The soil in the pot is moldy. Mold in a flower pot

Fans of indoor flowers always carefully monitor their health and beauty. appearance their subordinates. But sometimes a situation arises when an unpleasant white mold in flower pots. This does not add optimism, but it is possible to cope with a raid, knowing some tricks. We will tell you why mold appears in the pot, how to properly eliminate it and prevent re-emergence.

mold in flower pot, as on fabric or many other surfaces, can appear due to a variety of reasons. These include violation of the irrigation regime. The result is waterlogging of the earth and stagnation of liquid in the tank. But also mold can appear in house plants due to the presence of cold air and high level moisture in the room.

Watering plants also leads to the appearance of a fungus in a pot. cold water. The reason why the surface of flowers can become covered with plaque, which often affects the surface of fabric and other objects, often lies in improper drainage or the use of poor quality substrate for planting. The growth and development of molds is facilitated by an abundance of moisture and insufficient ventilation of the room. Trouble does not spare any plants, whether it be an unpretentious cactus, or a hoya flower or violet. What to do?

Video "What to do when mold appears"

From the video you will learn what to do when mold appears in a flower pot.

How to remove

How to remove mold? As with walls, fabrics, and many other surfaces, there are several ways to remove nasty stains. How to remove molds? To do this, you need high-quality soil, capacity smaller, filtered water, oxalic acid or lemon juice, colander and saucepan. You can try to water the plant less often, to make a good drainage system. Perhaps your pet does not have time to absorb moisture, which, when evaporated, turns into salt deposits.

It is better to water a flower rarely, but a lot, than often and in small quantities. When this measure has not proved effective, you need to transplant the plant into a smaller container. Sometimes it helps to replace the top layer of soil so that the disease does not start at the roots and does not penetrate into the tissues of the plants. Often this problem occurs during the off-season. The plaque that appeared during this period on any indoor plant is primarily due to a sharp decrease in temperature and, as yet, the lack of heating. Therefore, there is a slow evaporation of moisture, there is also its stagnation and rotting of the soil.

How to get rid of mold in flower pots? The vessel is advised not just to rinse and pour boiling water over, but to boil if possible. This is followed by drying, creating drainage from gravel or crushed bricks. New soil must be calcined on the stove or in the oven. Even the purchased one is often infected with mold. For steaming, it is advised to pour it into a colander and place it over a boiling pan. The plaque removed in this way rarely re-infects the soil. Plants should be watered only with soft and settled water for 1 - 2 days. Now you know if mold has appeared in a flower pot, how to get rid of it for sure.


In order not to wonder how to remove a bad plaque that your favorite plant and the container in which it lives were not lucky enough to cover, you need to follow some rules. It is recommended to introduce special antibacterial additives into the soil.

Their role can be perfectly performed by activated or charcoal. They are added to the soil at the stage of planting or transplanting crops. Coal is indispensable as a fighter against pathogenic microbes and an absorbent, which absorbs excess liquid well and thereby prevents its stagnation.

Once a month, it is advised to water the soil with a solution of potassium permanganate. You can carry out such watering several times a month. Garlic also works well.

You should grind a couple of teeth and dig into containers with flowers. It is better to do this closer to the roots in order to protect them and tissues from possible mold infection.

Next, watering is required. After the top layer has dried, the garlic is removed. You can water the crops once a month by adding a couple of drops of lemon juice or oxalic acid to 1 liter of water. It is also advised to ensure a normal level of humidity in the room. To prevent dryness, a special ionic humidifier is often purchased. If this is not possible, it is enough to hang wet towels on heating radiators at night.

Video "Fighting white plaque"

From the video you will learn how to deal with white bloom in pots.

One of the fairly common problems when growing indoor plants is fungal disease. If mold has appeared in the flower pot, this is a sign of improper flower care. A whitish coating on the surface of the soil sometimes does not cause concern among flower growers, and this moment just becomes the beginning of the development of a fungal disease.

Why does mold appear in a flower pot?

White mold in flower pots is an unpleasant and dangerous phenomenon. Fans of growing also face such a problem. Both cases have the same source: fungal disease. There are several main reasons why there is mold in the pot:

  • too low air temperature in the room (if you notice, then in damp and cold basements there are almost always such white raids);
  • high humidity air (it is moisture that is the main condition for successful growth mold);
  • constant stagnation of water (as a rule, too small drainage holes in the flowerpot or their periodic blockage contribute to this);
  • incorrect watering regime (the flowerpot is often or too abundantly filled with water);
  • substrate properties (if the soil is too acidic or heavy, it is more susceptible to fungal growth).

As you can see, mold in indoor flowers can appear at any time and it doesn’t matter at all which type of indoor plants you prefer. So you should clearly know what to do in such a situation, because some flowers are not just a room decoration, but also a very expensive pleasure.

How to remove mold from flowers?

The first thing to remember is that the mold in the flower pot will not go away if you remove a small clod of earth. It extends not only in breadth, but also in depth. You have to remove the whole upper layer so that the disease does not take root.

Most often, flower growers face such a problem during the off-season, when the temperature drops noticeably, and central heating not included yet. Evaporation is slower and the processes of water stagnation and soil decay begin. To prevent mold in a pot of flowers, constantly loosen the top layer of soil to ensure full breathability.

So that the earth in the flower does not become moldy, it is recommended to use a solution of lemon juice or acid for irrigation once every two weeks instead of plain water. In a glass of water, dilute either a pinch of citric acid or a teaspoon of juice. This helps to neutralize the spores of the fungus that are dormant in the ground.

Activated charcoal is used to control yellow mold in flower pots. To do this, even in the process of planting the plant, pieces and several activated tablets or pieces are added to the ground. charcoal. They can also be added to the ground, with which you will replace the top layer. When, along with the appearance of mold on the ground, indoor flowers begin to fade, foundationol should be used. This drug has proven itself as a remedy for fungus. They cultivate the land and the plant itself.

White mold in flower pots: prevention methods

As you know, prevention is always better treatment. So that the problem of a fungal infection does not touch you, it is enough to follow a few simple rules. If you only notice that the earth in pots is covered with mold, immediately treat it with a weak solution of potassium permanganate. This procedure is carried out for healthy flowers once a month. Well, the simplest and quite reliable way- garlic cloves. Just cut them into large pieces and dig as close as possible into the flower, then water the plant with water. As soon as the earth dries, the garlic is taken out. This procedure can be carried out during each watering and the mold in the flower pot will not appear.

Many flower growers have encountered such a phenomenon as a white (sometimes yellow) coating on the soil in a pot with a houseplant.

But not everyone realizes how harmful it is to the flower. We are now talking about the most trivial mold, a fungal disease.

Causes of mold

Mold will not appear out of nowhere. This means that there were significant violations of the conditions for caring for plants. If you delve into the physiology of the problem, the reason for the development of the fungus will immediately become clear.

So, the best habitat for mold is high humidity at a fairly low temperature. environment. This means that the plants, most likely, were excessively flooded with water, and even at low temperatures.

Or the water for irrigation was not warm enough. Stagnation of water in a flower pot may be due to poor drainage system. Or - with a blockage of the outlet pores at the bottom of the pot. And, perhaps, these holes are too small, and the water does not have time to seep into the pan.

The appearance of mold in a flower pot can also contribute to a sharp temperature drop in the room. Especially if the jump was from high to low. Naturally, the water did not have time to evaporate.

The wrong soil can also be the culprit. It is the heavy, acidified earth - best condition for the development of any mold.

How to get rid of mold in a flower pot

The fight against mold should be started at the first sign of it, in order to prevent it from growing deeper. Otherwise, the root system becomes ill, and the plant may die.

So, first you will need to remove a significant layer of earth affected by mold in a flower pot.

After loosening the soil, it is watered with a solution of foundationol (2 g per liter of water). If a indoor flower looks painful, its leaves are sprayed with the same composition. Did the procedure help? So the problem is deeper than it seemed. You will have to completely change the earth in a flower pot.

Or to carry out sanitary processing of the available soil. To begin with, it is doused with boiling water, then spread on a baking sheet and fried in the oven. The pot will also have to be processed: calcined in the same oven or held over an open flame.

But first you need to clean all the holes at the bottom of the container. The elements of the drainage system are also treated with heat.

Preventive measures

In order to prevent the appearance of mold in flowers, it is necessary to strictly observe the watering and temperature conditions. Loosen the soil as often as possible to break the fungal "bonds" if they suddenly appear.

Before watering, small cloves of garlic can be buried around the plant around the plant, which are removed after 40 minutes.

Forming a drainage layer, it is desirable to lay pieces of charcoal in it. When planting a houseplant, add a few tablets of activated (black) charcoal or moss to the soil itself. All of them have good absorbent properties.

One of the most common problems in growing indoor plants and garden seedlings considered waterlogged land in a flower pot. Because of this trouble, leaves fall from a flower, a plant, and mold, rot appear in the soil, bad smell or flying midges that feed on rapidly rotting roots start up. The first symptom excess moisture becomes in the ground white coating on its surface. How to remove the smell and get rid of it, and what to do with the flower?

If the earth in a flower pot or in a garden was flooded, then emergency measures must be taken to save the flower. How to save a flooded flower in the country? First of all, the flower must be removed from the pot and left for several hours to dry. It is advisable to plant a flower in new ground, but if necessary, you can save the old earth with reuse. To do this, it must be treated with antibacterial solutions and steamed in microwave oven for 15 minutes. After that, the soil is well dried and used for planting.

If the ground in the flower pot has not yet become covered with green mold, then the symptoms of waterlogging are eliminated quite easily. A little clay, sand or wood ash to absorb excess moisture. You can also loosen the soil with a wooden stick and make deep punctures in it, which eliminate excess moisture. The easiest way to dry the soil is to cover the soil in a pot with ordinary paper napkins. It is very important to check the drainage holes when there are problems with the soil. landing capacity. After all, they can be clogged, which is why the earth in the flower pot is constantly wet and does not dry out. How to make flower pots with your own hands, you can find out.

Plaque on the surface

If the earth in a flower pot receives an excess of water, then white or yellow plaque. The main reason for this is watering with very hard water. Because of this, lime deposits form on the surface of the soil, and it turns white. Fix this problem in several ways. The first thing they start with is to exclude watering flowers with water directly from the tap. It should settle within one day. You can also add to water citric acid. For one liter of water, half a teaspoon of the substance, thanks to this, it is possible to neutralize lime compounds.

In addition, to prevent the formation of white plaque from above, the soil is covered with expanded clay, which absorbs excess moisture. And you can sprinkle the soil in a large pot river sand, which is loosened along with the ground. Such activities favorably affect the health of the roots of the flower. Next troubleshooting excess moisture- this is the removal of the top layer of earth and the addition of dry leafy earth to the pot. The surest and easiest way to eliminate plaque on the ground is to install a water filter in the house, which will soften hard water. To soften the water, rag bags with peat are lowered into it.

Mold in pots

When the ground in a flower pot is very wet, it becomes a breeding ground for mold, so the plant needs to be provided proper watering and good drainage holes that will prevent stagnant water. If the soil is already moldy and soil black bugs have started, then watering is immediately stopped, and root system plants dry out. The outer layer of soil must be removed at a height of at least 2 cm and replaced with fresh substrate.

If these measures did not give a positive result and the earth in the flower pot remained wet, then all the soil would have to be replaced. Before planting, the flower, together with the earthy clod, is removed from the pot and left to dry for at least one day. The old earth must be thrown away, and the new must be steamed at high temperature. If a ceramic pot is used for planting, then it should be doused with boiling water. ceramic pot boil in water for a few minutes.

When the earth grows moldy plastic pot, then it is better to throw it away, since fungal spores are present on its walls, which will multiply in the new soil. At the bottom of the pot there should be a drainage layer of expanded clay. The top layer of soil is sprinkled with sand, which will help to avoid high humidity.

Midges in the ground

Sometimes the ground in a flower pot is covered with small midges that feed on rot. The first thing they start with in the fight against midges in orchids is the removal of all wilted and poorly rotting parts of the flower that feed on harmful microorganisms and insects. It is very difficult to deal with them, so it is easier to get rid of the old soil, wash the roots of the flower and plant it in a new, steamed substrate. It is also necessary to treat the roots before transplanting.

Waterlogged land in a flower pot willingly attracts small pests that lay their eggs on the ground. To prevent such a nuisance, the topsoil of the flower must always be dry, and sufficient drainage holes must be provided in the pot. To prevent the reproduction of midges, the room in the house should be regularly ventilated and treated with special preparations against insects.

It is advisable to hang flycatchers next to house plants, as these insects are carriers of all kinds of plant diseases. You can also use to fight midges folk remedies. For example, take 20 grams of laundry soap and grate it. Then dissolve it in a liter of water and spray the flowers with this composition once a week. Even the earth in a pot is watered with a weak solution of potassium permanganate, which also gives a good effect.

Unpleasant smell from the soil in the flower pot

When the earth in a flower pot emits an unpleasant odor, stinks, this indicates that there is mold and pathogenic bacteria inside.

So that the earth does not smell, it is necessary to remove upper part soil. The remaining soil is treated with a disinfectant solution of foundationazole or water with manganese. The missing part of the soil is replaced with fresh soil, which is steamed in advance in a microwave oven for 15 minutes. Then it is well dried and placed in a flower pot. It is also important to keep an eye on the drainage holes, which may be clogged.

Why do animals eat and dig the earth?

Usually, young Alabai puppies and kittens, who are just exploring the new world and trying to taste everything, dig or eat earth, grass, coal. How to wean a puppy or a child if he climbs and rakes the soil? Animals are driven by ordinary curiosity, so after several attempts to eat the earth, everything stops. The puppy of that terrier will understand that the earth is not tasty and will not taste it again. However, this sign is not curiosity, but the cause of the psychological state of the dog or cat. This happens due to the fact that the animal does not feel comfortable in the house or dislikes a new family member.

Perhaps the owner treats the cat or dog badly, punishes him, and he takes revenge in this way. Sometimes animals gnaw and tear furniture, walls or shoes of their owner. Therefore, to understand why an animal licks clay and sand, digs or eats earth from a flower pot, it is necessary to examine its health, for example, for feline anemia. If the reasons lie in the personal hostility of the animal or in psychological discomfort, then the owner and his household should give the pet more affection. It is very important to communicate more with the pet, give him time, praise him, play with the animal.

Signs about a flower pot in a dream

When you dream of flowers in pots, this is one of the most favorable plots that predicts good luck and success in the future. Perhaps a large material reward awaits a person ahead, or he will buy expensive property. However, this interpretation is correct in the case when the flower did not fall and dreamed of blooming, green and fresh. If in a dream a person sees sluggish, dried flowers, then this may indicate trouble in the future. For example, there will be trouble at work, financial losses or quarrels in the family. When a flower crumbles in a dream, this indicates illness.

If in a dream a person dropped and broke an empty pot on the floor in a room, poured earth from a pot or broke it, then this may portend discord in the family in the future, up to a divorce. Also, scattered earth at night speaks of illness, loss of loved ones or difficulties in financial plan. It is worth considering that the prediction of dreams may depend on who dreamed of a flower pot. For example, if beautiful flower dreamed of a young girl, then a wedding awaits her. For older women blooming flower speaks of a possible pregnancy, and for older ladies such a dream promises the presence of diseases of the reproductive system.

Decorating the earth in a pot

When the earth is decorated in a flower pot, in most cases fine gravel is used, which is painted with multi-colored dyes.

The painted pebbles are washed with water and covered with a lump in a flower pot with a layer of up to 2 cm. If desired, patterns, drawings or ornaments are made from colored stones. The main thing is to show imagination and use stones for mulching different size, starting from 2-3 mm and ending with large specimens up to 1 cm.

Also, fine orange gravel or coarse-grained, colored sand, which can be bought at a flower shop, is used to decorate the top layer of soil.

Usually the soil is decorated for cacti of different sizes in landscape design. Look very impressive group landings succulents of different varieties, which are decorated with colorful pebbles. You can also use the sea for decoration, small pebbles, pebbles. For plants that need high humidity, sphagnum moss is used, which makes the surface of the soil a rich green color. If the moss has lost its beneficial features, then its top layer becomes brown. In this case, it is replaced with new moss. A lot of useful information in the article: .

Many flower growers, both beginners and already quite experienced, are faced with such a problem as mold in a flower pot. Moreover, it can appear not only in the soil, but also on the plant itself.

What causes fungus and how to deal with it? Read more about this.

What types of mold appear on the ground?

Mold in a flower pot can be different, but basically the following two types are found on the surface of the earth:

IMPORTANT! Some believe that flowers can be planted in any soil, even intended for vegetables. Such a judgment is erroneous, because the soil for vegetables is supplied in advance large quantity fertilizers.

Houseplants don't need so many supplements!

It is also important to monitor not only what substances you feed the flower, but also when and how you do it. For example, during the growth period, it is necessary to accurately calculate the dosage, and during dormancy, it is better to completely postpone fertilizers in the far corner and not disturb the plant in vain.

Another reason why mold appears in a flower pot on the surface of the earth is too much soil. At miniature plant there are not many needs, so an extra amount of land will only harm him. Small flower roots will not be able to completely absorb moisture, and excess liquid, coming to the surface, will lead to the deposition of salts.

That is why it is so important for each plant to choose the right size pot in which it will sit perfectly.

Oh, you still need to monitor the hardness of the water!

To rid the land of infection and moldy smell, make it a complete disinfection, using the instructions:

Purchasable funds

You can also eliminate mold with the help of “chemical” products that are sold in flower shops. Before you go to the store for a purchase, you should find out:

  • type of soil;
  • plant features;
  • degree of spread of the fungus;
  • what fertilizers were used to cultivate the land.

Be careful!
Using the wrong product can have the opposite effect. In some cases, it is not possible to use chemical reagents to eliminate mold at all.
Preference should be given to organic preparations that affect the soil in such a way that it becomes the best place for fungal growth.

What to do if a white coating appears on the leaves of the plant?

Powdery mildew (ash, white) is a rapidly spreading fungal disease.

The first "symptom" is a white coating on the leaves, which at first glance may seem like ordinary dust. When the leaves are covered with it, the plant loses nutrients, and the process of photosynthesis stops.

At first, a white coating appears only on lower leaves violets and other plants, but over time the disease progresses, moving to other parts of the plant. The leaves turn yellow, wither, and new leaves look unhealthy, grow twisted.

If you do not take up the treatment of the plant in time, it will soon die.

What causes the disease?

Fungal spores are always found in the soil, but when proper care behind the plants they are not " are activated". The fungus begins to manifest its evil essence if:

Damp, cool weather outside

For example, it rains every day. In this case, a white coating on the leaves of ficus and other plants often appears when they are grown on the street or balcony.

Irrigation not being followed

For example, a white coating on the leaves of begonias and other flowers appears if the plant is watered too often, when the top layer of the earth has not yet dried.

Or, on the contrary, they dry out the soil, and then pour it abundantly.

Spores can get on the plant in other ways:

  • by air (for example, if the wind blew and air currents brought spores from other plants and trees);
  • with water (for example, if the water for irrigation was settled in a bucket for open space, and spores landed in it);
  • through the hands (for example, if before working with healthy plant you touched another, infected).

How to cure a plant from powdery mildew?

  1. Water the flowers only after the topsoil is completely dry.
  2. Do not spray the plant while getting rid of powdery mildew.
  3. Place the flower pots in the lighter one, sunny place, and let them stay there until they are completely cured of the disease.
  4. Thin out thickened plantings, tear off old leaves (especially those that are close to the ground).
  5. Use less during remission nitrogen fertilizers and more phosphorus-potassium.

Refuse any fertilizer while the flower is sick!

Mistakes made in plant care must be corrected, otherwise a white coating on indoor plants will appear again and again.

Now let's move on to the treatment itself.

To get rid of the disease, do the following:

  1. Cut off yellow, affected leaves.
  2. If a white coating appears on rose leaves and other artisanal plants, it is advisable to cut off all infected branches - this will increase the chance of a cure.
  3. Replace the top layer of earth in a pot, container or under flowers in a flower bed - it contains "mushroom" colonies or mycelium (mycelium).
  4. Spray and water the plant medicinal product. During the procedures, make sure that the leaves and shoots are properly wetted.
  5. You can use another method: pour the medicine into a basin of water and place a bush there.
  6. The soil and pots/containers should also be treated with the drug.

Folk methods

Means from this category will work effectively if a white coating has appeared on a cactus or other plants recently (early stages of the disease) or as a preventive measure.

  1. 25 g soda ash and 5 g liquid soap dissolve in 5 l hot water. Let the liquid cool down. Spray the topsoil and plant with the cooled solution 2-3 times. The interval between sprayings is a week.
  2. 1 st. l. baking soda and half tsp. liquid soap dissolve in 4 liters of water. Spray the plant and soil 2-3 times. The interval is 6-7 days.
  3. 2.5 g potassium permanganate dissolve in 10 liters of water. Use 2-3 times. The interval is 5 days.
  4. 100 g fresh horsetail pour 1 liter of water. Hold out for a day. Put on fire and boil for 1-2 hours. Strain, cool, dilute with water (1:5) and process the bushes. Store the solution for no more than a week in a dark, cool place. Spray as preventive measures can be done regularly in spring and summer. during illness (on early stages) plants are treated 3-4 times. Frequency - once every 5 days.
  5. 5 g blue vitriol dilute in 250 ml of hot water. Dissolve 50 g of soap separately in 5 l warm water. Pour the solution with vitriol into the soapy liquid in a thin stream, stirring constantly. Spray the plant 2-3 times with the finished product. The interval is 6-7 days.
  6. 1-2 tbsp. l. dry mustard Pour into 10 liters of hot water. Water or spray the plants with the cooled solution.
  7. 1 kg ash stir in 10 liters of warm water. Let the solution brew (3-7 days), stir it regularly. Drain the water into a clean container, add a small amount liquid soap and pour into a spray bottle. Treat plants 3 times every day or every other day. The liquid remaining in a separate container, which was drained from the finished product, can be further diluted with water and later used for irrigation.
  8. decayed manure(preferably cow) fill with water (1:3). Let it brew (3 days). Dilute with water twice and spray the bushes.
  9. 25 g chopped garlic pour 1 liter of water. After a day, when the product is infused, strain and spray the plants.


Eliminate white bloom (in a neglected state) on petunia leaves and other similar plants recommended with special means against fungus.

Spraying is carried out 2-4 times. The interval between them is 7-10 days (depending on the chosen drug).

The most effective drugs:

  • Fundazol;
  • Amistar Extra; ( 2 ratings, average: 5,00 out of 5)