Feeding indoor flowers with home remedies. How to water flowers during a vacation or a long absence

Each plant needs a different degree of soil moisture. Some prefer heavy watering, others moderate.

How to water flowers so that they do not turn yellow?

Consider how to properly water the flowers:

  • put drainage at the bottom of the pot so that the water does not get stuck;
  • water the flowers in the evening in summer, and in the morning in winter;
  • use settled water, not from the tap;
  • check soil moisture every day, do not water if the ground is wet;
  • for plants that do not like moisture, water is poured into the pan;
  • spray moisture-loving flowers regularly, especially in summer.

Increase watering if the temperature rises or the air becomes dry. flowers in ceramic pots watered more often than in plastic ones. If the earth has dried up, and the liquid immediately pours into the pan when watering, immerse the pot in water to the level of the soil.

According to the state of the flower determine the abundance of moisture. When the soil is waterlogged, the leaves turn yellow and fall off, the tips turn brown. Mold appears on the surface of the earth. If there is not enough moisture, the leaves are sluggish, the tips dry and turn yellow. The buds fall before flowering.

How to water indoor flowers in winter?

During the heating season, problems begin with growing plants on the windowsill. Be sure to humidify the air in the room and reduce watering.

In winter, follow these rules:

  • aloe, fuchsia, agapanthus and hydrangeas, water once a month so that the roots do not dry out;
  • spray tropical plants with a spray bottle;
  • water only with warm settled water;
  • loosen the ground before watering, during the heating season the surface may dry out, and in the depths the soil will be wet;
  • water no more than twice a week, in winter the flowers rest and do not consume much water;
  • if the plant blooms in December-January, then do not reduce watering.

Due to not proper watering in winter, the soil is supercooled, the roots rot and the plant dies. If the flower has turned yellow and the ground is wet, pour out the contents of the pot and let it dry. Reduce watering later.

Each element of plant care has its own secrets and subtleties. Watering is no exception. It would seem that he poured water into a pot - and the job is done.

Alas, with such treatment, it is unlikely that your green pets will feel great. Therefore, it is better to seriously understand all the intricacies of watering, not to torment indoor flowers and not to receive complete disappointment from the drooping look of poor green pets.

What to water

For proper watering, it is advisable to get a watering can or a bucket with a small-hole nozzle.

You can make a "watering can" for watering yourself from plastic bottle, puncturing holes in the lid with an awl. In general, you can water from a bottle without a cap, because. the neck is quite narrow and allows you to control the size of the jet.

Some flower growers water plants from a glass, jug or other container with a spout.

Currently, modern technologists-inventors have come up with many mini-irrigation systems for an apartment or a small private house, smart and able to independently measure soil moisture and turn on water access to a plant in need of watering. Such a device will become a tangible assistant in the case when the owners leave or often go on business trips.

Watering indoor plants

The value is water, which should be separated, at room temperature. It is also possible to use other water for irrigation, for example, melted water or rainwater.

A jet of water should be directed gently under the root, trying not to wet the leaves. This rule must be observed when watering violets and other indoor flowers with pubescent leaves. If moisture gets on the leaves, spots or rot may appear.

The watering can must be kept low above the plant, because a powerful jet of water erodes the soil around the roots, exposing them and exposing them to drying, and also changes the structure of the soil.

Water should be poured into the pot so much that a puddle does not form. Waterlogging is detrimental for some plants, but even if the flower tries to steadfastly cope with excess moisture, all the air is forced out of the soil, which means that resistance to diseases decreases.

Watering through the pallet filled with water is possible. This method relevant when watering violets, amaryllis, cyclamen, orchids and other plants prone to root rot with excess moisture. Water is poured into the pan, on which the pot is then placed. After 40 minutes, excess water is drained from the pan.

Orchids and some other tropical plants (epiphytes) are watered by immersing the pot (with drainage holes) in water. Excess moisture is allowed to drain for half an hour.

If, after absorbing moisture, a small hole appears, after the earth has dried, it must be loosened and leveled with some kind of fork-shaped object.

When to water houseplants

An earthen ball will hold moisture longer if you water indoor flowers in the evening. At elevated air temperatures in summer days, you can add morning watering. But in winter, it is advisable to moisten the plants only in the morning, so that excess moisture evaporates during the day and does not provoke root rotting.

During the active formation of green mass at a moderate temperature, most flowers, with the exception of moisture-loving ones, are sufficient to be watered once a week on the same day. In winter, during the dormant period, with moderate heating, once every two weeks is enough.

By pressing your finger on the surface of the soil, you can easily understand whether it needs this moment plant in water or not. There are watering indicators indoor plants, allowing you to easily determine soil moisture and avoid the death of green pets due to excessive or insufficient watering. However, it should be remembered that the consequences of drying out in indoor flowers sometimes appear after a fairly long time.

Houseplants planted in ceramic pots absorb more moisture than their counterparts in plastic.

Irrigation types

Abundant watering carried out immediately after the topsoil has dried. Excess moisture accumulated on the pallet after watering is drained. Tropical plants need abundant watering, for example, fittonia, begonia, monstera, heliotrope, as well as ivy.

Moderate- watered 1-3 days after the earthen coma dries up. The top layer should dry 2-3 cm. Suitable for bulbous, plants with heavily pubescent stems, leaves, fleshy leaves, thick roots, with tubers on the roots. These include dracaena, asparagus, arrowroot, columna, geranium, zygocactus, orchids.

Rare- watered as the earthen clod dries by 2/3 or as the soil dries completely (applies to some types of drought-resistant plants, such as cacti), once every few weeks, months. Rare watering is suitable for succulents, such as cacti, as well as for flowers with a pronounced dormant period, for example,

Water is the most important and demanded element. All organisms on earth are made up of life-giving moisture, and plants are no exception. Moreover, for flora, water is the main way to obtain nutrients.

Together with the liquid, through thin root capillaries, our green friends absorb useful minerals and organic trace elements necessary for life from the soil.

It turns out that the life of indoor plants depends entirely on watering and is completely in the hands of the grower. Practice shows that this seemingly simple procedure is fraught with many subtleties, and even one mistake with the quantity, quality or method of supplying liquid can lead to the quick death of a green pet.

The mode and scheme of watering domestic plants

The first question that arises for an inexperienced gardener: is there enough water for your favorite flowers? Unfortunately, there is no clear and simple answer. Too many factors affect the fluid flow in potted plants, and therefore the watering regimen.

[!] You can solve a lot of problems associated with watering at the planting stage. Well organized drainage system even in the event of a grower's error, it removes excess moisture and stores a small supply in case of an unforeseen drought.

Factors affecting the irrigation regime

Large plants consume a lot of liquid and require more frequent watering. This is due to the peculiarities of the room conditions. In nature, a large plant has a natural opportunity to cover a large volume of soil saturated with moisture with its root system.

At home, the dimensions of the pot with soil are very limited, and the need for water that quickly evaporates through the extensive crown is also great.

The ratio of the size of the plant to the dimensions of the pot affects the frequency of watering. The flower grows, ever-increasing root system over time, it densely occupies the entire volume provided and very quickly dehydrates the soil. In this case, it is better to make a transplant.

Fluid intake increases significantly in the process of active growth, flowering and fruit development. An increase in cell mass is always associated with large energy losses and increased appetite. The flower during this period actively eats, pulling liquid with dissolved nutrients from the soil.

The plant drinks a lot more water in hot and sunny weather. In summer, under the influence of temperature, the liquid evaporates intensively both from the soil and from the surface of the leaves. During this period, the flowers require regular and plentiful watering. The procedure is best done early in the morning or in the evening.

The intensity of liquid consumption is affected by the configuration and material of the container for flowers. In a low bowl, the soil, due to its shallow depth, evaporates moisture and dries faster than in tall pot. A bowl made of fired ceramics allows oxygen to pass through the walls and is in every way healthier for green friends, but, unfortunately, it evaporates moisture much faster than plastic counterparts.

Water consumption also depends on the design of the catchment pan. A traditional flat open saucer quickly evaporates water, which favorably affects the humidity of the atmosphere. On the other hand, a closely adjacent bottom tray, especially common in plastic pots, much more economical in terms of fluid consumption.

How to water indoor flowers

Depending on the structure and physiological characteristics different kinds plants prefer markedly different methods of fluid delivery. Incorrect watering technique can lead to partial damage, and sometimes complete wilting of the crop.

Basic irrigation schemes:

  • Irrigation by immersion. The flower pot is completely immersed in a container of water to the ground level. You should wait until the soil is completely saturated, then remove the plant, and drain the excess liquid. This method is suitable for watering very moisture-loving species or useful for resuscitation of drying flowers in dehydrated soil.
  • Watering in the pallet. This method is usually used when growing bulbous crops that do not tolerate wet soil. The method is good because the liquid coming from below is absorbed by the roots of the plant, and top part the substrate in which the tender bulb is located remains almost dry.
  • Traditional watering. Subject to a few rules, the method is suitable for most home crops. The main requirement is to prevent liquid from getting on the branches of plants. Some types of flowers, usually with hairy leaves, do not tolerate getting wet. Brown ulcers appear on the surface and the plant rots. Splashes can damage even non-susceptible species: a drop of water forms an optical lens on the leaf, focusing the sun's rays and causing burns. Therefore, when watering, it is best to direct the spout of the watering can to the ground near the walls of the flower pot.

Which Plants Like Moist Soil and Which Plants Like Dry?

Except external factors the frequency and intensity of irrigation is directly affected by the type of crops grown. The gardener needs to know the characteristics of plant maintenance, their need for water, and create the maximum comfortable conditions for your green pets.

Waterlogged soil is suitable for some plants whose natural habitat in the wild is located in close proximity to a reservoir, in flooded and wetlands. These types include, for example,. AT room conditions the maintenance of such crops requires regular and excessive watering.

Moist soil is required by most ornamental houseplants. The main requirement is to prevent stagnation of excess water in the soil, so that there is no acidification and rot. To do this, it is better to add liquid in small quantities, but more often. The watering regimen should vary from plentiful to moderate, increasing the amount of water during the summer growing season and decreasing during the winter dormancy.

Dry soil is the natural environment for most succulents. Of course, even desert plant species cannot do without life-giving moisture. But it must be borne in mind that these plants require rare watering with long breaks, during which the soil should dry out almost completely. In winter, cacti can do without water at all.

How to check soil moisture

To maintain a comfortable level of humidity in a pot with a plant, it is necessary to assess the condition of the soil from time to time. most practical and effective method- it's just to feel the ground. If the soil is sufficiently loose, then you can immerse your finger in it and determine the liquid content not only in the upper layer, but also in the depth of the flower pot.

If the soil is too hard or you don't want to get your hands dirty, you can use a knitting needle or a wooden stick from Chinese food to take a sample. According to the remains of the substrate on the tool and is determined current need in water. In the process, care should be taken not to damage the root system of the plant.

[!] Before watering the plant, you should always check the condition of the soil, perhaps there is already more than enough liquid in the pot at the moment.

Usually the apartment has its own stable microclimate, and approximately the same amount of liquid is required to maintain the required soil moisture. Amendments have to be made during the transition period of the off-season, especially in autumn. At this time, most plants are preparing for rest, metabolic processes slow down, and fluid intake is noticeably reduced. In addition, due to rainy and damp weather, high humidity remains. Unlike hot summers, the soil in the pot practically does not dry out. If you do not take into account the changed conditions and maintain the previous irrigation regime, then you can overmoisten the soil and destroy the flowers.

Consequences of incorrect watering

For people not familiar with growing ornamental plants There is an opinion that the more you water the flowers, the better. Of course it is not. Excessive watering leads to the same sad consequences as the complete drying of the soil, namely, the death of the plant.

Keep an eye on your green friends, they will try to warn you about the wrong care.

External signs of violation of the irrigation regime:

  • The lack of fluid primarily affects the condition of the soil. The earth in a pot becomes dry, and when touched, it easily crumbles and dusts. The leaves and petals of the inflorescences of the plant wither, dry up and begin to fall off.
  • Excessive watering manifests itself on the soil in the form fungal infection. Pathogenic microorganisms love to multiply in stagnant liquid. Moreover, the mold, usually, can even spread to the stem and lower branches of the plant. The leaves wither, rotting brown patches appear on them, and then fall off.

However, such external manifestations of plant malaise, such as dropping leaves, are not always a mistake in watering. Before changing the mode, you need to exclude all other possible reasons such as illness, lack of lighting, or natural seasonal changes.

A drying plant can simply be watered, but it will be more difficult to save a flower that rots in waterlogged soil. To begin with, the plant must be carefully removed from the bowl along with the soil. All fungus-affected and rotting areas of roots and soil should be mercilessly removed, and wounds should be sprinkled with charcoal for prevention.

Next, you need to get rid of excess fluid. For this, the root, together with the remnants of the soil, is wrapped in a material that absorbs moisture well. As an absorbent, you can use a cloth, a baby diaper, toilet paper or table napkins. It is possible to plant a plant in a clean pot with a fresh substrate only after the root has dried. For preventive protection against fungal infection, the flower should be treated with fungicides.

The quality and composition of water for irrigation

The most suitable drink for green pets is traditionally considered pure rainwater or melted snow. There is a reason for this: natural conditions Precipitation is the natural food of all plant species. But it is necessary to take into account the realities of modern ecology and not collect snow along the roadsides. highways, and rainwater - near the chemical industry. However, in practice, most urban growers use ordinary tap water, but with additional processing.

The easiest way is to pass the liquid through an ordinary household filter. The procedure will soften the water and neutralize harmful substances. If this is not possible, you need to let the liquid settle for at least a couple of days. During this time, part of the harmful impurities will precipitate or evaporate. In addition, it will be useful to further soften the settled tap water by adding peat or wood ash at the rate of a tablespoon per liter of liquid.

It is especially important to monitor the temperature of the water for irrigation. Cold liquid can greatly damage the health of plants: cause wilting, leaf fall and root rot. Water should be at least room temperature, and even better if it is a few degrees warmer. To do this, in winter it is convenient to store watering containers near the battery, and in summer - on a windowsill warmed by the sun.

[!] In some cases, for example, when growing for distillation, when it is necessary to speed up metabolic processes and stimulate the plant's vegetation, watering is practiced practically hot water reaching a temperature of 50°C.

In order for green pets to develop well, bloom and please the eye, it would be useful to add special complex fertilizers and growth stimulants to the water for irrigation. The main thing is to strictly follow the recommendations of the manufacturer. allowable norms. In addition to ready-made store dressings, potassium permanganate and iodine can sometimes be added to the water to disinfect the soil and plant roots.

Automatic watering

There are many ways to organize irrigation without the direct presence of a gardener, which can be divided into two groups

  • Temporary measures - make it possible, in the event of an unexpected departure, to quickly organize from improvised materials a gradual flow of liquid into a pot of flowers;
  • Automatic irrigation systems are purchased devices that can carry out regulated watering without the participation of a gardener for a long period of time.

In the case when you urgently need to leave for a week or two, and there is no one to look after the flowers, most simple solution will pour into the tray with flower pot more water. Of course, such a supply will not be enough for a long time, but the plant will last a longer time without watering.

If the plant is large, and the dimensions of the pot allow, you can drown a little in upper layer soil vertically mounted bottle filled with water.

Previously, two small holes are made in the cap and bottom of the bottle with a sharp object, and the liquid gradually seeps into the ground.

For a small pot of flowers, you can organize a simple greenhouse. To do this, it is necessary to water the plant properly and place it directly with the bowl in a transparent plastic bag, tying it on top. The liquid practically does not evaporate from a makeshift greenhouse, and the flower will not dry up until you return.

If you are serious about the matter, in specialized stores for plant growers you can buy technological automatic systems watering, capable of caring for green pets without your presence. Moreover, the devices differ markedly in design. There are both models combined with a flower pot into a single unit, as well as separate units placed next to plants that need watering.

You are going to leave home for vacation, May holidays, New Year Or just visiting another city? Excellent prospects Changes of scenery are always accompanied by two problems: what to do with a cat (cat, dog, birds and other animals) and who to ask to water indoor flowers and potted plants.

If you intend to ask neighbors, relatives or loved ones to water your flowers during the holidays and vacations, consider whether it would be convenient to limit rest and free time other people with your concerns.

Watering indoor plants

All types of indoor plants and flowers should be watered at least once a week. without watering can dry out, because the roots of plants cannot reach ground water in deep soil layers. Plants grow and develop using water and sunlight, which are involved in the process of photosynthesis, allowing plants and flowers to grow and develop.

Plants that do not require watering include only cacti and certain types desert flora. During the existence of plants in desert and semi-desert zones, they have learned to evaporate less moisture even when high temperatures and bright sunlight, so these plants do not need to be watered very often.

If it happened that all the leaves of the plant dried up, but the roots remained alive, then the pot should be placed in partial shade and the rhizome should be watered a little so that it comes to life again.

What water is suitable for watering indoor flowers and potted plants

Water for watering plants can be taken directly from faucet. Tap water is hard, so water should stand for several hours before watering. room temperature. Heavy metals in tap water, indistinguishable to human vision, collect at the bottom, so after the water has stood, never empty the water from the tank completely - always leave a few centimeters of water with precipitation at the bottom.

Dip one end into a container of water (to the bottom), and fix the other inside the soil in each pot. As long as there is water in the container, the cotton strips, according to the laws of physics (using surface tension), will help keep the soil in the pot moist.

The disadvantage of this method is the need to select several containers (for three flowers, 1 liter of water per week will be enough), as well as the danger of the soil drying out in case of a long absence (after the water runs out).

3)3. Flower flasks are very popular and can be bought or made by hand from a suitable bottle, jar or medical dropper.

3.1.Pour water into the bottle, put a rubber cap from a regular pipette on the neck. Make a small hole in the cap for water.

Insert a water bottle upside down into the ground - the bottle will be upside down with a neck in the ground. Ground resistance will not allow water to flow out completely immediately, and your indoor plants and flowers in pots will be supplied with the necessary amount of water at the time of departure. If it is difficult to find a rubber pipette tip, then you can do small holes right in the cap of the bottle so that water can gradually flow out through them.

You can also attach the tubes to a large, for example, five-liter bottle, which must be placed above the plants. The tubes in the bottle can be fixed, if necessary, with ordinary electrical tape.

3.2. Take a medical dropper and hang over each flower pot separately. You will need as many drops as flower pots at your home, as well as additionally think over the system for attaching droppers above each of the flower pots separately.

3.3. Take a three-liter jar, a cotton towel and a plastic tray. Lay a towel on the tray, pour water into the jar and close the neck of the jar with the towel tray in such a way that the side with the towel touches the neck of the jar (see example 3 in the figure).

Press the tray firmly against the neck of the jar and turn the structure with the jar upside down. Gradually, the cotton towel will be saturated with water from the jar. Place flower pots on a towel without lower saucers so that the hole at the bottom of the pot is on the towel. The edges of the tray will not allow water from the towel to drain onto the floor, and the roots of plants through the hole will be able to receive moisture in required quantity. This method is not suitable for plants growing in pots (for example, watering orchids).

simple and inexpensive way complicated by the process of fixing bottles and cans of water upside down, the need a large number droppers, as well as a limited amount of water in a bottle, jar, flask or dropper, which may not be enough for the entire time of departure.

4)4. The effect of a closed system of the water cycle can be created using a transparent plastic bag: close open ground in a pot in a bag (you can put a few pebbles on top to hold the bag tighter), and put a larger bag on top.

Polyethylene will slow down the evaporation of water, and the evaporated moisture in the form of droplets will begin to settle on the walls of the bag and again serve as a source of moisture for plants. The package must be transparent so that sunlight can penetrate the plants and maintain its strength. This method is suitable for leaving for a few days (no more than a week), and only for small plants (because it is rare to find large plastic bags).

5)5. Aquaground is a transparent or colored hydrogel soft balls, which are composed of collagen. Collagen, when in contact with water, absorbs it and holds it inside.

Aqua-hydrogel is used for bouquets of cut flowers: multi-colored balls look very nice in a transparent vase, turning an ordinary bouquet of flowers into the main decoration of the interior. Aqua soil can be scattered on the surface of the earth in a pot, there will be enough moisture for a week of absence. After drying, the balls of aqua-hydrogel can be used again by putting them in water.

Her Majesty's Gardeners hope their advice will help you keep your potted plants and flowers healthy and beautiful!

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How to water flowers at different times of the year

How to water flowers at different times of the year, preventing disease and death? Water helps to assimilate minerals, provides the processes of photosynthesis and thermoregulation. Abundant watering often leads to root rot and death. Insufficient moisture is also dangerous for indoor flowers.

Without watering, indoor plants will not be able to absorb minerals from the soil and will quickly die.

Reasons for individual care of indoor flowers

Indoor plants with lush leaves love abundant watering.

Each grower should know the characteristics of their green pets. Bought in the store new flower, ask what conditions should be created for him. A very important factor in caring for plants is proper watering. How to water exotic flowers while preserving their beauty? The need for irrigation will depend on the specificity of the species, how powerfully developed its foliage, stems and root system. For example, pets with bulky sheets love moisture (hibiscus). But agave or aloe, famous for their fleshy and juicy leaves, do not like to be watered often and plentifully. Bulbous perennials can die from excessive moisture. It is preferable to irrigate them through the pan, and if from above, then in such a way that streams of water do not fall on the bulbs.

Plants that need excessive moisture:

  • blooming, with the exception of, for example, orchids, on which there may be flowers during rest;
  • actively growing;
  • with wide, voluminous foliage;
  • growing in ceramic pots with good drainage;
  • in summer in the heat, in winter in warm dry air.

Plants that need little moisture:

In rainy weather, the soil under indoor plants should not be too wet.

  • sleeping;
  • having little foliage;
  • with roots damaged by diseases, improper watering, pests;
  • growing in plastic pots where there is no drainage;
  • if the room is cold and damp;
  • summer on rainy days.

These factors cannot be taken into account unconditionally. Water quality and temperature play an important role. Watering indoor plants cold water will cause their death.

Some perennials, like araucaria, gardenia, absolutely cannot tolerate either abundant moisture or drought. Azaleas are dying from insufficient irrigation.

To determine the correct watering, characteristic signs will help:

  1. A lot of moisture - stop in growth, yellow leaves, which twist and fly off, the plant and soil become moldy.
  2. Little moisture - the leaves become soft, drooping, perennials with thick foliage (myrtles, ficuses, laurels) rapidly crumble, the buds fall off without blossoming.

Only after considering all the factors of vital activity, you can decide how to properly water indoor plants.

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Water Requirements

Tap water must be defended before watering indoor plants.

Water for irrigation should preferably be soft, free of calcium and magnesium. Ideally, this is rainwater. But in industrial areas this is not feasible, since this water will contain many harmful impurities. It is better to use tap water, only it is necessary to defend it first so that the chlorine disappears.

Watering indoor plants should be done with water having a temperature of 22-24ºС. In summer it can be warmer - up to 32ºС. It is very convenient to use a watering can, irrigating the bushes from top to bottom.

Plastic bottles are also convenient for watering, only it is recommended to collect water in advance, leaving it without a lid to weather the chlorine. In cold weather, leave watering equipment near a warm battery.

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Watering methods

The need for a green pet in water is influenced by circumstances such as:

Cause of death indoor flower can be both improper watering and excessive lighting.

  • seasonal period;
  • room temperature;
  • flower garden dimensions.

If the plant has a good turgor, which indicates sufficient filling of the cells with moisture, then it is healthy. In the case of a short-term drying of the perennial, it is enough to moisten it well, which will restore the elasticity of the turgor. It is impossible to associate the cause of death and disease of a flower only with improper watering. Excessive exposure to bright sunlight can adversely affect its development. Therefore, not all troubles lie in improper watering, it is necessary to remove all negative factors.

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Excessive hydration

They are mainly used for plants from the tropics (begonia, heliotrope), which have thin leaves, and for owners of thick foliage (ficus, lemon, oleander), when they are rapidly developing in summer period. Readiness for watering is determined by touch. Pierce the top layer of soil with your finger. Only after the earth has completely dried can the procedure be resumed. Watering indoor plants in winter is carried out infrequently, only after the top layer of the earth has dried, after 2-3 days.
