noticeably asynchronous rotation all lamellae. In this case, an axle replacement is required, which is carried out by disassembling the mechanism and mounting it on a new axle. Sometimes it happens that the axle just jumps off its rails, and if you make sure that the axle is not damaged or bent, then you just need to restore its position in the rails.

There may be malfunctions that you will find difficult to deal with. In this case, you will have to turn to specialists, but before using their services, it is worth evaluating whether repairs will not be more expensive than buying new blinds.
