Verb. Basic pledges. Active and passive voice: characteristic features

From the history. Category collateral has been and still remains the subject of close attention of many linguists. “...Different grammarians understood the scope and grammatical content of the voice category in different ways; some saw in the pledge only a reflection of the relations of the action to the object, others included in the circle of pledge meanings, beyond the object relations, various relations of the action to the subject, still others sought to limit the concept of pledge to the expression of the relation to the subject.

The traditional doctrine of pledges, leading from the six pledges of M.V. Lomonosov, is preserved until early XIX in. and ends with the works of F.I. Buslaev, from whom this theory receives the most profound development.

The category of voice is understood by linguists of this period as a category that expresses the relation of an action to an object. In this regard, the concepts of pledge and transitivity-intransitivity were identified. In parallel with transitivity-intransitivity, another principle was laid as the basis for the allocation of voice - the distinction between verbs with the affix -sya and verbs without this affix. The confusion of these two principles did not make it possible to construct a consistent theory of pledges.

F.F. Fortunatov in the article "On the voices of the Russian verb" speaks of voices as verb forms that express the relation of the action to the subject. Instead of the lexical-syntactic principle of F.F. Fortunatov put the grammatical correlation of forms as the basis for the classification of voices. The formal sign of the pledge is the affix -sya, therefore, two pledges are allocated (returnable and non-returnable). F.F. Fortunatov refuses to identify voice and transitivity-intransitivity, but points out the connection of voice meanings with transitivity-intransitivity values.

Other researchers (A.A. Potebnya, A.A. Shakhmatov) considered voice as a category expressing subject-object relations.

A.A. Shakhmatov puts the sign of transitivity-intransitivity into the basis of the doctrine of voice and distinguishes three voices (real, passive, reflexive). Shakhmatov gives a subtle analysis of the main meanings of the affix -sya in reflexive verbs.

Transitive and intransitive verbs. Transitive and intransitive verbs differ in meaning. The basis of such a distinction is the attitude towards the object of the action expressed by the verb. To transitional include verbs with the meaning of an action directed at an object that changes or produces this object - the object of the action: read a book, expand a sleeve, sew a suit. To intransitive include verbs denoting movement and position in space, physical and moral state, for example: fly, get sick, stand, suffer. Their syntactic difference is connected with the lexical meaning of transitive and intransitive verbs: transitive verbs are combined with the designation of an object in the accusative case without a preposition, and intransitive verbs require addition only in indirect cases without a preposition or with prepositions; compare: be in love(whom? what?) - transitive verb, to help(to whom? why?) is an intransitive verb. With transitive verbs, the object of action can be expressed in the genitive case in two cases: a) to indicate part of the object: drink water, buy bread; b) in the presence of negation with the verb: did not read newspapers, did not receive a salary, does not have the right. Usually transitive and intransitive verbs do not have their own special morphological features. However, some types of word formation of verbs are indicators of transitivity and intransitivity of the verb. So, all verbs with the affix -sya(cf.: convince - make sure), as well as denominative verbs with the suffix -e- and -nicha-(-icha-): to weaken, to bald, to be artisanal, to be greedy, to picky etc. Transitive verbs are formed from adjectives with the suffix -and-: blacken, green etc. In some cases, adding prefixes to intransitive non-prefixed verbs turns them into transitive ones; compare: harm(to whom; to what?), neutralize(whom? what?). Depending on the lexical meaning, the same verb can act as transitive and intransitive: Editoredits the manuscript. - Rules the worldthe man himself(M.). With intransitive verbs, the accusative case is possible without a preposition, but only with the meaning of space or time: Troops are comingdayandnight(P.).

The grammatical category of voice is a verb category that expresses the relation of an action to the subject (the producer of the action) and the object of the action (the object on which the action is performed). For example: 1) General abruptlystoppedcar near your tent(Cat.). The verb stopped has a form of voice that expresses the relation of action ( stopped) to the subject ( general) and the action object ( car) covered by the action in its entirety; 2) ... A small cart drawn by a trio of exhausted horses,stoppedin front of the porch(T.). Voice form of the verb stopped denotes an action that closes in the subject itself ( cart) that does not pass to the object. Difference of verb forms stopped and stopped in the above proposals there is a difference in collateral.

Pledges and their formation. Grammatical means of expressing voice meanings can be morphological and syntactic. Morphological means in the formation of pledges are: a) affix -sya attached to a verb: rejoice - rejoice; b) suffixes of real and passive participles (cf .: seeing -who saw and visible - seen). The syntactic means of expressing pledge values ​​are: a) the syntactic difference in the expression of the subject and object of the action (cf.: Wavesblurcoast.- Shoreblurredwaves); b) the presence of an object of action and its complete absence (cf.: Rainraisesharvest. - Rainstarts); c) the difference in the forms and meanings of nouns controlled by the verb (cf.: The contract is concludedforeman. - The contract is concludedwith the foreman).

The main voices are active, mid-reflexive and passive.

Active voice have transitive verbs denoting an action performed by the subject and actively directed at the object. The active voice has a syntactic characteristic: the subject of the action is the subject, and the object is the object in the accusative case without a preposition: Peace will win the war.

Average return deposit have verbs formed from transitive verbs (active voice) by means of an affix -sya. They express the action of the subject, which does not pass to the direct object, but, as it were, returns to the subject itself, concentrated in it; compare: return the book and come back(himself) pay attention and focus(himself).

Depending on the lexical meaning foundations and character syntactic links verbs of the middle voice can express shades of meaning that characterize the relationship between the subject and the object of the action in different ways.

    Self-returnable verbs express an action whose subject and direct object are the same person: [Daughters] perfumedYespomadethat dolldress up(D. Bed.). Affix -sya in these verbs it means "self".

    Reciprocal verbs denote the action of several persons, of which each person is both the subject and the object of the designated action. Affix -sya these verbs have the meaning of "each other": And new friendsembrace, wellkiss(Cr.).

    Refundable verbs express internal state subject, closed in the subject itself, or a change in the state, position, movement of the subject. Such verbs allow the addition of the words "self", "self" - get upset, move(himself); frustrated, moved(myself): Popadya Baldoywon't brag, popovna about Balda only andsad(P.).

    Indirect return verbs denote an action performed by the subject in his own interests, for himself: He was a neat guy. Everyonestocked upon the way back(P.).

    Objectless-returnable verbs denote an action outside of relation to the object, closed in the subject as its permanent property: AlreadyburnsSun(N.); Mother darned the sheepskin coat, but hetornandtorn(Paust.).

Passive voice in meaning it correlates with the active voice, but has its own morphological and syntactic characteristics. The passive voice is expressed by adding an affix to the verbs of the active voice -sya(cf.: workersare buildingat home. - Housesare being builtworkers). In addition, the meaning of the passive voice can be expressed in the forms of passive participles - full and short. For example: Motherloved(darling). Topicstudied(studied). Design matching - The factory executes the plan(actual construction) and The plan is carried out by the factory(passive construction) shows that in the real construction (with a transitive verb) the subject of the action is expressed by the subject, and the object is the object in the accusative case, and in the passive construction (with a reflexive verb), the object becomes the subject, and the former subject turns out to be the complement in the instrumental case. Thus, the passive voice presents the action as passively directed from the object to the subject.

The most important grammatical indicator of the passive voice is the instrumental case of a noun with the meaning of the doer, the real subject of the action. The absence of such an instrumental case brings the passive meaning of the verb closer to the mean reflexive, especially when the subject is the name of the person (cf .: Skiers go hiking; Letters are mailed; Parcels are sentforwarder).

Bondarko's theory of collateral determination. Includes all verbs. The theory is based on the relationship between the subject and the predicate. The subject is considered as a carrier of a verbal feature (integral). The relation of the verb to the subject is a differential feature. If the action is directed from the subject - the active voice (centrifugal), if the action is directed towards the subject - the passive voice (centripetal). Since intransitive verbs cannot have an object of action, they are always active. In indefinite-personal and definitely-personal sentences, the meaning of voice is weakened, in impersonal sentences, the voice sign is neutralized. The passive voice usually has the postfix xia.

Shakhmatov/Vinogradov's pledge theory. Pledge - CC, expressing the relationship of the subject and object of the action of the verb to the subject and object of the sentence. There are 3 voices: active, passive, medium recurrent.

Active voice. Denotes the action of a transitive verb performed by the subject of the action (subject) and directed at the object of the action (direct object). All transitive verbs can potentially have a DZ value. Morphological parameters DZ has no. It is expressed syntactically: by the presence of action, subject of action, object of action. The forms of all persons and moods of the verb can have the meaning of DZ - the meaning of the activity of the action in relation to the subject.

Passive voice. The subject of the action and the subject of the sentence are bifurcated within the limits of the sentence. The subject of the sentence (the subject) becomes the object of the action of the verb. And the subject of the action of the verb becomes the object of the sentence in Tv.p. # The door is opened by the doorman. This gives rise to the meaning of a passive action in relation to the subject. The form of expression SZ is a passive construction + sya, attached to a transitive verb. When translating DZ into SZ, it must be borne in mind that only HB verbs in the 3rd person are capable of this. From transitive verbs CB, CB is formed with the help of passive participles CB.

Syntax of DZ and SZ. In the context, the subject or object of the action may be lost. #I am building a house (the deposit is preserved). I distribute newspapers. The article is being printed.

Average return. Indicates that the action performed by the subject does not go to the object, but closes on the subject itself. # Mom is washing her face. Only transitive verbs, when joined, form SVZ, while transitivity is lost. The value of the concentration of action on the manufacturer itself is common to the SVZ.

Varieties of SVZ: 1. Self-returning - shows that the action performed by the subject returns to him and produces changes in the appearance or physical appearance of the subject. The subject of the action is a person or an animal. # dress up. 2. Reciprocal - the action is performed mutually by two persons or several subjects of the action, which are at the same time objects. # put up. 3. Recursive - the meaning of the focus of the action on its producer (state, self, self) # grieve. 4. Indirectly reversible - the action is performed by the subject for himself, in his own interests # to gather. 5. Active-objectless (the property of an animated object - the dog bites) and passive-qualitative (the property of an inanimate object - the burr pricks).

They don't have collateral. 1. Intransitive verbs without SA (sleep). 2. Verbs formed from intransitive + SA (to knock). 3. Verbs that are not used without SL (laugh). 4. Verbs formed from transitive, when SL introduces a new meaning (pretend). 5. Impersonal verbs (twilight).

A) Transitivity and intransitivity of verbs.

BUT) transitive verbs- designate an action directly and necessarily directed to some object, for example: to build - whom? What? Home, love - Whom? What? Mother, the action is directed to the object. Intransitive verbs - they call an action that is not directed at an object, for example: have fun, talk. Entire lexico-semantic groups of verbs can be transitive or intransitive, so the verbs of creation: erect, build, etc., destruction - burn, break, destroy, etc., speaking - speak, inform, etc., sensual perceptions - hear, see, feel, are usually transitional. Intransitive verbs include motion verbs, for example: run, jump, etc., positions in space - stand, lie down; sounds - rattle, buzz, call; states - doze off, get sick; state changes - to lose weight, turn white. It should be remembered that polysemantic verbs in some of their meanings can be transitive and in others intransitive. (The child reads (what?) a book. The child reads well).

Grammar differences.

Transitive verbs combine (govern) with nouns in the Accusative case without a preposition, for example: solve (whom? What?) A task. Instead of the accusative case, the direct object is expressed in two cases in the genitive form. 1. If the action does not cover the entire subject, but only part of it. For example: drink (whom? What?) Water, a form of the genitive case, because the ending s, in the accusative - y, drink water.

2. If the verb has a negation. For example: I didn’t buy (what?) Bread, Genitive noun, bought (whom? What?) bread, we will replace the negation with an affirmation and there will be an accusative case.

The foundations of the doctrine of pledge were laid in the 18-19 centuries by the works of Lomonosov, Vostokov and others. Of the modern researchers, Muchnik I.P., Moiseev A.I., Bulavin L.L., and others contributed to the study of collateral.

S (subject) D (action) O (object)

In university practice, there has traditionally been such an understanding of the voice, which is completely based on the transitivity and intransitivity of verbs. Only transitive verbs and intransitive verbs formed from them with the postfix -sya have the category of voice, all other intransitive verbs are out of voice. According to one of the classifications, there are: real, passive, and medium recurrent pledges.

Active voice means active action, which is committed by the subject, and which passes to the object.

The subject - performs an action - and goes to the object. These verbs are always irrevocable and transitive. For example: the plane delivers mail, mom washed the frame.

Passive voice - denotes a passive action that is performed by the subject in the instrumental case and which is directed at the object.

Airplane delivers mail - MAIL DELIVERED BY AIRCRAFT (Tv.p), reflexive, intransitive, but formed from a transitive verb.

Medium return pledge - denotes the action of the subject, which is directed "at itself", as if returning to itself. For example: The child (subject) dressed (action) very slowly. The action returns to itself - subject = object.

The verbs of this voice are divided into the following groups: 1. Verbs with a general reflexive meaning: they denote the closedness of the action in the subject with the definitive pronoun CAM, for example: rise, be surprised, etc. He climbed the stairs (not someone, but he climbed). 2. Verbs with a proper reflexive meaning, denote the return of the action to the agent himself. (Postfix -sya, close in meaning to the meaning of having oneself) Cover yourself well - cover yourself well. (The verb hide yourself is not a return, the image is from the verb's transition). Bathe, bathe, dress. 3 Verbs with an indirect reflexive meaning show that the action is performed by the subject in his own interests (postfix -sya = for himself, fit, build for himself). 4. Verbs with reciprocal meaning, shows that the action is performed by two or more persons, each of which acts both as a subject and as an object (postfix - sya = each other, hug, kiss, swear). 5. Verbs with an active-objectless meaning, the subject is characterized by the fact that he has a constant ability to actively manifest himself in the process of the named action. The object is usually not named, for example: a dog bites, a bee stings, a cow butts. 6. Verbs with a passive-qualitative meaning denote the ability of a passive subject. undergo the named action. An action characterizes an object as its constant qualitative feature. For example: Wax melts.

She blushed (mean return value). Cheeks blush (passive voice, frost blushes cheeks) with frost.

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Non-collateral verbs

1. Irreversible intransitive verbs. For example: walk.

2. Verbs formed with the help of the postfix - Xia from intransitive verbs, the postfix Xia only enhances intransitivity, for example - cry-cry, look-look.

3. Verbs formed in a prefixal-postfixal way: cry, disperse, etc.

4. Verbs not used without - Xia: admire, smile, smile. Say hello, vouch.

5. Reflexive verbs that differed in meaning from the corresponding irrevocable verbs, for example: torture and try, spread (wings) and deal (with someone).

Grammatical means of expressing voice meanings can be morphological and syntactic.

Morphological means in the formation of collateral serve:

  • affix -sya attached to the verb: to please - to rejoice;
  • suffixes of real and passive participles (cf .: seeing - seeing and visible - seen).

The syntactic means of expressing pledge values ​​are:

  • syntactic difference in the expression of the subject and object of action (cf .: Waves wash away the shore. - The coast is washed out by waves);
  • the presence of an object of action and its complete absence (cf .: Rain increases the harvest. - The rain begins);
  • the difference in the forms and meanings of nouns controlled by the verb (cf .: The contract is concluded by the foreman. - The contract is concluded with the foreman).

The main voices are active, mid-reflexive and passive.

The active voice has transitive verbs denoting an action performed by the subject and actively directed at the object. The active voice has a syntactic characteristic: the subject of the action is the subject, and the object is the object in accusative no pretext: Peace will win the war.

The medium reflexive voice has verbs formed from transitive verbs (active voice) by means of the -sya affix. They express the action of the subject, which does not pass to the direct object, but, as it were, returns to the subject itself, concentrated in it; cf .: return the book and return (to oneself), focus and concentrate (to oneself).

Depending on the lexical meaning of the stems and the nature of the syntactic connections, the verbs of the medium reflexive voice can express shades of meaning that characterize the relationship between the subject and the object of the action in different ways.

  • Self-reflexive verbs express an action, the subject and direct object of which are one and the same person: [Daughters] will put on perfume and put on that the dolls will dress up (D. Bed.). The affix -sya in these verbs means "self".
  • Reciprocal verbs denote the action of several persons, of which each person is both the subject and object of the designated action. The affix -sya for such verbs has the meaning of "each other": And new friends, well, hugging, well, kissing (Kr.).
  • Reflexive verbs express the internal state of the subject, closed in the subject itself, or a change in the state, position, movement of the subject. Such verbs allow the addition of the words "self", "self" - to be upset, to move (by oneself); upset, moved (himself): Popadya Balda does not praise, the priest only grieves about Balda (P.).
  • Indirectly reflexive verbs denote an action performed by the subject in his own interests, for himself: He was a neat guy. Stock up on everyone on the way back (P.).
  • Objectless-reflexive verbs denote an action outside of relation to the object, closed in the subject as its constant property: The sun is already burning (N.); Mother darned a sheepskin coat, but he was torn and torn (Paust.).
The passive voice corresponds in meaning to the active voice, but has its own morphological and syntactic characteristics. The passive voice is expressed by adding the affix -sya to the verbs of the active voice (cf .: Workers build houses. - Houses are built by workers). In addition, the meaning of the passive voice can be expressed in the forms of passive participles - full and short. For example: Mother is loved (beloved). The topic is studied (studied). Construction comparison - The factory executes the plan (actual construction) and the Plan is executed by the factory (passive construction) shows that in the actual construction (with a transitive verb) the subject of the action is expressed by the subject, and the object is the object in the accusative case, and in the passive (with a reflexive verb) the object becomes the subject, and the former subject becomes the complement in the instrumental case.
Thus, the passive voice presents the action as passively directed from the object to the subject. The most important grammatical indicator of the passive voice is the instrumental case of a noun with the meaning of the doer, the real subject of the action. The absence of such an instrumental case brings the passive meaning of the verb closer to the mid-reflexive, especially when the subject is the name of the person (cf .: Skiers go on a hike; Letters are sent by mail; Parcels are sent by a freight forwarder).

Pledge- this is a constant lexico-grammatical category of the verb, which expresses the relationship between the action, called the verb, the subject and object of this action (expressed by the subject and objects).

Grammatical means of expressing voice meanings can be morphological and syntactic.

Morphological means in the formation of collateral serve:

postfix -sya attached to a verb: rejoice - rejoice;

suffixes of real and passive participles ( seer - seer and visible - seen).

By syntactic means pledge value expressions are:

    syntactic difference in the expression of the subject and object of the action ( Waves wash away the shore.- The shore is washed away by the waves);

    the presence of an action object or its complete absence ( Rain boosts crops. — The rain starts.);

    difference in forms and meanings of nouns controlled by a verb ( The contract is signed by the chief. — The contract is concluded with the chief).

Types of collateral: real, mid-return and passive.

Active voice have transitive verbs denoting an action performed by the subject and actively directed at the object. The active voice has a syntactic characteristic: the subject of the action is the subject, and the object is the object in the accusative case without a preposition: beauty will save the world.

Average return deposit have verbs formed from transitive verbs (active voice) by means of a postfix -sya. They express the action of the subject, which does not pass to a direct object, but, as it were, returns to the subject itself, concentrated in it. For example: return log and come back(himself) focus attention and to focus on(himself).

Depending on the lexical meaning of the stems and the nature of the syntactic links verbs of the middle voice can express shades of meaning that characterize the relationship between the subject and the object of the action in different ways.

Self-reflexive verbs express an action, the subject and object of which coincide, i.e. are the same person: Zhenya dressed quickly. Postfix -sya in these verbs it means "self".

Reciprocal verbs denote the action of several persons directed at each other, i.e. joint action of several subjects. Postfix -sya such verbs have the meaning of "each other": kiss, hug, put up, quarrel, meet.

Reflexive verbs express the internal state of the subject, closed in the subject itself, or a change in the state, position, movement of the subject: worry, wonder, fear, get upset, move.

Indirect reflexive verbs denote an action performed by the subject in his own interests, for himself: to build up, to stock up, to lay down, to tidy up.

Objectless reflexive verbs designate an action outside of relation to the object, closed in the subject as its permanent property: Nettles sting, dogs bite, cats scratch.

Passive voice- this is a form of the verb, showing that the person or object acting in the sentence as the subject does not produce an action (they are not its subject), but experience someone else's action (they are its object). The passive voice corresponds in meaning to the real voice, but has its own morphological and syntactic characteristics.

The passive voice is expressed by adding a postfix to the verbs of the active voice -sya (Workers build houses.Houses are built by workers). In addition, the meaning of the passive voice can be expressed by the forms of passive participles - full and short.

For example: Mother is loved(darling).Topic studied(studied).

Design Matching − The factory executes the plan(actual construction) and The plan is carried out by the factory(passive construction) shows that in the real construction the subject of the action is expressed by the subject, and the object is the object in the accusative case, while in the passive the object becomes the subject, and the former subject turns out to be the object in the instrumental case.

Thus, the passive voice presents the action as passively directed from the object to the subject. The most important grammatical indicator of the passive voice is instrumental case noun with the meaning of the real subject of the action. The absence of the instrumental brings the passive meaning of the verb closer to the mid-reflexive, especially when the subject is the name of the person ( Skiers go hiking; Letters are mailed; Parcels are sent by a forwarder).

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“All of Russia glorified the victory won by the Russian army on the Borodino field” the verb “glorified”, being a predicate, is connected with the subject - the word “Russia”. And the sacrament is “possessed” (participle is also a form verb, and therefore always has and pledge) refers to the word "victory".

Answer the question - what kind of action does our verb denote? Is it about something that was done by the person (or what) the noun denotes? Or did someone else do this to him? “Russia glorified the victory” - it is Russia that is the protagonist here. Therefore, the verb "glorified" is in the actual pledge e. “The victory won by the army” - here the character is already “”, and the participle “won” denotes what the army did with this victory. Therefore, it is in the passive pledge e.

A separate conversation is verbs, that is, those that end in "-sya". Sometimes it is believed that all such verbs are necessarily passive pledge a. But this is a mistake. There are many return valid pledge a. You can tell them apart like this. Try to rephrase the sentence so that the "-sya" is dropped. For example, "An article is now" easily becomes "Someone is writing an article now." So, “written” is a passive verb pledge a. But let's take the phrase "The hostess stocks up vegetables for the winter." To paraphrase it, we get "Vegetables store the hostess for the winter." Obviously, initially the proposal spoke about something completely different. Similarly, it is impossible to remake the phrase "Dog". "Someone is biting the dog" is a sentence with a completely different meaning. “Stocks” and “bites” are real verbs pledge a.

to the real pledge y also includes those reflexive verbs that denote an action on oneself. You can distinguish them by trying to replace the ending "-sya" with a separate word "yourself". "He is fleeing danger" thus becomes "He is himself from danger." Valid pledge this verb already obvious.


Usually there are two main collaterals. Direct voice expresses direct diathesis - that is, the object is the object, and the subject is the subject. Indirect (or derivative) voice (more precisely, a group of voices) grammatically reflects in the sentence some other scheme of diathesis. (An analogue in Russian can be constructions with the verbs “swear”, “bite”, etc.). This pledge is in the ancient Greek language.

Useful advice

The question of the category of voice of the verb is one of the most difficult questions of the grammar of the modern Russian language. generally accepted definition there is no category of pledge in linguistics, although the term "pledge" was already used in the oldest grammars of the Old Slavic, and then Russian languages. In the history of the development of the theory of voices, there were different points of view: I point of view: the forms of the voice express the relation of the action only to the object.

A verb is a part of speech with permanent and non-permanent features. The person of the verb is its inconstant sign, and only verbs in the present and future tenses have it. Not everyone can immediately identify it. For this, we will present a little instruction how to determine the person of the verb.


So, given, in which you need to determine the person, or the verb separately.

First, you need to write out the verb separately (at the stage of studying the definition of the person of the verb, this is mandatory). We will consider the example of the verb "look".

Secondly, it is necessary to highlight the ending of the verb, for example, the verb “look” has the ending “-yat”.

Next, you need to look at the ending and the pronoun. If the pronoun “I” or “we” fits the verb, then you have a first-person verb, and it points to. If the pronoun “you” or “you” fits the verb, then this is a second-person verb, and it indicates the speaker’s interlocutor. If the verb is combined with one of these: he, she, it, they, then this is a person verb. Our example has the ending “-yat” and the pronoun “they”, which means a third person verb.

But, as with any rule, there are exceptions. In this rule, the impersonal are an exception. It is impossible to pick up a pronoun for such verbs, it is also impossible to attach an action to any object, person, animal, etc. These verbs show what they are by themselves, without anyone's help. For example, this is the verb "twilight".
Some verbs may not have forms in all persons, these verbs are deficient. An example is the verb "win", this verb cannot be used in the 1st person singular, in this case They say "I will win", not "I will run".

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A person is such a grammatical category in the Russian language that expresses in speech the relation of an action to various participants in a speech act (that is, by whom / what is performed and to whom / what the action refers to). This category is peculiar only to verbs and personal pronouns.

To identify a person, you need to understand who or what the action in the sentence refers to. Action may include:
- to the speaker himself (this is the first person);
- to the one to whom he addresses (second person);
- or to an outside person/object (third party).

Each person has singular and plural forms.

First person

The form of the first person singular shows that the speaker himself (that is, the subject of speech) performs the action: I go,. This form corresponds to the pronoun "I".

The first person plural form indicates that the action is performed by several persons, including the speaker: we are going, we are talking, we are interested. Accordingly, the first person plural pronoun is "we".

second person

The second person form expresses an action related to the interlocutor (in the singular) or a group of persons, including the interlocutor (in plural). The second person pronouns are "you" and "you". For example: (you), speak, are interested; (you) go, talk, take an interest.

third party

The form of the third person indicates that the action refers to an outside person or object not participating in speech - in the singular, and to a group of persons or objects - in the plural. The corresponding pronouns are: "he", "she", "it" - singular, "they" - plural. For example: (he/she/it) goes, speaks, is interested; (they) go, talk, take an interest.

It should also be remembered that not all verbs have a person.

Possess a person category: verbs indicative mood in the present and future tense (smile - smile - - smile - - smile, smile - smile - - smile - smile - smile) and forms imperative mood(here the person is not defined in all cases).

Persons do not have the category:
- verbs of the indicative mood in the past tense (the forms are the same: I walked = you walked = he walked, we walked = you walked = they walked);
- verbs of the conditional (subjunctive) mood (would like, would go);
- infinitive verbs ( initial form verb, on -t / -tsya: walk, sing, draw);
- impersonal verbs (it gets dark, I want, it's enough, etc.);
- participles and participles (who came, rejoicing). According to some grammar systems, these parts of speech are classified as verbs, according to others they are not. In any case, these parts of speech do not have a category of person.

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