Anthurium blooms poorly. Why anthurium does not bloom: effective ways to stimulate flowering. Proper transplant and top dressing

Why does anthurium not bloom. What to do? - You can write a dissertation on this topic. But is it worth reading a whole tome when you can read our article. We assure you that we will tell you about all the reasons for the unwillingness to bloom a capricious comrade from the tropics.

Wrong ground

Anthurium is often stuffed into peat. Say, it is light, the roots breathe in it, it holds moisture for a long time. And this is a big mistake that leads to a lack of flowering.

Solution. In order for the plant to feel as comfortable as possible, it should be kept in a suitable soil mixture. Purchased soil for orchids is not bad. But housing for anthurium can be assembled independently:

  • pieces of sphagnum
  • oily garden manure
  • small chips of bark
  • medium sized charcoal

All components are taken in equal proportions and thoroughly mixed. Such a mixture guarantees good health and brings the flowering of anthurium closer.

By the way, this plant prefers the soil to be acidic. Therefore, the bark in the composition of the soil is required, preferably from conifers trees. It cannot be replaced with sawdust. They are quickly compressed, and the roots simply suffocate. Anthurium may die.


The reason for the lack of flowering of anthurium may be an incorrect transplant or its absence at all.

Solution. Try to initially plant the plant correctly by removing it from the shipping pot after purchase. Do not change the height of the growing point, otherwise just ruin the flower. Don’t mess with the transplant, do it only when you see that the roots are getting crowded. At the same time, it is impossible to cut long roots, flowering will not be unambiguous.

The pot should be low, but wide. A small layer of drainage is placed at the bottom, we do not need excess moisture.

There is an opinion among flower growers that when transplanting, it is necessary to thoroughly wash the roots of anthurium. It won't do any harm, but it won't do much good either. How this procedure affects the formation of flower stalks is not known to science.

We water correctly

An inappropriate watering schedule greatly interferes with upcoming flowering. We can say that this is the most common mistake. Some comrades simply create a swamp in a pot. Well, the tropics and all that ...

Turn on your head. Why then was such a soil needed if it would safely sour in an excess of liquid? Anthurium will not bloom for sure.

Solution. You can't fill a flower. Drinking from above is also not recommended. It’s easier for orchid lovers, they know about diving. For those who don't know, here's a hint:

  • A pot with anthurium is placed in a large container.
  • Pour hot (+49-51°С) water up to the middle of the container height.
  • Leave for 10 minutes.
  • Then add hot water almost to the sides of the pot for another 10 minutes.
  • Then the anthurium is removed from the liquid and placed on a stand.

After draining excess water, the pot can be put in its usual place. By the way, anthurium is one of the few plants that can be safely dragged around the rooms. He does not throw off buds and flowers.

What is the schedule for watering the plant? And no one will tell you the exact time and period. You must determine all this yourself, based on your climate and the time of year outside the window. Just stick a wooden stick into the pot to the bottom for 12-14 minutes. Then look at it the level of moisture in the soil.

By the way, it is impossible to overdry an earthen lump, even occasionally. This will negatively affect the possible flowering.


Anthurium, like no other tropical plant, is sensitive to air humidity. He can't stand even the slightest drop. Even for one day. Otherwise, the flowers will appear only after the cancer whistle on the mountain.

Solution. We warned that this is a very capricious comrade? Get:

  • Spray anthurium 2 times a day. All year round.
  • Once every 3 days, it is recommended to wipe each leaf with a wet cloth or wet wipe.
  • Additional containers with water or pallets with wet expanded clay, sphagnum are placed around.
  • During the heating season, wet towels are placed on the radiators.
  • Turn on a humidifier nearby, if available.

As you can see, the tropical guest is not so simple. Without the right humidity, it will not bloom. By the way, it would be better to spray not the anthurium itself, but around. This will create the necessary atmosphere.

And further. For spraying or watering, use only settled or melted water. Indeed, in natural natural conditions it is unlikely that chlorinated rain falls from the sky.

lack of light

In order for the anthurium to bloom, it needs a sufficient amount of lighting. Take a look at your pet. The leaves are dull, pale, on long thin petioles, flowering is not and is not expected. These are signs of a lack of light.

Solution. Anthurium should be placed on the windowsill so that the sun illuminates it in sufficient quantities. But direct rays will certainly burn ugly brown spots on the leaves. Therefore, shading is simply necessary on the southern and western windows.

As for the eastern and northern ones, the anthurium will bloom there only after additional illumination. By the way, for these purposes you will have to purchase a special phytolamp. Don't worry about extra spending. Supplemental light will ensure the normal growth of many of your house flowers.

Just do not put high neighbors under the lamp along with the anthurium. He will take this as a rivalry and refuse to bloom. It will begin to stretch and turn into a vine. It is better to arrange around the potty with the kids. They benefit, anthurium - peace.

rest period

Many plants need a rest in winter. Anthurium is no exception. He also needs 1.5-2 months of vacation. It is at this time that flower buds are laid. That's just the majority indoor plants for a period of rest is placed in a dark place. Our friend rests a little differently.

Solution. Vacation lasts from about the beginning of December to mid-January. During this period, only the temperature of the content is changed. It is reduced to + 16-18 ° С. All other conditions of care remain the same:

  • abundance of scattered light
  • regular dip watering
  • high humidity

After the end of the rest, the air temperature is gradually raised to the usual + 22-25 ° С. If everything is done correctly, then around the end of February you can see the buds gaining strength, and soon the flowering itself.

Lack of top dressing

Sometimes anthurium does not bloom due to lack of nutrition. There is no doubt that you transplanted it into nutrient soil, but the supply of minerals there is not endless. And not everyone can change the land all the time. And the root system of the plant will not withstand such familiarity.

Solution. Use mineral fertilizers. Feeding with liquid green food is certainly good. But only to build a lush green mass. And for long and high-quality flowering, trace elements are necessary. In particular, these are phosphorus and potassium. Without them, flowering will be poor, if not at all.

Before buying a coveted bag, be sure to read the information on the package. Pay attention to the composition and recommendations of the manufacturer. There must certainly be a mark "for blooming." And do not increase the dosage. Overfeeding threatens the death of the plant.

Advice. Today, the industry offers fertilizers in tablets or granules. This form is very convenient because you don’t have to think about where to get the pharmacy scales and how much top dressing to pour at a time. It is enough to put one tablet in the pot and the nutrition will last for a long time. The plant will take right amount trace elements during the next watering.

  1. Do not plant anthurium immediately in a huge planter. No doubt, gorgeous foliage will develop freely in such a container. But flowering will come very soon. The fact is that the buds are laid only after the root system completely entwines the entire provided earthen room.
  2. If you raised a pet from seeds, then do not expect flowers in the first 2 years. The young anthurium will spend this time building up a reliable root system. So be patient.
  3. Be sure to cut off faded flowers. Otherwise, the plant will spend most strength and nutrition for the formation of seeds. Sometimes, after flowering, the anthurium is severely depleted by the ripening of the cobs. Therefore, do not regret, cut boldly.
  4. In nature, the plant is in a foggy haze for about 9 months a year, which gives 100% humidity. environment. And certainly in the lush tropical thickets there are no drafts. Therefore, try to protect your pet from ventilation and open windows. Otherwise, he will generally refuse to bloom ever.
  5. Try not to plant anthurium in clay or ceramic pots. The fact is that this material heats up for a long time, so the root system of the plant can become supercooled. And in such conditions you will not see flowers.
  6. Periodically carefully inspect the anthurium for pests and diseases. You can create ideal conditions, but a weakened or sick plant will not bloom. Timely help often works wonders.

Why does anthurium not bloom. What to do? - you are no longer interested in it. Surely you learned from our article useful information and already realized their mistakes. Now it's up to the little things. Rather, create ideal conditions for your pet, and soon you will be able to admire beautiful glossy flowers on a chic bush for a long time.

Video: anthurium care

On the South American continent, it is believed that the aroid perennial grows even thrown simply on the ground, without any care - anthurium blooms there anyway. This is the only way a resident of the tropics behaves in natural conditions, that is, in a subtropical and tropical climate. There are favorable conditions for the development of anthurium and obtaining bright inflorescences. But in cases where woman's happiness"Grows on the windowsill in a room of the middle climatic zone, anthurium at home may not bloom at all.

Reasons why anthurium does not bloom

This perennial is called not only “female happiness”, but also “flower of love”. Its beautiful flowers are distinguished by red, white, burgundy or pink hues, as well as bright oblong foliage. Although it often happens that the “flower of love”, which has already blossomed many times, does not bloom long time. There are many reasons for this phenomenon.

"Women's happiness" loves comfort, regular watering and good care. If the plant is in a room where the temperature and humidity are not suitable for it, it will not only not bloom, but may also disappear. This plant belongs to the capricious representatives. Anthurium blooms even in comfort worse than at home. The article describes some of the reasons why the plant "does not want" to bloom and ways to "force" it to still release flower stalks.

Wrong lighting

Anthurium belongs to light-loving indoor flowers, but still prefers diffused sunlight, which should illuminate the plant for as long as possible. Therefore, the flower must be placed on the windowsill, which is located under the window with an east or west direction, placing it closer to the glass. Inexperienced anthurium lovers often put the flower in the bright sun, believing that this way it will bloom faster. After all, he comes from the sunny tropics. Others, seeing that the plant on the sunny windowsill does not let flower stalks, rearrange it into a dim room. But the plant does not bloom in such conditions at all. A bright sun can cause leaf and flower scorch, and a semi-dark existence will not lead to the development of flower arrows. Anthurium blooms under certain lighting conditions.

Watering "women's happiness" is better moderately, with soft water, which is defended in a room for about 5 days. On hot summer days, it is necessary to spray it twice a day and wipe the leaves every seven days, removing dust from the leaves. In winter, the water should be a little cooler than in warm weather; you can also water the perennial with filtered water. How much water to pour into the pot? The earth should not be waterlogged. If a upper layer in a pot to keep too wet or constantly overdry, then this "flower of love" will not bloom even with excellent lighting and comfortable conditions.

Read also: Brugmansia - why the leaves turn yellow and what to do so that flowering does not stop all summer

Water perennials so that water does not fall on glossy surface green leaves. If drops remain there, the leaves will begin to darken. The soil in the pot should always be moist. Air must also high humidity. Where the anthurium "came" from, it constantly rains. For this reason, the watering regime is the most important for the plant. Then the anthurium blooms profusely.


  • for irrigation use only settled water without any additives and impurities;
  • watering the soil should be plentiful, but stagnation of water is unacceptable either in a pot or in a pan;
  • water temperature for irrigation should be at room temperature;
  • every day in the morning and evening, the anthurium is sprayed with a spray bottle;
  • when the plant is placed on the windowsill above the heating battery, vessels with water should be placed nearby to increase the level of humidity;
  • excess water in the ground causes rotting of the root system, and with insufficient moisture, the leaves dry up.

Unfortunately, it is impossible to create complete comfort for a perennial. Where the "flower of love" grows, the air humidity is almost 100%, thanks to the constant fog. In a room or greenhouse, this is not possible.


Capricious anthurium in room conditions feels comfortable in winter. During normal operation of the battery heating, the temperature regime of + 20 ° C is most suitable for perennials. And in case of heat, the flowers will not tie. It is best if there is air conditioning in the room under the ceiling that regulates the temperature.

Heat, as well as coolness below 18 ° C, lead to the rejection of flowering. AT winter time the plant does not flower. In order for it to release flower arrows in spring, the right temperature conditions are necessary.

Wrong soil

It happens that the soil is chosen incorrectly, this is the reason the plant refuses to release flower arrows. Peat, for example, is not suitable for perennials; its roots prefer humus and good drainage. It is also a mistake to plant a plant in soil that is intended for succulents or palm trees. The most suitable for "women's happiness" soil for orchids, which consists of humus mixed with charcoal, particles of bark and moss (sphagnum). When peat is added to the soil mixture, the plant will refuse to bloom.

Wrong feeding

Regular fertilizing with acid-type fertilizers can help the tropical guest bloom. Do such top dressing no more than once a month, using liquid fertilizers for this. You can also add pine needles to increase acidity. Calcium in such fertilizers should not be present, its excess causes rotting of the roots.

Read also: Houseplant Anthurium

It is also necessary to transplant anthurium correctly. Otherwise, it will never bloom. This requires correct selection soil and pot size. Damage to the roots during transplantation can even lead to the death of the flower. A small container is periodically replaced with a larger one. This is done so that the roots do not grow through the holes in the bottom. too wide or tall pot is also unacceptable. It should be wider than the previous centimeter by 2-3, and about the same height. There should be enough earth in the pot so that the roots are completely hidden by it.

Other reasons

Inexperienced flower growers are surprised when a donated flowering indoor anthurium stops flowering after some time, although all care errors have been corrected. There are several more reasons for this:

  1. stems or roots affected by disease or pests;
  2. frequent rearrangement of perennial from one level of illumination to another;
  3. a flower pot is located in a draft;
  4. low air temperature also does not contribute to the development of flower buds on the stems;
  5. lack of fertilizers or their excess often leads not only to the fact that the plant does not bloom, but also to its death;
  6. peduncles after flowering are left on the stem, and they must be removed to the base.

But even after correcting the flaws of care, this fastidious tropical flower does not immediately release flower stalks. It will take at least 2-3 months to wait for the beginning of flowering, but then the perennial will delight the eye with luxurious inflorescences.

There are several options to make "female happiness" bloom at room conditions. Even a novice florist should know how to create comfortable conditions, to provide long flowering anthurium.

It should be remembered that this indoor plant blooms very rarely if it is planted in a large pot. You need to choose a container so that the plant in it is not too crowded or very spacious.

It is advisable to put the pot in a pan where gravel is poured. The soil itself should not come into contact with water, but the flower will feel more comfortable.

Soil and fertilizer

For this perennial of the aroid family, loose soil is selected. It is made up of large pieces. Therefore, the roots need mandatory top dressing approximately every two weeks. But in the composition of fertilizers, which should not have a lot of nitrogen and calcium. An excess of nitrogen will cause increased growth of stems and leaves, and the perennial will not bloom. And a lot of calcium will cause rotting of the root system.

To stimulate flowering, feed the anthurium better fertilizer containing phosphorus, which is important at the stage of formation of the flower ovary.

Now for flower growers they sell granular fertilizers that have a long shelf life. They are given every 3 months. But the instructions should indicate that this fertilizer is intended for flowering plants.

Why did anthurium stop blooming

It happens that the anthurium blooms magnificently, and then stops flowering and new foliage does not appear.

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First of all, the plant must be transplanted. This is especially needed for a flower bought in a store. Indoor flowers arrive on store shelves in shipping containers with a small amount of peat, fertilizers and chemicals. The stock of these funds is designed for a month - two flowering. But at this time there is no development of roots and foliage. If the plant is not transplanted in time, it will deplete and die.

After that, the anthurium needs some period to strengthen the roots and the ground part. This period often extends over several months. Sometimes pets that pleased the eye with lush inflorescences stop blooming. In these cases, the method used in industrial greenhouses or greenhouses is often used. For this purpose, from late autumn, the plant is placed in a well-lit room, where the temperature is maintained from 16 ° C to 20 ° C. If necessary, artificial lighting can be added.

Water "women's happiness" regularly, but not as plentifully as in summer. Then in a couple of months, when new stems and leaves appear on the ground part of the bush, it needs to be transferred to a more warm room and increase watering. The most comfortable temperature will be around 23 ° C.

If the plant has not yet bloomed, it will definitely release arrows of pedicels. Anthurium blooms in spring and this period lasts a long time: about one and a half to two months, if you remember to follow the rules for caring for a flower.

The refusal of a plant to release flower stalks often entails diseases.

  1. Sometimes dark dots appear on the surface of the leaves. The reason for their appearance is too low a temperature in the room. In fact, the plant freezes.
  2. Infections often affect all parts of the "love flower". Anthurium can infect viruses and microorganisms. There is no opposition from them yet, and therefore such diseases lead to the death of the bush.
  3. Some infections can be treated with chemicals sold in stores. For example, in some cases, you can get rid of the infection with potassium permanganate or Gliocladin.
  4. Fungal diseases are treated with fungicides. But this is possible only with timely treatment.


The most common insects that like to settle on anthurium are:

  • thrips with scale insects;
  • spider mites;
  • root nematode.

These insects, being parasites, suck juice from any parts of the flower, depriving them of nutrition. Signs of the appearance of insect pests can be determined during hygiene procedures regularly carried out during care.

If you have become the happy owner of an anthurium or have been caring for it for a long time, sooner or later such an unpleasant situation may arise: the plant simply does not bloom. This may be due to improper care or illness, and possibly for both reasons at the same time. So, why doesn't anthurium bloom? This is discussed in more detail below.

Failure to comply with transfer rules

There are also some requirements for anthurium transplantation. The reason why this plant does not bloom, specifically for this case, may be the choice of the wrong size pot, damage to the root system during transplantation. Because of this, the flower will become weak, lethargic, and will not tie for flowering.

From a small pot, it is necessary from time to time to transplant the anthurium into a larger one, in order to avoid the roots from sprouting through holes in the bottom of the pot. Too wide pot - not the most the best choice, as well as too high. It is better to replace it with a low pot, several centimeters wider than the previous one.

Another reason why the anthurium does not bloom, associated with transplantation, is cutting off too long roots in order to reduce them. In this case, the plant will not bloom even if all other care measures are observed.

Not timely feeding

For flowering, anthurium needs periodic moderate top dressing based on acids, without calcium in the composition. This should be done no more than once a month, following the description. Coniferous needles can be added to liquid mixtures from bottles, this will increase the acid content in the fertilizer composition.

Other reasons why anthurium does not bloom

After some time, the anthurium may stop blooming due to:

Diseases. The most common disease of anthurium is rot. It can appear due to waterlogging, stagnation of water in the soil, improper air temperature and humidity. In case of infection of an aphid flower, it is necessary to spray or wipe the leaves with a solution of tobacco or pyrethrum, it is possible to use Derris, and in case of an advanced form of aphid infection, it is necessary to treat the anthurium with karbofos or actellik.

If septoria is found on the leaves ( brown spots usually in the middle), then these leaves must be removed, and in order to avoid the spread of this disease, the plant must be treated with copper sulphate.

Too frequent rearrangement of the pot, drafts from the windows. All this can cause stress in the anthurium and it will not begin to bloom.

Unremoved buds that have already faded. They need to be cut with sharp scissors or a knife at the very base.

Rotting due to excess calcium and humus in the soil can also be the reason why anthurium does not bloom.

Lack of moisture. If at moderate watering and sprinkling, the ends of the leaves are dry and twisted, you need to put a container of water next to the plant on the windowsill or use a humidifier.

Rules for the care of anthurium

Indoor anthurium requires careful and thorough care, especially at the flowering stage. If you do not follow the measures for caring for a flower, then it will subsequently wither.


As mentioned above - perfect place for a pot with anthurium - an east or west window near the glass. In case of an excess of sunlight, it is recommended to move the container with the flower into the shade or hang tulle on the window.

In the cold season, you can increase the amount of light artificially. It is not advisable to leave a pot of anthurium near radiators or cracks in windows, from where cold air can blow in in winter.

pot shape

In order for the anthurium to bloom in time and decorate the room, it must be planted in a wide low pot with a pallet, at the bottom of which wet expanded clay or gravel is laid.


For anthurium, soil from peat and humus with brick chips or sand is suitable. You can also add here coniferous needles to level up.


During the flowering period, anthurium should be fertilized 1 time in 2 weeks, half of the amount indicated in the description. In the rest of the time, it will be enough to feed the earth once a month, and in the cold season, for several months, the soil and the plant should be allowed to rest.

Watering and spraying

Beginning of flowering after spraying

Boiled water that has settled for several days is perfect for flowering anthurium, but the rest of the time this flower is no less capricious about water. So that it blooms and does not get sick, it is better not to be lazy and provide the plant with the necessary moisture.

It will not be superfluous to filter the settled water. To stimulate flowering in spring, you can pour water on the flower at about 35-65 degrees C. Such a “contrast shower” will invigorate the plant and stimulate the formation and development of inflorescences.

Twice a day you need to spray the plant from a spray bottle, every week remove dust from the leaf plates with a damp cloth.


At the flowering stage optimum temperature for anthurium - 21-25 C, in the cold season a little less - 16-18 C.

While watching the video, you will learn about growing anthurium.

Compliance with these rules and measures for the care of anthurium, a rather finicky and capricious tropical flower, will give a result that fully justifies the hopes. All the efforts, labor and care given to him during the care will end up being lovely, decorating the room and creating comfort in the house.

Anthurium is a tropical plant, more suitable for growing in greenhouses or greenhouses at a certain humidity and temperature. Therefore, at home, waiting for its flowering is quite difficult. But if you properly care for the plant and create the necessary environment for it, then it will soon delight you with charming inflorescences. The duration of flowering can be several weeks, anthurium flowers persist for a long time even in a cut state.

The reasons

Anthurium can release the first peduncle only by the end of the second year of life. If inflorescences are not formed, then the conditions for normal growth and development are violated. To understand what to do when the anthurium does not bloom for a long time at home, you need to figure out the reason for the delay in flowering. There are many factors due to which the plant does not form buds. The main ones are the size of the pot in which the flower is located, the soil in the pot, the level of light, temperature and humidity.

  1. Of particular importance to good growth has a container in which the flower develops. Anthurium belongs to the family of epiphytes - plants that grow on the trunks and branches of trees and receive nutrients from the environment. The roots of epiphytes are poorly developed, so the container with nutrient soil for the flower should be small. The less soil around the roots, the more actively it will develop. above-ground part flower. Until the root system completely occupies the entire volume of soil under it, the aerial part of the plant will not develop.
  2. Another reason why anthurium does not bloom is in the degree of illumination of the room. The plant should not be exposed to direct sunlight, although the place should be well lit. In nature, only diffused light enters the plant, which passes through the foliage of trees. If the flower pot is located on the south side of the room, the illumination should be limited. When there is not enough light, backlighting with fluorescent lamps is necessary. In winter, the flower should be lit for at least 9 hours a day, and in summer - at least 12 hours.

  1. Inflorescences usually begin to form at the anthurium in mid-February. During this period, it is very important to comply temperature regime. The temperature in the room with the flower should be between 20-22˚С. When the air is cooled to 15˚С, the plant hibernates and stops growing, it is this regime that needs to be provided to it in winter.
  2. Since the anthurium is a tropical plant, the humidity in the room where it is located should be quite high. After all, the epiphyte receives moisture and nutrition mainly through the leaves. You can maintain the level of humidity using special devices that humidify the air, or by daily plentiful spraying of the foliage. warm water. You can put a container with a plant on special pallets with grates, on the bottom of which water is poured.

Advice! Anthurium leaves 1-2 times a month can be washed under warm shower. At the same time, the foliage is not only perfectly moistened, but dust and possible pests are washed off from it.

  1. Very important for normal flowering proper watering, stagnant water, as well as drying out of the soil, lead to the withering of the plant. In winter, anthurium is watered once a week, since it is in hibernation. In the warm season, watering is done every 3-4 days, taking into account soil moisture.
  2. The soil for anthurium needs light, breathable, slightly acidic. The substrate should be renewed every spring, while ensuring good drainage.
  3. In the room where the flowerpot stands, drafts or sudden temperature fluctuations should not be allowed.

Knowing what conditions are necessary for the successful flowering of a tropical handsome man, you can find out the reasons why he does not release buds and try to correct the mistakes.

What to do if the anthurium does not bloom for a long time

If the plant has a too large pot or, conversely, it is almost invisible due to the roots of the earth, then it needs to be transplanted. At the same time, it is necessary to take into account several nuances proper fit anthurium:

  • A pot for growing anthurium should be chosen low flat, plastic is better, it should be changed no more than once every 3 years.
  • When planting, the roots are buried no more than 4-5 cm, otherwise they may rot. In this case, the plant will not bloom. Therefore, when transplanting, make sure that the roots are not too deep.
  • You can not cut the roots when transplanting. In order for them to fit entirely in the pot, you need to choose the appropriate size and depth of the container. Only rotten or dried areas can be removed.
  • If there is no special substrate for epiphytes, you can prepare the soil yourself. Peat, expanded clay, pine bark, charcoal are mixed into the soil for azaleas or begonias.
  • Anthurium at home prefers acidic soil, so it is advisable to add coniferous needles to the soil.
  • To stimulate flowering and additional moisture after transplanting, it is recommended to wrap the stems at soil level with wet moss.

Make sure the anthurium gets enough light and heat. It's easy to find out. If the illumination is insufficient, only the leaves actively grow in the plant, but their color becomes pale. Try moving the flower to a sunny window sill, while shading part of the window. Place the pot closer to heating appliances to create a comfortable temperature. To stimulate development, constant heating of the surrounding air to 25˚С is necessary.

Important! If your anthurium has begun to bloom, be sure to cut off the inflorescences that begin to wither. If this is not done, seeds will begin to form and ripen on them, this greatly weakens the flowering plant and inhibits the further formation of buds.

Find out if the plant has enough moisture. With a lack of moisture, the tips of the leaves begin to dry out, brown spots may form on them. For irrigation, water must be settled or passed through a filter. This is necessary in order to prevent liming of the soil, which is detrimental to the flower. You need to water the anthurium with warm water, and not even room temperature, and heated to 30-35˚С.

It is best to do this in the morning so that the water has time to evaporate during the day. When spraying, make sure that large drops of water do not fall on the leaves. It is necessary to spray not only the leaves, but also the roots protruding from the ground.

If mold or green algae has appeared on the soil, then there is too much moisture. This can lead to root rot, in which case you need to remove the top layer of soil, fill in fresh soil and reduce watering.

Tip! If normal watering and spraying do not help, try to speed up flowering with warm bath. To do this, pour hot water (about 60˚C) into the pan. Warm steam will create a comfortable temperature and humidity for the anthurium. Cooled water can be drained. You can arrange such a procedure every 7-10 days.

If everyone the necessary conditions are observed, but the buds are not formed, it is necessary to stimulate their formation with the help of top dressing. Start fertilizing gradually from the middle of winter, at first using only half the usual amount of fertilizer for indoor plants. With the beginning of spring, top dressing is intensified. When choosing top dressing, it should be borne in mind that nitrogenous fertilizers stimulate the active growth of leaves, but inhibit flowering. It is better to choose top dressings with a high content of phosphorus.

Anthurium got its name for the original structure of the flower cob and near the flower cover, "a flower with a tail", as it is sometimes called. By purchasing this flower, everyone dreams of the endless flowering of this handsome man. This dream can become a reality only thanks to your patience, the knowledge gained and the constant caring care of the plant. But, you have to try hard and know what to do if the anthurium does not bloom.

Why anthurium does not bloom

We remind you that anthurium grown from seed begins its flowering no earlier than after 22 months. Indoor anthuriums potentially ready for permanent flowering from February to November. Moreover, their flowers are unusually durable - they can stand for a month without fading. Only in the darkest winter months anthurium suspends its development, resting and preparing for the next season. If, after 2 years, the anthurium does not want to bloom, it is necessary to analyze all aspects of its development and try to correct the mistakes associated with caring for the anthurium at home. Below are some of them.

  1. Low ambient temperature during the growing season of the plant.

Anthurium very thermophilic plant. The room where it grows should be well and evenly heated. It is especially important to maintain the temperature within 22 - 25 gr. Celsius during bud development and flowering. When the temperature drops below 20 gr. the ability to bloom is sharply reduced. Anthurium does not like sharp fluctuations in temperature and drafts. If the pot is on the window, from the cracks in the frame of which cold air blows, the plant will not bloom.

  1. High temperature in a room with a flower in winter.

During the winter dormancy period (December - February), the temperature in the room with the flower should be no higher than 15-18 degrees. This temperature is closest to the natural conditions of its residence and is necessary to prepare the plant for a new cycle of its development: the laying of buds and the further development of cobs-inflorescences.

  1. Wrong lighting mode.

Usually, in the wild, anthurium grows in the shade of tropical thickets. At home, it is desirable to provide him with a similar level of lighting. Place your anthuriums in the southeast windows and they will bask in the gentle sunlight in the morning. During the day, they will also have enough sunlight. On the southern windows, under the direct rays of the sun, the plant can get leaf burns and even die. Be sure to protect the location of the flower with blinds or curtains. You can slightly set aside the shelf with anthurium deep into the room, remove it from direct sunlight.

At the same time, the lack of lighting is even worse! Without sufficient lighting, the anthurium will never bloom. In late February - early March, during the period of activation of life processes in anthurium, i.e. at the first signs of emerging flowering, it is very important to provide the plant with a long daylight hours, up to 12 - 14 hours. Purchase fluorescent lamps or phyto lamps and use them.

  1. Great dryness in the room.

Anthurium does not tolerate too dry indoor air. He loves the high humidity of the environment, from 70 to 90%, like in a tropical forest. Therefore, it does not pick up buds. Spray the room and anthurium leaves with settled water at room temperature. Place the pot in a tray of damp expanded clay or wet pebbles. do it more often wet cleaning in room. Place wide containers of water next to the plant to evaporate it. You can put wet sphagnum moss on pallets. Cover the aerial roots of the plant with the same moss. Not immediately, but soon the anthurium will return to normal and bloom.

  1. Wrong watering.

Both prolonged waterlogging of the soil and its excessive drying can lead to the lack of flowering. Anthurium needs infrequent, but plentiful watering. It is desirable that the entire lump of the root system is saturated with moisture. After some time, excess water from the pan must be drained. It is important to water blooming anthurium normally. Give more than usual water - and the flowering will stop! The next watering should not be done before it dries well. top part earthen coma of the plant. In summer, they usually water every 3-4 days. A heavily dried anthurium flower will never bloom. In winter, it is enough to water no more often than after 7 days. During this time, the third part of the substrate should dry.

  1. Wrong pot size.

The pot for anthurium should not be deep, but wide enough, slightly wider than the root system of the plant. Until the root system of the anthurium has mastered all the soil space in your pot, it will not prepare for flowering. In a pot that is too deep and wide, extra roots and children will grow, and the green mass of the plant will also grow rapidly to the detriment of flowering. In addition, too much excess earth can lead to sourness.

Drainage in the form of a layer of expanded clay or large pebbles 3 - 4 cm should ensure the flow of excess water. This is a pledge healthy plant and its annual flowering.

  1. Plant transplant not done on time.

Young anthuriums (up to 4 - 5 years old) need an annual spring transplant into a new pot, slightly larger than the previous one, with a new nutrient soil mixture. Anthuriums aged five years or more are transplanted less often - after 2 to 3 years.

  1. Very dense soil.

Often home plants suffer from excessively dense soil, which does not allow moisture and air to penetrate evenly to the roots of the plant. So does anthurium, loves loose, light, slightly acidified soil with a full range of trace elements, except for calcium. Use ready ground for flowering plants, such as orchids.

  1. Lack of nutrients in the soil.

Feed the anthurium during the growing season a couple of times a month with mineral and organic fertilizers. You can apply liquid top dressing for orchids or other beautifully flowering plants until September. In the winter months, it is enough to feed the anthurium a couple of times, and in doses half as much as prescribed according to the instructions. If you overfeed the anthurium with fertilizers, especially nitrogen fertilizers, it will also stop blooming.

  1. The presence of faded flower stalks on the bush.

Such fading inflorescences - ears take away from a flowering plant the strength that it needs so much to open and grow new buds and flowers. Remove obsolete flowers along with flower stalks with sharp clean scissors in time!

During flowering or in the immediate vicinity of this fact, an anthurium transplant is excluded - the plant will drop all flower stalks.

If you think that you have met all the conditions for your pet to bloom, but he still does not pick up buds, you can additionally try to stimulate his flowering as follows: in early spring pour the soil under the anthurium with soft warm water 50 gr., Not higher. After another week, pour into the pot tray hot water, degrees at 60, and leave to cool in it. (Assuming a high layer of drainage in the pot, so as not to burn the roots). A week later, repeat. Such a steam room will allow the anthurium to wake up faster to active life and finally begin to pick up the long-awaited buds.

Why the purchased anthurium stopped blooming

You bought a luxurious anthurium with many large flowers, for example, red. They set up a life for him, fulfilled all the necessary conditions for his growth and long flowering. And after some time, he somehow wilted, thinned, crushed and stopped blooming. Why?

It is possible that in the commercial cultivation of anthurium in the greenhouse, phytohormones were used to accelerate growth and general development and maturation of the plant. In the purchased soil, most likely, the supply of nutrients was calculated for no more than a couple of months, so that there was only enough time to sell the flower and make the new owner bloom. The strength of your anthurium is over, the plant is depleted and may die. He needs urgent help!

First of all, transplant the anthurium into a new, suitable pot with a moist nutrient mixture for beautifully flowering plants. Give him time to gain strength, get used to the new home conditions. Take care of him like a sissy and capricious. A flower deprived of constant stimulation will not so quickly return to its natural state. It may take several months for the anthurium to gain strength, grow and strengthen its root system. Only then will new long-awaited flower stalks appear on your long-suffering flower. It will most likely be next spring.
