Top dressing of tomatoes in the greenhouse throughout the season: what fertilizers and when to apply. Proper feeding of a tomato during flowering How to feed tomatoes during fruit set

This simple and inexpensive top dressing of tomatoes increases the number of ovaries at times. It will also protect plants from diseases, accelerate the ripening of fruits. Tomatoes will become more sugary, larger.

It is especially effective to grow tomatoes using such a system under adverse conditions, when the bushes bloom, but there is practically no ovary.

Foliar top dressing (spraying) in tandem with proper watering is better absorbed by plants, and also facilitates care and reduces the consumption of drugs.

Composition of foliar top dressing of tomatoes

  • 9 liters of water
  • 1 liter milk of any fat content
  • 0.5 teaspoon boric acid
  • 10 drops of iodine

Boric acid is dissolved separately in a glass of warm water, and then added to the sprayer to the rest of the ingredients. She is very effective in fight against phytophthora, contributes to the formation of a large number of ovaries. Also, boric acid prevents the shedding of flowers and fruits, protects them from rotting with excess moisture.

It is especially important to spray tomatoes with this compound when grown outdoors and in rainy summers with unstable weather and sudden temperature changes. Treatment with boric acid with milk and iodine improves the taste of fruits, making them sweeter. And tomatoes will start faster.

Signs of boron deficiency in tomatoes

  • Upper leaves turn yellow and curl.
  • The leaves become small, deformed.
  • The tops gradually wither and die.
  • Few flowers and ovaries.
  • Lots of empty flowers.

Iodine is also very important trace element for tomatoes. After applying iodine, tomatoes ripen much earlier, and the likelihood of infection with late blight and root rot is reduced.

Spray frequency

  • The first is during the formation of buds.
  • 2 top dressing is carried out during the period of mass flowering.
  • Spray 3 times as soon as fruits begin to set.

Processing of tomatoes is best done in the morning or evening, or in cloudy weather. In no case in sunny weather, as the plants will get a severe burn.

Distribute when re-spraying solution on the upper leaves and buds, the lower part plants can not be touched. Boron has the ability to accumulate in the shoots, so we spray only new leaves and buds.

The yield of tomatoes also depends on how competently watering is organized. tomatoes do not like excess moisture in the soil and in the air, so you do not need to water often and much.

Potash fertilizer for tomatoes

During the period of active fruit growth and ripening, every 2 weeks, 2 tablespoons are poured under the tomatoes. dry ash.

After that, it is abundantly watered with warm water, and fed with a solution of biohumus: 2 tablespoons per 10 liters of water.

Ash and biohumus provide plants with the necessary nutrition and also accelerate the ripening of fruits, improve their taste. This is an environmentally friendly fertilizer with a large amount of nutritious macro- and microelements in a biologically available form.

Between the bushes, it is best to make a small depression and carefully pour water into it so that moisture does not get on the leaves and provoke the appearance.

Watering the tomatoes only warm water heated in the sun. Ice water from a well or well is a real stress for plants.

The benefits of mulch

An excellent result is the mulching of the soil around the tomato bushes with a thick layer of straw or dry grass. They can be replaced with black agrofibre. Mulch retains moisture, prevents weeds from growing, earthworms actively multiply under it. And they, in turn, enrich the soil with oxygen.

How not to do

In no case should tomatoes be fed with nitrogen during flowering and fruit set. After watering or spraying with nitrogen fertilizers, the plants will fatten, grow only green mass, will stand with fat trunks and huge leaves. But the fruits - the cat cried.

Therefore, feed the tomatoes during this period only with vermicompost with ash and spray according to the sheet with boric acid with iodine and milk. An alternative to biohumus -.

To reach the planned harvest of tomatoes, their top dressing at the time of flowering and in the process of fruit set is of great importance. The amount of yield and the quality of grown vegetables depend on the level of supply of plants with nutrition during the entire growing season.

However, fertilization requires a thoughtful approach. To do this, it will not be superfluous to know the degree of provision of the soil with nutrients and to have knowledge of commonly used fertilizers. The entry of plants into the flowering phase signals the vegetable grower about the need for top dressing. How to feed tomatoes during flowering and fruiting in a greenhouse, what means to choose for this - this is what we have to talk about in this article.

Why do you need to feed tomatoes

The system of fertilization by top dressing during the growing season is needed in order to make up for the missing amount of nutrients in a timely manner. Without this, one should not hope for a decent harvest.

During the season, tomatoes are fertilized at least 4 times. As usual, this is enough to fully satisfy tomatoes with macro- and micronutrients.

Acutely necessary top dressings are those that are performed at the beginning of the flowering phase of tomato bushes, as well as during fruit set.

If at this time the tomato is not able to obtain the required nutrients from the soil, this affects the most negative way - there are many barren flowers, which waste food in vain. With a deficiency of basic nutrients, the size of the fruit also suffers, even varieties with large fruits will be small.

In addition, if top dressing is neglected during the flowering period, many underdeveloped seeds are formed in the fruits of tomatoes, which cannot be used for sowing next year. This is especially true for those gardeners who are trying to save their favorite variety and prepare seed material for planting on their own.

Top dressing of tomatoes in the greenhouse

Vegetables grown in protected ground have a number of features. Plants growing in a confined space need certain conditions for life and the provision of nutrients.

Top dressing of flowering and fruiting tomatoes is designed to saturate the soil:

  • nitrogen, necessary for the rapid growth of seedlings and the formation of flower buds;
  • phosphorus, due to which the root system is formed, flowering is stimulated, fruit set is accelerated and the overall yield is increased;
  • potassium, which takes part in the growth of stems and stimulates the fastest ripening of vegetables.

The main thing is to properly distribute these nutrients, depending on the needs of plants in certain phases of development and growth. Gardeners with experience perform fertilization work late in the evening, when evaporation from the surface of the leaves approaches a minimum, using warm water to prepare the working solution.

To obtain the expected yield, it will be necessary to perform such work several times during the season, using both root dressings and leaf treatments.

Top dressing of greenhouse tomatoes with organo-mineral compositions of fertilizers

The fertilizer application system for greenhouse tomatoes should include the following steps:

  1. First feed. After planting the seedlings in the greenhouse, the plants are fed for the first time 15 days after the end of the transplant work. Here it is appropriate to apply nitrogen fertilizers to activate plant growth. Urea is usually used, dissolving 1 tbsp. l. drug in a bucket of water. Instead of mineral fertilizer, the use of mullein is allowed. To do this, dilute 0.5 kg of mullein in 8 liters of water.
  2. Second feed. It is usually carried out with the same fertilizers that are recommended for the first fertilization. Moreover, if for the first time mullein was used, now it is better to turn to urea and vice versa.
  3. Third feed. They resort to it at the moment when the fruits begin to set in the tomatoes. Plants during this period are in dire need of potassium. You can fill the deficiency of potassium in the soil with the help of wood ash. For this, the following composition is suitable: 10 liters of water, 2 tbsp. l. ash and 1 tbsp. l. superphosphate. After thorough mixing, a solution is added under the root at the rate of 1 liter per bush.
  4. Fourth feed. Usually, the time of its holding coincides with the flowering of 3 tomato brushes. Watering under the root is performed with a solution of potassium humate, for which 1 tbsp is dissolved. l. funds in 10 liters of water. The watering rate is the same - 1 liter of funds under the bush.
  5. Fifth supplement. The tomato needs it in the phase of mass fruiting. It is better to perform top dressing by foliar method, for which:
  • take 20 g of yeast;
  • add to them 2 tbsp. l. Sahara;
  • place the ingredients in a bucket of water;
  • wait 1 - 2 days until the fermentation process begins;
  • before use, dilute the yeast solution in 50 liters of water.

The finished solution is sprayed with tomato plots in the evening.

Top dressing with mineral fertilizers

Practice has shown that it is not worth using only organic matter and home remedies for flowering and fruiting tomatoes. The best result comes only when there is a reasonable alternation of different means.

The most popular fertilizers for tomatoes are:

  • nitrogenous - ammonium nitrate and urea;
  • phosphoric - double superphosphate;
  • potassium - potassium sulfate;
  • complex (full) - nitrophoska and nitroammofoska.

The following are the most popular fertilizer formulations based on mineral fertilizers for tomatoes at the time of flowering:

  • Mix 15 g of potassium sulfate with 30 g of superphosphate and dissolve in 10 liters of water;
  • Place 60 g of superphosphate in 1 liter of boiling water, stir until it dissolves without residue, leave for 14 hours, then bring the volume of liquid to 10 liters and apply by spraying on the leaves;
  • Mix 20 g of nitrophoska with 15 ml of potassium humate and dissolve the ingredients in a bucket of water;
  • Mix 10 g of potassium nitrate with 25 g of magnesium sulfate and dissolve the ingredients in a bucket of water.

For feeding purposes, any composition is used, pouring 1 liter of the prepared product under the bush.

Recently, ready-made nutrient complexes, such as:

  1. Kemira Lux. The tool is completely soluble in water and contains the entire set of elements necessary for the nutrition of tomatoes during the flowering period.
  2. Senor Tomato. This mineral complex also makes up for the deficiency of nutrients when laying inflorescences. In addition to nutrients, the composition of the preparation also includes nitrogenous bacteria that can bind nitrogen in the air, and humic acids that improve soil properties. The tool is suitable only for making under the root.
  3. Complex Effecton. During its production, peat in a unique way, with the help of special bacteria, turns into a nutritious compost. It also includes phosphate rock and shale ash, which provide tomatoes with useful organic substances. Top dressing of a tomato at the time of flowering with this complex ensures excellent fruiting and a guaranteed high yield.

Top dressing of tomatoes in the open field

Tomatoes grown outdoors are exposed to harsher conditions than those grown in a greenhouse. They are subject to temperature fluctuations, need more watering and have more serious maintenance requirements.

The system of top dressing of open ground tomatoes differs from the greenhouse one. Below you will find information on how often to feed them, what fertilizers and in what phases of development.

  1. First feed. After planting the seedlings on the beds in the garden, they watch how they take root. If they do not make a good impression, the seedlings look weak, then they should be fed with nitrogen after 3 days from the day of planting. Seedlings that are well rooted in a new place can not be fed.
  2. Second feed. It is carried out simultaneously with the beginning of flowering 1 brush. At this time, the need for potassium in tomatoes increases and they need to be provided with it. To do this, it is allowed to scatter ash under the plants and bury it in the soil when loosening. Top dressing with nettle infusion has also proven itself well, for which they do the following work: they take several armfuls of nettle and put it in a barrel, pour 150 liters of water into the barrel, insist the composition for 10 days before fermentation, dilute 1 liter of concentrate with 10 liters of water. top dressing of tomatoes at the root at the rate of 1 liter under a bush.
  3. Third feed. Its term coincides with the flowering of 2 brushes of tomatoes. Apply potassium humate, dissolving 1 tbsp. l. drug in a bucket of water. The consumption rate of the working fluid is the same - 1 liter for each bush.
  4. Fourth feed. It is performed 15 days after 3 fertilizing with fertilizers containing phosphorus. Usually superphosphate is used for this, 45 g of which should be dissolved in 10 liters of water without sediment. Under each bush pour 1 liter of liquid.

Mineral fertilizer for tomatoes

When growing tomatoes on a personal plot, one should not forget about mineral fats. In the phase of flowering and fruit set, they can be used without dissolving in water, scattering in the aisles of plants, but it is better to apply these products, previously dissolved.

Their application can be practiced in conjunction with organics as follows:

  • in the first top dressing, add 20 g of superphosphate to the mullein solution and, thus, achieve improved root growth;
  • carry out the second top dressing with a mixture of fertilizers, which will include - 5 g of potassium sulfate, 50 g of nitroammophoska per 1 sq. m;
  • the third and subsequent top dressings should be carried out every 10 days with the Stimulus-1 nutritional complex, strictly according to the instructions, which will allow you to grow large fruits and stimulate their rapid ripening.

Foliar top dressing of tomatoes during fruiting

In the summer, top dressing of flowering and fruiting tomatoes is allowed to be carried out both by watering under the root, and by spraying over the leaves.

Foliar top dressing is carried out every ten days. They provide plants with specific nutrients needed in certain phases:

  • to stimulate the growth of fruits, accelerate their ripening, you need to dilute 1 tsp. superphosphate in 9 liters of water, or use the finished product "Humisol";
  • to improve fruit set, boric acid is well suited in the same dosage as when using superphosphate;
  • for abundant flowering and acceleration of fruit ripening, an ash solution is useful, for which 400 g of ash is diluted in 2 liters of warm water, or use ready-to-use Zircon;
  • for prevention from late blight, you need to dissolve a vial of iodine in 8 liters of water or dilute 1 liter of serum in a bucket of water.

When tomatoes enter the fruiting phase, nitrogen fertilizers from dressings should be completely excluded.

How to water tomatoes for a great harvest

Many gardeners, especially beginners, often wonder how they should water tomatoes to get a good harvest. Vegetable growers with experience to achieve this goal use proven folk recipes prepared on the basis of iodine (4 drops per 9 liters of water), boric acid (1% solution) or the following folk composition:

  • use a 200 liter barrel;
  • fill it by 33% with dandelion and nettle leaves;
  • pour 2 buckets of manure there;
  • fill with water;
  • insist 15 days.

After that, the composition is ready for use for root dressings at the rate of 1-2 liters per bush.

There are still quite a few ready-made fertilizers that are sold in retail chains. Using them on your site, you can also achieve high results in terms of yield and size of fruits:

  • "Kemira-Lux" - use a tomato during active growth;
  • "Universal" - very rich in trace elements, suitable for use only in dry form;
  • "Solution" - shows high efficiency when spraying on the leaves;
  • "Orton Growth" - helps the tomatoes to pass through all phases of development more quickly;
  • "Fortress" - helps the rapid rooting of seedlings, accelerates its growth.

The key to growing tasty and large tomatoes is their regular feeding. At each stage of development, the tomato requires certain vitamins and minerals that contribute to the normal growth of the plant. The combination of organic and mineral fertilizers will allow you to get large tomatoes, increase the number of fruits and their ripening rate.

Root top dressing of tomatoes

Over the years of practice, gardeners have managed to come to a consensus that tomatoes need to be fed at least 3 times per season in order to achieve their large fruit and juiciness.

Stage 1 - fertilizer after planting seedlings

The first time tomatoes need to be fed 12-14 days after planting seedlings under film shelters or in open ground. At this stage, the plant needs nutrients that will increase its overall resistance and activate the growth of green mass.

  1. Fertilizer based on herbal mixture. You will need to take:
  • 2 kilograms of nettle;
  • 2 kilograms of plantain;
  • one glass crushed to dust;
  • fresh - 2 liters;
  • 25 liters of water.

Place all elements of the infusion in a fifty-liter container, mix until smooth and leave for two days. After the stated time, dilute the infusion with 25 liters of water. Under each bush you need to pour two liters of herbal infusion.

  1. Nutrient mixture based on urea and wood ash. In a ten-liter container with water, dissolve 25 grams of urea and 3 cups of dusted wood ash. Stir the mixture until all ingredients are dissolved. Apply the resulting liquid at 0.5 liters per plant.


Stage 2 - fertilization before flowering

To increase the number of fruits, before flowering, fertilize the tomatoes with potash and.

  1. Solution based on mullein and nitrophoska. In ten liters of settled water, dissolve 15 grams of nitrophoska and one liter of fresh mullein. With the resulting solution, pour the tomatoes under the root, avoiding contact with the leaves. Consumption per bush is 1 liter.
  2. Nutrient mixture based on superphosphate, mullein and wood ash. Prepare an infusion of mullein: take 5 liters of fresh cow dung, pour 5 liters of water. Let it brew for three days, stir it every day. Then, pour a liter of mullein infusion into a bucket of water, pour a glass of crushed wood ash and 20 grams of superphosphate. Stir the mixture until smooth. Water a liter under the plant.
  3. Top dressing based on superphosphate, manganese sulfide, wood ash. Preparation of the solution: in ten liters of water at room temperature, dissolve a pinch of manganese sulfide, a glass of wood ash and 20 grams of superphosphate. Pour the resulting mixture over each bush, spending 0.5 liters on each.

Stage 3 - fertilization during the formation of the ovary

The third wave of top dressing is the main one in the complex process of nutrient application. After all, it is at this stage that the fruits are formed. For fertilizer use:

  1. Solution based on humate, nitrophoska, superphosphate. Dissolve nitrophoska and superphosphate crystals in one liter of water. Pour the resulting mixture into a bucket of water, add 10 milliliters of humate. Stir until all ingredients are completely combined. Consumption per square meter is 5 liters. On average, one plant accounts for 2 liters of working solution.
  2. , wood ash, boric acid. Boil five liters of water, pour 4 cups of wood ash crushed into dust. Leave the infusion alone until completely cooled. Then pour half a bubble of iodine, add a teaspoon of boric acid. Insist 24 hours. Before use, dilute the infusion with clean water. For one liter of the mixture you will need ten liters of water. The consumption rate for one bush is one liter.

Foliar processing

Not only root fertilization, but also spraying of plants and fruits can increase the rate of ripening and large-fruitedness. You can increase productivity by:

  1. Boric acid solution. Treat before flowering to stimulate the growth of already formed buds, as well as activate the appearance of a new ovary. The working solution is prepared on the basis of a tablespoon of acid and a bucket of water. One liter is enough to spray one hundred of plantings.
  2. Solution based on stimulants "Tomaton", "Ovary". Treatment with stimulants will increase the number of ovaries, accelerate tomato growth, and fruit development. According to statistics, the yield after spraying increases by 25%. Preparation of solutions:
  • based on the drug "Tomaton". Dissolve two ampoules with a stimulant in a liter of water, add a few drops of detergent, stir the solution. Consumption per square meter of plantations is 0.3 liters;
  • based on the drug "Ovary". Dissolve the powder sachet in 3 liters of water. Consumption per ten square meters of tomatoes is 0.5 liters.

The topic is relevant, and it sounds like how to feed tomatoes during flowering and fruit set. After all, you understand that all crops need additional nutrition, since fertile, black earth soils are far from everywhere. Yes, even where they exist, a stable result is not always guaranteed, all because in our time the land is used very consumerly, it is grown on it year after year, and only a few agronomists apply fertilizers. You can't do that to avoid problems.

The importance of nutrition for tomatoes

Tomatoes, in general, are a culture that loves fertilizers, it responds well to store-bought mineral preparations and various organics, you can also use the recipes of folk experts. You can fertilize crops:

  • under the root, when you pour them into the soil around the base of the stem, that is, thereby providing nutrition to the soil and the root system, and it is the basis of a good green mass and in the future harvest, if you choose such top dressing correctly, because another problem may arise - leaves many, but no ovary or fruit. We will tell you why;
  • foliar spraying, when you use a spray bottle or a special garden sprayer to feed the tomatoes from above. Through the leaves, they get everything they need and grow, producing a crop.

The optimal balance is the alternation of those and other types of feeding. The first, as a rule, is applied approximately 10-14 days after the transfer to the main place. Further, every two weeks, but if the soil is very poor, then more often. Fertilizers are needed by the land, as well as crops. Good immunity does not allow seedlings to get sick, they endure all weather hardships. So, let's first talk about the topic of feeding tomatoes in terms of what fertilizers, and when to use.

How are feeds applied?

You know what fertilizers are, but it is not always possible to apply one or another, because when the fruits begin to ripen on the bushes, it is absolutely impossible to use chemistry for spraying, so you will not get a clean crop from an environmental point of view. How to contribute, let's figure it out. You must first prepare the soil since autumn, after planting seedlings in the ground. It is also necessary to give nutrition to seedlings so that they grow green mass and are not thin and brittle, otherwise the tomatoes will sit for a long time and not give an ovary, and after that do the processing of the tomatoes during flowering.

If the soil is poor, then it is not enough to feed 3-4 times, you need 5-6 times per season. If you are applying organic, then mineral fertilizers should be used in smaller quantities. At a permanent place, when the seedlings have begun, nitrogen in top dressing should be minimal so that the bushes do not outgrow. Complex preparations are applied every 14 days. You can shed first with them, after alternating with organics. When the fruits begin to ripen, it is better to cancel all chemistry, and use natural supplements or folk advice so as not to spoil the crop.

Tomatoes don't grow well. What to feed?

Of course, you must prepare the site since the fall. After the crop has been harvested, it needs to be dug up and fed, it is best to use potash and phosphorus-based fertilizers at this stage. The former contain chlorine, it is harmful to tomatoes, but over the winter it will go deep into the soil, while phosphorus will also take on such a form that tomatoes will absorb it well. You can also dig up the soil with weeds. Further, you will feed when you plant seedlings, and it is better to use a nitrogen species here, because you need green mass now so that the stems do not stretch.

You can also add organic matter during digging - based on a square meter, you add eight kilograms of the mixture - in equal parts, litter, manure, compost, peat and 50 grams of superphosphate. You can also bury weeds or plant green manure plants.


Fertilizers for tomatoes in the open field will be organic and mineral, but you should not flood the site, as tomatoes do not really like an overabundance.

In the seedling phase at home, you can apply a solution of dry yeast 2-3 times - five grams per five liters. During planting in the soil, you already add a more serious top dressing in the form of superphosphate - this is a complex of nitrogen, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus and sulfur. This top dressing reduces acidity, gives immunity and nourishes your tomatoes. One of the most popular and effective means.

Ready-made preparations from the store

You can use the following fertilizers, they balance all the nutrients and your tomatoes will grow perfectly. If in the fall you could not properly prepare the soil, then do it in the spring with the help of such means:

  • Kemira Lux. Preparation for dissolution in water, diluted according to the instructions;
  • "Universal". This fertilizer is very good and does not harm the soil, being fully absorbed, it contains humic substances and a complex of elements. The drug can simply be scattered over the snow, and when it comes down, level the ground with a rake.

For information!

Young gardeners often ask the question whether it is possible to spray tomatoes during flowering. It is possible, because this way the tomatoes will better absorb the feed, but not in the heat and it is better to use more natural fertilizers so as not to harm health.

During the transfer of seedlings, holes can be laid and poured:

  • Agricola. The drug is dissolved in water, poured during planting, and you can still use the complex up to five times per season, instead of other fertilizers;
  • "Zdraven" and "Multiflor" - these are all complexes that can be introduced into the ground, mixing it and burying the bushes during planting, you can use an aqueous solution.

After two weeks in a permanent place

So, your seedlings should already be well accepted. It's time to apply complex mineral fertilizer and this is nitrophoska. It contains an optimal balance of phosphorus, potassium and nitrogen. For one liter, use half a teaspoon of fertilizer. Under the bushes you need at least 500 grams of fertilizer. Also, about a week after planting the seedlings in a permanent place, you can shed the area with a weak solution of manganese, which will help the seedlings and get rid of the pathogenic environment, which may also prevent your tomatoes from growing and developing. This tactic will help the seedlings quickly adapt, grow greenery, after which flowers will form. Next, the care of tomatoes during the flowering period will follow.

Top dressing throughout the season for flowering and ovary

Two weeks have passed since the first watering of seedlings in a new place, it's time to fertilize again. In a bucket of water dissolve a tablespoon of potassium sulfate, 500 grams of litter. Pour such top dressing under the bushes in the amount of half a liter.

Or there is another option for feeding a tomato during the flowering period. Dissolve a tablespoon of nitrophoska in a bucket of water and pour a liter each under the tomatoes. In the same period, spraying can also be used to prevent diseases that also inhibit the growth and development of the crop - pour a spoonful of calcium nitrate into a bucket of water and spray the bushes.


All foliar feeding or spraying is carried out in the morning or in the evening, not in the heat and fog.

You can also use spraying tomatoes with boric acid for the ovary - 10 grams of acids are dissolved in a bucket of hot water, after which they spray the ground next to the bushes, it is better to water the tomatoes first so that the roots do not get burned. This recipe is very helpful. If you want to spray bushes with such a solution, then do not take more than a spoonful of tea boric acid in a bucket of hot water so as not to burn the leaves.

You can also apply this fertilizer 2-3 times - 15 grams are dissolved in a bucket of water and potassium sulfate - 20 grams. You can also take chicken manure, which is bred in a ratio of 1:20. You can alternate all these top dressings, remember that we also told you about ready-made preparations, which can also be used to feed tomatoes during flowering and setting, but observe intervals of 2-3 weeks.

When the tomatoes are already forming fruits, it is better not to use chemistry, you can spray the bushes and spill it with nettle infusion, which wandered for a week. You can also drop 3-4 drops of iodine into a bucket of water and use for spraying.

All of these supplements can help you get a great harvest, and results can be seen very soon after you've applied the fertilizer.
