Full-length mirror in the hallway and just large reflective planes. Mirror in the hallway according to Feng Shui: the choice of form and placement rules The original oval mirror in the interior of the hallway

Unfortunately, modern apartments do not have spacious, large hallways. As a rule, this is a small narrow space in which there is only enough space for a lone hanger and a shoe rack.

Using mirrors in the interior of the hallways, you can visually change the geometry of the room, make it more spacious and bright. Mirrored canvases are a great way to increase the functionality of the space, make it more comfortable and cozy.

In order for the design of the hallway to be in harmony with the living rooms, and also not to create an oppressive impression with dark surfaces, it is worthwhile to competently and responsibly approach the use of mirrors in the design of the walls.

The main types of mirrors

The right shape and size of the mirror in the hallway, as well as its proper location, allows you to work real miracles in the art of creating an interior. In order to visually break the existing geometry, increase the area and illumination in the interior of the hallway, and create an overall favorable impression, the following types of mirrors are used.

vertical mirror

This is the most commonly used model, which allows you to visually increase the height of the ceilings. As a rule, vertical models have the shape of a trapezoid, oval or rectangle. It is very convenient to see yourself in them before going outside, as the image in it will be in full growth. There are several ways to mount vertical mirrors on the wall in the corridor. A canvas of simple geometric shapes framed in a frame is traditionally attached to the wall. Sometimes they are attached with some slope. The display in them is somewhat smaller than in reality.

Attention ! If there is a need to evaluate your appearance in full growth, you can not do without a large, vertical model that is mounted on a wall or installed on a floor stand.

Mirror horizontal

This model is ideal for very small hallways. This view helps to visually expand the space. Horizontal mirror canvases are placed in various niches, above furniture consoles or shoe shelves.

As a rule, models of this type have the shape of an elongated oval or rectangle. The only limitation that exists when using a horizontal mirror is very low ceilings.

floor mirror

A very worthy version of the mirror for the design of the hallway. They are easy to use and easy to move from place to place. As a rule, floor models are actively used for interior design of hallways in country houses, studio apartments.

Attention ! For safety reasons, it is undesirable to use floor models in the interior of a house where small children and animals live.

There are several types of floor mirror paintings that designers actively use in their projects:

  • psyche. A feature of this model is the ability of the mirror canvas to change the angle of inclination;
  • attached mirror. As a rule, it is framed in a beautiful frame and leans against the wall;
  • mirror on stand. The canvas is installed on a stationary stand, as a result of which it becomes safer to use;
  • mirror screen. Not a very good option for the interior of the hallway. Mirror screens look more harmonious in bedrooms or dressing rooms.

round mirror

It would seem a simple form, but it is she who has a certain magic that catches the eye. Several round models mounted on one surface look especially elegant in the interior. Together with the feeling of spaciousness and air, a visual effect is created that windows have appeared in the closed room. Some stylists use round mirror canvases as a kind of symbol of the sun, framing them in a golden frame with rays. Such a symbol, according to the ancient teachings of Feng Shui, helps to harmonize the energy of our home.

The combination of mirror and furniture

A very correct, competent solution that helps to solve the problem of a small space in the interior of the hallway is the use of furniture along with mirrors. Traditionally, this is manifested in voluminous, spacious wardrobes with mirrored doors. It is worth noting that mirrored doors allow you to fully appreciate your appearance when leaving the house.

A good set can be a shoe rack combined with a mirrored canvas. It fits perfectly into the interior of the hallway of any size. In addition to an attractive design, such an element has great practical significance. It is very convenient to change shoes on a soft seat, it is nice to evaluate your appearance in the mirror, and numerous drawers will hide seasonal shoes from prying eyes.

Mirror surfaces in the interior

Decorating the walls, the ceiling and sometimes the floor with mirrored canvases is a rather bold decision, but it is it that allows you to solve all the inconveniences associated with the small space of the hallway in an instant. If at the same time you correctly mount the backlight, then the design of the room can become surprisingly beautiful, stylish and unusual.

It is better to place mirror paintings on the ceiling in fairly spacious hallways, and walls decorated with mirror panels will help make a narrow, elongated room more spacious and bright. No need to go to extremes and cover all surfaces with mirrors. This approach can give a completely opposite effect, and it will simply be impossible to be in the room. It is enough to finish only one of the walls, which will reflect the decor of the entire hallway.

Mirror lighting

It is very important that the mirror surface is properly lit. In this case, it is not enough to use general overhead lighting. The most acceptable option would be local light, which can be used as: wall sconces, floor lamps, spotlights, spotlights.

Recently, LED lighting has gained particular relevance. It is placed at the ends of mirror paintings, and thus creates an amazing effect of lightness of construction, floating in the air, and extraordinary beauty.

Modern LED backlights are very easy to install. They have a special adhesive tape, with which the backlight is attached to the desired surface. LED strips consume a minimum of electricity, and have a very long service life. Thanks to these advantages, LED lighting is actively used by designers in their projects.

The role of the mirror in interior design

The configuration, size, presence of decorative elements - all this affects the choice of a mirror. The modern market is filled with a wide variety of models, so everyone can choose the most suitable option for themselves.

When buying a mirror in the corridor, you should focus on the overall design of the apartment or house.

The variety of forms of mirror surfaces quite often leads to confusion, but when choosing such an element in the interior of the hallway, be guided by the shapes of the pieces of furniture already in it. Everything should be in harmony with each other.

The walls of the hall can be an excellent surface on which you can place mirror paintings in beautiful frames.

Advice ! Using several types of mirrors in a single room, decorate them in the same style.

Choosing a mirror and its mounting location

Before making a purchase, you need to carefully measure the hallway, and correlate the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room with the size of the mirror sheet. So for small spaces, the choice of a large bulky floor mirror will be inappropriate and not familiar. In this case, small models are more suitable, in combination with mirror inserts on furniture.

You also always need to think carefully about the design of the future hallway and the number of mirrors that you want to place in it. Remember, too many mirror surfaces create the visual effect of a mirror maze, which is uncomfortable to be in for a long time.

Attention ! Try not to get direct sunlight on the mirror surface, so the mirror will last you much longer.


The mirror is a unique piece of furniture. Its use allows you to bring style, chic and some mannerism into the interior. Experiment with the shapes and sizes of mirrors, choose different frames for them, and your interior will become individual and unique.

After the mirror is selected, you can proceed to install it. How to quickly and effortlessly install a mirror, we will find out in the next video

Like most other furnishings, it has several tasks. Firstly, before leaving the house, it is advisable to evaluate not only the contents of the handbag, but also your own appearance: what if something was forgotten? Secondly, a mirror is the easiest way to increase the illumination of a small and often closed room without spending a single extra kilowatt. Thirdly, do not discount the ability of the mirror surface to visually expand the room.

Even a cursory look at fashionable interiors gives a clear understanding: large mirrors are in fashion. A rectangular socket, in which the reflection of a face and a tie is hardly placed, suits few people. The mirror should be as large as possible.

  • Floor side mirror - this option came from where everything that should be fixed to the wall - paintings, photos, and even shelves in some cases, is installed on the floor and leans against the wall. Now this technique is popular in all styles: especially in its modern processing, modern, minimalism, Scandinavian and more.

The height of the mirror should be sufficient to reflect the person. At the same time, a model with a large width still retains the shape of a rectangle stretched upwards. The frame design defines the style. So, for the loft and classics, this is a strict wooden frame without any decorations, for modern - patterned, for neo-baroque - a border with a pair of "carved" rosettes, covered with silver paint.

  • Outdoor mobile - a mirror in a frame, but mounted on its own frame support. The larger such a mirror, the better, but for large sizes it is desirable to abandon the peculiarity of this solution: the traditional design assumes that the mirror can rotate. This option comes from rustic styles and looks most harmoniously in interiors, or ethno. The shape of the mirror is rectangular or oval. With this magnitude, a complex configuration is best avoided.
  • Mirror wall - if the hallway is small, and it is not possible to place a floor model, then the entire wall can serve as a mirror. The solution is also popular in large halls, but in small ones it also effectively solves the third function - it visually expands the space. In this case, the sash of the closet, and the swing door, and the wall itself can act as a wall in this case. Mirrors of this size are most often decorated, while trying to ensure that the decor elements divide the surface into vertical elements.
  • Another way is to divide into rhombuses, as if the mirror were made up of several fragments. The value is selected based on the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe hallway: the smaller it is, the larger the area should be rhombic figures. Borders can be drawn in an elementary way or highlighted pasted.
  • Minimalist styles are characterized by another trend - horizontal mirrors. Represent a rather narrow horizontally. Frames are strict or absent. The need to see the reflection at least half is solved in a peculiar way: 2-3 narrow mirrors are placed on the wall one above the other.

The most promising options for manual decoration are mirrored walls and sashes. Outdoor mobiles are rarely decorated.

This video contains photos with all sorts of techniques for decorating and designing mirrors for the hallway with your own hands:

Hallway mirror design and many photos

The easiest way to change the design is to design the frame. Moreover, the matter is not limited to changing the color: you can give it a different shape, you can change the texture, you can paste over it with a variety of objects - from buttons and rhinestones to fur pompoms and tree branches.

It is somewhat more difficult, but also much more interesting, to decorate the mirror surface itself. There are also an unimaginable number of ways.

The following video will tell you how to make an unusual mirror for the corridor from ... buckwheat and keys:


For painting on a mirror surface, stained glass and acrylic paints are used. Both types are well kept on the glass surface, do not spread and retain color brightness for a long time. The first option is more often used to create stained-glass windows, but the second one is painted on the surface. Flowers, butterflies, human images, vegetal or abstract ornaments - anything.

Of course, if you have artistic talent and the ability to handle a brush, decorating turns into a pleasant pastime. But if the watercolor brush was last used in fifth grade art class, you should use a stencil.

In fact, this is a pattern that is cut out of paper. Then the pattern is laid on a mirror surface and the slots are filled with paint. The resulting image can be either single or multi-color.

More experienced craftswomen can use more complicated techniques, for example, dot painting.

  1. For this edge - a frame or section, painted with dark acrylic paint. The layer should be thick, so that the staining is repeated 5-6 times.
  2. Light paint is not used, as it does not create a contrast with the mirror surface, and the pattern will partially merge.
  3. The paint layer is opened twice with varnish.
  4. Then the paint is cut with a scalpel, forming an ornament. You can make a stencil with a floral pattern and cut it with it - along the contour of each hole. Strips of coating do not always come off easily, so you need to cut carefully. The edges are trimmed with a scalpel.
  5. Then, dots are applied to the edge of the ornament, the contour and the layer of paint - droplets of a silver and mother-of-pearl stained glass contour, for example. Large and small dots draw the middle of the color, the outlines of the petals, dew on the leaves, and so on - it all depends on your own imagination.

The base layer may not be one-color, but include several shades. Then the painting will be brighter and more colorful.

Photo patterns on the mirrors in the hallway

stained glass

Stained-glass windows are somewhat different from ordinary painting: each element of the picture is outlined here. The latter imitates a metal contour, which, in real stained-glass windows, holds together elements of colored glass. When painting, a special paint is used for this - a contour. Its color imitates metal - black, gold, silver.

  1. The first step is to create a drawing. On a thin sheet of paper or even old paper wallpaper of the appropriate size, an ornament or image is drawn. The drawing must be in real scale.
  2. Then, copy paper is placed on the surface of the mirror - all or a section, and a sheet with an image is fixed on top. The drawing is pressed through. An imprint of the ornament is obtained on the mirror surface.
  3. The outlines are outlined with the selected contour and left to dry - for a day or at night.
  4. Each element is filled with paint of the selected color.

Paints can be mixed and thinned to achieve the desired shade. You can emphasize individual contours using the dot technique.

Photo of stained glass windows and drawings on the mirrors in the hallway

Stained glass on gold

palm trees

matte pattern

Matting is one of the most popular methods for decorating mirror doors or large mirrors. But if in production they use processing with abrasive particles and is quite complicated, then at home they use a special abrasive paste. It acts a little differently, in fact, it is the etching of a mirror, but it is possible to create a matte surface.

  1. First, a sketch is created: an image is drawn or the finished image is transferred to a sheet of self-adhesive paper.
  2. Then the stencil is glued to the mirror. To do this, the sketch is fixed on one side with adhesive tape, and on the other, part of the substrate is carefully cut. The sticky end of the paper is fixed on the edge of the mirror and the substrate is carefully removed as it is removed, pressing the paper to the surface.
  3. The glued pattern is pressed several times with a roller so that the paper lies tightly, without bubbles and wrinkles. Then remove the mounting film from the stencil.
  4. All open areas that should remain shiny are covered with waterproof paper, plastic wrap or something similar.
  5. Matting paste is first applied in fragments on paper, next to the slots in the stencil, and then quickly spread with a spatula over the pattern.
  6. After 15 minutes, the dried paste is removed and collected in a container - it is used more than once. The mirror is washed with water and the stencil is removed.

The video below will tell you how to arrange a mirror in the hallway with your own hands using matting and stencils:


From drywall, you can almost alone create an interior partition, and an arch, and a multi-level ceiling. One of the options for its use is plasterboard niches with mirrors.

In the hallway, they are formed in different ways: the reason, of course, is in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthis room.

  • A niche in the partition - appears when one of the interior walls is replaced with a much lighter and thinner partition. To make the structure even more airy, niches are formed in it. Traditionally, the latter are used for shelves or lamps. However, with no less success, a mirror can be placed in a niche.

If the mirror is the only one, its size should be impressive, but at the same time not reach the floor or ceiling - there should be a feeling of a three-dimensional frame. You can do otherwise: fill several niches with mirrors, alternating them with through niches in a certain order. The effect can be emphasized by setting the backlight in the niches.

  • With a small area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe hallway, a paradoxical option is implemented: a three-dimensional plasterboard structure is made in the form of an irregular geometric figure, but always elongated in height. Mirror - long and rather narrow, fixed on the box. Such an element visually removes the remaining, most of the wall, making the hall more voluminous than it actually is.
  • A drywall box around a mirror is popular in minimalist styles. They mount it in the usual way - they make a frame from a metal profile and sheathe it with sheets, and a mirror is fixed inside the resulting niche. Backlighting is required, even if the depth of the niche is small.

In all cases, the plasterboard construction acts as an architectural element and is not additionally decorated. If desired, you can decorate the mirror surface with a painting.

Mirror in a drywall niche

Decorating a mirror so that it becomes a real decoration of the hallway is not only a feasible task, but also a very pleasant one. With the help of paints, paste, pieces of colored glass and beads, you can turn a mirror surface into a real little miracle, a fairy tale from childhood. And it's easy to do.

If you want to create an original look for your home and impress your guests, a large one will be an original solution. Usually, this type of reflective surface serves only as a decoration, but this does not mean that there is no practical value. It is customary to decorate modern interiors with large mirrors, which allow you to visually expand the space and fully consider your own appearance. At mirror interior design there are subtleties - good and bad, so it is worth determining how expedient it is to ensure the placement of growth products in the hallway. It is also worth understanding how these compositions are unique to .

Is this solution suitable for a corridor

When embedding a large mirror plane in the corridor, it is worth remembering to create an accent. Such a mirror has a number of advantages:

  • the possibility of spatial expansion in visual terms;
  • implementation of a full-fledged reflection of the human body;
  • the ability to form a bright pleasant atmosphere;
  • covering surface defects (if any) on the walls;
  • the likelihood of emphasizing the overall design intent.

A mirror surface of one type or another is chosen within a certain style direction, so not only the surface itself, but also the frame in which it is enclosed, plays a decisive role.

  • AT classical style it is assumed that there are strict restrictions, so you can make notes of the floor or wall version of the mirror surface.
  • If this is, then use is unacceptable: on the contrary, a mirror wall in the spirit will become a bold and competent decision.

Considering the disadvantages of large dimensional indicators of mirrors, several main areas can be distinguished:

  • impossibility of integration into any types of interior solutions;
  • complexity of operation and maintenance of products;
  • great accessibility for small children.

If you decide to buy a large mirror in the hallway, first determine the pros and cons of such a solution.

Full wall mirror

Another name for such a design is a mirror-canvas. The main feature is the ability to reshape the geometry of the hallways. If there is a significant “separation” from other furniture elements, then the canvases can close niche with shelves and chests of drawers, and also act as a cover for the traditional.

The relevance of such canvases grows in a narrow corridor, since it is possible to expand the space by almost half. You can mount canvases using several methods:

  • traditional wall mount;
  • embedding in general type furniture;
  • fastening to the door.

Large mirrors in the hallway on the wall, designed in this way, allow the owners to carry out countless experiments not only with wall elements, but also with ceiling structures. To make the effect more vivid, the plane should be open and not forced.

The main advantages of mirror panels

  • Possibility of large-scale expansion of the corridor.
  • Providing a perfect overview.
  • Providing hidden sections.
  • Increased functionality.

Other types of products for the hallway

Large mirrors have significant differences in terms of size, shape and general purpose. Vertical solutions and wall-to-wall panels are just the tip of the iceberg, but in fact there are many types of other mirror designs.

  • Horizontal solutions have a large size, but are not related to growth structures. Such models differ in that they stretch along the wall and stretch the corridor, slightly “lowering” the ceiling structures. Possessing the properties of versatility, such products can easily fit into any interior solutions.
  • Wall products are attached directly to the wall and can be, but there are options for minimalism. Such structures can be attached shelves or drawings of various kinds.
  • Floor mirror elements in a wide frame suggest a stand that provides the ability to change the inclination of the angle. These products are only suitable for hallways large size, because they take up a lot of space and are practically not functional.

It is difficult to imagine a hallway without a mirror. This is an important element of the interior, which performs several functions. The mirror decorates the room and enlarges the space. In addition, it allows owners to control their appearance before leaving the house. This element of decor makes the hallway cozy and comfortable. Proper use of it will give the room a stylish and modern look.

A mirror in the hallway is a must

The mirror in the hallway performs several functions.

This element of decor makes the hallway cozy and comfortable.

The entrance hall is the first room that meets everyone who enters the house or apartment. She is the face of the home and forms the main impression of the owners. Therefore, it should have an attractive interior, be comfortable.

The design of the corridor largely depends on its area. If it allows, then you can install a headset, shoe rack, pouffe and other furniture. In small rooms, it is worth limiting yourself to a hanger for outerwear and a shelf for shoes and slippers. But there is one element of decor that is present in any corridor - a mirror. It has a special role, it carries several functional loads.

The entrance hall should have an attractive interior and be comfortable.

The design of the hallway depends on its size.


Responsible for the appearance of the owners

Before leaving the apartment, you can look into it and put yourself in order, notice the shortcomings of the outfit. Especially if the mirror is large and allows you to examine the entire growth.

Stylish decor item

Today, the choice of mirrors is limitless. They differ in size, quality and other characteristics. Of particular note is the design. An elegant frame is installed around the mirror, which is made from various materials. It is appropriate to use wenge, baguette. They emphasize the elegance and nobility of the main subject.

Visually expands the space

As a rule, the dimensions of the hallway are quite modest, the shape is not very convenient. A mirror will help to hide such flaws. It will visually enlarge the room several times.

fills with light

If we are talking about the hallway in the apartment, then there is no window in it. Therefore, the issue of lighting is acute. You have to install several devices. The mirror will be a great help in this matter. Thanks to this reflection effect, the decor object will scatter light throughout the room. It will be light, airy and spacious.

The mirror in the interior of the hallway is one of the main attributes. It occupies a minimum of space and is located on the wall, so it can fit even on the smallest square meters. The functional load on the object is great, it is difficult to do without it in the hallway. It should be in the first room of the apartment.

The mirror can fit even in the smallest hallway

It is difficult to do without a mirror in the hallway

Mirror, the main attribute of the hallway

What types are there?

A mirror without a frame is rarely used in the interior. The frame gives it a stylish and finished look. It allows you to change its design, make it an original and interesting piece of decor. This changes not only the color of the frame, but also the shape and texture. Additionally, the object is pasted over with buttons, stones, rhinestones, fur, wood and other materials.

Working with a mirror surface is more difficult, but possible. There are various ways to help with this process. As a result, mirrors differ in their appearance. The most common options include the following.

  • patterns. The surface is painted with paints. Acrylic and stained glass are well suited for these purposes. They are designed to be used on a glass surface. They are firmly fixed on it, do not spread and do not fade over time, the painting remains bright and saturated for a long time. Mostly they paint with acrylics, and stained-glass windows are created with the second paints.
  • Stained glass. Such a painting has characteristic features that distinguish it from the usual. Without fail, all elements are painted with a metal contour. It is entrusted with a special task - fastening glass elements of different colors. You can create such masterpieces with a special paint, called a contour. Its tone imitates metal. The number of shades is limited, in order to get new ones, the colors are mixed and diluted.
  • Matte drawing. The most popular way to decorate a mirror surface. To perform such a design, the sashes are processed with abrasive parts. At home, a special paste can perfectly cope with the task. The matte surface makes the mirror unusual, stylish and luxurious. If the processing is done by hand, then it will be individual and unique, because the soul of the owner is invested in its creation. This will fill it with a special aura.

Usually a mirror is hung in a frame.

You can use a mirror wardrobe

Light and mirror

A mirror reflects not only the appearance of a person and objects opposite him, but also light. This fact must be used in the arrangement of the premises. A well-thought-out design will allow such an ability to operate profitably. Especially in dark and small hallways. If you install ceiling lamps above the mirror or use a dressing table, then the room will become bright and spacious, cozy and comfortable.

There are no windows in many corridors. Especially when it comes to an apartment. As a result, you can not talk about natural lighting. To correct such a shortcoming, ceiling lamps, a chandelier and other items that can replace it are installed. It is impossible to solve the problem one hundred percent even in this scenario. To eliminate the darkness in the first room, a full-length mirror with backlight will help. Additionally, an elegant hanger, light-colored furniture is installed.

Think over the design of the hallway in advance, taking into account all the features of the room

Light plays an important role in the interior of the hallway

Make sure the room is bright and comfortable

The installed backlight above the mirror is interesting to look at. It complements the overall picture and style of the interior. Makes it beautiful and modern. It is not worth neglecting such a decor item when arranging a room. This is a winning solution for any hallway. It gives it a fabulous and magical look. Such lighting has a soft and warm effect on the interior. If we are talking about a small-sized corridor, then such a solution will visually make it larger and more comfortable.

A mirror in a wooden frame will look very beautiful and impressive.

Full wall mirror can visually expand the boundaries of the room

What to look for when choosing a mirror?

The choice of mirrors is huge. Despite this, it is not easy to stop at the option that will be optimal for a particular case. This is explained by the following factors.

  • Hall space is limited. Basically, it is small, so after the arrangement there is a minimum amount of free space. It is necessary to properly arrange the room in order to avoid such problems.
  • The door is inconvenient. A similar oversight was made initially in the planning of housing. It becomes the cause of many difficulties in the preparation of the design.
  • A lot of furniture is being installed. Since the hallway performs several functions, it is necessary to make it comfortable. This will help pieces of furniture in which shoes and clothes are stored. If you do not think through everything to the smallest detail, then there is a high probability that chaos will result after the arrangement. One can only dream of a beautiful room.
  • Little light. In this case, not all mirrors will look spectacular. Trellis, oval, floor is inappropriate in this case.
  • Inconvenient floor plan. As a result, finding a place on the wall where you can hang a mirror is difficult.
  • Limited budget. The cost of luxurious and beautiful mirrors is correspondingly high. It is possible that the owners may simply not have enough money to purchase it. After all, interior design involves a lot of work, which will take money.

Choose your mirror carefully

The mirror should harmoniously fit into the interior of the hallway

Choose a mirror in the same style as the room

But do not be upset, there are options that will help make the interior beautiful and comfortable. A mirror framed in a baguette or dressing table is inexpensive, but looks stylish, visually increases the space. If the area of ​​​​the room is limited, then it can be inserted into the cabinet doors. Thus, it does not require additional space on the wall. The original solution will be a mirror on the front door. Such an interior is always winning.

Not only the choice of a mirror should be approached carefully, but also its design. The right decor will give it originality and luxury. Beautiful lamps, a wenge-colored front door, and sophisticated trellis will do just fine with this.

The function of a mirror can be performed by a closet with mirrored doors

You can order furniture with a built-in mirror

Full-length mirror: features of the decor item

A full-length mirror is a non-standard solution for a hallway. If you correctly apply it, then a simple and uncomplicated design in a minute will become spectacular and original. The decor element will make it possible to realize complex design ideas. Masterful transformation will produce a stunning effect, the dark hall will become a rainbow behind the looking glass. It can become a wonderful panel and be located along the entire wall.

An interesting solution is the mirror corridor. It involves the installation of several items at once, located on different sides. It is appropriate to find reflective surfaces opposite. Despite the originality, this technique is rarely used. Since not everyone feels comfortable in such an environment.

A win-win option would be to install a reflective surface on the right or left wall relative to the entrance. This location is the most convenient. Residents can look into it before leaving. A dressing table opposite the door is not recommended to be placed. This breaks the aesthetics of the whole picture. The only exceptions will be original design ideas.

A mirror can visually expand the boundaries of a room.

You can use a sliding wardrobe with mirrored doors

Full-length mirror - a non-standard solution for the hallway

Hallway layout: what to consider?

The reflective surface is able to hide the flaws in the layout of the corridor. It does not clutter or weigh down the design. On the contrary, it gives it sophistication, visually increases its size, fills it with light. This attribute performs the following tasks.

  • Raise the height of the ceiling if you install it in a vertical shape.
  • Move the walls. A horizontally shaped object has a similar effect.

With the help of a mirror you can hide the imperfections of the room

The mirror in the hallway is a win-win option

In the hallway, you can make a special finish with reflective materials. Mirror tiles look stylish and non-standard. Such a panel on the wall raises the ceiling. The visual effect of it will be incredible. It is similar to the illusion that magicians can create.

Mirrors of various shapes, sizes and types are suitable for arranging any home. It is not difficult to use them, since such a design is a win-win option in any interior. They make it possible to create a unique and stylish design with minimal financial costs.

Video: Mirror in the hallway. Placement Ideas

50 photos of hallway design ideas with a mirror:

The mirror in the hallway is of great practical importance: every time you go out or come back, you want to take a look at yourself. However, in addition to a practical function, such a mirror can also become an important design element. If, for example, you have a narrow corridor, and the walls are located close to each other, it will visually expand the space. If you want to create the illusion of maximum light, place a mirror in your hallway to reflect a chandelier, lamp, or other light source.

Mirrors in the hallway

Gone are the days when large mirrors in the hallway on the wall were the only option. An incredible variety of assortment will allow our customers to buy not only a classic mirror on the wall, but also a model that will subsequently be mounted in a closet or other furniture. It is possible to create a mirror panel or a whole composition for the hallway, made of many mirrors of various shapes and sizes. If you did not find models of suitable parameters, we will make a mirror of the required height and width for your hallway in just 3 days!

Mirrors in stock and on order

It doesn't matter what style your hallway is decorated in: in our online catalog you will find a mirror that is ideal for your interior and, most importantly, you can buy it inexpensively. Own production and strict quality control of finished products at all stages of production enable us to guarantee perfect execution. In order to order a mirror in the company "Mideon", just leave a request on our website. If you need a product according to an individual sketch, your order will be accepted by the manager, and you will receive a finished mirror in 3 working days.