Minor scratches on glossy surface. Removing scratches from the plastic surfaces of the laptop. Troubleshooting with a hot air gun

29.10.2016 5 76 935 views

Surfaces of all kinds of plastics surround us. They are comfortable and practical, but prone to deformation. Therefore, the question of how to polish plastic from scratches is always relevant. To keep your favorite smartphone, window sill or TV in an attractive appearance, you need to familiarize yourself with our tips and, with the help of simple actions, turn them into almost their original form.

One only has to look around to see how indispensable plastic has become in Everyday life. From it is made: household appliances, means of communication, kitchenware, automotive parts, finishing materials.

This material is light and cheap, easy to use and unpretentious, and also resistant to temperature fluctuations. The only negative is the relatively low density, which is a consequence of the appearance of scuffs and scratches on it. Because of this, it is too expensive to change the entire product.


Getting started, it is necessary first of all to decide what we are actually going to do and what improvised means. Polishing is easy, you just need to know how. To begin with, it should be understood that jacks of all trades distinguish at least three different kind such actions:

  1. Thermal (using a hair dryer).
  2. Chemical (that is, acting on plastic with toothpaste, polish or GOI paste).
  3. Mechanical (using a drill or other polishing machine).

Initially, we assess how great the damage is, and based on this, we choose a methodology for further work:

  1. Remove scratches from plastic by hand polishing.
  2. Deeper damage can be overcome using thermal effects.
  3. The coating acquires the perfect shine after chemical processing and your headlights will shine like new.

When the future strategy of action is determined, it remains to carefully prepare the product for work. Using the most common dishwashing or glass cleaning products, you should carefully remove accumulated dirt and grease stains. Surely the plastic has a frame made of a different material. These places are covered with masking tape, which will be deleted after the work is completed.

Sanding plastic

This method of machining a plastic surface is used when there are deep scratches that cannot be effectively removed by any other means. The material lends itself well to grinding, having a low melting point. As a result of slow, careful work, we should get a uniform matte surface where there were deep scratches before. Here is the next range of actions:

  • pre-cleaned material is placed where it will be convenient to deal with it;
  • cooking workplace, remove all unnecessary items;
  • as a processing material, we take several waterproof skins of various textures;
  • a special grinding machine is useful as an auxiliary tool;
  • if there is no machine, then it should be borne in mind that good effect gives polishing using soapy water.

We begin work using a skin that has a large texture. Grinding is a slow business, accuracy is required. We process the product in slow mode, monitor the temperature, it should not overheat. We methodically move from a large texture of skins to smaller ones. After using each of them, we wipe the treated area with a dry cloth, this allows us not to miss the remaining flaws.

How to polish plastic from scratches yourself?

There are several ways that removing scratches and scuffs will stop being an impossible dream. At home, with the help of simple devices, you can make a shabby product perfect with your own hands.

If the plastic surface that your kitchen table, ceased to sparkle and became covered with scratches, then it will not be difficult to polish it to its original shine.

The same method will make window slope the same texture as it was a few years ago. A few hours of focused work will save you a lot of money.

hand polished

After getting rid of scratches, it's time to move on to the next laborious process - polishing, which makes the old part almost new. Services involving the removal of scratches are widely provided by car dealerships and cellular communication and specialized cleaning companies.

They are not cheap, the same work is easy to do with your own hands. After all special means and fixtures that professionals use are sold in all car dealerships. The main thing when choosing a polishing paste: do not forget that we will process plastic; in order not to miss the choice, you should consult the seller, who will give professional advice.

By the way, GOI paste has proven itself well with the chosen processing method. It should be familiar to those who served in the army and scrubbed a belt badge. With this tool, you can ideally polish objects that do not claim to be pristine transparency.

If we are talking about a TV that has scratches or a phone that has major abrasions, then it is better to use special pastes. Let them cost more, but the effect will be desired.

Hand polishing:

  • will optimally process small parts and small surfaces
  • we take a homogeneous paste, impurities and grains are excluded;
  • oil will give a special gloss;
  • apply the paste on the surface with felt or felt
  • use circular motions;
  • the hand goes easily, the pressure is small;
  • the whole process takes 15 to 20 minutes.

We use a polishing machine, which in the most budgetary version consists of a drill with a special nozzle:

  • an inexpensive polishing nozzle is sold in the store;
  • the best use of such a machine is the surface of the headlights;
  • good savings are obtained by replacing the nozzle with a piece of ordinary felt.

This material requires a thorough fixing so that it does not jump off.


Among the products purchased at a specialized store, do not forget about the polish. With it, the result of your work will be a glossy plastic, no different from the one we purchased in the store. The technology of work is as follows:

  1. The agent is applied to the surface in the form of a small uniform layer.
  2. It is necessary to thoroughly grind it with a special cloth or nozzle.
  3. Then, in fact, the process of work begins, which achieves the desired result, plastic to mirror shine will bring g polish.
  4. If the surface of the phone is polished, then, exposed to periodic moisture, the transparent plastic loses its result over time, and the process should be repeated.
  5. Repetition is necessary in any case if you see that your plastic is black and worn again.

Conclusion: to avoid frequent updates, protect household items from moisture.

Using a polishing machine

It's quite professional tool, allowing you to bring the restoration of the product to the ideal process. Such a tool is useful and convenient. It is especially recommended for motorists who from time to time perfect the headlights of their car, as well as its plastic surfaces. The main convenience lies in the speed, in a few minutes the amount of work is done, which manually will take, perhaps, more than one hour.

The consideration that guides a person who acquires such a technique is the need from time to time to put things in order in his household. Such a polishing masterpiece is not so expensive, it is available in stores selling power tools.

A few nuances that should be observed in the process of using the tool:

  • before putting special tools into operation, it is necessary to remove the remaining dirt with a wet nozzle;
  • when the action is nearing the end, one of the special pastes purchased in the store is used;
  • to bring a special gloss to the product, a special nozzle made of foam rubber will help.

The whole method takes a few minutes.

Video: how to polish plastic from scratches with a polishing machine?

hair dryer

Another rather original method of getting rid of scratches is to use the most ordinary hair dryer. The meaning of the method is simple: plastic reacts quickly to sudden temperature changes, so heat treatment is optimal way"heal wounds" on the surface of your phone.

Two types of tools are used for work: an ordinary hair dryer used for drying hair, and a special building unit.

  1. Before working with plastic, impurities are removed.
  2. The process is best started with minimal power.
  3. We direct a jet of hot air to the desired area.
  4. If the scratches continue to remain, the power must be gradually increased, but without fanaticism.
  5. The main expected result is that the area with scratches will acquire a matte base, and they themselves will disappear.
  6. After cooling, polishing of the plastic begins.


In some cases, there is no need to purchase expensive products. As practice shows, such improvised means as the usual one can serve as an abrasive for polishing the same headlights. toothpaste. Despite the low cost and extreme availability, the gloss of the surface, in the end, is no worse than when using a proprietary product from a specialized store.

How this tool works:

  • with the help of detergents we get rid of pollution;
  • the composition of the product must be neutral;
  • after degreasing, the product is washed and dried;
  • the paste is applied to a piece of flannel;
  • circular movements, clockwise or counterclockwise;
  • periodically it is necessary to wash off the resulting slurry;
  • the remaining paste is best removed with a damp sponge.

Obviously, using simple methods and a budgetary arsenal of funds, you can save a lot of money and get a truly brilliant result.

5 methods of polishing plastic from scratches and scuffs

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Plastic objects surround us everywhere: these are car parts, household products, and even Sunglasses. Plastic is a popular, inexpensive, but rather fragile material, therefore, due to frequent use, it is covered minor injuries. There are several simple and inexpensive ways remove scratches from plastic, which will help restore the product to its original appearance.

Special funds

In order not to bother, use special products to restore plastic items:

  • scratch removal pencils;
  • abrasive gels;
  • polishing pastes for filling;
  • revitalizing towels and napkins.

When choosing these funds, you must act strictly according to the instructions. Some compounds are coloring. Colored substances are suitable for filling deep scratches.

Advice! Choose pastes only for soft plastic, this should be indicated on the package. Products for paint and varnish surfaces can not be used.

Dealing with minor damage

Small cracks are very easy to polish with a special paste. Polishing agents are divided into two groups:

  • coarse abrasive compounds;
  • light finishes.

For household products from plastic, only finishing polishing pastes are used. Abrasives can further damage objects.

How to work with polish:

  1. Clean the surface.
  2. Apply not a large number of funds on a piece of fabric (flannel and any soft matter will do).
  3. Rub lightly, rinse and dry.

Restoration of plastic in the car

Car owners are familiar with the situation when parts of the car are damaged from frequent use. A large number of scratches will sooner or later lead to the destruction of the material. To avoid complete replacement plastic parts in the car, timely action should be taken. How to restore the integrity of the plastic in this case:

  1. Heat treatment with a hair dryer or lighter. Before removing scratches in this way, the surface is washed, degreased with alcohol and dried. The hair dryer is turned on at maximum power. When processing with hot air, it is necessary to carefully monitor the reaction of the plastic. Defects will be smoothed out by heating. If it is not possible to achieve the desired evenness, the procedure is completed by polishing.
  2. Lighter method: the switched on device is brought to the damaged surface no closer than 5-8 mm. The fire will melt the area of ​​plastic, restoring its smoothness. Important: after processing, you should not touch the hot surface, it must cool for at least half an hour.
  3. How to work with abrasive paste: the agent is applied to the cleaned and dry plastic, the time is kept according to the instructions until the paste becomes white. Then the plastic is polished with a foam sponge or a dense cloth.
  4. Express method with engine oil: drip a couple of drops of the substance and polish the surface with a dense flannel cloth. Works only on unpainted plastic, suitable for gloss.
  5. If the surface is embossed, only a special putty in the form of a pencil. A masking pen is expensive, but it's the easiest way to repair deep damage. The result is stored for a long time. Apply the product to a clean surface. Pencil residues are easily removed after drying by polishing.

Advice! The pencil is selected by color. The darker material will be noticeable after repair, which will not improve the appearance of the product.

Folk wisdom: life hacks with improvised means

Using the following methods to remove plastic is quite risky, especially if it is a valuable household appliance or mobile phone. However, many tools are much cheaper than specialized ones and can be found in every home.

6 Proven Methods for Restoring Plastic Items:

  1. Toothpaste and powder. Substances can be processed plastic cover phone or sunglasses. It is better not to experiment with the display of a phone or tablet, but some argue that small scratches are easy to remove even from such fragile surfaces. How to proceed: apply a little paste or slurry of water and tooth powder to the plastic, rub it in a circular motion into damaged areas, wait for it to dry, and then rinse it off with a cotton pad.
  2. Baking soda used according to the same principle: dilute to a state of gruel, rub into a cracked surface, rinse.
  3. A few drops vegetable oil will help restore plastic not only smoothness, but also radiance. It is necessary to apply the product on small cracks and rub until it disappears. greasy spot and the appearance of a pleasant shine.
  4. polish for furniture or car works also on other surfaces. Jewelry polish is also suitable: it will help out if transparent plastic is damaged.
  5. Scratches on glasses glasses can be treated wax. Apply the product with a cloth and rub in a circle.
  6. Minor damage treated a piece of natural suede. It is safe, unlike sandpaper and other hard abrasives.

Before you give up and go to the store for a new one household item or in a hurry to change car parts, try the above methods. Some of them are so effective that they can save you a lot of money. The main thing in the work is following the instructions, accuracy when using fire, confidence and accuracy.

During operation vehicle, scratches appear on the plastic in the car. Defects spoil the appearance of the dashboard, and a large number of such damage leads to the appearance of microcracks and the destruction of plastic. Knowing how to remove scratches on the plastic in the car interior, the driver returns the parts to their original appearance, avoids more serious repairs and replacement of damaged elements.

Scratches on the plastic of the torpedo are a frequent occurrence. Various objects, or even opening and closing doors, can cause them to appear. This is due to the fact that plastic surfaces do not have an anti-shock coating, and the slightest mechanical impact leads to a defect. Minor defects, deep scratches on the instrument panel spoil the look of the interior of the car as a whole. However such damage can be repaired without dismantling the plastic elements.

Direct sunlight leads to fading of paint on the interior elements of the car. To restore such a detail, you will need to overhaul element.

How to remove scratches on the plastic in the car

To remove scratches from plastic in the car, use several methods:

  1. Small defects are eliminated by thermal treatment. To do this, use a hair dryer or a lighter.
  2. Small damages are removed by the special restoring napkins and towels.
  3. Deep defects are painted over with automotive wax pencils.
  4. Scratches are removed from glossy surfaces with polishes and abrasive gels.
  5. Cracks, chips and deep damage paintwork torpedoes are eliminated by overhauling the part.

Corrugated surfaces cannot be repaired. They cannot be polished or heat treated. When such elements are worn out, they are replaced with new ones.

Revitalizing pencils and wipes

One of the most simple methods restoring the appearance of a damaged part is the use of special napkins, microfiber towels and a pencil to remove scratches from plastic. However, the use of these means that eliminate defects has a number of nuances:

  1. Napkins and towels make it possible to get rid of small scratches on the plastic surface of the car dealership.
  2. Deep chips and scratches can be rubbed with a special pencil. These devices are sold in auto shops. The advantage of such a tool is its effectiveness. The substance fills in defects, gives the surface its original appearance. However, they take into account that only the original pencil can cope with the problem. Its cost is high, and cheap Chinese analogues, if a car's torpedo is scratched, will be of little help.
  3. When painting, select the closest color of the pencil to the shade of the dashboard. Otherwise, after restoration, black marks remain on the surface, spoiling the appearance of the part.

Using a hair dryer

Plastic damage can be repaired with your own hands using a hair dryer. Prior to heating, the treated area is cleaned of dirt and degreased. After that, turn on the hair dryer at maximum power and carefully monitor the reaction of the plastic to heat. When exposed high temperatures, smoothing out defects, the part acquires its original appearance.

If there is no reaction to heating with a hair dryer, then you need to increase the power of the device and bring it closer to the surface to be treated. Deep damage cannot be repaired in this way. Excessive heat will cause deformation plastic element, and worsen the appearance of the part.

Polishes and gels

After removing the scratches on the plastic, the part needs to be polished. This is important when repairing glossy interior elements. Means will return the surfaces to their original appearance. For polishing, it is recommended to use abrasive paper or grinder. Using an electric tool, it is impossible to eliminate defects at the maximum speed of the grinding wheel. The plastic will heat up and deform, leading to expensive repairs.

Also Special attention you should pay attention to the tool used to restore the damaged area. To protect the material from deformation or destruction, a special abrasive paste and plastic polish are used.

Defects are eliminated according to the following algorithm: before polishing, the surface is washed, dried and degreased. Next, a small amount of the product is applied, and the part is polished until a glossy sheen appears.

Polishing removes small scratches from a glossy surface.

Lighter Damage Repair

With the help of an open flame, scratches are removed from the plastic. To do this, the lighter is brought to the defect, and the flame is carried out over the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bdamage. After the surface treated in this way has completely cooled down, soot is removed with a swab dipped in alcohol. If everything is done correctly, then after such a procedure, the plastic is restored.

Be careful when using a lighter. Otherwise, open fire cause damage to the upholstery and fire of the vehicle.

Overhaul of plastic

It is not always possible to repair the plastic in the car simple ways. Chips, cracks, areas of burnt paint - all this requires a major overhaul of the plastic elements of the car dashboard. Recovery is performed in the following way:

  1. The damaged part is dismantled.
  2. Thoroughly cleaned of dirt, degreased and polished.
  3. Cracks and chips are covered with a primer.
  4. The surface is polished.
  5. Apply paint, allow the element to dry.
  6. Coated with several layers of varnish.
  7. Polished to a glossy finish.

How to remove scratches from gloss

In the design of many interior elements, transparent plastic is used. The disadvantage of this material is the rapid appearance of defects: small scratches and chips, after several years of operation of the machine, literally cover the entire surface of the cabin element. Removing scratches from the plastic of a car interior has a number of nuances:

  1. Before carrying out the restoration, you need to carry out wet cleaning car interior. It is necessary to ensure the absence of dust. Otherwise, when polishing, new scratches may appear on the surface.
  2. The area to be treated will need to be thoroughly washed and degreased.
  3. To get rid of scratches, use a grinder.
  4. To polish the damaged area, it is recommended to use tools that are designed for grinding plastic. These are special polishes and abrasive pastes. It is important to correctly calculate the amount of applied substance.

Abrasive pastes, gels and polishes, which are intended for polishing the car body, cannot be used when restoring the interior. They will ruin the restored part.

Numerous defects, scratches, chips and cracks spoil the look of the car's torpedo. Damage of this kind is easy to fix on your own. In order for the repair process to be effective and not lead to the replacement of a part, consider the nuances of restoring the plastic elements of the interior.

Everyone in the apartment has a lot of plastic things, often for daily use. For example, it can be a refrigerator, kettles, blenders and other items. household appliances, phone case, as well as car showrooms. Due to the fact that these things are used quite often, scratches appear on the plastic from prolonged use, sometimes deep ones. But don't worry, there are some tips on how to remove scratches from plastic effectively and affordably.

Today you can find a large number of products that will help eliminate scratches and microcracks on the surface of objects made of plastic. The most common is considered to be such means as polish, which removes damaged areas on plastic; special pencil; crack-filling paste. However, they only work when the scratches are not deep.

You can fix small cracks yourself using polishes designed for car bodywork. The polish can be rough (that is, its texture has an abrasive property), as well as finishing (in this case, the texture is quite soft and silicone). For household plastic items, it is best to choose only a finishing polish so as not to cause even more damage to the coating that you want to restore.

How to remove scratches in the car interior?

You can fix scratches on the plastic inside the interior of your car yourself. The choice of tools depends on the degree of damage and the type of coating, including a hairdryer, polish, pencil, and if none of the proposed options help, then a major overhaul of the part.

hair dryer

You can perform the following steps with both an ordinary hair dryer and a construction hair dryer. During this procedure, the plastic will heat up, and the damage will heal by itself, due to the fact that they will melt somewhat.

  1. Before starting work, wash the part well with detergents.
  2. When it dries, you should turn on the hair dryer (it is recommended to use the minimum power), and then direct it to trouble spot in need of restoration.
  3. In case you don't notice any change, turn up the power so that the heat melts the plastic surface a little.
  4. Never keep the tool in one place because you risk overheating the plastic.

Note! You can touch the restored part with your hands only after it has completely cooled down.


  1. Wear rubber gloves and wash everything with detergent. Places where dirt and dust have accumulated require special attention.
  2. Then you need to dry the area you are interested in.
  3. Next, you need to apply a paste with abrasive properties to microcracks using a small foam sponge. Be careful! For the best effect of the polish, wait a little while, which is usually indicated in the instructions for use.
  4. Wait until the polish becomes white color, and start the polishing procedure.
  5. Moving in a circle, it is necessary to clean off excess abrasive, from time to time removing the resulting amount of dust.
  6. Wash the cover afterwards.

Camouflage pencils

This method is the fastest and easiest to eliminate cracks inside the cabin, as well as those that can be found on the bumper of the car. Pencil High Quality usually has a high cost, but it is quite economical and effective remedy. In order to carry out the procedure, you need to perform the following steps:

  1. Remove dirt from problem areas and dry.
  2. Use the tip of a pencil to fill in the damage.
  3. Wait for the surface to dry.
  4. You can then remove any remaining product and start polishing. This should smooth out the transitions of the restored area and the rest of the coating.

Major interior renovation

Painting is the most complex and time-consuming way to restore such surfaces. However this option will definitely be effective and help hide existing shortcomings.

  1. The element requiring restoration must be thoroughly washed and dirt removed with detergents.
  2. Next, you must sand the damaged area, however, if the panel is embossed in its structure, then this step should be skipped.
  3. In the case when it is smooth, you can start grinding with the help of special equipment or improvised means (sandpaper is often used).
  4. Then a special primer is applied to the prepared coating, which is produced in the form of spray cans. It is necessary to choose a composition that will not react with the surface.
  5. After you have applied several layers of primer, the plastic needs to be polished with an abrasive until it is perfectly even.
  6. In the case when the panels have large cracks, you need to fill them with putty.
  7. When you finish the repair work, the coating should be coated with the appropriate paint.
  8. If necessary, plastic panels are also processed with varnish, however, it can cause glare, which sometimes interferes with driving.

cracks small size removed using the following tools:

  • Abrasives for polishing glass surfaces. These products are also commonly used by artists and are the only way to eliminate all scratches rather than masking them. Hydrofluoric acid can be found among the ingredients that make up such abrasives, so in no case should you use them on parts that are not made of plastic.
  • Means for washing glasses. If you want to remove a scratch on a plastic item, use a glass cleaner, for example in a car. It should be applied to the coating and polished with dry wipes. This option will help get rid of small cracks.
  • Wax. For efficient polishing plastic surfaces wax fits. It is enough to apply a little product on a piece of dry soft cloth and rub the plastic, moving in a circle. Remove excess with dry wipes or a cotton swab.
  • In addition, sometimes use a polish intended for processing wooden products mixed with vaseline. You need to buy products at the appropriate point of sale, which are used to polish the tree, and process it problem area by mixing the product with a few drops of Vaseline. This product fills the damaged area and makes it not so noticeable. Polishing must be continued until the vaseline is completely wiped off.
  • Also, you can use the tools to computer technology, which most often process discs, because in this way worn areas and small microcracks can be removed. Apply the product to plastic coating using soft fiber.
  • Polishes for silver and copper will help you, which should be applied to the problem area and wiped with dry wipes or a piece of fiber cloth. This process should continue until the moment when you get rid of all the cracks.

While doing home cleaning, in particular dusting, we often notice some details on our furniture that we have not seen before, for example, the presence of scratches, cracks, scuffs. An unpleasant aftertaste remains and I want to remove all these errors, spoiling perfect look lacquered furniture.

But is it possible to do this and in what ways, you probably already heard about a furniture pencil, a marker, or you can get and use iodine. This article will discuss how to remove scratches from furniture, what methods exist for this, how to effectively use various tools.

A special furniture marker can help mask chips and scratches.

Serious Approach

During operation, scratches inevitably appear on furniture, so a whole range of products has been developed to remove them. various means and ways. Some methods help to completely restore the aesthetically attractive appearance of an object, while others, on the contrary, tend to mask damage to polished furniture.

There are scratches on furniture at all stages of its life from production to operation, and the phase of transportation and installation is especially terrible, where various problems often occur. In order not to get upset over trifles, furniture makers came up with an excellent tool that successfully eliminates small errors in the material.

Every furniture store sells a furniture touch in a small spray can that perfectly eliminates scratches on wooden furniture, polished and laminated surfaces.

Using this invention is extremely simple, first you need to choose the best suitable color. Then shake the contents of the can, and apply it to the problem area on the furniture to paint over all the scratches and chips. A viscous liquid must be carefully smeared so that it completely covers all defects. The mixture dries quickly, after which we remove excess pieces of material, wipe the surface wet wipe and polish if desired. Now there are no flaws on the wooden surface, it is like new again.

The classic problem of modern furniture

Experts consider wax to be the second most popular restoring agent for furniture. It is used to remove errors on a wooden surface, to pieces of furniture made of chipboard, MDF. As in the case of a stroke, to eliminate problems, it is necessary to apply a warm wax composition to the flaw.

To make everything go smoothly and without unnecessary difficulties, you can follow the following instructions:

  • First of all, you need to find the right color.
  • Then clean the surface with a defect from fine dirt and dust.
  • After that, apply soft wax to this surface with a scratch, you can do this simply by rubbing it in, or using a special edge knife. (If desired, you can use hard wax which must be preheated. You can do this with a blowtorch, gas burner. Working with such material is a little more difficult than with soft material, but after drying, it will be stronger and more durable than its counterpart.)
  • Remove excess layers of wax with a strong but blunt object, such as a plastic card or a regular ruler, and leave to dry.
  • After the wax has dried, you can polish the restored area with a lint-free cloth.

Some specialists, restoring furniture in this way, additionally apply a pattern on the wax layer that repeats the ornament on the furniture. This is done using a special marker. Marker and wax pencil sold in all furniture stores and workshops, but such tools help with small and medium defects.

Choosing the right wax color

If the scratches on the furniture are deep, and they can no longer be masked using soft wax, a wax pencil and a marker, then it is quite possible to putty the problem areas. In this case, the flaws are completely removed, the surface will again become smooth, clean, beautiful.

The puttying process is as follows:

  • We clean the necessary place with a knife and sandpaper, remove dirt and degrease.
  • We apply putty material for wood, this is one of the types of classic putty.
  • After the putty has dried, we bring it to an ideal state with a sandpaper, it is better to take zero, or paper with the smallest grains.
  • If the color of the putty matches wooden surface, then this is just fine, if not, we apply a layer of stain and achieve the perfect combination.
  • Once the stain has dried, cover the wood with clear varnish.

Applying putty to wood furniture

Difficulties in this process can come from the tree itself, on which the stain looks different. In its liquid state, it is exactly the same color as wood, but on putty it looks different. Besides, if you have a dear, quality furniture, it’s easier to call an experienced specialist than to spoil it with your own hands.

folk recipe

For wood items in stores you can find a special restoration pencil. It is easy to use, convenient, cheap. The pencil successfully paints over the damaged area, the main thing is to choose the desired color. After you have applied the pencil, you must wait until it dries, and only then polish the restored area.

Scratches on furniture can be painted over, tinted, covered up with simple products and household products, which many housewives proudly claim.

Paraffin from candles

Paraffin from ordinary candles is perfect for removing and masking defects in light-colored furniture. To work with it, you need to knead it, then carefully lay it on the defect and rub it in smooth circular motions until complete disguise scratches. If you are working with a glossy, polished surface, then after completing the restoration of the surface, rub it soft cloth. If the surface is matte, then it is enough to remove paraffin residues from it.

Paraffin candles used to be in every home

Shoe polish

Many people wear leather shoes, and at the same time use a special cream to protect them. This tool is also suitable for repairing microcracks, scratches on pieces of furniture. The main thing is that he approaches her in tone. You need to apply the cream with a sponge to the problem area, and then gently rub it with a soft cloth. Such a household, tinted polish will cover all defects.


For small white scratches on pieces of furniture, you can use a walnut, for this, the flaw is rubbed with its raw middle. If it is already fried, such a toning effect is not observed. After a couple of hours, a scratch, rubbed walnut, merges with the color of the whole tree.

Walnuts can be used to restore furniture


Chips and scratches on interior items made of wood in dark red and brown, easy to hide, . Since iodine itself is very concentrated, it must be diluted with water in a small container. Then, using a cotton pad or stick, apply the resulting solution to the problem area. Merging with the general background, iodine helps to hide the defect.

Black tea brewing

The brewing of black tea has similar coloring qualities, only unlike iodine, it must be made as strong and concentrated as possible. Brew black tea in a small mug and let it stand for a couple of hours. Welding can be used to remove obvious problems with wood furniture. At the same time, applying it, and not getting dirty, is even easier than iodine. However, when working with tea leaves, you will have to apply tea leaves to the problem area several times.

Olive oil and vinegar

But what are homemade recipes without vinegar. Vinegar works in tandem with olive oil to remove scratches. The mixture is prepared from 1 part vinegar and 3 parts olive oil. Rub the scratch with this solution, using it as a polish, carefully and for a long time, and then wipe it dry. After a while, the scratch disappears.

Treatment of furniture with a mixture of vinegar and olive oil


Some housewives use mayonnaise to remove scratches. To do this, it is applied in a small amount to the damaged area, and they wait until it acts on upper layer furniture. Mayonnaise wets the surface, from which it swells, as it were, and the damage is healed. Using this method, the main thing is not to overdo it with mayonnaise, so as not to soak the furniture too much.

A couple of tips for protecting furniture from damage:

  • Try not to handle sharp and hot objects surrounded by wooden furniture, especially polished ones.
  • During repair work and other mechanical processes, you can simply cover the furniture with film or paper.
  • When rearranging, protect furniture from damage, choose the most optimal trajectory for moving around the house, watch the corners.

As you can see, there are a lot of opportunities to hide, remove or repair scratches on furniture. We would recommend first of all to try a wax pencil, and only then take up folk recipes. The pencil is not very expensive, the whole problem lies only in the selection of colors.

If you liked the above methods of furniture restoration, you can read the expert articles on the subject of removal or from various surfaces.
