Dream interpretation: candle. What does a candle in a dream mean - a complete interpretation of dreams. I dreamed of a church in a dream. Dream interpretation church and church candles

The article on the topic: "dream book of church candles" provides up-to-date information on this issue for 2018.

Dream interpretation church candles

Dreams in which the elements appear are symbolic. But interpreting them is quite difficult, because it is important to take into account not only the basic meaning of what you see, but also a large number of details of the dream.

If you dreamed of lit church candles, then in the near future you can expect changes. The quality of the fire will indicate their character. Bright clean high flame - expect pleasant events. Smoky and trembling - you will stumble upon a lot of obstacles on the way to what you want. Extinct candle - sadness.

The starting point for interpreting what church candles dream of is the explanation of the symbol "fire". But if they dreamed in a church, then one must also take into account the influence of the Christian egregor and religion.

He prays fervently with lit candles - to experience an urgent need for something. And these are completely intangible values. Maybe it's a search spiritual guide and necessary knowledge. Perhaps you just need to confess.

For the interpretation of a dream, it is important to consider the power of fire. The higher and brighter it is, the greater the chances of fulfilling a cherished desire. To light up - to participate in a new project, to put out - to commit a not entirely honest act that will greatly affect relationships with loved ones.

If you dreamed of church candles

Different views on the symbol

When you dream of a burning candle, it is important to pay attention not only to the main symbolic meaning of sleep, but also to your own feelings. Because the interpretation of such night dreams can differ quite strikingly - even to the opposite. Older sources speak of sadness and possible mourning. And modern ones are about spiritual search and changing the main principles of the worldview.

In any case, the details of the dream and your own feelings will play a key role.

Ancient Slavic dream book - strength

This dream book is based on the traditional explanation of the primary elements. Therefore, old interpretations consider the appearance of fire in a dream to be a good sign if it burns evenly. The candle in the hands of the deceased should alert. It is also an unfavorable dream to see a lot of burning candles and hear church funerals and sobs at the same time. Such a dream may mean that someone you know will die. It is also possible that you will learn about the death of a person whom you have not seen for a very long time.

It is also important to consider the dreamer's gender for the interpretation of such dreams. Because fire is a sign of strength. And in men's hands, he is the primary element that can increase this power. And in women's - to suppress the primordially feminine features.

For men

Watching burning candles in the temple is a lot of opportunities that will soon open up to the dreamer. It is a dream that they all went out from a breath of wind or a draft - expect a heap of troubles that happen one after another.

  • Dreaming of a burning candle in the temple - the fulfillment of a desire. If the fire has increased and has become very high, unnatural for a candle, strength and stamina are hidden inside you. And you may not even know about it. But it manifests itself almost every time you encounter injustice.
  • Buying new ones and putting them in churches - you are very worried about your loved ones and are always ready to help them. This time the situation only seems very serious, in fact, everything will be resolved very quickly.
  • To light new houses - family comfort and well-being. If in a dream you were instructed to light candles in a temple, you will be invited to a society that will bring many benefits to other people.
  • If you dream of burning in your hands, you can start any business. You will be lucky in trade and in almost any craft.

For women

if the dreamer is a woman

If a woman dreams of a burning candle, then her hopes and plans should be associated with a man. Everything that she tries to do on her own or without the blessing of her father (husband) is doomed to failure.

A young girl dreams of burning candles in her room for the matchmaking of several men at once. You should not rely on the first feeling that arises inside - appearance and brightness can be impressive, but in no way characterize a person as a reliable companion. It is worth giving preference to a person with an ordinary appearance, but a sharp mind.

  • Lighting new candles near the icons of the house is family comfort and well-being thanks to your sacrificial attitude towards household members.
  • Buy and put in the temple - you are now tormented by doubts. Choosing one solution - you lose in another. Act out of the ordinary modern woman Ask your husband or father for advice. Then decision will be most productive.
  • She dreams that the fire inside the icon lamp in front of the icons in the house has gone out - a bad sign. Perhaps you are too tired from routine work. Being in nervous tension, it is difficult for you to refrain from regular remarks to household members. But this is precisely what can lead to a major scandal. As a result home can go out, and the family will fall apart.
  • For a young girl to put out a candle is the loss of innocence before marriage. As a rule, too progressive-minded girls do not dream of this. This is a sign only for young ladies who give virginity a special meaning.
  • Suddenly extinguished candle near the prayer book - mourning.

Miller's dream book - friendships

The small light that a candle gives speaks of the pure energy of friendship, according to Miller's dream book. It can also be a symbol of hope for the reciprocity of feelings of both love and friendship.

  • Lighting candles is a meeting with friends whom you have not seen for many years.

If you dreamed of candles in a candelabra

Freud's Dream Interpretation - Men's Health and Strength

The main interpretation that Freud's dream book gives is based on sexual and aggressive foundations. It is not worth using it as a starting point for explaining the dream, but it is desirable to get additional data in order to delve into the essence of the symbolism and look at the dream from a different angle.

  • The candle is a symbol of the male penis. If a man dreams that he is holding a lit candle in his hands, he has strong male health.
  • Break - problems with the genitourinary system.
  • Extinguished - there will be embarrassment in bed.
  • A woman lights a candle - a new acquaintance with a very nice person. If she blew out the fire, you will manifest a passion for hitherto unknown pleasures.
  • To make it yourself - to have a high sexual potential. Possibility of conception

Own actions and entourage of night dreams

Candles - unique item, which is used not only for ritual, but also for occult purposes. Therefore, its occurrence in a dream should not be ignored. It is very important to pay attention to the room in which the candle is lit and the presence / absence of interior details.

  • Light candles and put in a beautiful chandelier - family comfort, pleasant home decor, says the latest dream book.
  • Making candles with your own hands - you can convey your own vision of the problem to a large audience. If your work is related to public speaking, this is a sign that you will significantly move up the career ladder.
  • Burning in front of icons or a prayer book - a feeling of hardship, or a premonition of trouble. To avoid trouble, visit the temple.
  • Placed on the table in front of fortune-telling cards - an outsider can interfere in your life, the esoteric dream book warns.
  • Scattered pearls on the table between candles - tears, mourning. If the pearl thread is collected in beads - a celebration at which all relatives will gather.
  • On a black table, among velvet and lace - sad news, mourning.

What will church candles tell about and why do they dream?

The church, temple and similar symbols seen in a dream have many positive meanings. For example, a church with beautiful icons may indicate your spiritual upsurge and progress, and prayer in front of the icon is a sign that indicates income.

Church candles are an integral attribute of the church. Therefore, if given symbol and appears in dreams, it is often observed in combination with church buildings or other paraphernalia. Next, we will take a closer look at what church candles dream of.

Dream interpretation

Regarding this symbol, a very curious situation is observed. If you take dream books that are many years old, then the interpretation there will most often be negative. If you look at newer dream books, then the interpretations there will most often be positive.

Perhaps this fact is partly related to the meaning of candles in the culture of different times and, as a result, in the collective consciousness too. Previously, candles were often used as an element of some gloomy events, and candles were lit in churches in order to ask for something. People were simply in need more often and more often turned to church help.

Now, one way or another, the level of well-being and general comfort is still more. Therefore, candles are put more often in order to simply ask for help in some business. Many even go to church for spiritual progress.

This author considers a church candle an indication of a fateful meeting. If you met such a symbol in a dream, then in reality you will be able to meet a new and interesting person. The candle, as it were, speaks of a person who brings spiritual light and good for you, gives you the highest grace.

Therefore, such a new acquaintance can develop not only into friendship, but also into something more, for example, you can get a spiritual mentor or just a person you can look up to and with whom you can consult on significant matters.

Seeing a burning lamp or candles in a dream is a positive sign.. In particular, if you have seen a lot of beautiful candles and lamps, then in the future you will find a lot of happiness and joy.

He talks about the church candles he saw as a symbol of liberation from some worries, but if you just saw candles in church shop. However, if you bought a lot of new candles, then such a sign is negative, or rather warns you against making various mistakes. Therefore, extra vigilance is required.

It promises positive events from this symbol, in particular a meeting with interesting people. If a candle is available in a single quantity, a meeting awaits you, if there are a lot of candles, then we are talking about happiness and mutual understanding with loved ones. A negative sign is when you blow out the fire (to disappointment) or when the candle always goes out.

If the flame goes out on its own, some kind of disease may await you, but you can now avoid this if you take care of your health and heal a little.

Interpreted as a positive sign, but only if there is a burning fire. If the plots include extinguished candles or something similar, then the sign is negative.

Counts the candle a symbol of hope and portends positive results in business.

The well-known psychoanalyst did not change his own preferences and, like in many other elongated objects, he saw a phallic symbol in the candles. Freud associates the candle with the symbolism of pleasure, burning - with the possibility of eventually getting the pleasure that you have been striving for so much. Only for this you need to be more proactive.

Focuses mainly on the presence of fire. burning candle in different options gives some positive results. I dreamed of an extinct or fading candle - this is a negative symbol, you will need to show great caution in reality.

As you can see, almost identical meanings are offered in many interpretations. For the most part, a burning candle is a purely positive sign.

Set and fire

There may be different interpretations, but first you need to figure out how candles burn. Often the intensity and nature of the burning indicate the nature of the news you will receive.

Smooth and bright burning portends a positive period, a lot of luck and positive results. If the candles are smoked, this indicates some unpleasant news.

In order to interpret this symbol, let's turn to Pastor Loff, who talks specifically about the lighting of candles. In such a dream, you should look at your own feelings. Good mood speaks of peace of mind, but if you are sad or sad and therefore light a candle in a dream, then you need to deal with your own thoughts, which are now overly chaotic and unbridled.

Thus, if you rejoice and light candles for joy, this a sign indicates your excellent state of mind. You can keep the true light within you.

When you light candles from grief, then you, as it were, subconsciously strive to turn to divine grace in order to understand yourself, to become a more worthy person.

In addition, you should consider the sign when you light candles in the house. Such a sign is also interpreted differently depending on your mood.

In any case, lighting candles in the house is a sign of your excitement about some events or situations. If, according to the plot, you lit candles and after that experienced relief and pleasant emotions, then your worries will subside and you will get a positive outcome. If after ignition you feel negative emotions and get annoyed, it is better to act in reality more moderately and calmly.

If you try, but you can’t light a candle in any way or don’t want to, then in reality you doubt some event. When previously burning candles are lit, such a symbol indicates a second chance available to you in something.

Church in a dream

This symbol can be interpreted depending on your attitude to religion and religious world. Of course, most often the church can be dreamed of by people who have at least some knowledge about this religion.

By the way, church plots that atheists dream of or people who have decided to completely break with religion, may hint at some contradictions in the subconscious you probably want to go back to religion or even need faith for peace of mind.

The most common interpretation of the church is the harbinger of some happy events or future changes. Most often, such a dream can indicate a change in your priorities or the beginning of a new period.

When you find yourself inside the church, then the symbolism can indicate your inner world. For example, if you see light decoration, put bright candles, then you possess peace of mind , if interior decoration does not differ in purity and pleasant symbols, then you need to establish an inner world, deal with thoughts and emotions.

Church candles according to the dream book

Church candles dreamed in a dream can promise both the warmth and comfort of a family hearth and mournful events. The more ancient dream book you choose to interpret dreams, the depressing interpretation you will get. But, modern interpreters, explaining why such images are dreamed of, tend to spiritual quests and experiences of the dreamer, rather than to sad events.

Miller's dream book

According to psychologist Gustav Miller, a church candle is a symbol of a fateful meeting. Most likely you will meet a person who has a rich inner world, and this person will become either a reliable friend or mentor to you.

Did you dream that candles burn evenly and brightly? A blessed period is approaching, when everything will turn out and please. But if you see in a dream that they do not burn evenly, smoke or go out, then expect disturbing news.

The magic of cathedral silence, or peace will enter the soul

To help deal with the interpretation of what the dream is about, in which you light a church candle in the temple, pastor Loff's dream book is taken. Pay attention to your own feelings in a dream.

If in church you lit a candle with a calm heart, then this means that peace will come in your soul. I dreamed that you were so sad that you light the "Orthodox lamp" and cry - a sign of randomness of thoughts.

But, to admire burning lamps in a dream means that you will be infinitely happy, the Lunar Dream Book promises.

"Branch of the temple" at home - a sign of experiences

Do you see in a dream that you lit church candles at home? This is a sign of great anxiety. Do burning candles calm you down? You don't have to worry, everything will work out. But if the flame of a burning candle irritated or tired you, then do not rush to make any promises.

What is the dream of a vision in which you smell a burning lamp, remind Eastern dream book: you will receive the news that you have been waiting for a long time.

Acquisition of "wax splinters": You will face a difficult choice

The share of a friend will depend on what choice you make, predicts the dream book of Nostradamus to those who bought new church candles in a dream. Buying Orthodox paraphernalia symbolizes the choice - to help a friend or not.

Seeing a lot of candles in the church shop - to get rid of the burden of responsibility. But if you happened to buy a lot of new "wax splinter", then be prepared to make a mistake, the interpreter of the White Magician predicts. Especially if you had to buy black lights.

Extinguishing or unlit wicks, as a symbol of doubt

The interpretation of a dream in which you hold a candle in your hands that you cannot light means the following: you are in doubt about some proposal. But, burning burnt candles again is a sign of hope for a “second chance,” Longo’s dream book broadcasts.

Holding a broken church candle in your hands and trying to light it is a symbol of unfulfilled hopes and upheavals. And if you dreamed that the lit lamp burning above the monument was extinguished by the wind, then you should not count on anyone's help.

Christmas extravaganza - a sign of joy and peace

Why dream of the light of a Christmas church candle in the window of your house, Vanga's dream book will tell you. If the candle burned in a lighted room, then expect the joy of meeting dear people. But if she illuminated dark room- happiness will settle in the house.

In a dream, looking for a place on the Christmas tree for a Christmas candle is a sign that you will enjoy communicating with household members. And if in a dream you are given a torch in the church during the Christmas liturgy, then this means that you will “shed light” on something secret.

Wax color

Be sure to check if the church candles were unusually colored, as for temple paraphernalia, dream books recommend. If you dreamed of colored "splinters", find out what they dream of:

  • whites prophesy joy;
  • black - to sorrow and sadness;
  • red promise love ardor;
  • bright yellow predict health and good spirits;
  • blue or green talk about material wealth.

We will find out why church candles dream - should the dreamer worry about what the dream books say?

Church candles - one of the symbols Christian faith, so it is not surprising that the dream in which they happened to be seen is suggestive. AT old dream books such a dream portends sadness, in modern dream books- spiritual quest, the search for the meaning of life and attempts to find answers to important moral questions.

Why dream of burning candles?

Seeing burning church candles in a dream is a spiritual quest. In reality, situations will arise after which you rethink your attitude, understand what is important to you, and what is empty and will eventually fade into the background.

Also, such a dream is a dream on the eve of important, solemn events of life, after which your fate will change. In ancient dream books, this dream portends trials that will fall to your lot, and you will overcome them with honor.

If you dreamed of burning candles in a church?

A dream in which you see burning candles in a church portends the following situations: there will be a struggle between good and evil in your soul, you will have to make a difficult choice and show your anger or mercy.

Light candles - hope and faith in the best, as well as the assistance of people you trust, will help you survive in difficult situations.

Admire the burning, flickering candles in the church - sleep promises peace, the fears and passions that torment you will leave you, life will be calm.

Blow out the candles in the church, extinguish them - to loss and sad loss that you cannot prevent. Another interpretation of this dream is to hear someone else's repentance or become the keeper of someone else's secret.

Buy candles - what do such dreams portend?

The fate of another person depends on your decision and good will, and you a choice to be made- to help this person or not to assist him in solving important issues, remember this.

Buying candles and paying for them with change, coins - to tears, regrets.

Buy candles and pay for them with banknotes - learn important news or valuable information. Buy a lot of candles - care and participation will be required by relatives or those people who trust you.

Why dream of new church candles?

Seeing new candles in a dream - such a dream promises difficult situations from which you can get out with the least losses thanks to your caution and prudence.

Keep new church candles in your home in a dream - to improve relationships with loved ones with whom you were previously in a quarrel or could not find understanding on important issues, remember this.

To see such a dream for parents - in reality you will experience the joy of parenthood, your children will give a reason for sincere joy for them.

Carry a candle with you - unplanned expenses are coming.

If you saw unlit church candles?

A dream about unlit church candles promises that in reality you will have doubts. You will doubt the correctness of your actions and decisions, look for answers to important everyday questions and not find what will sadden you.

Church candles do not burn - what is it for?

Watching in a dream the tremulous flame of a church candle that goes out - to sadness and loss, you will lose what you valued.

Trying unsuccessfully to light a church candle - your aspirations will not come true, nhopes are vain and will not come true.

Seeing burnt, extinguished church candles - a dream has several interpretations:

  • you will experience a strong shock, after which your life will change;
  • feel your helplessness, restlessness and vulnerability;
  • parting with people close and dear to you for reasons beyond your control.

See a lot of church candles in a dream

Such a dream is a dream on the eve of fateful events. Seeing a lot of burning candles in the church is coming significant changes in life.

To see a lot of candles in a church shop - get rid of the burden, get rid of a heavy burden. Buy a lot of candles - make a series of erroneous actions, the correctness of which you will be sure, but then you will have to regret what you have done. Light a lot of church candles - there will be passions in your soul.

Interpretation of sleep according to Miller's dream book

Seeing a lit church candle in a dream - to be fateful meeting with a man. This may be a life partner or spiritual mentor, a true friend or patron, but a meeting with a malicious person is not excluded.

Dream interpretation church candles

Dreams in which the elements appear are symbolic. But interpreting them is quite difficult, because it is important to take into account not only the basic meaning of what you see, but also a large number of details of the dream.

If you dreamed of lit church candles, then in the near future you can expect changes. The quality of the fire will indicate their character. Bright clean high flame - expect pleasant events. Smoky and trembling - you will stumble upon a lot of obstacles on the way to what you want. An extinguished candle is sadness.

The starting point for interpreting what church candles dream of is the explanation of the symbol "fire". But if they dreamed in a church, then one must also take into account the influence of the Christian egregor and religion.

He prays fervently with lit candles - to experience an urgent need for something. And these are completely intangible values. Perhaps this is a search for a spiritual mentor and the necessary knowledge. Perhaps you just need to confess.

For the interpretation of a dream, it is important to consider the power of fire. The higher and brighter it is, the greater the chances of fulfilling a cherished desire. To light up - to participate in a new project, to put out - to commit a not entirely honest act that will greatly affect relationships with loved ones.

If you dreamed of church candles

Different views on the symbol

When you dream of a burning candle, it is important to pay attention not only to the main symbolic meaning of sleep, but also to your own feelings. Because the interpretation of such night dreams can differ quite strikingly - even to the opposite. Older sources speak of sadness and possible mourning. And modern ones are about spiritual search and changing the main principles of the worldview.

In any case, the details of the dream and your own feelings will play a key role.

Ancient Slavic dream book - strength

This dream book is based on the traditional explanation of the primary elements. Therefore, old interpretations consider the appearance of fire in a dream to be a good sign if it burns evenly. The candle in the hands of the deceased should alert. It is also an unfavorable dream to see a lot of burning candles and hear church funerals and sobs at the same time. Such a dream may mean that someone you know will die. It is also possible that you will learn about the death of a person whom you have not seen for a very long time.

It is also important to consider the dreamer's gender for the interpretation of such dreams. Because fire is a sign of strength. And in men's hands, he is the primary element that can increase this power. And in women's - to suppress the primordially feminine features.

For men

Watching burning candles in the temple is a lot of opportunities that will soon open up to the dreamer. It is a dream that they all went out from a breath of wind or a draft - expect a heap of troubles that happen one after another.

  • Dreaming of a burning candle in the temple - the fulfillment of a desire. If the fire has increased and has become very high, unnatural for a candle, strength and stamina are hidden inside you. And you may not even know about it. But it manifests itself almost every time you encounter injustice.
  • Buying new ones and putting them in churches - you are very worried about your loved ones and are always ready to help them. This time the situation only seems very serious, in fact, everything will be resolved very quickly.
  • To light new houses - family comfort and well-being. If in a dream you were instructed to light candles in a temple, you will be invited to a society that will bring many benefits to other people.
  • If you dream of burning in your hands, you can start any business. You will be lucky in trade and in almost any craft.

For women

if the dreamer is a woman

If a woman dreams of a burning candle, then her hopes and plans should be associated with a man. Everything that she tries to do on her own or without the blessing of her father (husband) is doomed to failure.

A young girl dreams of burning candles in her room for the matchmaking of several men at once. You should not rely on the first feeling that arises inside - appearance and brightness can be impressive, but in no way characterize a person as a reliable companion. It is worth giving preference to a person with an ordinary appearance, but a sharp mind.

  • Lighting new candles near the icons of the house is family comfort and well-being thanks to your sacrificial attitude towards household members.
  • Buy and put in the temple - you are now tormented by doubts. Choosing one solution - you lose in another. Do something atypical for a modern woman - ask your husband or father for advice. Then the decision will be the most productive.
  • She dreams that the fire inside the icon lamp in front of the icons in the house has gone out - a bad sign. Perhaps you are too tired from routine work. Being in nervous tension, it is difficult for you to refrain from regular remarks to household members. But this is precisely what can lead to a major scandal. As a result, the hearth may go out, and the family will fall apart.
  • For a young girl to put out a candle is the loss of innocence before marriage. As a rule, too progressive-minded girls do not dream of this. This is a sign only for young ladies who give virginity a special meaning.
  • A suddenly extinguished candle near the prayer book is mourning.

Miller's dream book - friendships

The small light that a candle gives speaks of the pure energy of friendship, according to Miller's dream book. It can also be a symbol of hope for the reciprocity of feelings of both love and friendship.

Freud's Dream Interpretation - Men's Health and Strength

The main interpretation that Freud's dream book gives is based on sexual and aggressive foundations. It is not worth using it as a starting point for explaining the dream, but it is desirable to get additional data in order to delve into the essence of the symbolism and look at the dream from a different angle.

  • The candle is a symbol of the male penis. If a man dreams that he is holding a lit candle in his hands, he has strong male health.
  • Break - problems with the genitourinary system.
  • Extinguished - there will be embarrassment in bed.
  • A woman lights a candle - a new acquaintance with a very nice person. If she blew out the fire, you will manifest a passion for hitherto unknown pleasures.
  • To make it yourself - to have a high sexual potential. Possibility of conception

Own actions and entourage of night dreams

Candles are a unique item that is used not only for ritual, but also for occult purposes. Therefore, its occurrence in a dream should not be ignored. It is very important to pay attention to the room in which the candle is lit and the presence / absence of interior details.

  • Light candles and put in a beautiful chandelier - family comfort, pleasant home decor, says the latest dream book.
  • Making candles with your own hands - you can convey your own vision of the problem to a large audience. If your work is related to public speaking, this is a sign that you will significantly move up the career ladder.
  • Burning in front of icons or a prayer book - a feeling of hardship, or a premonition of trouble. To avoid trouble, visit the temple.
  • Placed on the table in front of fortune-telling cards - an outsider can interfere in your life, the esoteric dream book warns.
  • Scattered pearls on the table between candles - tears, mourning. If the pearl thread is collected in beads - a celebration at which all relatives will gather.
  • On a black table, among velvet and lace - sad news, mourning.

Your mark:

Dreams associated with the church are always sacred and sometimes alarming. One involuntarily thinks: is this not a sign from above, a warning about some kind of trouble, or, conversely, a symbol of happiness? Why see church candles in a dream? Dream books will give an exhaustive answer to this question.

If in a dream the candle is lonely

A lonely candle in a dream is interpreted in different ways, it depends on many factors and phenomena occurring in it. So, a burning candle is a rebirth and awakening, if it is in a candlestick, then guests whom you have not seen for a long time will visit your house. If she is standing on the floor or a chair, then expect trouble and be especially careful after sleep for some time: watch your words, do not drink a lot of alcohol, pay attention to your actions.

Seeing in a dream a lonely candle that weakly illuminates a dark room promises a failed meeting. It will leave behind an unpleasant aftertaste and can even cause mental suffering. For a woman, a dream about one candle predicts good news, perhaps you will soon meet the love of your life or you will be proposed. If you are already married, then you will have a happy trip, a romantic or a successful business trip.

If a man dreams of holding a candle in his hand, then he will soon meet an old friend, and the meeting will be pleasant.

Many candles in a dream

Seeing candles scattered around the house in a dream is a warning dream. Check the wiring and household appliances, carefully monitor whether you turned off the equipment when leaving the house. Seeing a lot of burning candles or lighting them yourself is an indescribable joy, a happy event.

If in a dream you dine by candlelight, then expect a soon pleasant romantic meeting, trip or marriage proposal. For a lonely person, such a dream speaks of a romance or a fateful meeting. Walking along the street full of burning candles - to great love.

Candles that dreamed from Tuesday to Wednesday are very auspicious sleep, means that peace and tranquility will soon come to the family, conflicts will be settled.

Why do church candles dream: other interpretations of sleep

The flame of a candle is also of great importance: calm and even means a long-awaited meeting, joy, success, peace, and in general - this is a favorable dream. A dull or fading flame - to disappointment and missed opportunities. Carry a church candle in your hand - the loss of a loved one or financial loss.

If in a dream the candles go out from a draft, then in reality you will be in trouble and disappointment. Seeing how the master makes a candle indicates that soon you will realize yourself in some business, you will find your calling.

Buying candles is joy and fun, you can expect any grand event, be it a wedding, an anniversary, a noisy party. New candles are always changes in life, well-being and profit. Selling candles is not very good dream, it symbolizes losses and a missed chance that was given by fate.

Putting a candle for peace in a dream is a sign that you are afraid for loved one, trying to take trouble away from him, to help. A candle for health means that you have true friends, they will always come to your aid, they will not leave you in difficult times.

To see in a dream a church procession and people carrying many candles - bad symbol. Once again, old problems that you have already forgotten about, and which seemed to be resolved long ago, will make themselves felt again. They will need to be resolved quickly and without anyone's help.

If you come to the altar, and candles are burning on it, then you are not giving enough time and attention to faith. Light candles - good sign in any situation, symbolizes a favorable and good relationship with the other half.

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The article on the topic: "dream book to put candles in the church" provides up-to-date information on this issue for 2018.

In the interpretation of dreams great importance is given to the main symbol of sleep. AT this case it's a candle. The interpretation is built around whether the candle is burning or not. A secondary symbol is the environment in which the actions with the candle take place.

What if you dream of putting candles in a church?

Psychoanalysts, as well as interpreters of dreams and other esoterically minded citizens, to the question of someone preoccupied with an unusual dream: why dream of putting candles in a church? - respond differently.

The founder of psychoanalysis unequivocally considers a lit candle to be a good signal that he will finally be able to achieve in sex what he has long dreamed of, he recommends to take it easy and not shift the responsibility to a partner. But, Freud is wary of lighting a candle in a church, considering such a dream a warning that friends will not help in difficult times.

The flame of a candle is liked by all interpreters of dreams. Everyone without exception considers a candle lit in a church a symbol of comfort, peace and romance, promising pleasant moments in future. If, however, the candle does not burn or dreams that it is extinguished, there is no need to wait for joy.

Vanga's dream book interprets the lighting of candles in a destroyed church as a person's desire to help others on the path of spiritual growth by the example of his own life.

Dream Interpretation of Tsvetaeva pleases with good news: lighting candles in a church promises good luck.

The dream books of Miller and Nostradamus consider candles blown out in the church as harbingers of unpleasant events.

Nostradamus warns of obstacles to spiritual renewal.

Freud looks skeptically at the extinguished candle, advises not to be upset and hope for a more favorable outcome in the future.

What portends?

By lighting a candle in a church, mystical interpreters treat it as a symbol of repentance, the desire to purify and begin new life. Nostradamus believes that this image means spirituality and purity.

Interpreters from the detachment of psychoanalysts who deny mystical aspects see in the image of the church a place where people worship something beyond their nature.

In their terminology, this is called the "super-ego" operational control center. The lighting of candles in the church is interpreted as a desire to overcome the mother complex.

Since ancient times, the Orthodox Church has advised against paying attention to unusual dreams. The meanings of dreams are not completely clear and can be interpreted in different ways. Good deeds done in reality are of greater importance to the fate of a person and his state of mind.

A wide variety of dream books allows everyone to choose from them the interpretation of the meaning of sleep with candles that he likes best - mystical or psychoanalytic. But, perhaps, it is better to put candles in the church not in chimerical dreams, but in real life.

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Dream Interpretation to put candles in the church

Dream interpretation church candles

Dreams in which the elements appear are symbolic. But interpreting them is quite difficult, because it is important to take into account not only the basic meaning of what you see, but also a large number of details of the dream.

If you dreamed of lit church candles, then in the near future you can expect changes. The quality of the fire will indicate their character. Bright clean high flame - expect pleasant events. Smoky and trembling - you will stumble upon a lot of obstacles on the way to what you want. Extinct candle - sadness.

The starting point for interpreting what church candles dream of is the explanation of the symbol "fire". But if they dreamed in a church, then one must also take into account the influence of the Christian egregor and religion.

He prays fervently with lit candles - to experience an urgent need for something. And these are completely intangible values. Perhaps this is a search for a spiritual mentor and the necessary knowledge. Perhaps you just need to confess.

For the interpretation of a dream, it is important to consider the power of fire. The higher and brighter it is, the greater the chances of fulfilling a cherished desire. To light up - to participate in a new project, to put out - to commit a not entirely honest act that will greatly affect relationships with loved ones.

If you dreamed of church candles

Different views on the symbol

When you dream of a burning candle, it is important to pay attention not only to the main symbolic meaning of sleep, but also to your own feelings. Because the interpretation of such night dreams can differ quite strikingly - even to the opposite. Older sources speak of sadness and possible mourning. And modern ones are about spiritual search and changing the main principles of the worldview.

In any case, the details of the dream and your own feelings will play a key role.

Ancient Slavic dream book - strength

This dream book is based on the traditional explanation of the primary elements. Therefore, old interpretations consider the appearance of fire in a dream to be a good sign if it burns evenly. The candle in the hands of the deceased should alert. It is also an unfavorable dream to see a lot of burning candles and hear church funerals and sobs at the same time. Such a dream may mean that someone you know will die. It is also possible that you will learn about the death of a person whom you have not seen for a very long time.

It is also important to consider the dreamer's gender for the interpretation of such dreams. Because fire is a sign of strength. And in men's hands, he is the primary element that can increase this power. And in women's - to suppress the primordially feminine features.

For men

Watching burning candles in the temple is a lot of opportunities that will soon open up to the dreamer. It is a dream that they all went out from a breath of wind or a draft - expect a heap of troubles that happen one after another.

  • Dreaming of a burning candle in the temple - the fulfillment of a desire. If the fire has increased and has become very high, unnatural for a candle, strength and stamina are hidden inside you. And you may not even know about it. But it manifests itself almost every time you encounter injustice.
  • Buying new ones and putting them in churches - you are very worried about your loved ones and are always ready to help them. This time the situation only seems very serious, in fact, everything will be resolved very quickly.
  • To light new houses - family comfort and well-being. If in a dream you were instructed to light candles in a temple, you will be invited to a society that will bring many benefits to other people.
  • If you dream of burning in your hands, you can start any business. You will be lucky in trade and in almost any craft.

For women

if the dreamer is a woman

If a woman dreams of a burning candle, then her hopes and plans should be associated with a man. Everything that she tries to do on her own or without the blessing of her father (husband) is doomed to failure.

A young girl dreams of burning candles in her room for the matchmaking of several men at once. You should not rely on the first feeling that arises inside - appearance and brightness can be impressive, but in no way characterize a person as a reliable companion. It is worth giving preference to a person with an ordinary appearance, but a sharp mind.

  • Lighting new candles near the icons of the house is family comfort and well-being thanks to your sacrificial attitude towards household members.
  • Buy and put in the temple - you are now tormented by doubts. Choosing one solution - you lose in another. Do something atypical for a modern woman - ask your husband or father for advice. Then the decision will be the most productive.
  • She dreams that the fire inside the icon lamp in front of the icons in the house has gone out - a bad sign. Perhaps you are too tired from routine work. Being in nervous tension, it is difficult for you to refrain from regular remarks to household members. But this is precisely what can lead to a major scandal. As a result, the hearth may go out, and the family will fall apart.
  • For a young girl to put out a candle is the loss of innocence before marriage. As a rule, too progressive-minded girls do not dream of this. This is a sign only for young ladies who give virginity a special meaning.
  • A suddenly extinguished candle near the prayer book is mourning.

Miller's dream book - friendships

The small light that a candle gives speaks of the pure energy of friendship, according to Miller's dream book. It can also be a symbol of hope for the reciprocity of feelings of both love and friendship.

  • Lighting candles is a meeting with friends whom you have not seen for many years.

If you dreamed of candles in a candelabra

Freud's Dream Interpretation - Men's Health and Strength

The main interpretation that Freud's dream book gives is based on sexual and aggressive foundations. It is not worth using it as a starting point for explaining the dream, but it is desirable to get additional data in order to delve into the essence of the symbolism and look at the dream from a different angle.

  • The candle is a symbol of the male penis. If a man dreams that he is holding a lit candle in his hands, he has strong male health.
  • Break - problems with the genitourinary system.
  • Extinguished - there will be embarrassment in bed.
  • A woman lights a candle - a new acquaintance with a very nice person. If she blew out the fire, you will manifest a passion for hitherto unknown pleasures.
  • To make it yourself - to have a high sexual potential. Possibility of conception

Own actions and entourage of night dreams

Candles are a unique item that is used not only for ritual, but also for occult purposes. Therefore, its occurrence in a dream should not be ignored. It is very important to pay attention to the room in which the candle is lit and the presence / absence of interior details.

  • Light candles and put in a beautiful chandelier - family comfort, pleasant home decor, says the latest dream book.
  • Making candles with your own hands - you can convey your own vision of the problem to a large audience. If your work is related to public speaking, this is a sign that you will significantly move up the career ladder.
  • Burning in front of icons or a prayer book - a feeling of hardship, or a premonition of trouble. To avoid trouble, visit the temple.
  • Placed on the table in front of fortune-telling cards - an outsider can interfere in your life, the esoteric dream book warns.
  • Scattered pearls on the table between candles - tears, mourning. If the pearl thread is collected in beads - a celebration at which all relatives will gather.
  • On a black table, among velvet and lace - sad news, mourning.

What did the candles dream about?

at the Women's Club!

Some visions in night dreams are remembered very firmly and clearly. Sometimes in dreams there are such objects that, although they are familiar, we still know from somewhere that this is not just a dream, it certainly contains an important meaning or message.

It's true - nothing is so easy to dream, and some especially bright symbols especially. One of them is a candle. Old, ancient symbol, an indispensable attribute of religious and magical actions, a symbol of the hidden, secret, and at the same time - a symbol of light, soul, spirituality. If you already dreamed of a candle, then for a reason.

To explain what a candle is dreaming of, first of all, it is worth understanding the general meaning of this difficult sign. Very often it is a symbol of your spirituality and indicates the state of your inner, spiritual world - in what state it is with the dreamer at the moment.

But this symbol also has a whole set of other, more accurate and definite interpretations, and the dream book reveals all of them in detail. It is only important to remember all the factors: what kind of candle was in a dream, was it burning or not lit, was it in the church or in your hands, did you have to light it or, on the contrary, put it out, and so on. The interpretation of this important, meaningful dream will depend on these nuances. The options are:

  • See a candle in a dream.
  • Candles dreamed of various, colored or unusual, decorative.
  • A candle in dreams burns brightly.
  • The flame fluctuates strongly or smokes.
  • The flame goes out on its own.
  • The fire went out because of the wind.
  • An unlit candle in dreams.
  • Dreaming of a chandelier or a candlestick, a chandelier with candles.
  • The candle is big and thick.
  • Lots of burning candles.
  • In a dream, church candles are burning, standing in a church.
  • There are exactly three of them in a dream.
  • Extinguish the flame yourself.
  • Light a candle.
  • Keep in hand.
  • To walk or be in a room lit by candles.
  • Guessing, predicting with candles.
  • Keep a candle in the church.
  • Put it in the church.

The dream book, as we can see, offers a whole host of options - and it is important not to make a mistake when choosing your own for interpretation. Because the meanings are very different, and the symbol is so complex and significant that dreams with it are of serious importance. Let us recall all the details of what we saw in a dream and find out why candles are dreaming - and what awaits in the near future in reality.

See from the side

Suppose that the dreamer did not touch the candles in his dreams - he did not have to light them, extinguish them, or do anything else. If you just saw this symbol from the side, but you didn’t take any action, then the main thing is to remember everything that was connected with it.

There was a church candle, whether it was burning or not, where it was, and so on, all the details that took place. And only after that you can safely proceed to the interpretation.

1. As the dream book says, a dream candle seen by a dreamer from the side is a deep symbol. He points to the dreamer's enormous inner strength, his spiritual potential.

Perhaps a great mystical insight awaits you, or you will reach a new level of your own spiritual development and move on to a new life stage. One way or another, you need to listen to your own heart and the voice of intuition in order to understand exactly what this complex sign is talking about.

2. And a dream in which the candles were multi-colored, decorative or unusual - hints at the rich, rare imagination of the dreamer. You should use this gift, use your creative powers - you can achieve a lot in your chosen field if you connect your imagination, your non-standard vision and thinking.

3. Such a dream, in which the candle burned brightly, portends to everyone who is lucky enough to see him, great happiness, higher security and well-being. You can not be afraid of enemies, dangers and no evil - everything will be fine. The main thing is to protect your own inner light, not to lose it.

4. And a dream where the flame of a candle fluctuated greatly, was restless or even smoked, emitting black smoke, speaks of the danger of getting sick. It is worth not only taking care of your own health and taking care of yourself, but also avoiding with all your might any evil that can harm you from the outside.

Be only in the best, kind companies, do not mess with bad unkind people, avoid empty talk and gossip. All this now can bring you serious harm.

5. As the dream book says, a candle that suddenly went out by itself in dreams is also a reason to take care of yourself. Be careful in Everyday life- just now dangerous period but it won't last long and will end soon. In the meantime, try to be more careful in everything, do not take risks, avoid new acquaintances, adventures, dubious events and bad people.

6. A dream in which the flame of a candle went out from the wind or draft speaks of rumors, gossip, flattery and lies. All this is a threat to your reputation. And you should not only not believe everything that is said, but also not participate in the spread of such rumors yourself, be honest and not talk in vain.

7. A non-burning, non-lit candle in dreams is a symbol of very great luck. Soon, just know that fortune will smile broadly on you, and you will be able to enjoy it, using your luck to the maximum. Of course, for good purposes!

8. If a dream showed you candles burning in a chandelier, candlestick, or even on an old chandelier, then in reality you will have to take on a considerable, unusual responsibility. This may be an important assignment or a new position, as well as a new business.

One way or another, according to the interpreter, you should show strength and discipline. You can achieve very serious success if you try and do your job honestly.

9. It is also curious what a thick, large, or even giant, floor candle is dreaming of. This, as the interpreter assures, is a sign of real wealth and prosperity - this awaits you ahead. Show will and efficiency, mind and honesty in business - and you will achieve in reality what you dreamed about!

10. And candles burning in a dream in large numbers is a symbol of well-being, stability and calm, very happy life in which there is no place for grief. If now the state of your affairs in reality is good, then it will be even better - know this.

11. A wonderful dream in which candles burn in a church, illuminating the temple space with a beautiful, mystical and mysterious light, promises the dreamer inner harmony, complete peace and confidence in the well-being and protection of higher powers. This dream also speaks of spirituality, the inner wealth of the dreamer. A rare, happy and bright dream.

12. The dream book describes an equally rare and happy dream in which there were exactly three candles. He promises the imminent fulfillment of a dream - the same, big, secret and cherished.

Know that this will happen soon - believe in it, but you should not wait every minute, thinking "well, why doesn't the dream come true?". Just relax and forget about it. Remember, there is a time for everything in the world.

Symbolic actions

The dream book will tell you in detail why the candle is dreaming, which I had a chance not only to see in my dreams, but also to do something with it - light it, extinguish it, hold it in my hands, and so on. There are many actions, all of them are deeply symbolic - and what exactly they mean can be found below.

1. Extinguishing the flame of a candle in dreams is the advice of a dream book that in reality you should not take risks. Probably, soon you will be asked to participate in some kind of adventure or not very clean business, or go to a dubious company. The dream is not in vain - trust the sign from above, and do not take risks, otherwise you will have to regret it later.

2. Lighting candles in a dream is a very rare and good sign. Expect happy changes for the better - your life will change a lot, this wonderful moment will come soon! Open yourself to change, do not resist fate - believe me, you will be very happy.

3. If in dreams I had to keep in own hands a candle to an unmarried person - she will certainly soon expect a marriage proposal and a happy marriage. For a family lady, these dreams promise happiness in her strong family, and also, perhaps, the birth of a child.

Not every person sees a church candle in his dream, but why she dreams, dream books and interpreters of dreams will help to figure it out.

Did you dream of church candles

The dream in which you saw church candles is considered a symbol of bad events that were not so long ago in the past, but still have an effect on the present. If the dreamer put out the candle, then he should expect great sadness, which will soon enter his life.

Each person should know that through dreams involving church candles, fate gives us a certain clue. But in order to correctly and accurately decipher the dream and understand what fate wants to warn us about, it is necessary to remember the dream in great detail. And most importantly, remember the flame of candles, how the candles burned, what you did or watched from the side. These details will help you know what to expect.

Why dream of candles in a church

The dream in which you saw that a church candle burns with a beautiful, even flame indicates that in real life an event awaits you, or a situation that will bring you back to old friends. After this meeting, many prospects will be opened before you, and new and interesting acquaintances will be waiting for you.

When in a dream a candle burns evenly, and the flame calmly speaks of mutual understanding and happiness that awaits you. But if a draft put out a burning candle, then in real life gossip and rumors will spread about you, but if in a dream you yourself blew out the flame of a church candle, then expect sadness. A dream in which you saw a lot of candles that went out and burned to the end suggests that in the future you will have great success and unthinkable wealth.

You had a dream in which a candle not only burns, but burns with a flame, which means that soon you will be invited to some kind of party. A flashing church candle dreams of great sadness. But when in a dream you yourself light a church candle, it means that you will meet close friends with whom you have long lost touch.

You had a dream in which you yourself walked and extinguished all the church candles, which means that your dreams will not come true, in the near future for sure. If you observe how church candles are made, then your love for work will bring its results and benefits.

Seeing a lot of flaming candles speaks of the onset of happy times. To dream of a dead man holding a burning star means you will find your peace of mind and balance. Many unburned candles await sad thoughts.

What does such a dream portend?

A dream where you yourself light church candles with your own hands portends you getting real pleasure from a relationship with the person you love. But a lot will depend on the behavior of both of you. A dream with romantic candlelight dinners is a harbinger of stiffness in a relationship.

Seeing a candle with a trembling, thin flame portends a strong threat to your relationship with your second half. Perhaps you are being too impatient and showing your annoyance. Try to understand the one you love, the only way you can save your love and avoid parting with your loved one.

A dream where you came to church and light a candle for health dear person, says that you trust your friend and will help him in any situation. After all, it is important not only to deal with your problems, but also not to forget relatives and friends.

Very often, a church candle that burns in a dream is a harbinger that the dreamer may suffer from himself at work. Do not forget about yourself and your health, both physical, emotional and spiritual, because after such a dream, your health may require more attention from you than usual. Perhaps your chronic diseases will return to you.

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