Proper care of orchids at home. Proper care of an orchid after buying it in a store

In order for an exotic and delicate plant to please its own and well increase its leaf mass and root system, it it is worth organizing the right.

If he lacks any conditions or requirements, he can from incorrect content. To prevent this from happening, you need to know the basic points for caring for an orchid.

Let's take a closer look at what care for orchids at home is necessary. natural conditions for a plant is warm tropics, where:

At the same time, the air almost always remains humid, as the flower grows at a low altitude under the huge crowns of trees. Therefore, the lighting for the orchid should be light but with scattered sunlight. Direct sun can burn.

Diseases and pests of orchids

Sometimes per plant can be found:

  • Various insects;
  • Or bacterial.

You don't have to get upset right away. need to start treatment.

Harmful insects

Whatever insects are found on the flower, he is quarantined and treated with Actellik three times so that they had no chance of surviving.

If pests are found, the orchid must be placed in quarantine.

The interval between treatments is 5-6 days.

Infectious diseases

Noticing an infectious disease, necessary:

  • Leave the flower separately from the others;
  • And treat with fitoverm.

Processing spend twice and observe for some time so that the disease does not manifest itself.

Rot and fungus

To get rid of rot and fungi that sometimes appear on the root system due to flower overflow, necessary:

  • Crop all black places;
  • And treat the sections with a fungicide.

beauty care exotic plant under the name of an orchid is not such a complicated thing. The main thing is to capture the moment when to water and give the plant the necessary soil, and then the flower will respond to care with beautiful flowering.

Useful video

Learn in the video how to care for an orchid in a pot at home:

Interesting facts on the video, what mistakes are made when caring for an orchid:

Watch the video on how to properly water an orchid:

Find out in the video what pests and diseases of orchids are:

In contact with

Exotically beautiful tropical orchid flower looks beautiful in any interior. In order for a plant to please others with its flowering, it is necessary to properly organize care for it, and if you do not make mistakes in care, then it will live long enough and will delight the grower with its flowering.

Growing conditions

In order for the plant to develop well and increase the vegetative part, it needs to create comfortable conditions content. must be observed certain temperature indoors and the illumination should be such that the plant does not burn out. The parameters for the cultivation of orchids have already been determined for a long time, and they must be remembered so as not to destroy the plant.


For favorable cultivation of the plant, the temperature should be in the range of 22-26 ° C. Deviations in either direction can be fatal. So at a temperature of 18 ° C, an orchid can get frostbite, and a temperature of 15-16 ° C is fatal, it dies.

If the temperature approaches 30 ° C, the orchid begins to experience severe overheating. At this time, moisture evaporates very strongly from its leaf plates, and the new one does not have time to enter and the leaves at this moment lose turgor and wrinkle. This leads to their exhaustion.

Air humidity

Ideally, the humidity should be 80%, such as it is in the homeland of a tropical beauty.

But in our apartments in the summer or during the heating season, it is 50%.

Humidifiers or jars of water placed near orchids will help.

Important! Without the necessary moisture, the orchid will not grow and produce a flower arrow.


The orchid prefers diffused sunlight. If there is not enough lighting, then the trunk is pulled out, and the leaves acquire a lighter shade.

With a lack of lighting, a flower arrow will not appear, and small flowers will bloom on an already formed branch. Even with a lack of light, the buds will crumble.

Too much sun exposure will cause burns. Brown dry spots will appear on the leaves and petals that are not treated. When the burn will take most sheet plate then he dies.

When is support needed?

Some types of orchids grow to a height of up to 50 cm, and so that in these cases the stem does not break, it will need support.

Also, some species of orchids grow quite long meter-long peduncles.

They also need support. You can buy them at garden centers and shops.

Choosing a place to put

The place should be sufficiently lit with diffused sunlight, but not burning the plant.

If the house has a sunny southern window sill, then it is great for cultivating orchids in the winter.

But already at the end of April, care must be taken to ensure that the growing summer sun does not burn the leaves. Therefore, the flowers are rearranged from the southern window sill deep into the apartment. Because even on the windowsill, a plant covered with white paper will get a strong overheating of all its organs.

The north window is suitable for summer period, but in winter time, especially if there are trees outside the window, the flowers will need to be illuminated with special lamps for plants.

How does it look in the interior?

The flower fits beautifully into those interiors that are made in oriental style.

Such living rooms and bedrooms with orchids become airy, as a variety of clouds of flowers decorate the design, making it elegant.

It will also look good with Chinese-style trim.

The orchid itself can decorate any design with its appearance, as its silky tenderness delights a lady of any age.

Important! The main thing is to learn proper care so as not to destroy the plant within a month after purchase.

Care after purchase at home

Immediately after purchase, the flower must be placed in a quarantine zone for 2 weeks to make sure that it is completely healthy.

Since the orchid is in the transport soil, the grower needs to know that there is something under the neck of the plant that retains moisture well:

  • Moss sphagnum;
  • Peat glass.

These components dry out for a long time and during transportation they help to survive the time without watering. But already standing in the store, an inexperienced seller can flood the plant. Experienced flower growers advise that you first transplant the orchid, sacrificing flowering in a new bark or the necessary substrate, and only then quarantine it. They do this to make sure:

  • That the root system is healthy without rotting black spots;
  • Remove the peat glass;
  • Examine the roots for pests;
  • Planted immediately in the correct bark.

Flowering conditions

In order for an orchid to release a flower arrow, it must be provided with the necessary proper care. Flowering has a long period of 2 months to six months.

Therefore, in order for the orchid to bloom, certain conditions must be met:

  1. Need to know the age of the plant- a plant that is too young will not bloom, since it does not yet have internal forces for this. Different types they start their first flowering in different ways, in some it begins at 1.5 years, in others at 3 years. Phalaenopsis should have 5-6 leaves, Wanda and similar orchids should have 5-8 shoots each, if there are fewer of them, and a peduncle has appeared, then the flower may not survive its recovery after flowering.
  2. Do not move the container with the plant- since the move itself will already be a noticeable stress for the plant, and if at that moment it decided to grow a peduncle, it may dry it out. It should be noted that if there is a need to move the orchid, a light mark must be made. The side that stands towards the light is marked, for example, with a match, and then putting it in a new place, put it with a match for lighting.
  3. Roots- you need to pay attention to them. They are involved in the process of photosynthesis and must always be healthy in order to nourish the flower with useful minerals. If the roots are sick, then their resuscitation will be required and naturally the orchid will not be up to flowering.
  4. Lighting- should be sufficient to form a flower arrow. The light day of the plant is 10-12 hours a day. If not, then you need to take care of the backlight. This is especially true in winter.
  5. Temperature- it should be noted that for the appearance of a flower arrow, it is necessary to organize a temperature difference between night and day temperatures. This difference is 5 degrees.
  6. Watering- it is done at the moment when the substrate dries out completely, since the dry bark allows the roots to breathe the oxygen necessary for the photosynthesis process.
  7. top dressing- they are brought in only up to a certain point. When the first bud begins to tie, this means the end of top dressing. Since fertilizers can shorten the flowering time.

How to care for flowering time?

During flowering you need:

  • Increase the amount of moisture supplied to the plant;
  • Stop all feeding;
  • Do not change the conditions of detention;
  • Do not move the container with the orchid.

What to do after flowering?

After flowering, a dormant period begins, which on average lasts about a month. In principle, during this period, care remains the same. The only difference is that fertilizers are not applied during the dormant period, since the flower will not absorb them.

During this period, you can transplant a flower, this will not disturb its peace. When the period is over, the flower will need top dressing specialized for this plant. This is indicated on the package, you can not feed others. And the fact that the dormant period is over will be indicated by a new growing leaf.

Important! All top dressings are applied only after watering, so as not to burn the root system.


Orchid transplantation should be carried out according to this recommendation:

  • The flower is taken out of the container and crushed, freeing from the substrate;
  • If the bark has grown to the root, it is not torn off, since the root can be cut off;
  • Soak an orchid in a stimulant, it could be succinic acid. For this, 1t. in a liter of warm water until it is completely dissolved;
  • The next step is to remove all that is rotten or dried out. After circumcision, all sections must be treated with wood ash;
  • An orchid is planted in a new bark with a fraction of 1x1 cm;
  • The first watering is carried out for 3-5 days, especially if there were a lot of rotting places on it.

Important! When transplanting, strictly follow these instructions so as not to destroy the plant.


In order to plant a young orchid, a transparent plastic container of such a size is selected so that the root system enters well into it. Transparent walls will serve as a guarantee that the roots will participate in the process of photosynthesis.

The soil is selected according to the type of orchid plant. Epiphytic orchids need one bark and not a lot of sphagnum moss in the composition of the soil. For those orchids that grow in the ground, a ready-made substrate is purchased, consisting of the necessary components.

Landing Method:

  • Moss and bark are placed at the bottom and a flower is exposed;
  • Then they fall asleep with a substrate, filling the void between the roots;
  • The neck of the plant should be at the level of the surface of the substrate.

Important! Watering is done on the 3rd day after planting, so that small wounds that occur when the plant is planted have time to heal.


Orchid plants can be propagated by various methods;

  • The division of the bush;
  • Children who are located on:
    • peduncle;
    • trunk;
    • roots.
  • Seeds.

The latter method is not used by amateur flower growers, since it is difficult enough to germinate seeds, it is necessary to have laboratory conditions for their growth.

But there are General requirements for reproduction:

  • Only adult specimens reproduce;
  • The plant must have many roots;
  • The peduncle for reproduction must be old;
  • Lighting should last more than 12 hours a day.


It is not necessary to cut the plant completely. Remove only faded flower stalks that have begun to dry out. Cut to the height that is still alive and 2 cm above the waiting kidney. From this bud, after a dormant period, a new peduncle or baby can develop.


Rejuvenation is carried out if the orchid has greatly outgrown its capacity and looks ugly, almost falling out of the pot. She must be at least 5 years old.

Rejuvenation principles:

  1. We disinfect the secateurs.
  2. We cut off the top of the bush so that the trunk is at least 5 cm and there are many air roots.
  3. We leave the lower part in the container after a certain time, it will give children on its remaining stump.
  4. We plant the top according to all the rules given above in a new container.

Important! Experienced flower growers advise leaving 6-10 leaves on the cropped top.


You can water in any convenient way:

  • Spilling the substrate from the watering can;
  • By immersing the container in water.

The main thing in watering is the right composition of water. It should be soft and warm. Rigid and cold water can shock the roots of the plant, and they will begin to rot. Therefore, we pour prepared water into the watering can and water the orchid in such a way that water does not accumulate in the axils of the leaf.

When choosing the second method, a basin of such a size is selected so that the flowerpot with the plant enters it completely in height. Pour the prepared water into the basin and put the orchid in it for 20 minutes. After the expiration of time, we take out and let the water drain completely.

top dressing

Top dressing is carried out only at the time of the growing season of the plant. A growing young leaf will speak of this. Feed only with specialized fertilizers, which can be purchased at flower shops.

It must be remembered that when applying top dressing, one must act strictly according to the instructions given on the package and not increase the dose and frequency of top dressing. Since this may not only not benefit the flower, but may well destroy it.


It is quite possible to pollinate a flower at home. To do this, pollen is transferred from the stamens to the pistil with a natural squirrel brush, and after a while pollination occurs, and seeds are tied.

After the pollination process, the flower wilts and the seed box gradually begins to grow. This growth continues for 5 months. When the seed box turns brown, this will indicate that the seeds are ready for sowing.

Diseases and pests

With improperly created cultivation, the flower is affected by various diseases that damage the leaves and roots:

  • Anthracosis;
  • Fusarium;
  • leaf spot;
  • Various types of rot (brown, black, gray);
  • Root rot;
  • Mosaic of leaves.

You can also find various pests - scale insects, various worms, thrips.

Important! If you inspect your collection weekly, then you can notice the order at the very beginning and then it will be easier to treat the plant.

How to revive?

Depending on the problem, different kinds resuscitation. If for any reason the flower has lost its roots, then they must be grown again and the flower must be treated with special fungicides so that there is no relapse.

If the problem is in the vegetative part, then the entire patient is cut out with sterile scissors, the rest is treated with an antiseptic and other drug, depending on the lesion that has occurred.

It must be remembered that it is easier to treat a small defeat than to save a completely affected flower without immunity.

Common mistakes

The main mistake of a beginner grower is unregulated watering. First, the flower is poured, fearing that it lacks moisture, and then they rush to the other extreme and begin to dry. It is important to find a middle ground and water when the plant needs it.

Not the right place. Very often the flower burns in direct sunlight and the leaves do not recover after that. It is necessary with the onset of heat to rearrange the flower away from the sun.

Answers to popular questions.

A novice florist always has a lot of questions about caring for tropical beauty. Let's answer the main ones.

Why is it growing poorly?

If the plant does not throw out new leaves, then you need to decide on the right care. An orchid may lack light or nutrients when feeding. Or is it infested with pests.

Why does not give new shoots?

There are not enough nutrients or the flower is in a dormant stage.

How often does it bloom?

With good care, it can bloom 10 months a year.

Caring for orchids is not difficult, just this delicate flower must be treated with attention. When cultivating a flower, one must not violate certain rules and then it will delight with magnificent long flowering.

In contact with

A blooming orchid rarely leaves anyone indifferent. Unusual, delicate flower sung by poets since ancient times. The mystery inherent in orchids is associated with the peculiarities of the structure of flowers, as well as the endowment of the plant with "healing power". In Asian countries, since time immemorial, they have been used for medicinal purposes. Currently, the indoor orchid is often bred as the main decorative element collections of domestic plants, due to their aesthetic characteristics, fragrant aroma, excellent color and shape of flowers.

Characteristics of indoor orchids

By and large, the structure of a room orchid differs little from other flowers. The plant has a trunk, leaves and flowers, although there are specific features. For certain types of orchids, the presence of “false” bulbs (pseudobulbs) is characteristic, where nutrients accumulate. These bulbs originally formed from wild plant to protect against adverse conditions in places of growth. At home, the functional value of the pseudobulb is reduced, although it is impossible to completely talk about its uselessness: the bulbs distribute useful elements for stem growth and lush flowering.

Roots are an important part of any plant. The special properties of the room orchid are associated with the presence of main and adventitious roots. Adnexal elements are formed on any parts, with the exception of the main root: on stems, shoots. This structure is associated with the "ancient" ancestor home plant when the roots of a wild orchid were supposed to support the growth of a flower, absorbing as much nutrition and moisture as possible from environment. Many orchids have lush vegetation from adventitious roots.

Orchid leaves show how the plant can adapt to external conditions. When describing a room orchid, it is worth noting the feature that light-loving varieties have thickened saturated leaves; species that prefer shade (for example, miltonia) have soft light foliage. Usually the leaves of orchids are green, but there are also variegated varieties (ludisia, makodes).

The seeds of most varieties of orchids usually do not germinate in ordinary soil. There are several reasons for this. Firstly, the seeds of a room orchid are hardly visible to the eye due to their small size, and secondly, they do not have a supply of endosperm inside, which prevents them from obtaining nutrients from the soil. When compiling a substrate for seed germination, gardeners use agar-agar - a substrate in its pure form or special hydrogels based on it.

Typology of indoor plants

If we talk about what kind of indoor orchids are, it is worth highlighting two main types according to the type of growth: monopodial and sympodial.

The differences between them are determined visually. Monopodial varieties always grow upwards, with each new leaf will be slightly larger than the previous one. Over time, all sheets acquire the same size. These species include phalaenopsis, agrekkum, aerangis, vanda. The root system of monopodial types forms adnexal parts on the plant stem.

The sympodial type is characterized by a horizontal arrangement of the rhizome, called the rhizome. These types of indoor orchids are a bush plant with several shoots. These include varieties: cattleya, cumbria, cymbidium, oncidium, miltonia. The shoots at the top of the bush stretch upward and have a thickened lower part. This is the so-called "false" bulb or pseudobulb. The flower arrow in sympodial varieties appears both from the shoot and from the bulb itself.

Due to the incredible beauty of flowers, orchids are very popular among professionals and just lovers of home plants. A wide variety of colors and shapes can impress the most demanding gardener. Particularly surprising are the varieties of indoor orchids with flowers only a few millimeters in size, while the largest specimens reach a quarter of a meter in diameter. According to the type of flowering, home orchids stand out in two types: multi-flowered and with single flowers.

by the most popular view home orchids are definitely considered phalaenopsis. Beautiful, delicate indoor phalaenopsis orchids, with proper care, can bloom year-round. The representative of the tropical forests of southeast Asia became known in the 17th century. The plant got its name by accident. In 1825, Karl Blum, leader botanical garden watching beautiful white moths. He later discovered that they were orchids. And this is not surprising, because the shape of the flowers really resembles fluttering butterflies. The name "Phalaenopsis" means "like a moth".

White phalaenopsis orchids are often grown at home and in offices, they are used to decorate house adjoining private areas, they are added to wedding bouquets. Usually, the white room orchid is divided into two types: miniature and standard. The standard one can grow up to one meter, the diameter of the flowers varies from 2 to 13 cm. Miniature species have a length of up to 30 cm. White orchids are odorless, do not react well to direct sun, diffused light is preferable for them.

Proper care of indoor orchids

Temperature, lighting, location

The level of lighting is one of the determining factors in the question of how to care for a room orchid, which will affect further flowering. Literate home care per plant is associated with providing a minimum of 14 light hours daily, so in winter you will need sources of additional artificial lighting (fluorescent lamps, phytolamps, fluorescent white light). Fresh air and sufficient light will help good growth and development of orchids at home.

For orchids, windows located in the eastern and western parts of an apartment or house are best suited, that is, places where there is diffused light. In the southern part of the house, flowers will most likely need additional darkening from too bright sun; northern windows are not suitable for all flower varieties. With a lack of light, the cultivation of indoor orchids may be accompanied by a lack of nutrients, with excessive lighting, the flower will begin to dry. The first signal that there is not enough light for the orchid will be the color of the leaves: they will turn dark green. A healthy color of the leaves is considered to be light, rich green, reddish shades. With an excess of light, the leaves will turn yellow, brown dry inclusions may appear.

The optimum room temperature for orchids in winter is 16-18 degrees, in summer - 20-25 C.

The experience of professional flower growers notes that in order to stimulate the flowering process, it is important for an orchid to create a difference between day and night temperatures within 3-5 degrees. Also, observation of the plant in winter showed that the orchid practically does not bloom at temperatures above 24-25 degrees.

It is worth noting salient feature orchids, in particular, phalaenopsis: good adaptability and response to the creation of favorable conditions. This suggests that after-purchase care of an indoor orchid, taking into account as many of the plant's natural preferences as possible, ensures good development and frequent flowering. High humidity is important for orchids, so spraying should be done regularly, especially in winter with room heating, which dries the air. During flowering, spraying should be done with extreme caution, avoiding water on the flowers. This is fraught with the appearance of ugly spots and the rapid fall of color.

Fertilizers, crop watering

The speed and frequency of watering will depend on the environmental conditions of plant development: temperature, light, soil composition. There is important point that watering a room orchid must comply with the rule: it is better to underfill a flower in a pot than to overdo it. The orchid will easily endure a slight drought, as it belongs to epiphytic plants. For a flower, soft water with a minimum inclusion of salts is well suited, the best option is rainwater. You can take boiled water room temperature or 2-3 degrees warmer.

The plant in pots is watered from above, the flowers in the blocks are lowered into the water for several minutes, after the excess moisture has drained, they are put in place. In summer, the frequency of watering is 2-3 times in 7 days after the top layer has dried, in winter, orchids are provided with a slightly dry period. For some varieties, a slight wrinkling of false bulbs will serve as an indicator of the need for watering. It is important to remember that the care of a room orchid, in particular, watering, must be adapted to specific conditions. The main feature of orchids: they absolutely cannot stand stagnant water.

One of the reasons why an indoor orchid does not bloom is an excess of moisture. This is especially true during the formation of the buds of future flower ovaries. If the plant is watered too abundantly, then you can see the formation of dried buds and dry flower stalks that have not had time to open. Almost all varieties of orchids begin to bloom after the growing season. Until this time, the flower needs enhanced watering. During the flowering period, a lot of moisture is also needed. The frequency and intensity of watering should be reduced during the dormant period, namely after flowering and in winter, when there is a lack of light and no heat in the room.

Top dressing of the flower should be carried out during the growth period with a frequency of 1 time in 15-20 days. Almost all plant species do not respond well to high salt concentrations. A good supporting agent is succinic acid for indoor orchids, which strengthens and stimulates the further development of the plant. After treatment with acid, the flowers activate the growth of green mass, roots and shoots. For orchids, succinic acid is a means of constantly stimulating the formation of roots - one of the vulnerable parts of the plant. The acid also neutralizes harmful toxins in the soil.

Popular liquid fertilizer Agricola's broad spectrum of action has been successfully applied to orchids. Top dressing contains important humic elements and mineral salts. Agricola is used for indoor orchids at the rate of 5 ml of the substance per 1 liter of liquid. The resulting solution is used as ordinary water for watering the plant. Feeding is best done every two weeks. The acidity of the fertilizer solution, equal to pH=6, will be optimal for better absorption of micro and macro elements.

Diseases and pests of orchids

The appearance of a room orchid disease is often due to improper care: lack of lighting, direct sunlight on the leaves. However, there are diseases that can harm the plant: rot, viruses, fusarium, anthracnose, bacterial diseases. Orchids affected by the disease have pronounced spotting on leaves and buds. This is a signal to isolate the plant from healthy flowers. Spots in the form of lines, circles, as a rule, signal a fungal or bacterial infection.

The popular cultivar Phalaenopsis has a tendency to bacterial infections. Leaves usually begin to turn yellow, then darken and become elastic. Further, wet formations appear on the foliage, from which a liquid substrate flows. In such a situation, diseases of indoor orchids and their treatment should be accompanied by isolation of the plant. The affected leaves are cut off, and the places of the cuts are treated with iodine. If after two weeks the disease has not reappeared, the plant can be placed next to other flowers.

Spider mites on indoor plants and orchids are detected as follows: a thin cobweb appears on the buds and flowers. You can see it during regular spraying, so do not neglect them. In a more advanced stage, orchid leaves begin to dry out and curl, showing pale yellow lesions. Ticks are able to lead the plant to death, drink all the juices, and in addition, contribute to further fungal infection flower. At the most early stages Tick ​​infestations are not easy to spot and often love soft leaves, so be careful with young home orchid plants.

Reproduction, transplanting a room orchid

Breeding orchids at home can be safely carried out, knowing some of the features of this process. Standard propagation of indoor orchids is done by dividing an adult plant, cuttings, side shoots, seeds, false bulbs, layering, tops. most used and affordable way- dividing the bush during the transplantation period. The plant is separated along with the roots, while it is desirable to leave three false bulbs for each part (for sympodial varieties). An important requirement for breeding by division: the orchid must be large enough.

Knowing how to propagate an indoor orchid is not enough. You need to strictly follow the basic rules. It is better to disinfect the tools used, treat the cut points with charcoal. Roots require careful handling as they tend to break easily. Before planting, the soil can be moistened with soft water, after which the pot with the plant should be placed in a warm, but not sunny place, do not feed, temporarily do not water, but only spray.

Indoor orchids are bred by cuttings when pseudobulbs of some varieties are formed by thickening of the internodes of the main stem. This type of propagation allows you to effectively use the entire supply of false bulbs and get a large number of plants. Separated bulbs are cut so that each fragment has a developed kidney. Before development, cuttings are kept in a warm insulator (temperature not lower than 20 ° C), at high humidity, regularly ventilated to avoid rotting.

An orchid imported from the tropics has been used for many years to decorate apartments, houses, office space. Many flower growers successfully grow more than a dozen species of different orchids. Any subspecies of this plant is distinguished by something original and unique. Flowers vary in color, size and shape. Next, we will consider the features of orchid transplantation and home care.

The main problems when growing orchids

In order for the plant to please with its appearance and regular flowering, it is necessary to ensure proper care of the orchid at home. There are several main problems that a lover of this plant may encounter.

yellowing leaves

When caring for an orchid at home, a problem often occurs - yellowing leaves appear. It is important to know that any plant at some point changes the color of the leaves to yellow and they dry out, which is perfectly normal. When the old lower leaves turn yellow, a natural process occurs, so they are updated. Once the leaf is completely dry, it is carefully trimmed.

But if the recently appeared leaves turn yellow, it becomes clear that the plant is sick. This was probably due to improper care of the orchid at home, in particular watering:

  • When the soil receives excess moisture, then rot appears on the roots, this contributes to yellowing.
  • If the soil does not receive enough moisture, then the leaves begin to wither and dry out.

If the room has a low level of humidity, it is necessary to spray the plant more often with a spray bottle.

In winter, the leaves turn yellow when the plant is exposed to air current. Also during this period, it is undesirable to put the orchid on the windowsill, it can get cold or even freeze slightly.

In summer, the leaves turn yellow due to direct sunlight. Dark spots first appear on the leaves, then the leaf begins to dry out.

Problems with the root system

If you do not provide proper care for the orchid at home, then the flower may begin to have problems with the root system. Regular inspection of the roots is necessary. The orchid was clearly subjected to improper watering if the roots were covered with mucus, became the darkest shade, or, conversely, turned pale.

Some seriously believe that the orchid needs to be watered a lot, as this happens in the wild during the rainy season. Then it is worth familiarizing yourself with some facts:

  • When the rains end, all the liquid drains from the bark of the trees, not being held in it, then absorbed by the soil. Roots are not placed in water for a long time, they absorb required amount moisture. AT room conditions moisture will linger flower pot, which will start the process of decay. If obvious signs of excessive watering are visible, then the flower needs to be transplanted into the updated soil. Before this, carefully examine the roots, if damage is found, they should be removed.
  • It is also worth remembering that the orchid prefers moist air. Therefore, you need to regularly irrigate the leaves with water from a spray bottle.

No flowering

It happens that the orchid does not bloom for a long time. Often there is a situation when the orchid has already bloomed more than once, but after the last stage of rest, flowering does not occur. Most often this happens due to lack of light. It is known that daylight hours are shorter in winter, and during this period the orchid is usually at rest. You can artificially increase daylight hours to 12-14 hours, and as a result, the orchid will bloom.

After the orchid blooms (we consider home care in this article), the dried flower stalks are carefully cut off. If it does not dry out and has a green or pale brown tint, then young buds will probably appear after a while.

How to stimulate a plant to bloom?

Orchids are stressed. The plant is transferred overnight to a room with cooler air, the temperature difference should be about 10 degrees, watered rarely and little. If these manipulations are carried out within 4-6 weeks, all efforts will be successful. During this period of time, the laying of the kidneys will take place. If the buds still do not appear, then the flower is gradually removed from the dormant stage. To do this, gradually increase the air temperature and water more abundantly.

To save the orchid, the affected areas are cut off with a sharpened sterile knife along with a piece of healthy tissue. Next, the wounds are treated with a special disinfectant or activated carbon or cinnamon. This procedure is necessary to prevent the spread of infection. The container and soil mixture must be replaced.

What kind of lighting is needed

Orchids prefer diffused light, without direct exposure to the sun, which leads to burns. But also do not like shady places, the flower will not grow.

Which place to choose?

Windows on the south side give a lot of light, especially in summer. You should choose a slightly distant place from the window with a slight shadow.

Western and southwestern sides - the best place for many orchids. The sun will shine in the afternoon, when it is not so scorching.

The north side is not quite suitable, there is little light here. Then you need to use additional lighting.

Temperature regime

Comfortable air temperature during the day - from 18⁰С to 27⁰С, at night - from 13⁰С to 24⁰С.

Heat-loving orchids that endure heat up to 35⁰С include Paphiopedilum, Dendrobium, dwarf Vanda, Phalaenopsis.

Cattleya, Cymbidium, Odontoglossum prefer moderate temperature regime, during the day no more than 22⁰С, at night 16⁰С.

Masdevalia, Miltonia, Cumbria orchids (we will look at home care in the article) prefer a cool microclimate with a high percentage humidity.

Air humidity level

It is important to maintain a certain degree of humidity in the room. The least whimsical to this parameter are Cattleya, Phalaenopsis, Cymbidium, Cambria, Paphiopedilum, Oncidium. Humidity of 40-50% is acceptable for them. High humidity (75-90%) is preferred by Wanda, Miltonia.

In the warm season, moisture from the soil evaporates intensely. Therefore, it is so important to humidify the air in the room. In the apartment, a humidifier, a fountain are additionally connected, and containers with water are placed. In summer, spray irrigation and ventilation are used. Otherwise, a warm humid microclimate will contribute to the formation of fungus and bacterial diseases.

Which container to choose

There is an opinion that translucent capacity is very important for root photosynthesis. But this is not at all the case - the roots are much more important than air, not light. Therefore, you need to choose dishes from a material suitable for comfortable maintenance.

Polypropylene pots are especially popular. Plastic containers retain moisture well, the root system does not overcool. The most convenient thing is to easily inspect the soil and roots. For additional air circulation in containers, holes are made on the sides. Such pots are suitable for Phalaenopsis and Dendrobium.

Orchids such as Oncidium, Cumbria, Cymbidium, Paphiopedilum and other species with pseudobulbs are planted in a clay container. Its advantage is that such dishes pass air and evenly distribute moisture. The best form option is when the pot is the same height and diameter. Except Cymbidium: its large root system needs a tall pot.

For Wanda, choose containers with a shape that allows you to contain the rhizome inside, and upper part- outside. This is the best option for proper growth orchids.

Which soil to choose

In nature, the trunk of a tree serves as a support and source of nutrients, and in room conditions this duty is carried out by soil from pieces of pine bark, peat, moss and charcoal. The light structure guarantees proper air microcirculation, accumulates and gradually releases nutrition and moisture. The nutritional value of the soil mixture is determined by the type of root system. The poorer it is, the more aerial roots the plant has - they spread in search of water and food. An undeveloped root system indicates that the orchid receives all the nutrients in the required amount.

Home care: watering orchids

Watering is an important moment, on which the flowering appearance and health of representatives of the Orchid family largely depend. The level of moisture consumption is affected by the duration of illumination, evaporation, soil structure, stage of growth.

Phalaenopsis, Paphiopedilum, Miltonia, Cambria, Cymbidium prefer moist soil, but not wet. Dendrobium, Cattleya, Odontoglossum, Oncidium require complete drying of the soil before subsequent watering.

In winter, orchid care at home is minimal. Watering is recommended to be carried out 1-2 times a month. In the summer this is done much more often.

Soil consisting of large pieces of bark with sphagnum retains liquid for a longer time, and soil without peat and moss dries out faster.

In the dormant stage, water less. In order for a flower bud to form, a kind of drought is arranged for the plant, so the orchid is stimulated to bloom.

The best water for irrigation is filtered, settled, a couple of degrees warmer than room air. Orchids prefer lower watering, irrigation of the soil and the inside of the leaves.

What fertilizers to use

You can use top dressing between flowering 2 times a month. During the period of active growth, fertilizers with nitrogen are used, during the laying of the peduncle - with potassium and phosphorus.

Fertilizers can be applied only after watering, so that the soil is moist, otherwise the roots will get a chemical burn.

During the flowering of an orchid (home care is discussed in the article), you should not fertilize it - the supply of minerals will last up to 4 months. It is also necessary to exclude top dressing in the winter and during the dormant period.

Within a year after transplantation, Cattleya, Phalaenopsis, Miltonia, Cymbidium, Cumbria do without fertilizers. Mineral elements in the soil are enough for normal growth. It is enough to systematically water and spray.

Wanda is susceptible to fertilizers. Since the orchid grows without soil, the roots are sprayed with water every day, every third watering is advised to be done with top dressing.

So, we examined the features of growing orchids and home care. The job is not difficult at all. The main thing to follow established rules care and pay more attention to this plant.

Now it is difficult to meet a person who has not heard anything about orchids. However, the indoor orchid is very different from its wild counterparts. Some orchids grow in the wild, in tropical latitudes, on trees, the trunks of which serve as their support. There are species that grow on rocks, while their roots grow into cracks between stones, where moisture and humus accumulate. But the most unusual are the species that lead an underground lifestyle.

There are many legends and myths associated with the origin of the orchid. For example, the Maori tribes and the Amazon Indians firmly believed in its divine origin. For residents South America the white orchid is a kind of insurance policy sent by the gods. And some people still believe that in the dense thickets of the jungle there are predatory species that can even devour a person. Of course, orchids have not yet matured to humans, but there are specimens that feed on spiders and other insects attracted bright color or the smell of flowers.

All about roommates

The flower got its name from the Greek word, which means "testicle". There are very capricious representatives of this family, but for the most part, orchids are not particularly whimsical, they are easy to care for, they bloom easily at home.

In room conditions, the orchid needs enough moisture room air. Flowers easily tolerate the lack of moisture. Their roots are arranged in such a way that they quickly absorb moisture and can retain it for a long time. For orchids that develop indoors, the presence of aerial roots is inherent. They are not removed; with their help, the orchid captures moisture from the air.

Although the orchid is native to the tropics, caring for it is not too different from caring for others. indoor plants. It does not require expensive fertilizers or special pots. But some features are still worth considering. Orchids in room conditions prefer placement on the eastern windows, as well as those looking to the northeast and northwest. If it is not possible to create such conditions for her, then you can simply darken, that is, create a shadow in the place where you plan to plant the flower.

Some place orchids in the depths of the rooms, then the flowers need additional lighting. Help can come here fluorescent lamps. During the development indoor flower orchid requires a long daylight hours, approximately 12-15 hours. Direct sunlight on the plant should not fall. Light must be scattered. Otherwise, the orchid will simply burn. In order to answer the question of how to care for a room orchid, you should know the features during the flowering period. For a period of time when the plant is actively growing, winter and summer, the atmosphere around the plant should be humid. This will contribute to the regular spraying of the leaves. Aerial roots should also be treated, if any. The flower should not stand in a draft, but the air circulation in the room should be good. An orchid in favorable conditions can have a flowering period of up to six months. Optimum temperature rooms - 20-23 ° С.

Blooming room orchid

The orchid is characterized by long and long flowering, for which it is loved. The flowers of the plant are dense and can bloom for a month, sometimes two. Peduncles have an even longer life span. With proper care, they can branch and bloom several times. The older the plant, the denser its flowers will be and the more flower stalks will appear.

Your favorite houseplant is an orchid? How to care for her so that she blooms? Orchid flowering can begin at any time when conditions are most favorable for that. It all starts with the laying of a color bud, which at first is invisible. It becomes noticeable if the peduncle begins to develop. The period of time between budding and growth itself can be quite long. For the development of color buds into flower stalks, certain conditions must be met, depending on the orchid variety:

A sharp reduction in watering;

A sharp reduction in daylight hours.

But it should be noted that if the peduncle has already begun to grow, then the reduction in daylight hours will not affect this.

End of flowering: what's next

Many are concerned about the question of how to care for a room orchid after flowering. The first thing to note is that you should not rush and cut off the peduncle as soon as the flowers begin to dry out. Yes, and after all the buds have fallen, the peduncle must be observed. If it does not dry out, then new buds are likely to appear on it. You can cut it only if it begins to turn yellow and dry out. After cutting, a stump of 2.5 centimeters remains. Live flower stalks are cut to adjust the shape of the orchid.

Orchid propagation

The houseplant orchid is so beautiful that you want to have more and more. And sooner or later the question arises of how a flower reproduces and how to plant it correctly. Orchid indoor breeding suggests in the following ways:

Often on a flower you can see "air babies". Most often they appear on peduncles. You should wait until the shoot acquires its roots, and then plant it in the ground for independent growth. Dendrobium and phalaenopsis reproduce in this way when they are in a room with high temperature and sufficient humidity.

Propagation by cuttings is suitable for phalaenopsis, vanda, ascocentrum. The stem of such orchids has one apical point of growth. A side shoot can become a cutting. A stalk can also be made from a faded flower shoot. The stem is cut into cuttings up to 15 centimeters long, they are laid on prepared soil, sand or moss. After that, the vessel is covered with a film. Each cutting must have at least a few nodes with axillary buds.

Like many indoor flowers, the orchid can be propagated by division. But this method is suitable only for a few representatives, for example, catlea, lelia, dendrobium, miltonia. They differ in that they have several points of growth, each of which gives a sprout. The right time to divide is spring. During this period, the plant will take root better. To do this, it is removed from the pot, cleaned of the substrate or washed under a tap with warm water. The peeled rhizome is cut with a knife or secateurs so that at least a few pseudobulbs remain on each piece. Slices must be sprinkled with charcoal powder.

Variety of orchid species

Like many indoor flowers, the orchid has many types. Each plant variety is unique. In caring for them, there are also some differences that everyone who wants to enjoy the beauty of this flower should know. Indoor orchids species are as follows:

Katleya, the most popular representative found in homes. The color of the flowers can be raspberry, purple, pink, yellow. The diameter of the flowers is large (11-15 centimeters). She needs good ventilation, a minimum air temperature of 15 ° and sufficient humidity.

- Orchid Vanda is a very beautiful, but whimsical plant. It has long peduncles and large flowers on them. To bloom, she needs to provide very bright lighting and high humidity air. Has a pleasant aroma. The lower temperature threshold is 14°. Flowering period - autumn-winter.

Lycasta has a large size, which is why it is rarely seen for sale. Prefers partial shade. The temperature likes cool and moderate. Flowers solitary, very fragrant.

Dendrobium is very variable in size. It has long fleshy stems. Colors range from white to bright purple.

Miltonia has variegated velvety flowers. Doesn't like drafts. Winter temperature is 12-15°, summer temperature is not higher than 25°.

Phalaenopsis indoors

Phalaenospis is also called butterfly orchids. This indoor orchid blooms twice a year. Duration of flowering from 2 months to six months. Flowers vary in size from 2 to 15 cm. The color is very diverse, there are species with veins, specks and spotted. Indoor phalaenopsis orchids bloom more often and more readily on the southern windows, which are naturally shaded. Requires thorough watering once a week. It is necessary to fertilize phalaenopsis several times a month, you can add it directly to the water when watering. This orchid variety does not have a dormant period, which means it can grow constantly, even during the flowering period. In order for the flower to bloom, you can deliberately slow down the growth process. AT spring period put it in a cool place and reduce watering. The temperature difference in the room during the day and at night should not exceed 5 °. In summer, at a temperature of 30-35 °, the orchid intensively grows leaves, but does not bloom.

Watering methods

For a fully healthy plant, water quality is very important. indoor orchid prefers soft to moderately hard water. The hardness of water can be reduced by boiling. It is worth noting that many orchids in room conditions die precisely because of overflow. For orchids, drying the roots is a must. There are several ways to water an orchid.

We water with a watering can. A thin stream, passing over the entire surface of the pot, until water begins to accumulate in the pan. Excess must be drained from it. Morning watering is optimal for an orchid, then the plant will have time to dry out before evening. When watering a flower, you should avoid getting water on it. If this happens, then it is better to dry this place, for example, with a napkin.

Watering by immersion. To do this, lower the flower into a container of water until it is saturated. It takes about 30 seconds. After that, you must definitely let it drain and you can return it to its place.

bathing orchids

Indoor flower orchid loves to swim. You can carry out this procedure several times a month. To do this, the pot itself is placed in a plastic bag and tied, and the flowers and leaves are under a gentle pressure of warm water. Leave the plant in the bathroom to dry. Bathing is a more useful procedure than spraying. It cleans the leaves from dust and microorganisms. Remember that during the dormant period, moisture should be at a minimum. But, for example, the soil of phalaenopsis, which does not have a "hibernation" period, should not dry out much.

"House" for orchids

An orchid pot is not just a container, it is also a support. At room conditions, the orchid feels good in a pot. Suitable for this plastic transparent pots. This allows you to monitor the state of the roots, and in the case of phalaenopsis, this is a necessity, since its roots are involved in photosynthesis. Plastic contributes to a longer preservation of moisture, salt does not accumulate on the walls. To prevent overflow, additional side holes can be made.

Clay "houses" are good because they allow moisture and air to pass through. They cool more strongly, which will appeal to more frost-resistant types of orchids. Another advantage of a clay pot is its weight. The probability that the flower will fall under the weight of its own weight is small. The disadvantages of this pot include the roughness of its inner walls. Orchid roots may grow to them, and subsequently problems may arise during transplantation.

The substrate is not earth

Indoor orchid, unlike the flowers familiar to us, does not take root in the ground. Its roots need a lot of air. And the substrate consists of components that can provide the plant with a sufficient amount of air and moisture. One of the components of the substrate is the bark. On the territory of Russia, most often it is pine bark. True, oak bark has large quantity nutrients. Another component of the substrate should be moss. You can use not only live, but also dried sphagnum. It is needed primarily as a means for the accumulation of moisture, in addition, it is an excellent source of nutrients. It also absorbs excess salt well. However, it has to be replaced quite often if it was used alive.

Proper nutrition, lighting, air humidity and watering will be the key to a healthy, beautiful plant that will delight you and your guests for a long time.
