Communion on Antipascha: how to properly prepare for it. Strong prayers for Easter - Christ is Risen, for health, luck, love, marriage, wealth, against bad habits. Effective conspiracies for Easter with texts and descriptions of rites

Hieromonk Dorofey (Baranov), a resident of the Spaso-Preobrazhensky Monastery in Saratov, answers

What is artos and how should it be used?

Artos is a specially prepared church bread, outwardly similar to a large prosphora. The significance of this bread for Christians is determined by the very rite of its consecration. At the end of the night Paschal service, an artos is placed in front of the royal doors, censing is performed, the priest reads special prayer to the consecration of the arthos and sprinkles it with holy water "in honor, and glory, and in remembrance of the Resurrection" of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Artos is not only dedicated to the Lord, but marks the invisible presence among the worshipers of Christ Himself. This custom has been preserved in the Church since the apostolic times, when, after the Ascension of Jesus Christ, the apostles, gathering for a common meal, left the central place unoccupied and placed bread in front of it, clearly expressing faith in the words of the Savior: where two or three are gathered in my name, there am I in the midst of them(Matthew 18:20).

Also, in the prayer for the consecration of the arthos, the priest, invoking God's blessing on the arthos, asks the Lord for the healing of ailments, for the bestowal of health on those who eat the holy artos. During the entire Bright Week, the artos stays opposite the Royal Doors of the altar and is worn out daily at Easter processions. On Bright Saturday, as well as on the first Sunday after Pascha, which is called Antipascha, after the liturgy, the artos is crushed and distributed to the faithful.

The use of arthos, which is a symbol of the most essential bread for us - Christ the Savior, should be a rule of piety for a Christian. Artos is a shrine, and along with baptismal water - agiasma, is a grace-filled help during bodily and mental ailments. Having brought artos home, you need to store it with reverence in the same way as prosphora: dry it, put it in a box or jar, put it under the icons or in a clean place and eat it on an empty stomach, if necessary, drinking holy water.

You just need to remember that the most important thing in the life of a Christian is the communion of the Holy Mysteries of Christ - neither artos nor Epiphany water cannot be replaced.

Is it true that on Bright Week they don’t read morning and evening prayers(and when should you read them again)? How to prepare for Communion on Svetlaya? Is it possible to take communion every day?

Bright Week is a very special time in the liturgical life of the Church, as well as in the everyday life of Christians. The repeated repetition of the words about the victory of Christ over death at the services, as it were, plunges a person into a state of joyful excitement, which in a sense even prevents him from concentrating on anything else. “Now all is filled with light, heaven and earth and underworld: let all creation celebrate the resurrection of Christ, in which it is affirmed,” is the troparion of the Paschal canon, which is sung every evening during Bright Week.

Read by Christians throughout the year, morning and evening prayers are filled with more repentant feelings, petitions for the forgiveness of sins and the sending of strength for the daily struggle with passions and temptations. These feelings, which are common for those who are trying to live a spiritual life, do not disappear at Easter, but the light of the Resurrection of Christ fills everything - "both heaven, and earth, and the underworld." That is why the Church postpones for a while these penitential prayers and invites Christians to glorify Christ's victory over death in their home prayers.

Starting from Monday of Bright Week until the morning of Bright Saturday inclusive, instead of evening and morning prayers the “Hours of Easter” are read, and instead of the rule for communion, the Easter canon and stichera of Easter (all these Easter prayers are in the prayer books) and the following to Holy Communion (the canon and prayers for Communion). If a person wants to prepare for Communion on the first Sunday after Easter, then the prescribed three canons are already read, morning and evening prayers, and following to Communion.

As for fasting before communion during Bright Week, despite the statutory instructions to abolish it, generally accepted practice still recommends fasting one day. This is not a violation of the statute, but a necessary preparatory ascetic measure, especially for those who take communion irregularly.

Regarding daily communion during Bright Week, everyone should resolve this issue with their confessor. It depends on the degree of churching of a person, his way of life and many other reasons. Communion during Bright Week at the liturgy celebrated according to the Paschal rite would be useful for the closest communion with Paschal joy.

Why are the prayers “To the King of Heaven” and “It is worthy to eat” not read after Easter? And what prayers should be read before eating?

Bright Week makes changes to the external rules of piety, not belittling them, but, as it were, giving us the opportunity to feel at least a little the words of Christ: “I no longer call you slaves, for the slave does not know what his master is doing; but I have called you friends, because I have told you all that I have heard from my Father” (John 15:15). For example, all canceled prostrations, both in the temple and during home prayer. This does not mean at all that we are not ready to bow before the Lord, but it reminds us of the kind of fellowship with Him we are called to.

At the beginning of all prayers in the period before Easter, the prayer “To the King of Heaven” is replaced by the triple “Christ is risen from the dead, trampling down death by death and bestowing life on those in the tombs.” This is due to the fact that from Holy Week, we follow the gospel narrative and empathize with the apostles, the disciples of Christ. After the Resurrection, He repeatedly appeared to the disciples, talked with them and gave instructions, one of which sounds like this: it was necessary for Christ to suffer, and rise from the dead on the third day, and to be preached in His name repentance and forgiveness of sins in all nations, beginning with Jerusalem. You are witnesses to this. And I will send the promise of my Father upon you; But you remain in the city of Jerusalem until you are clothed with power from on high (Luke 24:46-49). Here the Lord speaks of the coming descent of the Holy Spirit upon the apostles and the birth of the Church of Christ. Therefore, in the period before the Trinity, we, together with the apostles, do not call on the Holy Spirit: “come and dwell in us,” but, according to the word of the Lord, we are in anticipation of the “endowment with power from above.”

At the end of all prayers, as it should be on major holidays, instead of “It is worthy to eat,” a devotionary is read or sung, which on Easter is the irmos of the ninth song of the Easter canon: “Shine, shine new Jerusalem... ". Also, the usual prayers before and after eating food are replaced by the triple "Christ is Risen from the dead ..." and the merit of Easter, respectively.

Father Maxim, how to pray for the victims of the terrorist attacks? Is it possible to apply for them to the church, if I do not know which of them is baptized and who is of what faith? Inna.

In church or at home, you yourself can pray for anyone you want: baptized, unbaptized, heterodox and others. But ordering a commemoration in the Church is customary for the baptized.

Father, during the Bright Week, no prayers are read, except for the Hours? Or is it still possible to read something at home: an akathist, a canon?

Father Maxim, is it possible to pray for the Japanese who suffered from such a terrible catastrophe? I'm very sorry for them, but I can't help in any other way. Tamara.

It is possible and necessary. After all, all people are brothers and sisters, not only Russians and Orthodox.

Father Maxim, is there any prayer for a woman who cooks? Can you read while cooking? Anna.

Can. Read any prayer from those that you know by heart.

Father, are Easter hours read for the last time on Saturday or Sunday - on Antipascha? Irina.

Father, can you order a prayer service for a holy man? Anna.

At the prayer service for water, the Lord God sanctifies the water, therefore, think for yourself to whom our prayer should be addressed.

And one more question. In our church, when there are a lot of people and at the end of the service, prayers of thanksgiving are read after communion, nothing is really heard. Does it make sense not to listen, but when you come home, read it yourself? Tamara.

If you can’t hear it, then, of course, it’s better to read these prayers at home.

Father Maxim, I have a great fear of the road, especially when I drive myself. How can I pray to get rid of him? Alina Prokhorova.

Pray for help.

Dear father! Tell me, please, what is the prayer of detention and in what cases is it read? Thank you. Julia.

I don't advise you to think about it. After all, prayer is a personal appeal to God, to whom it is not so much important what words we say, but what is the disposition of our soul.

Father Maxim, for what and in what cases it is served<на благое дело>? What counts<благим делом>- what is done for other people? Tatiana.

prayer service<на благое дело>it is customary to order before any responsible event, which, of course, should be good from a Christian point of view.

Can I come outside of the service and pray myself? Ramm.

Of course, you can, but you also need to understand that the general, church prayer at the service will not be replaced by any personal prayer.

Father Maxim, when to order a prayer service<На благое дело>? Only for very important undertakings, or is it necessary even when I’m not very sure if I can accomplish what I have planned? Olga Mikhailovna.

Order whenever you want, but do not forget about the main thing, that in our attitude to God we should not be limited only to requests, but also to do something for Him ourselves, for example, to participate in worship, confess, take communion, love our neighbor and much more, in which faith in Christ is established.

Father Maxim, are there any prescriptions for exactly what time morning and evening prayers should be read to the laity, or time does not matter? Oleg T.

Read when it is convenient for you, but it is better to read morning prayers immediately after sleep, and evening prayers shortly before bedtime.

And one more thing: if for some reason I did not have time to read the morning prayer rule Until what time can you still read it? Oleg. T.

Learn a few morning prayers by heart and read them silently to yourself when you go to work or are busy with some urgent business. This will be for you instead of the morning rule.

How to pray to a recruit drafted into the army if it is not possible to read morning and evening prayers in full? A.L.

Read to yourself the prayers that you know by heart, for example, "Our Father" and others.

Hello, Father. I recently sent a loved one to the army. Please tell me which saints to put candles for the successful passage of the service and to protect my boyfriend? Thank you. Victoria.

Understand Victoria, the well-being of your boyfriend, or anyone else, does not depend on right choice what saint to put candles, but from sincere faith in God, which must be manifested in life.

Hello, father! I know that despondency is a sin, but a person is weak, I fight, but so far the score is not in my favor. What prayer should be read, or a book? Thanks in advance. Hope.

According to patristic teaching, despondency is a relaxation and clouding of the mind. It comes from cowardice, lack of faith, vanity, laziness in prayer and negligence in virtue. Write about this: John Chrysostom, Ephraim the Syrian, Simeon the New Theologian and many other Church Fathers. Their works can be found in libraries at big temples. The general idea of ​​the fathers about this passion is that despondency is a consequence of a lack of living, active faith in God, hope in Him. The Apostle Paul admonished Christians with these words: "Always rejoice. Pray without ceasing. In everything give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you." (1 Thess. 5:16-19) Try to acquire these qualities and you will get rid of your spiritual disease.

Father Maxim, is it necessary to read the prayers for sleep to the future immediately before going to bed? Olga B.

No, they can be read in advance, for example, 2-3 hours before bedtime, and then finish the rest of the work.

How to pray when you are sick? Can I lie down? Alyona.

You can pray sitting and lying down, if circumstances force you to.

Dear father, when praying to Peter and Fevronia of Murom, whose names should be called? Lina.

The names of those for whom you are praying.

Father, good afternoon. I learned to drive a car, but I'm very afraid and don't drive at all. Moreover, I'm afraid not so much to damage the car as to harm someone else - a child, a kitten, a dog. How to get rid of this fear through prayer? Is there such a prayer for a novice driver? Nataliya.

It is not necessary to look for any special prayer. Pray before leaving in your own words, hope for God's help and try to drive more carefully.

Pray for your daughter in your own words at home and in church.

Hello father! What does "shuyago standing" mean? as an example in the Canon about the deceased: Shuyago of standing, Most Pure, deliver the reposed, pray for Your Son, Virgin Lady, as the Savior and God of our Mother. Thanks for the answer! Sergey.

The expression "shuyago standing" means in Church Slavonic "finding", "standing on the left side of Christ during Doomsday", which refers to sinners condemned to eternal death.

Dear father! Tell me, please, how to pray for those who died in terrorist attacks, disasters, if you do not know their names? Anna.

Pray for the repose of the innocent victims.

Father, what is meant by the words - FEAR, TERRIBLE (S) - read in prayers? For example: "With fear, faith and love, falling down before Your honest icon, we pray to You: .." (from a prayer to the Most Holy Theotokos in front of Her icon, called "Kazan". With gratitude, Sergey.

The fear that this prayer speaks of is synonymous with reverence, special reverence for the Mother of God.

After the death of her husband, I found out about his relationship with our friend. The first reaction was pain and resentment. I thought a lot of bad things about him. How can I forgive him, how can I pray for him? He himself went to confession before his death. Elena.

The fact that he was at confession suggests that he most likely experienced a hard time. perfect sin. Forgive him and pray for the repose of his soul.

Father, is it true certain days each week in the Church Charter have a kind of schedule of services, days of special remembrance in prayers Holy Mother of God, Angels, or a certain Saint (this is not counting the daily prayer appeal). For example, what day of the week of home prayers can be devoted to intensified reading of prayers to the Saint (oh), whose name do you bear? if it is not possible to be in the church. Sergey.

The charter of church worship has nothing to do with home prayer, with the exception of the period from Easter to the Holy Trinity. You can pray to your saint at morning and evening prayers, as well as any other time.

Father Maxim! Good afternoon, please tell me how to pray for a sick person (Orthodox) - the situation is complicated by the fact that his father committed the sin of murder. Help, maybe I need to go to miraculous icons I look forward to your help and response. Anastasia.

Pray for this person in church in worship and at home in morning and evening prayer. You can also visit any Holy place, for example, in Diveevo, to the relics Reverend Seraphim Sarovsky.

Hello father! In the prayer book, in prayers, one can read as simply the word NAME (written in brackets) as well as the word NAME. What is the difference and why is it written that way? Sergey.

These designations indicate that you need to insert your name into the prayer here. The indication "name" means "river your name", that is, "say your name."

Father, how can a person be saved from alcoholism with the help of prayer? Natalia.

Prayer cannot help on its own. Help from above can only come from the Lord God, Who needs us to have a living faith in Him and live according to this faith. Try to do what the Lord wants from you, and then, undoubtedly, He will help in any difficulties.

Is it possible to eat in the morning before prayer or only after morning prayers? A.T.

Father, what to do with the morning prayer rule, if you need to hurry up - I overslept for work and only have time to get ready and jump out the door? How to cut? Elena Pavlovna.

Read the rule on the way to remember what you remember.

Does prayer have to be canonical, i.e. Can I come up with my own prayer and pray it? Danil.

You can, but for your needs. In the morning and evening, as well as in preparation for Communion, prayer rules established by the Church should be read.

Father Maxim, please explain this problem: while in the service, I understand little of what they sing and read. Can I pray with everyone together at this time, but in my own words? After all, if I just stand there, not understanding anything, I will involuntarily think about something else, everyday. A.T.

Try to find out the content of the service, buy yourself the service of the All-Night Vigil and the Liturgy in Russian, and while standing at the service, follow the service from the book. Be diligent, and your misunderstanding will be eliminated.

Father, is it possible to pray while reading the Complete Orthodox Prayer Book on a computer? Vladimir.

Don't create yourself unnecessary problems, because reading prayers from a book is much more convenient. In addition, it is appropriate for healthy people to read prayers while standing, and you usually sit at the computer.

Dear father, please explain when evening prayers should be read - right before going to bed or can it be done in advance? Is it possible to do something else after reading the prayers, for example, take a shower? Anastasia

Evening prayers can be read in advance, for example, 2-3 hours before bedtime, and then do the rest of the work.

Dear father Maxim, if I was at the evening service, do I need to read the prayers "For the dream to come" before going to bed? And why? T.R.

Church worship and home prayer have different meanings; prayer in the Church is public prayer, it is participation in church sacraments home prayer is a personal prayer. Both are necessary, so evening service does not cancel home evening prayers.

Father, teach me how to pray and not be mentally distracted. I get especially distracted if I know the prayer by heart. Timothy.

Read prayers according to the prayer book, even if you know them by heart.

Tell me, please, is it a sin to pray not to the Virgin Mary and the Saints, but immediately to God through Jesus Christ. Denis.

Your question looks rather strange. To resolve your confusion, I think you need to talk to the priest in person.

Hello, father! In February of this year, I buried my dad. I suffered the death of my father very hard, I still do not believe it. Father, after everything that happened, there is a constant fear in me, I am very scared for my mother, some bad thoughts come. I am very much afraid for her. Please tell me what's on this moment happens to me, is it a sin? I constantly pray for my mother and also for my father. And yet, tell me, please, which is better to read a prayer for the departed? Thank you very much! May God protect you! Evgenia.

I advise you to be at divine services on Sundays, but at home, to read morning and evening prayers, after which, in your own words, commemorate the repose of your father.

Father, what do you say when you light a candle? What kind of prayer to read? Tanya.

When you put a candle in the temple, it is enough to pray in your own words.

Father, tell me, please, when is the canon to be read, and when is the akathist? Is there a difference in what exactly to read? Olya.

Canon to the Lord Mother of God, or to some saint - this is a prayer appeal; akathist - prayerful glorification. You can read the canon or akathist at any time. The very choice of this or that prayer depends on your desire and mood.

Father, when you yourself read "Our Father", do you need to add last words which the priest says when reading this prayer in the church? After all, this is how this prayer is given in the "New Testament", and in all the prayer books for some reason the last words "For yours is power and glory:" are not written. How right? Oleg Nazarov.

"As Yours is the Kingdom:", according to tradition, this is the exclamation of the priest, therefore, in the prayer books, the Lord's Prayer is given without it. Therefore, read as it is written.

Tell me, please, how to pray before going to bed and in the morning, if you are on the road or at a party, where it is simply not possible to read all the morning and evening prayers? Sveta.

In such situations, read the prayers that you know to yourself as a keepsake.

What is the best way to pray - out loud or silently? O. L.

It is more correct to pray out loud, because in this case, it is easier to focus on prayer and not think about other things. However, if there are people nearby, then it is better to pray to yourself so as not to embarrass anyone.

Father Maxim, why are all prayers not read in modern language? Are they that hard to translate? Or is there no one to do it? After all, you will be much less distracted if you understand what you are reading. Sincerely, Anatoly.

In the Russian Orthodox Church from the very beginning of its existence, a special language has been adopted for worship - Church Slavonic. The peculiarity of this language is that it has never been used for colloquial speech. This principle contains a very deep meaning. On the one hand, language is an expression of our thinking, and on the other hand, there are certain standards and frameworks in which it is enclosed. Prayer to God especially church prayer, cannot be fully expressed spoken language where we solve our everyday problems, swear, etc. Worship requires a special mood of the spirit, which can only be expressed in a special language. Church Slavonic is used for worship not only in the Russian Orthodox Church, but also in the Serbian and Bulgarian Orthodox churches. Moreover, in non-Slavic Orthodox Churches, also worship is conducted in a special non-spoken language, for example, in Greece - in ancient Greek, in Georgia in ancient Georgian. Even in Catholic Church worship is traditionally performed on Latin, which is also not colloquial. All this exists in order to preserve the sacred character of Christian worship.

As for understanding the church language, there are no insurmountable obstacles for a believer. To understand prayers in Church Slavonic, you need to live Christian life: - regularly visit the service in the temple, read daily morning and evening prayers. You can buy yourself a Gospel and a prayer book in Church Slavonic parallel translation into Russian.
It is advisable to read the Akathist while standing, since this type of prayer has the main meaning - the glorification of the Lord God, the Mother of God or the veneration of the saint. However, if health does not allow, then you can read the akathist while sitting. On the road, the akathist can be read at your convenience.

Please explain how to pray on the road, for example, on a train, where there is no opportunity to either cross or stand, most often just sit or lie down? Anna Vasilievna

You can pray both sitting and lying down, if circumstances force you to.

Father, please explain, is it possible to pray to different Saints for different things? For example, can I ask the Queen of Heaven for health for myself and my neighbors, and pray to Nicholas the Wonderworker for success in business, a good journey? Or is it possible to pray to only one Saint and ask him for everything? Sorry if I'm confusing. Olga.

First of all, you need to understand that when we pray to the saints, we are praying to the Lord God. In general, the division of saints according to "specialties" is rather arbitrary. After all, everything that we ask from the saints of God, the Lord himself gives us, through their prayers.

Dear father Maxim, I want to ask you about bows. I used to read evening prayers on my knees. I can't explain why, but it seems right to me. However, I am told that there are days when you cannot pray on your knees and even prostrate. But why? I'm not in church, but at home, why not? I think that this humiliates pride very well, helps to fight it: Julia.

In fact, it is not possible to perform kneeling prayers on all days. Sundays, the Twelve Feasts, the period of the celebration of Easter and Christmas are a special time when repentance and contrition for sins should fade into the background and give way to spiritual joy. Dear father Maxim, my beloved person is a British citizen, I do not know his religion and cannot find out yet, but I would like to pray and apply for his health. Is it possible or not? And if so, how exactly - his name is not Christian. Marina D.

For any person, even not baptized, you can pray on your own at home or in church, remembering him by the name that he has. However, ordering a church commemoration (mass, proskomedia, magpie, etc.) is allowed only for Orthodox Christians.

On the first Sunday after the Resurrection of Christ - this year it is April 23 - two holidays are celebrated. This is the Orthodox Antipascha of the Apostle Thomas and folk holiday Red hill.

Antipascha is "the opposite of Easter" or "instead of Easter". In fact, this is a repetition of the holiday.

The pastor spoke about the holiday Kiev Pechersk Lavra, Metropolitan of Vyshgorod and Chernobyl Vladyka Pavel, they write Vesti.

What is Antipasta

On this day, the Church remembers the miracle of the faith of the Apostle Thomas. "That is, Fomino's unbelief leads us to faith," Metropolitan Pavel explained.

The crucifixion and death of Christ led Thomas to understand that the loss is irrevocable. He was not even with all the disciples on the day of Resurrection.

On the first day after the resurrection, the Lord appeared to His Mother - the Most Pure Virgin Mary, then the first time and the second - to the myrrh-bearing women and the Apostle Peter.

Jesus also appeared to the apostles, who, when they gathered, being afraid of the Jews, closed the doors, but the Lord passed through the doors. The body of the Lord was transformed after the Resurrection and was no longer subject to physical earthly laws. At first the apostles thought they were seeing the Spirit, but the Lord showed them His hands, feet, and ribs. Appearing bodily to the disciples and allowing them to feel the wounds on the Body, the Lord thereby defeats their doubt and unbelief.

And when the disciples, who were on their way to Emmaus on the third day after the Resurrection, told Thomas about the glorious Resurrection of Christ, he answered: “If I do not see on His hands the wounds from the nails and put my finger in the wounds from the nails, and put my hand in the ribs I don't believe him."

And his unbelief, says John Chrysostom, leads us to faith. And Chrysostom says: "Do not believe, Fomo, because until you see the Risen Christ with your own eyes and touch His wounds so that there is no embarrassment and struggle in my soul and heart against the Resurrection of Christ."

And on the eighth day after the glorious Resurrection, that is, on the next Sunday, which is called Antipascha, the Lord appears to all the apostles and the Apostle Thomas in the upper room, the doors of which were closed, passing through the locked door. And immediately he turns to Thomas with the words: "Give your finger here and see My hands, give your hand and put it in My ribs." Thus He answers the doubts of Thomas. That is why the doubting disciple immediately confesses Christ as God, saying: "My Lord and my God!"

It should be noted that later the Apostle Thomas preached and founded churches in India, Palestine, and Ethiopia. For the conversion of the son and wife of the ruler of an Indian city to the faith of Christ, he ended his earthly life with martyrdom: imprisoned, endured all kinds of tortures, and pierced with spears, he departed to the Lord.

Red Hill-2017

Along with Antipascha, the Red Hill holiday is celebrated, despite its pre-Christian roots. The name of the holiday originates from the tradition of youth in Easter days climb the thawed, that is, "beautiful" (popularly - "red") hillocks and dance there, as well as burn fires to ward off evil spirits.

Krasnaya Gorka is a celebration of girls and women, that is, the feminine, symbolizing birth, which means new life.

In Russia, it was from Krasnaya Gorka that the wedding season began. Part of the reason for this was that the church forbids getting married from Maslenitsa until the end of Bright Week.

Weddings on this day were considered very prestigious. Wealthy people played them, because it was much cheaper to celebrate a wedding in the fall, after the harvest, than in the spring. The alliances concluded at this time were considered the most durable.

In 2017, Krasnaya Gorka itself, April 23, and the whole week after it, that is, until April 30 inclusive, are considered the most successful days for marriage.

Krasnaya Gorka: signs

People believe that:

whoever marries a red hill will never get married.

if you sit at home on the red hill, you won’t see a century of good luck in your personal life.

to pour water on a girl on a red hill means to woo her. but if the wedding did not work out, the girl was considered disgraced, and no one married her.

if a girl on a red hill washes herself with rain, to long youth and beauty.

if you throw a coin into the well on the red hill, you will find wealth and happiness.

if colored egg rolls far off the hillock and does not break - this is good luck.

Separately, it is worth stopping at the tradition of washing from the icon on Red Hill. It is believed that if you wash your face on Krasnaya Gorka from the icon, for money (on Bright Week in the villages it was customary to wash home icons, and then wash your face with the same water.)

Icons were washed over a basin. And even without any conspiracies, such water from icons can help: she needs to wash and wash all family members, starting with the smallest. At the same time, those who are older are not washed by the younger ones - otherwise poverty can be attracted to the house. It is best if the oldest member of the family does the washing.

The fact that such a ritual was carried out in the house cannot be told to anyone. People believe that in this case, the money will start to go between the fingers.

What icon is washed on Red Hill

On this day, to attract wealth, they wash the “Give God” icon - this is a group of icons on which the Lord is depicted on the throne or the icon of the Lord Almighty.

How to wash the icon on Krasnaya Gorka

The cover is removed from the icon (and cellophane, if it was placed) and water is poured on it. The icon is kept above the basin. With the water that has drained from the icon, they wash themselves.

You can not immerse, but pour water over the icon three times, that is, let water run along it. Water is used ordinary - both from the well and from the tap. They say a conspiracy when they pour water on the icon, then they wash themselves with this water. The remaining water is poured under indoor flower or a tree in the garden. Wash only one person.

They do the ritual for three years in a row.

A conspiracy for wealth on Stepanova's Red Hill

In seven temples there are seven pillars, and in only one there is God grant. To that Give God there is true word. Put Give God by Solomon himself. Whoever touches God, with these words from the holy icon, will be washed by a rich fate, treasures will be revealed. Gold, silver will mourn for the servant of God (name). Truly there is, truly it will be, God grant that the servant of God (name) will not forget forever and ever. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

It is worth noting that the ritual is pagan, although converted to Christianity. "Give God" - this is DazhdBog, the god of the sun. In Christianity it was replaced by Jesus Christ - saved. Therefore, to perform the ceremony, they are suitable following icons: "Savior in the forces", " miraculous savior", as well as" Almighty ". And the most suitable icon for this is" Savior of the Golden Hair. "It has the closest image to Dazhdbog: a cloak with the symbolism of the sun and golden curls.

Prayers for Red Hill

It is believed that the one who reads prayers on the red hill - he lengthens his life.

Krasnaya Gorka is the day when people go to the cemetery to commemorate their loved ones who are no longer there. Therefore, if a person prays on this day, then they help him not only Higher power, but also all the relatives who are no longer there, and whom he came to visit. So if a person prays for health on this day, then he begs for health not only for himself, but for all his relatives.

First Sunday after Easter in church calendar is called Antipascha, or St. Thomas' week. In the next week, we remember the gospel events related to the resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ, His appearance to His disciples, and the faith of Thomas.
Thomas was one of the twelve apostles, he doubted the resurrection of the Lord. For several days the Lord appeared to his disciples, but the Apostle Thomas was not among them. Therefore, Thomas said that until he himself sees the resurrected Teacher, until he touches His most pure body with his hands, he will not believe that the resurrection of Christ has taken place. When, after the resurrection of Christ, the disciples gathered in Zion Upper Room to pray, then among them was the Apostle Thomas. Then the resurrected Lord appeared and turned to Thomas so that he could feel His wounds on His hands. The Apostle Thomas exclaimed: “My Lord and my God!” This was an expression of the faith of the Apostle Thomas that the Lord had indeed risen. The Lord answered Thomas: “You believed because you saw Me. Blessed are those who have not seen and believed."

P after the Apostle Thomas continued with other disciples the preaching of Christ in various lands. He ended his earthly journey in India, where he was martyred by the pagans.

"A antipaskha" - Greek word, this is a holiday "instead of Easter", as if compensating for it. Since the first Easter was celebrated a week before Antipascha, Antipascha itself is the second Easter, for people who doubted the resurrection of Christ, they are personified by the Apostle Thomas himself, who, when the resurrected Lord appeared in the Zion room, was convinced that He had risen.

We know that no commemoration of the departed was performed during Bright Week. Namely, from Holy Thursday until Antipascha, panikhidas and memorial services were not performed in the Church. To make up for this lack of commemoration of the departed, the Church calls us to pray on Tuesday, on Radonitsa. Since the liturgical day begins in the evening, on Monday evening we begin to commemorate the dead. And this, in fact, is the beginning of the Radonitsa holiday. In addition, the Church established this celebration because during those days when we did not commemorate the dead, many relatives would like to commemorate their relatives, when after death we usually make a commemoration on the third, ninth, fortieth days. Therefore, on Radonitsa we can order a funeral service and pray for our relatives and friends. During Great Lent, the dead were not commemorated on weekdays, so there were special Saturdays on which the Church, as it were, filled this gap. Also, following the example of Great Lent, and now, when there was no commemoration during Bright Week, we can pray on Radonitsa for our relatives and friends.

R adonitsa takes its roots from paganism, when our ancestors came to the cemetery in the spring, to the graves of their relatives and friends and performed the so-called pagan feasts, commemoration. But with the advent of Christianity, with the baptism of our Slavic peoples, this holiday acquired a new meaning, spiritual, Christian. Therefore, first of all, we try to pray in church these days. We order funeral services and try to attend the Liturgy, as well as the memorial service. But do not forget that the cemetery is also a holy place, like the temple of God. Therefore, we must try to visit the cemetery in order to bring the graves of our relatives and friends into the proper form.

In the history of the Church, there was a case when a deacon of the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra performed censing during Easter. And this censing took place in the caves. When he exclaimed “Christ is Risen!”, in response the saints of God, whose relics rested in the caves, answered: “Truly Risen!”. Thus, the Lord reveals to us the immutable truth that for God all are alive. And we, together with our departed, believe in the future resurrection of all the living and the dead!

After Radonitsa, fasting begins on Wednesdays and Fridays, but not strict, eating fish is allowed until the feast of the Holy Trinity. As before, instead of the prayer “O Heavenly King,” we read the Paschal troparion “Christ is risen.” But already from Antipascha we make a full evening and morning prayer rule. In addition, instead of the prayer “It is worthy to eat,” before the feast of the Ascension of the Lord, one reads Easter prayer"Angel crying."

The feast of Easter continues, and we try to keep the joy of Easter within us. As before, brothers and sisters, we greet each other “Christ is Risen!” and we answer “Truly Risen!” And, of course, this greeting encourages us to try to always be spiritually alert, so that we do not weaken after Great Lent and after Bright Week. If during the Bright Week we did not deal with any serious economic matters, then already during this week we can start them. And, of course, I would like to wish that after all these deeds, behind this bustle, we do not forget about our spiritual life, so that we do not lose that Paschal joy that we have acquired throughout the Bright Week. And I would like to wish that Easter joy stays with you for all the following days. Christ is Risen!

Church holidays
Nov 26, 2018

Almost all words with the prefix "anti" contain some kind of opposition, and in most cases it is negative. Many do not know Antipascha - what it is, and therefore they think that the holiday has a negative connotation, but in fact it is not.

What is Antipascha in Orthodoxy?

The first Sunday after Easter is called Antipascha. Other names are also known, for example, Fomino Sunday or. At the divine service of this day, it is customary to remember the appearance of Christ and the assurance of the Apostle Thomas. Antipascha is a holiday that is related to the Resurrection of Christ and the Sacrament of Baptism. The Slavs considered Krasnaya Gorka a holiday of fun and round dances.

Why is Antipascha so called?

One of the popular questions that are related to this holiday. The name means “opposite to Easter”, but it is worth noting that it does not mean opposition, but an appeal to a holiday that has already passed. On this day, the memory of the resurrection of Christ is renewed, therefore the holiday is also called the “week of renewal”. There are several versions of why the name Krasnaya Gorka (Antipaskha) appeared. It is believed that "red" means beautiful, and "slide" refers to the fact that earlier on this day, the youth held a celebration on the hills, where there is no longer snow.

Antipascha - traditions

In churches on this day passes procession with the obligatory sprinkling of holy water. At the Liturgy, the Gospel of John and the words of Jesus directed to the Apostle Thomas are read, which serve as a reminder to people that sincere faith has spiritual vision. Finding out what Antipascha means, it is worth pointing out the folk traditions that were observed unquestioningly in ancient times.

  1. Families gather in the evening for a family dinner, and it was believed that the more plentiful the treats and the more pleasant the atmosphere, the more successful the year would be. If you are interested in what is being prepared for Antipascha, then there are no restrictions here.
  2. On this day, girls traditionally tell fortunes behind the flame of a candle to find out if they will get married this year. A candle must be lit and placed on an open window. If it burns out completely and does not go out, then soon the girl will receive a marriage proposal. When the candle went out, it was believed that she still had a year to walk alone.
  3. Finding out Antipascha - what it is, it is worth pointing out that this holiday among the people is considered youth. Boys and girls went out into the street and had fun festivities. They definitely called for spring. One of the girls was decorated and taken around the village, as the personification of the awakening of spring.
  4. Krasnaya Gorka is the first day after when you can play weddings. It is believed that this is the best day of the year for a wedding.

Antipascha - what not to do?

On this holiday, you must go to church. Krasnaya Gorka is considered the main memorial day, so the funeral liturgy is held in the temples. The clergy say that it is better to go to church on this day than to the grave. When figuring out what to do on Antipascha, it is worth pointing out the possibility of conducting matchmaking and weddings. In addition, people meet spring and have fun. There is a certain list of things that are prohibited on this holiday:

  1. Many are interested in whether they go to the cemetery for Antipascha, so this is not forbidden, but you can’t get out there. It is recommended to take out the garbage and plant flowers before this day.
  2. You can not drink alcohol and say at the same time: "for the kingdom of heaven." It is forbidden to arrange feasts on the graves of people and it is better to commemorate them at home. The church does not allow to commemorate the dead with strong alcoholic drinks.
  3. Krasnaya Gorka is a holiday of fun, so you can’t do household chores and it is recommended to postpone them. It is believed that everything planted on this day will not be accepted.
  4. It is impossible for boys and girls to stay at home on this holiday, because they will remain lonely for the whole year.
  5. You should not tell anyone about the ritual of washing icons, because you can turn your luck away from yourself.
  6. It is believed that if you quarrel with someone on this day, you will not be able to improve relations until the Trinity.

What is handed out in the church on Antipascha?

In temples and monasteries on this day they give out pieces of bread, which is called artos (whole prosphora). Throughout the whole Bright Week it is in churches in a conspicuous place, and when all the Easter celebrations end, the pieces are distributed to believers. Understanding what is distributed on Antipascha, it is worth noting that particles of this bread are used only in special cases, as a spiritual remedy for illness and infirmity. When a person eats artos, he must necessarily say “Christ is Risen!”

How to Prepare for Communion on Antipascha?

Though throughout bright week there is no fasting, it is recommended to keep it before communion. At this time, in most cases, communion is given to people who come from places where there are no churches, who are very ill, or who plan to undergo an operation. It is considered that if ordinary person appears at this time desire to take communion, then this is a manifestation of dark forces. Preparing for Communion on Antipascha, it is necessary to read the prescribed three canons, morning and, as well as the following for Communion.

Signs for Antipascha

It has long been determined on this day how the year will pass, what the period from the beginning of May to the end of summer is preparing, and received a lot of other information. If you are interested in information about Antipascha - what it is, and what signs are associated with this day, then the following list will be useful:

  1. Whoever is the first member of the family to see the sun rise will be the happiest throughout the year.
  2. If the Antipascha holiday has come, then in order to attract good luck, you need to feed seven stray animals.
  3. On this day, hear the ringing of the bell - good sign, because it is able to drive away diseases and scare away misfortunes.
  4. Rain on Krasnaya Gorka portends a cool and rainy summer.
  5. If a deep plate crashed that day, then this portends great luck. They say that this is a harbinger of an imminent replenishment in the family.
  6. A star-studded sky means that the cold will continue for some time.
  7. A person who, after waking up, hears the singing of birds, will be happy all year.
  8. The couple who marry on Krasnaya Gorka will always be together.
  9. The girl who washes herself with rain on this day will be young and beautiful for a long time.

Conspiracies for Antipascha

On this day, you can perform various rituals, the main thing is to do it alone and secretly from others. There are conspiracies for Antipascha for money, love, beauty and many others. Let's consider a couple of them:

  1. On desire. It is necessary to purchase the icon "Give God", which depicts Jesus Christ on the throne. If you could not find it, then you can use the image of the Lord Almighty. Wash the icon with water, holding it over the basin to collect the flowing liquid. During this, you need to repeat plot number 1 three times. After that, with the water remaining in the basin, you need to wash three times, and pour the rest under young tree near the house.
  2. For wealth. The same ritual can be used to improve the financial situation, only three times it is necessary to read conspiracy No. 2.

Prayers for Antipascha

This religious holiday It has great power and can be used to your advantage. It is believed that sincere prayers uttered on this day will certainly be heard. Antipascha in Orthodoxy is a great time to turn to the Lord to ask for a solution to your problems and show gratitude. Prayers addressed to the Lord will help you find peace of mind and harmony in yourself. The presented text must be pronounced at dawn, repeating it at least three times.
