Where to get the life force. We can also be filled with vital energies from the elements. At the same time, there are a lot of sources from which a person can draw his vital energy and share it with others.

Sometimes it seems that life has stopped. Want nothing. There is a lump in my throat that won't go away. Inside sharpens a sense of anxiety and hopelessness. Apathy. The world seemed to fade. Weakness. There is no mood, and tears roll from the eyes on their own.

What is happening with the person? Where to get strength?

Life is difficult, for sure. There are many problems to be solved every day. Some overcome them and move on, let it be hard. And others stumble over a simple stone, get lost and see no way out of this situation.

Where can a person get strength? Sometimes it seems that they are leaving us, there is no energy. It has a grain common sense. After all, our energy pantry is constantly replenished, but if it has gaps, it will never be complete.

Where to get strength and energy for life? It is necessary to find holes and patch them up, eliminate the leakage of energy. You just need to concentrate and watch what forces are wasted on. Learn to track and patch these gaps.

How does a person lose energy?

  • Envy, bitterness, hatred, irritability, jealousy, anger.
  • Loss of one's own consciousness, complete dependence on public opinion.
  • Fear of upcoming events.
  • Received negative information (media, from neighbors, watching bad movies, etc.).
  • Feelings of regret and even guilt for what has been done.
  • Worry about financial situation.
  • Efforts aimed at recognizing oneself in society, the desire to please.
  • Ability to lie and conceal it.
  • Bad habits (drug addiction, alcoholism, smoking).
  • Illness (mental, physical, mental).
  • Constant anxiety and worries about past events.

This is a tiny list of all the sources of our energy loss that exist. But now it is more clear why the life force leaves.

The main devourer of energy is the person himself, it remains to figure out where to get the strength and energy for life.

How to restore your energy balance and color the world again

Tips on how to improve the quality of being and where to get vitality and energy

  1. You need to love not only yourself, but also your body, take care of it (this is fitness, visiting a beauty salon, swimming pool, etc.).
  2. Eat right (vitamins, dietary supplements).
  3. Create a good environment around you (people who share your interests, provide sincere support).
  4. It is necessary to travel more (new acquaintances, positive mood, cheerfulness).
  5. Make new acquaintances.
  6. Keep your housing in order.
  7. It is necessary to do what you love and discover talents (sing, dance, knit, read, write poetry, etc.).
  8. It is necessary to get rid of fears, feelings of guilt, to live in the present, not to look into the past.
  9. Rest more, arrange walks in the park (admire the natural beauty).
  10. You can change the style of clothing, image.
  11. You need to cut off the ends of an unsuccessful personal life, get out of bad relationships.
  12. Listen to yourself.
  13. Engage in self-development (attending courses foreign language, museums, theaters, trainings, etc.).
  14. Learn to say no if it interferes with your life.
  15. Live the life you want, follow your dreams.
  16. Do not skimp on hugs with loved ones. For happy life there should be at least eight per day.

It is necessary to observe It is not for nothing that all people alternate work with rest, wakefulness with hours of sleep. And also with thoughts, they need to be released and switched to the contemplation of beautiful fragments. Change activity into passivity. Only this scheme will make you feel good.

If you don’t eat right, sleep little, don’t rest, you won’t be able to achieve harmony.

A lot of people see themselves as failures. And they are tormented by the question of where to get the strength for success.

Our strength is in the dream

First you need to decide what you want from life. You can wish for a lot, but if you spray it on several targets, you simply don’t have enough energy and strength. You need one big meaningful goal. Then you need to outline a plan to achieve it and follow your dream.

The goal should be specific. You need to decide in what area you want to succeed - in your career, personal life, in sports.

The life of an aimless person is boring and monotonous. He has nowhere to draw inspiration from, because all the power is in a big dream. Successful man knows what he wants from life, and imagines how he can realize his plans. And in this case, forces and energy will appear.

But it also happens that a person is simply not up to the dream because of the large number of problems that have piled up. He is tormented by another question - where to get the strength for life.

Physical and Spiritual Energy

From birth, a person replenishes physical energy through the following sources:

  • Nutrition. And the better it is, the better our body feels. And if food intake is also made balanced and moderate, filled with positive emotions, the result is amazing.
  • The physical energy of our planet. These are earth, air, plants, fire, water, animals. In contact with nature, we replenish our vitality, improve our emotional state. Therefore, it is necessary to carefully and respectfully treat her gifts.
  • The people around us, from whom we receive emotional, sensual and mental energy, which is then converted into physical. It is very important to receive only positive emotions because the negative ones do not allow to function normally.
  • Sport. This is not only physical activity in the form of a set of exercises, but also massage and breathing practices. Sports people feel much lighter, healthier, more confident.

This is about the replenishment of physical energy. The recommendations are simple, the main thing is to use each one correctly, then the question of where to get the vitality will be half resolved.

Now we will touch a more subtle sphere - spiritual energy. If it is not difficult to work with physical sources, difficulties can definitely arise here. Because it affects the spiritual world of the individual, the level of personal development, self-improvement, which is why working with them will directly depend on the spiritual level of a person and can change throughout life.

Sources of Spiritual Energy

  • Thoughts. We give birth to them ourselves. They are able to control our lives. Therefore, they should be focused only on positive, on luck, on success, on self-confidence, on achieving the goal. Negative ones contribute to the leakage of vitality.
  • The senses. It's like with emotions, which are capable of both destroying and replenishing the emotional and energy background. Therefore, you should learn to manage your feelings and emotional outbursts.

It is very important to learn to think positively, take care of your physical body and the body as a whole, this healthy eating, and rest, and communication with positive people, self-improvement, all this will replenish and revive vitality.

We figured out where to get the strength to endure everything. It remains only to save the received energy.

This can be done by observing the following rules

  1. Don't waste it. It is not necessary, for example, to watch emotional films at night. Outbursts of emotions, such as fear, joy, empathy, can only take away the remnants of energy.
  2. Avoid conflicts and quarrels. Humans (energy vampires) feed on the emotions of others. You shouldn't give it to them. You just need to mentally imagine a large brick wall, and then the opponent will very quickly lose interest in conflict with you.
  3. You don't need to control others. This threatens with the appearance of excessive concern for oneself and others, which leads to a loss of energy. It is necessary to stop worrying, live in the present, not looking into the future, and not stir up the past.
  4. Do not abuse stimulants and sedatives. They seem to give a charge of vivacity and energy, but this is not so. The reverse process occurs, after the end of their action, the person experiences weakness and emptiness. Alcohol works in a similar way.
  5. It is important to identify your own effective sources of replenishment of energy, whether it be jogging in the park, reading a book or fitness. The main thing is that they can help you out at any moment and give you the opportunity to move on. Block what steals your powers.

What takes our energy?

Let's look at some sources

  1. Unfinished business. Due to laziness and other reasons, a person often does not bring the work to perfection. Everything accumulates slowly and turns into a huge pile of problems. They do not give rest day or night, hence lack of sleep, headaches, anxiety and loss of vitality. This also happens as a result of non-fulfillment of the promised, non-return of the debt.
  2. Lie. The more often a person lies, the more he has to dodge and invent fables, this extra work brain, hence the loss of energy.
  3. Feelings of fear and anxiety. Constant excitement, distrust breed panic. The body is constantly in a stressful state, which depletes it energetically. You need to engage in self-improvement, increase self-esteem, get rid of complexes, become self-confident.
  4. Empty and groundless feelings. They take an enormous amount of vitality. You need to watch your thought process.
  5. Insufficient outdoor activities.
  6. Useless talk and gossip. As a rule, these people are negative, they suffer because of poor psychological well-being. You shouldn't do this.
  7. Resentment. She eats from the inside. This is in the literal sense of the word. You need to forgive the offenders and ask for forgiveness yourself.
  8. Lack of sleep. The main and malevolent source. If we do not sleep enough hours, our body will not receive new forces for life. You need to sleep an average of 8 hours to stay in good shape.
  9. Bad habits (alcohol, smoking).

All these are signs of spring beriberi. Where to get strength in the spring?

How to deal with it

  1. Proper nutritious nutrition. What we eat affects our health, beauty, emotional and physical condition. Therefore, you need to eat more fresh fruits and vegetables, cereals, cereals, seafood.
  2. Maintaining immunity, which weakens after winter. It is necessary to carry out a complex of procedures, including hardening. Take vitamins.
  3. Outdoor activity. You need to know that physical education and oxygen increase blood flow, which has a positive effect on health. Gives energy for the whole day good mood and well-being, a huge surge of vitality.
  4. And, of course, the emotional state. Only positive emotions in everything we do. Our well-being directly depends on the psychological state. Therefore, you should always be in a good mood, do not lose heart, smile and be in harmony with yourself.
  • Not always spring weather enjoys warm clear days. In bad weather, you should not fall into depression.
  • You can't overwork yourself.
  • Need more rest. Reading your favorite book, watching an interesting TV show or movie - these are seemingly trifles, but they can cheer you up.
  • Spend more time with family and friends. Eliminate communication with those who are unpleasant to you.
  • Pets can also charge you with positive emotions and calmness.

And you just need to remember that spring is the beginning of summer. And it's hot, it's time for vacations, picnics. It will inspire, inspire and replenish energy.

We examined the sources of where to get strength. The main thing is to learn how to save and replenish them. And for this you need to always be in a positive mood, never despair, believe only in the best. Work on yourself tirelessly, and then everything in life will turn out.

Today I want to touch on a purely feminine topic - where a business woman can take energy so that it is “enough for everything”.

The issue of energy deficiency arises before every person. But for a business woman, it turns into a real problem. Sooner or later, a woman's life is filled to overflowing with "Must" and "Must" sweat.

And she no longer knows where to get energy for life. As a result, a stressful situation arises, the woman is emotionally devastated. She no longer has enough strength either for work or for her family. And as a result, all this can still turn into a severe depression.

Let's see how a business woman in practice can increase her energy level.

3 main reasons
energy deficit

Energy deficiency can occur for only two reasons: either due to its weak replenishment, or due to its too rapid expenditure. For women, the latter is more relevant. They are unable to control their outgoing energy flow. And so they quickly empty themselves.

If we consider in more detail, we can identify three main reasons that lead to this.

First .
Information overload.

Any business woman is forced to take on a large number of varied cases. During the day, she has a lot of questions on which she has to make a decision. And all this requires energy.

In addition, when there is a large input flow of information, it is very difficult to divide it into separate components according to the principle of value, importance and urgency. Therefore, a woman grabs at everything and she is not enough for it.

Uncontrollable emotions.

Women are generally very emotional creatures. They are naturally endowed with a wonderful gift - the ability to keenly sense the world. But in the business world, excessive emotionality plays a negative role. Not only can she give rise to conflict situations, she, moreover, energetically devastates the woman herself.

Emotions are a very strong signal about how well a person’s life is going, whether his needs are being met, whether his plans are being realized. Very often, emotional exhaustion is caused by the fact that a person’s life does not satisfy him.

Third .
Plurality of social roles.

Business woman during the day changes several social roles, which are weakly consistent with each other. On the one hand, she is a leader and a business woman, and on the other, she is a beloved, mother, daughter. Often a woman cannot completely switch from one to another, and this also takes energy from her.

What steals your

Each person is an energy being. Everything we see, everything we experience, is all energy. And the efficiency of our life depends on how strong the energy flows in our body are.

If a person has a lot of energy, he is healthy, cheerful, efficient and succeeds in everything. If there is little energy, he feels depressed and tired. Such a person does not want anything, he has no motivation to move anywhere.

Therefore, it is very important to learn how to work with your energy at the most elementary level. You need to know your own stock and be able to replenish it at the right time.

It is especially important to be able to do this at the “key” moments of your life, when you want to change something in it.

In order to effectively change your life, in the beginning you need to check your energy level, as well as figure out what exactly deprives you of vitality.

The brochure What's Stealing Your Life Force contains five very important tests. Check yourself with their tests in order to take the necessary measures in time. These tests will help you:

  • Find out if you have enough energy.
  • Assess your energy level.
  • Decide when to take care of yourself.
  • Find out what is stealing your life force.

All this will help you find effective ways replenish your energy level.

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Where to get
energy for life

Many business women have learned to organize their day in such a way that they have enough energy for everything. Most best advice- do not push yourself to the extreme and make up for the consumption of your energy in time.

It is important to be able to switch off from everyday life in order to give yourself time to relax a bit.

It is very important for a woman to find for herself such ways of replenishing energy that are associated with emotions. Works very well:

    • audition;
    • conducting meditations;
    • walk in the park;
    • relaxing massage;
    • aromatic bath;
    • healthy sleep.

By the way, the inventive Japanese came up with a cafe where visitors are offered not a business lunch, but a business dream. Here, anyone can relax on cozy bed to the sounds of nature. Since we do not live in Japan, we can replace business sleep with simple ones.

Another source of positive emotions for women can be the right hobby. Find a job that brings you pleasure, and be sure to set aside time for it.

Special Techniques

To replenish your energy level, you can use different techniques. by the most simple method, probably will be " Walk into the past”.

To do this, remember and imagine a situation or a place where you felt really good, where you experienced positive emotions and felt a lot of strength and energy.

During such visualization, changes occur in the body at the level of physiology (the hormonal background changes). And this leads to restoration of energy.

And for those who still cannot stop the flow of their thoughts and relax, or even will be the best way.

Scientists claim that in order to switch hormonal background and energy replenishment of the body is enough for only 20 minutes. If you introduce 20-minute meditations into your daily routine, then any woman will have enough strength for everything.

A little
about restrictions

Many businesswomen suffer from a lack of energy also because they have limiting beliefs that prevent them from being effective. Such beliefs increase stress and cause situations that additionally take energy.

For example, if a woman believes that she does not have the ability for languages, then she does not see success. But on the other hand, he perfectly notices all the shortcomings, inflates them and then worries. And all this requires a huge amount of energy.

Or such a typically female belief that in order to succeed, she must act better men. As a result, she is constantly dissatisfied with herself and strives to work more and more.

Therefore, in the event of an energy deficit, one should reconsider the system of one's beliefs - are there any among them that then lead to a loss of energy. But keep in mind that awareness of a belief alone is not enough. It will still work, because it starts automatically. Therefore, all found beliefs are necessary.

As you can see, after all, the question of where to get energy for life in the case of a business woman has its own characteristics. A woman is capable of a lot, but still the amount of strength she has is limited. Therefore, do not bring yourself to the extreme point and pay attention to replenishing your energy level in a timely manner. That's when you have enough for everything.

Have you ever wondered why some people's energy is in full swing, they are full of health and happiness, their performance is off scale, while for others life is filled with gray incessant everyday life and illnesses from which they cannot get out? Where can you find the strength to make positive changes in your life?

First you need to look at yourself and try to figure out where the life forces go.

  • negative emotions
    Life energy is everything around us, including ourselves, our thoughts and words. Often criticizing, condemning, blaming everyone around, accumulating insults, we reduce the level of our vitality by several times. Constant thoughts about work, boss, colleagues, “scrolling” in the head of various conflict situations also let us out like air from balloon, our energy.
  • Overload
    It happens that the general tension of the body is accompanied by a refusal to sleep, and, being in a stressful state, it begins to absorb all energy reserves.
  • Lack of favorite things
    If a person does not have a favorite pastime, an outlet that brings pleasure, he loses the opportunity to draw vitality from himself even in difficult moments.

At the same time, there are a lot of sources from which a person can draw his life energy and share it with others.

  • On the physical level these are the basics of all the basics: healthy sleep, proper nutrition, physical exercise, rejection bad habits. Competent use each source solves half of the problems and creates the basis for positive changes.
  • On a spiritual and emotional level this is work with thoughts, feelings, emotions, because mental energy has an order of magnitude more high power than physical. To support her:

1. Connect with like-minded people

Communication with like-minded people charges and gives strength. Sometimes you can even just be silent with such people and still feel how they give a good mood.

2. Bring creativity into your life

Everything that you put a particle of your soul into has a colossal energy charge. Even if you don't seem to be a creative person, try to start small - "visualize the good": hang a motivating picture above your workplace that will inspire you every day.

3. Learn to relax

Do not accumulate stress in yourself, learn to get rid of it. Meditations, spiritual practices are designed to give strength to a person and help him find himself.

4. Study yourself

Ask yourself some questions, such as: what do I want, what do I like, what will I leave behind, what do I have, what am I proud of. Even the questions themselves change the consciousness of a person in right side.. New knowledge about yourself can give impetus to positive changes.

In this topic, we touched on the basic knowledge that is known to almost every person. But knowing is not enough, you need to be able to apply this knowledge and do it every day, regularly, even a little bit, but move towards replenishing your vital energy.

We all dream of living a full life filled with various interesting events, coping with the mission set before us, always knowing exactly what we want and being able to achieve it. What is needed for this? First of all, to have enough vital resources. Indeed, often we cannot fulfill our dreams precisely because we do not have enough strength to realize what we want in life. In this material, we will answer the question, where can we get the strength and energy for life in order to be healthy, happy and achieve success?

What is life energy

First of all, it should be noted that the concept of “vital energy” is understood as the energy due to which we were born and live in this world. We receive our main energy potential even at conception (some esotericists say that this happens even earlier - when the future dad and mom are just planning to conceive a baby), as well as during childbirth.

In the course of later life, our energy can both accumulate and be spent, depending on very many factors. Some we can handle on our own and some we can't.

The energy of life is a subtle substance that permeates and fills all the cells and atoms of our body, contributing to their unification into one whole. Thanks to this force, all small particles of the human body vibrate at a certain frequency and, as a result, are combined, becoming a single powerful absorber and emitter of the energy flow of the Universe.

Also, it is at the expense of vital energy that we independently “design” our life, change it in the direction we need, we can reveal our earthly destiny. Generally speaking, life energy involves our thoughts, desires, deeds, actions in every moment of our life. It is distributed between us and other people, forms our living environment, helps us open up in various life circumstances. As a result, our life becomes exactly the way it is.

Where does life energy go?

Where to get energy for life

First, we will turn to the sources of filling with physical energy. The most important of these is the state of health of our parents at the time of conception. If our parents (and even more auspiciously, all ancestors for many generations) had good health- the more “high-quality” gene set we will receive, which means that we will be healthier.

Having incarnated in the material world, a person is filled with physical vital energy through such sources:

  • Across food. The better quality food we eat, the better our body is. And if we add moderation and balance here, along with positive emotions- The result will not be long in coming.
  • Across the physical energy of the planet Earth: through water, air, fire, earth, minerals, plants and animals. Coming into contact with each of these natural elements, we significantly improve our energy state. Therefore, preserving nature and interacting closely with it is vital for each of us.
  • Across our environment- from it we are also filled with physical and spiritual energy, but not pure, but processed (emotional, mental, sensual, and so on, which then becomes physical). When we experience positive emotions, we perform much more than when we are influenced by negative ones.
  • Across sport, physical activity, exercise, massage, breathing practice - this is another source of vitality. Those people who constantly practice even the most simple exercises, have a much higher vitality, are more self-confident, energetic and cheerful than those who do not engage in their physical development.

We have dealt with the main sources of increasing physical energy. There is nothing complicated in them, and competently using each of them, we can easily solve most our life problems.

Now let's consider a more subtle sphere - the spiritual and emotional part of vital energy.

You are probably familiar with the sources of this type of energy, but they are somewhat more difficult to work with than physical ones. In this case, the spirituality of a person, his personal maturity, self-improvement are affected, which means that the quality of work with these energy fillers will directly depend on the degree spiritual development person and can change throughout life.

Here are some of the sources of spiritual energy:

  • Thoughts are a very powerful source of energy. The experience of positive and negative thoughts, according to the law of polarity, has the same power, but the only difference is that the first category of emotions increases energy balance organism, and the second - on the contrary, causes a strong leakage of vitality.
  • Feelings, by analogy with emotions, either destroy us or increase our energy potential.
  • Emotions - the same principle works here as in the previous two cases.

Therefore, try to think as positively as possible, develop physically, communicate with positive people, eat right, sleep enough, tell the truth and not worry about trifles - then you will always be filled with vital energy that will help you live a happy and fulfilling life.

At the end of the article, watch an informative video

Elena Vetshtein

Where to get the strength to act?

In the morning there is no strength to get out of bed, during the day you constantly want to sleep and eat, weekends pass mainly in horizontal position, spleen and apathy haunt around the clock - all these are indicators of a lack of vital energy. To “recharge” you have to drink cup after cup of coffee, tea, have a snack or “dine tightly”, then painfully struggle with sleep. But the state of good working capacity and lightness in the body does not return, and, exhausted by painful fatigue, the person again goes to the bed or to the table. The truth is that food is indeed the most famous source of energy. But not everything is so clear.

One day, it suddenly became obvious to me, known to everyone (and to me too), the truth that overeating is harmful to the body. It happened like this. My ten-month-old baby developed an allergic rash. In search of the cause, I had to take a blood test for allergens. It was a huge list of products, despite the fact that the diet of a child of this age is not yet very diverse. The result for all items on the list was negative. I had a conversation with a doctor, as a result of which a hypothesis was put forward that the cause was not some nutritional component, but an excess of protein foods.

The fact is that after eight months, cottage cheese, fish, meat are gradually introduced into the baby's diet - foods rich in protein. And in the case when there are a lot of them, the child's body begins to react to the extra protein, as to an allergen, punishing very caring mothers (who actively put the "most useful" child in their mouths) with an extra headache. The treatment consisted in streamlining the diet.

The result was not long in coming. But what is valuable is that at that moment it just dawned on me that even healthy (by the standards of modern medicine) food is not only a source of vital energy, but also the cause of a painful condition, due to the fact that we unnecessarily stuff ourselves with what the body does not required.

Being a lover of food, I have long decided for myself that moderate nutrition within a certain system is the most The best way bringing yourself into desired shape and subsequent maintenance of this form. I am against diets and fasting. I am for building a reasonable nutrition system that would give energy for life, and not take strength to digest and dispose of toxins.

Do you want to feel lightness in your body? Do a simple experiment on yourself. Remove flour products, complex sauces (mayonnaise, ketchup), carbonated water, beer, industrial sweets from your diet for a month, and minimize alcohol consumption. Make an afternoon snack and lunch completely fruit and berry. There is no harm to the body in such a restriction, your body will be grateful to you.

The next powerful source of energy is movement. Looking at children, we are surprised at how restless they are. A child cannot remain motionless for a long time: lie down if he woke up, think for a long time, hugging a pillow in an armchair. Very often we hear that one kid can become a power plant for the whole city. I think there is a lot of truth in this joke.

The child generates energy, stores a health resource that will be spent in adulthood, when an active lifestyle will change to a sedentary-lying. This resource will be enough for up to thirty years on average. And when it (resource) ends, a person will begin to experience clear signs ill health: fatigue, apathy,.

Our body is the most important component of a system called a person. In any system, all components are closely interconnected. As soon as we doom our bodies to be inactive, our brains also go into low performance mode. Longing and boredom interfere with our way of life, we become irritable and carry resentment and discontent in our relationships with others and with the whole world.

Grouchiness, anger, irritability over trifles destroy consciousness, taking away the energy of life. The circle closes. The person starts to get sick.

Observing the lives of older people, I concluded that by limiting physical activity, a person loses interest in life. That's right, not the other way around.

Therefore, there is a simple answer to the question of where to get the energy to start doing something. Firstly, necessary get up off the couch, Secondly to let into your life regular physical activity.

I deliberately use the expression "physical activity" and not the word "sport". You need to start small so that the unbearableness of the obligations you have undertaken does not lead you to disappointment from the inability to fulfill them. Accept that all useful transformations will enter your life gradually and little by little. The main thing in the process of mastering new things is regularity.

Where to start the ascent to a new life? At the first stage, a half-hour walk is suitable as physical activity. It doesn't matter if it's a park or a street. It is important not to immerse yourself in your own thoughts about work, children, current affairs, and so on. Try to "be present in person" during the walk. Pay attention to the details: whether the house numbers are written the same way, whether their sequence is correct, which benches are installed in the park, which trees grow. “Turn on” awareness.

Noticing that you are immersed in the "stream of your thoughts", return to the walk again. It is very important to change routes. This contributes to the formation of new neural connections in the brain. So you provoke your brain to work better. No need to think about where to get the motivation to go for a walk. Just get up and do it. Basic rules: regularity, awareness, change of routes.

The most powerful source of energy is,. Although objectively this is just a product of our imagination, but it is the understanding of what you want to have and how to achieve results that is a good impulse to action.

Another source of energy is passion. Passion comes not only when you do what you love, but also when you love what you do. It is the fuel that gives you strength. When you experience passion, you immerse yourself in the process of work instantly and for a long time, you can work all night long. Time and everything that happens around cease to matter.

It is clear that it is easier to experience passion, doing what you love. But how to love what needs to be done? The answer is simple. Do. But do the best. To do consciously on, improving over and over again and overcoming the desire to do according to the principle "draws a stick along the road."

It's hard for me to imagine that a surgeon feels passion while working with a scalpel. In my opinion, in this case, the passion for work is manifested with the understanding that the quality of life (and possibly life itself) of the patient depends on the professionalism of the doctor.

If you do something better than it seems initially possible, and not “just to do it”, you experience a powerful energy charge from the work done.

If you are an ordinary office worker, become an indispensable office worker, if you are a chef, become the creator of the most delicious meals if a document specialist, put the documents in such an order that the old-timers do not remember.

The energy resources listed above are associated with vigorous activity. In addition, there are many sources of passive energy (working as a catalyst). We get it in the contemplation of the beautiful, touching everything that carries harmony in itself.

Views of natural landscapes, watching sunrises and sunsets, plant growing, communication with pets are accompanied by the restoration of energy potential.

Works of art (architecture, painting, literature) are also able to replenish energy resources.

Communication with people increases the energy potential, which becomes an impetus for further development, communication with children.

For each person, the choice of passive energy sources is individual, and active energy is universal.

We need to understand that we are not fueled by energy from external sources literally, it is all generated within us. We experience different emotions from this or that external influence. These emotions give rise to energy.

Negative events, such as divorce (if it is perceived negatively), loss, loss generate a strong negative energy impulse. Negative energy is always more powerful. But it can also (and should) be directed towards creation.

An example would be the so-called activity "in spite of" or to prove one's worth to someone. In this case, a person actively begins to work (create) and achieves incredible results. Worse when negative energy finds a way out through hatred, anger.

It should be remembered that all sources of vital energy can carry a creative or destructive force. This mechanism is implemented very simply. Energy needs an outlet through activity (creation or destruction). If there is no way out, stagnation and destruction occurs inside.

Organize your life in such a way that you do not feel a shortage energy resources. In your hands is the conscious control of them, however, as well as other elements of your life.
