Do-it-yourself roller blind repair. How to properly repair vertical or horizontal blinds? (27 photos). Options for breaking horizontal blinds

When buying blinds, we hardly think about the need to repair the blinds in the future in case of failure. Indeed, many believe that it is better to buy new ones than to repair old ones. window blinds. We can partly agree with this, although sometimes it may take quite a bit of time to put them in order.

Repair of blinds usually costs 3000 rubles.

Vertical blinds - breakdowns

Let's talk about the main types of breakdowns that can or cannot be repaired.

  • Broken blind cord. Often such a breakdown occurs in the office, where the blinds are constantly adjusted. Please note, if the cord is visible in the area of ​​damage or rupture, then it will be enough to tie a new one to make repairs.

If a cord break occurs on inner part mechanism, you will have to remove and disassemble the blinds. Replacing the cord in this case is carried out in stages: First, open the box, dismantle the remnants of the cord from the blinds. Next, through the special holes, we install a new cord. In order not to be mistaken with the length of the new cord when buying, measure the length and width of the blinds. Then ask the seller for advice for the right choice.

It is advisable to purchase a cord in a special workshop where blinds are repaired. Otherwise, contact a store that specializes in fabrics.

  • Replacing the slider or chain. Often, replacement is required in case of complete wear of the old strips. You can also stitch them yourself or cut them if the wear is not so significant. In other cases, when the repair cannot be done on your own, it is better to contact the professionals in their field. She has no problem and short terms perform repairs. This is especially true in cases where it is necessary to sort out the entire eaves or perform professional repairs or replacement of the main components of metal blinds.
  • Shutter reduction. This procedure may be required for different situations. For example, you are moving to new apartment and you need to reduce the blinds. This procedure is carried out in workshops. At the same time, you must give clear dimensions by which you need to shorten the blinds.
  • How to shorten vertical blinds? To do this, we measure the required length of the blinds, then mark and cut off the extra sections. This is due to the fact that this procedure involves not only shortening some sections of the blinds, but also their subsequent processing for further use. Although horizontal blinds are easier to tame, since it is enough to simply cut off unnecessary slats.

How to repair vertical blinds on windows?

Repair of vertical blinds is an order of magnitude easier, in the sense that it is much easier to find inexpensive components and replace them. For example, in the case when the upper lamellas are worn out, it is better to replace them completely. This can be done both with your own hands and with the help of a specialist. Replacing the material is also a fairly simple malfunction and repairing vertical blinds does not take much time and effort. The main thing is to count the number of fasteners and buy the necessary lamellas for them.

In case of partial damage to the vertical blinds, it is better to purchase the entire kit to replace them. They are inexpensive, but you can carry out repairs without problems. Before ordering, do not forget to measure the slats in height, the error should not be more than a few mm.

Replacement of components and repair wooden blinds better done by a specialist. Such blinds are expensive enough to save on them. If you decide to do the repair yourself, then you can not worry about the warranty, for self-withdrawal eaves for the repair of protective blinds, it is not removed.

Repair of horizontal blinds

With horizontal blinds is much more difficult. Even the call and work of a specialist can cost more than buying new blinds. Not to mention independent attempts to replace the material, which will take a lot of time. Blinds horizontal type it is advisable to repair in case of their high cost. Usually this concerns the repair of wooden blinds.

Repair of horizontal blinds - video

The cost and procedure for repairing blinds

The list of main services that specialists will perform includes:

  • Slider Replacement
  • Replacing the lower and control chain
  • Replacement and shortening of slats
  • Replacement and reduction of the eaves
  • Replacement of plumb and fabric, as well as its reduction

Please note that when a specialist is called, two people usually come, this is due to the fact that it is rather problematic to carry out repairs alone. Therefore, it may not be possible to do the repair of blinds with your own hands. The price for repairing blinds varies by service, region, and material. So check it out in advance.

For the correct replacement of lamellas, designers recommend replacing several at once, and not just one broken lamella. This is necessary to maintain one tone of colors that eventually fade in the sun.

More professional repairs should be carried out only when the product is really expensive. Then it makes sense to wait for the components from the manufacturer's factory and call a specialist for repair. In other cases, it is better to weigh all the pros and cons in advance in order to make the right decision.

Repairing blinds is quite simple, but on the condition that a little time was previously spent on studying the mechanism of their work. This process can be approached from different angles, depending on the type of device. What are the main differences between individual mechanisms?

Blinds repair can be easily done by hand.

Feature of horizontal products

This type is characterized by the fact that the lamellas are folded in different directions and are located horizontally with respect to the floor. And they are driven by a special mechanism. From this it is clear that the main cause of the breakdown is any violation in the operation of the mechanism. Often lamellas also become unusable, and they are required complete replacement. These are the main problems that the repair provides for. horizontal blinds.

Most breakdowns can be repaired by hand. The first thing that is quite simple to replace is the cord, which is designed to drive the slats. If the breakdown occurred directly in the box where the mechanism itself is hidden, then it must be opened. First you need to pull out the old cord, which, for example, broke. The new one is threaded into the same holes in which the previous one was located.

You can purchase individual parts for repair in a specialized store. The consultant will help you decide on the length (since they are different) - for this you need to tell him the dimensions of the structure.

What other parts can be repaired or replaced in horizontal blinds? Can become unusable:

  • fastening strap;
  • kernel;
  • roller and its caliper;
  • bracket;
  • retainer;
  • turning mechanism;
  • lock;
  • button.

In the event of a breakdown of one or another element, you just need to carefully remove it, but at the same time, you must definitely remember its position and fastening. And then install a new part.

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Minor restoration

The mechanism that drives the structure may begin to jam. In this case, it will still be possible to rehabilitate him. To do this, you need to lubricate it with a special silicone fluid. Inside there is a regulating spring, which, if necessary, can be easily replaced with a new one.

Lamellas for horizontal blinds, as a rule, can be made of various materials. Sometimes they are subject to various deformations, for example, bending. As a result, they require replacement, but this does not mean that it is necessary to change the entire structure. It is enough to replace one link. This rule applies to almost all lamellas: wooden, fabric, aluminum.

If for any reason the chain mechanism and the twig have become unusable, then it is practically beyond repair. You need to purchase new items and install them again. If the breakage is caused by damage to the hook, which is responsible for turning the lamella or latch, then it must also be replaced. And to do this is quite simple. You need to purchase parts and install them in place of the broken ones in the same position as the previous ones. It is worth paying attention to the fact that spare parts must strictly correspond to the blinds model, as they may differ in size and method of fastening.

If the situation develops in such a way that it is difficult to determine the cause of the breakdown, it is not clear which part has become unusable, then it is best not to take any action on your own. In this case, you need to contact a specialist who will help determine the exact nature of the damage.

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Vertical Products

Blinds are a very fragile structure, which should be handled with care and follow the rules of operation. A user who understands the structure of vertical blinds will be able to repair them on their own.

Cause of breakdowns vertical products most often it becomes their rupture into 2 parts or defects in the cord, with which the lamellas are adjusted.

A lace torn in an accessible and visible place can be sewn by any housewife. Such repairs do not take much time and effort.

Serious damage can be repaired by replacing a specific item or parts of the product. Repair requires opening the cassette. It hides the control system in itself. Through a special opening, the damaged part is replaced with a new element that will function perfectly.

If the control cord is damaged within a short period of time after the structure is installed, materials not used in the production of the product High Quality. In this case, even the spare parts from the kit will not help - it is better to contact the store and purchase a high-quality part. In spite of additional expenses, such actions will help to avoid frequent repairs and save time, which modern life sometimes not enough.

Repair of vertical blinds in case of damage to any individual lamella consists in its replacement. To do this, you should purchase lamellas that are suitable in color, texture and material. They can be found in the store where the purchase of the entire structure was made, or ordered online, indicating all required parameters and characteristics. There are 2 options for attaching the lamella: stringing on a special chain or attaching a vertical strip to it. Both methods are simple and user-friendly.

At home, it is easy to change the length of the vertical stripes. To perform such an operation, you must perform measurements, calculations and make the necessary marks. Then you can safely cut off the excess part. After that, through lower part bands you need to hold the control cord. To do this, the bottom strip must be stitched with threads. You will have to act carefully and carefully.

In cases where the design of vertical blinds is damaged many constituent elements or there are defects in the eaves, it is better to seek help from professionals. They will be able to solve any problems in the shortest possible time and provide a quality result. good master help you choose the best parts. In addition, only he will be able to solve the issue of changing the width of the entire product.

However, if broken blinds require careful, overhaul, then you should first find out the cost of its implementation in the workshop. The total price of the service depends on the quality of the parts that will be used for replacement, as well as the amount of the labor charge. The cost of repair must be compared with the cost of acquiring a new design. Repair should justify itself.

AT recent times blinds have become so firmly established in everyday life that they have become quite a familiar subject of window decor. For industrial premises, classrooms and offices - this is the most common solution. But what if the blinds don't open? In this article, we will consider the main causes of such breakdowns and how to eliminate them.

Most often, it is the rotary mechanism that breaks in the design of the blinds. But sometimes the cause of the malfunction may be mechanical damage lamellas or web fasteners.

Be sure to follow the rules for operating the blinds and keep children and animals away from the mechanism

If the horizontal blinds do not open

First of all, you should always pay attention to the condition of the canvas itself. This is especially true for plastic blinds, since such thin slats are often deformed and confused, which makes it impossible to lift them. In addition, the thread ladder, on which the plates lie, could fray, which caused a distortion. If all the slats are even and neat, the reason may lie in the lifting mechanism itself.

You need to check the condition of the cord itself (chain), with which the horizontal blinds are raised. If there are no nodes and it was not confused anywhere, then the problem is in the box itself and you should contact the master for repair services. Sometimes it is not profitable to order such works, their cost may turn out to be the same or even higher than the price of new blinds.

Skewed and uneven angle of the slats may indicate a malfunction of the rotary mechanism. If the latches break, the blinds will not hold in the assembled state, and if the canvas is strongly warped in one direction, the position of the slats will need to be adjusted.

If parts of the rotary and lifting mechanism most often can be replaced with new ones, then broken or bent slats cannot be repaired, such blinds can no longer be restored to their previous good condition without replacing the entire canvas with a new one
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If the vertical blinds do not open

Vertical blinds break in the same way as horizontal ones, and there are several reasons for this:

  • Deformation or damage to one of the lamellas. In such a situation, it is easier to replace it with a new one, otherwise those standing nearby may get confused;
  • Guide damage. If the guides are bent or severely deformed in one place, the movement of the slats will be difficult or impossible;
  • Broken control cord. Violation of the integrity of the cord, with which the lamellas are controlled, may be in a conspicuous place or inside the cassette. It is important to find the place of the break and repair the cord.

Serious damage to vertical blinds often requires the intervention of a master. It is impossible to sort out the entire cornice on your own or completely disassemble the control and rotation mechanism - this requires professional skills and special knowledge.

What to do when the electric blinds do not open?

If the motorized blinds stop responding to remote control commands remote control or panel keys, they do not open or close, it is worth calling a repairman for such systems. It is impossible to try to repair automatic blinds on your own, since such intervention often leads to even greater damage.

But before calling a specialist, it is important to check the following nuances:

  • Are the batteries in the remote control good?
  • If you have a spare remote, you should try to open the blinds with it.

The reason for the breakdown of automation may be a malfunction of the electric drive or a failure in the communication settings between the remote control and the receiver on the mechanism. Sometimes mechanical or automatic blinds fail due to improper installation of the cornice or canvas. That is why it is better to entrust the installation of the structure to specialists.

In any case, only a professional will be able to diagnose and fix the breakdown quickly and with guaranteed quality. In order for the blinds to last as long as possible, you must strictly follow all the rules and recommendations for use provided by the manufacturer in the documents for the product.


Repair of horizontal blinds

Horizontal blinds are popular view designs but unfortunately tend to break. Popular models of horizontal blinds (aluminum, wood, plastic and isolight cassette system).

The main breakdowns of horizontal blinds:

1) Breakage of the turn hooks.
2) Replacing the lower clamps
3) Replacement of the control rope.
4) Replacement of the lifting mechanism.
5) Replacement of the rotary mechanism.

Free consultation by phone,
how to repair your blinds yourself.

Repair of vertical blinds

Vertical blinds are also popular and have all positive properties. Popular models of vertical blinds (plastic, aluminum, rope, fabric, and multiimpressive blinds)

The main breakdowns of vertical blinds:

1) Break of the lower connecting circuit.
2) Breakage of the rotary control chain.
3) Breakage of the slider.
4) Breakdown of the control mechanism
5) Break of the control rope.
6) Breakage of the lamella of the holder (shoulder)

We also provide additional features:

Shortening the slats in height.
Shortening the upper cornice in width.
Hole punching in plastic and aluminium.

Roller blind repair

Roller blinds are modern model traditional curtains. An extensive collection of plain and colored fabrics with varying degrees of darkening, with special impregnation properties (non-combustible and moisture resistant)

Popular Models roller blinds(classic with an open pipe, cassette in a box, mini system, classic zebra blinds and in a box.

The main breakdowns of roller blinds:

High-quality blinds with proper care and handling will regularly serve a very long time. for a long time. However, blinds, like any other product, may experience different kind breakdowns. If your blinds are also having trouble, assess the extent of the problem and consider fixing it. repair work. With the solution of a number of minor problems, you can handle it yourself. By the way, you can read about the installation of blinds on our website.

There are a number of the most popular breakdowns that you can fix with your own hands.

Installing a new connecting chain

One of the most common breakdowns is a break in the chain, through which the slats of the blinds are connected.

For repairs, buy in a specialized salon new chain and insert it in place of the old part. Pre-calculate the amount vertical elements and measure their width. Traditionally, blinds are equipped with slats 8.9 and 12.7 cm wide.

Installing a new control chain

This chain breaks quite rarely, but you need to be prepared for such a situation.

First step. Remove the side eaves cover.

Second step. Remove the plastic gear.

Third step. Connected back or put a new chain on the gear and insert it into place.

The connecting lock must be located on the side opposite to the hanging gear. The runners, at the same time, must be in the open state.

Fourth step. Put back the cornice cover.

In vertical blinds, the "shoulder" on the slats quite often breaks. This element connects the fabric to the cornice.

Buy a new "shoulder" in a specialized salon, after specifying the width of your blinds slats.

Remove the damaged product and replace it with a new one. Usually, the “shoulder” is sewn in with a fishing line, however, some manufacturers glue the lamellae together. Be sure to check this point on an individual basis.

There are also blinds in which the “shoulder” can be freely removed and a new product installed in its place. If this is not your case, simply carefully cut the fishing line and sew the whole “shoulder” with ordinary threads.

Installing a new control cord

This cord breaks quite rarely. Much more often, the quality of its fixation simply deteriorates, as a result of which the cord is pulled out of its place.

Before you go to the salon for a new cord, measure the height and width of your blinds. Based on these data, the specialist will be able to calculate the amount of new cord you need.

You can also do the calculation yourself. To do this, multiply the width of the eaves by 2 and add one and a half heights of the blinds to the resulting value. So you calculate the required amount of lace.

Pass the two ends of the new lace through the side eaves cover first, and then through the runners. Lead one cord into the fixation element, and thread the second through the roller. You will find it in the side cover installed opposite to the control mechanism.

Pull the cord back to the fixing element, secure it in the form of a loop and twist it from above using a tool suitable for this (be guided by the situation). When screwing, try not to press too hard, otherwise the product may burst.

Installing new sliders

The most time-consuming option for repairing vertical blinds.

Buy runners and special connecting distances for attaching runners. Select the distances according to the width of the lamellas.

First step. Remove the control cord so that it does not interfere with your work.

Second step. Open the control mechanism.

Third step. Take out the runners.

Fourth step. Move the sliders away from the broken element. Squeeze out or unfasten (according to the situation) the distance and remove the damaged slider.

Fifth step. Set the click distance to the whole slider, fixing the new element in place of the removed product.

Sixth step. Pull the control cord through the sliders.

Seventh step. Insert new runners into the eaves by threading them onto the shaft.

Eighth step. Screw on the shutter control mechanism. At this stage, it is advisable to enlist the support of one assistant - he will hold the shaft, and you will screw the mechanism. Twist carefully, without excessive force, otherwise the mechanism may crack.

Ninth step. Return the control cord to its original position.

Repair completed.

These are all the main breakdowns, with the correction of which you can cope with your own hands. In case of more significant damage, it is better to immediately contact qualified master, otherwise you run the risk of finally breaking your vertical blinds.

Typical malfunctions of horizontal blinds

This section of the manual will be useful to owners of horizontal blinds. Here are some suggestions for fixing the most common problems. Pre-evaluate the front of the upcoming work and decide whether you can handle the planned activities on your own or whether it would be wiser to immediately contact a professional repairman.

Problems with hooks and latches

Very often, in horizontal blinds, the hooks that take part in the rotation of the slats, as well as the lower latches, break.

To solve such a problem, you first need to buy failed spare parts in a specialized store and replace them. Make sure the new latches are the same as the latches on your blinds (they can be small or large diameter).

Dismantle the old hook, and then simply install a new product in its place. To do this, insert a new hook into the hole in the swivel mechanism. Hold the swivel mechanism with one hand, preventing it from rotating, while inserting the hook with the other hand. After that, insert a cane into the new hook.

To replace the lower louvers fasteners, unscrew the broken products and screw new fasteners in their place.

Installing a new cord

Buy new cord according to the size of your blinds. Pre-measure the height and width of the structure. You will tell the consultant of the specialized store these parameters, and he will calculate the required amount of cord.

First step. Remove the remnants of the old lace, if any.

Second step. Thread the new lace through the hoist so that the rope passes between the cylinder and the roller.

Third step. Thread the string through the bottom of the plastic basket where the ladder is attached. At the same time, the rope must be passed between the ladder.

Fourth step. Pull the rope up to the basket, at the same time pulling it along the bottom and running it into the space between the ladders into the cornice hole.

Fifth step. Pull the second rope in the same way as the first, but in this case it must be launched into the closest lamella punching.

Sixth step. Thread the string through the needle and alternately pull it through the slats through the right and left ladders.

Seventh step. Through the bottom of the blinds, pass the needle with the rope through the cap of the ladder and tie the cord into a strong double knot. Do the same with the other end of the rope.

If possible, pull a new cord through the slats in the normal state of the blinds, that is, it is better that they hang on the window during this repair.

Before starting the repair, remember the order in which the parts of the mechanism are placed so that you don’t mix anything up during the reassembly process. You can even take pictures of everything - it will be easier for you to navigate.

First step. Remove the side plugs from the louver cornice, and then remove the shaft from the swivel mechanism. The shaft can be made of plastic or metal.

Second step. Open the edges of the blinds eaves and dismantle the mechanisms for the subsequent installation of new elements.

Third step. Remove the mechanisms from the grooves.

If the lifting mechanism is being repaired, pull out the rope. Untie the hanging ends of the lace (usually they are tied into a knot) or cut (they can also be a single piece). Solder the ends of the rope with a lighter.

Fourth step. Insert the ends of the lace between the rollers of the new mechanism.

Fifth step. Push both ropes into the recesses. At the same time, it is important to make sure that the ropes are not intertwined in the eaves of the blinds.

Sixth step. Connect the mechanisms back. Swivel mechanism place closer to the center of the cornice, while the two antennae should rest against the back edge of the cornice. The lifting mechanism must be placed deep into the eaves so that the laces in the slots also “look” deep into.

Seventh step. Place the connected gears on the ledge. Straighten the ends of the eaves to their original position. When performing this operation, make sure that the hole in the installed mechanism coincides with the shaft. Otherwise, the shaft may simply not pass.

Eighth step. Put back the side covers.

This completes the replacement of the cord.

Thus, with the correction of simple breakdowns of vertical and horizontal blinds, you can easily handle it yourself. However, if you see that the damage is quite serious (not included in the list of problems discussed above), and the blinds are very expensive, it is better to immediately contact the services of professional repairmen. Otherwise, follow the instructions and you'll be fine.

Replacing the horizontal bar

Extremely rare, but sometimes it still breaks horizontal bar, acting as the basis for the entire structure of the blinds. It is impossible to repair this product qualitatively - all the “patches” fail very quickly.

Therefore, the only right decision this problem will be a complete replacement of the mentioned element. The knowledge gained in the previous sections of the manual will help you with this.

First of all, buy or order a new plank of the right size from a specialized store. Next, you need to dismantle all structural elements from the broken crossbar. Remove ropes, slats, internal controls and other components.

Remember, and even better, take a picture of the order in which you disassemble, so that later you can successfully reassemble the blinds.

Try on a new bar in place of the old one. Make sure the dimensions match and proceed with the reassembly of the blinds. Install and secure all structural elements in the reverse order of disassembly. At each stage, check the correct functioning of the system. During the process of dismantling and reassembling the elements, use the instructions given earlier.

Successful work!

Video - Do-it-yourself blinds repair
