Calorie homemade whey. Milk serum. Application in cosmetology

Whey is a residual product after fermentation of milk and separation of cottage cheese from it. Whole cow's milk is used as the basis. There are sour and sweet whey. The first is obtained as a result of the production of hard cheeses, the second - soft. The serum is available in dry and liquid form.

Calorie content of different types of whey

The calorie content of whey largely depends on its type:

  • Cheese - 62.5 kcal;
  • Curd - 18.1 kcal;
  • Sweet - 27 kcal;
  • Sour - 24 kcal;
  • Dry sweet - 353 kcal;
  • Dry sour - 339 kcal.

Most protein (3 g) is found in cheese whey, in other types - less than 1 g. Fats - about the same amount. But carbohydrates - from 3 to 5 g.

Benefits of taking whey

Serum strengthens the immune system. It is low calorie. The product promotes the production of endorphins, so it is indispensable for people suffering from depression. With the help of serum, you can remove excess water from the body - this is especially true for those who suffer from swelling.

Possible harm serum

Among the negative points: whey is laxative, but light. It also contains lactose - some people have intolerance to this component.

Product Kcal Proteins, g Fats, g Ang, g
Curd whey 18,1 0,8 0,2 3,5
Cheese whey 62,5 3 3,6 4,8
Whey dry 332,8 12 1,1 73,3
Whey, sweet, dry 353 12,93 1,07 74,46
Cheese, sweet 27 0,85 0,36 5,14
Whey, sour, dry 339 11,73 0,54 73,45

> >

Curd whey

  • proteins - 0.8 g
  • fats - 0.2 g
  • carbohydrates - 3.5 g
  • vitamins(in mg): vitamin B1 - 0.03, vitamin B2 - 0.1, vitamin B3 - 0.3, vitamin B6 - 0.1, vitamin B9 - 1, vitamin B12 - 0.3, vitamin C - 0, 5, vitamin E - 0.03, vitamin H - 2, vitamin PP - 0.1.
  • Minerals in mg: potassium - 130, calcium - 60, magnesium - 8, sodium - 42, iron - 0.06, phosphorus - 78, chlorine - 67, choline - 14.
  • Minerals in mcg: zinc - 500, iodine - 8, copper - 4, molybdenum - 12, cobalt - 0.1.

Whey calories

Calorie content of 100 g of cheese whey - 62.5 kcal.

Calorie content of 100 g of curd whey - 18.1 kcal.

Serum types

Milk whey is of two types:

  • Sweet, which is formed during the production of hard cheeses such as Mozarella and Cheddar. Her Ph is over 5.6.
  • Sour occurs during the production of cottage cheese and cheese such as Ricotta. It contains more mineral salts than sweet, Ph less than 5.1.

Whey Benefits

Curd whey is 94% water, and the remaining 6% is a highly valuable storehouse of important elements: protein, lactose, calcium, potassium, magnesium, almost all salts and trace elements of milk, probiotic bacteria, B vitamins. The main proteins are alpha-lactalbumin (25%), beta-lactoglobulin (65%) and serum albumin (8%). Serum proteins are involved in the synthesis of liver proteins, in the process of hematopoiesis. Whey proteins are considered to have greater bioavailability than hen egg proteins.

Whey contains lactose, a special sugar that is slowly absorbed in the intestines. The processes of fermentation and gas formation slow down, in 2-3 weeks the activity of the intestinal microflora returns to normal. What is also remarkable is that the body practically does not use lactose in the formation of body fat, so whey is also useful for those who are overweight. Due to the high content of vitamin B2, whey activates fat and carbohydrate metabolism.

The serum contains a lot of potassium, helps fight cellulite, restores the disturbed water-salt balance in the body, removes excess fluid, toxins and cholesterol.

Whey is important in clinical nutrition, especially for the elderly, overweight people, sedentary people, and pregnant women. It improves kidney function, normalizes liver function, stimulates intestinal activity, helps with rheumatism, hypertension, and improves blood circulation. Serum has a calming effect on the nervous system, cleanses the skin, reduces inflammation.

The habit of drinking daily in the morning 1 glass of whey will help get rid of toxins, toxins, strengthen the immune system. In the course of research, it was found that with a daily intake of only three grams of whey, the production of stress hormones stops and at the same time the level of the hormone of joy, serotonin, increases.

How much whey can you drink?

Serums can be drunk from 50 grams (children) to one glass per day. One glass is enough to provide the body with vital substances. And if you use a glass of whey on an empty stomach, it will help remove toxins from the body.


Not all people tolerate lactose; after taking dairy products, they experience swelling, indigestion, and diarrhea. In addition, improperly stored serum can become a great home for pathogenic bacteria.

Serum use

Serum can be drunk as an independent dish. It will perfectly quench your thirst in summer. You can add fruit juice to the whey, so you get a healthy cocktail. In addition, whey is suitable for making okroshka, cabbage, sauces. It can be added to baking, baking pancakes (fritters are tasty and fluffy).

Whey can be used to prepare nutritional berry cocktail: take 250 g of whey, 100 g of berries, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of sugar and the same amount of lemon juice. You can add cinnamon to taste. Blend all the ingredients in a blender and the cocktail is ready!

You can make whey jelly: strain 2 cups of whey, heat to a temperature of 70-80 degrees. Soak 1/2 tablespoon of gelatin in water, dissolve in a water bath and add to whey along with berries, sugar, syrup or jam. Pour the jelly into molds, cool at room temperature and put in the refrigerator.

Serum can be used not only as a food product, but also as a cosmetic product. You can wipe the skin with it - the skin becomes taut, smooth, elastic. Serum can cope with diathesis in young children, psoriasis, demodicosis, neurodermatitis.

Serum at home

1 way to get homemade whey: put the milk in a warm place and wait for it to turn sour. Put the sour milk on the stove and bring to a boil, but do not boil. When clots of cottage cheese form on top, turn off the gas and leave to cool completely on the stove. After that, strain the whey through cheesecloth or a fine sieve. Cottage cheese can be eaten on its own or used to prepare various dishes.

And dairy products ceased to seem like something of a reference, healthy and of really high quality. An increasing percentage of humanity is being diagnosed with intolerance, and milk is blamed for acne, gastrointestinal problems, and reduced functionality.

Whey is a by-product of milk production. Accordingly, a certain part of the problems and advantages of the white cow's drink passed to the milk surrogate. What is the serum: salvation from all diseases or, conversely, their cause?

What is whey

This is a by-product that is obtained during the manufacture of cottage cheese, cheese, milk or casein. Milk is subjected to significant heat treatment (or simply left to sour), during which the liquid is curtailed and then filtered through special structures.

The drink is not a modern innovative food discovery. It has been used since the time of Hippocrates. The serum was used to treat diseases of the skin, liver, respiratory organs, dysentery, kidney stones, poisoning and stool disorders. Doctors prescribed a natural medicine for each patient as a general tonic and tonic.

Modern medicine refuses such practices and is guided by evidence-based medicine. The benefits of whey have been picked up by food companies, which daily release millions of batches of the dairy product off the assembly line.

The cosmetics industry is not far behind. Extracts or whole serum components are added to face, body, hair and cuticle care. Manufacturers claim that the product nourishes the hair / skin with high quality and may well qualify for the role of a multifunctional product on your cosmetic shelf.

Nutrient balance
(in milligrams per 100 grams of product)
(in micrograms per 100 grams of product)

Serum preparation at home

The human body simply cannot digest lactose, therefore, as a defensive reaction, it includes intolerance. Symptoms of intolerance are a kind of body signals for help. Galactose is the most harmful and dangerous sugar. The component interferes with the normal absorption of Calcium (K), accelerates the aging process and triggers irreversible processes in the brain.

Independent nutritional studies have confirmed the lack of vital vitamins in low-fat dairy products. Health, strengthening the muscle corset and growth vitamins are nothing more than a marketing ploy, and not a real benefit. Moreover, fat-free whey is able to “eat up” other vitamins that are concentrated in the human body.

Does whey have any benefits?

Definitely there is! Milk and its derivative products are designed by nature to feed healthy offspring. They contain vital nutrients, vitamins,. Moreover, there is not a single product or mixture that could replace the benefits of milk for offspring. There is a clear analogy with human lactation. Indeed, mother's milk contains all the necessary elements that a baby needs. No store-bought formula or premium fruits/vegetables can match the nutritional value and benefits of breast milk. But what is the paradox: absolutely all living beings (except humans) feed on milk only at the primary stage of growth.

A human baby drinks mother's milk until 1-2 years old, a calf feasts on a white foamy liquid until maturation. In the active phase of growth, everyone switches to plant / synthetic food, breaking off the reverent connection with the mother, which is held together by milk.

An adult does not need dairy food components at all. Their absence will not affect either the quality of life or health.

To date, there are no dairy products in the world without hormones (harmful to an adult human body). Even livestock that feeds on organic grass in the meadow and lives according to all quality criteria produces products that are stuffed with hormones. Scientists have identified more than 60 dangerous hormones that are similar to anabolics (substances that bodybuilders use to quickly gain muscle mass), as well as testosterone, insulin, progesterone and stimulants.

Refusal of milk and its derivatives is a choice in favor of health and quality of life. Make the right decisions and be healthy!



Many have already noticed that the composition of the starter cultures (liquid probiotics) we offer includes a hypoallergenic whey base (clarified curd whey), which in fact is the basis for the nutrient medium-preservative of microorganisms in our bacterial concentrates.Why is this basis chosen for the "storage" of beneficial bacteria?

This circumstance is dictated by the optimal chemical composition of this product, which, with a certain preparation, ensures long-term viability of bacterial cells and subsequently creates favorable conditions for the accumulation of biomass of probiotic microorganisms when used as starter cultures or bioadditives.

The use of serum for the cultivation of microorganisms due to the carbohydrates contained in it (mono-, oligo- and amino sugars), mineral salts, vitamins, organic acids, enzymes and trace elements. Lactose is an energy substrate for the development of microorganisms that make up the inoculum. The buffer properties of the medium are of great importance for the growth of lactic acid bacteria. Whey has a lower buffer capacity than skimmed milk, so sodium citrate is added to the medium.

It can be said that the choice cottage cheese (dairy) whey as the basis of a nutrient medium for bacterial cultures in starter cultures (bioadditives) follows both from the general requirements for nutrient media in microbiology and from the needs of specific types of bacteria in vital substances and the physical conditions of their existence.

General requirements for nutrient media

Nutrient media must meet certain standards, creating optimal conditions for the growth, reproduction and vital activity of microorganisms: easy to digest with a certain composition of nitrogenous substances, carbohydrates, vitamins and an appropriate salt concentration, be isotonic, sterile, have buffer properties (allowing you to maintain optimal), have optimal viscosity and a certain redox potential.

First of all, bacteria need nitrogen, carbon (whey lactose serves for this) and hydrogen to build their own proteins. Hydrogen for cells is supplied by water. As a rule, numerous substances, mainly of animal origin, as well as protein hydrolysates, peptides, and peptones act as a source of nitrogen. The media must be balanced in terms of microelement (!) composition and contain ions of iron, copper, manganese, zinc, calcium, sodium, potassium, and include inorganic phosphates.

On a note

Selection of a nutrient medium for the cultivation of propionic acid bacteria

The vital activity of microorganisms is inextricably linked with environmental conditions. The influence of external factors on the development of microorganisms depends on their biological characteristics and on the characteristics of the influencing factor, which can have both beneficial and detrimental effects. An important role is played by the composition of the nutrient medium.

Nutrient media according to their purpose are divided into diagnostic and production. The first are intended mainly for the detection, isolation and identification of microorganisms. According to their composition, industrial nutrient media are divided into sowing and basic fermentation, prepared in most cases on semi-products and waste from agricultural and food production with the addition of mineral salts. The chemical composition of these media is not always exactly known, but it must contain all the substances necessary for the growth and development of microbes: nitrogen, carbon, inorganic compounds in the form of salts, vitamins, trace elements and other components. The environment is considered optimal if it has certain indicators of pH, redox potential, osmotic pressure, etc.

It is known from literary sources that propionic acid bacteria, as well as bifidobacteria, belong to the actinomycete group of microorganisms.

propionic acid bacteria have a pronounced tendency to form thickenings and branches at the ends of the cells, like bifidobacteria, in which the ability to bifurcate is pronounced. Also, for the quantitative accounting of bacteria, identical media are used, as a result of which, for the accumulation of the biomass of propionic acid bacteria, a medium based on whey was taken for the cultivation of bifidobacteria with subsequent optimization.

The composition of the nutrient medium is presented in table. 1. Table data. 1 indicate that the nutrient medium for the cultivation of propionic acid bacteria belongs to natural media, since it is based on curd whey. It also contains additional substances necessary for the normal growth of bacteria. To stabilize the action of enzymes, magnesium chloride is added, ascorbic acid is used as a reducing substance, agar is used to create conditions close to anaerobic. To maintain the optimal buffer capacity of the medium, sodium and potassium salts of citric and acetic acids were used. The pH of the environment affects the ionic state, and therefore, the availability of many metabolites and inorganic ions for the body.

Table 1. - The composition of the nutrient medium for increasing the biomass of propionic acid bacteria.


Quantity, g

Curd whey


Magnesium chloride

Tri-substituted sodium citrate

Potassium phosphate one-substituted

Ascorbic acid

Agar microbiologically

To create aseptic conditions for the development of microorganisms, the nutrient medium was subjected to sterilization at a temperature of (121±1) 0 С for 30 min. This is necessary to obtain pure cultures of microorganisms, since foreign microflora can affect the growth of bacteria, change the properties of the medium, etc. Thus, the nutrient medium for the cultivation of propionic acid bacteria contains all the necessary sources of nutrition and has optimal physical and chemical parameters.

Additional components of the nutrient medium:

As already noted, the nutrient medium is always prepared, i.e. add additional components to provide the necessary conditions for the life of microorganisms. For example, to maintain the pH within the specified limits, chlorides can be added to the serum (for example magnesium chloride MgCl 2) and various buffer salts. Also, the composition of bacterial concentrates includes Agar, which, in particular, is used to create conditions in the environment close to anaerobic (because bifidobacteria And propionic acid bacteria are anaerobes that do not require molecular oxygen), as well as to provide flexible adaptation and protection of bacteria from adverse environmental factors (temperature changes, low pH values, freezing and dehydration) due to the presence polysaccharides, which serve as a barrier between cells and the environment, performing a protective role (see also exopolysaccharides).

agar(Malay. agar-agar) is a classic representative of the class of thickeners, stabilizers and gelling agents (used as a media seal in the microbiological and food industries). agar agar- hard fibrous material,obtained from red and brown algae (Gracilaria, Gelidium, Ceramium, etc.) growing in the White Sea and the Pacific Ocean. It is a convenient and necessary component of the media, since it is not consumed by bacteria as a growth substrate and provides the necessary density of the medium; in aqueous solutions, it forms a thick gel (dense jelly). agar consists of from 70-75% polysaccharides, 2-3% proteins and other nitrogen-containing substances, 2-4% ash. Agar is based on a disaccharide agarose, the molecule of which is built from D-galactose and 3,6-anhydrido-L-galactose.From a hygienic point of view, agar is harmless and its use for food purposes is allowed in all countries. Its concentration is not limited and is determined by recipes with food standards -The FAO/WHO Joint Committee of Experts on Food Additives considers the acceptable daily human dose of agar to be 0…. 50 mg/kg of body weight, which is much higher than the dose that can enter the body with food and dietary supplements.

In the classifier of food additives, agar has the number E 406. According to the quality, agar-agar is divided into two grades - the highest and the first. Color for Extra Class: white or light yellow, a slightly grayish tint is allowed. Color for the first grade: from yellow to dark yellow. The brand of agar (700, 800, 900, 1000) determines the strength of the gel. Agar-agar is sold in the form of thick plates, thin strips or powder. Agar-agar is devoid of taste and smell, but absorbs the aroma of any seasonings with which it is served.

It should be noted that there are many varieties of nutrient media, the use of which depends on the specific type of microorganisms (their needs) and the purpose of their practical use. There are natural and artificial environments, protein and protein-free, etc.

In our case, curd whey, due to its composition ( which will be discussed below), is optimally suited as the basis of a nutrient (preserving) medium for bacteria in the production of bacterial concentrates. As a result, starters and dietary supplements with a high number of viable cells of probiotic microorganisms were obtained, and favorable conditions were created for the further development of bifido- and propionic acid bacteria in the gastrointestinal tract with their direct use, incl. significantly reduced the time of biomass growth during fermentation (fermentation) of milk.

An example of the use (preparation) of curd whey as the basis of a nutrient medium can be viewed here: Development of a bifidus-containing dietary supplement synbiotic


Nutritional (energy) value of curd whey.

In its appearance, curd whey is not a particularly personable sight, a pale yellow and even greenish liquid does not cause appetite ...

curd whey- is nothing but type of whey. In the dairy industry, several types of whey are formed: curd, cheese and casein.

Energy value of the product: 18.1 kcal Energy ratio PROTEINS - FATS - CARBOHYDRATES: 18% (~3 kcal) - 10% (~2 kcal) - 77% (~14 kcal)

Mass (average) ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates:
Proteins: 0.8 g
Fats: 0.2 g
Carbohydrates: 3.5 g

Table 2. X chemical composition and properties of curd whey
Dry matter, in % 4,2-7,4
lactose (carbs) 3,5
protein 0,8-1,0
milk fat 0,05-0,4
minerals 0,5-0,8
Acidity, ° T 50-85
Density, kg / m 3 1019-1026

*The data given are average values ​​for the nutritional value of curd whey, depending on the origin of the product, the figures may differ from the actual ones.

Whey is a secondary raw material of milk processing, the composition of which is mainly represented by milk sugar (lactose), whey proteins, residual fat and salts. The main ingredient in whey is lactose.

By fermenting lactose into lactic acid there is less lactose in curd whey than in cheese whey, which is reflected in whey acidity - curd whey called sour for distinctive taste and consumer parameters.

Curd whey is formed as a result of the production of cheeses or cottage cheese. As a rule, curd whey is formed during the production of hard cheeses (Swiss cheeses or cheddar). In addition, curd (or sour) whey is obtained in the process of making pressed cottage cheese or sour cheeses.

By subjecting the whey to microfiltration (retaining the smallest particles of casein dust, fat, bacteria and spores), we obtain clarified curd whey.

About the acidity of curd whey

As already noted, curd (milk) whey is a by-product in the production of cheese, cottage cheese, food and technical casein. Whey is separated after the coagulation of milk protein - casein as a result of lowering the pH to 4.6 units. under the influence of lactic acid, formed by microorganisms during the fermentation of lactose, or artificially introduced by any acid, or as a result of exposure to proteolytic enzymes (rennet).

As stated above (in table 2), titratable acidity (or total acidity) of curd whey is in the range from 50 to 85 ° T ( Turner degrees). Under the total acidity is meant the content in the product of all acids and their acid salts, reacting with alkali during titration. The method for determining titratable acidity is based on the neutralization of the acids contained in the product with a solution of sodium hydroxide in the presence of the phenolphthalein indicator.

Often, many people wonder about the ratio of titratable acidity (acidity in Turner degrees) and active acidity (or true acidity), which is characterized by the value pH pH(concentration of hydrogen ions in the medium). For example, there are so-called. atthe average ratio between the pH value and the titable acidity of fermented milk drinks, from which it follows that for curd whey the average active acidity pH is in the range from 4.0 to 5.0 units. However, acidity depends on many factors: the characteristics of the original milk raw materials, temperature, storage time (pH decreases). Moreover, for the preparation of nutritionalenvironments (in the production of bacterial starter cultures), curd whey is clarified and brought to a certain acidity index, for example, deacidified (up to pH 6.0-6.5 and higher). Thus, the pH of native curd whey and processed whey differ significantly.

Vitamin and mineral composition of milk (curd) whey.

The composition of milk whey is rich in vitamins: E, C, B vitamins, and the liquid contains quite rare of them. forms: biotin (vitamin B7 , vitamin H, coenzyme R) and choline (vitamin B4 ). The benefits of choline for the body are manifested in improving brain function, enhancing memory. Serum is rich in calcium, 1 liter of the drink contains the daily dose of calcium for an adult and 40% of the potassium norm. Also whey of milk contains valuable mineral salts of phosphorus, magnesium. This liquid contains up to 200 types of biologically active substances, which most favorably affect the activity of all systems and organs in the human body.

Table 3 Vitamin and mineral composition of curd whey
Vitamins and vitamin-like substances mineral substances
Choline 14 mg Cobalt (Co) 0.1 µg
Vitamin PP 0.2 mg Molybdenum (Mo) 12 mcg
Biotin (Vitamin H) 2 mcg Copper (Cu) 4 mcg
Vitamin E 0.03 mg Iodine (I) 8 mcg
Vitamin C 0.5 mg Zinc (Zn) 0.5 mg
Vitamin B12 (cobalamins) 0.3 µg Iron (Fe) 0.06 mg
Vitamin B9 (folic acid) 1 mcg Chlorine (Cl) 67 mg
Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) 0.1 mg Phosphorus (P) 78 mg
Vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid) 0.3 mg Potassium (K) 130 mg
Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) 0.1 mg Sodium (Na) 42 mg
Vitamin B1 (thiamine) 0.03 mg Magnesium (Mg) 8 mg
Calcium (Ca) 60 mg

Therapeutic and prophylactic properties of curd whey.

The use of whey has a beneficial effect on the digestive tract, cleanses the intestines, normalizes the flora, removes toxins, toxins, stimulates the liver and kidneys.Serum is especially useful for people suffering from diseases of the digestive tract: gastritis, colitis, pancreatitis, enterocolitis, dysbacteriosis, constipation.

The benefits of whey for the circulatory system are also great, it helps prevent atherosclerosis, is indicated for hypertension, coronary heart disease, and circulatory disorders in the brain.

Whey also affects the adrenal glands, which produce stress hormones, when whey is used, work improves, and the production of stress hormones stops for no reason.

Thus, curd whey belongs to health and sports foods, and due to its vitamin and mineral composition, can be a great and healthier alternative to kefir.

Dietary properties of curd whey.

The benefits of whey and its ability to reduce appetite, many diets are based on the use of whey and allow you to reduce weight easily and safely for the body. From carbohydrates, whey contains easily digestible lactose, which does not cause the formation of fats, and the valuable amino acids that make up this liquid are vital for the body and are involved in protein metabolism and blood formation.

Whey is made from sour milk. It is used in dietary nutrition due to the low content of fats in its composition. Do not rush to pour spoiled milk if you are on a diet. And with the fact whether whey is good for health, we suggest you figure it out.


The beneficial properties of whey are multifaceted and have been known since ancient times. It is used mainly in cosmetology, but it is also added to the diet. Especially when the goal of forming the menu is prompt and safe weight loss.

Benefits of whey:

  • Improving the condition of the skin.
  • Cleansing the stomach and intestines, getting rid of toxins and harmful substances.
  • Helps build muscle tissue, which is important for those involved in sports.
  • Helps the body burn fat without extreme impact.
  • Fills with useful lactobacilli, which facilitate the effect of antibiotics and restore the body.
  • It has a general strengthening effect.
  • Normalizes natural material exchange.
  • Washes the kidneys.
  • Reduces appetite.
  • Restores salt balance.
  • Cleans blood vessels from bad cholesterol.
  • It has a mild sedative effect.
  • Stimulates the production of insulin, lowers blood sugar levels.
  • It has a laxative effect, which is useful for constipation.
  • Promotes the production of serotonin and helps in the fight against depressive episodes.

By using whey correctly, it will be possible to strengthen the immune system and forget about colds and infectious diseases for a long time. At the same time, the work of the entire gastrointestinal system improves, and material metabolism is restored. If you did not lead the most healthy lifestyle, abusing junk food, it is with whey that you can begin the process of cleansing, removing toxins and restoring normal metabolism.

The properties of whey for women are remarkable not only for burning fat, speeding up metabolism and reducing appetite. Thanks to the cleansing of the kidneys, the work of the urinary-genital system is restored. For men, this is also important, but it is the female body that is most susceptible to diseases of this system. With regular use of a whey product, the likelihood of getting cystitis (especially after sexual contact) is significantly reduced. And with the development of thrush, it helps to suppress the development of the fungus and speeds up recovery.

Serum intake is also recommended during pregnancy. Due to the absence of fats and the presence of essential trace elements, a woman does not gain excess weight. The body receives less stress, which is important for both the mother and the development of the embryo.


It is necessary to take into account the potential negative impact of whey on the body. It is possible only in two cases: with individual lactose intolerance and with abuse. Drinking too much whey can cause indigestion. Such an "overdose" will cause you diarrhea and nausea.

It is recommended to limit yourself to a maximum of two glasses of drink per day. Does it make you feel nauseous while using it? Do not drink further, do not take food for several hours in a row, so as not to irritate the stomach once again. If the stomach boils and diarrhea occurs, take enterosorbents.

Dietary Properties

Due to its health benefits and low fat content, whey is often used in dietary nutrition. It stimulates the normalization of metabolism, allows you to get saturated faster. Appetite decreases, fats are burned, proteins are better absorbed. The process of losing weight with this product is safe: the body receives the microelements and vitamins necessary for optimal functioning.

When used, blood sugar levels are reduced and insulin production is stimulated. Due to this effect, craving for sweets is reduced, which becomes a stumbling block for many losing weight. Reduced sugar cravings and insulin production make whey a suitable product for diabetic patients. For patients with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, it is also prescribed to the prescribed table for easy cleansing, removal of toxins and improving the absorption of the necessary elements.


The calorie content of whey is low - only 27 kcal per 100 grams. In the process of milk oxidation, fats are broken down. The product becomes low-calorie and dietary, which makes it suitable for those who watch their weight.


Lactose intolerance is the only contraindication for the inclusion of whey in the diet. Positive effects can not be achieved, on the contrary - only allergic reactions. If you know that you cannot tolerate milk, then you should not drink whey from it. But you can use it for external use.

Is it possible for pregnant and lactating

Pregnant and lactating women will benefit from the use of whey and drinks based on it. If there are no individual contraindications, you can safely take it. The load on the body will decrease, excess weight will not be gained. The product does not have any negative effect on the fetus and newborn. Nutritionists recommend taking, but with prior consultation.

The nutritional value

There are almost no fats in the composition of whey, there is also little protein. The drink is notable for its chemical composition and low calorie content, which makes it ideal for losing weight.

The vitamins that make up whey are mainly represented by group B. They help strengthen the body's immune system, protect against infectious and inflammatory diseases. The chemical elements of the composition help to improve the functioning of the internal systems of the body, prevent pathological disorders in their work. Regular consumption of whey will improve health and prolong youth.

How to use

Most often, whey is included in the diet as drinks. You can make whey smoothies with a variety of ingredients, from berries from your garden to honey, lemon juice, and cinnamon. All you need is whey, additional ingredients and a blender. If there is no separate gadget for mixing, no problem - grind the berries and stir with a spoon.

Whey-based yeast dough is also prepared for baking. The taste of cookies or buns from it is tender, the dough rises well in the process. For those who do not organize dietary meals, but simply do not want to pour out sour milk, this option becomes the most acceptable. And the product will not be lost, and you will please the family with fresh pastries.

Application in cosmetology

The healing properties of sour milk serum are used in home cosmetology: to restore and improve the skin and hair condition.

If you mix the serum with burdock decoction and wash your hair with this composition, they will begin to grow better, restore their natural shine. And if you mix it with a few drops of lemon juice and wipe your face with the mixture, you will get a whitening effect on the skin, you can remove age spots.


Whey storage rules:

  • Keep exclusively in glass containers for long-term preservation of useful properties.
  • The glass container must be tightly closed, protected from air ingress.
  • Keep refrigerated.
  • Shelf life is only two days.

It is impossible to freeze the product of milk oxidation. It must be used promptly before it becomes harmful to the human body. Use after the expiration date will lead to indigestion, because pathogenic bacteria begin to develop. The use does not threaten any pathologies, but there is nothing pleasant in food poisoning.

How to choose

Whey can either be obtained independently from sour milk, or bought separately in the store. But due to the fact that it has a very short shelf life, the choice of a purchased product should be approached as carefully as possible. Be sure to look at the date of manufacture. Shelf life is only two days.

Serum should not contain any additional chemical impurities. If you see that the composition includes any additives, refuse to buy. It is necessary to choose only a natural product. If this is not available in stores, it is better to try making your own whey.

It's hard to find it in a regular grocery store. And if there is, then with a large number of preservatives that extend the shelf life. Therefore, you need to go for purchased serum in specialized stores. The seller should be asked for certification confirming the distribution of quality dairy products. And on the packaging of the serum - the place of production and the manufacturer's contacts.

What is combined with

The taste of whey is not the most pleasant, even if you like fermented milk products in their pure form, without additives. Therefore, it is often mixed with fruits and berries: fresh or frozen. It turns out a kind of whey drink that is pleasant to drink. It is enough to mix the components in a blender, long preparation is not required. It becomes a successful analogue of purchased drinks: completely natural and cheaper.

You can add honey, lemon juice, muesli, cinnamon and even nuts to the whey. The product allows you to experiment and come up with the most interesting recipes for yourself. If it is not used in diet food, then even chocolate or cocoa can be diluted in it. From whey it will be possible to prepare dessert drinks for everyday use, as well as for festive celebrations and cozy gatherings with friends.


Whey is a dietary and healthy product that can be prepared from sour milk left in the refrigerator. She has a short shelf life, but a lot of advantages due to the chemical composition. It has practically no contraindications for use, with the exception of lactose intolerance. Even pregnant and lactating women can drink whey drinks.
