How long does Siberian cedar live. Cedar: planting and care, types and varieties, photo. Suitable for single and group landings

This variety of cedar has several distinctive features:

  • flat top;
  • barrel-shaped cone;
  • dark triangular protrusion on the upper edge of the seed scale.

The plant lives at an altitude of 1000-2000 m above sea level in the Turkish Taurus and Antitaurus mountains, in Lebanon and Syria. In Russia, this tree grows on the coast of Crimea.
The life span of the Lebanese is 2000-3000 years. Crimean representatives of the species live less - 150-200 years. This is due to the calcareous soil unsuitable for the plant.


The crown of the plant looks like a wide cone. The branches are arranged horizontally, at the ends they bend down. In its natural environment, it lives in East Asia: in the northwest of the Himalayas, in the mountains of Pakistan, Afghanistan, Nepal, and India. It grows at an altitude of up to 3500 m above sea level.

The life span is 1000 years. In favorable conditions, it lives up to 3000 years.

Cypriot (short coniferous)

This species differs from relatives in short needles up to 1 cm, short stature up to 12 m and smaller cones. Crown shape changes with age. At first it looks like a cone, then it takes on a wide-spreading shape, in old age it becomes like an umbrella.

The Cypriot cedar lives in the lower belt of dry coniferous forests of the island of Cyprus. Some biologists attribute it to a variety of Lebanese cedar. The plant lives up to 500 years.


It has a pyramidal crown. With age, the top becomes flat. The leaves and buds are smaller than the Lebanese variety, but larger than the Cypriot cedar. Some botanists attribute the tree to the Lebanese species.

The life span is 800 years. In the wild, it grows at an altitude of 1300-2000 m above sea level on Mount Atlas in Morocco, Algeria and Tunisia.

Thanks to artificial breeding, all types of plants, except for the short-coniferous, now grow in Russia on the Black Sea coast and the south of Central Asia.

Where do cedar pines grow

Siberian pine is a much more common species. In the wild, it lives in the taiga, in the mountains and in the swamps. Meets in Mongolia and Northern China.

In our country, it grows mainly in Western Siberia. In Eastern Siberia grows closer to the southern border. Grows in Central and Southern Altai. To the west of the Ural Mountains, the tree is distributed up to the Timan Ridge.

Cedar pine is also found in the European north of Russia. In these parts it prevails in the Arkhangelsk and Vologda regions. Several trees remained in the Kostroma region.

Pine nuts

What we used to call pine nuts has nothing to do with cedar. True cedar seeds are inedible. Siberian nuts are eaten
Pine nut shells are widely used. Their oil has found application in cosmetology.

Cedar pine seeds are rich in vitamins and microelements.

They have many useful properties:

  • increase physical and psychological tone;
  • improve brain function;
  • slow down the aging process;
  • reduce the risk of cancer and cardiovascular diseases;
  • strengthen skin, hair, and nails;
  • have a beneficial effect on the nervous and reproductive systems;
  • increase potency;
  • normalize blood clotting;
  • stimulate the independent production of vitamins;
  • maintain normal hemoglobin;
  • contribute to the production of collagen, necessary for the joints and skin;
  • normalize the water-salt balance;
  • strengthen bones;
  • increase attention;
  • improve memory.

Infusions and decoctions are made on the shells of cedar seeds. Due to their anti-inflammatory action, they are used to treat wounds, ulcers and other manifestations of skin diseases. When ingested, the digestive tract improves.

Oil in medicine is used as part of ointments and inhalations. As a cosmetic product helps in the restoration of hair, eyelashes and skin. It is added to creams and masks.

Is it possible to grow real cedar in the middle lane

It is believed that true cedar can withstand frosts down to -30 C. But this is true only for a short-term drop in temperature. The tree will not survive the winter.
In our country, real cedar is found only on the Black Sea coast.

In colder regions, dwarf breeds are grown at home. Unfortunately, it will not work to enjoy the mighty handsome man on the plot.

Features of growing cedar pine

But Siberian in Russia is successfully grown in any climate. The main thing is to responsibly approach the choice of a site for planting and properly care for the plant.
The first 5 years the tree is grown at home in a pot. Only after reaching a height of 1 meter, the plant is transplanted into open ground.

A sprout or seed is planted in a spacious container so that the root system is comfortable. The pot must have drainage holes and a drip tray to drain excess liquid.

The soil should be chosen loose and fertile, without peat. To protect against pests, oxidizing agents are added to the soil.

As a top dressing, a biostimulator of root growth is used. Preference is given to special fertilizers for coniferous plants. Excessive use of additives to pine will hurt.

Siberian pines love plentiful during the hot season. In summer, the soil around the tree is moistened as it dries. In autumn, watering is reduced, in winter it is stopped altogether.
In order to bring the conditions of detention as close as possible to the natural habitat, for the winter the tree is put on a balcony or on the street. It is not necessary to cover the plant.

When planting in open ground, site selection is important. It should be borne in mind that the pine tree has a spreading crown. A mature tree will need enough space.

When planting in groups, a distance of at least 7 m is observed between plants. It is necessary to retreat from the walls of buildings by at least 3 m.

Cedar pine loves sunlight. At the same time, it is resistant to cold and winds. A well-lit hill will be optimal for landing. It is worth giving preference to loamy loose soil without an excess of groundwater.

Siberian pine is hardy. In winter, it is not covered or mulched. She does not need fertilizing and watering.

Tree pruning is done in the spring. It is enough to remove the dried branches. Decorative shaping is usually not required. For the procedure, use a sharp secateurs, disinfected with alcohol. Places of cuts must be treated with pitch.

Cedar is a beautiful and powerful plant. Unfortunately, only residents of the southern regions can become its owner in our country.

The rest of the gardeners have to enjoy the Siberian in their backyard. She has little in common with a true cedar, but she is also very beautiful.

Get even more information about the Siberian pine when watching the video:

All types of true cedars have a wood similar in color, which contains many resins and oils, with a strong cedar smell. The growth rings are clearly visible due to the contrast between the zones of early and late wood. The fibers are mostly straight. In real cedars, pockets (ingrowths) of the bark are formed in the wood.

Cedar wood is excellent for making pencils. In addition, cedar is used in the same areas as other conifers, i.e. in construction, furniture and plywood production, as well as for fixing mine workings.

Soft and pliable cedar wood is an excellent material for the production of boards, timber, lining and other lumber.

This material makes it easy to work with its lumber. Cedar timber serves as a reliable material for various types of construction and carpentry work. This is because cedar, like larch, does not rot, which compares favorably with most lumber of other species. As a result, cedar timber can be used for both internal and external work that is exposed to the environment.

A cedar beam without additional treatments with antiseptics and stains will serve for a long time and give its owner warmth and comfort.

Cedar board is characterized by ideal indicators for use in construction and the production of joinery products from it. The edged board cedar also has a number of advantages over lumber of other species, due to the rather unusual structure of the arrangement of wood fibers and the presence of cedar resins in it, which prevent decay.

It is also important that this material conducts heat perfectly. A house made of cedar cannot be compared in terms of warmth and comfort with any other tree. Floors that are made of cedar boards keep healthy. Houses built from Siberian cedar logs and beams have a light aroma that heals and disinfects indoor air.

Areas of application of cedar

Cedar seeds, which are the main raw material value of cedar forests, created the popularity of cedar, but also led to its destruction over vast areas. They have a very high nutritional value, due to the high content of fat (about 60% on average, with fluctuations from 45 to 75% of the weight of the dry kernel) and nitrogenous substances (up to 20%).

scientific classification
Domain: eukaryotes
Kingdom: Plants
The Department: Conifers
Class: Conifers (Pinopsida Burnett, 1835)
Order: Pine
Family: Pine
International scientific name
Cedrus Trew, 1757, nom. cons.
type view
Cedrus libani A.Rich., 1832

Man has been using them since ancient times. In the past, they were used by the local population not only as a delicacy, but also for squeezing cedar oil. At the same time, cedar cake was also obtained - a very valuable top dressing for farm animals.

In the twenties of the current century, in a number of regions of Western Siberia and the Baikal region, factory production of this oil was carried out, later abandoned due to the laboriousness of mass harvesting of seeds, a wide range of fluctuations in their yield, the instability of quickly rancid oil and its high cost.

The range of raw materials that can be obtained from cedar is very wide. Its wood is used for the manufacture of pencils, battery veneer, turning and joinery. It has a rather beautiful texture and color, is well processed and has a persistent pleasant smell that makes it phytoncidal. Of the Siberian conifers, only it is suitable for the manufacture of containers for food products. Siberian melted butter, widely known in the past, was transported in barrels made of cedar staves. Omul barrels were made from it.

Cedar can also be used as a resinous breed. It gives a large yield of oleoresin on the carr with its long expiration after each cutting, which significantly reduces the number of cuttings and collections and thereby increases the economic efficiency of tapping. The technical application of cedar resin is no worse than that of pine. In addition, an optical balm is produced from cedar resin.

However, cedar tapping has not become widespread, since it significantly reduces its seed production and is difficult due to the mountainous terrain, within which cedar forests are mainly preserved.

From the peel of cedar seeds, you can produce a resistant brown dye that successfully replaces the famous stain. From its needles and shoots (cedar foot) an essential oil is obtained, which is used in perfumery.

Many studies have shown that the lifetime use of raw materials of cedar forests is economically much more expedient than cutting them to obtain wood. Only the collection of cedar seeds during the life of one generation of a stand gives a much greater income than can be obtained from logging. And cedar forests, in addition, are the best place for hunting sable and squirrel and are used for picking mushrooms and berries.

Due to the strongly pronounced environment-forming ability of the cedar, the power of its root system and the location of the cedar forests in the mountains, the water protection, anti-erosion and climate-regulating value of the cedar forests is very high. Simple calculations show that the protective properties of cedar forests are much more important for society than their raw materials. All this makes the cedar forests a very important object of protection and management.

Types of cedars

  • atlas cedar or Cedar Atlantica Matt grows in North Africa. It has a height of up to forty meters, as well as a crown in the form of a pyramid.
  • Deodar or Cedrus Deodara Loud is a green coniferous plant that does not change color 365 days a year. Belongs to the spruce family.
  • Italian cedar or Pinus Pinea. It is also called pine. It is a tree from the coniferous family with a very resinous bark.
  • Cedar elfin or Pinus Cemmbra L- This is a pine species that grows in the north-east of Siberia, on Sakhalin, on the Amur.
  • Chinese or Japanese cedar, or Cryptomeria japonica Don- a tree that stays green all year round. This is a very tall tree up to 40 meters high and 2 meters wide.
  • Korean cedar- a coniferous breed that grows in the Far Eastern part of Russia, the Khabarovsk and Primorsky Territories, on the Amur, in Korea, in northeast China and the island of Honshu in the Japanese archipelago.
  • red cedar or Juniperus Oxycedrus- This is a coniferous tree. This type of cedar is evergreen and belongs to the cypress family. It grows on the Mediterranean coast, in North Africa and in eastern Asia.
  • mexican cedar or Pinus cembroides Zuss- This is a small tree, only up to 10 meters high, with a large crown.
  • Phoenician cedar or Callitris quadrivalvis Vent- an evergreen tree from the cypress family. This is a small shrub up to 6 meters in height.

Useful tables

Indicators of the macrostructure of cedar wood

Korean cedar

European cedar

Krasnoyarsk region

Western Siberia

Eastern Siberia

The number of annual layers in 1 cm

Physical and mechanical properties of cedar wood

Siberian cedar (Siberian cedar pine)

Korean cedar pine

Atlas cedar

himalayan cedar

Krasnoyarsk region

Western Siberia

Eastern Siberia


Physical properties of cedar pine


Cedar pine

Pine com.


Krasnoyar. edge

Zap. Siberia

Zap. Siberia

The number of annual layers in 1cm.


Density, kg/m"

Maximum humidity at average water absorption. %

Average humidity when freshly cut. %

Average swelling ratio. % per % humidity:









Tensile strength. MPa at: - compression along the fibers

static bend- stretching along the fibers

chipping along the fibers

along the plane:






















Bending impact strength. kJ/m"





The hardness is static. N/mm":- end









Specific strength at:- compression along the fibers

static bend

chipping along the fibers













The Siberian cedar in Russia became known to people at the end of the 17th century. Despite the fact that the tree is called cedar, it has nothing to do with real cedars: Himalayan and Lebanese.


Siberian cedar is an evergreen tree that belongs to the genus Pine. In height, the cedar can reach 44 meters, the trunk of old trees in diameter can reach 2 meters. The lifespan of a cedar is about 500 years. The needles of the tree have a dark green color, can reach a length of 14 cm. The needles grow in bunches, five needles each. The root of the tree is short, taproot, branching.


The cedar is especially widespread in Western Siberia, in the Urals, in Eastern Siberia, in Altai, in Mongolia, in Northern China, in the Sikhote-Alin mountains. There are also artificial plantations of cedar on the territory of the European Northern part of Russia: in the Arkhangelsk region, Vologda, Yaroslavl, Kostroma regions. Siberian cedar is often confused with Korean and European cedar, but these trees have some differences.

Collection and storage

Siberian Cedar blooms in July, and the seeds ripen in August - early September, when they are collected by cones. To extract seeds from a cone, the latter is heated in a special drying machine, where, under the influence of temperature, the scales are bent, and the seeds themselves fall.

In case of poor separation of seeds from the cone, mechanical processing is used. After the seeds are pulled out, they are laid out in the sun to dry. It is very important not to miss the moment when the peel is already dry, but the seed inside is still soft. It is during this period that the seeds must be removed from the sun.

Seeds can be stored for no more than 6 months. After this period, their composition begins to change dramatically: poisonous products appear. The seed changes shape, color, taste. Seeds are also susceptible to moisture. Accordingly, they need to be stored in a ventilated place, in a fabric bag, periodically pouring into a container and allowing the accumulated moisture to evaporate.


Cedar forests are famous for their fresh air and pleasant aroma. The thing is that cedar releases substances such as phytoncides into the air. They disinfect the air. Walking through the cedar forests is also very useful for mental disorders, nervous diseases.

For bronchial asthma, pneumonia and other respiratory diseases, decoctions and tinctures are used. Also, for various diseases of the oral cavity, to improve the quality of blood, to cleanse blood vessels, with uterine bleeding, it is recommended to use a decoction of pine needles. Tincture of needles is used for skin inflammation.

In rheumatism and similar diseases, alcohol tinctures and turpentine baths are used as rubbing. To relieve fatigue, it is recommended to take baths with infusion of cedar needles. In the treatment of gastrointestinal inflammation, they drink a tincture of cones. Camphor oil of Siberian cedar is excellent in the treatment of diseases of the nervous system as an aromatherapy.

Siberian cedar, or rather its fruits and needles, are used for the following diseases:

  • Asthma
  • Bronchitis
  • Tuberculosis
  • Tracheitis
  • Pneumonia
  • Pneumonia
  • Angina
  • Stomatitis
  • Runny nose
  • Purulent skin lesions
  • Mastitis
  • Rheumatism
  • Arthritis
  • Gout
  • Peptic ulcer of the stomach or intestines
  • Pneumonia
  • Nervous disorders
  • Schizophrenia
  • Scurvy
  • Uterine bleeding
  • Chronic fatigue
  • Inflammation of the gums

Beneficial features


Infusion of cedar needles for rinsing the mouth with inflammation of the gums prepared according to this recipe: Siberian cedar, needles, in the amount of 5 grams, are ground in a mortar. Pour in a glass of warm water. Put on fire and cook for 20 minutes. After that, it is removed from the stove, infused for another half an hour and filtered. Rinsing must be carried out several times a day, in addition, the same solution can be used orally to saturate the body with vitamin C, which is so necessary for inflammatory processes in the oral cavity.

For external use, infusion of cedar needles prepared as follows: 0.5 kg of needles are poured with 3 liters of boiling water. Insist about 6 hours, filter. Add to warm water bath. Take this bath for 30 minutes every other day.

For respiratory diseases prepare an infusion of cedar buds: crushed buds in the amount of 10 grams are poured with a liter of boiling water, insisted in a warm place, for example, in a thermos, for 3 hours. Filter. Take 3 times a day for a tablespoon, after meals.

As a diuretic and choleretic agent prepare a decoction according to the following recipe: Siberian cedar, kidneys, 2 tbsp. pour a glass of boiling water. Boil in a water bath for about 30 minutes. After that, insist another 40 minutes. Filter. Take daily for a week, 3 times a day, half a glass.

With uterine bleeding, mastitis, drink a decoction of the shell of nuts: 1 cup of the shell must be poured with a glass of boiling water, then boil for 30 minutes. Remove from stove and leave for 2 hours. Express. Take before meals 3 times a day, half a glass.

For peptic ulcers of the intestines and stomach Siberian cedar oil is recommended. Apply it in a teaspoon half an hour before meals - in the morning, and 2 hours after eating - in the evening.

For respiratory diseases make compresses from turpentine and petroleum jelly, in a ratio of 1 to 5.

Application restrictions

  • angina pectoris
  • Pregnancy
  • Oncological neoplasms
  • Individual intolerance

Cedar pine is a unique plant that adorns the forests and landscapes of our country and other territories. It has beneficial for the environment and healing properties for the body. Outwardly, this is a powerful, luxurious plant, stately, tall. Its wood, needles, nuts are highly valued. Many people call cedar pine cedar, but there are fundamental differences between them.


An informal group of cedar pines brings together several varieties of trees. In our country, Siberian pine is considered the most common. Siberian cedar pine is considered a symbolic plant for Russia, it is impossible not to admire its beauty and healing properties. This tree feels great in any frost. This coniferous plant is surprisingly organic. In height, it calmly grows up to 35 meters, and in girth - from one and a half to two. Pine grows slowly, but lives for a long time. On average, the duration of the active healthy existence of a pine tree is about 400 years. There are specimens that live up to 800-900 years. Pine needles release a huge amount of phytoncides into the air, so breathing in such an area is good for health.

The air in a pine forest of any variety has the following properties:

  • sterility;
  • healing;
  • powerful resistance to viruses;
  • It has a great effect not only on the state of health of the body, but also on the state of the nervous system, calming it.

Cedar pine is used to treat scurvy, neurosis, and strengthen the immune system. Pine has a wound-healing effect, wood actively fights bacteria. As for nut fruits, in addition to their exquisite taste, they are extremely nutritious and healthy.

The cedar pine looks spectacular. Description of her appearance and properties:

  • branches grow compactly and densely, forming an elegant crown;
  • the needles are narrow and hard to the touch;
  • length of needles up to 13 cm, has excellent healing properties, full of minerals, vitamins;
  • the needles have a dark green tint, with a bluish interspersed, soft to the touch;
  • needles are formed in bunches;
  • thickened branches;
  • straight type trunk, gray-brown color;
  • the root system is powerful;
  • rod-type root with lateral branches;
  • the growing season is short - up to one and a half months;
  • this is a monoecious species of dioecious species, cones of both sexes are located on the same tree;
  • pollinated by the wind;
  • the kidneys are cone-shaped, up to 10 mm long;
  • flowering and pollination occurs in June;
  • the cones are large, egg-shaped, at first they have a purple hue, then brownish;
  • cone width from 5 to 8 cm, length - up to 13 cm, with dense scales;
  • cones begin to bear fruit after 60 years, not earlier;
  • maturation of cones lasts up to 15 months, after which they fall off on their own;
  • the tree blooms and abundantly seeds every 3-10 years;
  • in cones there are on average from 30 to 150 nuts, the weight of 100 pieces is 25 g.


Cedar pine grows (mainly Korean and Siberian varieties) in the natural environment of Russia in different regions of the Siberian district, in Primorye, Khabarovsk Territory. It takes root well in all latitudes with a temperate climate, so cedar pine is actively grown by gardeners from different regions. Pine trees are successfully bred in the Moscow region, the central regions of the country, in the Leningrad region, in the Altai and the Urals. This tree grows even in the Arctic.

If the plant is planted on soil with good fertility, actively fed, cultivated, then fruiting begins much earlier, about 3 times. For example, in nature, pine does not bear fruit before 40 years, with an intensity of once every 7 years. Under the conditions of cultivation in gardens, this happens after 15 years with an intensity of once every 2.5 years. Cedar elfin grows in Primorsky Krai, on Sakhalin, in Siberia, Mongolia. European pine is regionally distributed in the south of France, in the Alps, Switzerland, and the Carpathians.

Comparison with cedar

Cedar and cedar pine are often confused, despite all the differences. First of all, three types of Cedrus (cedars) grow in their natural environment: Atlas, Lebanese and Himalayan. Both of these trees are tall, large and are evergreen. But cedar grows in subtropical climates.

The main difference with pine is that cedar will not be able to grow in the middle lane. Cedar wood is more valuable. Pinus (cedar pine) belongs to the pine family, not the cedar family. Outwardly, it differs from the cedar in the formation of needles - bundle-like, in each bundle there are 5 needles. The needles of the cedar are formed differently - the bundles are denser, at least 30 needles.

Overview of species and varieties

In the nature of Russia, the Siberian species of cedar pine is common. There are several more varieties of cedar pine in nature:

  • Korean;
  • European;
  • elfin - more reminiscent of a shrub tree with a multi-topped crown.

The Korean species Pinus koraiensis is also called Manchurian, Far Eastern. This conifer reaches a height of up to 50 meters, with a diameter of up to 2 meters. Very resistant to winds, loves light and fertile soil types. Stagnation of water is a problem for them, it affects the development negatively. There are several varieties and varieties of Korean. We list the most common.

Soulange Korean

This variety grows up to 40 m, has green needles with a bluish tint. Bark of good density, openwork type. Fruiting begins after about 15 years. It takes root well in an urban environment with its unclean air. Often used to decorate parks and squares.

Pine "Silverey"

It belongs to decorative varieties. It has a pyramid-shaped crown, long curved needles. The color of the needles is blue with a silvery sheen. Already at 10 years old, the tree reaches a height of 2.5 meters and 1.2 meters in diameter. It tolerates cold well, but requires soil fertility, stagnant water leads to damage and disease. In the late 70s, this variety was separated into a separate one, until this period it was combined with glauca.

"Morris Blue"

The variety bred by Pennsylvania breeders is frost-resistant. It has a dense type of bark, blue needles with a silvery sheen. It grows up to 20 cm per year, the maximum height is 350 cm, the crown diameter is up to 1.8 m. In cities, it grows inactively, whimsical to the purity of the air and the sun, it does not tolerate stagnant water well. The maximum life expectancy is 120 years.

European cedar pine in Russia is most often represented by the variety Pinus cembra Glauca Compacta (“Glauca compacta”). This variety originated in the Netherlands.

This is a dwarf pine of a slow-growing type with bluish needles. It grows well in urban conditions, in its natural environment it can be seen in the mountains at least 1300 meters above sea level. Glauka grows up to a maximum of 2.5 meters, a diameter of about 1 meter. Lives very long - up to 1000 years.

Landing features

Cedar pine can be planted by growing from seeds. Three months are allotted for stratification, the seeds are disinfected with diluted potassium permanganate. This guarantees a greater resistance of the future seedling to diseases. The second way is planting a seedling, it is more comfortable. It is best to plant a five-year-old grafted seedling. Its maximum growth should be 1 meter, trunk diameter up to 2 cm. The vulnerability of pine seedlings is great, so planting requires accuracy.

Get a seedling with a large earthen clod or in a container, their root system dries out very quickly. They plant a pine in the spring, having previously selected the optimal place:

  • it should be well lit, with age the tree needs more and more sunlight;
  • areas with high gas content are not suitable for many varieties and types of pine;
  • if the soil is clay, drainage is necessary;
  • lime will help reduce acidity.

Drop off algorithm:

  • it is necessary to ensure weeding of the territory;
  • form a hole, focusing on the size of the earthy coma at the roots, it should be 2 times deeper;
  • place drainage (gravel, plugs, fragments of ceramics);
  • place the tree in a hole, enter soil with peat or humus;
  • rhizomes should be carefully untangled before planting;
  • it is necessary to moisten the soil after planting abundantly, it will take about 5 liters of water;
  • you will need a stake to which you can tie a seedling;
  • between cedar pines cannot be less than 6 meters.

You can accelerate the growth of pine trees in the garden by providing them with good nutrition and proper care. You need to take care of the tree by carrying out all standard procedures:

  • loosening;
  • weeding;
  • moisturizing;
  • fertilizer.

Feeding should be carried out with organic means, for example, diluted mullein. In the autumn, it is good to feed the plant with minerals. Well stimulates the growth of a tree planted nearby lupine.

Humidification should be done only as needed. In summer, more often, in all other seasons, the level of soil aridity is preliminarily checked. Excessive moisture adversely affects the development of pine, the root system begins to rot. Loosening is carried out as carefully as possible, since the roots are close. Another mandatory process is mulching, so the soil will be more breathable and water-retaining. You can use needles, humus, sawdust.

Crown formation is very important for beautiful pine growth. The garden form of the plant has a sprawling appearance with several peaks. The first decade, the lower branches are cut no more than 2.5 meters from the ground.

The cut must be treated with garden pitch. Any pruning is carried out in winter and early spring.


Methods of propagation of this plant distinguish two:

  • vegetative - when a cutting is grafted;
  • seed, that is, nuts from cones.

The seed method is the most fascinating and common. The main thing is that the nuts are of high quality. If you decide to use ordinary nuts from purchased cones as seeds, you need to increase the amount of planting material, since it is not known how many of them will sprout.

Pine is sown in mid-spring - until early May. Stratification, that is, forced cooling, is mandatory. This process perfectly stimulates the embryos to grow. Without this event, the seeds will sprout at best in a year, if they do not rot. After that, the seeds must be filled with water at a temperature of about + 45 ° C and maintained for three days. Next, the nuts are combined with wet sand or peat crumbs in a ratio of 1 to 3. There should not be too much moisture - this is an important point, the lump should form in the hand and keep its shape.

The mixture is introduced into a container made of plywood with holes, the height of the layer is not more than 20 cm. There must be air access to the holes, therefore, the container is installed at a height in a cold room of no more than + 6 ° C. Twice a month, this mixture must be kneaded and watered. Minus temperatures are unacceptable. After the sprouts hatch, they are planted in open ground and protected from birds, bad weather with boxes or rod products. After a month, they can be removed, the emerging seedlings are already quite strong for independent growth.

Diseases and pests

Most often, diseases of this tree have a fungal cause. Young trees can be infected with soil fungi and die. Fungi can cause tracheomycosis wilt, when the roots turn brown, nutrients stop flowing through the vessels into the trunk. Treatment of fungal diseases is complex, most often unpromising.

A few years ago, I planted several seedlings of Siberian cedar on the site. Not everyone took root, and I began to look for the reason why the seedlings have poor survival and what to do to increase it. I found a lot of tips, thanks to which giant giants flaunt on the site.

Suitable for single and group landings

Krutiny Siberian cedar. Photo:

What does cedar look like?

  1. Evergreen tree with soft and long needles from the Pine family is called the Siberian Cedar (lat. Pínus sibírica). In the wild, the plant grows in Siberia, the Crimea, the Caucasus, Altai, the Urals. Of particular value are not only trees as a building material, but also nuts containing a large number of trace elements and vitamins.
  2. Giant with a powerful trunkreaching a height of more than 40 m and a complex root system with adventitious roots, is a landmark of the habitats. A distinctive feature is the plastic needles, collected in bundles of 6 needles. The tree is monoecious, male buds and female cones are formed on one plant, pollination occurs with the help of wind.
  3. Cedar begins to bear fruit at the age of 30-60 years. High yields are shown by trees that grow in groups, between which cross-pollination occurs. The seed ripening period lasts one and a half years, and the life span of a tree reaches 800 years.
  4. Oil and milk are prepared from pine nuts. Pine needles are used to prepare many different tinctures and extracts used in traditional medicine, and healing ointments are prepared from resin. The Siberian type of cedar is of great importance for the food industry. Cedar oil has the most valuable beneficial properties for the human body.

Flowering cedar. Photo:

Types of cedar



  • a rare species of cedar grows in the Atlas Mountains of northwestern Africa;
  • the crown is pyramidal, up to 50 m high. The trunk diameter can reach 2 m;
  • blue-green needles with a strong resinous aroma;
  • grows on depleted rocky soils, does not tolerate low temperatures, but is resistant to lack of moisture



  • a very rare species under the protection of UNESCO. It is a symbol of Lebanon and is applied to the national flag;
  • crown branched, umbrella type;
  • the height of a wild tree reaches 50 m, undersized forms are found in cultural cultivation;
  • for landscape design, many forms with decorative needles and an unusual look are cultivated.
  • In European countries, cedar dwarf is more often used;
  • ornamental trees do not bear fruit, and they cannot be propagated from seeds

Short coniferous representative of Cyprus


  • grows in Cyprus and in some parts of Turkey;
  • the smallest species with a crown height not exceeding 12 m, the diameter of the trunk at the level of other representatives reaches 2 m;
  • the length of the needles does not exceed 8 mm;
  • branches are raised up and form an umbrella shape



  • the most common large-sized cedar. The height of the trunk is 50 m, and the thickness exceeds 3 m;
  • the crown is cone-shaped with spreading lateral branches;
  • the color of the needles is gray-green with a bluish tint;
  • needles 5 cm long are collected in bundles of 30-40 pieces;
  • the ripening period of cones is short and lasts a year and a half;
  • Himalayan cedar can live up to 3,000 years

Propagate by seeds and cuttings

Step 1. Growing from seeds
  • soak the seeds in a growth stimulator for 24 hours. Place the prepared seeds in a nutritious and well-moistened substrate;
  • keep the planting container at a temperature of +4 degrees until the moment of germination, and periodically mix and moisten the substrate;
  • when shoots appear, put the container in a well-lit place

Step 2. Growing from cuttings
  • in spring from early April to mid-May - it's time to harvest cuttings. Suitable for cultivation are queen cells aged 8-9 years;
  • in the early morning, cut cuttings 5-10 cm long, place them in a plastic bag with wet moss. You can store for a week at a temperature of +2 degrees;
  • the soil for planting from high-moor peat mixed with sand is well moistened, treat the cuttings with a growth stimulator, plant at a distance of 10 cm from each other. Until the moment of germination, keep plantings at a temperature of + 22-25 degrees, periodically moistening the soil;
  • after planting, shoots taken from the center of the crown will give tall slender trees, and shoots collected from side branches will grow into low trees with a fluffy crown

Step 3. Transfer from the forest to the site
  • in the Siberian forests you can find thickets of cedar overgrowth, which can be safely transferred to the site;
  • dig seedlings should be carefully without damaging the root system, preferably with a clod of earth. Best of all, small specimens of cedar pine up to 50 cm in length take root;
  • it is best to transplant cedar in the fall to a new place, 2-3 weeks before the onset of frost

Plant in a hole and water intensively

Step 1. Site preparation
  • cedar is planted in a well-lit area with well-drained loamy soil;
  • the site must be protected from gusts of wind and drafts. For group plantings, the distance between trees should be at least 2 m. From buildings, it is necessary to retreat at a distance of 3 meters or more
Step 2 Landing
  • a hole should be dug in the form of a cone to a depth of 1 m. A drainage layer, a sand cushion and a mixture of turf, sand and compost are laid on the bottom;
  • plant the seedling in a hole, straighten the roots and sprinkle with earth 10 cm above the root collar. Tamp the soil tightly around and sprinkle with sheet mulch;
  • water the plant at the rate of 10 liters per seedling

Step 3. How to water properly
  • in the first month after planting, the cedar requires intensive watering, every 3 days. In dry weather, watering should be daily;
  • in dry weather, crown sprinkling should be carried out;
  • an adult tree with a developed root system practically does not need additional moisture

Step 4. Fertilizer for cedar
  • plantings should be fed with organic and mineral fertilizers. Nutrient mixtures of Agricola and Kemira have proven themselves well;
  • from organic fertilizers, use only well-rotted humus from the remains of leaves and coniferous litter;
  • fertilizing in May, July and September before abundant watering

Step 5. When to form a crown
  • the cedar grown on the site is mainly subject to sanitary pruning, when broken, damaged and dried branches are removed;
  • pruning should be done in early spring or late autumn, during the period of slow sap flow. Slices treated with garden pitch

Ways to fight:

  • a white coating of a pathogenic fungus appears on the root trunk, which deprives the trunk of nutrition;
  • for destruction, clean the affected area from the grips of the healthy part of the plant. Process the cut with a pitch;
  • with a strong defeat of the whole tree, it will have to be removed from the site

Pine Hermes

Ways to fight:

  • the reason why the needles of the cedar turn yellow can be the attack of Hermes, which feeds on the juice of the needles;
  • the affected shoots should be cut off, and the tree should be treated with tobacco infusion, with soapy water or Karbofos