Pete Burns: iconic pop singer and "modern-day Frankenstein". Pete Burns: iconic pop singer and "modern Frankenstein" Personal life, sexual orientation

Operation: liposuction.

The 19-year-old Hispanic woman had a bright appearance and a beautiful figure. The girl was noticed by the organizers of one of the beauty contests and invited Katerina as a participant. The beauty did not even suspect that this seemingly happy pass to her cherished dream would become fatal.

Katerina became the winner and, in addition to the crown of the queen, received a cash certificate for the services of a plastic surgeon. At first, the girl wanted to refuse the prize, because until that moment she had not even thought about the fact that she needed conservative appearance adjustments. But the organizers of the competition managed to convince Katerina that she was not beautiful and perfect enough. And if a beauty dreams of conquering the world podium, then a couple of centimeters at the waist will nullify all dreams of glory. Afraid of losing her job and being without lucrative offers and contracts, the girl went for liposuction.

During the operation, the girl had cerebral edema. Katerina died right on the operating table.

Pamela Nismento, 27 years old (Brazil)

Operation: liposuction.

For Brazilian model Pamela Nismento, liposuction has become a familiar and almost banal cosmetic procedure. The girl had already twice got rid of extra centimeters by surgery, so the third trip did not cause Pamela any anxiety or fear.

But during the operation, the unexpected happened: the volume of circulating blood dropped sharply, and against this background, hypovolemic shock occurred. The girl's heart stopped.

Raquel Santos, 28 years old (Brazil)

Operation: correction of nasolabial folds.

Oh those Brazilians! Too much they abuse plastic surgery, trying to prove to the whole world that it is they who should rightfully be considered the owners of the most elastic pop, high busts and ideal faces.

Beauty pageant finalist model Raquel Santos was obsessed with perfect looks. Workouts, diets, and finally the turn came to plastic surgery. Despite her young age, Raquel managed to completely reshape her body: mammoplasty, Brazilian butt lift, lip augmentation. Once again, the beauty decided to slightly correct her face - to remove the nasolabial folds. It would seem that a simple cosmetic operation that lasts only a few minutes and does not require radical surgical intervention.

Literally a few minutes after the procedure, Raquel's heart rate increased and breathing became difficult.

Doctors fought for the patient's life for several hours, but could not save the woman. Raquel is survived by two children.

Most likely, they will try to find out more than once (when they grow up) about the true causes of their mother. After all, there are still many mysteries left in the death of the model. The cause of her death has not yet been clarified.

According to people close to the Santos family, Raquel was obsessed with perfect appearance and practically did not get off the operating table. In addition, she abused illegal drugs in order to increase the activity and endurance of the body before exhausting workouts. The beauty literally drove herself to death ...

Shiril Saturnino, 29 years old (Philippines)

Operation: breast and buttock augmentation, liposuction.

The girl decided to kill three birds with one stone: to do liposuction, mammoplasty and buttock augmentation at the same time. It's amazing how the doctors agreed and went on about the patient! The most difficult operation lasted about 10 hours, and in the last minutes the girl's heart could not stand it. Doctors tried to revive Shiril, but it was too late.

Valerie Castonjou, 25 (Canada)

Operation: correction of the nasal septum.

For more than two years, the girl's parents tried to get to the bottom of the truth and find out what and who were responsible for the death of their beloved daughter. In 2008, Valerie decided to have surgery to correct her nasal septum. Parents were not alarmed by her decision, because the daughter repeatedly complained of discomfort and simply dreamed of getting rid of the defect. The news of Valerie's death sounded like a bolt from the blue for the Castonjo family! According to doctors, the girl died already in the rehabilitation ward, without regaining consciousness after anesthesia.

Only in 2010 did the medical examiner confirm the parents' doubts about the level of professionalism of the plastic surgeon. According to his report, the hose of the oxygen supply was damaged and for some time the girl's body remained without oxygen support. This was enough for irreversible brain damage. According to the expert, brain death occurred at the initial stage of the operation, and perhaps the surgeons knew about it, but tried to hide their negligence. Heartbroken parents sued the clinic.

Ranika Hall, 25 (USA)

Pete Burns, 57 (UK)

Operation: 300 surgical interventions.

The singer died of a heart attack, literally exhausting his body with endless plastic surgeries. And he made 300 of them!

Once upon a time, Pete was quite a nice guy with a rather attractive appearance. He was always characterized by a manner of shocking the audience: having made a coming out, he tried to make his appearance and image as feminine as possible. The obsession with plastic surgery began after a banal operation to fix a broken nose. And then it started! Soon, Pete just stopped looking like a man. The singer himself has repeatedly admitted that he is very sorry about the experiments done with his face and realizes that he has become like a real monster.

By the way, most of the time Pete tried to correct the mistakes of negligent plastic surgeons: some of the operations were extremely unsuccessful, and the star simply dreamed of finding a normal professional doctor.

Operation: liposuction

Bollywood star, Indian actress Aarti Agarwal began to rapidly gain weight due to lung disease. The drugs and course of treatment prescribed by the doctor affected the health and figure of the actress. The once beautiful woman was threatened with obesity, Artie had to leave the cinema, she stopped appearing at social events, embarrassed by her appearance. Wanting to return to her former forms, Agarwal decided on that very ill-fated liposuction. A month after the operation, Artie began to have complications: the girl's heart, exhausted by potent drugs, weight fluctuations and the effects of anesthesia, simply stopped.

A provocative man, a walking advertisement for plastic surgery clinics, an idol for girls and boys who love 80s pop music. Pete Burns is a real legend who left this world without receiving recognition from a conservative society. The life path of the eccentric soloist of the cult group Dead or Alive is ambiguous, it still raises a lot of questions and a flurry of criticism.

Passionate Rebel

The king of enchanting images was born on August 5, 1959 in England. Being a late and long-awaited child, Pete bathed in affection and was brought up as a unique person. For love of freedom and excessive desire for self-expression, he received a kick from school and went to work. First to the hairdresser, then to the local music store, where he acquired the unspoken status of "my boyfriend".

Pete Burns was very fond of music in his youth. Passion and desire to stand out prompted to assemble a goth-punk band Mystery Girls, in the history of which there is only one performance. However, the original young man did not lose his head and by 1980 he had hammered a new group - Dead or Alive, which by 1985 had become extremely popular thanks to the song You Spin Me Round (Like a Record) composed by Pete himself.

Formation and glory

The second project turned out to be much more successful than the first, it brought tremendous success, cosmic record sales and an army of fans. The most interesting thing is that at the peak of their popularity, the musicians did not have much material. The glory, in fact, was brought by the unconditional hit You Spin Me Round (Like a Record), a cover of the immortal track That's the Way (I Like It) with a very frank video and extravagant appearance of the musicians.

In total, the group released 8 studio albums. Pete Burns once tried to perform solo, but could not reach the level of Dead or Alive. No wonder, because the team has become an integral part of the "new wave" of dance music of the 80s. Their tracks constantly accompanied cool parties and were listened to holes by sophisticated musical gourmets. Pete is also known as a freak showman, often appearing on TV and talking about his experiments on appearance.

plastic maniac

Pete Burns before and after operations are two different people. For decades, the attractive gothic youth has turned into an adult man who went under the knife of a plastic surgeon more than three hundred times. The face has changed beyond recognition. Gradually, tattoos and abundant piercings were added. The new look allowed him to shine on the screen wherever possible, and gain even more popularity. Thanks to the cut and punctured along and across the face, Pete was nicknamed the "modern Frankenstein."

It all started with a banal correction of a broken nose, and then grew into a real mania for perfection. Pete Burns himself claimed that many operations only smoothed over the unsuccessful results of the previous ones. Once he went bankrupt and became very ill due to unsuccessful lip correction. The problem brought the guy to depression and suicidal thoughts. Doctors generally advised to amputate the lips, but in the end everything more or less worked out. The musician liked to joke about this topic and said that he was doing plastic surgery instead of makeup and hoped that the Lord would not recognize him in heaven.

Personal life, sexual orientation

Pete Burns, despite public speculation, was not gay. The musician was by nature bisexual. First, he married Lynn Corlett, whom he met at his first job - in a hairdresser. The couple often appeared together in society and on the set. In 2006, after a quarter of a century of marriage, Pete broke up with his wife and switched to the male sex, having a large-scale and TV-covered wedding with Michael Simpson.

At the same time, he participates in the popular TV show "Big Brother with the Stars", intending to win a large sum of money. There, the singer behaves scandalously, makes enemies and, of course, shocks with his appearance. Once he boasted of a fur coat made from the skin of a rare primate, because of which he later sued and fought off animal rights activists. Then the fame of the eccentric freak reached an incredible level, and relatives and friends were extremely concerned about his safety.

Character and beliefs

Pete's appearance fully corresponded to his state of mind. He did not hesitate to stand out both in appearance and violent, but fair character. Some admired him, some felt disgust, just seeing Pete Burns in the photo in the latest issue of the next "yellow" magazine. He was a brawler and a freak, riveted the attention of the press, admirers and admirers, homophobes, religious people, and so on ad infinitum.

People who closely communicated with the singer speak of him as a good person, amazing and beautiful in his own way. He did not lose his uniqueness in the least and showed without a shadow of embarrassment that one must live as the heart requires. Pete Burns hated branding people, resisted damaging stereotypes, and proudly declared to anyone offended, "I don't care much about specs. I'm just Pete."


The genius pop culture figure left this world on October 23, 2016. The sad news came from manager Pete's Twitter account, it was there that a record of the death of one of the most outrageous kings of the scene appeared. The official Dead or Alive community has published information that the frontman was a wonderful person during his lifetime and left behind a lot of amazing memories. Everyone was shocked - from young fans to heartbroken relatives.

The official cause of death was cardiac arrest. The tragedy happened in the musician's house when he was 57 years old. Not only loved ones mourned, but also colleagues in the musical craft. A lot of celebrity condolence responses appeared on the Web - few could miss the icon's death. "Modern Frankenstein" was buried in his native land, in London, and his cult hits now sing twice as loudly.
