What do dreams about balloons mean? Interpretation of dreams: what is the dream of a balloon

Balloons are considered to be a symbol of celebration, fun, Have a good mood. However, most dream books interpret such dreams as a sign of future troubles. In which particular area of ​​\u200b\u200blife one should expect problems depends on the details of the dream. You should pay attention to the color and number of balls. The actions of the dreamer play an important role. Many famous soothsayers and astrologers have their own point of view on this matter.

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    The meaning of sleep according to the universal dream book

    See in a dream a large number of balloons - to big trouble. This can mean both problems with superiors at work and a scandal in the family. To correct the existing situation, considerable efforts will have to be made.

    Universal dream book claims: to see multi-colored balls in the sky is a sign that in real life a person does not have fun at all and does not rest. He is immersed in problems and forgets that you need to find time to relax, communicate with nice people and enjoy every day.

    If you dream of balloons that lie on the ground, then this indicates that the person is very busy solving serious issues. For him, a difficult period has come, so there is not enough optimism. You need to try to look differently at ordinary household trifles, and then life will be able to sparkle with new colors.

    Flying in a balloon is an unsuccessful trip. To avoid trouble, you should postpone the trip for a while. If the flight was long, then in the near future you will have to leave your native walls for a rather long period, short - a person will be able to solve a problem that has been troubling him for a long time.

    Why does a girl dream - interpretation of dream books

    What do the dreamer's actions mean?

    Inflate balloons in the company strangers- to employment in a hopeless project or unprofitable work. Perhaps the dreamer is wasting his time about someone. If the sleeper inflated a large amount alone, then this says that there are unreliable friends in his circle.

    If a person independently filled the balloons with helium, after which they took off, then this good sign, which portends unexpected profits, a substantial salary increase or a large bonus. This is a good time to take the risk of playing the lottery.

    Catching balls in a dream that someone else is letting into the sky means that the dreamer will be very carried away by someone else. interesting idea. However, it will be utopian.

    Watching an empty balloon descend to the ground is a sign that the dreamer's ideas will not be supported by the people around him.

    Predictions for girls

    If a girl dreamed that she was holding a whole bunch of colorful balls in her hands, then this is a happy love. When the dreamer cannot keep them, and one flies away, then this is an unfavorable omen. He warns that soon an unrequited feeling awaits a woman.

    Seeing bursting balloons in a dream is a failure of an important event. Another meaning is due to the fact that the dreamer will need to free herself from her dreams and meet with harsh reality.

    A dreaming red air object speaks of the unfulfillment of desires for love.

    Miller's interpretation

    If the balls burst, then this portends a dismissal. This will be a difficult period in life. But if the dreamer has established himself as a responsible worker who knows his business, then he can easily find another job. New workplace will be even better than before.

    How does Sigmund Freud interpret dreams?

    Freud claims that this object in a dream symbolizes flirting and easy relationships. Interpretation details:

    1. 1. If a person dreamed of a lot of flying multi-colored balls, then this indicates his isolation from reality. The dreamer too often "hovers in the clouds" and looks at life through pink glasses.
    2. 2. If the subject dreamed of a freely flying ball, then this is a sign that he will not have difficulties in relations with the opposite sex in the near future. Hanging symbolizes health problems of an intimate nature.
    3. 3. If falling balls are dreamed up, then such a dream promises disappointments that can affect both personal life and the business sphere.
    4. 4. A balloon with a basket flying far away indicates that a person has many secret sexual fantasies, a bursting ball is a sign of a lack of attraction to your partner.

    Interpretation of Longo's dreams

    Inflating a large balloon in a dream is a sign that the subject is not satisfied with his life. A really difficult period will come in the near future. A person will remember with nostalgia those times when he expressed discontent.

    Decorating a room or a car means that the dreamer has a constructive optimism that will help him cope with any troubles.

    To receive an "air" gift - a person's life will be filled with small joys.

    What do modern forecasters say?

    If you dreamed that children were inflating colorful balloons, then this is a warning sign. He says that the dreamer's offspring may soon have unexpected problems and troubles. Need with special attention treat the issue, as the psychological health of children depends on it.

    If it seemed that everything was bursting, then this was an omen of an inevitable monetary loss. It is not excluded the possibility that a large one will break soon Appliances or car. It will take a significant amount of money to repair, and you will have to work hard to fix it.

    Catching balls in a dream - to great disappointment in your own life principles which man has long followed. Such a dream portends serious conflicts with others. To avoid this, you need to carefully monitor your words and actions.

Interpretation of Balloons from the dictionary-dream book of the Wanderer (Terenty Smirnov)

  • If a woman sees in a dream Balloon is a negative omen. Expect the death of hopes in reality. Dreams will not come true, leave them forever, troubles and misfortunes lie in wait. Things will be overwhelmed with problems, serious shocks are expected in them.
  • If you saw that you were going up in a balloon, this is a sign that predicts an unsuccessful trip. So, if there are such plans, it is better to abandon them for a while.
  • If you dream of a balloon floating in the sky, and you are watching it from below, this is a sad omen. In this case, the balloon indicates that you are making unrealistic plans.
  • Climbing in a balloon yourself in a dream is a good sign. Your career will go uphill, you will achieve success in the professional field. Or, if you are more concerned about personal life, such a dream predicts happiness in love.
  • small children's balloon in a dream - a symbol of a chatty girlfriend or friend. Be careful not to share secrets with them.
  • If you dream of a kite - hopes will be destroyed, efforts will lead to nothing.

What is the dream of the Balloon in a dream (Miller's Dream Book)

  • A balloon in a dream is a negative symbol. He says that you indulge in empty dreams, hopes will be destroyed, misfortune awaits.
  • If you are in business, then the balloon warns that you will go bankrupt, the business will come to a complete decline.
  • According to the dream book, to see in a dream that you are making a kite is a sign saying that creative potential must be used for its intended purpose in order to be successful.
  • But if you saw a kite flying across the sky, this means that you are wasting your efforts in vain.
  • Balloons are dreaming - balloons were used for celebration - you tend to dream of the impossible.

Meet the Balloon in a dream (a clue from the dream book of the healer Akulina)

  • I dreamed of a Balloon - problems will be resolved by themselves, don't worry,
  • As if you see a balloon in the sky - there will be no misfortunes.
  • You will achieve reciprocity with a woman when her beauty fades; this woman will be embarrassed, but will think of you.
  • What is the dream of a balloon, rise under the clouds in a balloon - you are a dreamer; prefer to live in an artificial world of illusions and therefore often make mistakes; the person who is dear to you is tired of illusions and is ready to leave you.

Almost every person associates balloons with the atmosphere of a holiday, magic, fun. Why do balls dream, dream books will help determine. Interpretations of what you see in a dream vary quite a lot, so it is better to take into account information from several sources.

Universal dream book

In a dream, they saw a whole cloud of balloons - this is a sign of impending disturbing and unpleasant events. You will face difficulties at work and in your personal life. To radically change the situation, the dreamer will need to try hard.

In a dream, look at the sky and notice incredible amount balloons. AT real world, apparently, you spend very little time on fun. Add color to your life! The dream book advises to keep in touch with friends and solve all the small issues that poison a good mood drop by drop.

Why dream that the balls lie right on the ground? The dream interpretation claims that in Everyday life you are too focused on trouble. It is worth being distracted and looking from a different, more cheerful angle, then fate will delight you with pleasant gifts.

Watching in a dream how you fly in a balloon basket is a harbinger of an ambulance trip. Unfortunately, it won't make you happy. To change the situation, it is worth taking care and getting rid of unnecessary cargo in a timely manner. In a dream, the flight lasted for ages, which means that you will have to leave your home for a long time.

Interpretation of Mr. Miller

Balloons are a projection of future problems and collisions, the dream book explains. Slippery situations in the business sphere are possible. The main thing is not to stop halfway and not to quit what you started in spite of falls and apathy.

Watching in a dream how the ball explodes - to trouble in the workplace, up to and including dismissal. Dream Interpretation believes that this time will become really difficult for you. The positive news is that if you are an excellent and competent specialist with a good track record, then new job found very quickly. In fact, it will please you much more than the previous one.

Mr. Miller believes that despite the difficult period in business, family relationships will rejoice. Native people will provide all possible comprehensive assistance in a difficult situation. The dream interpretation advises to be extremely frank with loved ones - this will comfort you and allow you to avoid the blues.

Modern dream book

Inflating countless balloons in a dream is an incredible joy. The dreamer is waiting for the mass happy moments with friends. He will become Fortune's favorite.

And if they were cheated by the kids, then responsibility for certain issues lies ahead. It is worth taking this with the utmost seriousness and dedication. The dream interpretation believes that the resolution of the current situation is directly related to the future emotional well-being of your children.

All the balloons inflated in a dream burst immediately - this is a sign that large financial expenses await ahead. The interpreter of dreams portends unexpected problems at work home appliances breakdown of your car vehicle. In any combination of circumstances, resolving issues will hurt your pocket.

Dream Interpretation Balloon

In real time, colorful balloons will evoke pleasant childhood memories in adults and cheer up even the saddest kids. But will a dream with such rubber products have a positive interpretation?

As he says modern dream book, a balloon in the sky is a sign of trouble that the dreamer may encounter in the near future. Flying on it is also a symbol of possible difficulties and failures.

It will be possible to determine the specific meaning of sleep if you remember the entire vision scenario.

Universal interpretations of dream books

If you saw a balloon in a dream

Most popular dream books interpret dreams with the presence of balloons as a negative sign. When a person dreams of colorful products, then most likely he will have to face problems at work or in the family. There are also positive values dreams. For example, flying on a ball - to travel. And if it needs to be inflated, then this promises a huge amount of work to be done.

Dream Interpretations of Practitioners and Mediums

Well-known mediums, practitioners and psychotherapists agree that the balloon, although it looks solid, has ordinary air inside it. Such a vision hints at the arrogance and excessive pomposity of a person.

To dream that you are flying in the sky on a ball with a basket - to move, if the flight is long, then the dreamer will leave his native place for a long time. Such a dream scenario is typical for those who have to move to another country.

Miller's comment

Miller's dream book says that the vision reflects the inner fears of the individual. Depending on the location of the dreamer in relation to the subject, the interpretation will also change:

  • Flying on a ball - to an unsuccessful trip.
  • Flight may dream of loss vital energy, overwork. In this case, the solution would be a vacation or at least a few days off.
  • If you need to inflate a rubber product yourself, then this is a financial loss. In life, you need to control spending.
  • Why do you have dreams in which there are a lot of small balls? To the accumulation of unresolved issues. All of them are quite insignificant, but in total they can undermine nervous system the most resilient people.

Miller's interpretations assure that if failures fall like snow, then many colored balls guarantee the support of loved ones. With the strong shoulder of a friend, with the help of loved ones, it will be much easier to resolve all the troubles.

If they were colorful

Dream Interpretation Hasse

Medium Miss Hasse analyzes the processes that occur with the dreamer.

  • A ball with a basket - to unfulfilled dreams. Such visions are visited by people who have recently been abandoned by their loved ones.
  • Why watch the flight from the side? The environment does not believe in your strength and does not provide support.
  • A sharp take-off is identified with the fact that for a given period of time the earth leaves from under the feet.
  • Flying alone - you can only solve problems on your own, gathering your will into a fist.
  • If a large ball burst, then eyes will open to the real state of affairs. Although it will be unpleasant, but all the deceptions will come up.

Folk dream books

For the entire time of the existence of mankind, who, if not the people themselves, will find correct interpretation like benevolent night dreams. So why is the balloon dreaming? Folk explanations say that a vision where many balls fly in the sky promises fun and warm communication with friends. If you had to fly with someone you know, then you will definitely have a like-minded person, a reliable business partner.

Modern dream book

  • A difficult flight, where it is necessary to drop the ballast, will tell you that in reality you should not take full responsibility for yourself. Especially when it comes to matters of material support for the family.
  • If you blow up balloons in a dream bright colors children, then parents need to deal with the problems of children. A frank conversation with the offspring will put everything in its place.
  • A harbinger of scandals, disagreements will be the process of catching inflatable products with your hands.
  • Flying alone - to detachment and melancholy. This type of dream portends depression.

Gypsy dream book

If you flew on it

Interpretations according to the gypsy dream book are not based on the attribute of the holiday itself, but on its content. You need to attach importance to the air with which the product is pumped:

  • If it is hot, then expect financial gain.
  • If you saw the flight of a balloon filled with helium, envious people will not be able to realize their insidious plans.
  • Why see a lot of balls? Expect minor annoyances.

Other interpretations

Flying in a hot air balloon is about saving your inner child. Probably, the dreamer for some time felt a taste of freedom.

A vehicle crash is a loss.

Did you drop the ballast during the flight? Such a dream portends that you will be able to avoid boring work and useless deeds.

If the ball burst, there will be difficulties with the sexual partner.

A stable height is a good sign. Such dreams hint: soon all troubles will be resolved.

Why is the ball dreaming? The dream interpretation claims: there are difficulties ahead at work, in business, unhappy love, futile efforts. But sometimes a vision in a dream portends positive emotions, a simple solution to a complex issue, profit.

Complications in business

Dreaming of multi-colored balls promise trouble in the business sphere or at work. All undertakings will slow down or become worse to advance.

Seeing colorful balls in a dream means that you like to make plans, but do nothing to realize them.

Small pleasures, simple solution to the problem

Why dream that someone gave you a lot of multi-colored air flyers? The dream interpretation promises: life will be filled with small joys.

Were there many? In reality, you will get to a bright mass event that will bring a lot of positive emotions.

Dreamed of a girl with a ball? The dream interpretation claims: the problem you are struggling with has a simple solution.

Red balls in a dream indicate the originality, uniqueness of the dreamer. To realize your abilities, you need to listen to the inner voice.

What color are they?

For correct interpretation, color also matters. So they were:

  • red - unhappy love;
  • pink - empty romantic hopes;
  • green - income will be less than expected;
  • blue - satisfaction with life;
  • blue - positive emotions;
  • colored - a pleasant meeting;
  • black - you may be in the area of ​​some kind of disaster.

Concentrate, show perseverance

Why is white dreaming? The dream book tells you: it's time to take a break, because due to the intense pace, a breakdown is possible.

A white ball in a dream portends responsible and painstaking work, where you need to show perseverance, concentration. The reward will depend on the result.

Yellow promises, according to the dream book, the acquisition of what they have been looking for for a long time. For a girl, a dream portends the appearance of a respectable gentleman, expensive gifts.

Pipe dreams

Why dream of an inflatable ball? The interpretation of sleep warns of unfulfilled dreams, a decline in business.

Dreamed of an inflatable flyer? You are too fixated on possible troubles. We need to think less about them, think more positively.

What they were doing?

Remember what happened to do with a balloon in a dream:

  • inflate - you can cheer yourself and those around you;
  • run - new worries will appear;
  • to catch - imbued with someone's dreams, ideas, but they all turn out to be unrealizable;
  • twist over your head - dissatisfaction with the current situation, but it can get even worse;
  • play - nostalgia for the old days;
  • fly on a big one for a short time - will appear good idea to solve an important problem.

It also portends to inflate him: all efforts will not lead to the desired results. Events will break rose-colored glasses, show the real state of affairs.

Bad Trip

Did you dream of flying on a whole bunch of balloons? The dream interpretation tells: an unsuccessful trip will bring only grief and disappointment.

Flying on a big ball for a long time in a dream - not a very pleasant business trip or an unplanned trip ahead.

Miller value

Why dream of a metal ball? Miller's dream book claims: you can safely confront the dangers - everything will work out.

Waste of work, change

We saw glass balls in a dream - Christmas decorations? There are futile chores ahead.

Dreamed of a rubber ball? The path chosen by the dreamer is very doubtful.

Did you happen to fly high, clinging to a helium balloon? Get ready: it's time for change, perhaps not always pleasant.

Did you dream that you had a ball in your stomach? Serious troubles will begin, but you can overcome them.

You can avoid trouble

See in a dream crystal ball for predictions means: intuition will help you avoid trouble, find a good way out of difficulties - says the dream book.

Why dream of ice balls - hail? If he fell - profit, good luck in business. Did you have to collect hailstones with your hands? Unexpectedly receive an inheritance.

Difficult period

Had a dream about how the balloon burst? In reality, you may be fired from your job. There is a difficult period ahead, but you can find a better job.

One burst, and after him - most of the bunch? The dream book says: failures are coming. You won't be able to purchase anything. The truth is, you won't lose anything.
