The original wall clock is a beautiful accessory with a deep meaning. Wall clock in the interior: large and small, classic and unusual (70 photos) Living room interior with a clock on the wall

Decorating the interior of the living room, designers most often use a neutral finish to decorate surfaces, and preference is given to the simplest model, the most functional.

Equally important is given to decor and accessories. A beautiful wall clock for the living room is a godsend for everyone who is used to controlling the passage of time.

What are the hours?

The modern style is very fast, because a person strives to be everywhere on time, and therefore you need to control time.

In the living room you need to relax and unwind. The clock in the living room is used as an element of decor, which, as it were, reminds us that we should not forget that in addition to relaxation, there is also reality.

It's not easy to choose a wall clock. You can not buy this item just to control time.

It is important to understand that watches often become the highlight of the interior, the main thing is how to choose their design.

Basically, they choose a large clock in the living room, but the style that is inherent in the living room is taken into account.

The material used in the creation of watches must be in complete harmony with the furniture used, as well as with the finish.

Style selection

The style of watches varies, because there are different models for a particular style. The design of this item can also be any - it can be both geometric figures, and it can be a clock in the form of animals, plants.

If the room is modern, then you can use an electronic clock with a lot of necessary additional functions.

An interesting option is to use several different types to make the desired accent in the design. Watches are better to choose those that can fit a particular style of interior - glass, plastic, wood, cardboard.

Often, wall clocks in the interior of the living room are decorated with decor - gilding, crystal, natural wood, glass. The classic living room will be complemented by a wooden clock of the highest quality, metal clocks will harmoniously fit into high-tech.

Clock location

In most styles, it is customary to hang a large clock in the interior and decorate the surface of the wall with it. With such hours it is not difficult to create a luxurious interior. The living room becomes more mysterious with such "decor".

It is best to use a large clock in the interior of the living room of a spacious mansion. In houses with a real fireplace, the clock is located just above it to give the room a special comfort.

If there is a desire to place a large clock in a small room, you need to remember that a place should be allocated for them in which they will look very organic. It is impossible for watches to “steal” space, because the goal is to expand it, and not vice versa!

Clocks in the living room are always chosen very carefully. As an example, classic watches are unlikely to find a place in a minimalist style. It is worth being aware that the type of clock and its style is chosen at the very end, after the room is decorated.

Often, watches are made by hand using numerous master classes on the Internet. The interior of the living room with a handmade clock looks very stylish and organic.

Many factors influence the choice - many are furious from the ticking of the clock, and therefore unique silent watches have been created for such people that do not cause any discomfort.

Clock in the interior

The clock is an important component of the interior, and if the clock does not fit into the interior, then the view of the living room will be lost.

It happens and vice versa - the clock is simply lost against the background of the living room, because it is cluttered with furniture and decor. If you decide to decorate the wall for hours, you should use a minimum of any kind of decor.

Antique clocks can decorate a retro living room, vintage room.

Watch manufacturers

The watch market is full of different models, but it is extremely difficult to find a reliable model that will meet all the requirements.

Actually, therefore, you need to know those manufacturers of electronics, watches that produce products of the highest quality.

Browse the Internet for photos of watches in the interior of the living room - there are many high-quality offers on specialized sites, and therefore, having studied all the information about a particular model, you can make the right choice.

You can pick up “your” watches for any interior, you can look for budget retro models at a flea market or a flea market.

The choice often determines the quality of a particular model, production material, mechanism, cost, appearance. All this should harmonize beautifully with each other. Do not forget that a cheap watch model is unlikely to serve you for a long time.

Photo of the wall clock in the living room

The current way of life is characterized by a rapid pace of development. We all try to make good use of our time. To do this, we need to carefully observe the passage of time.

A watch is not only a device that shows the exact time.

Now the clock is an integral part of the interior in the room. Whether it's a kitchen, living room, office - in any room, the clock performs the function of decor. The modern world is rich in a variety of types of watches.

Watch types

The role of the living room is to create coziness and comfort for family pastime. To create comfort in the hall, clocks play an important role and have every chance of becoming an attribute that organizes the entire design of the room around it.

Wall clock is one of the best options.

In the living room, they are used to hanging wall clocks of considerable size. But here you need to take into account the style of the room.

Watch design is diverse, you can vary the shape, color, texture, material. There are forged clocks, picture clocks, children's clocks, clocks on a bracket, modular ones. Wall clock for the living room, like every item in the room, must be combined with the decor and colors.

Clock in the interior

There are different styles of interior design. It is necessary that the clock in the living room must be combined with the interior design.

  • Classicism;
  • Pop Art;
  • Gothic;
  • Provence;
  • Minimalism;
  • Empire.

The clock can be made of wood, mirror, fabric, metal, glass, etc. If the living room is in a traditional classic style, a large wooden clock will look better.

If the room is made in a modern style, metal ones will look better here. Antique watches are suitable for retro style.

For an interior in the Empire style, watches decorated with bronze, porcelain, gilding, and silver are suitable. The interior of the living room with a clock is always given priority.

Types of big clocks

The living room very often acts as a room in which celebrations are organized. The hosts want to show nobility and greatness in front of the guests. Large clocks can help.

Types of big clocks:

  • Wall mounted;
  • floor;
  • With pendulum;
  • With cuckoo.

It is better to use them in a room where the area allows, as in a small room it will look ridiculous and visually make it even smaller.

Although, if you correctly approach this issue, then you can hang a large clock. The main thing is that the big clock in the living room looks organic.

Most designers prefer to use large watches in their projects. This accessory gives the room nobility and uniqueness.

Types of wall clocks

When choosing a watch as a design element, it is worth considering their reliability, long-term operation, and the type of mechanism.

Watch mechanisms:

  • Electronic;
  • sand;
  • Mechanical;
  • Quartz.

The choice of mechanism depends on numerous factors. For example, electronic ones are better suited for modern design.

Many will abandon the clock in the interior of the living room, which is ticking loudly, in favor of silent ones. Not everyone is comfortable using an hourglass.

Today, handmade watches are popular. You can purchase any type of mechanism and create your own masterpiece.

It is worth hanging a clock in the guest room, which, of course, will attract attention, but at the same time, they should not overshadow the rest of the space.

Modern design suggests active accessories that can surprise and personalize the living room. Watches can be neon, mirror, antique.

Now it is very fashionable to use 3D clocks. It can be watches of various geometric shapes, they can even be the shape of animals and other objects. From such a variety it is very difficult to choose the right model.

Wall clock manufacturers

You can get acquainted with a huge number of photos of watches in the interior of the living room, but, as mentioned above, in addition to the design of watches, you should pay attention to their quality and reliability.

To do this, you need to know manufacturers who are famous for the quality of their products.

Wall clock manufacturers:

  • Thomas Stern;
  • Mado;
  • Castita
  • Uttermost;
  • power;
  • Kieninger;
  • Seiko
  • roomers;
  • Timco.

Watches are now actively purchased through online stores. Indeed, the Internet has a diverse and interesting assortment.

It is better not to buy cheap watches hoping that they will last you a long time. It is better to spend your energy on studying information about quality, brand, mechanism.

To wisely spend your time and not be disappointed in the choice, remember a few basic rules:

Hours are selected only after the repair is completed and you have already decided on the style in the interior;

The clock must be combined with other accessories and furniture in the interior;

Watches must be of exceptionally good quality.

Photo of the clock in the interior of the living room

Watch - the item is very multifunctional and practical. In the crazy rhythm of modern life, a similar element of the interior received a rebirth:There are many variations of watches, and sometimes they take on such bizarre forms that it is difficult to guess their true purpose. If you decide to decorate your interior with a clock, then you may find yourself at a crossroads between thoughts about interesting design and convenience. Meanwhile, both should be taken into account, so in our today's article we will highlight all the subtleties of watch decor.

First of all, you should decide what kind of watch you want. Three options: wall, floor and desktop.

Wall Clock are the most popular solution because they save space and allow you to decorate the walls at the same time. This will be especially appropriate if your interior is designed in a modern or minimalist spirit, so other decor elements are practically excluded.

When choosing a wall clock, be sure to consider the size of the room - for a large space, tiny watches that get lost in it are not suitable. If you decided on them, then you will have to combine them with other decor items to create a larger composition. It is also important not to overdo it here, otherwise such a decorative element will irritate the eye.

The clock in the interior should either harmoniously continue it, or act as a bright accent. The choice depends on the room: for example, it is better to choose a classic-style clock for the kitchen, and a subdued romantic option for the bedroom. The living room, on the contrary, can be decorated with bright unusual clocks that will attract the eye.

As for non-standard, as well as ironic options for wall clocks, it is important to remember the appropriateness here. Think about whether they will start to annoy you after a while? If the answer is no, then you can safely place them on your wall, however, it is better if there is no other decor there.

Floor clock in the interior

Grandfather Clock are not very popular these days, although a couple of centuries ago they were a symbol of prosperity, which was put on public display. The thing is that such watches definitely need a large space, which very few can boast of now. If you try to "shove" them into a small apartment, albeit with a suitable interior, in fact it will become even smaller, that's all ...

If you are the owner of an old grandfather clock and at the same time - that's a miracle! - you also own an open-plan apartment, then such an element of decor can be very, very appropriate. However, before you joyfully put it in a place of honor, think about whether you can "get along" with such a watch. Most vintage models have a pendulum, so they tick quite loudly, and sometimes they also “beat”, notifying you of the new hour.

And if during the day in the heat of worries you may not notice this, then at night it will be time for fun for you, especially if you can fall asleep only in complete silence. An additional problem is that the chime of the clock is heard throughout the apartment, so castling your grandmother's inheritance into the living room will not save you.

If these questions do not concern you at all, then the main task for you - harmoniously combine the grandfather clock with the overall interior. In the event that you don’t like the classics, but you really liked the grandfather clock, you can install more modern models that will be appropriate almost everywhere.

Table clock in the interior

If your apartment is a very small space, so you don’t even dare to dream of a grandfather clock, and there is nowhere to hang wall clocks, your choice is obvious - a table clock.

The most popular option is an alarm clock because it is very convenient and practical.

Surprisingly, the most ordinary classic alarm clock can fit into any style, from discreet hi-tech to quivering shabby. Of course, the external design is important, which can vary from monochrome to roses with forget-me-nots, however, even the chrome version can perfectly "play" in contrast.

It is important to initially consider the location and nature of the use of table clocks. If they will serve only as a decorative element and you do not plan to touch or rearrange them, you can purchase fragile models in the form of elegant plates or intricate modern variations.

Desktop clocks should be more stable, and the dial itself should be clear and large, because you will use it primarily for practical purposes. However, here you can combine beauty and comfort.

As for electronic watches, they are not as popular now as they were a couple of decades ago. However, they are very comfortable and are perfect for a minimalist style or when you want to keep the decorative component of the watch to a minimum. Such watches can be very inconspicuous and at the same time perfectly fulfill their main function.


Wall clocks have made it easy for us to keep track of the time for many years. However, today, they have also become an important part of the interior, allowing you to bring zest to the room. Watches are made from various materials such as glass, metal, wood, phosphorus. In addition, wall clocks in the interior come in a variety of styles, ranging from vintage to modern models. Dekorin offers to deal with such a variety and decide which watch is right for you.

Wall clock in the living room

The most important thing in choosing a wall clock is to consider the style of your home. Moreover, even the most inexpensive wall clock model can harmoniously fit into the interior, which means that the price is a secondary thing.

In the living room, you need to place a beautiful wall clock that matches the interior of the room, because they are always in sight.

Every evening the family gathers in the living room to relax together, so the style and comfort in this room is especially important. A wall clock in the interior of a living room can become a real highlight of the room, so you should take their choice seriously.

Wooden wall clock

A room in a classic style or modern style is perfectly complemented by a wooden wall clock. A clock made of wood, decorated with bronze, can emphasize the luxury of a living room.

But if your living room is in country style, then be sure to pay attention to the cuckoo wall clock. They will complement the overall style of such a room and give it comfort.

Wall clock with a fight

A striking wall clock will look great in the living room. They will give the house a rustic feel and will look especially good in the aforementioned country style. Again, when choosing a clock, it is important to consider how your living room is decorated, because an antique chiming wall clock is unlikely to fit into a modern-style room.

High-tech wall clock

Recently, the living room is increasingly being decorated in high-tech style. In it, all interior items are modern and functional. Therefore, wall clocks should also be in high-tech style. So, for example, a glass wall clock will perfectly fit into such an interior, as in the following photos.

Retro style wall clock

If you have chosen an antique living room interior with a lot of antiques, then a retro wall clock is best suited for this style. Believe me, such hours will definitely not go unnoticed and will be appreciated by your guests.

Wall clock in loft style

Is your living room loft style? Great, because there are many beautiful and unusual loft-style wall clocks that complement the interior. A living room in this style can be decorated not with just one clock, but with several different models at once. This option looks quite interesting, and you can see an example in the photo below.

And the next model will allow you to follow not only the time, but also the date. A wall clock with a calendar is perhaps the most practical choice. A few photos are below.

Wall clock in the interior of the bedroom

The bedroom is completely different than the living room. Firstly, this is a place for relaxation and solitude, and secondly, guests rarely visit this room. That is why when choosing a watch, it is important to rely only on your own preferences and desires. Think about what kind of clock you would most like to see in your bedroom. It is also important to choose a model with a quiet move, because loud ticking can interfere with relaxation and sleep. In any case, even in this room it is important that the wall clock fits harmoniously into the overall style of the bedroom.

In the interior of the bedroom, a wall clock in a classic style will look great. They will not distract from sleep and, moreover, the classics will never become obsolete.

If you have designed a loft-style bedroom, then an electronic wall clock will fit in perfectly here. By choosing them, you will definitely not be mistaken, because peace and quiet will not be disturbed, but at the same time you will adhere to the given style in the room.

Provence style wall clock

A Provence-style bedroom requires appropriate decor. An excellent decoration of such a room would be a wall clock in the Provence style. Such clocks should be antique and emphasize the provincial style in the bedroom. Look at the following photos how beautiful these wall clocks look in the interior.

Wall clock with backlight

Another great idea is to decorate your bedroom with an illuminated wall clock. They look beautiful and appropriate in the bedroom. If desired, you can turn off the light, and use such a clock as a night light. There are also models with adjustable backlight, so you can choose the optimal brightness for yourself. In addition, such watches are presented in a wide range using different materials, which means that you will definitely choose a model for any interior.

An alternative to backlit clocks is LED wall clocks. With their help, you will know what time it is even in complete darkness.

Wall clocks are not only a mechanism by which we keep track of time, but also an accessory that decorates the interior. A beautiful wall clock can become an accent in the interior design of a room, a source of pride for their owners, especially if it is an elite clock or antique, or in combination with other items, they can complement the interior, supporting its overall concept and stylistic direction.

Wall clocks can be made of wood, stone, metal, plastic, porcelain, fabric, and can also be made from a combination of various natural and artificial materials. The shape and color of the wall clock should correspond to the ideological idea and the general style of the interior of the room in which they will be located.

Wall clock in the living room

If you have a beautiful expensive wall clock, then it is the right place for it in the living room, because the living room is a room where the whole family gathers in the evenings for a joint holiday, we also invite guests here. The living room often acts as a dining room, where dinner parties and feasts are held. It is here that all the charm and elegance of the wall clock will be on public display and appreciated.

In the living room, clocks often play the role of the main accent in interior design, so their choice should be approached with special attention. It is worth opting for the most sophisticated options for wall clocks. They can be made in the form of a picture with a beautiful landscape of nature, photographs of world attractions, or legendary actors, if this fits the idea of ​​​​the interior. Also, a wall clock for the living room can contain various decorative elements and details.

The main task is to choose a clock that will look spectacular and appropriate in this room. So, for example, for a living room in a classic style and a modern modern style, wall clocks made of precious wood, decorated with bronze, are perfect. This combination will perfectly emphasize the respectability of the room.

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A cuckoo clock or a chiming clock will harmonize with a rustic country style setting.

Wall clocks made of metal, glass, plastic, or combinations thereof will fit perfectly into the high-tech youth style.

If you have an old antique expensive clock, then you should think about making the design of the living room in retro style. A vintage clock in such a living room will look elegant and attract the admiring glances of guests.

Wall clocks in the living room are placed mainly above the table, above the fireplace, above the sofa, on the walls free from other decorative elements.

Wall clock in the bedroom

The bedroom can be compared to a cozy nest where it is customary to relax in solitude and tranquility. The bedroom, as a rule, is rarely visited by strangers, so choosing a clock for the bedroom, you should focus only on your own taste and personal preferences. It is desirable that the wall clock blend harmoniously with the surrounding space, not be too bright and contrasting compared to the wallpaper and other interior details. In the bedroom, wall clocks in pastel shades look good. It can also be a white watch with mother-of-pearl or pearl reflections. Watches with images of flowers of delicate shades are relevant.

It is appropriate to hang a wall clock with images of nature in the bedroom. For example, a pair of white swans on the watch face symbolizes fidelity, and a pair of cooing white doves tune in to romanticism.

There are also original versions of wall clocks combined with photo frames for family photos.

The main thing when choosing a wall clock in the bedroom is to focus on how loud their mechanism works. In other words, the clock in the bedroom should be as silent as possible.

Wall clock in the children's room

For a children's room, choosing a clock is much easier than for a bedroom and living room. There is a large selection of children's wall clocks. The clock in the children's room should be chosen, focusing on the age and hobbies of the child. They can be made in the form of various fairy-tale characters or objects: a watch in the form of a car, a soccer ball, a fly agaric, a sun, a cloud. Also on the watch dial there can be images of your child's favorite cartoon characters - Smeshariki, Masha and the Bear, cars and others.

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The main thing is that they are bright, funny and interesting. It will be great if your kid himself chooses a watch that he likes and likes. When buying watches for the nursery, you should pay special attention to the safety of fasteners and the materials from which they are made. They should be as environmentally friendly as possible.

Kitchen wall clock

Kitchen wall clocks are important, especially from a practical point of view, because while cooking, you need to keep track of time. As for the shape, design and color of the watch, in this case there are no special restrictions. The main thing is that the clock matches the style and fits into the surrounding space.

They should not be too catchy and bulky. It is most appropriate to purchase a wall clock with images of still lifes with fruits or flowers.

There is also a huge selection of original models of kitchen-themed wall clocks. For example, a watch with knife and fork hands and a movable spoon-shaped pendulum at the bottom. Or a kitchen wall clock in the shape of a teapot or cup. Read more in the article "Choosing a clock in the kitchen".

Wall clock in the hallway

The entryway is the first room that guests encounter when entering your home. And the opinion about your apartment as a whole will largely depend on what impression it will make. Wall clocks in combination with other decorative elements give originality and aesthetics to the hallway, set the overall tone and style.

For a hallway made in a classic style, a clock made of wood, ceramics or bronze is suitable. It can be models of various shapes and types: a closed clock with a fight in a wooden box, a cuckoo clock, a classic clock with a pendulum, an open round or square clock.

If the hallway is made in the style of minimalism or modern hi-tech style, then the idea of ​​​​the interior will be perfectly emphasized by clocks made of glass, metal and plastic. They can be abstract in shape with asymmetrical proportions, and the dial may even lack numbers.
