Camellia, planting and care. How to choose a healthy plant in the store. Hybrid Camellia Williams

It is no coincidence that a beautiful, but soulless flower - the camellia has earned a reputation as touchy with a cold heart. When in bloom, it is perfect, but has no fragrance, and its petals seem to be made of wax. Like a real sleeping beauty, she opens her buds, only falling into a state of rest, often demonstrates her character and not everyone allows herself to be tamed.

But, as in life, impregnable appearance can be deceiving. Understanding the physiological characteristics of the plant, creating right conditions Camellia is very easy to grow. And we will prove it by revealing the secrets of a capricious at first glance flower.

A flower sung in poetry as an ideal of exquisite and languid beauty

Subtropical plant that does not like the tropics

Warm ocean currents and wet monsoons determine Japan's climate. On most islands, it is warm and humid, turning south into subtropics and tropics. In winter, the temperature rarely drops below zero, snow here is a curiosity.

The flora of Japan is represented by a wide variety of evergreen trees and shrubs. Vast forests consist of cypresses and magnolias, tree ferns and scalloped oaks, and under their canopy are thickets of rhododendrons and beautiful camellias, which the Japanese adore and grow in special natural gardens, as you can see in the photo below.

In addition to Japan, the plant is common in the subtropical zone of China, Korea, and Vietnam. There are mountain species of shrubs that are more hardy and feel great in the open sun.

Camellia came to Europe about 200 years ago. It was brought by the Czech botanist Georg Kamel, who is engaged in missionary and medical activities in the Philippines. In his honor, the "Japanese rose" was named. He, unfortunately, did not find out about this, since the indicated event took place 30 years after his death.

What does it look like?

Camellia is a member of the Tea family. Yes, yes, one of the species of this plant is called the tea bush, and its leaves serve as raw materials for the preparation of one of the most popular drinks.

In nature, this is evergreen shrub or a small tree 10–15 m high. Leaves on short petioles, alternate, elliptical in shape, serrated along the edge, like a rose. They are quite dense and so glossy that they reflect the sun's rays, letting out "bunnies". Due to the leathery dark green foliage, the bush looks very elegant even without flowers.

Flowers solitary, large, 12–15 cm in diameter. In nature, they are simple or semi-double, mostly red or white color. The cultural assortment is represented by a wide variety of terry forms and shades. Among them there are surprisingly graceful specimens, for example, the Middlebury pink camellia, the petals of which resemble neatly laid tiles.

In the photo - Middlebury camellia pink

Under natural conditions, camellia blooms from January to March, but in some modern hybrids this period is extended to six months - from November to May.

Another unusual feature of the Japanese rose is the gradual withering of the flower, which falls off in its entirety, while retaining its bright colors. The bush always looks neat - no withered, withered flowers with crumbling petals.

Loves, dislikes - natural preferences of camellia

Camellia is a plant, in its natural environment intended for open ground, in room conditions it is grown because of our cold climate. And since the plant is subtropical, then they try to create greenhouse conditions for it. This is precisely what main mistake. To better understand the preferences of a flower, consider what kind of environment it is used to, and how this affected its physiology.

  1. The plant loves the weather warm, but not hot, humid, without sharp seasonal fluctuations. In its natural environment, an evergreen shrub hibernates in the temperature range of 7–10⁰ plus, if a cold snap occurs, then it is short-term and not strong.

    In our latitudes, the camellia painlessly endures summer, but there are problems with winter. On the street - it is unacceptable (the minimum temperature that it can withstand is 10⁰ frost), in a room at + 20–25⁰ C it is too hot.

  2. In nature, the shrub grows under the canopy of the forest, in the lacy shade of taller neighbors. Prefers diffused light, long daylight hours. In the room, the window sills of the eastern and northern windows are suitable for the flower.
  3. The monsoon climate of the homeland of the plant provides high humidity. Like orchids, garden camellia loves spraying, as well as having sources of moisture evaporation nearby.
  4. Growth in the undergrowth with a large number of coniferous trees determines the composition of the soil. It is light, airy, with an acidic reaction (pH 4.5–5.5). Pillow made of coniferous-deciduous litter gets wet well, but does not retain water.

To summarize, the main preferences of a houseplant are a lot of diffused light, low positive temperatures during flowering, acidic loose soil and good air humidity.

Accordingly, the open sun depresses the culture, the maintenance in winter in warm room, unsuitable planting substrate, lack of moisture.

Features of the annual development cycle

We love flowers in after hours. We “deceive” the bulbous ones by forcing them to bloom in winter, but there is a whole group of plants for which this is a natural stage of the annual cycle. Our heroine is one of them.

  • The growth period of the garden camellia begins with the general awakening of nature - in April-May. At this time, it increases the vegetative mass, strengthens the root system. Shoot growth continues until mid-summer.
  • Around August, the laying of flower buds begins.
  • In mid-autumn, buds appear that will open only with the onset of a suitable temperature regime.
  • At the beginning of winter, the plant blooms, but at the same time all other organs (shoots, leaves, roots) stop growing.

In fact, camellia is a flower that blooms during sleep, which makes it more difficult to care for it at home.

In Abkhazia, Sochi, on the South Coast, a garden camellia can become a bright decoration for a winter garden

camellia family

In European countries with mild winter flowering shrubs and trees can be found right on the street. Moreover, American breeders have bred many frost-resistant crop varieties that can withstand a significant drop in temperature to minus. In gardens and greenhouses, the following types are most common.

camellia japonica

It is a vigorous spreading shrub with strong branches and glossy dark green leaves. In Japan, it is often grown in the form of a tree, and bonsai trees are formed in room culture. In nature, buds laid in autumn open in January-February. The flowers are large (ø 5–13 cm), with dense, waxy petals, odorless.

It was this type of camellia that served as the genetic basis for many varieties and hybrids of the plant:

  • varieties with simple red flowers - Ashya, Christmas;
  • red terry camellias - Adolphe Adyuson, Clifford Parks, Royal Velvet, Fred Sander, Cochetti;
  • hybrids with white double flowers - Nobilissima, Duchess de Bari, Alba Simplex;
  • pink varieties - Dr. Tinsley, Pink Perfection, Otoma Tsubaki.

The latest "peak of fashion" in the selection of camellias is the breeding of varieties with variegated petals.

In the photo - variety Alba Simplex
Camellia japonica with variegated flowers

In our country, this species is better known as the tea bush. An evergreen shrub with a dense spreading crown grows to a height of 10 m. The leaves are slightly elongated, leathery, dark green on the front side, somewhat lighter on the reverse side. In mid-autumn, the bush is covered with simple white flowers with a yellow core, consisting of many anthers. Unlike the odorless camellia japonica shown in the photo above, this is a species with a slight tea aroma.

In the photo - a flowering tea bush

Sasankva (mountain view)

Sasankwa, growing on the mountainous wooded slopes of the Japanese Islands, is a lignified shrub with thin hanging branches, rarely exceeds 2.5–3 m in height. Its leaves are much smaller in comparison with other species, but in shape, density leaf blade the same - glossy and leathery. The flowers are large, simple, on a short petiole - it seems that they are literally stuck to the shoot.

Sasankva is distinguished by its endurance to sub-zero temperatures and light-lovingness, therefore, it was with her participation that varieties of frost-resistant camellia were bred (pictured below). Popular hybrids are Empress, Cleopatra, Chansonnier. Although bush camellia is intended for open ground, it also feels good in room culture.

Bush white and red camellia in the garden

Camellia reticulata (netted)

This type of camellia is often called tree-like, due to the fact that it grows as a tree and is able to rise up to 20 m. In addition, it has the largest flowers - up to 20 cm in diameter. Breeders are very fond of reticulum, creating with its participation unique large-flowered hybrids. Thus, when crossing K. japanese and reticulated, excellent new varieties were obtained, separated into a separate group of Williams hybrids.
Camellia tree in Shin-Edogawa Garden (Tokyo)

Williams hybrid group

Varieties and hybrids of Williams are superior in many respects to the source material taken for crossing. Their flowering period lasts longer than that of Japanese K., they are more hardy, do not shed their petals, the flower fades entirely on the bush. The assortment includes semi-double and double hybrids, red, pink, white, variegated camellias. Plants are tall, in our climate they are best grown in tubs or closed ground greenhouses, winter gardens.

Williams hybrids - a spectacular and viable group of camellias

The subtleties of growing and care at room conditions

Camellia garden in temperate latitudes is cultivated indoors, so we will consider the features of planting and caring for a plant in a city apartment or a private house.

The way home

Autumn-early winter is the peak of camellia sales. If you were given a flower, the first thing to do is carefully inspect it.

  • In a healthy plant, the foliage is clean, dark green, the buds do not dry out, the flowers have dense elastic petals.
  • The root neck is located flush with the soil.
  • The substrate should be wet, but at the same time crumble in the hands.

Even if something is wrong with the plant, do not rush to replant, let it adapt to a new place, get used to the microclimate of the room.

But the right conditions must be created from the first day.

For camellia japonica, namely its hybrids are sold more often than others, diffused light is needed. In the cold season, a window sill is suitable, glazed balcony from the north or east side. With the onset of spring, the plant will be uncomfortable close to the glass, sunburn is possible, so it is better to keep it at some distance from the window.

A common option for summer flower maintenance is in the garden. Pots with a plant are added dropwise in the lacy penumbra of trees, where there is a lot of diffused light. To open air they are accustomed gradually, first taking out for several hours. Return to the room with the onset of low, but positive! temperatures.

The second is vital important condition- temperature regime. The main enemy of flowering camellia is city heating; so that she does not get sick, in winter she needs a temperature in the range of 10–12⁰ C. Therefore, feel free to get a delightful flower if you have a glazed loggia, a cool veranda or a winter garden.

In summer, the plant feels comfortable at a temperature of 20–25⁰ C, with a good supply of fresh air it will withstand hotter days. The temperature should be gradually lowered from about mid-autumn - this has a beneficial effect on the laying of flower buds.

The third condition is high humidity. The ideal mode (90%) can be created in the greenhouse, in the room this figure is slightly lower. Reach it with special humidifier air. If there is none, spraying is carried out, a vessel with water is placed next to the pot so that evaporation occurs.

The balcony is one of the most suitable places for a winter-flowering indoor culture.


Camellia is picky about watering - this is the element of care, the subtleties of which you need to know both at room conditions and when growing crops in the garden. Here are the basic rules.

  1. For irrigation, it is recommended to use warm and soft water (rain, melt, purified).
  2. Always water moderately, avoiding excessive drying and waterlogging of the coma. Marker - wet substrate crumbles.
  3. The plant requires more frequent watering during the period of vegetative growth (spring-summer), less - during the dormant period (flowering) - the end of autumn, winter.
  4. After watering, excess water is removed from the pan.

top dressing

Flowering exhausts the plant. With its end, feeding begins. It is best to use professional fertilizers for camellias, azaleas, rhododendrons, in which the complex of nutrients is already balanced for the needs. The frequency of top dressing is 1 time in two weeks, all the time while the shoots are growing. From August, top dressing is stopped - this is a signal for laying generative buds and forcing buds

Transplantation, soil mixture selection

Camellia flower is usually transplanted every 2-3 years. The approach to choosing a planting container is the same as for other indoor plants - 1 cm larger in diameter than the previous one. Plastic pots retain moisture well.

It is better to purchase a ready-made soil mixture, intended for camellias, azaleas. Its main property is an acidic reaction. Compound:

  • riding (sour) peat;
  • rotted coniferous litter;
  • leaf land;
  • perlite;
  • coarse river sand.

Before transplanting, the flower is freed from the old substrate, the roots are slightly “combed”, removing rotten parts. A shard is placed on the drainage hole, drainage is poured (expanded clay, stones), sprinkled with a layer of coarse-grained sand, and then the landing goes directly. The substrate is pre-moistened, after planting it is watered so that it better covers the roots.

The most suitable time for transplantation is the end of flowering.

In the photo - camellia transplant

Is pruning necessary?

If you are not cultivating a bonsai, the plant needs minimal pruning. What and when is cut?

  • Shoots that spoil the appearance of the crown.
  • Twigs that grow inward and interfere with others.
  • The tip of the shoot, if it is necessary to stimulate its branching.

Pruning is desirable to carry out before the start of vegetative growth, i.e. in the spring. You can not combine transplanting and pruning a flower, this will complicate its restoration.

Reproduction of camellia

Camellia is propagated by cuttings and grown from seeds.

Cuttings allow you to save the variety of culture. Cuttings are cut from green (non-lignified) apical shoots. You can do this at any time of the year, but better in summer. The length of the stalk is 6–8 cm with 3–5 leaves, which are cut in half to reduce the evaporation area.

For rooting, a wet mixture of coarse sand and peat is prepared (in half), the cut of the cutting is treated with root or other stimulant, planted at an angle of 45⁰. The dishes with cuttings are covered with a transparent cap on top, under which they will be until the roots appear - and this is 3-4 months. The mini-parnichok is regularly ventilated, moistened, and maintained at a temperature of 20–25⁰ C.

The second option is to grow camellia from seeds at home. But we must remember that with this method, 80% of the signs of the mother plant are preserved.

Seeds are sown in the same mixture as for cuttings. Seeds are placed at a distance of 5–7 cm, sprinkled with a substrate, moistened and sent under a transparent cap for germination. Seedlings with two real leaves dive into small pots already with full-fledged soil.

Camellia seeds contain a lot of oils, so they germinate while fresh. It is better to sow them immediately after ripening, in the spring and summer months. If it becomes necessary to save the seeds, they are placed in peat, perlite, put in the refrigerator or lowered into the basement - the temperature is not higher than 10⁰ C.

In the photo - rooted cuttings of camellia

Japanese rose in the garden

With the advent of frost-resistant varieties of bush camellia, it is tempting to grow it in the garden, in which case planting and care have their own nuances.

It is encouraging that individual hybrids can withstand up to 20⁰ frost. But do not forget that this is a winter-flowering plant. Yes, the roots will withstand sub-zero temperatures, perhaps even some of the shoots will survive, but the shrub will not bloom in the cold. We are talking, firstly, about a short-term decrease in temperature, and secondly, in order for the bush to bloom, positive temperatures must be established by the end of January. So, whatever one may say, it is possible to grow camellia in our garden only in the south

Planting requirements are similar to indoor ones - partial shade, acidic soil, abundant watering. But since the plant remains to winter in the ground, it is recommended to insulate the root zone with mulching materials - foliage, sawdust, chopped bark. If during flowering there is a threat of frost, it is recommended to wrap the camellia crown with lutrasil at night.

We tried to outline all the nuances of growing flower culture. If you remember and observe them, camellia will conquer you with refined grace, and will not be capricious at all.

Tips for growing camellia japonica:

Indoor Camellia flower - home care, photo.

Today I propose to get acquainted with Camellia, one of those indoor plants that bloom in December. December is not particularly generous with flowering plants, but at home you really want beauty and comfort. And blooming camellia will help you with this. Unfortunately, the camellia is quite difficult to care for, and in order for it to bloom, you need to know its secrets. Which? About this - in our article.

The flower itself as a plant is very beautiful, its leaves are shiny, glossy, there are many varieties and various colors of the buds. It is popular with those who like to buy potted plants as gifts instead of cut ones. Often the recipients of such a gift simply throw out the camellia. After all, not everyone manages to keep it after flowering.

Secret 1

Not suitable for growing camellia traditional way. For them, the correct temperature regime is very important. And in winter they need cold. It will not be possible to keep a camellia in a hotly heated apartment. Moreover, this plant well withstands frosts down to -5 degrees.

About the plant

Camellia belongs to the tea family and in nature it is an evergreen shrub or small tree that is common in China, Japan, and the Philippines. It was brought to Europe from the Philippines. There are currently more than two hundred species, but the most popular of them are Japanese Camellia, Mountain Camellia and Reticulated Camellia. They are also used to develop new varieties.

If you look closely at the photo, you will see that the leaves are not too special, oval and leathery. But at the same time they attract with their glossiness. But the flowers are just a feast for the eyes. Large, attractive, can be terry. These are mainly red, pink, white flowers, but yellow ones are also found in nature. Depending on the species, the petals may have transitions from one color to another, specks, waves and stripes, specks and stains.

It is believed that this indoor plant has no aroma, but some varieties may exude a tea smell. If you manage to get the camellia to bloom, it will do so for up to 2 months, depending on the variety you purchased. During flowering, camellia does not grow. It begins to grow only in the spring.

Secret 2

In the first secret, we already mentioned that camellias need low air temperature in winter time. So, in order for it to bloom, it will be necessary to provide an even lower temperature - as much as 10 degrees. Which, of course, is not possible in apartments. But you can!

Home care

1. Although the camellia loves a colder place, it must be provided with good lighting. As an option - the plant will feel great on insulated balconies. This will be especially liked by mountain camellia. Japanese is better to shade from direct sunlight.

2. About air temperature in in general terms. It is best to put the camellia on an insulated balcony or loggia. Here's another reason to buy this plant. Not every indoor flower will agree to live on the balcony. Camellias can only be harmed by temperatures below -10 degrees. In summer, she needs to provide an air temperature of about 20-25 degrees. And when the buds will ripen - about 15. As you understand, the air temperature in different seasons will have to be monitored.

Secret 3

Lucky for those who have their own home, here they will feel the best camellia. There, it is easiest to choose a room with the desired air temperature. And if you have a winter garden, a greenhouse or a glazed, insulated veranda, then camellias are just lucky!

3. Air humidity will have to be maintained throughout the year. It is enough to have a humidifier at home. You can spray the plant only not at the time when it blooms.

4. In winter, camellia should be watered rarely, and in summer - often. Well, as with most plants, you need to make sure that the earth does not dry out and does not become waterlogged. Watering should be carried out only with soft water. On a suburban area, settled, snow or rain water is quite suitable.

5. Mineral and organic top dressing can be given to the flower as soon as new shoots begin to form, and so on until the end of July. In August, the plant will begin to lay new flower buds. Take care of them.

6. Since the camellia grows in spring, it is impossible to transplant it at this time. The best time to do this is in the winter. In this case, you can transplant even if the plant blooms. Which is also an advantage. When transplanting, make sure that the root neck is flush with the ground. Camellia can be transplanted 1 time in 2-3 years.

6. The soil is the same as for azalea. Loose, sour. You can buy at the store, or you can make your own. Take approximately equal proportions of coniferous and leafy soil, high-moor peat and perlite. Then add sand, 2 times less than you took the previous components.

7. You can propagate your camellia from cuttings. The best time to do this is in July. Take the shoots you've acquired olive color, but green ones can also be cut off. Shoots will take root in about 2 months. Watch the air temperature, it should be 20-25 degrees. The ideal breeding ground is equal proportions of peat soil and sand. Can be rooted in pure perlite.

8. Camellia is prone to spider mites, aphids, scale insects, mealy worms. For processing, the most common insecticides that are intended for these pests are quite suitable.

Secret 4

In order for the camellia to bloom with large buds, you need to select 1-2 of the strongest buds at the end of each shoot, and cut off the rest. If your buds fall, this means that the plant is weak. This means that its flowering will require more care and attention to the plant.

How do you understand main secret flowering Camellia, this is the right air temperature. If you manage to provide it, consider that you have one more flowering winter plant at home. Good luck!

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Camellia japonica is an evergreen shrub or small tree of the Tea family. It is distributed in the subtropical and tropical zone of East and Southeast Asia, the Philippine Islands, Japan, Korea and the peninsulas of Indochina.


The leaves are ordinary, glossy, oval, leathery, blunt or sharp, grow 1, sometimes 2-3 pieces. The flowers are quite decorative, individual, large, axillary with a corolla, consist of 5 petals, as well as a mass of stamens folded in a bunch. The palette of tones is limitless - from white to red, scarlet, pink with various transitional colors. Often the flowers are two-colored, with all kinds of stripes, specks, streaks and specks.

Varieties of camellia japonica

Many varieties of the flower have gained mass popularity as significant ornamental, flowering and evergreen crops. They are freely used for landscaping interiors, arranging expositions in parks during the summer season, and even as tea. It looks like Japanese camellia, the photo of which is presented below.

Camellia mountain

Her bush grows to a height of 3-4 m, with thin branches and bright red pubescent flowers. The leaves are elliptical or oblong-oval, 3-6 cm long, 1.5-3 cm wide. Their tops are slightly sharp, the edges are finely serrated, dark green and glossy on the outside, hairy-pubescent with a vein on the inside.

Flowers solitary or connected in 2-3 pieces, 6-7 cm in diameter, ordinary white, red or pink, with aroma. Blooms well in November-January. As flowering evergreen crops, gardeners propagate, as a rule, horticultural varieties. Camellia japanese (mountain) is also suitable for cold rooms.

camellia sinensis

The birthplace of such a plant is the subtropical and tropical mountain forests of Indochina. It is a small tree or shrub up to 10 m tall with erect shoots. The leaves are ordinary, oblong-oval, narrowed upwards, short-petiolate. Outside, they are dark green in color, light green below, 5-7 cm long, 3-4 cm wide. Young leaves are slightly pubescent. In the pulp of the leaves there are spreading bearing sclereids.

The flowers are solitary, fragrant, or 2-4 in the recesses of the leaves. The florets and bracts are placed along a curve. The calyx is joint-leaved, has 5-7 sepals of a rounded shape, which remain with the fetus. The corolla of the plant is 2.5-3 cm in diameter, falls off after flowering. Contains from 5 to 9 white petals with a golden-pink color, in the center connected with each other and with a calyx. The stamens are located in two rings: the outer ones are fused with filaments and take root to the petals, the lower ones are independent with small ovoid anthers. The gynoecium is syncarpous with columns connected to the core.

Camellia japonica (Chinese) has fruits in the form of flattened three-leaved woody boxes. Their seeds are rounded, dark chestnut in color, 10-13 mm long, 1 mm thick. It blooms from early August until the end of the autumn period. Harvest in October-December.

Camellia oleifera

This variety of culture is found in the forests and on the banks of the rivers of China at elevations from 500 to 1300 m above the sea surface. The oil plant is an evergreen tree up to 10 m high. The trunk is covered with a brown crust, it is up to 20 cm in diameter. The leaves are leathery, ordinary, petiolate, alternate, ovoid, pointed at the top. The flowers are white, bisexual, paired, axillary or single, grow in September. Their blooming time lasts until mid-October. Camellia japonica (oilseed) is distinguished by a fruit in the form of a large box with many spherical seeds up to 3 cm long.

How to care for culture at home

Most flower growers consider the plant very demanding on care and breeding conditions. This position was formed due to its periodic dropping of buds or leaves. To protect yourself from unpleasant shedding, you need to keep the flower in an environment suitable for it.

The culture will absolutely grow at home if it is placed in a cool room. Camellias do not like when they are turned around relative to the light source or transferred to another place. The flower prefers spaces with fresh air, with the exception of drafts. In this case, he will develop various diseases.

Ground Requirements

Japanese camellia, reviews of which can only be heard good, loves acidic soils. And that's why for its flowering and development special earth mixtures made from well-sifted sand and peat. Mixtures for rhododendrons are great, which can absolutely satisfy all the needs of the plant.

Separately prepared soil mixtures have a slightly acidic reaction. This means that they do not contain lime. In addition, for watering flowers, calcium salts should not be in the water. Therefore, before irrigation, it takes half a day to infuse water if it is not possible to use filtered water.

Suitable lighting

Camellia japonica (photo of which is presented below) is considered a mountain culture, in this regard, for its flowering, light is needed in large quantities. However, direct sunlight is harmful to her. On the summer season the flower can be taken out into the fresh air, remembering the protection from the sun.

In addition, in order to accumulate strength for the next full bloom, Japanese plants need a dormant period. To ensure it, after flowering, reduce watering and stop feeding camellias. Only with such conscientious care will the culture again delight the household with its chic flowering.


In the summer season, the flower is watered sufficiently and evenly after the outer layer of the substrate has dried so that the Japanese camellia is not flooded. Home care to avoid acidification of the earth involves a decrease in watering. Due to the dehydration of the soil, the leaves of the plant turn brown, and the buds fall off. From prolonged overdrying, the culture sheds leaves. The flower does not withstand the increased calcium content in running water, so it is necessary to water it with soft settled water. At the stage of development of flower ovaries (in August), it is required to dry the substrate a little, but not until it dries completely.

Temperature regime

Camellia in spring and summer prefers an air temperature of at least 20-25 degrees. To lay the buds, a temperature of 18-20 degrees is needed, and during the blooming period in December-February - 9-12 degrees. At an increased temperature, flowering begins earlier, but the peculiarity of the flowers will be much worse, and there is a risk that the Japanese camellia will drop its buds. Plant care in such a situation will no longer be appropriate.

Transplant and reproduction

The culture should be dived during dormancy (it stays in it at the end of flowering), but no later than the end of July. best term- this is when some buds are preserved on the plant, but the ovaries of the leaves have not yet opened.

Flowers are bred with crown cuttings 6-8 cm long, which have not yet had time to become woody. Do this in January and also in July. The most suitable for these requirements is an indoor greenhouse. When the cuttings form root system(this will come after 2 months as a result of their disembarkation), then they can be planted in an unchanged place. It must also be taken into account that the neck of the camellia, placed between the trunk and roots, should not be covered with soil, otherwise the plant may disappear.

Pests and diseases of camellias

In comparison with other cultures, such flowers practically do not get sick. Aphids can appear on a houseplant, which is usually sprayed with a mixture of oil emulsions with soap. This solution is much safer for people than chemicals. In addition to aphids, such emulsions neutralize scale insects and spider mites. But the most serious malaise of camellia is root rotting due to waterlogging, unsuitable soil and elevated temperature. With such a disease, the leaves begin to fall off the flower. The only way to save the crop is to reduce watering.

Of course, many already know how beautiful and luxurious the Japanese camellia looks. Landing and caring for it will not become burdensome for anyone.

AT home care indoor camellia is quite capricious and demanding. But if you create the necessary conditions, it will bloom for several months of the year.

Indoor camellia flower: photos and useful properties of the plant

Camellia comes from tropical and subtropical regions of Asia. Belongs to the Tea family. These are evergreen shrubs or small trees, common in Japan, China, the islands of Java, the Philippines. Europeans got acquainted with the flower in the 17th century. It was brought by the Jesuit pharmacist monk George Joseph Camellus from the Philippines. Now more than two hundred species of this plant are already known and described.

Camellia is also grown as a houseplant, for this they use Japanese and mountain species.

Look at the photo - the indoor camellia flower is an evergreen shrub or tree:

The leaves are short-petiolate and oval in shape. The color of the leaves is dark green. It blooms with large flowers that appear in the axils of the leaves or on the tops of the stems. Flowering is long, begins in November, ends in May. In place of the flower, a fruit develops, similar to an oval or round box.

The leaves and buds of the plant contain substances that help remove excess fat from the body. The leaves also contain phenolic compounds that soothe when overexcited. In addition, phenolic compounds interfere with the absorption of dietary lipids, thereby reducing the intake of calories in the body.

Seeds are mainly used for breeding for breeding purposes, for growing various species and rootstocks, since when a flower is propagated by seeds, varietal characteristics are lost. The plant obtained from seeds grows slowly and blooms only in the 5th - 8th year after sowing.

Seeds ripen in September-October, but quickly lose their germination.

Seed oil is used in cosmetics, it is added to lipsticks, so that their structure becomes thinner and lighter. From the leaves, you can prepare a decoction and wash your hair with it to make it silky and shiny. The roots are effective tool with diarrhea.

The leaves contain tannins, caffeine, tannin, vitamins and flavonoids, which strengthen the walls of capillaries, have an exciting effect on the central nervous system and heart. Chinese herbalists use beneficial features camellias for getting rid of dysentery, wound healing, gastric disorders, malaria, epilepsy, anemia, overwork. The flowers have a tonic and astringent properties. They are used to treat hemorrhoids. A decoction of flowers helps against bleeding and hemoptysis. When using a flower as a medicine, dosages must be observed.

Types of room camellia: Japanese, red, mountain and net

Camellia japanese indoor- These are shade-tolerant tall trees or shrubs strewn with flowers. They have shiny pointed leathery dark green leaves. Sparkling in the sun like sunbeams. The edges of the leaves are serrate, sharp can injure the skin. A variety of camellia cultivars grow in the shade and bloom from October to April (depending on the variety). Varieties of this species are grown in greenhouses, winter gardens or rooms.

Pay attention to the photo of the Japanese camellia houseplant - the flowers can be white, pink, red colors:

By appearance flowers are semi-double, double or simple. Camellia mountain - often grown in the house, has multiple related hybrids. This species is often classified as a separate group.

Camellia japonica is the original species. In room conditions, many varieties of this species are grown:

  • Adolphe Audusson - camellia red, semi-double;
  • Alba Simplex - white camellia, non-double;
  • pink perfection - pink camellia, terry.

Camellia red room- an exotic plant from the family of tea evergreen shrubs. Amazing multi-layered origami flowers bloom in winter during the dormant period. Growth begins in the spring after flowering.

Refers to plants of short daylight hours. Therefore, by the beginning of autumn, daylight hours are shortened to 12-13 hours, creating a shadow. It is during this period that the laying of flower buds begins. A comfortable temperature for flowering and budding is 13-17 ° C. From November to January, the temperature of the content is lowered to 6-8 ° C, while at the same time reducing watering, but not allowing the earthen clod to dry out. Dangerous pests: spider mite, mealybug, aphid, scale insect.

Camellia mountain- shrubs or small trees, blooming September - January. Depending on the variety, the shoots can be hanging or erect.

As you can see in the photo of this room camellia, its dark green oblong-ovate leaves have a glossy finish on top, and a slightly pubescent vein in the middle below:

The flowers are fragrant and are often mixed with tea along with jasmine flowers.

Camellia reticulata known to flower growers of all countries. Flowers amaze with their variety and size. There are chimera camellias that shimmer and change color. This species is very resilient and effective.

Here you can see a photo of a houseplant camellia of various types:

Growing camellias in a pot and care at home

Light-loving plant. But the light must be diffused. Camellia mountain tolerates well solar lighting, and it is better to shade the Japanese camellia.

A heated apartment is a completely unsuitable room for growing and caring for camellias at home, but a glazed insulated loggia, where in winter the temperature is not higher than 12 degrees, is the most appropriate place for a plant in a city apartment. It is important that here the temperature does not drop below minus 10 degrees. In the summer, it lays flower buds, for this it needs a temperature of 20-25 degrees, while the buds ripen - 15 degrees.

The plant loves moist air. Humidity can be increased with any type of humidifier.

As you can see in the photo, when caring for camellia at home, it is useful to spray flowers, but not during flowering - water damages them:

Water abundantly in summer, much less in winter. Care must be taken not to allow either overdrying or waterlogging of the substrate. With a properly selected loose substrate, the water in the pot will not linger and this is very important. When caring for room camellia, lime water should not be used when watering, watering only with soft water. Suitable rain, snow water or water settled for 3 days.

In the spring, from the moment the formation of new shoots begins until the end of July, camellias need mineral and organic top dressing. In August, top dressing is stopped, which contributes to the laying of flower buds.

When caring for a camellia in a pot at home, unlike most indoor plants, this flower is not transplanted in the spring - it has a growth period at this time. The best time to transfer to larger pot- winter. Moreover, a flowering plant is transplanted. They are rarely transplanted, once every 2-3 years. The root collar should be level with the ground.

The soil should be loose, acidic, as for azalea. You can buy a mixture for azalea or make up from leafy soil, coniferous soil, high-moor peat, perlite and sand. When caring for camellia at home, it is useful to add tree bark to the soil.

If the flower forms a lot of buds, then it is recommended to leave 1-2 of the strongest buds at the end of each shoot, and remove the rest. The flowers will be much larger. If the plant does not have enough strength to develop all the buds that have begun, then they will fall off. During the development of buds, watering should be carefully monitored, avoiding either waterlogging or drying out of the soil.

Walking past a well-kept garden, one cannot help but catch a glance at some bright flower. And as a rule, an idea arises, or maybe it’s worth planting flowers at home? Plants are a convenient addition to the interior. If the morning started with good feelings, then the day passes more cheerfully. Growing a garden is a favorite pastime for many, which brings positive feelings not only to relatives but also to all passers-by.

Growing conditions and care for camellia

Camellia and home care ... We have an opinion that when a camellia blooms, it cannot be rearranged from place to place and rotated, otherwise its buds will fall off. In the West, they think the opposite is true: when camellias bloom, various operations can be performed with them - replanting, cutting off overgrown roots, transporting, etc. In this case, the camellia will quietly continue to bloom.

Probably, the plant sheds buds due to improper maintenance of them in room conditions. Batteries central heating dry the soil in anomalous for camellia winter conditions. These mistakes can be avoided if you know the needs of plants.

In general, camellia is considered capricious and picky about lighting, temperature and humidity. Fans will need a lot of patience and caring attitude. The lighting should be bright, light, but the camellia must be protected from direct sunlight. Watered in spring and summer abundantly with settled soft water. room temperature, reduce watering in winter. Indoor camellia for good growth needs high humidity. During hot wintering, the humidity is increased by regularly spraying the plant.

After the purchase, it is necessary to put the camellia flower in a cool semi-shady place, and after two weeks transfer it to a warmer one, but the temperature should not exceed 16 degrees. For successful cultivation of camellias, it is necessary to provide them with a cool wintering. In summer they are kept at room temperature, and in winter within 10-15 degrees.

In the summer, during relative rest, it is better to dig the camellia together with a pot in the garden in a semi-shady place. If this is not possible, then in the room she needs to create a favorable condition: regular ventilation, high humidity. It is useful to spray until the camellia houseplant picks up buds. After laying the buds, watering is reduced.

In order for the plant not to become exhausted, and the camellia flowers to be larger, the weakest buds are removed by pinching, leaving 1-2 buds on the branch. When flowering ends and young shoots appear, you should feed with mineral fertilizers for indoor flowering plants at half the concentration indicated on the package, until the next season, when the plant enters the budding stage.

Overfertilizing camellias is one of the worst mistakes. Camellias need to start fertilizing in the spring, during the first burst of active growth in April. They should not be fertilized in the fall, especially if you choose to grow hardy varieties in colder climates. Fertilizers can provoke late growth of camellias, from this their green, unripened shoots can be seriously damaged in winter - along with all the insufficiently “sleeping” plant.

To give the plant a more attractive appearance, it is pruned, removing weak bare shoots. But do this only if absolutely necessary, as the camellia painfully tolerates pruning.

Many camellia owners make the mistake of planting too deep and using the wrong earth mix. The neck of a camellia (the point between the roots and the trunk) should never be covered with soil. Planting a camellia even 3 centimeters deeper is the right way kill the plant. Transplanting camellias when they are actively growing is a mistake, as they can stop growing and fall into disrepair.

Young camellia plants are transplanted annually, preferably in summer, and adults after 2-3 years. The soil should be well fertilized, medium acid. For room camellia, it is better to purchase a ready-made mixture. There are special mixtures for acid soil plants (camellias, azaleas and rhododendrons), which are prepared from high-moor peat, perlite, vermiculite, sand, ground bark and similar ingredients. In such a mixture, the camellia roots will always be evenly moistened, the water will not stagnate and the roots will be able to breathe air.

Some varieties of camellias can withstand -10 degrees below zero. So if you have a ventilated glazed balcony, which keeps the temperature from 0 to +15 degrees in winter (ideally - from +5 to +10 degrees) and never drops below -10 frost - then camellia is for you.

Camellias are adapted to light frosts in their natural environment. In winter, the bushes are protected by snow. As soon as the snow melts, the camellia simply explodes with the fire of numerous flowers. In France and England, camellias can grow outdoors. Apparently, this can be done in the southern regions of Russia.

Camellia is propagated in August by apical cuttings of the growth of the current year. Rooted in sand, preferably under glass or film at a temperature of 20-25 degrees, more reliable in mini-greenhouses with bottom heating. For successful rooting, growth stimulants are used.

If the camellia is sick

This may happen by different reasons. Too warm a place in the house, too frequent or rare watering leads to the fact that the buds fall off the plant. Camellia reacts to too wet soil in a pot by the formation of cortical growths on the leaves. White felt coating on the stems and in the axils of the leaves is a symptom of mealybug damage. They suck out juices and secrete substances that poison the plant. Remove pests with a toothpick or cosmetic stick dipped in soapy water. If black spots appear on the plant, similar to soot deposits, then it is damaged by sooty fungi that appear on the secretions of aphids, scale insects and mealybugs. Rinse off the black stain with room temperature water. If the leaves are heavily affected by soot fungus, it is best to cut them off.


How to care for camellia at home?

Of blood and dry ice

From petals and leaves of wax,

The camellia bloomed in the garden

Odorless, and drops of gloss.

Yes, this is how the camellia looks like: a meter high, solemnly proud, luxurious, royally cold flower, a native of Southeast Asia. Its shiny, laurel-like, shiny leaves are amazing. But even more striking are pink, red or variegated flowers, the diameter of which reaches 14 cm. No wonder the camellia is called the princess of the East. It adorns the flowerbeds and flower beds of many Black Sea cities, and in more northern regions it can only be seen in greenhouses. If the gardener fell in love with this amazing flower, you can grow it at home if you show maximum patience and care for the plant.

Camellia grown indoors can bloom even in winter months. And it blooms for an extremely long time, it happens that it pleases for several months, and cut flowers can keep fresh for two to three weeks.

Camellia Care Instructions

Many gardeners give up their positions at the very beginning, having learned that not everyone succeeds in growing camellias. Yes, this is true, but, as a rule, the cause of failures is insufficient air humidity or improperly selected soil composition. These errors will not happen if you carefully read the instructions for caring for camellia.

Camellia loves bright and diffused light. This can be achieved by placing the plant in a west or east window. If there are none in the apartment, you can use a window on the south side, but, if possible, protect it from direct sunlight. The north side is not at all suitable for camellia, which loves sunlight very much. Be sure to periodically change the position of the flower so that all its sides are illuminated. If this is not done, the crown will be unevenly developed. However, during flowering, this rule does not apply: the plant must be left alone so that the flowers and leaves do not crumble.

The most optimal is from 20 to 25 degrees. But when flower buds are set, the temperature can be lowered. The plant begins to bloom in February. At this time, the thermometer should reach about 12 degrees. If the room is hot, some of the buds will fall off, and those that still bloom will not amaze with their beauty and splendor.

Camellia needs fresh air. Therefore, in the summer, from time to time, you need to briefly place the plant on the loggia. But at the same time, it is necessary to ensure that the flower is protected from direct sunlight.

In the summer months, it should be plentiful and even. Watering should be done after upper layer the soil will become completely dry. In winter, the higher the temperature in the room, the more often the plant needs to be watered. If the room is cool enough, frequent watering will cause the soil to turn sour, causing the buds to fall off. You can not water the plant with water just drawn from the tap. It should settle, become soft, freed from excessive calcium content. A flowering plant should be watered with extreme care so that water does not fall on the petals.

Camellia re-blooming

It can be achieved in the second year. For this, several conditions must be met.

  1. Periodically feed the plant with special mixtures that are designed for azalea and camellia. By July, at least two such top dressings need to be done.
  2. Feeding is not recommended from July until spring. In order for the flowering to be lush and violent, at the end of summer the camellia is treated with special means.
  3. From October until the camellia stops flowering, you need to take care of good lighting so that the plant does not drop its buds.
  4. After flowering, watering is gradually reduced, but the soil should always be moist.

As for pruning camellias, this is done at the discretion of the gardener himself. Camellia has the property of self-formation. But it also tolerates pruning well, with no signs of wilting.

Thus, everyone who dreams that his apartment will be decorated with his regal flowering camellia can achieve this if he takes care of the plant with joy and patience.

Camellia - how to care for a luxurious flower in your home (photo, video)

Among indoor plants, camellia stands out for its extraordinarily beautiful flowers. Graceful buds are shaded by dark green glossy leaves. The flower looks very impressive. The popularity of the plant was also ensured by the fact that the camellia at home feels great. She's had enough easy care so that it pleases with its flowering at any time of the year.

Camellia is an evergreen plant belonging to the tea family. Its difference is a dense, shiny crown of leaves. Camellia can be grown indoors or outdoors. She is able to decorate the window with bright buds or add charm to the garden.

Proper plant care

Like any other indoor plant, camellia requires attention. Care is not burdensome. The main thing is to follow these rules:

  1. Provide the plant with diffused light. At home, camellia is recommended to be placed on windows with a western or eastern direction. To eliminate one-sided growth, it is necessary to turn the pot.
  2. You can not disturb the flower during the formation of buds.
  3. The optimum summer temperature is + 25˚С, winter - 20˚С.
  4. Dry air is harmful to camellia. To prevent the death of the plant due to dry air, it is necessary to put it in a pan with expanded clay. Periodically, you can spray from a spray bottle.
  5. Avoid direct sunlight.

Proper care of camellia includes optimal watering. When budding and flowering occurs, the plant needs abundant moisture. When the top layer of earth in a pot dries up, the flower should be watered. In winter, watering is reduced to prevent acidification of the soil.

Watering and spraying is carried out with settled water. It must be remembered that the flowers do not need top watering.

Special care is required for the plant when buds appear on it. It is better to transfer it to a room where the temperature is maintained no more than 12 degrees. If this is not done, then the flowers will have a dull color and quickly fall off. The photo shows how pale such buds look.

Features of a camellia transplant

Landing at home cannot be called particularly difficult, but there are subtleties in this matter.

Pour oxidized soil diluted with humus into the pot. Then it is well moisturized. It is necessary to take care of the moisture permeability of the soil so that watering does not cause rotting of the root system.

If a transplant is being performed, then you do not need to place the flower too deep in the ground. The root system should be located at soil level. Home growing of the flower will not be successful if calcareous soil or salt marshes are used. Land can be purchased at a flower shop or collected in a coniferous forest.

If at home the plant constantly drops buds, then the soil is oversaturated with calcium. Correct the position of a transplant in good soil and competent care.

With increased acidity of the soil, the leaves begin to turn yellow. In this case, replacing the earth mixture also helps.

How to propagate camellias?

Reproduction is carried out in two main ways:

  • cuttings;
  • planting seeds.

The first breeding method at home allows you to get adult plants capable of flowering in two years. Reproduction is carried out using semi-lignified shoots. Such an operation should be carried out in late spring - early summer.

When the shoot is colored in Brown color, then it is suitable for cuttings. The growth bud must be well developed. In order not to be mistaken with the choice of escape, you can consider a photo of the planting material.

Rooting usually occurs quickly (no longer than 4 months). The soil for transplanting should be fertilized. Need to ensure optimal temperature air and soil - 23 degrees.

If this indicator is exceeded, then the growth of the kidneys will begin, and the root system will not have time to form.

If reproduction is carried out by seeds, then flowers will appear only after 5-8 years. Seeds ripen by mid-autumn. They are collected and planted. In order for the germination process to be more successful, it is necessary to provide partial obscuration. The composition of the soil should include peat and sand. Reproduction is carried out at a temperature of 22 degrees. Growing camellias from seed is more difficult than cuttings, but it does produce strong, healthy seedlings.

If reproduction is carried out for the first time, then it is better to study the intricacies of this process on a special video from experienced florists.

How to prevent and cure camellia diseases?

Indoor camellia, like garden camellia, is prone to various diseases. Often, improper care leads to their occurrence. Symptoms of various diseases can be seen in the photo.

Fungal diseases are easy to identify. They are manifested in the appearance of gray and black spots on the leaves. The flower is covered with brownish spots. If the lesion is massive, then the foliage may completely fall off. Such diseases are treated with special fungicidal preparations.

In order to prevent the spread of infection to other flowers grown at home, it is better to part with a sick camellia.

Camellia can get sick with oidium. The photo shows that the leaves of such a plant are covered with unsightly gray spots. Treatment consists of treatment sheet plates soap solution.

The Japanese camellia is susceptible to cucumber mosaic. Symptoms of the disease are yellowing of leaf veins. In order for the plant to recover, careful treatment with insecticides is necessary.

Japanese camellia is a magnificent ornamental plant with a long flowering period. It will perfectly complement any home interior. In order for a flower to delight with pale pink buds, it is necessary to properly care for it. You can decorate the window with a real rose garden, since the cultivation of these plants is not particularly difficult.

camellia care.

If you bought a blooming camellia. it is recommended to place it closer to the window, from where a sufficient amount of light penetrates, perfect option rooms for her - cool greenhouses or just a glazed balcony of an ordinary city apartment. The flower has a negative attitude to constant movements from place to place, you should also not turn it.

camellia lighting

Camellia - plant short day. Florists recommend in the warm season (in particular, in late summer - early autumn) to artificially shorten daylight hours to 12-13 hours, creating a shade for the plant. This contributes to the fact that the camellias will be able to successfully lay down and flower buds will begin to develop.


Compliance with a certain temperature regime is also important for the good development and flowering of camellia. during the period when her buds are laid, and during flowering, the most suitable temperature is 13-17 ° C, with the onset of cold weather and in winter (from November to December-January), it is recommended to lower this temperature to 6-8 ° C. It should be remembered that a decrease in temperature should be accompanied by a decrease in watering (while not allowing the land to dry out) - otherwise the buds may fall off the camellia.

Watering the camellia

Camellia should be watered with soft water at room temperature, abundantly and regularly, not allowing the soil to dry out. At the end of July, buds are tied at the plant - from this period, watering should be somewhat reduced. To increase the humidity of the air, you can spray the flower daily; for the same purpose, the pot is often placed in a pan with water on a layer of gravel or pebbles: this allows you to maintain a moisture balance and at the same time not damage the flowers during flowering. By the way, this is where Seramis granulate comes to the rescue. it not only promotes a healthier water-air regime of the roots, but also increases the humidity and ensures its uniformity. And in order not to flood the plant, use the Seramis moisture indicator. This is very important, because if the plant is watered unevenly and excessively, the camellia leaves can turn brown, and the buds fall off - this is due to a violation of aeration and acidification of the soil.


on the fertilizer of camellias, we note the following. From the period of resumption of growth until the end of July, it is recommended to feed the plant weekly, including the use of special fertilizers for roses (following the instructions on the package). When the camellia has faded and its growth has resumed, you can apply a highly diluted fertilizer for flowers, and during the period when the buds are laid and poured, top dressing should be stopped. In addition, we must remember that the concentration of the fertilizer solution for camellia should be below the average dose: 1 gram per liter instead of 3-5 grams for the same amount of water.

If we talk about fertilizers of the Seramis brand. which can be used to feed camellias, we recommend paying attention to the package with a red cap: this is a complex nitrogen-phosphorus-potassium fertilizer for flowering plants with microelement additives (including iron, manganese, zinc and copper chelates).

Camellia transplant

Camellia is transplanted once every two years, but in a certain period: transplantation can only be done after floweringwhen the plant starts to produce new shoots, but not later than the end of July.


For propagation, camellias are used in January or July: cuttings are cut along with developed leaves (3-5). Pots with cuttings should be placed in a bright (but not in the sun) and warm place, usually cuttings take root in two months.

Florist Tatyana shares her experience in growing camellias in the ground Seramis with us: “Now I have no problems with camellia. Yes, my very first camellia died, for the reason that there was very little information in the literature, but now we are with her made friends and it blooms with me. Now it’s not terry pink that is fading, but terry is still picking up buds. They stand in my kitchen, the windows (double-glazed windows) are open all the time on micro-ventilation, if it’s -3 outside, I open the sash completely, there is a piece of polyethylene on the windowsill , which drops to the floor - so the temperature around the window is somewhere around 10-12 degrees, at night a little lower. I don’t spray them, but there are vessels with water around. I water only with warm water. In the first year after the transplant, I didn’t feed at all, on 2nd year 2 times in total.In April I start to take it out to the balcony and bring it in October, this year I brought it in November (it was very warm).That's all the wisdom.I really want to buy a different color, but so far I haven't seen it anywhere.In this I'll look at Is it necessary to transplant, and then I'll try.
