What weights did Arnold Schwarzenegger lift? Arnold Schwarzenegger: height, weight and short biography of a celebrity. How tall is Doutzen Kroes

How tall is Jeremy Renner?

In the space of the domestic Internet, a famous actor who played a role in The Avengers is credited with a height of 178 cm. And in foreign sources, this actor is indicated as 172-173 cm. To understand this issue and find out who is mistaken and who is telling the truth, we will find photos with this actor, what will stand next to other famous people and on the basis of these photos it will be clear what his height is in reality.

Here we can see Jeremy Renner next to Tom Cruise, whose height is about 170-172cm. Obviously, this photo should already make you think about whether our celebrity is really 178cm tall.

And in this photo, Jeremy Renner, whose height is allegedly 178cm, and next to him is Mark Wahlberg, with a height of 173cm. There are countless similar photos where our celebrity's height will be in the region of 172-173cm. Obviously, in RuNet they are mistaken about Jeremy Renner's height.
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How tall is Doutzen Kroes?

The famous Dutch supermodel and actress of Frisian origin on the Internet is credited with a height of 178cm. But is it really so? Foreign information resources have a different opinion and attribute a height of 172-176 cm. To understand the reliability of disparate data, we will use a comparison of the growth of celebrities from photographs. We simply take a photo where our model stands next to other well-known models and compare her height according to these frames. Based on the data, we will understand where the information is correct and where it is not.

In this photo, we can see Doutzen Kroes with an alleged height of 178cm and Adriana Lima with similar data. Only here we see that our model is lower than they are credited with.

In this photo, we can see Doutzen Kroes and Maggie Grace with a height of 175cm. As we can see, both celebrities are the same in height. Based on these photos, it turns out that Doutzen Kroes is clearly not 178cm tall, but closer to 175cm.

German film, television and voice actor, film director, screenwriter and producer. The pinnacle of his acting skills is the role of Martin Brest in Thomas Yan's crime comedy Knocking on Heaven's Door, also known for his roles in the films Where's Fred?, Inglourious Basterds, This Means War.

Til Schweiger's height is 178 cm

American actor, producer and screenwriter. Winner of an Oscar and two Golden Globe awards, as well as a BAFTA nominee. The most famous films with the participation of Matt Damon: the drama "Good Will Hunting", "Saving Private Ryan", "Dogma", the crime drama "The Talented Mr. Ripley"; three parts about the adventures of Ocean's friends: "Ocean's Eleven", "Ocean's Twelve", "Ocean's Thirteen"; the Jason Bourne tetralogy: The Bourne Identity, The Bourne Supremacy, The Bourne Ultimatum, and Jason Bourne; as well as the films "The Departed", "Interstellar" and "The Martian" and "Ford v Ferrari"

Height Matt Damon 178 cm


Megan Fox was born on May 16, 1986. She is an American actress and model. Fox began her film career in 2004 with Teenage Drama Queen. Her first known film was the blockbuster "Transformers" in 2007. Since Transformers, she has won many Teen Choice Awards. She has eight famous body tattoos, which include her ex-boyfriend's name "Brian" and Marilyn Monroe's face on her forearm. Fox said she has a tattoo of Marilyn Monroe because: "She was one of the first people I saw on TV. Marilyn was a big influence on me."

Megan Fox's height is 163 cm

Megan Fox's weight is 49-51 kg

How tall is Kristen Stewart?

For some reason, the famous actress from the Twilight saga in Runet is credited with a height of 165 cm. Although the celebrity herself in her conflicting interviews said that her height is 5 feet 8 inches, which is equal to 167 cm and that she feels at all 173 cm. But many eyewitnesses that saw the actress live next to him, noted that her height was hardly higher than 160cm. To figure out what is true and what is not, we will find photos where a celebrity will be near people whose height is similar in their data.

Three photos show Kristen Stewart, who claims that her height is already 167cm Dakota Fanning with a real height of 163cm. As we can see, our celebrity, with a declared height of 167cm, is below 163cm, which means that her parameters do not correspond to reality and in reality her height is about 161cm. This phenomenon is very common among Hollywood stars when they talk about one thing, but in reality everything is different.

Everyone knows perfectly well who Arnold Schwarzenegger is. Surely everyone has seen at least one movie with him. He is known and loved all over the world. However, almost no one knows what Arnold Schwarzenegger was doing at the age of 16. The young years of an outstanding actor, athlete, politician and writer will be discussed in this article.

short biography

Arnold was born in the summer of 1947 in a small Austrian village called Tal.

From an early age, the athlete's relationship with his family was very difficult. For his parents, the most important thing was the observance of generally accepted rules and norms. For the future Hollywood star, freedom of choice and action remained above all else. Therefore, since childhood, Arnold dreamed of living in America.

The father insisted on his son playing football, but the boy quickly realized that he was more inclined towards bodybuilding. Therefore, from the age of 14, he began to engage in bodybuilding.

Bodybuilding career

The future actor began to build a professional career in bodybuilding when he was 15 years old. The greatest difficulties on the way to the final goals in this sport he had only in one question - theoretical knowledge. Bodybuilding in those days was considered a relatively new trend.

The idol for Arnold Schwarzenegger at the age of 16 was the actor and bodybuilder Reg Park.

The athlete in his book "The New Encyclopedia of Modern Bodybuilding" wrote that he managed to achieve considerable results in the first year of stable training in the gym. The total muscle mass of the young man increased by approximately 9 kg in 12 months, which can be called a very good result. However, he also mentioned that he used anabolic steroids. Having learned about their harm to health, he immediately refused further use.

Arnold Schwarzenegger at the age of 16 managed to achieve considerable results in bodybuilding. This is also evidenced by his physical indicators.

The determination of young Arnie was high. Even on weekends, when the Liebernauer sports hall, where the young man worked out, was closed, he went up there through the window and trained there, as they say, until a seventh sweat.

Anthropometric data

Arnold Schwarzenegger's height at the age of 16 was approximately 183 cm. When he matured, he stretched out a little, becoming 5 cm taller.

Then the young man did not yet have such a muscular body as in his heyday. The weight of Arnold Schwarzenegger at the age of 16 was approximately 78-80 kg. With his height, this is not too much body weight for a bodybuilder. Considering the fact that at the age of 15 he weighed only 70 kg, you can see the guy’s considerable success in building muscle potential.

The circumference of the biceps of Arnold Schwarzenegger at the age of 16 was about 40.5 cm. For a young man of his age, this was a very high result. By the age of 19, "Iron Arnie", as he was later called, already had a 48-centimeter bicep. In the peak years, this parameter was 56 cm.

His arms have always been a particularly spectacular part of his body, standing out even against the background of general muscles. Perhaps that is why in his books, where he tells and draws up a training program, a special place is given to the muscles of the hands - biceps and triceps.


Arnold Schwarzenegger at the age of 16 was not yet a world famous actor, bodybuilder, politician and businessman. However, even then he could be called an incredibly purposeful and disciplined young man. These qualities subsequently allowed him to achieve the desired result in the shortest possible time.

Only 5 years have passed since the start of his scheduled training in the gym until the day he was awarded the first title "Mr. Universe". Arnold Schwarzenegger at the age of 16 already dreamed of becoming the most outstanding bodybuilder and bodybuilder in the world. In fact, he succeeded. He achieved the greatest fame in the cinema. In fact, he can be proud of his unprecedented success in the cinema precisely because of his muscles and sports.

Schwarzenegger is an outstanding personality. He is a real example of how determination and fortitude help a person achieve any goal. The young man, born in a small village, could not even imagine that he would ever achieve such fame and recognition. However, his systematic training and the desire to realize his dream allowed him to get something that he could not even imagine in his fantasies. He became one of the greatest bodybuilders in the world, as he dreamed of since his youth.




Arnold Schwarzenegger was bornJuly 30 1947 in the village of Tal near the capitalStyria- cities Graz . His parents were Gustav Schwarzenegger (1907 - 1972 ) and Aurelia Schwarzenegger, nee Yadrny (1922 - 1998 ). They merriedThe 20th of October 1945 , Gustav was 38 years old, Aurelia was a 23-year-old widow with her son Meinhard.

The family was of the Catholic faith and attended church every Sunday. AfterAnschluss Austria in 1938 Gustav Schwarzenegger joined the Nazi Party of Austria andSA . During the war he served inmilitary police (Feljandarmerie), where he received the rank of Hauptfeldwebel (senior sergeant).

After the war, he was allowed to work as the chief of the local police, as there was no evidence that he had committed war crimes. The family lived in poverty; Arnold calls the purchase of a refrigerator one of the most vivid memories of his youth.

Under the influence of his father, Arnold began playing football, but at the age of 14 he preferred a career as a bodybuilder. He was inspired by such idolsbodybuilding, How Reg Park , Steve Reeves and Johnny Weissmuller, whom I often saw in the movies.

He goes to the gym every day; although the club did not work on Saturdays and Sundays, Arnold still worked on weekends; he climbed up the ladder through the window.

Arnold Schwarzenegger as a child

IN 1971 Arnold's brother Meinhard dies in a car accident; he was drunk at the time of the accident. Arnold doesn't show up for the funeral. Meinhard was married to Erica Knapp and left a 3-year-old son, Patrick.

A year later, Gustav Schwarzenegger dies from a stroke; Arnold does not appear at his funeral either. As Arnold himself later said, “the system of raising children in Austria and Germany was very different from the American one; ... the main thing in it was the education of discipline. I have always been a non-conformist, and have been punished; I was flogged with a belt, put in a corner. The way my father treated me can be called child abuse (English child abuse)".

Military service

IN 1965 Arnold at age 18urge in the Austrian army for 1 year, where he receives a military specialty as a tank driver. The future governor of California receives this position, despite the fact that in the Austrian army people over the age of 21 were usually appointed to it. Only in the army for the first time did Arnold start eating meat every day.

He takes part in the competitionMister Europe » among juniors, and wins it; for the sake of the competition, he goes “AWOL”, after which he ends up in a military prison for two months (according to other sources - for two weeks onguardhouse ). Contrary to popular belief, this performance was not a debut;debut took place two years earlier in a lesser-known competition inGraz , where Arnold took second place.

As later told the futuregovernor California , he was able to find time and place for training even during tactical exercises, when he lived in the field for several weeks. He equipped the bar from improvised materials, and kept it in the tank:

“I made a lot of progress in the early stages of my training when I was in the Austrian army and had a lot of things to do. When for six weeks we participated in maneuvers alongCzechoslovak border, I had to drive a tank for fifteen hours a day, pump fuel with a hand pump, "fight" huge fuel drums and do repairs. We slept in the trenches or under the tanks and had to get up at six in the morning. However, my friend and I got up at five, climbed into the tank tool compartment, where we kept our rods, and practiced for an hour before the general rise. After the end of the day part of the exercises, we trained for another hour. I can't imagine a more difficult training environment and therefore I argue that finding the time and energy to practice is a matter of motivation and interest. A real athlete will always, in any situation, find time and place for training.”

However, as he later admitted, he was not an ideal soldier, and once drowned his tank.

Describing his service in the army, Arnold in his autobiography tells how impatiently he waited for the order of the officers to begin physical training, and calls the main result of the service a significant increase in muscle mass.

Moving to Munich

After the army, 1966 moves to Munich where he works in fitness -club. During this period, he does not live well, for some time he has to sleep on the floor in the gym, until he managed to rent an apartment. As Arnold himself mentions in his autobiography, at this time he behaves extremely aggressively, getting into fights almost every day, and collecting fines for traffic violations, "I was like a bull who walked his meat." It should be noted that one of the side effects of the adoptionsteroids is increased aggressiveness.

After a while, he begins to manage the gym himself, however, even at the same time, he remains in a lot of debt.

IN 1966 Arnold takes second place in the competition "Mister Universe" V London , losing to American Sheth Yorton. This result was a surprise to himself; Arnold initially counted on no more than sixth - seventh place. IN1967 he wins this title.

Moving to the USA

In September 1968 Arnold arrives in America at the age of 21. By his own admission, at that time he did not speak English well, and spoke with a strongaccent which made it difficult for him. According to Arnold, moving toUSA was his dream since he was 10 years old. In the late 1960s and early 1970s, he was in the country illegally, violating the terms of hisvisas .

He starts training at Gold's Gym inSanta Monica , California , under the patronage of Joe Weider. IN1970 at the age of 23 wins his first title "Mr. Olympia" V New York .

IN 1983 received US citizenship , saves Austrian citizenship.

Bodybuilding career

Arnold Schwarzenegger started his journey inbodybuilding at the age of 14. As he mentions in his autobiography, after his very first workout, he was so tired that he couldn't even lift a cup of coffee. The main problem of the initial stage of his sports career, he calls the lack of experience and knowledge about such a relatively new then sport asbody-building "Looking back, I realize how little we all knew back then." Speaking of his first bodybuilding contest win, he remarks, "I had no swimming trunks, no body butter, no idea how to pose, just pictures of Reg Park."

However, he is making impressive progress; in The Encyclopedia of Modern Bodybuilding, Arnold writes that his arms then increased byhalf inch for two months of training, and the totalmuscular weight - twentypounds in a year. It took Schwarzenegger only five years to get his first Mr. Olympia title, while others take up to 10 years. In part, he explains this by a genetic predisposition (“Bodybuilding sometimes resembles a competition between a hare and a tortoise”), noting, however, that “judges at competitions, evaluating athletes, do not say - this participant has been training for only eight years, but that one is better, because he trains all three years!".

His main task as a bodybuilder after moving to the United States, he calls the goal of “hewing brought fromEurope muscle mass, give it the desired shape. In The Encyclopedia of Modern Bodybuilding, Arnold writes: “I was a capable student. I went up to the judges and asked what they thought I did wrong.” He learned a lot from his "colleagues in the shop", including from his idol Reg Park after a personal acquaintance.

Hard work brought numerous victories; a special place in his career is occupied by the victory in the competition "Mr. Olympia" V 1980 ; she was a surprise comeback after a five-year hiatus. Arnold notes that during this time he found that during his absence, due to the growth in popularity of bodybuilding, competition in competitions increased significantly; Wendy Ley in "The Unofficial Biography of Arnold Schwarzenegger" notes that if earlier three or four people approached Arnold's level, in1980 there were already dozens of them. Besides, in1980 he was already over thirty; as he writes in the Encyclopedia of Modern Bodybuilding, during the preparation period he had to more carefully monitor his nutrition than in preparation for previous competitions.

After 1980 Schwarzenegger finally ended his sports career. However, he made a significant contribution to the popularizationbodybuilding , spreading his vast experience in books and magazines on bodybuilding. IN1988 organized his own competitionArnold Classic .

Schwarzenegger calls his idolYuri Vlasov . According to Schwarzenegger,Yuri Vlasov was and remains his only idol, meeting with whom in the distant 1960s changed the life of a young Austrian.

Strength indicators

Bench press - 220kg.

Squat - 250kg.

Deadlift - 340kg.

Anthropometric data

Height-188 cm.

Weight-109 kg.

Biceps-50 cm in a relaxed state (measured personally by Arthur Jones)

Chest-145 cm.

Waist-82 cm.

Hip-72.4 cm.

Calf-54 cm.

Film career

Arnold Schwarzenegger with1970 began acting in films, as did many of his idols, such asReg Park And Steve Reeves . His problem initially was too much muscle mass, which looked unnatural for a movie, and a strong Germanaccent , due to which long complex dialogues had to be avoided. For a number of films, Arnold had to significantly reduce weight. He takes acting lessons and tries to get rid of his accent. Director "Predator Notes: “This guy is capable: I was told that it would take at least twenty takes to work with him, and they need three or four. He is a fast learner." Subsequently, Schwarzenegger calls the first film his most disliked work in cinema.movie , « Hercules in New York ».

The public accepted the first films with restraint; success came afterConan the Barbarian ". Pretty longfees Arnold, however, remain relatively small; however, after films such as "Remember all", And " Terminator 2 » increase significantly; fee for "Terminator 3" (2003 ), $ 35 million, sets a record in the film industry.

Former bodybuilder receives a number of prestigious awards , having collected, however, 8 nominations in the anti-award "golden raspberry ».

Critics say that Iron Arnie's acting skills leave much to be desired, and he avoids long, complex dialogue; comedian Robin Williams remarks that "fewer words than Arnold Schwarzenegger, only the Scottish Shepherd Lassie said."

In an effort to get away from the image of a reinforced concrete killer who utters five or six phrases throughout the film, Arnold begins acting in comedy films. For some of them, including the very first one,Twins » ( 1988 ), he does not ask for any fee at all, limiting himself to a percentage of sales.

Comedy " Last Action Hero "becomes Arnold's parody of himself and his image of the" terminator ".

Recent films by SchwarzeneggerEnd of the world ”, “Sixth day” and “Compensation for damage ” were met by critics and viewers rather restrainedly. IN2003 long-awaited sequel is comingTerminator 3: Rise of the Machines ”, after which the 56-year-old Arnold leaves the film industry. In the same year, he won the elections forfast Governor of California, which makes it impossible to participate in any filming (other thancameo ). A rumored return to the film business remains an impossibility, at least until2011 when his powers expiregovernor .

Business career

By the age of 30, Arnold Schwarzenegger becamemillionaire . His fortune multiplied thanks to successful investments. He openedbusiness mail order, a construction company, and took upreal estate . The core of his financial empire is Oak Productions, through which film studio royalties flow.interest from sales comics and video games. Assets Arnold Schwarzenegger is valued at $200 million.

Political career

IN 2003 Arnold Schwarzenegger has been electedgovernor California from Republican Party . He became the 38th governor of thisstate , and the 1st non-U.S.-born state governor since John Downey, an Irishman, elected in1862 . American mass media accompanied the course of the election campaign with the headlines "Governor" (a hybrid of "terminator" and "governor"), "Running Man" and "Terminator-4: Rise of the Candidate" (similar to the title of the film "Terminator-3: Rise of the Machines"). The election of a new governor was accompanied by the second recall in US history (English recall) the current head of state, Gray Davis, who led the state into a state of financial and energy crisis; this gave the press headlines "Total Recall" (which refers to the famous Schwarzenegger film, released in Russian box office under the title "Remember all »).

In his activities, he soon encountered a powerful opposition that launched against himcompromising campaign (in particular, by the beginning of the elections, 15 women accused him of sexual harassment), and experienced a significant drop in ratings. Despite this, in2006 re-elected for a second term. Authority expires at2011, according to Constitution state California , is ineligible to run for a third term.

Started a campaign in the state to cut costs, and, as part of that campaign, waived the governor's $175,000 a year salary.

After his re-election, he finally moves to the political center, between Republicans and Democrats; he supports signingKyoto Protocol , has a negative attitude towards the war inIraq , comes into conflict withUS President George Bush .

According to US Constitution , is ineligible to run for president because he was born outside the United States. Currently, he sees the prospect of his presidency (by adopting an appropriate amendment to the Constitution) unrealistic:

I support the people who are in favor of this amendment. But its adoption is a hard task that will take many years. I just can't wait until then.

In late 2007, he was criticized for the "Amendment S.B. 777”, which brings the list of types of discrimination prohibited in public schools into line with the definitive part of the law onhate crimes . The main salvo of criticism was directed against the listing of persons with alternative sexual orientations and transsexuals.

Personal life

Arnold's personal life with the beginning of a career inbodybuilding becomes extremely stormy, and causes the appearance of a number of legends: “They say, for example, how he once approached an unfamiliar girl on a California beach and without a hitch made herintimate proposal . One of his friends, hastily intervening, began to explain to the girl: “My friend has recently arrived in the USA and does not know our customs.” To which she replied: “No, no, don’t stop him!” In an interview with a magazinePenthouse says that one woman offered to smear it in chocolate and lick it. Other legends include the case whenautographs the fan undressed and asked: “Do you want to pump this body?”.

IN 1969 meets Barbara Outland Baker, an English teacher. As Arnold writes in his autobiography, before meeting her, he "perceived sex as just another function of the body," but after the appearance of Barbara, "friends joked: Arnold fell in love."

Their relationship ends at1974 . According to her own recollections, “she was a sensible woman who wanted a solid, ordinary life. I was not a sane man, and I hated the very idea of ​​\u200b\u200ban ordinary life. Barbara described Arnold as "fun, charismatic, adventurous and athletic", but explained the breakup by saying that he had become "unbearable - the world revolves around him." Subsequently, she wrote the book "In the Shade of the Austrian Oak". Arnold not only did not interfere with the writing of this book, but even gave her a three-hour interview.

IN 1975 on the beach Venice (Los Angeles , USA) he meets hairdresser Sue Moray. From August1977 also begins dating his future wife, Maria Shriver, which continues until August1978 when Moray gave himultimatum .

According to Wendy Ley in The Unofficial Biography of Arnold Schwarzenegger, between him andBridget Nielsen , a partner in the film "Red Sonja", was a connection. At this time, Schwarzenegger was already engaged to Maria Shriver, so the relationship did not work out. SubsequentlyBridget Nielsen married competitor Arnold for the film industrySylvester Stallone .

Arnold Schwarzenegger received1979 degree bachelor By economy V university state Wisconsin .

Received US citizenship V 1983 ; as Arnold tells in his autobiography, he was so proud of this event that he walked around with the flag all day.

IN 1985 year had an accident; the car in which he was traveling with Maria Shriver fell down a slope.

26 April 1986 married television journalist Maria Shriver, niecepresident John F. Kennedy. The wedding took place in Hyannis, stateMassachusetts. ceremony in Roman Catholic the church of St. Francis Xavier was held by the Reverend John Riordan.

In an interview with a magazinePenthouse declares:

PENTHOUSE: And your wife, Maria?
SCHWARZENEGGER: She has always been my biggest fan. IN1977 when we started dating, she spent a lot of time getting to knowbody-building , and at the performances she shouted louder than anyone in the hall: “Arnold! Arnold! Arnold!" Her voice always drowned out the general noise.

The couple has 4 children:

Katherine Eunice Schwarzenegger, bornDecember 13th 1989 V Los Angeles , California ;

Christina Maria Aurelius Schwarzenegger, bornJuly 23 1991 V Los Angeles , California ;

Patrick Arnold Schwarzenegger, born

So, the maximum working weight of Schwarzenegger in the bench press reached 220 kg in a one-time maximum. At the same time, his bench press technique was seriously different from the technique of powerlifters, in which he did not use the bridge, bandages and other attributes of the powerlifter's bench press.

Barbell curl for biceps

Biceps training was for A. Schwarzenegger the most favorite activity in the gym. It was from him that such a thing as "cheating" came. And in pumping biceps, Arnold almost always used it. The maximum working weight in lifting the bar for biceps was:

  • 125 kg for 4-6 reps
  • 100 kg for 6-8 reps

In addition, Schwarzenegger tried to further increase the intensity of the workout using drop sets: he performed all repetitions with the maximum working weight to failure, after which he asked the partner to remove several pancakes from the bar, and performed 2-3 more repetitions, then asked to remove more weight and also tried to do 2-3 repetitions. Thus, he achieved complete muscle failure, when the biceps could no longer do a single repetition.


Squats were one of Schwarzenegger's favorite exercises in the gym. In doing them, he used a very specific technique, putting small blocks under his heels and squatting as deep as possible. This technique seriously increased the severity of the exercise and differed from the powerlifting technique, which, however, did not prevent Arnold from reaching a working weight of 240 kg for 8 repetitions in this way.


The deadlift was also among Schwarzenegger's favorite exercises, but he set a record in it only once - it was still at the powerlifting championship, where Arnold managed to master the working weight of 330 kg (1 repetition). However, it is not so much the fact of lifting the weight of 330 kg that is remarkable, but the age of Schwarzenegger - at that time he was only 19 years old.

Talented people are talented in everything. Arnold Schwarzenegger has dabbled in professional sports, Hollywood, business, politics, writing, philanthropy, and more. And he has been successful in almost all areas. We have collected in one review interesting and little-known facts related to this famous actor.

1. Without blinking an eye

Arnold Schwarzenegger never blinked in Terminator 2. However, it was quite difficult for the actor to fire a gun without blinking.

2. $15 million for 700 words

In "Terminator 2" Schwarzenegger said only 700 words, after which he was paid $ 15 million. It was the most expensive phrase "Hasta la vista, baby" in history. She cost $85,716.

3. Weight taken!

Arnold Schwarzenegger could lift 310 kilograms. Today, bodybuilders from all over the world compete at the Arnold Classic Festival, an annual multi-sport event held in Columbus, Ohio.

4. Sins of the father

Gustav Schwarzenegger, father of Arnold Schwarzenegger, was a volunteer member of the Nazi Party. Gustav, a police officer from Austria, voluntarily joined the Nazi Party on March 1, 1938.

5. End of the world

The End of the World is the only film in which the character played by Arnold dies. Critics have declared The End of the World to be Schwarzenegger's worst film. The tape failed both at the box office and according to critics.

6. Free Governor

Arnold did not accept the governor's $175,000 a year salary, but instead donated it to charity. The actor made very good money while filming in Hollywood and could afford to spend this money on charity and on raising the salaries of his subordinates.

7. Guinness World Records

The Guinness Book of Records calls Schwarzenegger "the most physically developed person in the history of the world." He was honored to be listed in the Guinness Book of Records after he became "Mr. Olympia" in the 70s.

8. Arnold Strong

"Hercules in New York" is the only film in which the actor starred under the pseudonym Arnold Strong. The producers of the film felt that the public would not accept the surname Schwarzenegger, which is difficult for Americans to pronounce.

9 Arnie the Hillbilly

Arnold Schwarzenegger was born in the Austrian village of Thal in 1947. He officially became an American only in 1983.

10. I'll be back

His famous line "I'll be back" in the 1984 film The Terminator was originally scripted as "I'll come back". He used this catchphrase many times in his later films.

11. Arnold the lifeguard

While on vacation in Hawaii in 2004, Schwarzenegger jumped into the ocean and saved a drowning man. People who knew Arnold well said that he was always trying to get public attention. And if at the same time save a person, then why not.

12. Chest volume - 144, waist - 86

During the peak of the bodybuilder's career, Schwarzenegger's chest volume was 144 cm, waist - 86 cm, biceps - 55 cm, hips - 72 cm, calves - 50 cm. Arnie weighed 106 kg during the competition. At the time, he was named the biggest man in bodybuilding.

13. Parented with Kennedy

According to his childhood friends, Schwarzenegger often said that he had three goals in life: move to America, become an actor and marry Kennedy. He achieved all three goals. Maria Shriver, Arnold's ex-wife, was the niece of US President John F. Kennedy.

14. Death penalty

Arnold Schwarzenegger supports the death penalty. The Austrian Green Party tried to revoke his Austrian citizenship in 2005 because of this.

15. Incredible Hulk

Arnold Schwarzenegger could have been the Incredible Hulk but was turned down due to his height. The Hulk ended up being played by Lou Ferrigno.

16. Difficult childhood

Arnold grew up in a house that did not have a telephone, refrigerator or toilet. His father raised his children with strict discipline and believed that this would make them stronger.

17. 1991 and 2000

Austrian oak.

His middle name is Alois. The famous Arnold had the nicknames Arnie, the Austrian Oak, the Republican Conan, the Styrian Oak, the Running Man, the Governor Conan, and the Machine.

20. Women shouted: -Hurrah! And they threw caps into the air ...

Early in his career, Schwarzenegger appeared as a contestant on the interactive show The Dating Game. When he listed all his parameters on the show, then all the women in the studio blushed. His friend, actor Tom Arnold claims that Schwarzenegger makes love 5 times a day to stay in shape.

For all movie fans, we have collected. It is always interesting to find out what remains behind the airan.
