Is it worth using Dimexide for acne? How to use dimexide against cellulite - active ingredients, pros and cons, share reviews! Folk miracle ointments with the addition of dimexide

The skin of the face is the most important criterion of beauty, because no matter what clothes a woman is dressed up in and no matter how well her hair is styled, wrinkles or pimples will inevitably spoil the impression of her. Now on the cosmetic market there are many tools designed to help cope with these problems. In order to make the skin of the face better, women try different means, even pharmacy ointments and preparations, it would seem that they are not intended for cosmetic purposes at all. Dimexide has long been included in this list of effective medicines. With the help of this medicine, you can make the skin much younger. And since this remedy has a powerful anti-inflammatory effect, many successfully use dimexide for acne.

What effect does dimexide have?

This inexpensive drug is a strong antibacterial and anti-inflammatory agent. In therapy, it is also used as a conductor of other medicines - it easily penetrates into cells and carries other medicines along with it. Due to its action, dimexide heals microcracks and deep acne, improves skin condition, and when used with other drugs, it greatly enhances their positive effect on the dermis.

But still, dimexide should be used with caution, since it enhances the side effects of the drugs used with it.

In addition, it is forbidden to use a concentrated product - the drug is always diluted with water, otherwise you can get serious chemical burns.

The degree of dilution varies from 1:10 to 1:3, and varies according to the degree of skin sensitivity. It is best to test the reaction of the epidermis on an inconspicuous area before you start using this drug for cosmetic purposes. A face mask with dimexide, if used on sensitive skin, can be harmful. Do not mix this product with essential oils as it does not dissolve in them and will cause severe burns.

What are the contraindications?

Like any other drug, dimexide has a number of contraindications:

  • pregnancy or lactation;
  • diseases of the heart, liver and kidneys;
  • skin sensitivity.

Many who have used this drug as a therapeutic and cosmetic product note that after it is applied to the skin in the mouth, its taste is felt for a long time. In addition, its use in the form of compresses on inflamed areas noticeably thins the skin.

For acne

Treatment of acne with dimexide most often occurs using it in the form of a simple aqueous solution or mixed with an antibiotic. Since this medicine dries and tightens the skin, after using it, you will need to moisturize the skin with your usual cream.

Simple mortar

Acne dimexide is used diluted with distilled or mineral water. To begin with, it is better to prepare a solution of low concentration by mixing 1 teaspoon of the product with 10 tablespoons of distillate. With the help of a cotton swab dipped in the resulting liquid, inflammatory formations on the skin are cauterized pointwise. If there are a lot of acne, you can apply the solution to the entire surface of the face in the form of a Dimexide mask.

As a rule, two or three cauterization procedures using this drug are enough to make even deep acne disappear from your face. To prevent recurrence, once a week with a weak solution (1:10), you need to treat the skin. A similar mask with dimexide for the face will save you from the recurrence of acne. The drug will again penetrate into the deep layers of the dermis, exert its beneficial anti-inflammatory effect on them. When you use dimexide for acne, carefully monitor the reaction and condition of the skin, in case of negative manifestations, immediately stop the procedure so as not to harm the dermis.

If acne is caused by hormonal disruptions, you can alternately cauterize acne with a solution of the drug and tea tree oil. But the mask with dimexide must be completely washed off the face before applying the oils.

Solution with antibiotic

All women want to have well-groomed skin and look younger than their age. At the same time, many people think that they cannot do without professional care and visits to expensive beauty salons. In fact, beauty does not have to spend a lot of money. Excellent results can be achieved with the help of affordable home remedies. One of the most popular ingredients for making masks is a drug called Dimexide. It acts very quickly, removing inflammation from the skin and removing acne. In addition, it helps to smooth out.

What is such a popular medicine in cosmetology? This is a synthetic substance that has a whole range of medicinal properties (antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, analgesic, antihistamine). The active ingredient of the drug is dimethyl sulfoxide. When applied to the skin, it penetrates the tissues and regulates metabolism at the cellular level. In addition, dimexide significantly enhances the effect of other ingredients added to the mask.

In medical practice, the drug is widely used to eliminate dermatological problems, treat pain in muscles and joints. It is freely sold in pharmacies and for ease of use it can have different forms of release: ointment, suppositories, concentrate for solutions. In cosmetology, a liquid concentrate is usually used. It is diluted with water in proportions of 1:10 (in no case should this concentration be exceeded). And then various masks are prepared on the basis of the solution, adding vitamins and herbal ingredients to them.

Features of use

If you decide to use Dimexide-based home cosmetics for face care, take into account the following important points:

  • Dimexide is a synthetic drug, which includes potent substances. Therefore, do not carry out the procedure without first consulting with a dermatologist.
  • Be sure to check the expiration date of the drug.
  • Remember that only a liquid concentrate is used as a wrinkle remedy. Other forms of release will not work.
  • Sometimes dimexide causes side reactions. If after applying the mask the skin becomes itchy or covered with red spots, quickly wash off the product and consult a doctor. Most likely, you have an allergy and you will have to select other products for facial care.
  • Before using a mask with dimexide, it is advisable to test the composition. To do this, apply a little product to the bend of the elbow. If no irritation occurs after a few minutes, then the mask suits you and can be applied to your face.

Useful properties of the drug

Dimexide is an effective face care product because it has the following properties:

  • Promotes the healing of purulent pustules, prevents their reappearance.
  • Makes skin tissues more elastic.
  • Reduces wrinkles.
  • Promotes rapid healing of the skin.
  • Accelerates the processes of tissue regeneration.

The drug is well suited for oily and combination skin. The main indications for its use are:

  • Dermatitis.
  • Purulent acne.
  • Age changes.

Precautionary measures

Since the active substance is dimethyl sulfoxide, the drug should be used with caution. The drug is diluted in warm water in a ratio of 1:10. In undiluted form, the product must not be applied, otherwise you can get burns. It is undesirable to constantly use such a composition so as not to provoke an allergy. So be sure to take breaks.

During pregnancy and lactation, it is impossible to carry out cosmetic procedures with the drug. Another strict contraindication -. Do not forget to carefully read the attached instructions, which contains a complete list of contraindications, allowable dosages and possible adverse reactions.

Remember that the product should not get into the eyes, mouth, mucous membranes. Therefore, apply masks very carefully!

How to use dimexide for the face?

When carrying out home procedures, follow a few simple rules:

  • The dimexide solution purchased at the pharmacy must be transported in such a ratio - 1 part of the solution per 10 parts of water.
  • Following the recipes, mix the resulting composition with other ingredients and apply to the skin.
  • You can also treat the skin around the eyes, but very carefully, in a thin layer.
  • It is advisable to keep masks with dimexide on your face for no more than 15 minutes.
  • It is recommended to wash off the composition with high-quality mineral water.
  • If a burning sensation occurs, immediately wash off the mask.

The duration of one course is 2 weeks, during this period it is desirable to apply the remedy daily. Longer use is not recommended, otherwise the skin will get used to the drug, and the masks will lose their effectiveness. If necessary, the course can be repeated only after a long break (month).

If you decide to use the drug as a prophylaxis against wrinkles, it is enough to perform the procedures only once a week.

Dimexide masks: the best recipes

We bring to your attention a few simple recipes using dimexide. These affordable homemade masks will quickly help solve various cosmetic problems.

Composition for acne

Relieves inflammation, fights microbes, soothes the skin, effective against acne. To get a healing mixture, take the following components:

  • Dimexide (3 drops).
  • Calendula decoction (5 ml).
  • A couple of drops of tea tree oil.

The drug is diluted in a decoction of herbs and oil is added. The face is steamed before the procedure, then a cotton swab is taken and problem areas are treated. After 30 minutes, wipe the skin with a cotton swab dipped in mint water. The frequency of the procedure is three times a week.

Dimexide against wrinkles

To get an effective anti-aging agent, you need to add fatty oils containing vitamins and polyunsaturated acids to Dimexide.

We offer a good recipe with the following ingredients:

  • Dimexide (2 ml).
  • Laminaria extract (10 ml).
  • Sea buckthorn oil (5 ml).

First, the oil is heated in a water bath to 40 degrees. Then algae and dimexide are introduced. That's all, the composition is ready to use. Take a wide brush and apply it on the face (the skin around the eyelids and lips must first be treated with a gel with liposomes). The duration of the mask is half an hour. After that, it is removed with a damp sponge.

Scar remedy

Acne scars and scars are effectively eliminated with a mixture of dimexide and grape oil. It also helps with pigmentation disorders. Take these components:

  • Dimexide (2 ml).
  • Grapeseed oil (4 ml).
  • Wine vinegar (15 ml).

A healing composition for scars is prepared in this way. Dimexide solution (10%) is diluted with warm water in equal proportions. Then vinegar and oil are added. The composition is applied in the form of compresses to the affected areas. The duration of the procedure is half an hour, then the dimexide is washed off and the skin is treated with hyaluronic concentrate.

Dimexide plus Solcoseryl

The combination of these two substances has an excellent rejuvenating effect. A mask with dimexide and solcoseryl smoothes even deep ones, tightens the contours. Recommended for women over 40. Use this affordable remedy, and there will be absolutely no need for expensive cosmetic procedures.

To prepare a rejuvenating composition, you will need the following components:

  • Dimexide (1ml).
  • Solcoseryl (10 g).
  • Almond oil (5 ml).

Dimexide is dissolved in 10 ml of melt water, then ointment and oil are added. All components are thoroughly mixed (and it is better to use a plastic spoon). The resulting composition is distributed over the face, without affecting the skin near the lips and eyes. Wait 20 minutes.

The procedure can be carried out in a different way. First, the face is treated with a solution of Dimexide, and then Solcoseryl is applied to the skin. It is desirable to wash with thermal water.

Mask against pigmentation

It evens out the complexion, eliminates age spots, makes the skin fresh and healthy.

The mask contains:

  • Aspirin (5g).
  • Dimexide (2 ml).
  • Charcoal white (5 g).
  • Rosehip oil (10 ml).

Dimexide is diluted in a decoction of a medicinal herb, a sorbent is added, and then oil. Apply to a cleansed face for a few minutes, a maximum of 10. If the skin is too sensitive, 3-4 minutes is enough.

Dimexide plus clay

This composition will help gently cleanse the skin of dead cells. In addition, after the procedure, local blood circulation improves and swelling disappears.


  • Dimexide (2 ml).
  • Clay yellow (10 g).
  • Watermelon oil (5 ml).

Mix dimexide (dissolved in 20 ml of water) with watermelon oil and clay. Steam the face and apply a cosmetic composition, moving in the direction of the lymph flow. After a quarter of an hour, you need to wash and treat your face with a vitamin fluid.

Toning and moisturizing mask

To normalize the lipid balance and tone the skin, cosmetologists recommend using a combination of dimexide and panthenol. Such a mask (with the addition of oil) is especially useful for dry skin, because. it provides hydration and supplies tissues with nutrients.

To prepare the composition, take the following components:

  • Dimexide (1 ml).
  • Olive oil (5 ml).
  • Cream Panthenol (10 g).

The diluted dimexide must be combined with the rest of the components and applied to clean face skin in a thick layer. After half an hour, wipe your face with a cotton swab and wash your face by adding a little macadamia oil to the water.

If you need to provide high-quality treatment for skin inflammation, choose dimexide for acne - a special drug that will help other remedies work deeper and more efficiently.

Dimexide itself is an antibacterial and anti-inflammatory agent., but alone with multiple acne and inflammation, he is not the strongest fighter among the known drugs. But as a conductor, dimexide is indeed the best remedy, and therefore it is used quite often when complex acne treatment is prescribed by specialists.

How does dimexide against acne work?

If you not only read the instructions, but also analyze the properties of the drug a little, then you can find out that dimexide is used in the complex treatment of acne, as a drug that provides direct access to acne medications to the bacteria and pathogens that cause them. Dimexide destroys the protection of bacteria and allows antibiotics to direct all their properties to fight the enemy, but already "on the open battlefield."

Dimexide loosens the skin and microscopic pores in it, which means that external agents can not only try to mask the problem externally, but also penetrate deeper, and therefore affect subcutaneous acne.

Contraindications and side effects of dimexide for acne

Of course, dimexide is an excellent remedy, a conductor and even a companion of antibiotics that actively fight microbes, bacteria, inflammatory and infectious processes, but this is what makes the drug a little dangerous. Therefore, in order to penetrate deep into the skin and blood, dimexide does not have a negative effect on the body, you should definitely use it strictly for its intended purpose, on the recommendation of a doctor, and only if the contraindications do not concern you. It is not recommended to take Dimexide for people with cataracts, glaucoma, angina pectoris, atherosclerosis, patients with renal or hepatic insufficiency, people who have recently had a heart attack, patients in a coma, as well as pregnant and lactating girls and women.

If you bypass the basic requirements and advice of experts, then severe itching, dermatitis, burning, dry skin, rashes and allergic reactions are quite real. In extreme cases, spasms of the respiratory system are also possible.

Dimexide for acne: application

If we consider how to use dimexide for acne, then one thing can be said - the drug is taken as a means for complex treatment, but strictly independently, preferably in the form of solutions. Before use, it is necessary to conduct a sensitivity test to the drug, apply a little dimexide for a while on a small area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin, but it is best to use the help of doctors who will help not only with the method of using the product, but also suggest the correct dose.

Dimexide dissolves with water in proportions of 1/10, 1/9, 1/8, and so on, until the most optimal solution part of the drug is reached, which does not negatively affect the skin. In this case, the dosage is tested on the skin. This is done quite simply - you just need to moisten the bandage in the solution and apply it to the skin area for half an hour, which, at the end of this period of time, will show the result.

Be very careful, since dimexide not only has contraindications, but is also a means of increased toxicity, it can cause allergies, burns and really serious consequences.

When the required concentration of the solution is reached, a compress is made, which is applied to the area with the affected skin 2-3 times a day, for about 20-25 minutes. The course of treatment is 10-15 days, depending on the severity of skin inflammation or acne.

The compress is made in the standard way: a bandage or a cotton swab dipped in the prepared solution is applied to the affected area, then the whole thing is covered with cellophane and pressed with a napkin or piece of cloth.

After the acne compress with dimexide is removed, acne remedies are applied to the surface of the skin, which come with it in combination.

If you find an allergic reaction to dimexide, try spot application of the drug. If this reaction continues, discontinue the drug.

What is important to know about dimexide for acne?

You can talk about this remedy for a long time, you can argue, since the reviews about dimexide from acne are far from unambiguous, but before you start using the remedy, you should know the following:

  • Never mix dimexide with the products that you use in the complex, since this cannot be done. Consider, for example, oil-based preparations. So, dimexide does not dissolve in oil, but remains in its pure form, in which it gets on the skin and, even if you do not have an allergic reaction to the drug, quite severe burns are possible. In this case, as in all others, if you use dimexide in the complex treatment of acne and acne, use the recipe we indicated earlier;
  • Before using the drug, it is important not only to know the method of preparing the solution and methods of applying the product to the skin, but also to act strictly according to the instructions and the algorithm indicated by us, to take into account the side effects of the drug and the possible consequences of its use.

Acne treatment with dimexide

We will present you a couple of the most famous and effective recipes based on dimexide, and you will decide which one to use and whether to use at all.

Acne talker with dimexide

To prepare a dimexide-based chatter, you need: dimexide - 1 bottle (50 ml), doxycycline - 20 tablets, distilled water - 150 ml. Now that everything is at hand, we begin to prepare a cure for acne. Doxycycline tablets are carefully crushed into a very fine powder, and mixed with dimexide. It is advisable to place this solution in a larger vial and infuse for 24 hours, shaking it occasionally. After a day of exposure, in any suitable bottle, mix the prepared water and the already prepared solution of tablets and dimexide, and shake the contents well again.

Chatterbox from dimexide is ready for use and acne can be treated with it for 15-20 days. According to the reviews of patients with similar diagnoses, as well as doctors who prescribe this treatment, it can be understood that the percentage of positive results is quite high.

Chatterbox is applied to the affected skin twice a day. When the drug is absorbed into the skin, it is recommended to apply a moisturizer.

Another acne talker on dimexide

To prepare the next acne remedy, which also contains dimexide, we need dimexide itself, an alcohol tincture of chlorophyllipt (1%), distilled water and a syringe. Now, using a syringe, mix chlorophyllipt, dimexide and water in proportions of 1:2:5. The prepared preparation is placed in a small vial and shaken well so that everything is evenly mixed.

Applying an acne talker is simply by applying it to the affected area with a cotton swab. If there are problem areas on the skin, then a cotton swab dipped in a mash can be applied for 4-5 minutes. It is necessary to use the drug no more than 1 time per day, preferably in the late afternoon or before bedtime. After the solution on the surface of the skin dries, it is advisable to lubricate the skin with cream.

The use of dimexide for acne is recommended by traditional medicine and traditional medicine specialists, which means that the drug really works and helps people get rid of acne. But, as we said above, with any remedy, you must be careful and dimexide is no exception.

It is not necessary to spend a lot of money to cure acne on the face and body.

And although most drugs are really expensive, there are also effective remedies available.

For example, Dimexide for acne, which can be purchased at any pharmacy at a ridiculous price.

  • All information on the site is for informational purposes and is NOT a guide to action!
  • We kindly ask you DO NOT self-medicate, but book an appointment with a specialist!
  • Health to you and your loved ones!

What is this

Dimexide is an antiseptic, but at the same time highly toxic solution.

The active substance is called dimethyl sulfoxide. Colorless liquid with a sweet aftertaste and a pronounced garlic aroma. This is explained by the fact that garlic also contains a lot of this substance in its natural form.

Often, Demixid is part of gels or ointments for the treatment of pathologies of internal tissues: the dermis, subcutaneous and fatty tissue, joints, muscles, since its active component provides deep penetration of nutrients.

Release form

The drug is produced in three dosage forms:

  • concentrated liquid in dark glass bottles;
  • gel 25 and 50% in aluminum tubes;

  • ointment 30 and 70%.

How it works

To understand whether Dimexide helps with acne, it is important not only to study the reviews of people who used the solution to treat acne.

It is necessary to find out the principle of action of the drug and carefully read the instructions, as the drug is dangerous and can cause serious side effects.

Despite the fact that Dimexide is not an antibiotic, it is a powerful local antiseptic.

  • It penetrates well into the deep subcutaneous layers, loosening the superficial ones, and instantly acts at the cellular level. That is why even internal acne can be cured with it.
  • Affecting the protective shells of pathogenic bacteria and viruses, the drug blocks the synthesis of microorganisms and the further spread of the infection. Due to this, it is able to enhance the effect of other drugs, including antibacterial and analgesics. This is a kind of conductor, which is widely used not only in cosmetology, but also in surgery and traumatology.
  • The tool perfectly relieves inflammation and prevents infection from developing, anesthetizes, and prevents the formation of pus. When adding a small amount of liquid to vitamin and therapeutic face masks, the skin absorbs twice as many nutrients.


Dimexide is prescribed as part of the complex therapy of purulent, infectious and inflammatory diseases of the integument, including:

  • furunculosis;
  • trophic ulcers.


Dimexide is contraindicated in cases of:

  • hypersensitivity to the drug;
  • kidney or liver failure;
  • pregnancy or breastfeeding;
  • recent heart attack or stroke;
  • angina;
  • severe cataract, glaucoma;
  • atherosclerosis.

The tool is not allowed to be used to treat children under the age of 12 years.

Video: "How to get rid of acne and pimples with folk remedies"

Treatment of acne with Dimexide

Before starting therapy, you need to learn how to dilute the drug and how to use it correctly.

  • Single rashes can be cauterized pointwise. To do this, 1 part of Dimexide should be dissolved in 5 parts of water. Then, a cotton swab is dipped in the resulting product and the inflamed foci are treated.
  • If the skin is dry and sensitive, then more water will be needed to dilute the solution. The optimal dosage is determined individually by trial.


Photo: white clay mask

Face masks are most beneficial for problematic skin.

Due to the fact that the mixture is aged for some time, all components have time to show the maximum beneficial effect.

Dimexide must be diluted with water in proportions of 1:10. That is, one teaspoon of antiseptic will require 10 times more water. The procedure is done no more than 1 time per week.

Moisturize, nourish the skin with vitamins and at the same time dry pimples, a mask with sour cream will help.

  • Mix a tablespoon of white or blue with 2 tbsp. lies. low-fat sour cream, add half a teaspoon of liquid vitamin A and E. In 1 tbsp. lies. Pour 6 drops of Dimexidum into the water, mix all the components.
  • The mass is applied to the skin in several layers, keeping from 15 to 20 minutes. It is better to wash off the composition not with water, but with a decoction of calendula or chamomile.


  • In the required concentration, the solution is moistened with a gauze bandage or bandage folded in several layers.
  • The application is made on the areas affected by the rash, covered with cellophane and a clean cotton cloth.

The course of therapy is 1-3 weeks, depending on the severity of the disease.

This method is good in the fight against large and subcutaneous acne, boils.


Lotion wipe problem areas with a cotton swab or disc.

Photo: Dimexide-based lotion can be applied to inflamed elements

  • If the inflammation is severe, then a tampon can be applied to these places for 5 minutes. Dimexide (50 ml), Chlorophyllipt (25 ml) and water (250 ml) should be combined.
  • Twice a day, you can wipe the skin of the face with an exfoliating and drying lotion. Alcohol-based salicylic acid 1% (50 ml) is mixed with 4 tbsp. spoons of dimethyl sulfoxide concentrate and shaken thoroughly.
  • With boils and bacterial infection of the integument, antibacterial lotion helps well. To get it, you need to dilute 1 part of Dimexide with 10 parts of water and mix with 1 powdered Erythromycin tablet. Wipe the face twice a day.


Chatterbox has long been proven to be a very powerful remedy for acne.

Photo: to enhance the effect, you can cook a talker

For its preparation you will need:

  • Dimexide- 50 ml;
  • Doxycycline capsules- 20 pieces (the powder is carefully removed).

The ingredients are mixed and shaken periodically during the day.

After that, 150 ml of boiled and chilled water is added. You can use sterile water for injection.

  • Twice a day, preferably in the morning and at bedtime, all pimples, reddened and inflamed areas are treated with a cotton swab.
  • After the liquid is completely absorbed, a moisturizer is applied to the skin so that there is no feeling of tightness and dryness of the integument.

The duration of treatment is at least 1 week.

If the cause is a fungus, bacteria or demodex skin mite, then it is better to use a therapeutic mixture instead of a cream.

To prepare it, you need to mix in equal proportions:

  • clotrimazole- broad-spectrum antifungal agent;
  • ointment, which disinfects and dries rashes;
  • - a biogenic stimulant with a powerful regenerating effect;
  • liniment- antimicrobial drug.

Features of use at home

Photo: the use of the product is possible only after examination by a doctor

It is undesirable to use the solution without first consulting a doctor.

  • Dimexide helps against acne, but it must be used with great care.
  • If applied incorrectly, it can cause severe burns to the skin.
  • In addition, the tool, together with beneficial substances, contributes to the absorption of toxins into the tissues.

To prevent this from happening, the skin must first be cleansed. It is enough to wash with warm water with antibacterial gel and baby soap.

Photo: you can apply the product only on pre-cleansed skin

Regardless of which method of application of the concentrate is chosen (as a mask, lotion or compress), the first time you need to test.

To do this, dilute 1 part of the product with 5 parts of water, moisten a cotton swab in the resulting solution, which is pressed against the bend of the elbow on the inside for 10-15 minutes.

  • If, after this time, redness, rashes do not appear on the integument, there is no burning sensation or itching, then Dimexide can be safely used to treat acne on the face.
  • But if a burn occurs, then the area is thoroughly washed with water and lubricated with any healing agent with (for example,).

In no case should Dimexide be mixed with essential and vegetable oils. It does not dissolve in them, therefore, when applied to the skin, it is absorbed in its pure form.

It is better to wipe the covers separately with a diluted liquid with water. And after 1-2 hours, lubricate the skin with your favorite cosmetic oil.

It is very important to avoid contact with eyes and mucous membranes.

If such a nuisance occurs, then immediately rinse the area with plenty of running water.

During the treatment period, it is undesirable to drink alcoholic beverages.

For the reason that Dimexide is able to enhance their toxic effect on the body.

Side effects

The drug is quickly and easily absorbed into the systemic circulation.

In case of improper dilution, due to negligence, from overdose or in case of individual intolerance, the following adverse reactions may occur:

  • burning integument;
  • erythema;
  • severe itching;
  • irritation;
  • dermatitis;
  • dry skin;
  • nausea and vomiting (often due to a specific smell);
  • bronchospasm (rare).


Comparison table for the cost of acne medications in Moscow Pharmacies
