What should be the land of the cactus. soil for cacti. Ready soil for cacti

Cacti are popular succulent plants in home floriculture that have an unusual appearance and grow in nature where most of the flora die. They are hardy, resistant to temperature extremes and unpretentious. However, when grown indoors, these strong men can wither and die, and this is due to improper care or conditions of detention.

The first mistake that novice cactus growers make is planting cacti in an absolutely inappropriate soil mixture. The soil for cacti is different from the soil intended for most flowering leafy plants. This applies to both composition and consistency, as well as the ratio of incoming components.

Beginning succulent growers can resort to the easiest way and go to the nearest flower shop to get a ready-made cactus substrate. However, experienced plant enthusiasts are sure that standard soil is not ideal, even if it is intended for succulent and cactus plants. It has significant disadvantages:

  • A large amount of peat in the composition

In nature, cacti grow in poor soils, consisting of dust, clay, sand and stones. And the finished substrate contains a lot of nutritious peat, rich in organic matter. In addition, it absorbs and retains moisture, which leads to rotting of the plant's roots.

  • Microorganisms live in organic components

All succulents, and cacti are no exception, have a weak immunity to microscopic soil inhabitants. Due to being in the usual flora, these green pets can rot and their root system is the first to suffer from this.

So that microorganisms do not multiply in the soil, a minimum of organic matter is added to it, they are not fed with organic fertilizers, and moisture is added only after the soil has dried. Under such conditions, any pathogens die, not having time to multiply and populate the root system.

  • Dry peat causes the substrate to dry out

This property of this material in the future can lead to certain problems with the roots of the plant.

  • Versatility

The cactus family includes more than one hundred species, whose representatives are not only different in size and appearance, but also in climatic preferences. So, cacti from tropical rainforests require a slightly different soil than, for example, inhabitants of deserts or highlands.

The advantage of ready-made soil for cacti is only one, it is more suitable than others for succulent vegetation. But, to improve its composition, it is still recommended to add other suitable ingredients.

Ideal soil for cacti

The closer it is in composition to the soils to which succulents are accustomed to in their natural environment, the better. Land for cacti should be naturally granular, arid, low-nutrient. It is important that it passes air and water well. As for acidity, in the soil for cacti, this indicator should be pH = 4.5 - 6.

Only in such an environment will these plants feel comfortable, grow at their own, slow pace and store up moisture. They not only do not need abundant watering and oily soil, like other flowers, but such conditions are detrimental to succulents.

And in order to prepare such a soil mixture, one should be guided by a number of factors, including the type of plant, its age, climatic conditions, and so on. As a rule, mixtures are made up of the following components:

  • leaf ground

It contains the necessary nutrients, has a suitable friability, lightness, absorbs moisture well. You can take such land in a birch grove or a park with deciduous trees, after removing the old foliage. It is desirable to do this in the middle of spring. When the snow starts to melt.

  • Clay sod land

The material retains moisture, but at the same time, the nutrients in it linger much longer, not being washed out immediately. They take it in the garden, choosing a plot densely overgrown with grass. The layer with sod and earth is removed with a shovel, spilled with diluted manure. Then these layers are covered and left for a year.

This method takes time, but if it is not available, then you can take the soil, which is shaken off the roots of the excavated sod. It is less nutritious, but still has a suitable structure.

  • Old earth from a greenhouse

Not the best option, which is resorted to only if there is no leafy or clay-soddy soil. In any garden or cottage, such land is available.

  • humus

Well-rotted manure is useful for most plants, including indoor plants. However, it is added to the soil of succulents in a very small amount and only if the soil is very poor in nutrients. As a rule, humus fertilizes the soil mixture of large specimens belonging to the group of forest cacti.

  • river sand

This component, which has large, 2-3 mm fractions, makes the substrate loose and porous. Therefore, it must be added to any soil mixture intended for cacti. You can bring such sand from the beach or a river, and rinse it off before use, or use a product from a pet store where it is sold as material for aquariums.

  • Zeolite mineral

Required to increase the porosity of the substrate, quickly absorb moisture, ensuring its rapid drying. This non-reactive mineral of natural origin does not float like vermiculite, it is neutral, but has the ability to accumulate useful substances. Zeolite contains the main important trace elements.

The easiest place to find this material is in the pet section, as it is used to make cat litter. It must be non-clumping. The zeolite granules are screened to leave larger, 4-5 mm fractions.

  • Charcoal

A universal component that is used to disinfect cuts and is added to the soil, as it has an anti-rotten effect. Charcoal from deciduous trees is best suited.

  • brick chips

This simple material is very useful for succulents - it makes the soil more loose, porous, and can retain excess water. To make it, it is enough to break a brick or an unnecessary clay bowl.

Instead of brick chips and zeolite, pumice can be added to the mixture - a light, porous volcanic rock or perlite, vermiculite, agroperlite. The main functions of these inorganic substances are to pass moisture through the soil and give it airiness.

Most often, flower growers mix the components in the following proportions:

  • 1 part of leafy soil, turf and coarse sand;
  • 0.5 parts of drainage material - it can be brick chips, pumice, lava, small expanded clay or other;
  • 0.25 parts of peat.

Another modern material suitable for cactus soil is coconut coir. It consists of organic fibers that decompose very slowly. Coir contributes to the retention of moisture and air, gives the mixture the desired structure and preserves it. It gets wet faster than peat and dries out in a short time.

Soil requirements for cacti

As already noted, the soil for cacti should be slightly acidic. If the soil is not suitable for this indicator, you can acidify it by adding a little peat or reduce acidity with lime, it will give the desired alkaline reaction.

In addition, the following nuances should be taken into account:

  • Young specimens and dived seedlings require looser and more nutritious land, so its main component is leafy ground.
  • Adult and old succulents need a denser soil mixture; more greenhouse or clay-turf soil is added to it.
  • In the soil for fast-growing succulents, for example, prickly pear, pachycereus, cereus, it is recommended to include a little humus.
  • Cacti with thorns require soil rich in calcium, crushed eggshells can be added to it. Succulents without thorns also need this element, but in a smaller amount.
  • Desert cacti are suitable for a mixture in which there is little soil and a lot of sand - fine and coarse. Tropical inhabitants benefit from the addition of peat.

Before use, it is recommended to sterilize the prepared soil mixture, for example, in an oven. It is abundantly spilled with water and sent for 1-1.5 hours in the oven at a temperature of 200-250 degrees. If there is not much land, then you can use the microwave, 15-20 minutes is enough.

It is important! Many flower growers disinfect the soil with a solution of potassium permanganate. But, in the case of cacti, this method is not recommended, since potassium permanganate is a strong oxidizing agent that worsens the chemical composition of the soil.

Land for cacti is a simple substrate, although it is multicomponent. If you follow the instructions, even a novice gardener will make it at home. In terms of quality, such soil is not inferior to the store, the main thing is to follow the rules of manufacture.

Primary requirements

Soil for cacti is not universal in itself. Different subspecies and varieties require different additional components in the soil. Houseplants are extremely picky about the soil in which they grow, due to the fact that the rhizome has the ability to absorb useful minerals and trace elements from the depths of the soil.

Ready-made soil (or elements for preparing the substrate yourself) can be bought at any gardening store. The main requirements for both homemade and purchased land are:

  1. The mixture should be loose and porous.
  2. The soil does not retain moisture.
  3. The substrate is low acid.

In addition, three rules for taking soil from the street must be observed:

  1. You can not take the soil from the flower beds. Perhaps it is impregnated with pesticides and insecticides that were used before. Some of the subspecies of such substances are not washed out even in two or three months.
  2. The soil is not removed in winter. Even if you warm it up in the house and roast it in the oven, it will still be deprived of most of the necessary useful trace elements.
  3. After sampling, the soil should be carefully inspected for the presence of insects and egg clutches.

Soil composition

Planting cacti in the ground is possible only after the correct mixture is made. None of the components can be missed, otherwise the cactus may not take root, or start to hurt. The composition of the soil includes:

  1. The earth is leafy. This is the main component of the mixture, so it takes up 50 percent of the total volume (10/20). You need to use this subspecies of soil, because it is quite loose and acidic.
  2. G linisto-turf land. This type of soil is needed to retain moisture. It is added in a small ratio (2/20 parts) because the cacti are accustomed to dry soil.
  3. Coarse-grained sand (river). It is used as natural drainage (to loosen). It is 2/20 of the volume of the substrate. Also, the soil is sprinkled with sand from above.
  4. Clay that has been fired. It is replaced by small brick chips. Acts as natural drainage. Volumetric part - 2/20.
  5. Humus. The best option for creating a good potting mix for cacti. You need to add it quite a bit, literally 1/20 of the total composition.
  6. Peat. It is not required to use, it only affects the acidity of the soil (increases it). 1/20 of peat is added to the average substrate.
  7. Lime. It, unlike peat, reduces acidity. The volume is similar - 1/20.
  8. Charcoal. The best natural fertilizer, applied at a ratio of 2/20 parts. It can also be made by hand. It prevents the process of decay and preserves the roots.

When working on the ground, we must not forget about drainage. It consists of brick chips, pebbles and sand. The resulting mixture is laid on the bottom with a layer 1-2 centimeters thick (depending on the volume of the pot).

Soil preparation

The soil for cacti is prepared quickly and easily, if you follow a number of simple requirements. First of all, you need to check the proportions. Each forgotten ingredient will negatively affect the mixture.

The second step in creating your own soil is to check the acidity. If the gardener bought the ingredients in the store, then you can simply look at the parameter of interest on the package. If the earth is prepared independently, then the acidity level is measured in the laboratory. For the same purpose, a special apparatus is used at home.

It is also necessary to remember that when creating a substrate, all ingredients (except coal) are disinfected (if they were taken from the natural environment). This is done to kill harmful microorganisms and eggs of dangerous insects. The disinfection procedure is carried out in the oven, preheating it to 200 degrees. The process takes 2-3 hours, depending on how much mixture was loaded into the oven.

We must not forget that the composition of the soil differs depending on what type of cacti the gardener works with. If you do not take into account the nuances of the terrain, you can kill the plant even with a mixture of the highest quality ingredients.

Those indoor cacti, which most often flash on the shelves of specialized stores, are the most unpretentious in care. For their comfortable living, you can purchase ordinary soil mixture, diluted with sand and pebbles. This option is the simplest and most economical.

Plain cacti in the matter of choosing soil for growth are not so picky. They prefer the ground to be much looser, therefore, in addition to sand and brick chips, small pebbles are added to the composition.

Desert cacti are more demanding on the soil. They add more coarse sand to the soil mixture. Also, charcoal is not mixed into the composition of the earth for this species.

Special conditions require nutrient soil for the Cereus family. They are the most capricious of the cacti, so more peat is mixed into the soil, and humus is added instead of brick chips.

Ready land

Cacti need the right soil to grow and develop faster. Of course, desert dwellers survive in standard soil without the necessary additives and even top dressing, but in such an environment the plant will feel uncomfortable and often get sick.

For a cactus, the question of the correct selection of soil is extremely important. This type of plant in the wild has a strong rhizome that goes deep into the soil. At home, this is impossible, so the volume of earth in a pot plays the role of the many layers of soil that are available to a cactus in its usual habitat.

The substrate for cacti is a simple soil mixture, the creation of which is within the power of a gardener with any experience or even without it. When planting a room culture in a new soil, the main thing is to remember that it will not work to create an ideal atmosphere for plants the first time. The gardener must prepare for the fact that the resulting substrate will have to be supplemented and revised a couple more times.

The natural habitat of succulents, which are cacti, is not very favorable. However, this does not mean that when breeding these plants, it is not necessary to pay attention to the choice of soil. It is important to choose the right composition of the soil, as well as to give it an optimal structure for the development of the root system. These parameters are very demanding succulents.

Land for cacti should be loose and rough. River vermiculite enters the soil in a certain proportion, etc. This allows you to make the soil coarse-grained and loose. It will let air and moisture through. Every cactus grower should know the features of preparing such a mixture.

The choice of capacity for transplantation

Before you know which land is suitable for a cactus, you need to choose the right container for transplanting. In this matter, the plant is considered quite demanding. Even if the soil is chosen correctly, but the cactus is transplanted into an unsuitable container, it will develop worse.

The pot can be made of any material other than metal. It is important to choose the right shape and size. Taking the plant out of the old container, you should evaluate the size and structure of its root system. If it is more developed from above, it is better to give preference to a shallow, but wide capacity. If the roots are long and have a pronounced main stem, it is better to choose a deep but narrow pot.

The size of the container should not be large. It should be slightly larger than the root system of the cactus. It should also be noted that drainage will take some space in the pot. If the plant is sick, it is better to transplant it into a very small pot. When choosing a container, the type of cactus is also taken into account. For example, many babies appear on mammillaria. At the same time, many individual plants can grow in a pot.

Pot features

When deciding which land to plant a cactus in, you should also choose the right type of container. The material for the pot can be almost anything. Most often, cacti are grown in plastic small containers. Even cups for yogurt are suitable for these purposes.

Also one of the best materials for a pot is clay or ceramic. They can be decorated in various ways. Even ordinary coffee cups are suitable for these purposes. Some cacti growers grow plants in coconut shells. There are many options. It is not recommended to use metal utensils for such purposes. She can rust. This negatively affects the growth of the cactus.

If there are a lot of plants, containers can be placed on one tray tightly to each other. This facilitates the transfer of the collection, increases the stability of each cup. Moisture stays longer in plastic containers. Watering is done less frequently. The pot must have drainage holes.

Forbidden Ingredients

Land for planting a cactus should not contain organic fertilizers. Such additives are rich in nitrogen. This component negatively affects the development of the plant. Cacti, consuming nitrogen, become loose. Their stem is stretched. The spines and hairs become weak, the skin will not have time to grow at the same rate as the stem. Wounds, cracks and scars will form on the surface. This is a life-threatening condition for the plant.

Resistance to diseases and other external influences in this case becomes low. The cactus can be attacked by pests, fungal infections. Most likely the plant will die. Therefore, it is forbidden to add bird droppings, manure or horn sawdust to the soil.

The soil should not contain pests and their larvae, undecomposed organic waste. It is important that it remains loose during the entire period of growth of the cactus.

Soil features

When studying which land to transplant a cactus into, you should consider several possible options. You can prepare the mixture yourself. Universal primers are also on sale. However, when buying them, it is important to pay attention to what types of cactus they are intended for.

The main requirement for the soil is its high granularity. Cacti do not tolerate digging the earth. Therefore, the soil must be loose due to its special composition.

Also, the land should be nutritious. To do this, it is necessary to enrich the soil with certain components. Experienced flower growers say that it is best to use clay-soddy soil or leaf humus for these purposes, which include large river sand, crushed stone.

How to prepare the mixture yourself?

Cactus soil at home is prepared according to one of several methods. The first approach involves mixing leafy soil, turf, peat and coarse sand in equal proportions.

If the cactus belongs to the flat type (for example, echinopsis), the soil for it should be more nutritious and porous. In this case, 2 parts of soddy soil are mixed with 1 part of leaf humus, peat, coarse sand.

Representatives of the Cereus family need very nutritious soil. These cacti are known for their fast growth and large size. For such plants, the mixture is prepared from 1 part of leaf, sod land, peat, and also ¼ of humus.

From the finished soil mixture, you can make a soil with improved characteristics. They are suitable for unpretentious types of cacti. For them, take 2 parts of the finished soil mixture. 2 parts and 1 part of gravel are added to it.

The advice of experienced professionals will help you understand what kind of land is needed for cacti. Choosing the right mixture composition, you should also ensure the high quality of all components. Leaf humus, which is involved in the preparation of the soil, should not contain knots, twigs and other debris.

Indoor cactus can be found on the windowsills of offices and apartments. This home plant is valued for its unpretentiousness and pretty appearance. However, if you want to plant such a succulent baby, you need to know how to choose the right soil for cacti.


In fact, there are many recipes for the composition of the ground for cacti, and you can choose the one that is right for you. However, regardless of the composition of the ground for cacti you choose, it must meet the following requirements:

  1. The first condition is that the earth must be loose and pass water and air well.
  2. The second prerequisite for the substrate is low acidity. The optimal value is pH 4.5–6.

Looseness gives leafy earth. In addition, you can use brick chips or river sand for this, adding them to the composition of the soil. The use of peat is allowed (if you want to increase the acidity), and if you want to reduce it, then lime is perfect.

It's time to find out what kind of land old and young cacti need.

Young plants need a looser substrate, so leafy soil should be the basis. But older plants feel great in denser soil. Consider these points when compiling the substrate.

Video "Soil for cacti"

In this video, an expert will share tips for choosing soil for cacti.

Required Components

So, the soil for cacti consists of the following main elements:

  1. Leaf land. Used as a main element, very loose and great for these little ones.
  2. Clay-turf soil. Used to hold water. In addition, nutrients are washed out of it much more slowly.
  3. Old greenhouse soil. This is a fallback if the previous two are not available to you for some reason.
  4. Humus. Use it very carefully, in scanty amounts. It can only be added to very nutrient-poor soil.
  5. River sand. It is used to give looseness, and is part of all the main soil mixtures for these plants.
  6. Burnt clay. Also used to give looseness.
  7. Charcoal. It is added to the substrate in small pieces. Prevents putrefactive processes.
  8. Brick crumb. Can be used to increase the looseness of the substrate.
  9. Peat. Used to increase the level of acidity, if necessary.
  10. Lime. It is used only if it is necessary to reduce the level of acidity.

Features of self-cooking

Do-it-yourself soil is quite simple to make, you just need to know what basic elements are included in the mixture for these plants. The only difficulty may be finding all the ingredients, since not every grower is ready to go to specialty stores for them. However, there is nothing complicated here either, because, as follows from our previous paragraph, some components can be an excellent alternative if the required ingredients could not be found.

It is also worth paying attention to one nuance: the components of the substrate will change slightly if you plant different varieties of the plant. So, here are the basic recipes for the soil mixture.

For desert cacti

For these plants, it is necessary to make a substrate, taking the following components in equal proportions:

  • sod and leaf land;
  • peat;
  • coarse sand.

For plain cacti

When compiling a potting mix for flatland varieties, it is important to consider that they need looser soil than their predecessors. This is the reason for the changes in the composition of the soil mixture:

  • sod and leaf land;
  • peat;
  • humus;
  • coarse river sand.

Sod land will require a little more than the rest of the components - two parts. All other ingredients are needed in one part.

Cereus family

These plants are fast growing and fairly large. Because of this, the soil in which they are planted should be more fertile. So, the following elements are included in the substrate for plants of the Cereus family:

  • sod and leaf land;
  • peat;
  • humus.

All ingredients, except humus, are taken in equal proportions. Humus is 1/4 part, since even such a small amount is more than enough to ensure the required level of fertility.

Soil for unpretentious cacti

These varieties have the simplest soil composition. It should be noted that humus is not added there at all, since they are not particularly selective in choosing a substrate.
So, to prepare the soil mixture for unpretentious varieties, you will need the following components:

  • ready soil;
  • coarse sand;
  • gravel.

It is necessary to observe the proportions 2:2:1, and then the substrate will turn out to be good and nutritious.

Plants that are able to accumulate moisture in their stems and leaves belong to the "succulents" group. This group, in turn, is divided into two varieties: stem and leaf succulents. At home, they grow: cacti, Kalanchoe, agave, jade, stone rose (echeveria) and aloe. Such plants are adapted to exist in areas with an arid climate. They require a special soil composition, which you can prepare yourself if the store does not have ready-made substrates.

To properly prepare the soil for succulents, you need to know their characteristics and morphology. Succulents, even in their appearance, are noticeably different from other houseplants.

  1. Stem succulents have thick, ribbed stems. Their leaves are small or in the process of evolutionary changes have disappeared completely, or turned into thorns and spines. This subgroup includes most varieties of cacti and milkweed. Moisture is collected in the tissues of the bark and core of the stems.
  2. Leaf succulents - thickened leaves serve as a place for the accumulation of moisture. Representatives of this subgroup include: different types of aloe, fat woman, havoria, echeveria.

Succulents have an underdeveloped root system - this is the most vulnerable part of the plant. At home, succulents do not experience problems with getting moisture, as happens in arid areas of their natural habitat. Domestic succulents do not grow long basal offspring that produce water. The roots of domestic cacti and aloe are very small and fragile, they need special soil to make them feel comfortable in pots and planters.

Soil for succulents: composition and proportions of components

Succulents grow slowly. Some give a growth of only 1 centimeter per year, or even less. Their roots are small in size, and require a special soil composition, corresponding to the soil in arid areas. The desert land where succulents grow is sand, stones, lack of nitrogen in the soil and minimal content of fertile land. The same conditions must be followed when forming the soil for indoor succulents. To these requirements, the most necessary nuances should be added:

  • succulents grow well in loose, quickly drying soil;
  • the soil should be well aerated and drained;
  • the surface of the earth in pots should remain dry.

Advice. Succulents are content with rare waterings, after which sprinkle the earth in pots with small pebbles, pebbles, granite chips, that is, any material that dries quickly, but does not delay the evaporation of moisture from the soil.

The composition of the soil for succulents must include:

Attention! Soil for succulents is not recommended to be made on the basis of peat and other similar components. Peat retains moisture for a long time, which slows down the development of the plant. Do not buy ready-made mixtures containing this component.

Additional information about the composition of the soil for succulents

Cacti and aloe, let's take them as an example, almost do not react to the acidity of the soil, but it is better to take ground lands with a neutral pH value.

Among the components that make up the soil for succulents, there should not be organic matter. Such substances contain a lot of nitrogen, and succulents do not accept its oversaturation. An excess of nitrogen-containing components leads to extremely rapid growth and moisture accumulation for these plants. They become soft and loose, their stems crack and burst, the leaves lose their decorative appearance.

Leaf humus used to prepare the substrate must be free of debris: small twigs, knots. To do this, it is necessary to sift it through a sieve with large holes or a grate with small cells.

All components must be disinfected to avoid the introduction of pathogenic microbes:

  • fry sand and earth for succulents in the oven in a pan or baking sheet for 1-2 hours;
  • rinse the drainage material from dirt and place in a solution of potassium permanganate for several hours, then dry in the oven.

Properly prepared soil for succulents will create all the necessary prerequisites for the normal survival of the plant, its growth and development. Measures taken for prevention will protect succulents from disease.

Many succulents are grown not only for decorative purposes, but also as medicinal plants. Their medicinal properties have long been known to the people: aloe is used to heal wounds, from inflammation, cacti are protection from electromagnetic rays emanating from TV or computer monitors.

Special soil for succulents: video
