Eucharis flower: care, transplantation and reproduction at home. Watering should be moderate. Eucharis breeding methods

Eucharis or amazon lily- a flower with wide leaves and delicate, graceful, reminiscent of daffodils, flowers. This South American plant two centuries ago first migrated to European greenhouses, and then became one of the most beloved indoor flowers.

With greater certainty, eucharis can be called not a lily, but an Amazonian or Brazilian daffodil. Its flowers are more similar in structure to them. The Greek name of the plant consists of two parts. One of them (“eu”) is the highest degree of comparison, and the main part (“charis”) means graceful, charming.

This representative of the bulbous family of Amaryllis under natural conditions lives in tropical (mountain and coastal) thickets of the Amazonian forests. Found in the Colombian Andes and Brazil.

The bulbs of the Amazonian flower are large, regular spherical shape. Oval-lanceolate leaves are painted in saturated green color they are long and wide. The leaves sit on long and dense petioles, very textured - with pronounced veins and a rough surface. They live for several years, during which the relief increases. When dying, they are quickly replaced by young (first twisted into a tube) leaves of a more delicate shade and smooth structure.

Of special charm are delicate flowers(the size of a matchbox and even more), of which there are up to six pieces on umbrella inflorescences. Moreover, on well-groomed plants there may be several straight flower stalks almost half a meter high. Equipped with a long and thin stem, they hang picturesquely down, representing an unusually spectacular sight.

With greater certainty, eucharis can be called not a lily, but an Amazonian or Brazilian daffodil

Eucharis breeding methods

The propagation of eucharis by bulbs is widespread., overgrown with numerous children. When they ripen, young onions are pinched off, trying not to injure the roots. They are placed in fertilized, loose and moist soil to a depth of five centimeters. Then compact the soil in this place.

Planting of children is carried out in the first half of spring. Separation of plants is done no more than once every two years, otherwise they do not have time to get stronger and grow new bulbs. Within a year or two after that, they are able to bloom. At least three onions are placed in each container, because. singly they do not bloom until they are overgrown with new children.

Reproduction of Amazonian lilies by seeds rarely practiced due to the complexity of this process. In this case, the long-awaited flowering is possible only after a five-year period.

Gallery: eucharis (25 photos)

How to transplant eucharis (video)

Popular types of Amazonian lily

In nature, about two dozen species of eucharis are known. Outwardly, they differ little. The most popular are five types, which will be discussed.

Eucharis grandiflora (grandiflora)

The bulb reaches a five-centimeter size, has a rounded shape. There are always a pair of leaves on the stem. Their shape resembles a wide oval, their ends are pointed. The size of the leaves is not too large - no more than three tens of centimeters in length and twice as wide. Their color is bright green, and in the center there is a whitish vein.

The petiole is as long as the leaf itself. flower arrow just a little less than a meter height. It has up to six fragrant buds. The flowers are large, white, and the middle is yellow-green. This type of Tropicana blooms in late spring and summer, but it can please with fragrant buds even in the dead of winter.

Eucharis grandiflora (grandiflora)

Euharis Masters (Mastersii)

The five-centimeter bulb has an elliptical shape. Medium-sized leaves also resemble an ellipse in shape, with slightly pointed tips. They are darker than the previous species, glossy. They are located on short legs.

There can be only two flowers per thick tubular flower stalk. Their perianth is coquettishly omitted, and the four-centimeter, oval petals are narrowed at the ends. They are white, and the embossed core is yellowish. The miracle of flowering lasts all March.

Euharis Masters (Mastersii)

Eucharis white (candida)

The bulbs of these flowers are similar to the specimens of the previous species, but slightly larger. The leaves are also elliptical, but their ends are more pronounced. Leaf plates have a shade of malachite. The veins on them stand out very prominently.

Floral tube brown-green. In the umbrella located on it, there can be up to a dozen eight-centimeter flowers. These snow-white buds have a very attractive aroma. Flowering is observed already at the end of winter and affects the entire first spring month.

Eucharis white (candida)

Eucharis Sandera (Sanderi)

The bulb of this species of eucharis is large, elongated. The heart-shaped leaves are pointed at the ends. They sit on long petioles.

The flowers, located on a thick stem, have different sizes. One third of them are larger (up to 5 cm), and two thirds are smaller (no more than 3 cm). The delicately curved flowers have a yellowish crown-shaped core. They bloom at the same time as the previous species of Amazons.

Eucharis Sandera (Sanderi)

Eucharis toothless (subedentata)

This Colombian is also known as toothless callifuria. His bulb is elongated, large. Its leaves grow up to two tens of centimeters in length and twice as wide. Their petioles are long, they are arranged in four pieces, coming out of one point of growth.

On umbrella inflorescences there can be up to eight flowers, sitting on two-centimeter, slightly bent legs. Their petals are smaller than those of other types of eucharis.

Eucharis toothless (subedentata)

Eucharis care at home

Caring for the Amazonian lily is not difficult; the specifics of its cultivation are as follows.

soil and flower pot

For a Colombian beauty, it is better to choose narrow and tall pots. To remove excess moisture, from which the bulbs rot, there should be several holes in their bottom. At the same time, a significant drainage layer of expanded clay or pebbles is required.

An important condition for the flowering of eucharis is planting several bulbs in each pot.. They are placed in a loose substrate to a five-centimeter depth. This soil should consist of two parts of compost, the same amount of baking powder, a small addition of loam and twice the amount of leafy soil that exceeds these components. Compost can be replaced with heather soil or peat.

For a Colombian beauty, it is better to choose narrow and tall pots.

Temperature, humidity, lighting

The Amazon Lily belongs to thermophilic plants. In summer, she loves temperatures up to 25 degrees, and in winter the temperature can be lowered by a maximum of ten degrees. After all, when freezing, the bulb rots, and the leaves disappear. Drafts and temperature changes are also detrimental to the flower.

A tropical plant does not require high humidity. It is sprayed only during active growth. When flowering occurs, it is better not to carry out this procedure or do it carefully. It is impossible for drops of water to fall on the flowers. From this, dark spots appear on them. Leaves need to be wiped from dust with a damp cloth.

Well-lit rooms are suitable for eucharis, but he is afraid of the direct sun. West and East direction of the rooms - best places for tropical plants. But they can also grow from the north side.

In the summer, it is better to expose euharis to the air. At the same time, it is important that direct sun and rain drops do not fall on it.

Amazon lily is a heat-loving plant.

Watering a houseplant

Amazon lily does not like too wet or dry soil. It should be watered only when the upper quarter of the earthen coma dries up. Water for irrigation must be defended for at least half a day. It should not be cold and hard.

They practice the upper and lower watering of the plant, placing it on a pallet with a wet "substrate" of expanded clay. Excess water is poured out. Between flowering it is better to keep earth mixture moderately dry. At this time practice additional illumination flowers with a special lamp. This stimulates the further flowering of the Tropicana.

Amazon lily does not like too wet or dry ground

Flower dressing

Feeding eucharis is carried out only during its growth and flowering. They do this once every two weeks. Are used ready-made fertilizers for blooming indoor plants. The dose is halved from the recommended in the instructions.

Fertilizers should not contain large amounts of nitrogen, which interferes with the flowering of tropical narcissus. It is good to alternate mineral and organic top dressing. After flowering, they stop for a couple of months.

Eucharis transplant

The Amazonian lily is transplanted during the period of its complete dormancy at the end of winter. Plants endure these procedures painfully, so it is better to carry them out no more than once every few years. It is advisable to transplant a flower only if the pot becomes too cramped for it.

How to grow eucharis (video)

In this case, sparing lilies, transshipment with maximum preservation of the earthen clod is used. When seating the children, a shallow pot with several drainage holes is selected, a layer of expanded clay is laid out on the bottom of it. Wherein soil mix should be similar to the one in which the plant was previously located. It is pre-watered, and after transplantation, moisture should be moderate.

Eucharis bloom

A tropical plant valued for its beautiful flowers, so flowering should be regular. If this is not the case, then the Amazonian lily is not in comfortable conditions, and you should find out the reasons for its non-flowering.

How long and under what conditions does eucharis bloom

Some types of tropical daffodils can bloom three times a year.- at the height of winter, at the end of spring and at the end of summer. Given that the buds on the flowers do not bloom at the same time, in total, under favorable conditions, flowering can last almost six months. Breaks between these periods are usually up to two months.

For flowering, it is necessary that the children are regularly separated from the main plant without injuring it. But after that, several copies of the plants should remain in the pot. After all, single bulbs do not bloom.

Eucharis is valued for its beautiful flowers, so flowering should be regular.

Contrasting plant conditions favor flowering (not to be confused with unfavorable). So, for winter flowering, it is necessary, at the end of summer flowering, to place pots with Amazonian lilies in a cool room with a temperature of at least one and a half tens of degrees, reduce watering and stop feeding them for two months. And after that, raise the temperature to two tens of degrees, also increasing watering and plant nutrition. It is also advisable to rearrange them on the southern windowsill. Daily spraying of lilies before they bloom also helps well.

Why eucharis does not bloom

The reasons for not flowering Tropicana are:

  • The plant has too few daughter bulbs.
  • The absence of a rest period, which should last at least one and a half months.
  • Root rot due to excess moisture and fungal or other diseases.
  • Uncomfortable temperature conditions - freezing, drafts.

What to do to make eucharis bloom

To make the Amazonian lily bloom, you need to winter time place in a cool room. But the temperature there should not be below 12 degrees.

At the same time, watering of plants is reduced and their top dressing is not carried out. Lighting should not be lower than usual. It is equally important that the pot is fairly cramped. Then daughter bulbs will be intensively formed, and the growth of the green part of the flower will not be observed.

Direct sunlight can harm eucharis

Why do eucharis leaves turn yellow and die

Common problems growing graceful plants (besides not flowering) are yellowing and leaf drop.

Eucharis (eucharis) comes from the Amazon subtropical forests.

In this regard, this plant received a second name - the Amazonian lily, although the shape of the flower is more like a narcissus.

Eucharis gained popularity in indoor floriculture due to its elegant white flowers with a delicate pleasant aroma.

Of all existing species of this plant for growing at home are suitable:

Eucharis white;

Eucharis large-flowered or Amazonian (grandiflora);

Eucharis toothless (callifruria).

Despite its tropical origin, the Amazonian lily is unpretentious in its care and, subject to simple rules, will delight with its flowering twice a year.

Euharis: home care. Reproduction, transplant


Eucharis is propagated vegetatively and by seeds. At home, the first method is used. Amazon lily forms a large family of daughter bulbs. They are separated only after they are sufficiently isolated from the mother bulb. It is better to do this in March-April. Separated children are seated in separate pots with pre-prepared soil.

Daughter babies ready for transplant


Euharis is hard to tolerate the violation of the earthy coma and damage to the roots, so it should be transplanted rarely - once every 3-4 years. A sign that a transplant is necessary is the formation of numerous daughter bulbs. To separate them from the mother bulb or not depends on the goals of the grower:

If you need to propagate the plant, then each baby is planted in a separate container;

If you want to get from a plant lush flowering, then it is better to transplant the bulbous family without separation.

best period for transplantation - this is March. Healthy plants are transferred to a new pot without destroying the earthy coma. Sick specimens should be examined for bulb rot before transplantation. In this case, the earth is carefully shaken off or washed off the roots, the damaged parts are cut off, the cuts are disinfected and treated with fungicides. Bulbs with leaves are buried in the soil by 4-5 cm.

Planting eucharis: bulbs with roots and leaves are planted to a depth of 4-5 cm

If there are no leaves, then the bulb is planted so that its top remains above the ground. This will make it easier to monitor the development of the plant.

For planting, experienced flower growers advise using narrow and tall pots with holes at the bottom. Thick drainage is required to prevent stagnant moisture and rotting of the root system.

If you got a bulb without roots and leaves, then the container for it is taken in such a way that the distance from the edge of the pot to the bulb is no more than 2-3 cm. The substrate must be diluted in half with sand and slightly moistened. The planted plant is placed in a bright, warm place.

The first 14-20 days after transplantation, eucharis is watered moderately - as the soil dries up. If bulbs with leaves were planted, then they can be sprayed regularly. Leafless bulbs will start new shoots about 30-45 days after planting.

Euharis: home care. Soil, air temperature and humidity, watering, fertilizing

The soil

For the Amazon lily you need fertile soil with good air and moisture permeability. This must be taken into account when independently compiling the soil mixture. For its manufacture, components such as humus, leafy soil, sand, peat (1: 2: 1: 0.5) are used. At the bottom of the pot, a drainage layer of expanded clay, coconut shell, small gravel for outflow is required excess moisture. If you choose from mixtures sold in stores, then it is better to opt for amaryllis soils.


Eucharis grows well in partial shade and does not tolerate direct sunlight. At home, its optimal placement will be the windows of the east or west direction. In summer, the plant can be sent to fresh air, having previously arranged for it to be protected from the midday sun and precipitation.

Temperature and humidity

This native of the tropics is thermophilic, so the most optimal temperature range during growth and flowering is + 24-28C. Large temperature differences affect the size of the flowers - they become smaller. After flowering, the eucharis begins the dormant stage: at this time, the plant is kept in the range of 17-18C. At + 10C and below, the plant can shed its leaves, and the bulbs begin to rot. Euharis does not make any special claims to the humidity of the air in the room. It should be sprayed only during the active growing season. During flowering, this procedure must be carried out carefully so that moisture does not get on the flowers, because. drops of water cause the formation of brown spots on them. Dust from the leaves is wiped with a damp cloth.


Eucharis should be watered moderately, avoiding overdrying and excessive moisture of the soil. The next watering is carried out after the soil has dried by 1/3 of the volume (when the soil is waterlogged root system plants rot). Irrigation water must be settled room temperature. Excess water accumulated in the pan after watering is drained. During the dormant period, the “drinking regimen” is reduced - the earth in the pot remains half dry.

top dressing

Eucharis is fed during the active growing season every 2 weeks, alternating mineral and organic fertilizers for flowering plants. After the end of flowering, the Amazonian lily begins a period of rest and feeding should be stopped.

Euharis: home care, flowering conditions

With proper care, eucharis at home blooms 2-3 times a year. The flowers open in turn, each of them blooms for 8-10 days, while exuding a delicate pleasant aroma. The timing of the flowering of the Amazonian lily can be regulated by a certain scheme of watering and fertilizing.

Graph of the life cycles of eucharis (Roman numeral - the number of the month, one cell - half of the month). Yellow- the rest period of the plant, green - active vegetation, red - flowering.

If eucharis does not bloom at home, this happens for the following reasons:

Wrong landing. Before a young plant begins to bloom, its bulb must grow babies for 3-4 years. To speed up flowering when planting in one pot, you can plant several bulbs. The closer landing capacity the sooner it will bloom.

Large temperature fluctuations inhibit the growth of the plant and provoke the decay of the bulb. As a result, flowering does not occur, and if the plant nevertheless laid flower arrows, the flowers are small.

The resting stage was not observed. It begins after the end of flowering and lasts 1-1.5 months. The amount and volume of watering this period is reduced and the eucharis is kept in a semi-dry state (the soil in the pot should dry out by half its volume). You can determine the degree of drying of the substrate by the weight of the pot, special moisture indicators or wooden sticks, immersing them in the ground. At the same time it is necessary to organize good lighting. When new sprouts appear, watering is increased and the plant is renewed.

Euharis: home care. The main problems in growing eucharis

Errors in care affect appearance eucharis. The gradual yellowing and death of the leaves is a natural process. Mass yellowing and death of leaves occurs when improper watering (excessive or insufficient), low air temperature (below + 10 ° C) or exposure to direct sunlight. In this case, it is necessary to remove the bulbs from the soil and inspect them: if they become soft to the touch, change color, then this indicates the process of decay. To save the flower, the damaged parts are cut out, the wounds are powdered charcoal, air-dried and planted in a new substrate.

With a lack of moisture, eucharis leaves lose turgor. If after watering their shape is not restored, then the cause may be hypothermia in a draft during transportation.

Twisting and severe drooping of the leaves is a sign of damage to the root system or frostbite from drafts.

Eucharis leaves drooped due to a draft

Deformation of adult leaves occurs when the air around the plant is dry. Rubbing them with a damp sponge will help them recover. If all leaves (both young and old) lose their shape, then the reason is most likely the appearance of pests, excess fertilizer, hypothermia of the soil and roots.

With a nutrient deficiency, the plant can throw off old leaves at the same time as new ones appear. Most often this happens in winter period in low light.

One of the most common diseases of the Amaryllis family, to which eucharis belongs, is gray mold, the causative agent of which is the fungus Botridis. It develops at high humidity and low air temperature and waterlogging of the soil. At the initial stage, the leaves lose their elasticity, become soft, turn brown at the edges. Then gray mold appears on the infected areas, and they die off. At the first signs of the disease, the affected parts of the plant are removed, the rest is treated with a copper-containing fungicide (Topsin-M, Fundazol, solution blue vitriol).

Another of the frequent fungal diseases of eucharis (and the entire Amaryllis family) is stagonosporosis or red burn. It is characterized by the appearance of red elongated spots on leaves, peduncles, buds, bulbs.

Red burn on eucharis bulbs

At severe defeat the leaves are deformed, the peduncles are bent and droop, putrefactive foci develop on the bulb. As a result, the plant is oppressed and dies. The progression of the disease is favored by sudden fluctuations in temperature and over watering. Over time, black crusts of pycnidia form on the spots - sources of fungal spores. To combat red burn, it is important to use only high-quality planting material. Before planting, the bulbs must be etched with a fungicide (Oksih, Maxim. Rovral, Abiga-Peak) for 30 minutes and dried (2 days).

Of the pests, eucharis can be affected by a mushroom mosquito, mealybug, spider mite, thrips and scale insects.

Mushroom mosquitoes (sciarids) are small black midges, the females of which lay their eggs in the roots of plants. Harm is caused by larvae that eat root tissues. As a result, the plant lags behind in growth, withers, does not bloom. To combat these pests, the soil in the pot can be spilled with Aktara (0.8 g / l of water). In the future, adjust watering - mosquitoes breed in waterlogged soil.

Amaryllis mealybug settles under the scales of the bulb. Causes curvature of leaves and peduncles, and further drying of the plant. In case of severe damage, eucharis must be sprayed with an insecticide (Aktara, Akarin, Vertimek).

Spider mites infect plants in dry indoor air. If there are few pests, then the ground part of the eucharis is washed with soapy water and a higher air humidity is maintained. In case of mass damage, the use of acaricides (Sunmayt, Akarin, Kleschevit, Fitoverm) is justified.


It is recommended to transplant in March, during the dormant period. Gently loosen the earthen ball and straighten the roots, their most tangled parts can be washed with water. The bulbs are planted to a depth of 2-3 cm, after which the ground around them is well tamped. If the bulbs do not have leaves, you can plant them so that the top remains above the soil, which will allow you to observe the beginning of growth.

The substrate is prepared from leafy soil, compost, coarse sand or other baking powder. Sometimes the mixture is made up of heather, sod and deciduous land with the addition of sand. If desired, heather soil can be replaced with peat. For eucharis, the soil is prepared moist, but not waterlogged.

In order to grow a lush specimen of a plant with a large number of leaves, a wide container with several holes in the bottom should be used for planting. At the bottom, you need to pour a thick layer of drainage from shards or expanded clay, if this is not done, the eucharis bulbs can rot from stagnant water.

3-5 bulbs are planted in one container, group landing is a prerequisite abundant flowering. If the bulbs are planted singly, they will not bloom until they multiply in sufficient numbers. Eucharis blooms better if the pot is chosen for it is cramped.

After transplanting, eucharis should be watered very carefully for 2-3 weeks, when the soil surface dries out. If the plant has leaves, they should be regularly sprayed abundantly. About a month after planting, the top of new leaves will appear from the bulb.

Watering should be moderate, waterlogging or overdrying of the soil should not be allowed. For irrigation use soft settled water. During the growth period of the plant, the substrate must be kept more moist than that of other bulbs, after flowering it should be stopped.

Eucharis grows best in well-lit places, but it tolerates a lack of light well. At the same time, the midday sun is contraindicated for him, so the plant is best left on a western or eastern window.

Euharis can be taken out on open air in the warm period, only care should be taken to protect it from direct sunlight and precipitation. You can not leave the plant on the street during cool nights, especially during the first autumn frosts. Recommend pulling a small piece polyethylene film, creating a small greenhouse around the eucharis.

Eucharis, also called "Amazon lily", has more than 10 species in the genus plus 2 natural hybrids. All of them are perennial bulbous plants, flowers similar to daffodils, with the main difference being manifested in the green crown.

Types and varieties of eucharis

- one of the most popular species, which has broadly elliptical, glossy, dark green basal foliage, with long petioles. The flowers are characterized by an arrangement on an oblong (70 cm) peduncle and the formation of inflorescences of 3-6 in a brush / umbrella.

(grandiflora ) forms bulbs up to 6 cm in diameter. Wide oval foliage up to 30 cm long and up to 15 wide is pointed towards the tops and sharply narrowed into petioles.

The sizes of fragrant white flowers of this species are somewhat smaller - up to 10 cm in diameter, and they are also similar to daffodils, they form umbrella inflorescences of 3-6 pieces each. Flowering occurs in March and August.

Differs in a 40-centimeter peduncle and inflorescences with 2-6 flowers. The flower color is the same - white, but they have a yellow throat and core.

In comparison with other described species, it forms the largest number flowers in their umbellate inflorescences. There are as many as 10 of them! The peduncle is 30 to 60 in length. The flowers have a white color, petals bent outward and yellowish blotches in the apical zone of the core.

With the same ovoid bulb up to 5 cm in diameter, it is characterized by rounded, slightly elongated, narrowed and slightly pointed foliage at the ends. In length and width, green leaves reach 25 and 15 cm, respectively. Inflorescences in the form of umbrellas include only 1-2 flowers. Comes into bloom in early spring.

Covered with elongated triangular leaves with dimensions 22x10. Each bulb forms 4 leaves with oblong petioles. White umbels of inflorescences consist of 6-8 flowers.

Eucharis home care

Eucharis at home is a very whimsical plant. He needs high level indoor lighting even during winter, and the temperature must be constantly maintained in the range of 16-18℃.

At the same time, in the summer it needs shading at lunchtime, when the sunlight is especially intense. The pot is selected spacious (20-25 cm in diameter) and placed on the windowsill of the east or west window. It is recommended to plant 5-6 bulbs in one container.

Zephyranthes is also a member of the Amaryllis family. It is grown during home care without causing trouble, but subject to all the rules of agricultural technology. Everything necessary recommendations You can find in this article.

Eucharis watering

Irrigation should ensure stable soil moisture during periods of active growth and flowering, but you should not fill it too much with water, in order to avoid rotting of the bulb. The procedures are carried out when the earthen surface becomes dry by about a quarter of the volume contained in the pot. In this case, water is used settled for at least 10-12 hours, or soft.

Following the end of flowering, watering should be reduced by a month and a half, adding as much water as necessary to keep the earthy clod half dry. At the same time, the degree of illumination is increased to a maximum with the help of additional lamps. Such measures will have a positive effect on flowering.

Soil for eucharis

The substrate needs a mixture endowed with high water absorption.

Such properties will have a composition of leaf and sod land, sand, compost and clay (4: 1: 2: 2: 1). The pot must be equipped with drainage.

Eucharis transplant

It is extremely difficult for Eucharis to endure transplants and separation of children, and therefore it is recommended to do this once every 3-4 years, and then when the roots are completely braided, and there will be a considerable number of bulbs in the pot.

Make a transfer to this case even necessary, since the plant may die due to a lack of nutrient space. Then, with the onset of March, the bulbs are planted in a transshipment method in a new pot, carefully tamping them to a 5-centimeter depth. Those bulbs that do not have leaves should be planted so that their upper parts are visible from the outside.

After completing the transplant itself, you should start watering the plant, which should be gentle in the initial 2-3 weeks (only after the soil surface has dried). But spraying foliage should be done more often, using large quantities water. New leaves will begin to grow after a month and a half.

Fertilizer for eucharis

The growth and flowering of eucharis are the periods in which it needs to be fed. They are applied twice a month until flowering ends.

Special liquid fertilizers for flowering houseplants are suitable.

Eucharis pruning

Resting at the Amazonian lily is not particularly pronounced. So after blooming period the foliage not only does not die off, but also fully retains its color, remains shiny.

The end of flowering is the starting point of the transition to the dormant period, and the time for pruning, which involves the removal of all faded and dried peduncles.

Eucharis bloom

If others bulbous plants to strengthen the mother bulb, planting babies is recommended, it can harm eucharis, since full and frequent flowering is ensured by an increase in bulbous colonies.

Having acquired 1-3 children, the mother bulb begins to bloom, and the formation of flower stalks occurs both on it and on the children. Incidentally, at very good conditions content, the plant is able to bloom for the third time in one season.

Eucharis in winter

Eucharis is not afraid of dry air, but in winter it is better to move it further from heating equipment to keep the leaves from drying out. If the correct temperature is not observed, there may be serious problems with the health of this plant, and getting rid of them will not be so easy.

Flowering in winter can be achieved by limiting the growing season and stopping watering in August, which will create an environment similar to rest for the eucharis.

Propagation of eucharis with bulbs

The reproduction of the Amazonian lily is practiced with the help of daughter bulbs and seeds. Before the bulb is planted, a calculation should be made required size pot.

An area of ​​​​5-10 cm is enough for one plant, but it is better to choose the diameter recommended above and plant 5 daughter bulbs at the depth indicated in the transplant rules. This width of the container will provide enough room for the plants to grow roots, but even larger sizes will delay flowering.

If the euharis does not bloom, the probable reason for this is precisely the bust with the diameter of the pot. The stages of bulbous reproduction are as follows:

  • Loosening the substrate, composed as described earlier in the article;
  • Extracting the plant with the release of the roots from the ground (gentle washing under running water);
  • Careful separation of children who have reached a size of 4-5 cm;
  • Treatment of all places of cuts and damage with ground cinnamon or charcoal;
  • Preparing new pots by placing drainage, backfilling with a layer of clean sand and substrate.

Eucharis propagation by seeds

Propagation by seed is much more difficult, and this method is mainly used in selective approaches to rare plant varieties.

The seeds do not differ in high germination, and it will take more than one year to wait for flowering.

Eucharis pests

Eucharis has a lot of pests and diseases. This and aphid , And thrips , And spider mites , And scale insects , etc.

The first symptom of damage spider mite is the discoloration of the foliage, the second is its fall. The underside of the foliage is covered with a silvery cobweb.

In this case, it is necessary to remove the affected leaves and begin intensive spraying with water, and if the infection has moved to a higher stage, treat with Actellik or Decis.

About the fact that the plant wound up thrips , says the appearance of light dots on the upper side of the foliage, after which it acquires an unnatural grayish-brown color with a silvery sheen.

Shchitovki discoloration of the foliage, lead to the loss of its color, its drying and falling off. Here you will already need a soapy solution to clean out insects, or the same actellik if the degree of infection is too high.

Eucharis diseases

Gray rot easy to detect by the gray soft mold that has appeared on the leaves. To eliminate it, it will be necessary to cut out the plant zones that have been attacked; in advanced cases, they are treated with 0.5 percent copper oxychloride.

Ventilation of the room with eucharis should be increased to prevent re-infection with this disease.

Being under the influence of another disease of fungal origin - stagonosporosis - the plant suffers no less, while its leaves are dotted with longitudinal red spots. Seeing this, you should immediately get rid of the affected sheets, then process the eucharis using copper sulfate.

Regarding disease-related errors in care, one important nuance mentioned earlier should be noted. For irrigation purposes, in no case should hard water be used, as it can cause yellowing and death of the leaves.

The dormant period should also be treated with close attention, because if the plant is not provided with appropriate conditions for rest, it will not gain strength and is unlikely to bloom.

Eucharis omens and superstitions

IN folk omens there is a statement that wherever eucharis grows, it will be comfortable and cozy everywhere. It literally attracts the eye, creates a friendly atmosphere both at home and at the workplace, relieves the accumulated stress from family/team members and, contributing to relaxation, at the same time does not allow you to “soften up”, supporting the craving for hard work.

With it nearby, a person develops intuitive receptivity. And for a single woman, euharis is also powerful amulet, creating protection from all sorts of misfortunes. The flowering time of this plant is considered a favorable period for new beginnings.

Elegant room flower, which appeared in the subtropical forests on the banks of the Amazon River, has two common names:

  • eucharis (eucharis);
  • amazon lily.

This flower fell in love with gardeners for its unpretentiousness, beautiful flowering twice (thrice) a year and a pleasant delicate aroma.

The most common varieties are considered to be: grandiflora eucharis or grandiflora, white eucharis, toothless eucharis or callifuria.

Eucharius has large, oval, pointed sheet plates. Their width is about 20 cm. Length - about 40 cm. Color - dark green. The leaf surface is slightly wrinkled, with protruding veins. The leaves of the plant live for several years. Young leaves are initially rolled into a tube, but straighten out during growth.

The flowers are large (up to 10 cm), snow-white, slightly lowered downwards. They are on long (up to 60 cm), straight, leafless stems.

How to care for eucharis at home

Where to put a pot of eucharis

Eucharis does not like bright lighting. He likes partial shade more. Therefore, it is not advisable to place a flower pot with a plant on the southern windows. Lily will feel comfortable on an east or west window or on a shelf inside the room. In summer, the flower can be taken out to the garden or to the balcony. Only first you need to prepare a special visor for it, which will protect the plant from the rays of the sun and from rain.

Humidity and air temperature

In the room where the Amazon is located, for its active growth and flowering, it is necessary to maintain a temperature of 24º to 28º heat. At lower temperatures, her flowers shrink. After flowering (in the dormant phase), the flower is provided with a temperature range from 17º to 19º heat. If the room temperature drops to + 10ºC or lower, the lily will begin to shed its leaves, and the plant bulb may rot.

It is not necessary to organize special humidity in the room where the flower is located. It needs to be sprayed periodically and wipe the leaves from dust with a damp cloth.

During flowering, these manipulations should be performed with extreme caution. Water that has fallen on the flowers can cause brown spots to form on them.

How to water eucharis

Moderate watering is considered optimal for the plant. In the case of the Amazonian lily, the condition is maintained: “It is better to underfill than overfill.” Watering is carried out with settled water at room temperature. Excess water that remains in the pan flower pot, drain. The next watering during the growth period of the lily is carried out when the earth ball dries up to a third of the volume, and during the dormant period, when the earth dries up, by half the volume.

How and how to feed eucharis

To feed eucharis during the growing season, mineral and organic fertilizer complexes are used alternately for plants in the flowering phase. They can be purchased at the store. Feeding frequency - twice a month. In the dormant phase, the plant is not fed with fertilizers.

Common mistakes in caring for eucharis

Ignorance of the main requirements of cultivation plays a negative role in the development and growth of the Amazon lily. Home flower eucharis requires proper care, and subject to agricultural technology, it gives a luxurious look of green leaves and an abundance of delicate flowers.

If the leaves on eucharis turn yellow and die alternately is a natural process. Yellowing of all leaves at the same time indicates problems with the plant, such as:

  • excessive or weak watering;
  • low (less than +10ºC) room temperature;
  • leaf sunburn.

The plant can be "cured". It is necessary to remove it from the pot and inspect the bulb for the presence of putrefactive zones. Cut off such zones, treat the sections with ash, dry them and plant the plant again.

  • If the plant is left without watering for a long time, its leaves will become sluggish. Watering should restore elasticity to the foliage. But when hypothermia due to open in winter window or transportation, leaf turgor may not recover.
  • If the leaves of the Amazonian lily twist and wither, then it either gets sick in a draft, or its roots are damaged.

Reproduction of eucharis by children

When the plant is grown in room conditions easiest to use vegetative way. Moreover, the Amazon lily has a large number of"children". In March or April, they can be transplanted into separate containers with previously prepared soil.

An important point: only well-formed "children" can be separated from the mother plant. Otherwise, the bulbous seed material will die.

How to plant eucharis, look at the video:

When and how to transplant eucharis

The Amazon Lily does not like transplants. Therefore, if the plant is healthy, blooms well and “does not fall out” of the flower pot, it can not be disturbed for three to four years.

transplant healthy flower they do when a lot of “children” are formed and they interfere with the normal growth of the flower.

The daughter material can be used to propagate the plant, or it can not be separated from the mother flower. In the latter case - transplanting into renewed soil without separation, more lush flowering of the lily can be achieved.

March is the most favorable month for plant transplantation. A healthy plant is transplanted into the prepared land by transshipment, without disturbing the earthen coma.

If the flower bulbs are rotten, they are carefully freed from the ground and washed with water. Then the rot is removed (cut off). The cut surface is thoroughly disinfected by immersing in a solution of fungicides. Then sprinkle the incision with wood ash.

Depending on the original planting material(bulb with leaves and without leaves) there are two options for planting a plant.

Planting amazon lily with leaves

Before planting, the leaves are not cut, removing only yellowed and dying ones.

  • Planting depth - 5-6 cm.
  • Planting tank - high, narrow, with a hole in the bottom and drainage at the bottom of expanded clay or small pebbles..
  • - the first 3 weeks moderate, as the soil dries.

Planting an amazon lily without leaves

Before planting, the leaves are completely cut off at a height of 1 cm above the bulb.

  • Planting depth - the top of the bulb looks out 0.5 cm above the soil surface.
  • Capacity for planting - larger in diameter than the diameter of the bulb by 2-3 cm.
  • The ground is half sand.
  • Watering - the first three weeks is moderate, as the soil dries.
  • The location is bright and warm.

If you planted an Amazon lily bulb without leaves, then the young leaves of the plant will grow in about 40 days after planting. The fact that the top of the bulb is above the ground will make it easy to observe the growth and development of the plant.

Land for eucharis

Eucharis loves fertile soil with good water and air permeability.

It is most convenient to purchase special land in the store. It is necessary to choose a soil marked "For plants of the amaryllis family." If this is not possible, you can cook it yourself by mixing the following ingredients:

  • humus 1 share;
  • leaf land 2 shares;
  • river sand 1 share;
  • peat 0.5 share.

The plant needs to provide drainage from coconut shells, expanded clay, small stones. It will wick away excess moisture.

Why eucharis does not bloom at home and how to make it bloom

Provide the plant and it will delight you with beautiful, fragrant flowers two to three times a year. The flowers of the lily open in turn and bloom for up to ten days each. Gardeners can create an artificial watering and feeding schedule for the lily that will ensure the plant blooms multiple times throughout the year.

  • January + 1st half of February = rest period
  • 2nd half of February + 1st half of March = active vegetation phase
  • 2nd half of March + 1st half of April = flowering phase
  • 2nd half of April = active vegetation phase
  • May + 1 half of June = rest period
  • 2nd half of June + 1st half of July = active vegetation phase
  • 2nd half of July + 1st half of August = flowering phase
  • 2nd half of August = active vegetation phase
  • September + 1 half of October = rest period
  • 2nd half of October + 1st half of November = active vegetation phase
  • 2nd half of November + 1st half of December = flowering phase
  • 2nd half of December = active vegetation phase

Why doesn't eucharis bloom? Mistakes in care video

Sometimes the plant does not flower even though it appears to be in optimal conditions.

So the gardener made a mistake. Here are the most common:

  • Wrong landing. The young plant is planted in a wide container, the diameter of which is many times greater than the diameter of the bulb. The closer the plant is in the pot, the faster it will bloom.
  • Sudden change in room temperature. The plant will form weak flower arrows or the bulb will rot in it, and flowering will not occur if the eucharis is constantly in a draft in a state of stress.
  • The rest phase is not maintained. It should last about a month and a half. During this period, the plant is not fed and rarely watered. The clod of earth should be half dry. This is checked using moisture indicators, wooden sticks, or by the weight of the pot. During the dormant period, the plant needs to organize good lighting.

Eucharis diseases

Gray rot

This disease is often found in plants of the Amaryllis family, which includes the Amazon lily. The causative agent of the disease is the fungus Botridis. The disease is susceptible to plants located in damp rooms with low temperatures. First, the leaf plates of the affected flower soften, lose turgor and darken at the edges. Then the infected areas are covered with gray mold and they die off.

Preventive measures: removal of infected areas of the plant, treatment of the flower with products containing copper (copper vitriol solution, Fundazol, Topsin-M).

Stagonosporosis (red burn)

Plants that are in rooms with sharp fluctuations in temperature or waterlogged are susceptible to the disease. First, oblong red spots appear on the leaves, buds, bulbs. Then the leaves wither, flower stalks and buds bend and bend down, the bulbs rot. Eucharis withers and dies.

Prevention measures: the use of high-quality bulbous material for planting, dressing the bulbs with a fungicide before planting for half an hour (Rovral, Oksifom, Maxim) and subsequent drying (48 hours).


Mushroom mosquito (sciarids)

Mosquito black. Her females place their eggs directly on the root of the plant. The larvae that emerged from the eggs feed on the tissues of the root and oppress it. The result is a weakened, non-flowering plant.

The reason for the appearance of midges is waterlogged soil in a flower pot.

Preventive measures: Treatment (watering) of the soil with a solution of "Oktara" at the rate of 0.8 g per liter of water, adjustment of the frequency of irrigation.

spider mite

Appear on, which is located in a dry and warm room. The plant weakens, the leaves turn yellow and droop.

Prevention measures: with a small number of pests - processing above-ground parts a flower with a solution of laundry soap, in case of mass damage - treatment with acaricides ("Kleshchevit", "Fitoverm", "Sunmayt", "Akarin").

Amaryllis mealybug

The pest settles in the scales of the bulb. The flower dries out, the leaves and peduncles lose their original shape.

Preventive measures: spraying plants and earth in a pot with insecticidal preparations ("Aktara", "Akarin", "Vertimek").
