Apostles Peter and Paul description of the icon. Description of the miraculous icon. Temples and shrines associated with Peter and Paul

Probably one of the most recognizable in Christian iconography. Their features are easy to remember: Peter's short, curly, graying beard or Pavel's high, receding forehead. Even a person who is barely familiar with the Tradition will always guess that “with the keys” is Peter, because it is he who meets the dead at the gates of paradise.

The iconography of these saints is quite diverse. Their images appear in Christian art very early, apparently, along with the emergence of this art itself. The apostles were depicted in gospel scenes, for example, on the reliefs of early Christian sarcophagi and in the fresco cycles of the catacombs. There are also scenes dedicated to their lives, for example, “The Taking of Peter into Custody” or “The Removal of a Water Source in the Mamertine Dungeon.”

There are symbolic images dedicated to the important topic of obtaining spiritual power by the apostles. For example, in the central part of the sarcophagus of Junius Bassus, Christ is depicted seated on a heavenly throne, handing the law and keys to the apostles. These keys, figuratively interpreted as gate keys, symbolize the right received by the apostles from the Lord to judge a person's life: “Truly I say to you, whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven; and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.”(Matthew 18:18).

Separate images of the apostles are also known, found in various types of fine art: in monuments of monumental painting, in easel paintings, in decorative and applied art. Obviously, the original tradition accurately described the appearance of the apostles Peter and Paul. In any case, already the earliest surviving images convey those character traits, which were then reproduced by artists for centuries up to the present day. The pronounced portrait details can be explained by the fact that the very first images were created from the words of those who saw the apostles with their own eyes, however, works of such early period unknown to us.

Frescoes in the catacombs of St. Thekla. 2nd floor IV - 1st half of the V century. Rome. Combined Fragments

A special group is made up of images of Peter and Paul together. In early versions, the apostles are most often depicted shoulder-to-shouldered, in profile. The emergence of this iconographic variant is explained by the importance for the Church of the preaching of the supreme apostles Peter and Paul, their missionary works. In addition, the image is also connected with the circumstances of the last days and the death of the apostles, who were executed on the same day. On one of the amazing monuments of early Christian art - the bottom of a glass vessel with an image made in gold - the theme of the heavenly glorification of the apostles is presented. Christ crowning them is depicted between the apostles.

On the other bottom there is no image of Christ, but one large crown is placed above the profile half-figures of the apostles. The scene in which the Lord glorifies this or that saint, giving him a crown, is quite common in Christian art. The image of the crown of martyrdom and holiness correlated with the theme of victory over sin, and death, the theme of triumph, so the iconography of such a plot was borrowed from ancient art, where there was a scheme for depicting winners of competitions and military triumphs.

The image of the apostles Peter and Paul in a single composition is also found in the decorative decoration of churches, especially in those areas where the architecture suggests a symmetrical solution.

Since the apostles were executed on the same day, their memory, respectively, began to be celebrated by the Church on the same day - July 12 (June 29 Julian calendar). Liturgical practice inevitably influenced the spread of the “common” image of the two apostles: it is logical to create a single icon as a festive one, and not two separate ones.

Icon from the village of Pyalma, Pudozhsky district. Middle - 2nd half of the XV century. Museum fine arts Republic of Karelia, Petrozavodsk

In the Middle Byzantine period, the apostles were "fixed" certain colors robes. Peter has a blue (blue) chiton and a yellow (ocher) cloak. Pavel has a blue chiton and a cherry cloak. In Western European art, Paul is traditionally depicted with a sword, since, as a Roman citizen, he was not subjected to a long execution - crucifixion, but was executed by beheading. The sword in the hand of the apostle is a sign of his torment and victory over death, like the cross usually depicted in the hands of the martyrs.

The development of the altar barrier and the emergence of a high iconostasis that followed it became the reason for the creation of many icons of the apostles Peter and Paul, which are part of the deesis tier. One of the most famous images of this kind is the icon that has come down to us from the so-called Zvenigorod rank, created.

Peter, Paul and Peregrina (Church Triumphant). The bottom of the memorial vessel. 3rd century Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, USA

Apparition of St. app. Peter and Paul Rev. Peter, Tsarevich Ordynsky. Late XVIII - early XIX century. Rybinsk Historical, Architectural and Art Museum-Reserve

El Greco (Domenico Theotokopuli). Apostles Peter and Paul. 1587 - 1592 State Hermitage Museum, St. Petersburg.

Christian iconography knows many variations of the image venerable saints. The first images are found in the period of the birth of this divine art. The apostles, faithful disciples of the Savior, often appeared in scenes from the Gospel on reliefs of tombs or on frescoes. The icons of Saints Peter and Paul mercifully provide assistance to repentant atheists, Orthodox who have lost their faith, as well as those who came to Christianity from another religion. They support people in undertaking a noble deed.

The history of the appearance of the holy face

The apostles came to faith in different ways, but grandiose fidelity and love for the Lord exalted their names and united destinies. Preaching together, they saved many people from godlessness and the fall into sin.

Apostles Peter and Paul

Peter was the son of a simple fisherman and subsequently saw all the events from the life of Christ. The apostle renounced the teachings of the Savior three times, but each time he returned with repentance. Paul initially hated Christians, killed and persecuted the unfortunate, and, being a great orator, led the people astray. However, he soon changed his rage to fiery love.

The most famous image of the great disciples of Christ is of East Slavic origin and was created in the middle of the 11th century. The icon is considered an early example of Russian easel painting; it is kept in the collection of the Novgorod Museum.

Tradition says that the canvas with two apostles was brought from Korsun (Chersonese) by Prince V. Monomakh. Academician V. Lazarev suggests that the miraculous icon was painted in Novgorod, since it was in this city that sacred images of considerable size were more often created. The author of this work of church art is considered to be a Byzantine master who was inspired by frescoes. Some time after the creation, the icon was decorated with gilded silver.

  • The image of the saints was taken out of his native Novgorod three times: in the 16th century, this was done by Tsar John IV, during the Second World War it was stolen German troops, and in 2002 - borrowed by Russian restorers. However, the icon always returned to its original place.
  • The sacred image was painted on five canvases made of linden, which were fastened with curly dowels, as evidenced by traces on the reverse side. The icon was renovated by Russian masters in the 16th century, and in the middle of the 20th century it was covered with special wax. Between 2002 and 2008 the canvas was released from the salary and the mistakes of past restoration work were corrected.
  • On the image, the great apostles are represented in full height, on top of them is the half-figure of the Messiah. The heads of Peter and Paul are somewhat turned, in the hands of the first is the tree of the cross, the sacred scroll and the keys to heavenly kingdom, the second has a book. The icon is well preserved, from the original colors of the XVI century. there were fragments of robes and a background. However, the original painting of the limbs of Paul and Peter has been completely lost.
On a note! In prayer before this ancient icon, believers glorify the great apostles for their selflessness and desire to give their lives for the sake of Truth. Further, it speaks of the contrite hearts of Christians who see great troubles around them and pray for protection from the predatory wolves of sinfulness. Believers ask the apostles to become great protectors, because they themselves are not able to resist great temptations.

Help from the Canvas

Jesus personally chose the merciful Peter and the eloquent Paul to continue their missionary work and preaching. The apostles received the gift of spreading God's word, and at the end of their lives together they were martyred for their Lord. They have been revered since ancient times in all branches Christian faith.

Icon of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul

Icons and frescoes depicting Peter and Paul are found everywhere in many churches around the world.

  • In the Peter and Paul Cathedral in Moscow, Orthodox believers will find not only the images of the faithful disciples of the Messiah, but also their miraculous remains, which were brought from Rome.
  • A similar temple, where the canvases of saints are kept, is located near St. Petersburg, in the city of Sestroretsk, as well as in Novotroitsk, in the Orenburg region.

The Peter and Paul icon is considered miraculous and bestows healing from various ailments of the flesh and mind.

The people ask the great apostles, who are active spreaders of the word of God, that sincere faith instills in the souls of people and never leaves them. Prayer helps ordinary laity, easily succumbed to temptations, to become more righteous and purer in thought.

Advice! You can address the saints individually or both at the same time. Peter helps those who want to get closer to the very essence of religion, and Paul helps in matters of education and blesses in studies.

Other images

The images, where the faces of saints are united, are classified by researchers as a special group.

An ancient icon depicting the venerable disciples of the Messiah, Peter and Paul, was created in Novgorod and is considered miraculous. The merciful saints, hearing the prayers of ordinary laity, instill strong faith in their hearts and help them get rid of objectionable passions. The people greatly revere Paul and Peter, praise their missionary work and courage, which allowed them to bring their lives to the altar of Truth.

Icon of Peter and Paul XXI century

Two chief apostles. The two pillars of the Christian faith. Two such different personalities, two such different paths to Christ, they came together in a single ministry and it is not for nothing that they are considered supreme, for their contribution to the foundation of the Christian faith is invaluable in the history of Christianity, which changed the spiritual image of mankind, raised the bar of moral categories to new level which can only be achieved by great personal diligence. They ascended to the Throne of the Lord on the same day, but although they were executed in different ways - Peter was crucified, Paul was beheaded with a sword, their life and death are evidence that, no matter what difference there is in the properties of nature, social status and even the original worldview between people who have unequivocally and voluntarily decided to follow the Lord. They come to Christ each in their own unique way as to the only, dominant peak of Being, Alpha and Omega of all that exists.

In the common fisherman Simon and the noble Roman Pharisee Saul, who became the supreme apostles Peter and Paul, upon meeting with Christ, an incredible spiritual upheaval took place, an instant transformation that only God can accomplish.

Apostle Peter
Peter in Greek, Cephas in Aramaic. And from that and from another language this name is translated as "stone, rock." The fisherman Simon, the beloved disciple of Jesus, received his nickname when the Lord told him: “I say to you: you are Peter, and on this rock I will build My Church, and the gates of hell will not prevail against it; and I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven: and whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven” (Matthew 16; 18-19). Simon-Peter was the first to unreservedly confess Christ, and when asked by Him what the disciples thought of Him, He answered without hesitation that Jesus is “the Christ, the Son of the Living God” (Matt. 16; 16). It was then that Peter received his nickname from the Lord Himself, which contained the missionary plan of his entire future destiny.

He accepted Christ with all his heart even before Jesus' memorable question about Him, from the moment he was called. The Evangelist Luke describes in detail the event of the calling of Peter (Lk. 5; 2-11), from this description one can immediately see the impressionability and emotionality of his personality. When Christ ordered Peter, then still the Galilean fisherman Simon, and others who were fishing with him and who came from fishing with empty boats to go out to sea again and cast their nets, Simon at first says with disbelief that they fished all night, but did not catch anything, and at the same time he calls Jesus - the Mentor. However, he obeys, and when he and his comrades soon return with nets that have broken from the catch, in boats full of fish, he is already full of a completely different, sublime feeling and expresses it according to his direct nature: "Simon-Peter knelt down on Jesus' knees and said, Get out of me, Lord! because I am a sinful man" (Luke 5; 8) - so burningly did he feel his smallness, insignificance, the fear of being close to the Living God, and even then he calls Him - "Lord!", and the Lord, knowing everything about the future of everyone and of everything, calls on Simon-Peter, with all the unworthiness that Simon feels in himself, to follow him and become his disciple ...

Impatient and impetuous, quick-tempered and childishly sincere, Peter was deeply devoted to Christ, his faith was without doubts - he decided, seeing how the Lord walked on the water, to follow Him (Matt. 14; 25-30). Yes, the wind picked up, and he was frightened, broke off and began to sink, but he tried! After all, it was not for nothing that Jesus took Peter, together with James and John Zebedee, who were called with him, to Mount Tabor so that they could see His Transfiguration, and he, with everlasting ardor, exclaimed: “Lord! it is good for us to be here…” (Matthew 17; 4). And on a difficult night in Gethsemane, the same three were with Him, but only Peter stood up, raised his sword and cut off the ear of a servant from those who came to take the Savior.

However, again, in a fit of temporary feeling, dictated by the human instinct of self-preservation, Peter was capable of instant renunciation, but then - of subsequent complete and absolute deepest repentance.

He was destined to go through renunciation three times (Luke 22; 55-62) - Christ predicted this to him during His farewell conversation with His disciples: “Lord! Why can't I follow You now? I will lay down my life for You!” Peter asked, and the Lord answered, “Will you lay down your life for me? Truly, truly, I say to you, the rooster will not crow until you deny me three times” (Luke 13; 37-38). But Peter, who was the first to confess Christ as the Living God, in essence, renounced neither Christ nor faith in Him. At that moment, he renounced himself, which is why he wept bitterly when, after that memorable cock's cry, Christ being led away to death turned and silently looked at Peter, and he remembered the words of the Lord's prediction ...

Most shame is not when we are punished. The most embarrassing thing is when they forgive. When they are punished, one can be offended here and say that, they say, the punishment is disproportionate to the fault, or “I didn’t want it, it happened like that.” In short, there is a loophole, how to moderate, or even completely pacify your shame, to come to an agreement with your conscience. When they forgive you, you are left alone with your shame, and then it is merciless. Three times after his Resurrection and appearance to the disciples at the Sea of ​​Tiberias, Christ asked Peter: “Simon Jonin! Do you love me?" and Peter answered the Lord three times: “Yes, Lord! You know that I love You!”, and three times the Lord said to him: “Feed My lambs,” “Feed My sheep” (John 21; 15–23), and thus forgave him three times.

(From the author. Once, a long time ago, in a conversation with my first confessor about what will happen to us when we all stand at the Last Judgment, he said: “We will be forgiven. We will be forgiven everything, but what a shame it will be ...” Then, thinking over his words, I realized that hell is not just terrible pictures in the style of Bosch. True hell burns not from the outside, but from the inside. It is a boundless, unbearable shame before God, a murderous shame before the One Who knows everything about you and always you who is so pure and merciful that to deceive the trust of the one who gave Himself to be crucified for the moral imperfection of past and future generations, and personally you among them, is felt as the gravest of betrayals committed by you. shame, as if boiling water was splashed in the face". When we are ashamed, we are "thrown into a heat to sweat" - an expressive folk word. It is the Divine nobility and indescribable greatness of the All-Forgiving, Merciful Lord that makes the mental anguish of shame such that, having experienced them, you after you can never go back to repeating the fault. Divine forgiveness purifies, for all spiritual and moral offenses before Him are the same straw, which is mentioned in Holy Scripture that it will burn, leaving incorruptible the best that is in you, and this flame will become the Tabor Light of Transfiguration in the eyes of the Lord.)

And so Peter's faith was strengthened, tempered to the hardness of a rock, precisely through his renunciation and the fullness of subsequent repentance. And then, precisely because of the burning of the heart and perfect sincerity, Peter, through his impeccable faith, received the necessary words and arguments, becoming a magnificent preacher, capable of converting three thousand people with his sermons already on the first day of his apostolic ministry after the Descent of the Holy Spirit on the apostles, Thus, the words of Christ about him: “I say to you: you are Peter, and on this rock I will build My Church, and the gates of hell will not prevail against it” (Matt. 16; 18). A little later, after healing the lame man, he converted 5,000 people at once! His apprenticeship as a preacher was not taken from bookish wisdom: what was it to a disciple whose Teacher was the One Whom we call God the Word? The book "Acts" in chapters 1-12 tells in detail about the ways and preaching of the holy apostle Peter, his miracles and ministry. The strength of his faith was so great, he so zealously acquired the Holy Spirit with his deeds, that even the shadow of the holy apostle healed the sick who found themselves under its shadow (Acts 5; 15).

Having converted many and many on his apostolic path, Peter came with a sermon to Rome, where he was arrested, but had the opportunity to escape and took advantage of it. According to the book "Acts", the grandson of Herod the Great, the one who ordered the beating of babies in order to destroy the Infant Christ among them, Herod Agrippa the First, in 42 began the persecution of Christians. He took Peter into custody, but an angel of God, through the prayers of Christians for the apostle, appeared and released him, after which Peter left unnoticed.

However, historical sources claim that the apostle Peter was captured and executed under the emperor Nero, who was especially angry after the apostle converted two of his wives to Christianity. However, the Tradition has preserved the episode about how Peter, having received the opportunity to secretly escape from prison, met Christ on the Appian Way, and between them took place known from the novel “Where are you coming?” - "Quo vadis?" Polish writer Henryk Sienkiewicz dialogue. "Quo vadis, Domine? (Where are you going, Lord?),” asked the old apostle. “A sad, gentle voice reached Peter’s ears: “Since you are leaving my people, I am going to Rome, to a new crucifixion.” The apostle lay motionless in the dust for a long time, then got up and went to Rome...

It was the 64th, and according to other researchers, 67-68 years from the Nativity of Christ. When soldiers came for Peter, imprisoned in the Mamertine dungeon, to lead him to execution on the Vatican Hill, where Nero's circus was located, he asked them to turn the cross upside down after crucifixion. He believed that he was unworthy of likeness to the Crucified Christ and should remain bowed his head under His feet, because he never forgave himself the triple renunciation. The feeling of guilt remained with him all his life, and his apostolic zeal was for him every minute work to atone for the weakness to which he succumbed three times in the night after parting with Him in Garden of Gethsemane. So he went to God - upside down on an inverted cross, fulfilling another Lord's prophecy about him: “When you were young, you girded yourself and walked where you wanted; but when you are old, you will stretch out your hands, and another will gird you, and lead you where you do not want to. He said this, making it clear by what death Peter would glorify God. And having said this, he said to him, Follow me” (John 21:18-19). After the execution, the Christians, led by the Hieromartyr Clement of Rome, buried him here on the Vatican Hill.

What historical memory generations unmistakably preserved information about the resting place of the holy apostle, it was confirmed by archaeological data: during the excavations of 1939-1941 under St. was not there, obviously, they were reburied. long time the search was carried out by the group of archaeologist Margherita Guarducci, and, finally, she found the remains identified by scientists as the relics of the holy Apostle Peter. In 1968, Pope Paul VI announced that the research had been completed and, based on their results, the tomb of St. Peter the Apostle could be considered discovered.

Apostle Paul
The beginning of the path of the holy Apostle Paul was completely different. Prior to this, Saul, originally from a noble Jewish family of the tribe of Benjamin, received his name, apparently in honor of the biblical king Saul. Pavel is his middle name, he began to be called by him after meeting with Christ. Raised in a family of pious Pharisees who lived in Tarsus, a city in the Greek province of Cilicia, he inherited Roman citizenship, and with it all the rights and privileges of a Roman citizen. There is an assumption that he could be part of the Sanhedrin, who decided the fate of the immediate followers of Christ, living with him at the same time, and was somewhat younger than Jesus in age.

Tarsa is a city that at that time was the center of culture and education along with Athens and Alexandria. Scientists write that the apostle clearly possessed, in addition to perfect knowledge Torah - the Pentateuch, and knowledge of other sciences: in his works, knowledge of Greco-Roman literature, philosophy, history, rhetoric can be traced in accuracy and figurativeness of formulations. He appears to have been fluent in Latin as a Roman citizen, Greek as a citizen Greek city, Aramaic - like the majority of educated Jews, and received the fullness of the theological education in apprenticeship with the then famous Rabbi Gamaliel the Great, who is mentioned in the "Acts" in connection with the release from custody of the apostles Peter and John in Jerusalem (Acts 5; 34- 35). About this he himself says: “I am a Jew, born in Tarsus of Cilicia, brought up in this city at the feet of Gamaliel, carefully instructed in the law of the fathers” (Acts 22; 3). It is obvious that Saul-Paul was going to become a rabbi: according to Acts, chapter 18; 3, the holy apostle knew how to sew tents, it was necessary to feed himself. Since the rabbi was not supposed to take money for his ministry, he had to learn some kind of craft and earn a living from them.

According to the book "Acts", the Pharisee Saul asked the Sadducean high priest for letters with the authority to go to Damascus and from there bring the Christians of Damascus to Jerusalem for punishment (Acts 9:1-2). On the way to Damascus, a light descended on him, blinding him for three days, and he heard a voice: “Saul! Saul! why are you chasing me? He [Saul] said, Who are you, Lord? I am Jesus whom you are persecuting” (Acts 9; 4-5). For three days Saul did not see, did not drink or eat. During these three days, which became days of fasting for him, complete repentance took place in him. During that time, the Lord appeared to the pious Christian Ananias who lived in Damascus and told him where to go for Saul in order to heal and baptize him. Ananias, who knew Saul as an irreconcilable persecutor of Christians, reminded Christ of this, but the Lord stopped Ananias, saying that from now on Saul-Paul is “My chosen vessel to proclaim My name among the nations and kings and the sons of Israel” (Acts 9; 15 ). Ananias followed the command of the Lord, did everything that he commanded. And Saul received his sight, although this, of course, is a direct connection between spiritual insight and physical - so deep was his shock from a personal meeting with Christ.

Thus, the holy Apostle Paul received his appointment - to convert the Jews, especially the convinced Pharisees, in the name of the Lord, as Christ repeatedly did. The Apostle Paul, a scribe, a Pharisee, could speak to the people of Israel in terms that he understood, with his own logic, and he himself was a living example of a converted Jew, which was important in the mission prepared for him by the Lord. It is not for nothing that he says about himself: “A Jew from the Jews, according to the teachings - a Pharisee, out of jealousy - a persecutor of the Church of God, in righteousness of the law - immaculate. But what was an advantage to me, I considered loss for Christ's sake. Yes, and I count all things loss for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord” (Phil. 3; 5-8).

Zeal in the matter of preserving the Law of an unchanging constant, sincerity in the persecution of Christians, conviction in the rightness allowed him to consider himself a great righteous man. Where did Saul's self-confidence go after meeting the Risen One on the road to Damascus?! Saul, the Pharisee, from his youth a strict zealot for the teachings of the Torah, had the goal of fulfilling all the "traditions of the elders", but it was he who was appointed to finally bind the Law Old Testament, called "schoolmaster to Christ" with the New Testament. Here he writes about himself in the Epistle to the Philippians: “For Him I have renounced everything, and count everything as rubbish, in order to gain Christ and be found in Him by my righteousness, which is from the law, but with that which is through faith in Christ with the righteousness of God. by faith; to know Him, and the power of His resurrection, and participation in His sufferings, to comprehend resurrection of the dead» (Phil. 3; 8-11). Thus, the holy supreme apostle Paul, with the words “... be found in Him by your righteousness, which is from the law, but with that which is through faith in Christ with the righteousness of God by faith ...” affirms what the Lord Himself once said in the Sermon on the Mount: “Do not think that I came to destroy the Law or the prophets: I did not come to destroy, but to fulfill” (Matt. 5; 17).

Of the 28 chapters of the book "Acts" of the New Testament, twelve are devoted to the labors of the Apostle Peter, but the remaining sixteen are a detailed account of the apostolic travels of St. Paul, his exploits, hard work in building the Church of Christ, and the suffering he endured on the roads of serving God. We learn even more about him from his fourteen Epistles to the nations, whose lands he visited in his three missionary journeys, founding new and new communities, and, having once visited, he no longer left his fatherly cares. And this is understandable, because we know a lot about Peter from the Four Gospels, while Paul was called by Christ after the Descent of the Holy Spirit on the apostles and the building by the holy apostle Peter of the foundation of the Church of Christ in Jerusalem (Acts 2; 1-13). He now called himself by his second name - Paul, Paulus - "younger, lesser", and spoke of himself as "the least of the Apostles", who "is not worthy to be called an Apostle, because he persecuted the church of God" (1 Cor. 15; 9). And just as Peter carried all his life in himself a feeling of unredeemed guilt for his triple renunciation, so Paul suffered for Christ with joyful humility and a guilty heart, remembering every hour about his past as a persecutor of the followers of Christ, in whom he believed, whom he loved and accepted with all his mind and with all my heart. As the verse of the feast says: “Thou hast given the image of the conversion of those who sin, both of Your apostles: oh, oh, who rejected You during the passion and repented, but resisted and believed in Your preaching ...”

So, under the emperor Nero, as we have already said, according to some sources in the year 64, according to others - in 67-68 AD, the holy chief apostles were taken and executed on the same day. Peter, as we have already said, was crucified on the Vatican Hill, and Paul, since he was a Roman citizen and could not be put to shameful death on the cross, was beheaded on the Ostian road outside Rome. At the resting place of his remains, the grieving students placed commemorative sign. Later, the Equal-to-the-Apostles Tsar Constantine the Great erected the church of San Paolo Fuori le Mura on this site.

In 2009, Pope Benedict XVI announced that scientists had examined the sarcophagus under the altar of San Paolo Fuori le Mura, and carbon dating data could date the remains contained between the 1st and 2nd centuries AD. The opening of the sarcophagus has not yet been carried out, it was unsafe for the safety of the remains, the transillumination did not give anything - the thickness of the stone is too large, so the studies were carried out using a probe. In the sarcophagus, traces of expensive purple linen fabric, from which the robes of the Roman elite were made, were found, particles of fabric blue color, plate of pure gold and pieces of red incense. The fact that a noble Roman was buried under the altar of a Christian church, and the time of burial, made it possible to confirm that the remains in the sarcophagus are indeed the honest relics of St. Paul the Apostle.

The meaning of the icon

Since ancient times, icon painters often depict the Holy Primate Apostles Peter and Paul together, although their lives were not connected by earthly kinship. However, they were connected by a different kinship, above all blood ties - a spiritual brotherhood in Christ, a faith that unites all members of the Church, being brothers and sisters in Christ. The apostles Peter and Paul are truly the pillars of the apostolic ministry. A simple fisherman, who thrice denied Christ in a moment of weakness, thrice forgiven by Him, laid the foundation of the Church of Christ with his ardent sermon, and the Pharisee, who persecuted Christians, but later believed so that in the history of Christianity he became perhaps the wisest Father of the Church, on whose Epistles believers have been brought up for two millennia Christendom. Therefore, they are captured together: in early iconography, more often frontally, facing us, and from the 16th century, with faces facing each other. A bunch of keys in Peter's left hand, a traveling staff in Paul's hand, and a book with his written works in the other - they cannot be confused. In addition, preserved ancient frescoes with their images, on which the foundations of the canonical tradition of writing their faces in Orthodox icon painting were laid.

“Thou gavest the firmness of Thy Church, O Lord, to Peter’s firmness and Paul’s mind,” says the hymn of the feast. “Peter’s firmness” is courage in confessing the faith: “Shepherd God’s flock, which is among you, overseeing it not under compulsion, but willingly and pleasing to God, not for vile self-interest, but out of zeal, And not ruling over the inheritance of God, but setting an example herd; And when the Chief Shepherd appears, you will receive an unfading crown of glory” (1 Pet. 5; 1-4) – writes the apostle in the First Catholic Epistle.

"Paul's mind" is the wisdom of the apostle, which for thousands of years has served as a source for soul-beneficial reflections, inspiring and nourishing the spiritual and moral life of believers. Hieromonk Simeon (Tormachinsky) says that “... probably, in human history you will not find more smart person than the apostle Paul, except that the wise Solomon could compare with him. It is enough to read the Epistles of the Apostle Paul to make sure that he really has the “mind of Christ”, and Vladyka Filaret of Moscow writes: “If you do not want to teach and admonish yourself in Christianity, then you are not a disciple and follower of Christ, - not for you the apostles have been sent, you are not what all Christians have been since the beginning of Christianity…”

Such different personalities, such different destinies! As Metropolitan Anthony of Sourozh said in one of his sermons on the Day of Remembrance of the Holy Primate Apostles Peter and Paul, “From the beginning, the radical persecutor and the believer met in one, single faith about the victory of Christ - the Cross and the Resurrection.<…>They turned out to be fearless preachers: neither torment, nor the cross, nor crucifixion, nor prison - nothing could separate them from the love of Christ, and they preached, and this sermon really was what the apostle Paul calls it: “Our faith is the conqueror of the world” ".
Speaking about the importance of the days of remembrance of all the saints of Orthodoxy, Vladyka Philaret says: "Remember your mentors, imitate their faith." On July 12, we commemorate the holy chief apostles Peter and Paul, which means that in commemorating them, we must also imitate them, inherit their apostolic service to the best of our ability, joyfully testifying of the Lord Jesus Christ. How can we imitate them? What strength is needed for this? We most often do not have such strength, but this is not a reason for despondency, because Vladyka Anthony says: “If we cannot achieve such strong faith as that of the Apostle Peter, to walk on the waters and raise Divine wisdom, like that of the Apostle Paul, in order to convert thousands of people to Christ with our own words, then let us try to imitate their unfeigned repentance and deepest humility.”

So, we tell you, dear readers, about the Lives of the Saints, about the stories of finding and creating icons with faith and joy, and in the hope that this, too, is our humblest possible contribution to witnessing the Orthodox Christian Faith.

The teachings of Christ did not immediately become known to the whole world. It took time to spread the gospel across countries and continents. And also - the people who preached it, they are called apostles. Saints Peter and Paul in Orthodoxy are called the supreme ones, they are the most famous disciples of Jesus.


In fact, these two people met after Christ ascended to heaven. Here are some interesting facts:

  • Paul never saw Christ while he was on earth. Being a zealous Jew, Saul even severely persecuted Christians. There is a version that he participated in the execution of the first martyr Stephen.
  • Peter and his brother were the first to be called by the Savior. An uneducated fisherman from the outskirts of the empire, with a quick temper - today the apostle Peter is known everywhere.
  • Peter became the first apostle who confessed Christ as the Son of God.
  • Paul met the Lord on the road to Damascus and remained blind for several days, after which he was converted.

The holy apostles Peter and Paul, although their fates are not similar, became teachers for many, converted thousands of people to Christ during their lifetime.

Veneration in temples

In Orthodoxy there is a special religious holiday, which is preceded by a summer fast - the day of the apostles Peter and Paul. Therefore, on the icon, the saints can often be seen together, since both of them did a lot for the formation of the Church of Christ. What can you pray for before doing this? The request can be anything, but there are some traditions.

  • Both help those who want to gain faith, contribute to the assimilation of the Word of God.
  • St. Paul patronizes students, heals those who suffer from spiritual and mental ailments. During his lifetime, he raised the dead. He will also take care of those who start their own business, if it is useful to others - after all, the apostle was known for working hard.
  • St. Peter helps those who are tormented by a fever or other physical ailment. He is the patron saint of sailors and fishermen.

You can pray briefly, or read an akathist - it depends on the disposition of the soul. It is important that the prayer understands that the Lord fulfills only those desires that are pleasing to His will. After all, the saints cannot contradict the Creator, they are the spiritual mentors of believers. The power to work miracles was given to them as a reward from God for faith and work on themselves.

End of life path

Most of the apostles ended their lives tragically. The fact is that in those distant times Christianity was only a small sect. The rulers considered the followers of the new religion dangerous and felt threatened by the authorities. Therefore, they tried to destroy everyone who considered Christ God, baptized people in their faith.

For example, Peter, already at an advanced age, was taken into custody and executed by crucifixion, like Christ. Only true faith can endure such a severe test. The apostle asked his executioners to turn him upside down so as not to become like his Teacher. After all, after his well-known renunciation, he felt himself unworthy to die in the same way as the Teacher.

Above the place of execution was erected the Cathedral of the Apostle Peter, a well-known place in Rome. Much later, archaeologists found scientific evidence the fact that this is really it, after a long search, the remains of the holy Christian teacher were also discovered.

Pavel also faced a painful death - but he was formally a citizen of Rome, even though he was a Jew by birth. Therefore, a more “honorable” execution was applied to him - cutting off his head. After all, only people of the lower class, robbers, vagrants were crucified.

Church tradition claims that the apostles were deprived of life in one day. Paul was taken out of the city - on the site of his death, Tsar Constantine erected a temple. Scientists have confirmed that the relics at its base belong to a noble Roman citizen.

Churches of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul

In Russia, there are several famous churches of the Apostles Peter and Paul:

  • Cathedral in Moscow (owned by the ELCR), built at the very beginning of the last century. The building was built in eclectic style and is part of the cultural heritage of our country. Many come here on excursions to listen to the organ or worship. The temple is active, services are held in it on different languages. At the cathedral there is also a complex of church buildings that make up a single architectural ensemble - a chapel, houses for the clergy and two religious schools.
  • The cathedral in St. Petersburg, belongs to the Russian Orthodox Church, is located on the territory of Peterhof, in a picturesque place. The location was chosen personally by the emperor Alexander III. The church represents a prime example Russian style, with hipped domes and colorful paintings. Construction progressed slowly, the consecration took place in 1905. It was attended by royal family. The cathedral was closed by the Bolsheviks shortly before the start of World War II. Only in 1974 was the value of the building recognized as a cultural monument. In the early 1990s, the temple was returned to the church and re-consecrated.

The people also love these saints, even many kings bore the names of Peter or Paul. They were heavy life path but great is the reward that Christ bestowed on them in heaven. Through the prayers of the apostles, may the Lord have mercy on us!

Prayer to the Holy Primate Apostles Peter and Paul

O holy apostles Peter and Paul, do not depart in spirit from us, sinful servants of God (names), may we not be completely separated from the love of God, but protect us with your strong intercession, may the Lord have mercy on all of us for your prayers, may the handwriting of immeasurable sins be destroyed ours, and may he vouchsafe with all the saints the blessed Kingdom and the marriage of His Lamb, to Him be honor and glory, and thanksgiving and worship forever and ever.

Holy Supreme Apostle Peter, the stone of faith, on Christ, the cornerstone, in the Church, by confession! Moth, yes, and az, always swayed by smart thoughts and carnal lusts, on the same Christ, the Living Stone, the chosen, the honest, by faith I have always been made with love in the spiritual temple, in the holy priesthood, offer spiritual sacrifices to God Jesus Christ. Holy supreme Apostle Paul, chosen vessel of Christ, full of the grace and glory of God! Pray to the Creator, who has power over the creature, that I, now a ruined vessel, will create for Himself a vessel in honor, consecrated and usable, prepared for every good. Amen.

Holy Apostles Peter and Paul - temples, icons, prayer was last modified: June 14th, 2017 by Bogolub

Any icon store has in its assortment the icon of the Mother of God of the iconographic type "Tenderness" ("Eleusa"). A rather rare image of the Mother of God belongs to this type - the icon of the Jumping Ugreshskaya, which for many years was one of the main symbols of the Nikolo-Ugreshskaya monastery (modern Dzerzhinsk in the Moscow region). Buying the icon "Jumping" or "Jumping a baby" is primarily sought by women who want to have children, since this image of the Mother of God symbolizes the fullness and happiness of Motherhood.

The Ugresh Vaulting icon is an ancient Russian icon painted from a Greek model. She depicts the Mother of God with the Divine Infant sitting on Her right side and supported by both her hands. The infant Jesus is depicted in a "playful" pose, at the same time clinging to His Mother and at the same time facing the worshipers. The Most Holy Theotokos in tenderness pressed her cheek to the cheek of the Divine Infant, her gaze is full of bright sadness.

On the Leaping icons, the pose of the Infant Jesus resembles the scene of the Presentation, in which the Divine Infant, drawn by His sacrificial purpose, stretches from the hands of the Mother of God into the hands of Simeon the God-Receiver, proclaiming His passionate path. It is not known for certain how it appeared in Nikolo-Ugreshsky Monastery the icon of Vygranie Ugreshskaya, but the date of its appearance is considered to be 1793. The official holiday was established in 1795 on November 7th. Icon for a long time stood in the Assumption Church of the Nikolo-Ugreshsky monastery, attracting many believers to bow. But in 1918, the Nikolo-Ugreshskaya monastery was devastated, and the Ugreshsky Jumping icon was lost. Only in 2003 did a miracle happen that no one was expecting anymore - an unknown woman wished to donate the icon Holy Mother of God monastery. It turned out that the woman's family had once acquired this icon from a collector who claimed that the image was somehow connected with the Nikolo-Ugreshsky monastery. The monks who arrived at the pious woman's apartment saw an icon of the Mother of God, very similar in description to the lost one. When the newly acquired image was brought to the monastery and put back in its original place, everyone saw that this was the lost icon of the Ugresh Vaulting.

The icon in the Nikolo-Ugreshsky monastery was greeted as the patroness of Heaven, the most valuable shrine. Solemn procession it was brought to the Cathedral of the Transfiguration of the Savior, where a festive prayer service was served in honor of the benefactors. Now the icon of the Most Holy Theotokos stands in the altar of the Transfiguration Cathedral. Presumably, soon the icon will be placed, as before, in the church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

Together with the returned holy icon, the former greatness and holiness returned to the Nikolo-Ugreshsky monastery. Again, numerous believers found a revered shrine that helps in prayers for motherhood and the birth of healthy children. Pregnancy and the birth of a child are amazing events that show the divine greatness of life, which is why it is so important to spend this period in prayers. If it is not possible to attend church, you can pray at home, in front of the icon of the Mother of God "Leaping".
