Decorating with your own hands. We create home decorations with our own hands. Lush paper balls for decoration

I want to show you some ideas for Christmas gift wrapping!

Handmade. Natural materials and original decor with their own hands.

With affordable means, you can create an individual charm and give the anticipation of the holiday!

During the period when daylight is so short, and it is getting colder outside, we especially want to feel warm and comfortable. What if not own house will give us comfort and a sense of security, help brighten up the cold season and spend it with great pleasure, avoiding the seasonal blues.

Country style, like no other, breathes inner peace and balance into a dynamic everyday life valued by modern man.

Atmosphere country house perfect for the cold autumn/winter season.

Hammocks are usually used outside, on summer veranda or in the shade of the garden suburban area- but that doesn't mean you can't break the rules a little and bring them in.

If you have the right space for it, and the ability to hang it securely, then why not?

If you are not yet convinced how good it will be - for sure in the following examples you will have some ideas for implementing your plan.

Natural rope is an excellent environmentally friendly pure material for modern design interior and decoration. If you are a concerned citizen of the world, then natural rope decor great choice for your home interiors.

Design and decor, accessories made with natural fiber rope will help to add an ECO touch to your modern interior and decorate the space inside the apartment or the exterior of the house with unconventional, interesting and creative design ideas.

For the interior cement mixture? Why not?! Cement will make a chic countertop, a bathroom sink, a chair seat will add a cold industrial touch, supporting the overall stylistic direction of your interior.

Amazing products for interior decoration, interior decor and stylish functional accessories - clocks, vases, planters, pots - will not be difficult to make at home.

Get inspired - do-it-yourself cement ideas for the home:

And in my house it's always summer! sun! heat! bliss!

The brightest association with summer is, of course, the sea and the sea coast!

For everyone who dreams of a house on the coast and an atmosphere - carefree and leisurely, with siestas and evening gatherings on the beach, with bright sun and a refreshing breeze - I have prepared many interesting ideas on how to bring your dreams into your interior.

For some trash - for others treasure!

We will again turn to the ideas of do-it-yourself rework from old to new! Old things as part of history - we invite them to our homes.
Old objects with true character and aura, and our interiors certainly become richer with them.

This time, new life ideas for an old door!

Do you like flowers? Do you want to organize a small natural oasis at home or in the country?
You do not need to spend a lot of money, time and effort to do this, believe me!
How to originally decorate a personal plot, a veranda of a house, a balcony and even city ​​apartment- You will see with your own eyes right now.
I have selected for you a lot of interesting ideas on how to make a flower pot with your own hands - original, simple, creative, fun and free! We make a mini garden with our own hands!
Ideas for flower pots from old things and improvised materials - everything will come in handy!

Make a children's playhouse to give with their own hands - this, of course, is a huge request to dad.

The house can look like a real one! With shutters and curtains on the windows, with flower beds at the entrance and real mini furniture that can be converted from old furniture with their own hands - with landscaping and beautiful design only mom can handle the house and the interior!

This is a great occasion to invite friends to have fun, play and enjoy the summer together.

For many of us, the very season will soon come when cozy family gatherings at the barbecue, and noisy parties with friends in the fresh air, and solemn anniversaries or warm holidays in the shade of a tent or on the terrace of a garden plot.
And of course, best decor to decorate a country, country or home table in a rustic or country style, festive or everyday, this rustic decor is the simplest and most beautiful in its simplicity and naturalness.
Urban humanity missed the natural beauty!

How beauty is created... Stages of work of a master, designer, artist... Alexei Sorokin when creating an author's lamp

Masters rarely reveal their secrets and, as a rule, do not like to demonstrate the intermediate stages of their creativity, "dirty" work and unfinished products.

And it's so fascinating - to watch the process of the birth of beauty!

Alexey Sorokin shares his secrets with us...

Good afternoon, dear readers! I am happy to take advantage of the kind generosity of the hostess of the site, beautiful Elena, and today I will tell you about our rustic house!
He is not at all big and modest, but we love him dearly and heartily! The interior is made in the most beautiful style in my opinion - rustic!
Rustic simplicity is the hallmark of rustic interiors. But at the same time, the “roughness” and brutality of the finish is balanced by the elegance of the decor elements.

Hello! My name is Alyaour topic today isEaster home decor in rustic style.

Easter is the brightest and most joyful holiday. Easter symbolizes life, rebirth and spring.

Pre-holiday preparations usually begin in advance, on Maundy Thursday, when housewives carefully clean their houses, get rid of unnecessary things and put things in order. When the house is filled with cleanliness and pre-holiday atmosphere, you just want to add some original decorative notes to its interior. Easter is a great occasion to spruce up your home with cute Easter crafts, decorations and accessories.
In today's article, I will show you some original ideas, which will help you fill the interior of your home with beautiful and cozy Easter decor 2017.

Easter is one of the most beautiful and beloved spring holidays. With the onset of Easter, spring comes to our house.Home decoration is an integral tradition of this happy holiday. Easter decor gives our home a special atmosphere, gives comfort, tenderness and warm associations.

Its most favorite traditional ingredients are eggs, decor and egg compositions, and, of course, spring flowers and flower arrangements.
White chicken eggs with the most unpretentious design of a green twig or a bird's feather on the background of a simple snow-white plate or in an old wicker basket can look elegant and very festive, simple and cozy, in the spirit of Easter.

Here I have selected my most favorite DIY Easter decor ideas - the simplest, most delicate and Easterly clean examples of how you can decorate your beloved home for the Easter holiday. For you, 47 ideas for decorating your home for Easter in Rustic style and simple Easter decor in white and pastel colors. Get inspired!

Spring is the time when nature blossoms, more sun outside the window, the first buds, the blooming of greenery, the singing of birds and the first flowers. We so often yearn for this happy mood, especially in winter. It's time to add some really fresh touches to our home décor and bring the spring vibe into the house.

I propose to turn to nature itself and spring colors for inspiration. The charm of awakening nature and spring warmth will give you a natural palette - accents of fresh greenery, yellow warm sun, a little delicate pastel from garden primroses and natural decor from natural materials. Get inspired! Have a warm and cozy spring! 40+ ideas for spring interior and do-it-yourself spring home decor:

The idea of ​​reworking from a resource board is far from new, but it seems to me that it is only gaining momentum in our country, like all types of resource processing, in principle.
This topic covers a lot of areas of our life, for someone still invisible.
However, the upward trend in demand for it is growing.

Time, atmospheric influences under open sky, even traces mechanical damage obtained as a result of the operation of the object, which will become a source for us unique material for a new project - it is these components that give that subtle vintage charm inherent in a resource board.

Again... a home becomes a home the moment you decide to invest time to express your individuality through it and distance yourself from current trends that can't express you. Creating an expressive composition with your own hands is a difficult task that requires dedication and inspiration from us.

I have selected for myself and for you a lot of interesting ideas that can serve as inspiration for a new exclusive do-it-yourself project from the resource board in interior design and home decoration. Enjoy!

Furniture and interior decor made from a tree trunk, saw cut or branches attracts with its natural simplicity and beauty at the same time.
Interior items made of natural materials, saw cut, solid wood - it is the natural forms and textures of natural wood that are very popular and in demand among designers and homeowners today.

And it's not just about interiors. rustic style. Even a small Rustic touch in the form of a decorative item made from a trunk, whether it is a candlestick in a table decoration or even a bedside table made of real hemp or saw cut, will give the house a unique country charm.

Tree trunk, branches, saw cuts and cuts are often used in decor. Scandinavian interiors or country houses, for example, a chalet - so actively use this rustic decor in the design of such interiors. AT classic interiors traditional home and modern cold industrial interiors, loft, steampunk also add rustic accents to give the interior a little warm touch.

Tree trunk or branch décor has a soothing and simple charm of country living, being close to nature, giving a cozy and relaxing atmosphere.

This is the atmosphere of a cozy, quiet and measured life away from the hustle and bustle in the interior with a wonderful combination of natural materials, simple shapes, natural materials and fabrics, vintage details and simple décor with rustic charm.

It is difficult to imagine the interiors of a country house without a fireplace, a stove, a potbelly stove, and even more so when it comes to a village house.
Even if you have a large firewood personal plot, in the cold season it is much more convenient to have a sufficient supply of dry firewood at hand in the house than to carry portions of poles for each kindling, as we say in the family, bookmarks, this is always extra garbage from wood dust, and you don’t always want to go out into the cold again especially early in the morning, brrr)...
The firewood rack in the house should be practical and, perhaps, not take up much space. Someone strives to hide the house firewood from the line of sight, but it seems to me that the firewood is beautiful, natural and very authentic!
When there is not much space in the house, you will have to try to set aside a piece of precious living space for storing firewood. I am sure you will find a suitable corner after viewing this post. It is more rational to use niches and free space from floor to ceiling - perhaps you have free space under the stairs, or the corner in the house next to the stove or fireplace is not quite practical.

Hope you get inspired here individual project do-it-yourself organization of a beautiful and comfortable home firewood rack!

For you, I have selected 46 ideas for storing firewood at home:

Do you know what you can turn old wine barrels into? You will need - a wooden barrel, a little patience, skill and ingenuity, and you can make amazing furniture from an old wooden barrel with your own hands.

Resource recycling, design alteration from old items and things - the TOP of our days. I am also one of the many fans of recycling and restoring old things that can be transformed into new useful products and even into chic designer treasures.

great creative idea and handmade with its skillful implementation - the main criteria for the uniqueness and value of the interior object.

An old wine barrel is a great resource for recycled wood products.

Wine barrels are made from oak, a wood that is hard and versatile, making it ideal material to create durable furniture.

The antique and stylish appearance of an old wooden barrel is an excellent material for creating chic DIY interior items, products and decor for your home and garden.
old wooden barrel can be cut lengthwise or across, or even disassembled into boards. From a wine barrel, you can make a wardrobe, a showcase, a home mini-bar, a coffee or bedside table, a bedside table, a stool or an armchair, a bench, a sink, a lamp, a couch or a house for your beloved pet, and even a baby cradle or a dining table.

The Victorian British Empire style is used as the main backdrop for steampunk projects. Steampunk can therefore be described as Neo-Victorian.
Steampunk is perhaps most recognizable in terms of following obsolete technologies or applying retro-futuristic inventions, as people in the 19th century might have imagined them. Such technologies may include fictional machines, such as those found in the works of H. G. Wells and Jules Verne.

Other steampunk examples contain alternate histories - presentations of technology such as airships, analog computers, digital computers, or mechanical inventions such as Charles Babbage's Analytical Engine.

So how can one adopt such a strange style that comes from the Industrial Revolution? However, Steampunk is slowly gaining momentum...

Let's try together to identify a few characteristic steampunk elements and tricks that can guide you step by step in the process of creating a steampunk atmosphere in your own home.

Every woman dreams of equipping her home so that it becomes the most comfortable corner where you always want to rush from work and gather with your family, spend holidays or just enjoy home peace. DIY home decorations are becoming more and more popular today. After all, as you know, various little things add cosiness in the house, which are in harmony with the situation and with the mood of all household members.

And of course, who doesn’t want to decorate their home before the holidays - for example, a birthday or New Year - with various little things of a suitable theme! But you will have to spend a lot of money on decorating rooms, because such trinkets are not as cheap in specialized stores as they seem. That's why the best option will make home decorations with his own hands, the creation of which will also be an exciting activity for you and even for your children.

It is possible to complement and refresh the interior of any room with the help of exclusive flower pots, and for this it is not necessary to run to the stores, you just have to look for old pots that are lying around idle. With the help of improvised materials and faceless, littered pots with your own hands, you can make wonderful crafts for decorating your home.

There are many ways to decorate flower pots. So, for example, you can use paint from cylinders or wrap them with coarse multi-colored threads, glue fringe or ruffles around.

With the help of improvised materials and faceless, littered pots, you can make wonderful crafts for decorating your home.

Another one of interesting options is the pasting of old flower pots with beads, beads, sequins or appliqués, which are finally varnished.

Knitted clothes with which they are wrapped will bring originality to the pots. To do this, it is not necessary to start learning to knit yourself, just choose an old knitted sweater or a boring scarf and use scissors and a needle and thread to build a new fashionable dress for a flower pot.

It is a little more difficult to make a colored mosaic for pots, but the result will be so spectacular that you won’t have to regret the time spent. So, to decorate with a mosaic, you will need the following material:

  • colored glass, pebbles or pebbles;
  • "hot" glue (PVA is also possible);
  • grout for tiles;
  • tassel.

In order not only to glue the pot, but also to lay out the drawing, you should prepare glass of several colors. Initially, the desired pattern is laid out on paper and only then transferred to the surface. First, the image is glued and only then the rest of the flower pot is processed.

After the entire pot is decorated with glass, tile grout is applied on top. If at this moment some pieces of glass fall off, it's okay: in a day, when the pot dries, you can glue the fallen elements back.

After processing the pot with grout, you need to wait 15-20 minutes and wipe it off the glass with a damp cloth. The grout is re-applied after a day and also washed with a rag. After another 24 hours, at the end, the product is varnished - and the original decoration created by you is ready.

No one else will have these sofa cushions.

When there is a sofa in the living room, it is just furniture, but if you decorate it with a pair of cute pillows, then the room immediately feels cozy and warm.

Advice! To decorate pillows, you can embroider a pillowcase yourself, and not just with threads, but with the use of beads, ruffles or other elements.

Sofa cushions are easy to sew yourself. If there is not enough time for this, you can buy a couple of inexpensive small pillows in the store and, with the help of your own imagination, create a lovely home decoration out of them, inspired by some suitable photo from the Internet.

Sofa cushions are easy to sew yourself

For greater convenience, applications are best done not on the pillow itself, but on top of the pillowcase, which can be removed and washed or changed. And there are many options here. You can prepare the applique yourself and sew it on. Or using an iron to glue a ready-made purchased decor element - this will not be difficult at all. The material for the pillowcase can be silk, velvet or any other fabric suitable for the interior of the room.

Modern sofa cushions don't have to be square shape- you can make them round, like animals or in the form of letters, for example. If you still decide to sew a pillow yourself, for this you can use not a homogeneous canvas, but shreds of different fabrics. For stuffing, it is better to choose a hypoallergenic material.

DIY decorated vases

Everyone knows perfectly well that in stores you can choose a vase for every taste, of any color and size, but it is not always possible to spend the amount that is written on the price tag for the vessel you like. And sometimes you just want to decorate the house with something original and exclusive.

Advice! Light and great solution will use glass bottle any original form.

Having previously removed the label, the remaining glue is removed from the bottle, then a bouquet of dried flowers is placed in the bottle. And in the end, the whole composition is sprayed with paint from a spray can of silver or golden color, or any other is possible - the main thing is that the craft looks harmonious with the room decor.

Original decor do-it-yourself vases can be created from paper, and since it is also simple, then feel free to connect the child to such exciting activity- as a result, a decoration for the house and a good mood are guaranteed. For such a vase you will need:

  • glass bottle, glass or jar;
  • corrugated paper of different shades (or you can use pieces of pages from a fashion magazine);
  • PVA glue;
  • small scissors.

The selected paper should be cut into uneven pieces different size. Apply glue to the prepared bottle and apply pieces of paper one by one in a chaotic manner. So process the entire bottle. Further, when the first layer is pasted, we apply glue on top again and apply more pieces of paper. Do this until the entire surface is pasted over. At the end, we process the craft again with glue and wait until it dries. If the house has acrylic lacquer, you can varnish the product, but even without this coating, the vase will look great and will become another home decoration made with your own hands from improvised materials.

We complement the interior with a tree from coffee beans

The coffee tree will not only decorate the rooms, but also fill them with a magical aroma. Handmade, original and beautiful tree will be an excellent present for any holiday, as well as a nice decoration for your home.

To make a coffee tree, you should prepare the following material:

  • large coffee beans;
  • plastic ball;
  • brown paint;
  • glue;
  • gypsum;
  • small flower pot;
  • Styrofoam.

The coffee tree will not only decorate the rooms, but also fill them with a magical aroma.

First of all, color the ball in Brown color, so the original shade will not appear from under the grains glued on top. After the paint dries, we pierce a hole in the ball into which the tree trunk will enter, and begin to glue it with grains.

For the trunk, you can use any stick or branch that will be wrapped with rope, ribbons or something else as you wish. We insert the barrel into the hole made in the ball to the end, we also glue coffee beans around it for better fixation.

Before you strengthen the tree in a pot, you should wrap the base of the trunk with a piece of wire. finished tree put in a pot and fill it with foam, then dissolve the gypsum in water and pour it into the pot. When everything dries - the craft is ready. You can decorate it further if you like.

How to decorate a house for a birthday

Birthday is a wonderful holiday for every person, regardless of age. Therefore, many people like to decorate the house to maintain a festive atmosphere and, of course, to the delight of children.

First of all, when decorating rooms, they remember balloons, without which no one can do children's holiday. But in order for the balls to really bring pleasure, it is better, of course, to make a composition out of them, to come up with something original - then it will not just be a bunch of balls, but a real decoration.

Pictures from multi-colored balloons attached to the walls or ceiling will look beautiful, ribbons can also be used for decoration.

When decorating a room, think about balloons

Another fun option is to scatter inflated colorful balloons randomly on the floor. This idea will appeal to children who will be happy to play with balloons.

Advice! If balloons are filled with helium, and satin ribbons are tied instead of threads, then interesting photos can be attached to the ribbons.

To apply for a loan online, it is enough to fill out an application form on the MFI website containing passport data, the desired loan amount and some other information. Also, if you plan to receive money on a card, you will need to have a registered Visa or MasterCard with CVV2 to receive funds.

The decision on the application is made from several minutes to half an hour. If the loan amount exceeds 30-50 thousand rubles, the application is considered manually, which affects the time of its consideration. The speed of receipt of money depends on the chosen method of receipt - to an account, to a card, to an electronic wallet or in cash, and on the amount of the loan. Money is transferred at any time of the day, as well as on holidays and weekends.

You can extend the term of the loan for a period of 1-30 days. In some cases, if there are good reasons, the extension of the loan is carried out without overpayments. In other cases, an additional commission fee is paid for the prolongation of the loan. The number of possible extensions must be specified in the MFI.

For the first time, you can borrow an amount from 1 thousand rubles to 30 thousand rubles, depending on different conditions. The size of the first loan is affected by the income of the borrower, the term of the loan, the presence of a good credit history, the conditions for certain programs.

The MFO checks the validity of the passport through the FMS database, the registration address, the contact details of the borrower, assesses its solvency, and looks at open paperwork on the FSSP database. Questionnaires of online clients are checked by an automated scoring system. The data from the BKI, information about the bank card are also checked.

A bad credit history is not yet a reason to wait for a rejection. If the CI is damaged due to the fault of the creditor's bank, you can apply to the BCI with an application. In other cases, you can try to fix it with a chain of successively taken and timely repaid small microloans.

If the loan is not given, you should find out the reason. For example, get your CI and study it to see if there are any delinquencies formed through the fault of banks. Maybe you have accumulated debt on utility bills - it needs to be paid off. After some time, you can re-apply to the MFI for a smaller loan amount. Several successive and timely repayment of small loans will improve your position in the MFI.

If the money is not returned to the MFI in due time, interest will be charged to you within a certain period stipulated by the agreement. If during this time you do not get in touch and do not repay the loan, your case will be transferred to collection agency who will work with you to settle the refund method. If you avoid communication with collectors, the case will be referred to the bailiffs, who:

  1. arrest funds on the salary card;
  2. restrict travel abroad;
  3. seize your personal property.

Sooner or later, the well-established interior of the home becomes familiar and no longer pleases its owners with comfort and originality. In this case, even without financial means to carry out repairs, you can completely update the dull atmosphere by making home decor with your own hands. Such home-made decorations can radically change the atmosphere of a living space, introducing some kind of originality, and also with their help it is easy to disguise some interior flaws. The decor allows you to transform absolutely any space using improvised means and various techniques. Such creativity can also change the style of the room, transforming it into a more modern one. In this article, we will look at various interesting ideas for home decor with your own hands using various materials and techniques at minimal cost.

DIY home decor: decorate the interior with knitting

Knitted decor today has become fashion trend in interior design. Even our grandmothers and great-grandmothers knitted various napkins and tablecloths for long evenings, thus decorating their homes. For some time, this technique has lost its relevance, but now, when there is a wide variety on the market different material, do-it-yourself knitted home decor has found a second life.

Since it is now fashionable to decorate living quarters, adhering to a certain style, it is worth noting that knitted products (various napkins, vases, etc.) will best fit into the interior in retro, country or Provence style. The technique of tying up interior items will help to significantly update the boring environment. For example, you can tie a lampshade with colored threads table lamp or a floor lamp, choosing shades that match the interior, or, on the contrary, using bright colors material, you can make a certain emphasis, drawing attention to a particular area of ​​the room.

Quite beautiful candlesticks can be made independently from cans by crocheting them with openwork knitting. AT daytime such a little thing will be a significant decoration of the room, and in the evening - interesting effects from the emitting light will create a unique atmosphere of comfort and some mystery. Knitted home decor with your own hands is the most diverse, with this technique you can decorate any items - vases, flower pots, cups and other interior elements, bringing a new breath to them.

An original decoration can be made by tying sea pebbles brought from vacation, as shown in the photo.

DIY home decor ideas: knitted pillows and toys

The knitting technique can be used not only in relation to small crafts, but also in tying pillows, ottomans and even furniture. In the manufacture of pillows, you can use various techniques and styles, experiment with colors and patterns. A real decoration will be decorative pillow in patchwork style, the presence of which will make the room much more comfortable and warmer.

As for tying furniture - it's not really practical option. This technique is mainly applicable for small items, for example, you can process the seat of a stool with a circular viscous. But for large items, it is better to arrange knitted covers - they are easy to remove and clean, and you can also knit several models of different colors and patterns. Furniture "disguised" in one or another case, is able to make significant changes to the interior of the room.

Do-it-yourself knitted home decor elements can include a variety of toys, which will undoubtedly please the kids. It can be quirky owls, lazy cats, cubs, dogs, whatever. The main thing is that such a craft should cheer you up with its appearance. For children, knitted toys are absolutely safe, in addition, they are even recommended, since various styles knitting creates original textures and a ribbed surface, which favors the development of tactile sensations in a child.

Interesting ideas for DIY home decor: wooden crafts in the interior

Wooden elements for the arrangement and decoration of the home have been used since ancient times. There are quite a few on the market these days. synthetic materials, with which you can improve the interior, but the tree still does not lose its relevance, and in last years even comes out on top in popularity.

People's desire for natural elements is increasingly reflected in the design of living spaces in styles such as Scandinavian or eco. And, without spending a lot of money, you can easily make wood decor with your own hands for the home. It should be taken into account that all wooden elements it will be necessary to treat it with special solutions so that insects do not start in them, and it is also desirable to open the surfaces with varnish for moisture resistance.

A wooden hanger can become an original and, at the same time, functional decoration of a corridor or hallway. This will require wooden frame, thick branches with long knots and a screwdriver. The branches must be cut to the height of the frame, and the shoots must be removed from the back. Then, using a screwdriver, mount them into the frame so that the existing knots are located on the front side and point upwards (like the hooks of standard hangers). The finished structure can be painted in any suitable color, or simply open with varnish to emphasize naturalness.

Interesting do-it-yourself home decor ideas also apply to making photo frames or framing pictures. You can, for example, take a small, carelessly processed board (even from a dense layer of bark) and, using a hemp rope, fix a photo on it - you get an excellent photo frame for bedside table, or do everything on a larger scale, using a large board, placing a number of photos. This design will look very good in a warm palette of walls.

You can make a cornice out of wood using part of a thin trunk or open shelves. good modern idea for decorating the walls are panels of wooden dice. In the corridor, for example, you can decorate the entire wall in this way, in the kitchen - arrange an apron, and in the nursery - create wall compositions in the form of butterflies or flowers. Visually, these types of design are presented in the photo of this article.

DIY home decor: use wood in the interior

One of the latest innovations is do-it-yourself wood decor for the home, using entire sections of wood cut for some reason. At the same time, the room acquires a certain charm and sophistication. Can be issued chic chandelier, equipping a massive tree branch with LED bulbs, or arranging the leg of a floor lamp, which will look very appropriate in an eco-style room.

Sprigs are often wrapped around mirrors and frames with photographs. It's a good idea to use a small branched piece of wood as a storage element for hanging jewelry that is placed on the branch. At the same time, they are well preserved, do not get confused, and you can choose the right thing pretty quickly.

In general, options for using wood when decorating a house with your own hands (photo various works presented in the article) a great many. Perhaps some will become the basis for new ideas and their implementation in arranging comfort and coziness in the house.

DIY decor elements for the home: life hacks

Such a concept as "life hacks" appeared in our everyday life quite recently, although its meaning comes down to various folk life wisdom that helps in everyday life. With the help of them, you can not only eliminate any problem, but also create a new decor element. Do-it-yourself life hacks for the home are quite simple, but at the same time, the decor will be not only a decoration, but also a useful thing for the home. Let's take a look at some of these designs.

Often we are faced with a situation where the electrical wires from carrying are tangled under our feet. In order to disguise them, you can build a decorative fence along the wall or decorate with thick multi-colored threads, wrapping a cord around them.

Indoor plants in the apartment can be made quite funny by attaching drawn and paper-cut eyes to them. Their appearance on the windowsill will cheer you up even on the most unfortunate day.

If you need a lampshade, but there is no possibility of acquiring it, you can arrange quite beautiful option, which will decorate any interior using threads. To do this, inflate the balloon to required dimensions. Then the threads are dipped in PVA glue and wrapped around the ball absolutely randomly, while leaving some space at the top for the lamp. When the design dries well, the ball must be carefully removed, before doing this, making a puncture in it. The lampshade is ready.

From old boxes lying around in the country, you can build original shelves for storing dishes, books, magazines, in general, anything. For this, wooden boxes it is worth initially painting or varnishing, matching in the desired position, connecting the ends and fixing. Thus, you can build a whole sideboard.

DIY home decor with life hacks can be the most original, you just have to look around and apply a little imagination.

In decorating the room, it is possible to use a wide variety of improvised materials. Even from old vinyl records, if they are preheated, very beautiful saucers, flowerpots and other interior items come out. Do-it-yourself home decor, as shown in the photo, suggests the possibility of using any little things that, by and large, are not suitable for the household. In general, as they say, you can always throw it away, but it’s worth trying to give a second life to this or that little thing, especially since this will significantly reduce the material costs of purchased decor.

DIY home decor: description and photos of interesting ideas updated: September 30, 2017 by: Kyiv Irina

Sooner or later, the well-established interior of the home becomes familiar and no longer pleases its owners with comfort and originality. In this case, even without financial means to carry out repairs, you can completely update the dull atmosphere by making home decor with your own hands. Such home-made decorations can radically change the atmosphere of a living space, introducing some kind of originality, and also with their help it is easy to disguise some interior flaws. The decor allows you to transform absolutely any space using improvised means and various techniques. Such creativity can also change the style of the room, transforming it into a more modern one. In this article, we will look at a variety of interesting DIY home decor ideas using various materials and techniques at minimal cost.

DIY home decor: decorate the interior with knitting

Knitted decor has become a fashionable trend in interior design today. Even our grandmothers and great-grandmothers knitted various napkins and tablecloths for long evenings, thus decorating their homes. For some time, this technique has lost its relevance, but now, when there is a wide variety of different materials on the market, do-it-yourself knitted home decor has gained a second life.

Since it is now fashionable to decorate living quarters, adhering to a certain style, it is worth noting that knitted products (various napkins, vases, etc.) will best fit into the interior in retro, country or Provence style. The technique of tying up interior items will help to significantly update the boring environment. For example, you can tie the lampshade of a table lamp or floor lamp with colored threads, choosing shades that match the interior, or, on the contrary, using bright colors of the material, you can make a certain accent, drawing attention to one or another area of ​​the room.

Quite beautiful candlesticks can be made independently from cans by crocheting them with openwork knitting. In the daytime, such a little thing will be a significant decoration of the room, and in the evening - interesting effects from the emitting light will create a unique atmosphere of comfort and some mystery. Do-it-yourself knitted home decor can be the most diverse, with this technique you can decorate any items - vases, flower pots, cups and other interior elements, bringing a new breath to them.

An original decoration can be made by tying sea pebbles brought from vacation, as shown in the photo.

DIY home decor ideas: knitted pillows and toys

The knitting technique can be used not only in relation to small crafts, but also in tying pillows, ottomans and even furniture. In the manufacture of pillows, you can use various techniques and styles, experiment with colors and patterns. A real decoration will be a patchwork-style decorative pillow, the presence of which will make the room much more comfortable and warmer.

As for tying furniture - this is not a very practical option. This technique is mainly applicable for small items, for example, you can process the seat of a stool with a circular viscous. But for large items, it is better to arrange knitted covers - they are easy to remove and clean, and you can also knit several models of different colors and patterns. Furniture "disguised" in one or another case, is able to make significant changes to the interior of the room.

Do-it-yourself knitted home decor elements can include a variety of toys, which will undoubtedly please the kids. It can be whimsical owls, lazy cats, cubs, dogs - whatever. The main thing is that such a craft should cheer you up with its appearance. For children, knitted toys are absolutely safe, in addition, they are even recommended, since different styles of knitting create peculiar textures and a ribbed surface, which favors the development of tactile sensations in a child.

Interesting ideas for DIY home decor: wooden crafts in the interior

Wooden elements for the arrangement and decoration of the home have been used since ancient times. Nowadays, there are quite a lot of synthetic materials on the market with which you can improve the interior, but wood still does not lose its relevance, and in recent years it has even come out on top in popularity.

People's desire for natural elements is increasingly reflected in the design of living spaces in styles such as Scandinavian or eco. And, without spending a lot of money, you can easily make wood decor with your own hands for the home. It should be borne in mind that all wooden elements will need to be treated with special solutions so that insects do not start in them, and it is also desirable to open the surfaces with varnish for moisture resistance.

A wooden hanger can become an original and, at the same time, functional decoration of a corridor or hallway. To do this, you need a wooden frame, thick branches with long knots and a screwdriver. The branches must be cut to the height of the frame, and the shoots must be removed from the back. Then, using a screwdriver, mount them into the frame so that the existing knots are located on the front side and point upwards (like the hooks of standard hangers). The finished structure can be painted in any suitable color, or simply varnished to emphasize naturalness.

Interesting do-it-yourself home decor ideas also apply to making photo frames or framing pictures. You can, for example, take a small, carelessly processed board (even from a dense layer of bark) and, using a hemp rope, fix a photo on it - you get an excellent photo frame for a bedside table, or you can do everything on a larger scale, using a large board, placing a whole a number of photographs. This design will look very good in a warm palette of walls.

You can make a cornice out of wood using part of a thin trunk or open shelves. A good modern idea for decorating walls are panels made of wooden plates. In the corridor, for example, you can decorate the entire wall in this way, in the kitchen - arrange an apron, and in the nursery - create wall compositions in the form of butterflies or flowers. Visually, these types of design are presented in the photo of this article.

DIY home decor: use wood in the interior

One of the latest innovations is do-it-yourself wood decor for the home, using entire sections of wood cut for some reason. At the same time, the room acquires a certain charm and sophistication. You can decorate a chic chandelier by equipping a massive tree branch with LED bulbs, or decorate the leg of a floor lamp, which will look very appropriate in an eco-style room.

Sprigs are often wrapped around mirrors and frames with photographs. It's a good idea to use a small branched piece of wood as a storage element for hanging jewelry that is placed on the branch. At the same time, they are well preserved, do not get confused, and you can choose the right thing pretty quickly.

In general, there are a lot of options for using wood when decorating a house with your own hands (photos of various works are presented in the article). Perhaps some will become the basis for new ideas and their implementation in arranging comfort and coziness in the house.

DIY decor elements for the home: life hacks

Such a concept as "life hacks" appeared in our everyday life quite recently, although its meaning comes down to various folk life wisdom that helps in everyday life. With the help of them, you can not only eliminate any problem, but also create a new decor element. Do-it-yourself life hacks for the home are quite simple, but at the same time, the decor will be not only a decoration, but also a useful thing for the home. Let's take a look at some of these designs.

Often we are faced with a situation where the electrical wires from carrying are tangled under our feet. In order to disguise them, you can build a decorative fence along the wall or decorate with thick multi-colored threads, wrapping a cord around them.

Indoor plants in the apartment can be made quite funny by attaching drawn and paper-cut eyes to them. Their appearance on the windowsill will cheer you up even on the most unfortunate day.

If you need a lampshade, but there is no possibility of acquiring it, you can arrange a rather beautiful option that will decorate any interior using threads. To do this, you need to inflate the balloon to the required size. Then the threads are dipped in PVA glue and wrapped around the ball absolutely randomly, while leaving some space at the top for the lamp. When the design dries well, the ball must be carefully removed, before doing this, making a puncture in it. The lampshade is ready.

From old boxes lying around in the country, you can build original shelves for storing dishes, books, magazines, in general, anything. To do this, wooden boxes should initially be painted or varnished, matched in the desired position, connected with the ends and secured. Thus, you can build a whole sideboard.

In decorating the room, it is possible to use a wide variety of improvised materials. Even from old vinyl records, if they are preheated, very beautiful saucers, flowerpots and other interior items come out. Do-it-yourself home decor, as shown in the photo, suggests the possibility of using any little things that, by and large, are not suitable for the household. In general, as they say, you can always throw it away, but it’s worth trying to give a second life to this or that little thing, especially since this will significantly reduce the material costs of purchased decor.
