Where is the largest church in the world. The largest temples in the world

For many centuries, millions of people have worked to create huge structures. Builders worked in quarries, carvers sharpened stones, workers dragged them from place to place. As a result, pyramids, mosques, temples and churches appeared. After all, most often the largest buildings were intended to worship the gods. So how far have the builders succeeded? Here are the largest temples in the world.

The Greatest Temples in the World

One of the largest temples in the world is called the Cathedral of Seville (or the Cathedral of Maria de la Side). It is located in Andalusia, and is the pride and perhaps the main attraction of Spain. Five centuries have already passed since the founding of the temple, but it still amazes tourists with its huge size and architectural splendor. It is already generally accepted that the Seville Cathedral is the largest Gothic cathedral on the planet.

Some experts say that it is the largest Catholic church in the world in terms of cubage. And even ahead of St. Peter's in the Vatican and St. Paul's in England. Moreover, in the temple of Seville is the most expensive altar of all Gothic. To decorate it, 3 tons of gold were spent.

On the classical examples that are present in the royal cathedrals different countries(France for example), the architectural plan of the Seville Cathedral is not similar. It has its own, original and unique architecture. The temple is a spacious huge hall with a rectangular base, it is based, by the way, on the foundation Arab mosque. In total, the length of the structure, which consists of 5 naves, is 126 meters. The central nave, as well as side aisles and chapels, are located between retaining walls. They provide a width that no other church has - 82 meters.

The choir and main chapel of one of the largest temples in the world are located in the central nave, this is to the west and east of the central dome. This arrangement gives the nave the appearance separate design, which with its shape and luxury resembles a treasury. It is worth noting that the expansions in the cathedral were carried out in various styles but mostly in the Renaissance style. For example, we can note the Royal Chapel, the Hall of the Chapter, the Main Sacristy. Later, an administrative part built in the Spanish Baroque style appeared in the southwestern part of the temple.

The largest Orthodox church in the world

It is worthy to bear the status of the largest Orthodox church in Europe and the world, the Church of St. Sava of Serbia. It is located in Belgrade. He is not so old, by the standards of record holders. It was designed only at the end of the 19th century, and began to cost in 1935. However, due to the Second World War and the further deplorable economic situation, construction was postponed. As a result, the temple was officially opened only in 2004.

From west to east, the structure stretched for 91 meters, from south to north for 81 meters. And it's much larger the famous Temple Christ the Savior in Moscow. The largest temple in the world is visible from anywhere in Belgrade, as it stands at an altitude of approximately 135 meters above sea level. And the cross on the dome increases its height by 12 meters.

The magnificent cathedral is made in the Serbian-Byzantine style. And the temple was built exactly on the spot where, at the end of the 16th century, the Ottoman invaders burned the relics of St. Sava of Serbia. The huge cathedral, by the way, can simultaneously accommodate 10 thousand believers, as well as a choir of 800 singers.

The largest religious building in the world

Another sanctuary that is on the list of the largest temples in the world is the temple of Angkor Wat or, as it is also called, Angkorvoat. This is a huge Hindu temple complex, which is located in Cambodia. It is dedicated to the god Vishnu and is one of the largest religious buildings that have ever been created by man. Moreover, Angkorvoat is perhaps the most important archaeological site in the world.

The largest temple in Cambodia - Angkor Wat

Angkor Wat was built in the first half of the 12th century, during the reign of King Suryavarman II. Now the complex is included in the UNESCO list.

One of the largest temples in the world is located 5.5 kilometers north of the city of Siem Reap in Cambodia. And it is a whole temple complex. Previously, this place was the ancient capital of the state of the Khmers, the city of Angkor. It takes approximately 200 square meters area. Recent studies have shown that the area of ​​the city could actually be approximately 3,000 square meters. The population of Angkor reached half a million inhabitants. Thanks to this figure, the city became one of the largest human settlements of the pre-industrial era.

Angkor Wat is dedicated to the god Vishnu, but if you look at the architecture of the temple, it combines the typology of the Hindu temple-mountain. It represents the mythical Mount Meru (this is the abode of the gods) and the typology of galleries that were characteristic of later architecture.

The second in the ranking of the largest temples in the world consists of three concentric structures in the form of rectangles. Their height increases towards the center. Along the perimeter, the buildings are surrounded by an almost two-meter wall, as well as a moat with water. It is over 3.5 kilometers long and almost 200 meters wide. Inside the building there are five towers created in the shape of a lotus. The central tower rises to 42 meters. well and overall height the temple is 65 meters.

In the 15th century, this perhaps the largest temple in the world was abandoned. For European civilization it was opened in 1860. And now Angkor Wat is painted on the coat of arms and the national flag of Cambodia.

The largest temple in the world

The largest temple in the world is located near the city of Luxor, on the east bank of the Nile, this is Upper Egypt. The colossal Temple of Amun began to be built four thousand years ago. Since it is located in the village of Karnak, the complex was named Karnak.

The largest temple - Karnak Temple

By the way, several millennia ago, on the site of a modest Karnak was the capital of Egypt, the largest city of Thebes. And here the first stone of the temple was laid. It was completed and supplemented for many centuries by various rulers who have ever been on the throne. Dozens of generations have contributed to the appearance of the temple. Thousands of slaves who were captured during the battles worked at the construction site. By the way, the largest temple explains its name simply - the sun god Amon is the most revered god among the ancient Egyptians.

The Temple of Amun consists of three parts. The first part is dedicated to the God Amon, the second part is dedicated to his wife, the patroness of the queens Mut, and the third part is dedicated to the son of Amon, the god of the moon.

In each of the three zones of the Temple there are huge columns. And there are hundreds of them here. The columns, as well as the walls of the temple, are generously covered with images of scenes from the life of the pharaohs. By the way, every king who ruled in Egypt supplemented the largest temple in the world with his buildings. For example, Thutmose the First decorated the complex with obelisks and statues that depict him in the form of the god Osiris. And Thutmose the Third built the Annals Hall and the Jubilee Temple. Stories about military campaigns and victories are glorified on the walls.
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Cathedrals and churches have always been built on a special scale. The main task of any architect was the construction of a majestic, unusual and eye-catching building. There was a serious struggle for who would build a taller and larger structure. I suggest you get acquainted with the highest and largest cathedrals in the world

We have already talked in detail about each of these cathedrals, so the article will provide links to more detailed description. Let's arrange all these structures in descending order:

1. The tallest religious building in the world is Ulm Cathedral - its height together with the spire is 161.5 meters. It is also notable for the fact that its construction dragged on for more than 5 centuries, from 1377 to 1890, when the spire was completed.

4. The fourth largest, immortalized by Claude Monet, Rouen Cathedral in France. Its construction was started in 1020, height - 151 meters

5. On the 5th place, not restored after the Second World War, is St. Nicholas Cathedral in Hamburg. Its height is 147 meters

7. Located in Poland basilica Holy Mary Mother of God of Lichen, its height is only half a meter lower than the Strasbourg Cathedral - 141.5 meters

8. The height of St. Stephen's Cathedral in Vienna is 136.4 meters. The Gothic Cathedral is the main attraction of Vienna, which is not surprising

9. The new cathedral in Linz rises to 134.8 meters. Was built in 1924

10. The famous St. Peter's Basilica in the Vatican closes the top ten. Its height is 136.4 meters, which is not much lower than the rest of the second five cathedrals, but in terms of area it is one of the largest in the world.

As an addition, I want to add another cathedral to this list, which impressed me a lot. This is St. Vitus Cathedral in Prague, although its height is only 96.5 meters, it is no less majestic than the rest of the buildings on this list. In addition, it is one of the longest cathedrals in the world, with a main nave 124 meters long.

The largest Orthodox church in the world - St. Sava Cathedral, location, history of creation. The size and extent of the temple. Founder of the Serbian Church.

The largest Orthodox church in the world

From historical information it is known that around the 16th century, a certain part of Serbia was under the yoke of the Ottoman Empire. That is why, in order to break the spirit of the inhabitants of Serbia, the Ottomans decided to desecrate the remains of St. Sava, who is the founder of the Serbian church and is considered the most revered saint in this state.

From the same chronicles, information, historical facts it is known that the Ottoman Turks brought the remains to Belgrade and publicly burned them in front of the inhabitants on Mount Vracar.

Cathedral of Saint Sava

Around the 19th century, Serbia gained its own independence and it was at that moment that the sentimental question arose about how to perpetuate the memory of the Shrine.

It was then that a certain architectural project arose for the construction of the largest Orthodox church in the world on the site where the remains of St. Sava were burned. Around 1935, the foundation was laid, but after some time began Great War and board Soviet power, therefore, the construction of the largest Orthodox church in the world ended only in 2004.

The largest Orthodox church in the world.

Naturally, many Orthodox Christian believers may wonder whether this temple wearing so grand and honorary title, as the largest in the world?

Historians, architects and other experts say that in fact this temple is the largest in size and has no equal in the whole world. As mentioned earlier, the Temple of St. Sava is located in Belgorod and holds the record not only for design, but also for the duration of construction.

Some Christians claim that the largest cathedral is the Cathedral of Christ the Savior in Moscow, but scientists, after conducting several studies, have established that the Temple of St. Sava is much larger and longer.

Every tourist, parishioner and pilgrim knows that if you come to Belgorod, then the largest Orthodox church in the world is visible from any point, since it is located at the highest point above sea level. The architects claim that the cross, which is located on the dome of the cathedral, visually increases its height by about 12 m.

Currently, there are considerable disputes about the style in which this temple is made. Priests, historians claim that this is a neo-Byzantine style, while other experts put forward the opinion that this is a Serbian-Byzantine style. It is important to take into account that the priests of this holy place claim that during the service the temple can accommodate more than 10,000 believing parishioners and at the same time about 800 various choir singers.

Naturally, the temple has a place of honor, because it was on it that the relics of the Shrine were burned around the 16th century.

The highest Orthodox churches in the world, the height of which exceeds 70 meters.

Cathedral of Christ the Savior

1. The newly built Cathedral of Christ the Savior is considered the largest cathedral of the Russian Orthodox Church. The temple is designed for 10,000 people. The height of the temple with a dome and a cross is currently 103 m (1.5 m higher than Saint Isaac's Cathedral)

Saint Isaac's Cathedral

2. St. Isaac's Cathedral (the official name is the Cathedral of St. Isaac of Dalmatia) is the largest Orthodox church in St. Petersburg. Built in 1818-1858 by architect Auguste Montferrand; construction was supervised by Emperor Nicholas I. Height - 101.5 m, internal area - more than 4,000 m².

Spaso-Preobrazhensky Cathedral

3. Spaso-Preobrazhensky Cathedral - Orthodox Cathedral in Khabarovsk, erected on the steep bank of the Amur in 2001-2004. The height of the domes of the Transfiguration Cathedral is 83 meters, the height with crosses is 95 meters.

Smolny Cathedral
St. Petersburg

4. Smolny Cathedral of the Resurrection of Christ (Smolny Cathedral) is part of architectural ensemble Smolny Monastery, which is located in St. Petersburg on the left bank of the Neva on Smolnaya Embankment. The height of the cathedral is 93.7 meters.

Cathedral of Alexander Nevsky (New Fair)
Nizhny Novgorod

5. Cathedral of the Holy Prince Alexander Nevsky (Novoyarmarochny) - an Orthodox cathedral (since 2009) in Nizhny Novgorod. It was built in 1868-1881 according to the project of the architect L.V. Dahl. The height of the temple is 87 meters

Tsminda Sameba
Tbilisi, Georgia

6. Tsminda Sameba (Georgian წმინდა სამება - " Holy Trinity»); Cathedral of the Holy Trinity in Tbilisi - the main cathedral of the Georgian Orthodox Church; located in Tbilisi, on the hill of St. Ilya (left bank of the Kura). The height of the upper temple is 105.5 meters (without the dome cross 98 meters and the cross 7.5 meters)

Annunciation Cathedral

7. The Cathedral of the Annunciation in Voronezh was designed by the architect V.P. Shevelev in the Russian-Byzantine style. The height of the temple itself is 85 meters, and its highest point is 97 meters.

Timisoara Cathedral of the Three Saints

8. Timisoara Cathedral of the Three Hierarchs (Rom. Catedrala Mitropolitană din Timișoara Trei Ierarhi) is a cathedral in Timisoara. Built in 1936-1940 from concrete and brick and dedicated to the Three Hierarchs-Hierarchs: Basil the Great, Gregory the Theologian and John Chrysostom.

The height of the cathedral is 83.7 m, it is the highest church in the country and one of the highest Orthodox churches. It accommodates more than four thousand parishioners.

Savior on Spilled Blood
St. Petersburg

9. Cathedral of the Resurrection of Christ on the Blood or the Church of the Savior on Blood in St. Petersburg - an Orthodox memorial single-altar church in the name of the Resurrection of Christ; It was built in memory of the fact that on this place on March 1, 1881, as a result of an assassination attempt, Emperor Alexander II was mortally wounded (the expression on the blood indicates the blood of the king). The temple was built as a monument to the Tsar-Martyr with funds collected from all over Russia.

It is located in the historical center of St. Petersburg on the banks of the Griboedov Canal, next to the Mikhailovsky Garden and Konyushennaya Square, not far from the Field of Mars. The height of the nine-domed temple is 81 m, the capacity is up to 1600 people

Trinity Izmailovsky Cathedral
St. Petersburg

10. Trinity-Izmailovsky Cathedral (Trinity Cathedral) - an Orthodox cathedral on Trinity Square in the Admiralteysky district of St. Petersburg. The full historical name is the Cathedral of the Holy Life-Giving Trinity of the Life Guards of the Izmailovsky Regiment. The height of the cathedral is about 80 meters. Accommodates over 3,000 people.

Church of the Dormition at the Rogozhsky cemetery

11. Erected at the expense of Old Believer merchants immediately after the restrictions on construction were lifted Old Believer churches in 1907-1910. The height of the bell tower is about 80 meters

Temple of Saint Sava

12. The Church of St. Sava (Serb. Temple of Svetog Sava) in Belgrade on Vracar was built on the site of the burning of the relics of St. Sava by the Ottoman authorities in 1594. The height of the temple is 79 meters.

Trinity Cathedral

13. Holy Trinity Cathedral in Pskov - an Orthodox church, the cathedral of the Pskov and Velikoluksky diocese. It is part of the architectural ensemble of the Pskov Krom and is its main building. The cathedral stretches upwards for 78 meters.

Monastery of Sepyntsa-Peri

14. The highest wooden temple in the world. Height 78 meters

Spaso-Preobrazhensky Cathedral of the Nikolo-Ugreshsky Monastery
Moscow region, mountains. Dzerzhinsky

15. Nikolo-Ugreshsky Monastery- Orthodox male stauropegial monastery Russian Orthodox Church. Founded in 1380 by Grand Duke Dmitry Donskoy on the site of the appearance of the icon of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. Height 77 meters, designed for 7000 people.

Big Chrysostom

16. Temple-bell tower, destroyed in 1930 and recreated in 2006 - 2013 near its historical foundation. According to the contractor, the height of the restored temple is 65 meters.

Cathedral of the Kazan Icon Mother of God

17. Cathedral of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God (Kazan Cathedral) - the cathedral church of the Stavropol and Nevinnomyssk diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church. It was originally built in 1843-1847, but was destroyed in the 1930s. Restored in 2004-2012 on the old foundation. Built on the very high point Stavropol. The height of the temple together with the dome is 76 meters.

Holy Trinity Cathedral

18. Cathedral of the Life-Giving Trinity (Trinity Cathedral) - the second cathedral of the Michurinsk and Morshansk diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church, the main Orthodox church in the city of Morshansk, Tambov Region. The project was approved in 1830 with the note "do not build higher than Isaac." The height of the cathedral is 75.6 m

Assumption Cathedral

19. Assumption Cathedral (official name - Cathedral of the Assumption Holy Mother of God) is located on the territory of the Astrakhan Kremlin. It was built in 1699-1710 under the supervision of stone master Dorofey Myakishev; construction was supervised by Metropolitan Sampson. Cathedral height

Ascension Cathedral

20. Ascension Military Patriarchal Cathedral - an Orthodox church in Novocherkassk, the second cathedral of the Rostov and Novocherkassk diocese and main temple Don Cossacks. The remains of the Don atamans M. I. Platov, V. V. Orlov-Denisov, I. E. Efremov, Ya. P. Baklanov are buried here. Initially, all the domes of the cathedral were covered with pure gold, and the main cross was inlaid with rock crystal. The height of the central dome with a cross reaches 74.6 meters.

Ascension Cathedral

21. Ascension Cathedral - the main Orthodox church in the city of Yelets, the cathedral church of the Yelets diocese. The height of the cathedral together with the cross is 74 meters, length 84 meters, width 34 meters.

St. Michael's Cathedral

22. St. Michael's Cathedral - an Orthodox cathedral in Cherkasy built in 1994-2002 and named after the Archangel Michael. The height of the cathedral is 74 m, length - 58 m, and width - 54 m. With these parameters, it has become the largest temple in Ukraine, capable of accommodating 12,000 believers.

All Saints Church

23. Church of All Saints (Minsk) (full name - Minsk Church-monument in the name of All Saints and in memory of the victims who served to save our Fatherland) - the temple of the Belarusian Exarchate of the Russian Orthodox Church. The height of the temple is 72 meters, together with the cross - 74. At the same time, the temple will be able to receive 1200 worshipers.

Cathedral of Christ the Savior

24. The Cathedral of Christ the Savior is the main Orthodox church in Kaliningrad, designed by architect Oleg Kopylov. Designed for 3,000 people. Height (up to the cross) reaches 73 meters.

Kazan Cathedral
St. Petersburg

25. Kazan Cathedral (Cathedral of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God) - one of the largest churches in St. Petersburg, made in the Empire style. It was built on Nevsky Prospekt in 1801-1811 by the architect A. N. Voronikhin to store the revered list of the miraculous icon of the Mother of God of Kazan. After Patriotic War 1812 acquired the value of a monument to Russian military glory. In 1813, commander M.I. Kutuzov was buried here and the keys to the captured cities and other military trophies were placed. The height of the cathedral is 71.6 m

Holy Trinity Cathedral

26. Holy Trinity Cathedral (Cathedral of the Life-Giving Trinity) - the cathedral church of the Magadan diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church. Church-monument to the victims of political repressions, the second largest Orthodox church in Far East. The total area of ​​the Cathedral, taking into account the adjacent territory, is more than 9 thousand square meters. meters. The height of the central dome with a cross is 71.2 m.

Naval Cathedral of St. Nicholas

27. Naval Cathedral of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker - the last and largest of the Naval Cathedrals Russian Empire. Built in 1903-13. in Kronstadt according to the neo-Byzantine project of V. A. Kosyakov. The condition for drawing up the project was that the height of the dome allowed the cathedral to serve as a guide from the sea, and the cross of the sea temple was the first thing that caught the eye of the navigator.

Height to the base of the main dome - 52 meters; dome diameter - 26.7 m; external height with a cross - 70.5 meters. Exactly this high building in Kronstadt.

Cathedral of Peter and Paul

28. Cathedral of Saints Peter and Paul - an Orthodox church in Peterhof. Located in New Peterhof, on the banks of the Olgin Pond, on St. Petersburg Avenue, near the Peterhof Palace and Park Ensemble. Externally, the temple has a pyramidal shape and is crowned with five hipped domes. Its height is about 70 meters.

Religious communities of the world staged a tacit competition, which of them will be able to build the most beautiful and largest temple. Later, these churches turned into architectural masterpieces, attracting crowds of tourists. Most majestic temples were created by great architects of different eras, and their construction sometimes stretched for centuries. This review helps to find out which is the largest church in the world?

1. Ulm Cathedral, Germany (161.5 m)

The laying of this grandiose temple took place in 1377. The construction, which was led by Ulrich von Enzingen, began in 1392, and already in 1405 it was basically completed, after which the church was consecrated and regular services began to be held there. Although at that moment the construction had to be interrupted due to the miscalculations of the architect - the side aisles could not withstand the weight of the vaults. Initially, it served as a Catholic church, but when the wave of the Reformation swept across Europe, the church came under the control of the Lutherans.
Already under the Lutherans in 1530-1543, construction was finally continued, and then its spire rose 100 meters. After that, due to lack of funds, construction was interrupted for centuries. Finally, the third stage of construction took place in 1817-1890, when the church was finally completed. In 1944, as a result of the bombing most of the historic center of Ulm was destroyed, but the church miraculously survived.
By the way, this is a church, not a cathedral, because the status of a cathedral is awarded to a temple in which there is an episcopal residence. But the high priest of Ulm lives in Stuttgart, which has been customary since medieval times. And they call this church a "cathedral" solely because of its colossal size, which makes a strong impression.

2. Notre Dame de la Paix, Yamoussoukro, Ivory Coast (158 m)

This basilica is remarkable from several sides at once. It is located on the Black Continent, and in fact there only a fifth of the population is Christian. We are used to seeing such buildings in old Europe, which has a lot of majestic Gothic. But in 1983, President Felix Bouani decided to move the country's capital to the city of Yamoussoukro and build this majestic basilica there. His goal was to build the largest church in the world and thereby perpetuate his name. Therefore, on its stained-glass windows, next to Christ and the apostles, the face of Buani is also visible.
The construction of the basilica lasted from 1985 to 1989, and it cost the treasury 300 million dollars. But although the North Dame de la Paix surpasses the famous St. Peter's Basilica in the Vatican in area and height, but it inner space turned out to be much more modest - it can accommodate no more than 18 thousand believers, while in the main Catholic church this figure is much higher. The then pontiff John Paul II put forward one condition for his participation in the consecration ceremony of the temple - that a hospital be built next to it. He was promised this, after which he laid the symbolic first stone not far from the place where the church now stands. The stone still lies there, but the hospital did not exist, and still does not exist.

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3. Cologne Cathedral, Germany (157.4 m)

The official name is the Cathedral of St. Peter and the Holy Virgin Mary, although for most it is known simply as Cologne Cathedral. It serves as a global reference for High Gothic architecture. At the time of construction, it became the tallest building in the world and remained so for another 4 years. Its dominants are two majestic towers. The area of ​​the cathedral occupies approximately 7914 square meters. m. The Cathedral is the main temple of the Cologne Archdiocese, and its construction was divided into two historical periods: the first stage fell on the years 1248-1437, and the second - 1842-1880.
The exterior and interiors of the temple have a typical Gothic style. Special attention attract the largest choirs in Germany, where 104 singers can sing. There are also two armchairs in the temple, always free during divine services: one of them is intended for the Pope, and the other for the Emperor. Here is also the famous relic - the cancer of the three kings (Magi) - a golden sarcophagus, which contains the ashes of those very three magi who, judging by the Bible, brought gifts to the newborn Christ in Bethlehem. For Christians, this is an incredibly attractive object for pilgrimage; every year millions of believers come to pray to them in the Cologne Cathedral.

4. Rouen Cathedral, France (151 m)

Notre Dame Cathedral is located in the ancient French city, it has become a monument of the country's national heritage. Until the completion of the Cologne Cathedral in 1880, it was Rouen Cathedral that was the tallest building in the world. It is clear that he still holds the title of the highest temple in France and is at the same time a masterpiece of the Gothic style of architecture. Its oldest part is the northern tower of Saint-Romain, which was built in 1145. In 1944, it was almost completely burned out as a result of the bombing, only stone walls remained.
The South Oil Tower is much younger (1485). The current nave of the church appeared in 1200, because the previous Romanesque nave collapsed as a result of a fire. Among the original architecture, only the northern portal of John the Theologian has survived, which depicts scenes from the life of John the Baptist and John the Theologian. After 1769, the portal was repeatedly restored. And two more portals in the 16th century were badly damaged. The archbishop's palace, which is part of the complex with the cathedral, is as old as the Gothic temple itself.

5. St. Nicholas Cathedral, Hamburg, Germany (147.3 m)

The neo-gothic St. Nicholas Church has become one of the five Lutheran churches in Hamburg and the second tallest building in this city after the memorial to the victims of the arbitrariness of the Nazi regime and the last world war. A wooden church was built here in the 11th century, and in 1335 the construction of a stone building began. Centuries-old construction was completed only in 1874 under the leadership of the Englishman George Scott. 2 more years after the completion of construction, the church was the tallest building in the world.
In 1943, massive bombardments hit the port of Hamburg, as a result of which only the tower remained from the temple. The church continued to crumble after the war (1951). Only in 1990, its restoration began, managed by the "Salvation of the Church of St. Nicholas" Foundation. Now instead of the church there are ruins, called a memorial to the victims of World War II. In 2005, an elevator was built there, in which visitors can go up to the top of the church, where a platform is installed under the spire, from which there is an excellent view of Hamburg.

6. Strasbourg Cathedral, France (142 m)

The Cathedral of the Virgin Mary, now the French city of Strasbourg, has been the tallest building in the world for over two centuries. It is still considered unfinished, but this does not prevent it from being one of the most beautiful Gothic buildings in Europe. It stands on a low hill where the ancient Roman temple used to be. During the construction, red Vosges sandstone was used. The construction of the cathedral began in 1015, and over the following centuries it was repeatedly transformed and completed. The east wing of the building, the choir stalls and the south portal are built in Romanesque style, while the nave and the famous west facade, which is decorated with thousands of sculptures, are recognized as Gothic masterpieces. Due to the unfinished south tower, the cathedral looks asymmetrical.

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7. Basilica of the Blessed Virgin of Lichen, Lichen Stary, Poland (141.5 m)

This basilica has become a spiritual symbol of the new revival of Poland and the largest church in this country. Contrary to tradition this church was erected in just some 10 years (1994-2004) in the Polish village of Likhen-Stary, and an extensive architectural and park complex spread around it. The place for construction is not accidental - according to legend, in the 19th century, it was here that the Mother of God appeared to two Poles, after which, in 1852, a miraculous icon. Now from afar you can see the impressive dome of the basilica covered with gold (height 45 m, diameter 25 m). It is supported by a two-level reinforced concrete colonnade, supported by 4 reinforced concrete pillar. 7,000 sitting or 10,000 standing parishioners can pray in the temple, and there is enough space for 250,000 people in the square in front of the basilica.

8. St. Stephen's Cathedral, Vienna, Austria (136.4 m)

The luxurious Viennese temple - St. Stephen's Cathedral is the residence of the cardinal-archbishop, and its 137-meter tower has become one of the symbols of the Austrian capital. The very first temple on this site arose in 1137-1147, and it increased to its current size during the 13th-15th centuries, until it acquired its modern look in 1511.
The bombings of World War II, fortunately, did not affect him, as did the offensive of the Red Army. It was later plundered and set on fire by marauders. A group of volunteers restored the foundations of the cathedral in 1948, but to this day restoration work do not stop here. Catacombs were dug under the building, in which the dead were buried in the era of Charles VI, who forbade the burial of the dead in the old cemeteries located within the city. To this day, the highest representatives of the clergy are buried in the bishop's crypt inside the cathedral, the last time this happened in 2014.

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9. New Cathedral, Linz, Austria (134.8 m)

Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary or simply the New Cathedral is a Catholic church located in Linz, Austria. In Austria, it has no equal in capacity - 20,000 people. Its building in gothic style began in 1855 under the patronage of Bishop Franz Josef Rudiger. True, the first stone was laid only in 1862. After construction was completed in 1924, the church was consecrated by Bishop Johannes Maria Gfollner. It is noteworthy that this cathedral has 5 chapels, each of which is decorated with marble altars and beautiful marble sculptures. Some of the stained glass windows were damaged during the last war, especially the southern portal of the cathedral. They were never restored in their original form, and stained-glass windows on modern themes appeared instead.

10. St. Peter's Basilica, Vatican (132.5 m)

This main Catholic temple of the world is the pearl of all Rome. The basilica was named so because, according to legend, under it is the tomb of the Apostle Peter. Inside this grandiose temple, many large European temples could fit entirely. The height of the dome of the basilica, crowned with a cross, is 136 meters. No building should be built above it in Rome. The construction of the cathedral took half a century, and it was completed in 1607. It was created by different generations of the greatest masters of the Renaissance: Raphael, Bramante, Michelangelo, Bernini. The cathedral can accommodate up to 60,000 people and another 400,000 will fit in St. Peter's Square.
