Auspicious days for flowers. Transplanting indoor flowers: orchids, roses, violets

Many experienced gardeners try to work with plants on their site and in the house with an eye on moon calendar. As practice shows, indeed, cultures transplanted, planted, grafted or cut off at a favorable time look healthier and more attractive than the rest, grow faster and gain strength, in every possible way pleasing their owners. Therefore, even for those who are quite skeptical about the influence of the moon on the wildlife of our planet, it will not be out of place to find out the lunar transplant calendar indoor plants for December 2017.

Home plants are transplanted quite often. If the roots become cramped in the pot or the leaves turn yellow and fall off the flower, you need to think about the possibility of an early transplant. Why is it necessary to correlate this time with the phase of the moon?

Scientists have long come to the conclusion that our closest satellite has a direct impact on the state of all life on the planet. This also applies to plants. It is believed that during the waning moon, the bulk of the plant's juices go to the root system. If the Moon, on the contrary, is growing, then it is more supplied with juices above-ground part flower.

In order for the plants to endure transplant manipulations most favorably, without injury, it is better to perform such work when the Moon is at its growth stage. The most optimal period in this case will be the presence of a satellite in the sign of Virgo. A good option for a transplant would be the period of the growing moon, which is in the sign of Taurus or Capricorn. All these signs belong to the signs of the earth element, which allows the root system to feel great and quickly cope with the stress of transplanting.

At the same time, the new moon and the period when the Moon is in the sign of Aquarius will become a completely unfavorable time for transplantation work. Of course, readers of "Popular about Health" are better off postponing the transplant until later with the waning moon.

Better days for transplanting indoor plants in December 2017

Of course, winter planting is not the best. best idea. In the cold season, indoor crops endure such manipulations quite hard, which is explained by unfavorable conditions. temperature conditions(and in the apartment, often, low humidity environment) and deficiency of sunlight. But sometimes you can't do without them.

It's believed that the best period for transplanting indoor crops at the end of 2017, it may be the first and second of December, because at this time the Moon is growing and is in the sign of Taurus.

Already from the third of December, a completely unfavorable stage for such work begins, since the Full Moon sets in, which is soon replaced by the waning Moon.

The moon rises again from the nineteenth of December. Both this day and the next (December 20) she is in the sign of Capricorn, which allows flower growers to start transplanting indoor crops. In principle, the moon continues to grow until the end of the month (until December 31). But it is better to engage in transfer work only on the twenty-eighth and twenty-ninth of December, when the satellite is in the sign of Taurus.

So, in December 2017, it is worth transplanting flowers on the 1-2, 19-20 and 28-29 numbers.

If necessary, you can transplant indoor crops at any time of the year. However, experienced flower growers still recommend waiting for spring and after the onset of this time of year, adhere to the optimal days according to the lunar calendar. In any case, a houseplant after a transplant needs to organize complete comfort. It must be protected from drafts, provide it with sufficient lighting and comfortable environmental humidity.

It is a mistake to assume that indoor plants require less care than their ground counterparts. In fact, it turns out that keeping beautiful flowers in pots is as laborious as any work in the garden or in flower beds. To help lovers and professionals of indoor plant growing, experienced astrologers have compiled a lunar calendar for indoor grower, which contains useful and up-to-date information on when is the best time to transplant, water and prune indoor plants.

How does the moon affect indoor plants?

It is well known that all plants on Earth, including indoor plants, obey the solar calendar. In autumn and winter, the movement of juices in the stems slows down, and plant care is minimal, while with the onset of spring, additional chores come. And yet, not only the calendar of seasons familiar to us affects flowers in pots. It is also necessary to take into account the lunar calendar of the florist 2017 for indoor plants, which indicates suitable days for watering, transplanting and propagating indoor flowers.

Scientists through experiments and observations have proven that the Moon is responsible for the regular change in the water level in the oceans, seas and rivers. The same effect is exerted on all liquids on Earth, including those found in plants. Therefore, in the first quarter of the moon, home and team plants are planted, propagated and transplanted - at this time, growth will be stimulated by the accelerated movement of juices along the stem. But to improve the root system, nourish and fertilize flowers, it is better to wait last quarter when the movement of the liquid begins to decline and all the strength of the plant is concentrated underground.

How to properly care for indoor plants according to the lunar calendar?

First of all, you need to consider the features various kinds plants and their purpose. For example, for a bedroom, it is better to choose deciduous, non-flowering houseplants, as pollen and an intoxicating aroma can disturb sleep and cause allergies. But orchids or hippestrum will be very appropriate in the living room, as well as other flowering plants. It is also important to provide the flowers with enough light. If you have dark apartment or in the corner where the flower garden is located, not enough sunlight penetrates, and you do not want to put lamps, choose those plants that prefer shade or are not too sensitive to lack of lighting.

Lunar calendar for indoor plants for 2017: care and transplant

Caring for indoor plants is tied not only to the lunar phases, but also to the position of the moon relative to the signs of the zodiac.

As the florist's calendar for 2017 tells, indoor plants can be planted and transplanted to the growing Moon in Virgo - it is believed that this is the most favorable time: the plants will take well, will not get sick for a long time and will soon take root. Also to auspicious days for transplant work include periods when the Moon is in Taurus and Capricorn. It is good to plant indoor flowers on the days of Scorpio, Libra, Pisces and Gemini. But the Moon in Cancer will favor the growth of plants only in the last quarter.

  • If you need to transplant tubers and bulbous plants, use the days of the growing moon in Capricorn and the waning moon in Scorpio.
  • It is better to transplant curly flowers on the waning Moon so as not to harm the stem, and do this when the Moon is in Virgo and Sagittarius, if you need to urgently transplant, and the Moon is in the first quarter, wait until it is in Gemini.
  • In order for the rooting of the cuttings to be successful, do the work on the days of the Moon in Scorpio and Capricorn (the phase of the Moon does not matter). And in the growing Moon, the time of passage through the constellations of Libra, Aries, Cancer and Taurus will be favorable, in the waning - Pisces.
  • Traditionally, houseplant seeds are sown on the waxing moon in Virgo, as this is the perfect time for germination and ensures that your plants are strong and robust. But you can also do crops in the waning moon, only on the days of Cancer and Scorpio.
  • If you're planning on trimming houseplants or pinching out to form a crown later, wait for the waning Moon in Gemini or Aquarius.

Since the reproduction of indoor plants most often occurs by tearing off a shoot or leaf, it is best to do this on the waning moon, so that by the time of planting the leaf has time to take root. To do this, it must be placed in water and wait a few days. The New Moon period is perfect for this. But remember that not all plants reproduce in this way, if “kids” appear on your plant and you plan to transplant them into new separate pots, follow the general transplant rule. The same applies if your plants are propagated by dividing the bush, just carefully separate the parts of the plant and place in new pots.

Lunar calendar for watering indoor plants

In the lunar calendar 2017, a flower grower for Belarus is distinguished special days for watering indoor plants. Traditionally, watering should be carried out on the days of Water - Pisces, Cancer and Scorpio - with a 7-9 day break. And since in summer the plants need more moisture, you can additionally irrigate them in the days of the Earth - Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn. But during this period, it is important to follow the basic rules for watering home plants in pots: do not pour more than necessary, drain excess water from the pan, as stagnant water will lead to rotting of the roots.

On the days of Air - Aquarius, Gemini and Libra - it is strictly forbidden to water the plants, as they do not absorb moisture and nutrients well. And you need to be extremely careful when watering on the days of Fire - Leo, Aries, Sagittarius - it is better to do this after sunset so that the plant does not get burned.

for watering suitable flow water, but first you need to let it stand for a day or two. This is important as the chlorine added to water purifiers can seriously damage the plant and cause a range of diseases and damage. When watering flowers from above, pour water at the edge of the pot so as not to expose the roots, if you pour into a pan, as violets require, for example, try to check the water level after half an hour - too much moisture can harm. And if the plant has a funnel of leaves (leaf plant), drop some water there too.

It is also important to spray indoor plants. This is especially true for those whose homeland is located in the tropics, where the humidity of the air is much higher than in our latitudes. This should be done about once a week, but it is better to focus on the dryness of the air in the room. If you are not sure, you can install a special measuring device or substitute a pallet with wet expanded clay for especially capricious plants. Just watch the flower carefully, you may overdo it and only harm it.

If you have been away for a long time and left your indoor flowers without watering, resuming the watering schedule according to the lunar calendar, that is, on the days of Water and Earth, will help restore their healthy appearance, but do not try to flood the plants, let everything be on schedule. Gradually, the flowers will "depart" and will delight you with a blooming and healthy look.

Also, once a month on the days of Water, preferably Pisces or Cancer, indoor leafy plants can be bathed and washed well. lunar phase it is not important here, since your task is to clean the leaves from dust. Being constantly indoors, flowers are covered with dust, like all objects, therefore, in order for the photosynthesis process to proceed without disturbance, it is necessary to periodically clean the leaves of flowers.

Lunar calendar of indoor plants: how to properly fertilize

All indoor plants need to be fertilized, as they are constantly in the cramped space of their pot and cannot receive nutrients from the soil for a long time. She becomes poorer over time. Therefore, top dressing with a variety of fertilizers, first of all, enriches the soil, which helps to prolong flowering and increase the immunity of flowers to various pests and diseases.

When choosing fertilizers, please note that not all of them are universal and can only be intended for one type of indoor plants, while others will be poisonous. Since in most fertilizers the main components are phosphorus, nitrogen and potassium, which are necessary for flowering plants, strengthening the root system and immunity, you can choose those fertilizers that contain additional minerals and trace elements in their composition.

It should also be borne in mind that such fertilizers are usually very concentrated and must be diluted with water. Instructions and proportions are usually on the packaging itself. And since it's all about water, and fertilizer time is best combined with watering and focus on those days when the waning moon is in Pisces, Cancer or Scorpio. Fertilizers are contraindicated in winter, as well as in late autumn. This is best done in spring and autumn, before and after the flowering period. And if the plant after the transplant did not take root well or is sick for a long time, pour in an additional dose of fertilizer on the days of Taurus and Capricorn.

Helpful Hints

April for gardeners and gardeners is quite busy month. Now there is still a lot of work, without which it is impossible to move on. For example, they still continue to plant seedlings and look after plants already planted for seedlings; they make the fertilizers necessary for the growth and development of plants, fight pests that are already waking up, and the first weeds.

Already starting in April blossom fruit trees, many flowers, and the first crops of juicy greenery ripen in the garden.

Read also:Astrological forecast for the signs of the Zodiac for April 2017

This month, the time of the growing moon - from 1 to 10 and from 25 to 30 April 2017. During this period, it is good to plant what will rise up(that is, not root crops). In the days of the waning moon, it is good to plant roots, fertilize, pest control.

What plants do we plant in April 2017 according to the lunar calendar?

Greens- arugula, watercress, sorrel, onion, dill, parsley (in open ground) – April 27, 30, 2017

thermophilic- petunia flowers, castor beans, annual dahlias, Chinese asters, amaranth, ageratum, fragrant tobacco, cloves and others (seedlings) -

cold hardy flowers– Iberis, bindweed, phacelia, ornamental millet, lupine, large-flowered flax and others (in open ground) – 1, 7, 9 (after 11:30), 27, 28 April 2017.

WATERING. Watering is very important for seedlings, plantings and houseplants during warmer seasons. Properly chosen time for watering according to the lunar calendar will allow your plants to receive all the nutrients and absorb them correctly.

We recommend that you follow the instructions for time periods intended for irrigation. Make an appropriate schedule. Thus, the following periods are especially recommended for irrigation in April of the current year (Moscow time):

DO NOT WATER. It is necessary not to forget about the periods when watering can harm the plants, adversely affecting the soil and the growth of crops. In particular, in April 2017, it is not recommended to water seedlings, indoor and ground plants in the following periods (Moscow time is indicated):


♊ 1 APRIL, Saturday. 5th, 6th lunar day from 08:36.TWINS

Planting seedlings of any culture requires a certain diligence, but special diligence and attention are needed when it comes to planting. flower seedlings. When it comes to the first experience, knowledgeable flower growers recommend that beginners start working with seedlings of unpretentious flowers that do not require special care. For example, some of these large-seeded varietiespetunia, zinnia, purslane and others.

However, here, too, certain challenges await the grower: for example, the same petunia is subject to certain diseases, which will require you to special prepare seeds for seedlings. In the complex, it is necessary to take into account every single factor that affects the growth of flowers. Here are just a few of them: the condition of the soil, illumination, temperature conditions, the availability of top dressing, seeding containers and, of course, planting dates.

Today you can go to purchases of seedlings in specialized nurseries. It is best to take seedlings that have been grown in your area. Some foreign varieties will take root more difficult. After buying, the roots of the plants should be wrapped with a damp cloth.

indoor flowers : watering prohibited. The day is suitable for the reproduction of flowering plants. For example, if you prepared last month cuttings or leaves that managed to give roots, you can plant them in the ground.

♊♋ 2 APRIL, Sunday. 6th, 7th lunar day from 09:20.TWINS , CRAYFISH from 21:27

Moon without a course from 17:43 to 21:26

Today is an unfavorable day for landings. It is better to postpone them, since the Moon will be in extremely unfavorable aspects. Also, any purchases can be unsuccessful, better cancel shopping trip. It is good to collect and analyze information on plant breeding. With the Moon without a course, we do not recommend starting anything new.

indoor flowers : during the day it is not worth watering the plants, you can do watering in the late evening. Better yet, leave watering the next day. Today is a bad day for planting, transplanting plants, and shopping. You can collect interesting information about plants.

♋ 3 APRIL, Monday. 7th, 8th lunar day from 10:13.CRAYFISH

I quarter, the second phase of the moon from 21:39

potato tubers need appropriate careful preparation before planting. The need to carry out certain procedures is a guarantee of a decent harvest, as it significantly reduces the risk of potato disease. Such procedures include planting tubers, sorting them and treating them with fungicides (the use of the so-called bio-fungicide is recommended), heating and drying, and so on.

indoor flowers : it is better not to deal with plants today.

♋ 4 APRIL, Tuesday. 8th, 9th lunar day from 11:15.CRAYFISH

Moon off course from 23:45

Great day for planting greenery. Grow up pretty fast lush dill, useful salad mustard, ordinary leaf salad, arugula and other cultures. You can also water the plants today.

It's good to collect today kidneys medicinal plants : birches, pines and also the leaves cranberries. It was at this time that there are more useful substances in lingonberry leaves than will be a little later. You can also collect leaves bearberry, sleep-grass.

indoor flowers : watering day. Will grow well on windowsills any greens. This is especially true for those who do not have their own suburban area. Greens can be grown all year round, but in spring and summer it grows much faster.

♋♌ 5 APRIL, Wednesday. 9th, 10th lunar day from 12:24.CRAYFISH , A LION from 01:14

Moon off course until 01:13

Plant well today and in the next few days vegetable seedlings.Proper and timely planting of vegetable seedlings is a necessary basis for obtaining a quality crop. It will not be superfluous not only to choose a landing site in advance, but also to sketch simple plan location of the future harvest. This approach is especially important when you have a small area where you want to plant as many crops as possible.

To get new productive varieties on one tree it is necessary to carry them out vaccination. In addition, this procedure allows you to increase not only productivity, but also improve taste qualities fruits. Tree grafting is all the more necessary if the garden is being pollinated. In addition to everything, this procedure allows you to reduce the time for the appearance of a crop on grafted rooted shoots by half.

In addition, vaccination allows you to expand habitat certain varieties that are not initially suitable for certain climatic conditions. One of milestones preparation for vaccination is the determination of favorable days for this procedure, which guarantees its effectiveness.

Today you can sow lawn grass if you didn't make it in early spring or last fall. She promises to sprout pretty quickly if you follow the rules of watering.

indoor flowers : Now it is important to take care that the plants do not get burned. If the plants stand on the southern windows, where the bright sun shines almost all day, it is better to shade them. During the days of the moon in Leo, the sun is especially merciless, so shade your plants with blinds, gauze or strips of paper.

Lunar calendar for plants 2017

♌ 6 APRIL, Thursday. 10th, 11th lunar day from 13:36.A LION

Planting seedlings considered a suitable affair for experienced gardeners. Not only that, there are many factors that must be taken into account at all stages of working with seedlings: from preparing pits for planting, selecting and applying appropriate fertilizers, and ending with the quality of the source material and planting dates. Of considerable complexity and importance is such a stage as pretreatment of the root system: it is necessary to carefully study the roots, get rid of defective ends, trying to keep the roots suitable for planting to the maximum.

indoor flowers : it is good to plant a lemon stone in pots. We wrote about how to grow a lemon from a stone in an article. How to grow homemade lemon?

♌♍ 7 APRIL, Friday. 11th, 12th lunar day from 14:49.A LION , VIRGO from 07:20

Moon without a course from 03:16 to 07:20

Thanks to the ability to restore the root system, transplant fruit trees and shrubs is feasible in principle at any age. However mature trees restore vegetative organs much more slowly, so there is a recommended limit for trees - it should not be older than 25 years. At the same time, the root system must be tried to be preserved to the maximum. Taking into account many factors is extremely important for the successful implementation of this activity, while one of the most important is the timing of the transplant.

indoor flowers : You can plant and transplant plants, as well as transfer them to other pots. Planting, transplanting and transshipment must be approached taking into account the individual characteristics of indoor plants. It is clear that the transshipment of plants is carried out as needed (and can be multiple), mainly due to the fact that fast-growing plants not enough space in a tight pot.

April 8, Saturday. 12th, 13th lunar day from 16:02.VIRGO

Today is a good day for planting vegetables, flowers, herbs, everything will grow perfectly. You can also dig up the garden or do some cleaning or inventory on your property. Get rid of the unnecessary or write a list of what you still need to purchase for future work.

Today is good to prepare bark of medicinal plants. For example, now you can collect the bark of young oaks, viburnum and alder buckthorn. The young bark contains many useful substances, unlike the bark of old trees.

indoor flowers : There are many more prerequisites for transplanting plants than for simple transshipment, one of which may be inappropriate appearance houseplant, indicating, for example, a disease of the root system. Be that as it may, if you have already decided on transfer or transfer, these procedures should be carried out at the appropriate time, which will ensure effective plant growth. Today is a very good day for that.

♍♎ 9 APRIL, Sunday, 13th, 14th lunar day from 17:14.VIRGO , SCALES from 15:35

Moon without a course from 11:21 to 15:34

Providing an appropriate temperature regime is an important measure for a good yield of many crops (including early vegetable and fruit crops). There are many methods that allow soil heating. Some of them are quite laborious and costly, however, an ordinary gardener and gardener should focus on the old and proven methods of warming up the soil, which do not require high costs (for example, the use of decaying manure, etc.). An important point is the timeliness of the application of this method of preparation for the summer season.

indoor flowers : Today it is better not to plant or transplant plants, not to prepare cuttings, as the Moon will be in negative aspects. You can water the plants in the morning, but it is better to refrain from watering today.

♎ 10 APRIL, Monday, 14th, 15th lunar day from 18:25.SCALES

Today is a great day to collect spring flowers medicinal plants: coltsfoot. The flowers of this plant can be brewed and drunk as a tea for coughs, pneumonia, bronchitis, etc. The plant has anti-inflammatory, expectorant and disinfectant properties. indoor flowers : watering prohibited. Especially complex work, such as landings or transfers, is better not to plan for this day.

Lunar calendar of indoor plants 2017


♎ 11 APRIL, Tuesday, 15th, 16th lunar day from 19:34.SCALES

FULL MOON at 09:07

Moon without a course from 21:19

Today is a full moon, so this day is not suitable for landings, transplants and other complex work. As is known, in addition to the corresponding tillage(loosening), which leads to a decrease in the size of its particles, it is necessary to fertilize the soil, which significantly increases the level of fertility. Today it is good to fertilize for any plants in your flower garden.

indoor flowers : it is better not to deal with plants today, not even water them. You can apply dry fertilizer for flowering houseplants.

12 APRIL, Wednesday, 16th, 17th lunar day from 20:42.SCALES , SCORPION from 01:42

Moon off course until 01:41

Great day to water . For maximum efficiency you can use the method fertigation, that is, the method of artificial fertilization along with irrigation through the use of various devices (for example, a dosatron, a Venturi injector, etc.). Today, it is especially good to apply fertilizers for greenery, as well as for the good development of the deciduous plant system.

If your site is surrounded by ornamental evergreens, which, after pruning, have acquired a lush and dense shape, it is possible to use them as hedge. And although you can hardly claim the title of the so-called plant architect without special knowledge, you will be quite capable of “building” an ordinary fence. It is believed that cutting the hedge at the initial stage is carried out once a year, and then twice a year. It is very important to do this in right time. At the same time, a lot depends on what kind of hedge you grow: for example, not very lush and densely growing, or lush and slow growing. Engage in pruning after 11:00.

indoor flowers : today you can water the plants. Apply fertilizer along with watering to promote leaf growth. It is good to fertilize indoor plants with decorative leaves.

♏ APRIL 13, Wednesday, 17th, 18th lunar day from 21:48.SCORPION

Thick, green and bright lawn grass pleases the eye, being the pride of many homeowners. However, the soil under the lawns is not able to provide the grass with all the elements necessary for long-term flowering. In this way, lawn fertilizers are essential to ensure the desired growth and renewal of leaves and roots. Two types of fertilizers produced specifically for this purpose are most often used: liquid fertilizers and fertilizers in the form of granules.

It is clear that the effectiveness of the former lies in their speed, but the speed of their absorption leads to the need for frequent renewal of liquid fertilizers. Level control granular fertilizer carried out after watering the lawn; at the same time, it is possible to choose granular fertilizers of the so-called fast and slow action.

indoor flowers : Day of watering and fertilizing the foliar system. You can control pests.

APRIL 14, Friday, 18th, 19th lunar day from 22:52.SCORPION , SAGITTARIUS from 13:27

Moon without a course from 07:17 to 13:26

The most experienced gardeners and houseplant enthusiasts are well aware of the impact pests on the different cultures. Moreover, this influence also has a positive point: the presence of pests indicates the naturalness of the products. However, you are unlikely to like it if your carrots and potatoes are eaten by insects and rodents. It is good to start pest control in the afternoon, when the Moon enters the sign of Sagittarius. In the first half of the day, the Moon is at idle, so you will not achieve good results.

In the afternoon, you can do pruning of gooseberries and currants.

indoor flowers : Taking cuttings is known to be one of the most common propagation methods for many indoor plants. This method makes it possible to obtain a plant, which, in fact, is clone of the original. Of course, the cuttings of various plant species (especially rare ones) require a separate study and appropriate preparation. However, those who have been doing this for more than a year will confirm that this is not such a difficult process. Nevertheless, among other things, it is necessary to correctly classify the cuttings, as well as take into account the timing of their harvesting.

♐ 15 APRIL, Saturday, 19th, 20th lunar day from 23:53.SAGITTARIUS

Still good time for pest control. In order to preserve the naturalness of the crop, it is necessary to abandon the use of pesticides and other chemicals. There are a number of secrets that allow you to try to save the crop of a particular crop without chemistry.

For example, in order to ward off the so-called carrot fly from carrots plant it next to the bow. It turns out that this harmful insect does not tolerate the smell of onions. In addition, on this moment there is a huge list of organic fertilizers, the use of which increases the immunity of plants (including indoor ones), making them less susceptible to pests.

In some areas (cooler) it is still possible prune plants. Pruning fruit trees is a necessary human intervention in the natural growth of the garden, which allows not only to ensure that each branch receives enough light and heat, but also protects the garden from various diseases. This is necessary, since the main purpose of having fruit trees in your garden is to collect good harvest fruits. And despite the fact that for every experienced gardener there are no secrets in matters of pruning, even the most advanced ones sometimes do major mistake- forget about choice the right tool for garden pruning. Do not save on the necessary and follow the pruning deadlines - then your garden will always delight you with a decent harvest.

In April you can find spring mushrooms. It is best to collect them early in the morning, while they have not had time to warm up with the sun. Then they will stay fresh longer. May already grow in April volnushki, russula, summer mushrooms, chanterelles, morels and others.

indoor flowers : can be harvested cuttings for rooting in water. In this way, it is easy to propagate many indoor plants. For the formation of threads of roots, it is usually required 10-15 days. Just in the days of the growing moon it will be possible to plant. Still a good time for pest control. You can also carry out preventive spraying of plants against small pests ( spider mite, aphids, scale insects etc.).

Lunar calendar for transplanting indoor plants

♐ 16 APRIL, Sunday, 20th lunar day from 00:00.SAGITTARIUS

Moon without a course from 21:26

Today is a good day for fertilizer application for vegetable seedlings. It is very important when using the seedling method of growing vegetables and fruit bushes use the appropriate fertilizer. The right choice of fertilizers has an extremely positive effect on plant growth, but it is very important to observe the measure. Can be deposited mineral fertilizers for garden strawberries. Before this, it is worth processing the bushes well, removing dry leaves. After fertilizing, it is necessary to mulch the bushes well and cover them with a film in order to get a faster harvest next month.

We continue pest control. If on currant buds appeared, similar to small cabbage heads, it is worth getting rid of them, as they hide kidney mites.

indoor flowers : today it is better not to plan complex work, it is especially unfavorable to plant and transplant plants. You can do pest control, as well as fertilize homemade fruit bushes (lemons, avocados, pomegranates, etc.)

a - normal kidney.

b - a kidney affected by a tick.

♑ 17 APRIL, Monday, 20th, 21st lunar day from 00:48.SAGITTARIUS , CAPRICORN from 02:05

Moon off course until 02:04

As is known, root system plants are extremely sensitive to certain chemicals. This factor is taken into account in the cultivation of almost all crops, especially in those regions where soil fertility is a pressing issue.

The need to enhance the growth of roots and their aerial parts determines the use mineral fertilizers. The most effective is the so-called layer-by-layer placement of such fertilizers. It is noteworthy that the deficiency of mineral elements in the soil, which are necessary for feeding the root system, almost always leads to an increase in the size and mass of the roots. Such behavior of crops can lead to the false conclusion that the root system develops due to the fact that it has enough of everyone in the soil. necessary elements. However, most often it is the so-called passive conductive roots. In addition, such a deficiency of elements during the growth of the root system, as a rule, results in a sharp decrease in the growth of the aboveground plant system.

indoor flowers : you can loosen the soil in pots and replace the top layers of soil with new ones.

♑ 18 APRIL, Tuesday, 21st, 22nd lunar day from 01:37.CAPRICORN

Experience, the availability of relevant literature and following the schedule when doing gardening or breeding indoor plants are not all the ingredients for success. Extremely important point, which even the most experienced gardeners and gardeners forget about in a fit of economy, is inventory revision. In addition to the fact that this event allows you to prepare ahead of time for a particular season, the audit allows you to reduce valuable time by directing your efforts directly to caring for plants, trees, shrubs. At the same time, the fact of using high-quality tools is of great importance.

good day for weed control who have already managed to appear under the warm sun. The sooner you start fighting them, the less they will be when you start planting seedlings.

Can loosen the soil and apply humus and complex mineral fertilizers for the development of the root system.

good day for digging roots medicinal plants. For example, now they are digging up the roots burdock, elecampane high, rhizomes of mountaineer snake, male fern, cinquefoil erect and other plants. The best thing to do is to dig up the roots. late evening or night when they have the most power.

indoor flowers : you can still work on soils or prepare soil mixtures for new plantings.

♑♒ 19 APRIL, Wednesday, 22nd, 23rd lunar day from 02:19.CAPRICORN , AQUARIUS from 13:52

IV quarter, fourth phase of the moon from 12:55

Moon without a course from 12:57 to 13:51

Timely cleaning garden or garden plot - this is not the most pleasant, but an extremely necessary procedure, which, although it overshadows the workdays of gardeners with its monotony and heaviness, is the initial in a series of other country events. All work, from cleaning foliage, cutting down shrubs, uprooting stumps, sawing branches, pruning fruit trees and ending with the removal of garbage, must be carried out in a timely manner.

indoor flowers : it is better not to deal with plants today. Plants do not need to be watered either.

♒ 20 APRIL, Thursday, 23rd, 24th lunar day from 02:55.AQUARIUS

It's good to make today fertilizer for flowers in your flower garden. If you have been growing flowers for more than a year, then you do not need to look for evidence of the following truth: fertilizers are vital for these plants, as they help them grow faster, ripening in full strength and beauty. This is all the more important for indoor flowers, the growth and flowering factors of which are significantly negatively affected. limited pot space, in which they grow. Quite objective signs indicate the need to use fertilizers, such as constant plant disease, weak flowering, the presence of thin elongated stems, faded leaves that look like wilted, and so on.

If you really want to get roses to your garden, you need to explore cutting secrets bush roses. The result will be obvious - roses bloom well and for a long time and get sick less. Novice gardeners should be more daring, cutting with sharp pruning shears and in sufficient volume. The key to proper pruning of a rose bush is its growth, not exceeding 10-20 centimeters from the ground (when pruning each rose, you need to pay attention to its growth potential).

indoor flowers : Watering is highly discouraged. Apply fertilizer for flowering plants.

Plant transplantation according to the lunar calendar

♒♓ 21 APRIL, Friday, 24th, 25th lunar day from 03:25.AQUARIUS , FISH from 22:43

Moon without a course from 21:23 to 22:42

I want bulbous plants to please us with their rapid flowering. And here again, one cannot do without the right fertilizer. As a rule, the first dressing is applied when a peduncle is observed on the bulb intended for forcing. In this case, the choice must be made towards potassium rich fertilizer, with limited nitrogen levels. This affects the viability of the bulb.

In late spring, when planting in open ground, it is necessary to apply nitrogen fertilizers. For plants that have already been planted in the ground and survived the winter, a complex type of fertilizer is usually used. Before making spring feeding it is necessary to loosen the soil carefully and shallowly, and also moisten the earth if it is dry. This will allow the top dressing to dissolve, reaching the roots of the plants.

indoor flowers : It is better not to water the plants. You can make dry fertilizers for flowering plants.

♓ 22 APRIL, Saturday, 25th, 26th lunar day from 03:52.FISH

Today is a good day to fertilize lawn grass, as well as for the development of the deciduous system of plants. indoor flowers : watering day. A good time to give the plants a shower. as well as for spraying plants. Showering should be done at least twice a month, preferably on the days of the Moon in a water sign. The leaves after such procedures will look neater and the plant will be easier to "breathe", as the dust in the rooms clogs the pores.

♓ 23 APRIL, Sunday, 26th, 27th lunar day from 04:16.FISH

Set aside any difficult tasks today, such as landings or transfers. It is still good to water the vegetable garden and fertilize for the development of the foliage system of the plants and for the lawn. indoor flowers : watering day. With the advent of a warmer season, plants should be watered more often, as the soil dries out faster. Do not forget also that some plants need spraying.

♓♈ 24 APRIL, Monday, 27th, 28th lunar day from 04:39.FISH , ARIES from 03:33

Moon without course from 00:34 to 03:32

Good to contribute fertilizers for vegetable crops . Now mineral and organic fertilizers are recommended. As for minerals, the main substances needed by seedlings are potassium, nitrogen, phosphorus(at a certain concentration).

An excess or deficiency of any mineral immediately affects the growth and appearance of seedlings. No less stringent requirements apply to the number of organic fertilizers(that is, for example, to rabbit manure, chicken manure, compost). The effectiveness of the latter type of fertilizer is due to the presence of all nutrients in them, including a number of additional minerals.

Good harvestgreens, radish.

indoor flowers : a good day to feed your pets lemons, tangerines, pomegranates, avocados, etc.

♈ 25 APRIL, Tuesday, 28th, 29th lunar day from 05:02.ARIES

This day is quite busy, because this is the last day of the lunar month, so plant or transplant something highly undesirable, but you can still fertilize fruit trees and shrubs.

Warm spring days delight people and awaken fruit trees to life. In order to improve the processes of growth and flowering, it is necessary to feed the garden with fruit trees. It is during the awakening period that a properly selected top dressing composition can have a decisive influence on the emergence of new shoots and flowering in general. And the intensity of flowering, in turn, affects the yield of fruit trees.

Used as fertilizer for fruit trees mineral and organic substances, which are most often used as root dressing. Moreover, the more severe were the winter frosts, the more trees are in need of nourishment.

indoor flowers : Do not carry out any complex work with plants. Fertilizers can be applied as needed fruit bushes on your windowsill. The bright spring sun can harm plants, so it's best to shade your flowers from the scorching rays. Some plants do not tolerate bright sun and feel better in the far corners of the apartment.

Planting plants according to the lunar calendar


♈♉ 26 APRIL, Wednesday, 29th, 30th lunar day from 05:27, 1st lunar day from 15:17.

It is believed that the days that are favorable for sowing and caring for crops are of the greatest importance for any gardener and gardener. Be that as it may, if we want to guarantee the most efficient harvest or the most proper flowering crops and plants, attention should also be paid to activities such as purchase of seeds, seedlings and purchase of indoor plants.

You can also plant today seedlings of fruit bushes and trees pits for which you have prepared in advance. After planting, seedlings should be well watered, and also tied to supports until they have time to take root and gain a foothold in an upright position.

indoor flowers : Propagation of indoor plants by seeds is an extremely interesting process that allows every lover to feel like a real Michurinian. In addition to the fact that this method of reproduction allows you to increase, figuratively speaking, population of each particular plant, sowing makes it possible to obtain their new forms.

♉♊ 28 APRIL, Friday, 2nd, 3rd lunar day from 06:30.TAURUS , TWINS from 14:39

Moon without a course from 04:18 to 14:38

Today you can do division of perennials after 15:00. Speaking about the methods of propagation of perennial plants, they usually emphasize that the most effective method is division of rhizomes, although all plants can be divided along with leaves and roots (it all depends on the nature of the growth of the perennial). The prerequisites for division are simple - perennials need to be divided and planted in a new place, as this process leads to the rejuvenation of the plant, spurring its growth and development.

indoor flowers : in the afternoon it is better not to water the plants. You can loosen the soil or prepare mixtures for future plantings. You can sow indoor plants (after 15:00). At this time, for example, seeds are planted saintpaulia, cacti, begonias, palm trees and others. It is worth sowing seeds in special soil mixtures with the addition of sand. Some plants can be sown directly in the sand.

♊ 29 APRIL, Saturday, 3rd, 4th lunar day from 07:11.TWINS

Can be collected medicinal plant flowers which have already appeared by this time. It is worth collecting them during the day in good sunny weather, then the flowers will be well opened. Also today you can go for shopping missing inventory, seeds, etc. if you didn't have time to buy something earlier. Watering the garden and fertilizing today is better not worth it.

indoor flowers : today you can collect interesting information about your favorite plants or plants that you would like to plant. Plant and transplant plants are not standing yet, it is better to wait for a better time (in early May).

♊♋ 30 APRIL, Sunday, 4th, 5th lunar day from 08:03.TWINS , CRAYFISH from 04:48

Moon without a course from 00:28 to 04:47

It is already warm enough for planting plants in open ground. For example, today you can plant greenery: arugula, watercress, sorrel, onion, dill, parsley. You can also plant greens on window sills, open balconies or terraces, everything promises to grow quickly.

indoor flowers : in warmer regions, late April is suitable for transferring houseplants to open terraces and balconies because the temperature outside is already quite high.

Works with plants in April 2017:

Watering: especially recommended days: 3, 4, 12-14, 22, 23, 30
Watering: non-recommended days: 1, 2, 9-11, 19-21, 29
Buying seeds, seedlings and houseplants: 1, 26-29
Pest Control: 12-18
Fertilizers for flowers: 11, 19-21
Fertilizers for greens: 12-14, 22, 23
Fertilizers for bulbs: 17-21
Fertilizers for fruit trees: 14-16, 24, 25
Fertilizers for the root system: 17-19
Fertilizers for lawns and leaf development: 12-14, 22, 23
Planting greens and leafy vegetables: 4, 7, 8, 27, 30
Planting vegetable seedlings: 4-8, 30
Planting flower seedlings: 1, 7, 9, 27, 28
Sowing lawn grass: 4-6
Transplantation of fruit trees and shrubs: 5, 6, 27
Transplanting, transshipment and planting cuttings of indoor plants: 1, 7, 8
Propagation of indoor plants by seeds (sowing): 1, 7, 27, 28, 30
Harvesting cuttings of indoor plants: 14, 15
Division of perennials: 1, 28
Pruning fruit trees and shrubs: 14, 15, 24
Cutting a hedge: 12, 13, 22
Rose pruning: 20
Tree grafting: 5, 6
Inventory revision: 7-9, 17-19
Site cleaning: 7-9, 17-19
Potato preparation: 3, 4
Weed removal: 17, 18
Green harvest: 24, 25
Collection of buds and leaves of medicinal plants: 3, 4, 30
Collecting the bark of medicinal plants: 7-9, 26, 27
Collecting the roots of medicinal plants: 17, 18
Collection of spring mushrooms: 14-16, 24
Soil loosening: 7-9, 17-19, 26, 27
Unfortunate time for planting, grafting and other complex work with plants: 2, 3, 10, 11, 19, 25, 26

Helpful Hints

The summer season begins in February, however, while we are planting plants in at home, because February is an important month for growing seedlings. In February, the day is already noticeably increasing, this will be especially noticeable by the end of the month, although the weather may not indulge in warmth.

February weather features may also make you periodically check perennials on your site. Heavy snowfalls and temperature fluctuations can damage plants, so it is important to maintain shelters and remove and shake off snow if necessary.

This month the moon will rise from 1 to 10, 27 and 28 February. These are the best days to do planting seedlings of vegetables and flowers, avoiding bad days month. For example, now you can plant tomatoes, eggplant and peppers for seedlings. Remember that seedlings will need additional lighting.

Read alsoAstrological forecast for the signs of the Zodiac for February 2017

When to plant seedlings according to the lunar calendar?


♈ 1 FEBRUARY, Wednesday, 5th, 6th lunar day from 10:17.ARIES from 00:48

From the very beginning of the month, there is a pretty good time for planting seedlings of vegetable crops, including eggplant, tomatoes and peppers. This day is also great for planting a bow on a feather: the arrows will come out very quickly. If you do not want to plant anything yet, you can test the seeds for germination. For example, some seeds can keep excellent germination for about 10 years! However, remember that there are also seeds with a rather short shelf life (peppers, eggplants and others). If the seeds are stitched, there is no point in checking them. Houseplants : a good time to plant greenery on the windowsill: everything promises to sprout quickly and give a quick harvest. Observe the light regimes and watering regimes.

♈ 2 FEBRUARY, Thursday, 6th, 7th lunar day from 10:33.ARIES

Moon without a course from 19:50

Another auspicious day for planting seedlings. For example, now you can sow cabbage and cucumbers. Remember to observe the light regime. In February, the nights are still quite long, so young seedlings really need additional lighting. Today, you can also check the seeds for germination. To do this, you can use a damp cloth, or special tools. Houseplants : You can still sow greens in tubs and pots on the windowsill.

♉ 3 FEBRUARY, Friday, 7th, 8th lunar day from 10:57.TAURUS from 04:51

Moon off course until 04:50

Difficult work, such as landings or dives, do not plan for today. It is also not a good day for pruning or grafting. However, today you can go for buying seeds or inventory for future landings. Online purchases of seeds are now available, which is very convenient, since it is not always possible to find exactly what you need. Houseplants

♉ 4 FEBRUARY, Saturday, 8th, 9th lunar day from 11:25.TAURUS

The second phase of the moon from 07:19

Allowed today fruit tree grafting. You can go shopping for seeds, including flower seeds, which can be planted tomorrow for seedlings. When choosing plants, you should take into account your conditions, as well as the ability to combine them on the same bed. Houseplants : today you can do planting and transplanting home plants. This is one of the most successful days of the month for these works, since the days of Virgo this month fall on the waning moon.

♊ 5 FEBRUARY, Sunday, 9th, 10th lunar day from 11:58.TWINS from 07:45

Moon without course from 01:41 to 07:44

Today is a good time to plant flowers for seedlings. Sowing flowers in pots will allow you to get excellent seedlings by spring, which you will plant on the site during the warm season. In addition, now you can think appearance your flower garden, choose plants that will blend harmoniously together. Houseplants : It is better not to water the plants today: Air days are not suitable for this, since plants at this time usually do not perceive watering well. You can go shopping for new houseplants.

♊ 6 FEBRUARY, Monday, 10th, 11th lunar day from 12:38.TWINS

You can continue planting seedlings of flowers. Follow temperature conditions and the level of illumination for seedlings. Can collect information about various colors and their cultivation. Now you can sow annuals for seedlings dahlias, Shabo carnation, pelargonium, salvia and other flowers. Soak the seeds well before planting. Houseplants : planting and transplanting plants at this time is not the most good choice, however, in the first half of the day, let's sow indoor plants, especially flowering ones.

♊♋ 7 FEBRUARY, Tuesday, 11th, 12th lunar day from 13:28.TWINS , CRAYFISH from 10:04

Moon without course from 01:53 to 10:03

You can whitewash trees for frost hole prevention. February is a rather unpredictable month in terms of weather, so thaws can be replaced by quite severe frosts. Frost cracks - cracks in the trunks that appear after severe frosts. You can whitewash the trees with water emulsion or milk of lime (quicklime a plus water in a ratio of 1 to 9). Houseplants : watering can be done in the afternoon.

FEBRUARY 8, Wednesday, 12th, 13th lunar day from 14:29.CRAYFISH

Today you can sow seedling potatoes. Growing potatoes from seeds will take longer than sprouting tubers, it is a more laborious process, but the result is worth it. Adult plants grown in this way are much more resistant to different kind diseases, and the yield of such bushes is higher. However, at first, seedlings are rather capricious and can easily become infected. black leg, so you should carefully consider the safety and growing conditions of seedlings. Good day for watering seedlings. Houseplants : watering day. Remember that winter is not over yet, so far from all plants have awakened after the cold. Plants that are resting should be watered sparingly and sparingly. Flowering plants can be watered as usual.

♋♌ 9 FEBRUARY, Thursday, 13th, 14th lunar day from 15:37.CRAYFISH , A LION from 12:42

Moon without a course from 01:00 to 12:41

Seedlings can be sown in the afternoon asparagus, celery, rhubarb, sorrel, perennial onion and others fruit crops. You can also plant beet roots and parsley for distillation. In the morning (until 13:00) it is better not to deal with plants, as this is the time of the “idle moon”. Houseplants : a good time for planting vegetable shrubs will be after 13:00. Today you can also go shopping for indoor plants (preferably after 18:30). You can also prepare cuttings for plant propagation by cuttings.

♌ 10 FEBRUARY, Friday, 14th, 15th lunar day from 16:51.A LION

The full moon is approaching, the turning point of the month. Try not to plan today none important works (planting seedlings, diving, grafting, etc.). On this day, it is better to work as little as possible, to rest more, although energy can overflow. In any case, you can do simple things : trampling snow under the trees, parsing seeds. Houseplants : it is better not to deal with plants today.

Lunar calendar of indoor plants 2017


♌♍ 11 FEBRUARY, Saturday, 15th, 16th lunar day from 18:07.A LION , VIRGO from 16:53

FULL MOON at 03:33


Moon without a course from 08:52 to 16:52

The moon begins to wane, and in the coming 2 weeks it is better not to plant any terrestrial plants, for example, do not plant seedlings of vegetables or flowers, wait last days February or plant as early as early March. With a waning moon, you can plant root crops. Today you can do sorting seeds that you have in storage. If there are expired ones among them, it is better to get rid of them immediately. Houseplants : It's good to clean up your flower garden, and you can also loosen the soil in pots.

♍ 12 FEBRUARY, Sunday, 16th, 17th lunar day from 19:22.VIRGO

The day is good for site cleaning and sorting various small things and seeds. If there are still frosts and snow in your area, make sure that the snow lingers well and protects the plants from low temperatures, which are not uncommon at this time. In heavy snowfalls, it is worth shaking off the snow from the branches so that they do not break under its weight. Houseplants : today it is good to prepare the soil for future plantings. Although this is a good sign of the Moon for landings and transfers. it is better to refrain from these works for the time being and wait for the days of the growing moon.

♍♎ 13 FEBRUARY, Monday, 17th, 18th lunar day from 20:36.VIRGO , SCALES from 23:44

Moon without a course from 15:36 to 23:43

In case there is little snow, but frosts still persist, take care of shelters for perennials. Can be used as cover spruce branches, straw, sawdust and other materials. Watch to strong winds don't blow the cover. Check if it is damaged bark of trees and shrubs rodents. It is worth checking stocks of stored root vegetables and fruits and removing rotten ones so that they do not infect the rest. Houseplants : today it is better not to engage in complex work with plants, such as planting and transplanting. Some plants already need top dressing for the development of the root system.

♎ 14 FEBRUARY, Tuesday, 18th, 19th lunar day from 21:47.SCALES

If February is snowy, try to regularly rake the snow to the base of trees and shrubs and trample it down. If you have in storage flower tubers for future plantings, today you can check them so that they do not rot. For example, in the fall they are preparing for planting next year. dahlia and gladiolus tubers- autumn of beautiful flowers that will decorate any site. Sometimes the tubers are just starting to deteriorate, and they can still be saved. Check them at least a couple of times a month in order to notice the problem in time and fix it. Houseplants : watering plants is prohibited. You can make dry fertilizers for flowering plants.

♎ 15 FEBRUARY, Wednesday, 19th, 20th lunar day from 22:56.SCALES

This day is for purchases of seeds and inventory, as well as collecting any information about your plants. You can also make top dressing for seedlings of flowers. Planting and sowing plants is now highly undesirable. It is better not to water the seedlings. Houseplants : watering is prohibited.

Lunar calendar for transplanting indoor plants

♏ 16 FEBRUARY, Thursday, 20th lunar day.SCALES , SCORPION from 09:42

Moon without a course from 04:54 to 09:41

Try to regularly feed the birds that will live on your site and will destroy pests in the spring. Birds benefit the garden and garden, so all winter they should be attracted with treats. Houseplants : Inspect plants for pests and take action if there is a problem. In winter, pests can be especially insidious. This day is well suited to fight them.

♏ 17 FEBRUARY, Friday, 21st lunar day.SCORPION

Moon without a course from 22:38

This day is good for pruning ornamental shrubs and hedgerows. This is important to do before growth starts to give the plants a nice and desirable shape so they don't overgrow. Not all shrubs can be pruned this season. For example, at this time they cut roses, tree hydrangeas, cinquefoil, buddley. Houseplants : a good time to water the plants. You can arrange a shower to wash off the dust. Remember also to spray regularly to increase the humidity in the room.

FEBRUARY 18, Saturday, 22nd lunar day from 01:10.SCORPION , SAGITTARIUS from 21:53

Moon without a course until 21:52

The fourth phase of the moon from 22:33

An unfavorable day for difficult work with plants: planting, transplanting, sowing seedlings, pruning, etc. Today you can water the seedlings and fight the pests of the seedlings. You can also inspect the trees in your garden: you may not have removed all the pests before the arrival of spring. Houseplants : it is better not to deal with plants today.

♐ 19 FEBRUARY, Sunday, 23rd lunar day from 02:13.SAGITTARIUS

It's not too late to get rid of pests wintering on tree branches. It is worth removing and burning the nests of insect pests. Sometimes it is impossible to remove pests from branches, so it makes sense cut off infected branches with them. Often pests hide in mummified fruits or unshed leaves. This day is also suitable for harvesting fruit tree cuttings for spring vaccinations. It is worth cutting cuttings in good warm weather. Today is also a good day for landing. turnips. Branches can be cut berry bushes to renew plants, remove weak and old branches. good crop currant, gooseberry, raspberry preparing shrubs for spring. Houseplants : good result provide pest control. Also on this day, you can apply fertilizer for fruit bushes (home lemons, tangerines, pomegranates etc.)

Plant transplantation according to the lunar calendar

♐ 20 FEBRUARY, Monday, 24th lunar day from 03:14.SAGITTARIUS

Still a good time for pest control. If the temperature is above zero these days, it makes sense to do spraying plants against pests that will appear very soon. This should be done before bud break. Houseplants : The recommendations of the previous day are in effect.

♑ 21 FEBRUARY, Tuesday, 25th lunar day from 04:11.SAGITTARIUS , CAPRICORN from 10:09

Moon without a course from 02:37 to 10:08

Folklore says that if the last week February will be very frosty, March will be pretty warm month, that is, winter will quickly give way to a warmer season . After 10:00 can be sown celery on the root who can reach good size in about six months, that is, in August-September. Houseplants : today it is good to deal with soils.

♑ 22 FEBRUARY, Wednesday, 26th lunar day from 05:02.CAPRICORN

good day for site cleaning. You can audit your existing inventory and go shopping for a new one, if necessary. It is better to prepare everything in advance, before the important events begin. spring work. You can put compost. Houseplants : too early to transplant plants: wait for the days of the growing moon, but you can replace the top layers of soil in pots if necessary.

♑♒ 23 FEBRUARY, Thursday, 26th, 27th lunar day from 05:47.CAPRICORN , AQUARIUS from 20:18

Moon without a course from 06:24 to 20:17

It is good to update the whitewashing of tree boles if you whitewashed the plants in the fall. The fact is that the first rays of the spring sun can damage the bark of trees, leave dangerous burns. Houseplants : A good time to fertilize plants that are coming out of dormancy. You can prepare soil mixtures for future planting and transplanting plants in March.

♒ 24 FEBRUARY, Friday, 27th, 28th lunar day from 06:25.AQUARIUS

If the snow has already begun to melt at high speed, it is worth making special drains on the site so that the water does not stagnate and, in case of repeated frosts, didn't turn to ice, which can be very dangerous for plants. If the thaw lasts more than 3-5 days, it is worth removing for the duration of the shelter, as the plants under them can rot. Houseplants : it is good to apply fertilizer for plants that are flowering at this time. For example, at this time they already bloom beautifully cyclamens, kalanchoe pinnate, ever flowering begonias, Scherzer's anthuriums, browalia, orchids and other plants.

♒ 25 FEBRUARY, Saturday, 28th, 29th lunar day from 06:58.AQUARIUS

Moon without a course from 21:11

An unfavorable day for any landings and transplants, so today it is better to refrain from such work. It is also not recommended to seedlings dive. If you do this today, there is a very high probability that the plants will not be able to recover, because diving is quite a serious stress for them. Don't take risks! Houseplants : it is better not to deal with plants today.

Lunar calendar for planting seedlings

♒♓ 26 FEBRUARY, Sunday, 30th lunar day from 07:33,1st lunar day from 17:59.AQUARIUS , FISH from 03:25

Moon off course until 03:24

NEW MOON at 17:59

Annular solar eclipse at 17:53

The day of the new moon is not suitable for hard work with plants. This is an extremely unfavorable day for sowing, transplanting plants, pruning and grafting trees. Today is a good time to plan for next month. You can also think landscape design plot, imagine what plants you would like to see on it. Don't miss the time 1st lunar day when you can set yourself realistic goals and bring the fulfillment of desires closer. Houseplants : it is better not to deal with plants today.


♓ 27 FEBRUARY, Monday, 1st, 2nd lunar day from 07:51.FISH

This day is rather unfavorable, despite the fact that the Moon has gone up and is already moving away from conjunction with the Sun. It is best to plan for this day simple work such as watering seedlings. Houseplants : watering day.

♓♈ 28 FEBRUARY, Tuesday, 2nd, 3rd lunar day from 08:14.FISH , ARIES from 07:53

Moon without a course from 02:08 to 07:52

Today is a good day for planting seedlings of crops such as tomatoes, eggplants, pumpkins, watermelons, melons. Can be sown strawberries and strawberries, as well as various greens (dill, parsley, basil, lettuce). Can sprout potatoes, or sow potato seeds to obtain seedlings. Houseplants : it’s good to plant indoor shrubs ( avocados, lemons, tangerines etc.). With the approach of spring, the bones will awaken much faster.

The first month of spring awakens all living things. How to properly care for plants so that they grow quickly, bloom for a long time and please the eye, the lunar calendar will tell you.

In March, the plants are ready to start the mechanism of accelerated growth. To homemade winter Garden successfully came out of wintering and gave good shoots, use the phases of the moon. They endow every day with a certain energy, which is favorable for various manipulations. Do not be lazy and buy pots for the needs of your favorite flowers so that their root system is properly located.

March 1. The growing moon is in the constellation Aries. This Sign has a bad effect on planting and transplanting plants, so housewives should limit themselves to loosening and watering. The medium is good for sowing seeds, but only annuals. Perennial flowers with insufficient energy run the risk of growing weak and not giving good flowering.

March 24. During this period, the growth of the Moon will continue in the zodiacal Taurus. This combination is favorable for transplanting perennials with wide leaves. If your ficuses have become crowded, transplant them. Fertilizers should be added to the soil so that the plants settle in faster and begin active growth. The remaining flowers from March 2 to March 4 should be examined and dry shoots removed. This will provide them with a well-groomed appearance, and also contribute to the emergence of new processes.

5 - 6 March. These days, the constellation of Gemini and the growing moon contribute to the rapid assimilation mineral fertilizers. Flowers gaining buds should be fed for active flowering. Cacti, if you have them, should be sprinkled with water. This procedure will revive the plants, giving them an incentive to grow.

7 - 8 March. Roses require attention. Their growth and development during the period when the Moon is in the constellation of Cancer is more active, therefore, to support these capricious flowers, it is worth carefully loosening and removing dead leaves.

March 9 - 10. Zodiac Leo contributes to the rest of people and plants, so active care is not required during this period. Limit yourself to watering and dusting broadleaf plants. This will allow the leaves to breathe.

March 11 - 12. The period before the Full Moon and the Full Moon in Virgo is a period of calm and rest. Flowers gain the maximum amount of energy for growth and development, so they do not need top dressing. Dry watering is useful for plants that require little water. This procedure is also favorable for cacti. They collect negative energy at home, preventing it from negatively affecting people.

13 - 15 March. The waning moon in the sign of Libra is an auspicious time for planting and transplanting annual plants. Also during this period, bulbous seedlings grow well. If you plan to please yourself with tulips, feel free to plant them in prepared and fertilized soil.

March 16 - 17. These days, Scorpio and the waning moon give an extra boost flowering plants. Orchids should be moved away from the Sun so that active light does not harm the plant. Heat-loving flowers, on the contrary, must be moved to the south side.

March 21 - 22. These days, for the active growth of citrus fruits, it is worth using special top dressing. The waning Moon in Capricorn promotes active ovary, so the lunar calendar recommends supporting your lemons and oranges for a good harvest.

23 - 25 March. These days, the Aquarius Zodiacal and the waning energy of the Moon provide an opportunity to assess the condition of plants. Chlorophytum needs shade. If the rays of the bright spring Sun burn it, the recovery will be long. Monstera also needs attention. Her aerial roots should be sprayed, and even better give her a full shower for active growth.

26 - 27 March. These days, active watering is not needed. The root system suffers from excess moisture, so limit yourself to loosening the soil and removing diseased shoots and leaves. Pay attention to the fat woman, or money tree. The dust accumulating on its leaves does not allow the plant to fully develop.

March 28 - 29. The New Moon in Aries is a time when flowers need to rest. With the subsequent growth of the lunar disk, they gain strength and actively require watering with water mixed with peat and humus. Such top dressing will bring bulbous plants to their senses and nourish them with strength for subsequent flowering.

30 - 31 March. The Moon in Taurus is a favorable time for various manipulations with your plants. Cacti on a warm sunny day can be taken out on covered balcony so that they actively develop and gain color.

In March, you should pay special attention to plants that bring happiness to the house, for example, violets and hibiscus. The acquisition of these flowers will be successful during the spring awakening and renewal. The first month of spring, when the snow has not yet melted, is pleasant to spend surrounded by a healthy flowering garden, so do not be lazy to take care of the plants. We wish you good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and
