About signs, rituals and rules during the move to a new apartment. Moving to another apartment. my repeated experience of moving (packing things and furniture) to another apartment, city, country Entering the purchased apartment signs

“The Russian move is pointless and merciless,” my friend stated, trying to cram three ficuses, a half-sleeping bed and a cage with a hamster into one Daewoo Matiz. However, turn the move from natural disaster in brilliant victory over chaos is not so difficult.

It's good to be a kitty, it's good to be a dog... a wandering monk, a street musician, a gypsy Aza and someone else, just as delightfully homeless... that is, free. Move - I don't want to!

No bales, pots and antique dumplings for you, I took a knapsack, girded myself and went (kisa and the dog in this regard are generally raspberries).

Of course, even in a secular society, some people manage to flutter around rented apartments for years without overgrowing extra things, oversized household appliances, pets and flowers in tubs. But we, what are we to do? Ordinary mortals who fell under the influence of the consumer society? There is only one thing left: the system.

Preliminary valuation of property upon moving

The very first thing is to carefully examine and determine what and in what order you will prepare for the move. Namely:

carefully shake all the cupboards, pantries and mezzanines and throw away everything that you definitely don’t need anymore: chipped cups, scanword files, memorable notes that have been gathering dust in the closet since the third year, half-dead houseplants and broken gadgets - it is necessary to get rid of trash BEFORE moving, and not in the process, and even more so not after.

How to move to a new apartment: useful tips

Make a list of things that you will pack first: warm clothes and shoes in summer, as well as things that you rarely use.

Take care in advance to find a professional carrier, rely on the fact that friends in a sedan can handle things in two or three calls, you should be careful: these same two or three calls through busy city traffic can easily stretch for a whole day.

Bulky things do not fit in the passenger car, and volunteers often fail. Custom "Gazelle" will not cost too much, but it will save your nerves and time, moreover, two or four loaders are usually attached to the car.

The best option for moving around Moscow with an average amount of things, as practice shows, is one truck plus one passenger car, in which you can put all the most valuable things. The most important thing is yourself.

How to properly pack

We put together what is left after the general cleaning. Have you used the baggage wrapping service at the airport? polyethylene film that protects bags and suitcases? This film is sold in building markets and is inexpensive. A few meters - and the transportation of a double mattress is no longer a nightmare.

It's hard to believe, but the "pimple" cellophane was invented not to burst bubbles on it, but for cases when it is necessary to protect it from damage. household appliances and hard furniture. It is also useful for packing dishes (if you are too lazy to pack each plate, put them in piles and wrap them in polyethylene).

Soft things (clothing, bags, blankets) seal in vacuum bags. An option is ordinary garbage bags: pack, release the air and carefully wrap each bag with tape.

Transport flowers in pots cardboard boxes. You can buy them, or you can get them for free in a stall near the house: for your favorite customers, helpful sellers will not regret it. We continue to master the science of how to move to new apartment.

Small boxes with the same type of cargo, such as shoes, are more convenient to load by packing in one large box. You can also load individual bags with clothes, towels and blankets into large boxes.

After disassembling the furniture, put the screws and dowels in your purse (or cosmetic bag). It is better to sort the cogs - separately from the bed, separately from computer table. Take your handbag in your "hand luggage" - then in a new place you will quickly assemble the furniture again. In order not to accidentally put the refrigerator on top of a fragile Chinese service, be sure to sign the boxes.

In what order to ship things

Usually, experienced movers know in what order to load things when moving and put them in the car, but control will not hurt. First of all, we load dimensional things. When transporting, you should get a kind of pyramid, at the base of which is the heaviest and most stable, and on top are light trifles.

Do not transport plants and fragile things in a truck, it is better to load boxes and packages with them into a passenger car. Leave an empty bag (the size of a sports bag) on ​​the day of the move. In it you will pack the essentials: cosmetics, hair dryer, bath accessories and home clothes.

Firm selection

Interview your friends: everyone moves, which means that someone may have a phone number of a reliable company. It’s good if furniture assemblers and packers work in their staff, and there is a clear price list for each service. Be sure to find out how the payment for services takes place, whether the company issues checks, whether it concludes a contract. Do not be lazy to "break through" on forums and blogs reviews about the activities of the company.

I chat household chemicals leave it to the new owners or neighbors. A half-empty bottle can leak and ruin things. Bored things and furniture - if the owners do not mind. It might be useful for new tenants. I also eat from the refrigerator - even if you have 20 kg of dumplings and a case of soda. Dumplings will defrost, and soda can explode from rolling. Invite friends before moving: they will help to capitalize stocks.

clean up after yourself

The house after the removal of things is like a dirty orphan. Taking care of him is good form and good omen. And therefore: collect scraps of packaging, pieces of paper and vials from under valerian; walk around the apartment with a vacuum cleaner (do not pack it first!); wipe the stove, window sills and tables with a damp cloth; turn off the water pipes and gas.

Leave receipts for payment for services, documents for the equipment that remains, keys and something from yourself, such as a box of chocolates, if your communication was pleasant.

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Tips for organizing your move:

What is the best way to transport large household appliances:

Moving to a new place of residence is always an important event, even when it comes to temporary housing. Everyone wants that with the change of apartment, all troubles are left behind, and happiness and prosperity settle at a new address, so many are interested in the question of when it is better to move to a new apartment in 2017 and in subsequent years, and how best to furnish the move to lure good luck .

Moving to a new apartment from an old one - how to do it

If you do not know what to do when moving to a new apartment, then take into account the numerous popular beliefs.

You need to start the correct move to a new apartment at the old place of housing. To do this, do the following:

  • carry out a complete cleaning, pack the necessary, and throw away unnecessary items, do not leave things in the wrong hands that can be slandered or cursed;
  • before leaving, sprinkle a little change in the apartment as a token of gratitude and so that new tenants remember you with pleasure;
  • if the whole family moves to a new apartment, then an old broom is taken with it, with the wish that the brownie, kind and benevolent to the family, move to new house if relatives remain in the house, this is not necessary;
  • you should not take an old broom if you move to an apartment where people used to live, as there should already be a good spirit there.

Signs when moving to a new home state that when you first visit a new home, you cannot enter the premises with empty handed, it is advisable to immediately bring in some thing, for example, a stool.

Before the family moves out completely, the house needs to be cleared out. To do this, it is repaired or fully cleaned, and all surfaces are washed with salted water, washing away all the unfavorable aura and possible misfortunes.

Tips for moving to a new apartment

There are numerous traditions of moving to a new apartment that relate directly to the process of moving.

Much attention is paid to who will be the first to step over the threshold. Recommendations and rituals when moving to a new apartment are different - the oldest person in the family, a cat (own and preferably black), a dog. Since not every family has a cat, and it is not recommended to take someone else, today this sign has been simplified to bringing a figurine of a black cat or dog into the apartment. In the future, it is left as a talisman.

Immediately after the move, it is necessary to perform the following rituals when moving to a new apartment:

  • remove all old mirrors, as this is the most energetically charged object in any room;
  • ignite in different rooms fire (put candles or walk with a burning lighter), since fire, like water, perfectly cleans the space;
  • put a saucer with milk, porridge or sweets on the floor to attract and please the brownie;
  • open windows and drain taps to attract all the elements to your side;
  • arrange a small feast for all those involved in the move.

In order to have time to complete the move and the accompanying ceremonies, start it well before the evening. The cargo taxi company Gazelkin accepts orders for transfers at any time of the day or week.

When is it better to move to a new apartment according to the lunar calendar and other signs

There are many rules for determining which day to move into a new apartment, including lunar calendar, day of the week, feng shui, and so on.

The most difficult thing is to figure out which moon to move to a new apartment. To do this, there are special lunar calendars for moving for each year and month. To find out when it is better to move in November, it is enough to find favorable dates in this month according to the calendar.

The creators of horoscopes claim that:

  • moving to a growing moon in a new apartment will be favorable, especially if its position corresponds to Taurus or Aquarius,
  • not recommended when the Moon is transiting Pisces, Leo, Scorpio or Cancer.
  • Moving to a new apartment on a new moon is considered neutral for newcomers;
  • The most unfavorable will be moving to a new apartment on the full moon or on the days of a solar eclipse.

FROM lunar calendar related rules for determining what time of year is best to move. Autumn is considered the most favorable season, and the day for moving to a new house is Semyonov's holiday on September 14 is especially recommended. It is recommended to delay the summer move until the first days of autumn if possible.

Exist certain rules on which day of the week it is better to move, and when not to do it:

  • Monday and Friday are not recommended as the heaviest days.
  • Wednesday is suitable for moving to temporary housing, as it is believed that people who moved on this day do not stay in place for a long time. Use this sign if you do not like the apartment and want to find something more worthy.
  • Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday are the most auspicious days to move to a new apartment, as these are days of happy change.

Sunday is the best day to move to a new apartment for those who devote this day to rest, and all the hassle of moving will be assigned to others, for example, to the Gazelkin truck taxi company.

It is advisable to study the calendar of moving to a new house in advance in order not only to determine suitable date, but also to collect things, arrange a day off for yourself and order a cargo taxi for a specific time.

Moving to a new house - gifts and guests

If the question of when you can move into a new apartment is resolved, then it's time to start inviting guests.

housewarming with large quantity guests and plentiful treats do not have to be arranged immediately. First arrange the furniture, put the house in order, and then appoint a holiday.

Customs when moving to a new apartment also apply to gifts put on housewarming. Modern unspoken rules determine that new settlers themselves determine what gifts they expect from guests. When determining the list, be guided in equal shares by practical benefits and auspicious signs that recommend:

  • all items that can be filled with water - dishes, vases, an aquarium, as a wish for a long life;
  • a symbol of well-being - a table, as well as other objects with a flat surface, for example, dishes, trays;
  • as a wish for wealth - items made of wool, or its analogues, such as blankets, rugs, rugs.

In addition to favorable gifts, traditions establish a number of prohibitions that are also worth remembering and observing:

  • Do not allow bedding as a gift, as it is too personal an item that only close family members should choose.
  • Do not bring sharp objects. If they offer a set of knives, then do not accept it as a gift, but give a bill or a few coins for it, i.e. convert the donation into a purchase.
  • Do not invite people you don't like to a housewarming party, even if they are relatives.

Compliance with folk rituals and competent organization of the move is the main guarantee of a successful solution to the issue of new housing.

Additional help for those who are planning to move to a new apartment are the signs and the rules they dictate. Today they are not listened to, but when this is not done, there is a possibility of incurring trouble. Ancestors paid such attention. Let's look at the traditions associated with the move.

In the article:

Moving to a new apartment - beliefs

When they moved, the ancestors must. Do not take it with you - he will suffer, howl at night and interfere with new owners.

When a part of the family remains in the old place, it is not taken away. Others lived in the new one before, there is a brownie in it, and it is important to make friends with him. When a dwelling is new and recently built, a good spirit is invited into it.

The old broom is taken with him. There are two reasons for this. The first - a brownie is hiding under it. The second is that strong damage is brought to the broom.

When they leave the old place, they leave coins so that the new owners have prosperity. And so that one would wait for new settlers - what you wish for another, you will receive yourself. Before settling, they also throw coins on the floor for a secure life.

Relatives not busy transporting things kneaded the dough in the old place. And they baked bread in a new house.

In the past, it was believed that whoever entered a new house first would die. So he makes a sacrifice for the well-being of new tenants and their long service life. Therefore, the older members of the family were the first to enter. Then they started to let the cat into the house first. A cat, not a cat. Black. It won't do him any harm. It was believed that the lamb for your evil spirits would not offend.

Watch where the cat lies, what places he chooses to sleep and rest. They put beds or a cradle for a child there. They choose favorable places in the house and bypass the negative ones. Now not everyone keeps cats, so the figurine depicting black cats is the first to enter the house. They stand near the door and protect the house from evil spirits.

After did general cleaning premises. Salt was added to the water for purification.

In the villages, even today, before moving to a new home, a rooster is launched into it for the night. In the morning, by crowing, he drives out all evil spirit that settled in the house. And then a jelly is prepared from the bird and served to guests for housewarming. The rooster is considered a symbol of wealth and fertility.

The corners of the new house were smeared with honey to live sweetly.

They fumigated with wormwood, juniper or other herbs with cleansing and non-flaming properties. They also cleaned the room with candles and special prayers. "Our Father" - universal, suitable for any situation.

Signs about moving to a new house - feng shui

Feng Shui experts believe that it is important to choose the right date when you want to move out to a new home. To make things easier, there is a . It is better to move in one day, so as not to return to the old place. But not in the evening.

The teaching does not advise tenants to take things out of the old house on their own. Ask relatives or hire movers.

And those who are going to live in it should bring the acquired good into the new apartment. This is not entirely feasible, but it is important to participate.

Valuable items are brought into the house first. It will bring wealth and prosperity.

Do not leave old housing dirty. Be sure to clean it up before moving into a new home. This expresses gratitude to the old for warmth and comfort, which will allow you to live in a pleasant atmosphere at the new address. Say goodbye, say thank you for the years of caring out loud, take the good memories with you, and release the negative ones.

There is another reason for cleaning in an old apartment, but it has nothing to do with feng shui. Ancestors believed that damage was done to garbage. Not necessarily on purpose, negative words and emotions also matter. No one will be happy when they see dirt in a new home, and they certainly won’t thank the previous owners for it. For this reason, minor problems such as leaking taps are also eliminated.

Clearing a new place to live - milestone moving. Open the windows to let in fresh air, and then briefly all the taps in the bathroom and kitchen. Turn on the lights in every room, turn on any pleasant music and put the kettle on the stove to drink tea for the first time in this house.

housewarming tips

Ancestors arranged two holidays of entrances. The first was a festive dinner for all the residents of the new house, and the second invited guests and accepted gifts.

The first celebration is now celebrated simply - simple dishes are prepared in advance and champagne is opened after settling. When the celebration is over, they treat the brownie with what is on the table. Do not forget that he does not like meat and eggs.

When all the questions related to the arrangement of the apartment, decide, call the guests and arrange a feast. Fun gatherings with friends and relatives attract positive energy. It’s good when children’s laughter sounds during housewarming.

When guests sit at a generous table, and the people in this house will live in abundance. A beautifully decorated table with a clean tablecloth and "ceremonial" dishes portends. At the feast, they talk about pleasant things, do not discuss things and phenomena of a negative nature.

In the center of the table they put a towel with embroidery of red and green flowers, and on it is a loaf. It is decorated with sprigs of mountain ash, viburnum or other berries that grow in the region where you live.

Each incoming guest throws a coin over the threshold, inside the house. This rain of money attracts the energy of gaining material wealth and career growth. It's good when the owners get under it.

When the invitees disperse, instead of saying goodbye, they say:

Peace to your home!

Try not to turn housewarming into a banal booze, it will not bring anything positive. Take a tour of the new house, exchange experience in repairing and buying furniture, arrange dances and hold interesting competitions for friends. Do not forget about kind words and about having a pleasant time for you and your guests.

What to give for housewarming - signs

Signs agree on what to give for a housewarming - almost everything except money. When they are handed over, need can be called into the house.

Sharp objects are unwanted gifts. As in all other cases (when receiving such a birthday present), give small money in return. Do not give watches and mirrors.

There are things that are great for a housewarming gift. In the past, spoons, mugs and pots were given with the wishes of satiety and prosperity. Now a service is appropriate, a set of glasses, pots or pans, or appliances - a blender or a food processor.

With such wishes, tables were also given in the old days. Not necessarily lunch, coffee or special for breakfast in bed is suitable.

A magnificent gift to new settlers - a horseshoe. Choose a stylishly designed one and it will become a talisman that attracts good luck and decoration of the hallway.

Ancestors gave sheep wool with the wishes of wealth. Now - blankets, blankets and pillows - good analogues of natural sheep wool. But it is undesirable to give bed linen, it is believed that those who will sleep on it choose it. Fire symbolizes warmth and wealth, which makes heaters, electronic fireplaces, lamps and candles good options for presenting to newcomers.

Are fond of Chinese teachings - give

Strong rituals when moving to a new apartment

When the settlement is to be, a person is visited by mixed feelings - this is the joy of waiting for something new, but also sadness for the familiar, beloved old. Moving to a new place is like starting from scratch and everyone wants to do it right. Rituals when moving to a new apartment or house are an important, integral stage of this business.

Rituals when moving to a new apartment or house

Since ancient times, our ancestors used unusual rituals when moving, learned to read signs in order to protect housing from enemies, to attract happiness and joy to a new home. Many centuries later, the customs remain relevant. When preparing for resettlement, it is important that the mood is positive, the intentions are pure. The future life in a new place depends on it.

Preparatory stage before moving

When inspecting an apartment or house, before you move into it, you need to fully inspect it. If holes, cracks, cracks are found, they must be plastered before the move takes place. It is believed that the energy of the owner of the house leaves through the holes. Check plumbing. Taps, pipes must be intact, without cracks, as finances go through the crack. Old things, broken plates, cups from former home, you should not take it to a new home, it promises failure. An exception may be things that are dear to the heart.

A brownie in an old apartment can move with the owner to a new one. But, if the former brownie is not satisfied, you can get a new keeper hearth. According to the rules of transportation, furniture, kitchen utensils must be brought in first to a new place, so it is worth preparing this the day before the move. On the evening before the move, you need to knead the dough, while reading a prayer to God for a good life in a new place.

“Soon we are moving, and we are leaving here. Dough, take the insults at home, persuade us to forgive. We're moving to a new world, I'll make a feast out of you. Bring us good luck so that the budget is full of zlotys. Our home is your home. Amen".

Then soak any cereal overnight in water, with a ratio of 1:1. Light a thick church candle. It should burn no more than 5 minutes, then it must be extinguished, leaving the next day for the second stage of the ritual. You will also need a charm or icon.

On the day of the move

Rinse next morning running water cereal that has been soaked overnight. Take all the ingredients for the ritual with you to your new home. You also need to prepare: matches or a lighter, a broom, indoor flower, a napkin or paper towel, nails, a hammer, a juniper branch, a plate intended for a new brownie, if the old one remains in the old apartment.

Before bringing things into the apartment, it is necessary to acquaint the Brownie with the apartment, if he was taken. To do this, pour sweets into a plate and put in the kitchen. You need to read the following text:

“Come, Brownie, into your new house, from now on you will live in it. From now on, you will protect him, the house is the most important thing for you.

If the settlement is carried out in an apartment, and not in a private house, you need to invite your relatives who can come. Having gathered at the entrance, go in in turn, starting with the oldest, ending with the youngest. In front of the door of the apartment, the owner takes out a flower and passes it to the first incoming person. The flower should "enter" first into the house. Attention! In no case should you step on the threshold, this can set the whole apartment against you. The flower must be placed by the window in the hall or guest room. For the first time entering the house, there is a custom - to make a wish. It will surely come true. When everyone entered the apartment, the hostess sprinkles salt over the threshold, along it. This is a kind of protection from evil spirits. First of all, go to the kitchen and hang a charm or icon on the wall.

Rite of passage

“I light a candle in a new home, I want to wish the House happiness. I leave a green bouquet on the table, I wish prosperity in our family. The amulet on the wall is already nailed, it will save us from the evil eye and damage. We want to live in peace and tranquility, without other people's spirits, enemies and malice. Amen".

While a prayer is being read by one person, the other must do what the text says. “I light a candle” - you need to light a candle that has been prepared in advance by placing it on the windowsill in the kitchen, “I leave a green bouquet on the table” - put a sprig of juniper on kitchen table, “the amulet on the wall is already nailed” - nothing needs to be done here, since it was hung in advance, the only thing is that during these words it is necessary to cross the icon or amulet.

After that, you need to take a new broom, and sweep the floor from the entrance to the kitchen to the window. Put in the corner of the kitchen, and next to place the old one, brought from the previous housing. It is believed that a broom is the brownie's transport, so the old broom should stand next to the new one for at least 3 weeks, until the brownie gets used to the new one. Juniper divided into as many parts as there are rooms in the apartment, including a bathroom, balcony, hallway. Leave a piece of juniper in the corner of each room. During the ceremony, none of those who entered the apartment leave it until the ceremony is completed. Next, sweep the salt with a new broom before entering the dwelling, and wash it under running water.

Actions after the ceremony

Now you can bring furniture and other kitchen utensils into the kitchen. When the kitchen is full and ready to cook, the hostess prepares pies or bread from the dough made in the old house. Make porridge from cereals. Thus, well-being and prosperity are invited to the house. When the bread is ready, put two pieces on a brownie plate. One for the brought brownie, the other for the one that the former owners could leave.

You need to say the following:

“The brownie of this house, I’m sorry, but you have to leave. You don't live here anymore, you'll find a new home. Please don't be offended, but you can't stay here. I wish you good luck, accept this as a gift and goodbye. Amen".

When all the food is ready, everyone who is involved in the move, drop their business and go to the table.

Tips for moving to a new home.

Moving, signs and customs.

Moving, signs and customs.

Rules for moving to a new home / Rituals and signs pr

Rules for moving into a new home

There are certain nuances that experienced professionals recommend following when moving.

  1. Relatives should be invited to the housewarming party. Allowed best friends. The main thing is that there should not be more than 10 guests.
  2. All rituals and ceremonies when moving must be performed strictly in turn, as written. Otherwise, the house will not accept the owners, and they will be perceived as guests.
  3. Need to move to good mood, and all rituals should be with positive thoughts.
  4. It is forbidden to swear on the day of settlement.
  5. If there is furniture from the former owners, and there is nowhere to put it, then you can’t leave it. The energy of the former is useless. Donate to charity, sell or recycle.
  6. If a cat was let into the apartment before moving in and she was frightened, it is worth cleaning. To do this, you need to call the priest to bless the house.

If children are walking around the future home, for a childless family, this means replenishment. folk method admission of a cat the day before the settlement says: if the animal behaves wildly, then it is in the house evil spirits if it is calm, then there is no otherworldly force here. On the first day of settlement, seeing a neighbor's man means that the family will be friends with neighbors, if a woman, then they will gossip behind her back.

Bad weather on the day of arrival means that there will be minor problems with the apartment of various nature. Signs say that if they knock on the door, there will be a quiet life, and if they ring the doorbell, then there will be no salvation from the neighbors - they will be frequent guests of this house. Nevertheless, you should not take signs to heart, and also worry about whether the move was correct. The main thing is that the thoughts are disinterested, and the intentions are sincere. And in case of any misunderstanding, if you believe in omens, you can always adopt effective rituals. The main thing is to follow all the rules.

About signs, rituals and rules when moving to a new apartment

Signs when moving to a new apartment must be considered during this important event. Many people don't even remember them. They will not require much time, but their consequences will have a beneficial effect on your new home. You will live more comfortably and calmly. We will remind you of these simple actions.

Preparing to move

  • It is necessary to properly say goodbye to the old housing. It is important to thank him for the years he lived within its walls and show him due respect. Before you leave it forever, put things in order there. Wash floors, windows, and everything you can. On boxes and other packaging for things you need to draw crosses. This will serve as their protection against loss during the move.
  • Things that you think will be superfluous in a new apartment, you do not need to take with you. You need to get rid of them in advance. Thus, you will provide yourself with the beginning of a new life. Old and unnecessary things are a symbol of the past, which will no longer be a burden for you.

Ritual of farewell to old housing

On the eve of the move, you need to cook a pie and eat it all with the household in the old apartment. You can't take leftovers with you. If life was not easy for you there, make the cake salty. With a good life - it should be sweet.

Signs and rituals for housewarming

  • There is a rule - when moving to a new home, you need to take with you a brownie who has lived with you for many years.
  • There are several options for this. One of them is to perform an action with a broom from old apartment. Just take it with you when you move. Thus, your spirit of the house and his and the protector will also move to a new home. If in household there was no broom, proceed in the following way. Take a small box and put some soft things in it, you can stuff it with scraps of fabric. Put her off for a while front door and the brownie “will settle in it. Take the box with you and you can be sure that the brownie has also moved.
  • During the move, at the entrance to a new apartment, the cat must be the first to let it in. The place he chooses to stay is the most appropriate place for the bed. At the same time, it is necessary to take into account that the cat meets the requirements of this folk sign. He must be a cat, not a cat. But the thing is, not everyone has cats. In this case, it is not recommended to use a dog instead of a cat. It serves to protect housing and should not be the first to cross the threshold. The dog should enter the new apartment last. It is not necessary for anyone to pass ahead of the cat. Wait until he gets comfortable and dares to enter anyway. Behind him come all the other newcomers.
  • Following this, immediately “feed” the brownie. You can put a container of milk. This is done so that he does not consider you greedy and does not go to live with other more generous owners. After that, you can start wet cleaning and sorting out things.
  • Wet cleaning is an important ritual when moving. It must be done in all areas of the apartment. This does not depend on the cleanliness of the home. Even if it's perfectly clean. This saves the home from bad energy. She might have gathered in it before you moved in.
  • When entering a new dwelling, scatter coins on the floor. It would be better if they were precious metal. This ritual will attract material well-being to the house.
  • Get a new broom, horseshoe and St. John's wort in advance. Put the broom in the corner at the front door, and above it, strengthen the horseshoe with the horns down. Grass in bags can be hung in several secluded places. Such a kit will help protect the apartment from an unclean spirit and ill-wishers.
  • It is good to choose a place where you could place icons, talismans, amulets.
  • As you unpack the boxes and tidy up your new home, prepare some treats. Now it's time to call friends, neighbors to celebrate housewarming.
  • Put banknotes on the table under the tablecloth. This is for the well-being of the family and for attracting new honest friends.
  • If you follow all these rules, you can calm down. At your new place of residence you will be accompanied by family happiness, all life's difficulties will pass you by.
  1. If you did not take a brownie with you from the old dwelling. As soon as the new moon comes and when the moon is visible to you, you need to loudly call him through the open window: “Brownie - brownie, come home soon. You will live with us, and we will love you.”
  2. In a new apartment, conduct a rite of consecration. To do this, light church candle and go around all the rooms and corners, while reading the prayer “Our Father”.
  3. Incense well rid the apartment of negative energy. You can light incense sticks and place them in all rooms. Their smoke will attract positive energy.
  4. A great sign if the move occurs when it snows or rains. This is a sign from above that a happy life awaits you in a new apartment.
  5. When disassembling things in a new apartment, if there are broken or cracked dishes, you need to get rid of them immediately. It can become a source of unhappiness.
  6. For new housing, it is necessary to make brand new purchases. It can be something from dishes, towels or curtains. This will bring you good luck.
  1. According to folklore better days for this Saturday and Tuesday. They portend a successful and calm move.
  2. Thursday is a neutral day, also good for this.
  3. Sunday is considered God's day. It serves for recreation.
  4. The rest of the days will be unfavorable for the move.

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A prayer that is read when moving to a new home in order to live well in a new place

The prayer that is read when moving to a new home in order to live well in a new place:

Before you move out of the old house, put things in order and take out all the garbage, throw out the old things so that nothing of yours is left in the old house. Do not forget to take your brownie with you, if you have a cat, then let it into the house first, be sure to bring bread and salt into the house before bringing your things, and only then bring things in. It is better to move to new moon and in clear and sunny weather, the best days for this are Thursday and Friday. And in a new place, all seven members read a prayer for a new home:

"God our Savior, deigning to enter under the shadow of Zacchaeus and be saved to that and to all that house, You yourself and now live here, who have desired and us, unworthy of prayer to You and prayer bringing from all harm, keep unharmed, blessing those here, dwelling and hated those belly save. Amen."

Important, interesting folk signs and rituals when moving to a new place of residence

The experience of generations tells us about the existence of important rituals and signs. When you change your place of residence, the influence of signs and beliefs can be especially pronounced. Moving to a new apartment is a global change, and change has no stability. Therefore, it is during this time period that it is worth directing your attention to the wisdom of the people - signs. Here are the most important signs and beliefs that it is desirable to take into account all new settlers.

Evaluation of a new place by external factors:

  1. Must be carefully studied environment and the location of the new house or apartment. Sharpen your eyes on the bird community. If there is a nest of birds on the roof or under the roof of a new house, then this is a clear sign of a happy and peaceful place. Birds will never breed their chicks in a place with a black aura or dark energy.
  2. If there are a lot of crows in the area and you see that they are not just staying in this place, but are constantly, then this is very difficult. sure sign. Hearing the frequent cawing of crows in the yard can bring sickness and decay into the house. Of course, there are no evil or good birds, but a crow is a mystical, special bird, and far from always bringing good luck.
  3. Another external beacon nice place- future neighbors. Well-being often has an extensive radius of influence. Living nearby should radiate calm and positive. If there are many asocial families and people among the neighbors, then most likely this territory does not have a bright energy background.

The internal characteristics of the premises - who and what lives in the house?

white spider

If you entered a new apartment and saw a white spider on the ceiling or walls, then do not rush to reprisal. According to old folk signs, this albino brings happiness and the possibility of a pleasant event to the house. If he was in the intended room of the bedroom, then this promises lasting harmony in the relationship between the spouses.

These insects signify with their presence a happy place and good energy. Of course, they cause trouble to people with their appearance in the apartment, but ants live only in bright places.

But if a beetle crawls or flies in the house, especially a large one, this is a sure sign of future misfortune and loss. The sign is sad, therefore, if you see such a sign before purchasing an apartment or house, then it is better to think carefully again. If this house has already been bought, then in no case should you kill the bug. Catch the unkind messenger and release. Let the beetle pick up and carry away its sadness.

black mold

Not always black mold happens only from dampness in the room. Often it symbolizes the presence of unkind and oppressive energy in the home. Moving to a new apartment is worth postponing, cleaning everything thoroughly and performing some of the rituals described below in this article.

Dear lamb

If there was always order and cleanliness at the old place of residence, things were not often lost, and at night no one knocked, rustled, frightening the inhabitants of the house, then this educated brownie should certainly be taken with you.

Our ancestors highly respected this private and powerful neighbor. It was he who guarded the home from intruders, fires and accidents, especially with infants.

Before moving, a small neighbor needs to be lured with milk and a bright box of any shape. Put an open box next to the milk that was poured into the brownie in a saucer. It is advisable to put a teaspoon in the box, not new, but which has been used in the family for some time. Leave it all for the night, and in the morning it will be possible to transport your keeper. In a new apartment, you need to open the box, leave it in this position for an hour, and you yourself need to leave so as not to interfere with the brownie to calmly go out and find a place to your liking.

The cat is an assistant brownie. If you have a cat, be sure to let it into the house first when you move. She will help the brownie to find his comfortable corner. Our ancestors did not enter a new home first. According to folk signs, only a cat had a similar privilege.

Login and create your life

A folk sign says that to attract prosperity and good work on the door of a new house, you need to attach the smallest coin, and for big and small luck, you need to hang a horseshoe over the door. True, there is one caveat - a horseshoe cannot be bought or accepted as a gift. It can only be found. Only in this case it will be filled with your luck and will radiate it constantly.

It is better to enter a new place of residence in order of seniority. Order and respect - harmony in the head, in thoughts, which means order in the whole environment.

It is better not to enter your house empty-handed for the first time. You can bring with you flowering plant. A flower brought on the day of moving will attract the energy of the sun and rebirth.

Our grandparents were sure that the threshold in the house is an important place associated with the energy of the ancestors. Means, great solution will wash it thoroughly when moving significant place in the apartment. Try not to trip on the threshold when entering a new home. A popular sign tells us clearly - this is a bad sign. A piece of mesh can be placed under the threshold or under the threshold cover. It can be any mesh, but only from threads. It is believed that dark evil person who thinks or plans evil can never bring it to pass in your house. Having stepped over the threshold with the grid, he will instantly lose his strength, and his thoughts will begin to get confused. You can even see this effect later, noticing that your guest has no strength at all, and his words are often meaningless and overly frank.

Sprinkle the corners in the new house with coarse salt - old omen. Salt has always been considered a special substance, which was often used by sorcerers in creating amulets and protective spells. Leave the salt in the corners for an hour or two, and then mop the floors throughout the house. Salt will take away everything bad and impure.

Of course, the most important thing when moving to a new apartment will be the ritual of reading a prayer. This should be done calmly, without fuss. Enter the apartment with the icon, place it in the central corner, and then carefully read the words of the prayer. It is desirable to leave the icon in this place forever. Cross over after all corners and windows, moving clockwise.

We take with us only happiness

There are things that, according to the customs of the people, should not be kept in an apartment:

  1. Reeds.
  2. Bird feathers.
  3. Remnants.
  4. Dry leaves or flowers.
  5. Old clothes, and especially the clothes of dead people.
  6. Dishes with cracks and chips.
  7. Photos with defects and creases.
  8. Old broom.
  9. Horns and stuffed animals.

Keeping these things in the house is not recommended, and taking them with you to a new home is doubly wrong. Such care and affection for these things only strengthens them. negative action on those around you. Moving to a new place is a great reason to leave everything unnecessary and harmful outside the new life.

Who lives in the house and how?

No need to break the atmosphere of the new place with foul language or scandal, especially on the first day of the move. You need to start with a positive, because a good and correct backlog promises great success in the future.

It is better to bring a piece of sugar, a handful of beans or peas with you. According to tradition, sugar symbolizes pleasure, and legumes symbolize financial well-being, therefore, let them lie down for a day on the windowsill.

It will be very useful in advance, before moving, to prepare small bunches of wormwood, tying them with red threads. This plant has magic power and is able to exorcise dark spirits and entities. You can even set fire to a sprig of sagebrush and let it smolder, spreading protective smoke throughout your new home.

And when the main things fall into place, it will be useful to prepare a festive lunch or dinner. It would be right to serve pies that were already cooked in the new apartment. This will consolidate a positive acquaintance with the new energy and set the vibrations in a major way.

Do not say goodbye to the old house negatively, do not say bad words about it, do not remember grief and pain - ingratitude is always punishable. Even if life in the old place was not very sweet, then you need to appreciate the good and thank you for the lessons, the obstacles that tempered and strengthened you.

Weather forecast for future life

Try to move into a new house or apartment in good weather. Folk signs mark the connection of weather with further life in a new place:

  • The sun promises joy and success.
  • Rainbow - good health or miraculous healing in a new place.
  • Light rain - monetary success.
  • Heavy rain - life in a new house will make you shed tears quite often.
  • Lightning - a bright and emotional personal life.
  • Thunder and lightning - regular and very large scandals, disagreements in a new place.

It is not necessary when moving to follow absolutely all the recommendations and take into account all the signs of the people. Sometimes it is enough to carefully listen to your inner world and determine for yourself closer options for rituals or necessary actions.

Folk signs and traditions, formed over centuries of observation, help to gain well-being and health. Ignore the ancient rituals or listen to the intuition of the people - the individual choice of each. But why not think about them, what if they give a real opportunity to protect yourself, your family, to start your successful future in a new apartment, and maybe life.

Moving to a new apartment or a new house - someone has been waiting for this for many years, and someone moves quite quickly.

Everyone has their own reasons for changing their place of residence, but one rule is indisputable and unconditional: moving and changing housing is new page in life, expectation of positive changes and in general happy event. There is an opportunity to make the place where you live cozier, brighter. If there are children in the family, then the expansion of the area is often associated with the possibility of arranging a children's room, etc.

Rules and traditions

Of course, moving to another apartment is a kind of magical ritual that is associated with certain folk omens and customs. Saying goodbye to the old house, you must follow some traditions (rules).

1. Clean up the apartment, leave it clean. Wash the windows, tidy up the cupboards and pantry, throw away everything superfluous and unnecessary. Be sure to clean the floors. This is necessary so that new tenants remember you only with kind words. Be sure to bake a pie and eat it completely with all the household members: if life in the apartment was unsweetened, add salt, if vice versa, add sugar.

2. Say goodbye to your neighbors: remember all the good things that you experienced with them in the past years. Even better, if you arrange something like a farewell dinner (dinner) and invite the neighbors to visit. Good memory about you will help you to settle well in your new apartment.

Now let's talk a little about the rituals before the final move to a new home. And it doesn’t matter if it’s a new apartment (new building) or someone lived in it before you. First of all, in a new home, before arrival, you need to tidy up and wash the floor. This is done not only for reasons of cleanliness, but also in order to remove and mentally “throw away” everything alien and negative that was under the previous tenants.

Let a clean apartment remain empty for at least one night. It is better to move early in the morning: the earlier, the better. Early bright and sunny morning - the same life will be in a new home.

Before moving, it is important to decide who will enter the house first. There are various legends and beliefs that prescribe the first to enter the house to the eldest member of the family or the head of the family. But more often than not, he enters the house first. She feels positive and negative energy more sharply than people.

Where she lies, you should put a bed - sleep will be easy and calm. If there is no cat, you can entrust this important mission to the dog. By the way, in a private house, before arriving for the night, they closed the rooster. It was believed that, crowing, he expels all evil spirits from the dwelling. Animals in the house - not only a cat or a dog, but also fish or a hamster - bring peace and tranquility to the home.

So, you have launched the animal, but do not rush to enter yourself. Each person who crosses the threshold must throw one or more coins on the floor. different denominations. So you will attract happiness and prosperity to the house, there will always be prosperity in it - what is called " full bowl". Keep in mind that everyone who came to visit the housewarming party must also toss coins.

Housewarming No. 1 and No. 2

Not only possible, but necessary. For the first time, housewarming is celebrated in the circle of relatives and very close friends. It is celebrated either on the day of the move, or the next day. And it does not matter that the apartment is a mess, and things are not taken apart. The meaning of the celebration is to bring good and warm emotions to the home. The second time, housewarming is celebrated after everything is laid out and put in its place, that is, much later. In this case, friends and colleagues are invited.

As gifts, it is customary to present something for the home, but not money. It is believed that in this way happiness and the warmth of the hearth are scared away, and banknotes take their place. True, you can give a piggy bank, while there must be several coins of different denominations inside.

On the first day, you need to go around the entire apartment with church candle and read "Our Father ...", cleansing the home from evil spirits and the evil eye. If you brought an “old” brownie with you, be sure to put a saucer with sweets in a secluded place for him. If they quietly disappear, then the brownie has taken root. The same must be done for the new brownie, so that he protects you and your home.

Pay attention to which the previous owners left in the apartment. No matter how old and beautiful they are, they can store negativity. Who and with what thoughts looked in them, we are not given to know, therefore it is better to get rid of these interior items.

When moving to a new house, hang a horseshoe on the front door, always with the ends up. So you create invisible protection from unwanted guests.

After the move, I really want the new apartment to become cozy. But remember important rule: you should not litter it with an abundance of unnecessary, albeit beautiful things. The apartment should have space, and therefore it is necessary to acquire only important and necessary things, without acquiring anything superfluous.

In conclusion, it remains to wish you better living conditions, happiness and warmth in your new home. Moving to a new place of residence is always associated with troubles and chaos, but how much is positive and useful in it!

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