The subtleties of the process of installing slopes. Do-it-yourself slopes. Types of window slopes What is a slope

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What is slope? The device of slopes for windows and the technology of their manufacture. What slopes are best?

Published: 14.12.2017

The slope is an integral part of any window. It not only provides an attractive appearance windows, but the access of cold and dampness to the room is also limited.

What is slope?

A slope is a support in the form of an inclined beam. Window slope is an important building element that can give a complete look to the window.

The reliability and durability of buildings depends on the correct installation of slopes. In addition, the slopes do not let noise into the premises, which provides residents with maximum comfort.

With the help of the slope, the window and the corner of the inside of the house are connected. Slopes can be both internal and external. Internal slopes are installed indoors, and external - with outside. Installation of slopes should be done on both sides, which will provide the window high level wear resistance.

After installing the external slope, it is imperative to seal the gaps between the window frame and the wall. Otherwise, moisture will be absorbed into the mounting foam and transferred to inner part walls.

This can cause the appearance of fungus on the slope, which will not only spoil the appearance of the window, but will also negatively affect human health.

External slopes can be made in any color, which will emphasize the original appearance of the house. Internal slopes are made predominantly in white, which gives the room light and unsurpassed appearance.

Which slopes are better ?

What slopes are better to do in an apartment: plastic, plasterboard or plaster? Tips from SK Comfort

Replacing old windows with new ones, you can not do without slopes. Which are better to do, what are their pros, cons and features? The specialists of the SK Comfort company will help you figure it out.

The importance of slopes cannot be underestimated. This is a whole complex of construction and finishing works, without which the window will not be able to perform all its functions that are laid down in it by the manufacturer. In order to choose the right kind window slopes, follow these tips:

slopes must be reliable and durable,

slopes must be resistant to weather influences such as moisture, heat, temperature changes,

slopes must be airtight and environmentally friendly,

the service life of the slopes should be commensurate with the service life of the window itself,

slopes must be resistant to wet cleaning.

Let's look at the main types of slopes, their pros and cons.

Plaster slopes

Stucco slopes - a fairly common type of finish window openings, which is used for both internal and external work. They are inexpensive (not counting perlite plaster), and you can make such slopes as in panel houses with a small depth of slope, and in brick with wide uneven slopes. However, at low temperatures and high humidity there is a possibility that the plaster slope will begin to freeze, which can lead to the formation of mold and condensation.

Smooth and strong slopes that can be repainted,

High probability of freezing, condensation and mold formation.

Slopes on the windows: which is better to install

Jan 31/16

To date, there are three technologies that allow you to make slopes on windows with your own hands. Each of them has its own characteristics, and the choice between them is sometimes difficult. This, or rather about what slopes to make on the windows, will be discussed in this article from the Dream House website.

Slopes. You will definitely have to deal with the repair of this element of the window opening after the window blocks are replaced. Unfortunately, few modern craftsmen know how to work accurately, and during the installation of windows, the slopes simply break completely - this also happens because, along with the replacement of old window frames, it is strongly recommended to insulate the slopes. This is exactly what we will do in this article, in which we will get acquainted with the three main technologies for the manufacture of window slopes. We will study their features, on the basis of which you can make an informed choice.

Slopes on windows photo

Slopes on windows: is plaster an outdated technology?

According to many builders and repairmen, this is an antediluvian technology that is not worth attention - on the one hand, this is true, but not quite. Yes, it is somewhat outdated, but you need to pay attention to it because only it alone can rightfully be called environmentally friendly, since it does not use modern composite materials. As they say, only a natural product is cement and sand and nothing more. There are several advantages to plastered slopes.

The most important thing is that they do not disturb the natural course of physical processes, in particular, moisture exchange. They breathe and allow excess moisture to soak into the walls rather than condense on cold windows. Finishing slopes allows you to make a really durable surface, which is quite difficult to accidentally damage.

Finishing slopes with plaster photo

The disadvantages of plastered slopes can only be attributed to the inept hands of the craftsmen. But it's not their fault. it modern approach to repair and construction, or rather the current Construction Materials, which allow specialists to earn the same money, only several times faster. Naturally, this happens at the expense of quality, no matter how these moments are hidden by manufacturers and craftsmen - it’s easier to install on slopes in half a day than to mess with plaster for several days, earning the same money. I have nothing against it modern technologies but reality remains reality, no matter how it is hidden. And from the point of view of a comfortable and healthy indoor microclimate, plastered slopes are the best option. Yes, they are difficult to manufacture, but still ...

Which window slopes are better: details about each option

So, do-it-yourself window installation is completed, and you are wondering which ones are better? After all, you need to know both the pros and cons? Let's ask the experts!

To understand this issue, you need to find out what advantages and disadvantages each type of finish has.

There are no seams, edging, no need to think about joining sheets, and the process of puttying the window brings the surface into an almost perfectly even layer. Ease of installation. Even a beginner, in principle, can independently plaster the slope, this requires a minimum of tools, materials, and labor costs; Versatility of application. This type of slope can be used in any room, at any temperature. close, leave 5-10 mm for sealing with silicone. Finishing includes sanding and painting in 2-4 layers (depending on the paint).

What are slopes? - Sale of plastic windows "Alpha Windows"

slopes- parts of a window or doorway. Slopes are internal and external. For beauty get off plastic panels or plastered with subsequent painting. Our company offers internal slopes made of PVC sandwich panels. Such slopes provide additional heat and sound insulation of the window opening, facilitate maintenance window opening and a window, give it a modern aesthetic look.

When dismantling old frames, in most cases, the internal slopes of the window are partially destroyed. To solve this problem, we offer the installation of slopes made of PVC panels. PVC slopes provide the following benefits:

Additional thermal insulation Reduce the noise level in the room due to additional sealing of the installation seam Improve the illumination of the room, as they reflect light well Do not fade, do not fade and are easy to clean Give the window a finished look PVC slopes are selected according to the texture and color scheme plastic windows PVC slopes are a stylish and functional addition to plastic windows

Finishing of internal window slopes sandwich PVC panels today they are the only way to quickly, inexpensively and beautifully decorate window slopes after installing a new window. Plastic slopes compare favorably with plaster slopes, performed according to the classical technology, with plastering. Firstly, plastering is a process that goes through several stages, between which you need to take a break. Also, after the completion of the plastering and subsequent painting of the slopes, an ugly gap may form between the frame and the slope. This is due to the fact that when drying, the plaster decreases in volume, and plastic windows change their dimensions depending on the temperature (not much - 1 mm per rm, but this is enough to form a crack).

Which slopes are best for plastic windows

The final stage of the process of installing modern double-glazed windows is the finishing of the slopes. They are needed not only for the design of the window opening. Thick double-glazed windows and reliable fittings provide excellent thermal insulation, but the interface between the window frame and the apartment wall remains weak point designs. This problem area needs to be covered. Let's find out which slopes are best suited for plastic windows.

What requirements must slopes meet?

Before considering window framing options, their advantages and disadvantages, let's decide what is required of these elements.

Slopes should:

Not inferior in terms of window design durability. Modern double-glazed windows are designed for at least 15-20 years of operation. Slopes are required to withstand no less time without loss of basic qualities. Few people like to redo them every two or three years. Correspond general style windows, to form a single whole with it. Maintain or even improve performance characteristics plastic windows.


When repairing an apartment in a new building or when replacing windows, you will have to choose how to finish the openings after installation modern designs with glass panes.

You can trim window slopes using the following materials:

Plasters; drywall; gypsum fiber; plastic panels.

Plaster slopes

The manufacturing technology consists in the sequential application of several layers of plaster and putty mortar. Layer finishing putty is colored.

What slopes to do better?

Our company "Window Factory" ™ offers plastic finishing of slopes, i.e. PVC panels. This option for finishing slopes is the most practical, because, unlike plasterboard or plaster finishing, it does not require further exploitation additional efforts and investments of material resources, i.e. they do not need to be tinted, updated, changed. Since plaster and drywall are static materials, when opening and closing the sash in the window, cracks often appear between the slope and the frame.

By using plastic trim slopes of these problems can be avoided. Due to the fact that PVC has the property of linear expansion, the plastic window “plays” depending on temperature changes or shrinkage of the house. Besides plastic slopes easy to clean with soapy water and do not lose their color over time.

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How or from what is it better to make slopes for PVC windows?

choice between plastic octos and gypsum mixture slope for PVC windows

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Experts answered the question

best answer

Mounting on the slope surface of any, the so-called. "warm" material (be it plastic or a sandwich panel), is fraught with the fact that condensation may appear under this outer layer over time, and then fungus and mold. Another problem is that it is difficult to control the appearance of mold at the initial stage: you can not see it for a long time until it crawls out on its own.
The situation largely depends on whether the requirements of GOST were observed during the installation of the window unit.
Therefore, the most reliable option- plastering the slope surface with any mixture intended for this, without any additional stickers. In this case, it will be possible to detect the consequences of possible defects in the installation of windows in a timely manner and take necessary measures to fix the defect.

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Internal slopes for windows: finishing options and installation scheme

Why do you need window trim?

The interior decoration of plastic windows has not only a decorative function, but also a protective one. The assembly seam must be reliably protected from the impacts exerted on it in order to window system in general, it functioned correctly: the windows did not fog up and did not freeze, and condensate did not accumulate on the slopes.

The assembly seam from the outside must also be reliably protected from the effects of precipitation, wind and sunlight, under the influence of which polystyrene foam is destroyed. You can effectively protect it by installing metal slopes and platbands on plastic windows for exterior finish which will give the window a neat finished look.

For interior decoration window opening in the house use material different types. It could be decorative plaster, do-it-yourself installation of PVC panels or drywall on the slopes of plastic windows. The decoration of internal slopes looks spectacular with decorative artificial stone. To understand which of these methods is better, it is worth considering each of them separately.

Decorative plaster

Performing home repairs finishing material interior decorative plaster is often used for walls. This material will make the slopes on the windows unusual and spectacular.

Decorative plaster is often used for interior decoration of slopes.

The composition of decorative plaster may include fillers of various fractions and origins - these can be natural wood fibers or stone chips or artificial granules different size. Decorative plaster is used as a finishing layer, creating an unusual textured surface or intricate pattern, like Venetian plaster..

As a material for interior decoration of slopes, decorative plaster has the following characteristics:

Effectively masks the unevenness of the base; it can be applied to any base material: brick, concrete, drywall, wood; this material does not absorb odors; safe, non-flammable and environmentally friendly composite; has soundproofing qualities; with minor defects in the base, its preliminary repair is not required; when waxed or painted, the plaster layer becomes water-repellent; has breathability; repair of the plaster layer is very simple, there is no need to remove the entire finish;
finishing of arched window designs is possible.

Inclined surface: 1) limits the masses bulk material. The extremely large angle O., at which the granular body is still in equilibrium, is called the angle of natural O., depends on the composition of the granular body and its moisture content. With a big ... ... Geological Encyclopedia

SLOPE, see sloping. Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary. IN AND. Dal. 1863 1866 ... Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary

slope- OTKOS, a, m. Absenteeism, dismissal, what l. a situation in which someone managed to avoid troubles, undesirable actions, etc.; trick to avoid trouble. slope from the armada (army). From slop… Dictionary of Russian Argo

OTKOS, a, husband. 1. Sloping descent. O. hill. 2. Lateral inclined surface of the road embankment. Slope fastening. Let the train under about. 3. Support in the form of an inclined beam (special). | adj. sloping, th, th (to 1 and 2 values). Ozhegov's explanatory dictionary. ... ... Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

slope- An inclined surface that is part of a soil massif or structure [Terminological dictionary for construction in 12 languages ​​(VNIIIS Gosstroy of the USSR)] Topics construction in general EN slope DE AnlaufNeigung FR pentetalus ... Technical Translator's Handbook

slope- An inclined section of the earth's surface, the angle of inclination of which is determined by the deviation from the horizontal, and the length is determined by the slope distance between the crest of the slope and its foot. Syn.: slope; hillside … Geography Dictionary

slope- 3.7 slope economic activity person. Source … Dictionary-reference book of terms of normative and technical documentation

Roll downhill. Razg. Unapproved Go down morally, morally. F 1, 234. Go / go downhill. 1. Unfold Change dramatically for the worse (about business, life in general). SPP 2001, 59; Mokienko 2003, 68. 2. Getting into trouble. Sergeeva ... Big Dictionary Russian sayings

Slope- 38. Slope is an inclined part of the surface of an open mine working or an artificial embankment (dump). Depending on the type of mining equipment, the slope may be flat (dragline excavators, multi-bucket excavators), concave ... ... Official terminology


  • Nizhny Novgorod slope, Nikolai Kochin. The novel NIZHEGORODSKY OTKOS completes the trilogy of the oldest Soviet writer about the Great October revolution("Gremyachaya Polyana", "Youth", "Nizhny Novgorod slope"). Here main character novel...
  • Echelons are going downhill…, Nikolai Toman. This publication is a collection of works by Nikolai Toman. The author throughout his creative life sang of high courage, feats that demand from people not only ...

The slope is an integral part of any window. With its help, not only an attractive appearance of the window is ensured, but also the access of cold and dampness to the room is limited.

A slope is a support in the form of an inclined beam. Window slope is an important building element that can give a complete look to the window.

The reliability and durability of buildings depends on the correct installation of slopes. In addition, the slopes do not let noise into the premises, which provides residents with maximum comfort.

With the help of the slope, the window and the corner of the inside of the house are connected. Slopes can be both internal and external. Internal slopes are installed inside the premises, and external - from the outside. Slopes should be installed on both sides, which will provide the window with a high level of wear resistance.

After installing the external slope, it is imperative to seal the gaps between the window frame and the wall. Otherwise, moisture will be absorbed into the mounting foam and transferred to the inside of the wall.

This can cause the appearance of fungus on the slope, which will not only spoil the appearance of the window, but will also negatively affect human health.

External slopes can be made in any color, which will emphasize the original appearance of the house. Internal slopes are made predominantly in white, which gives the room light and unsurpassed appearance.

Which slopes are better?

To date, there are many options for slopes that can be made on windows. This is explained large quantity materials on construction market. The most common materials from which slopes are made are:

  • Sandwich panel;
  • plastic panel;
  • Plaster; drywall;
  • Decorative coatings, etc.

Plastic slopes are installed mainly on plastic windows. The main disadvantage of these slopes is the lack of thermal insulation, as they are hollow.

The slopes of the sandwich panels have a high-density insulation, which helps to keep the heat in the room with their help. Also, with the help of these devices, you can seal the window space. Due to the high level of resistance to moisture, a fairly long service life of these panels is ensured.

To create a flat plane relative to the wall, it is best to use drywall slopes. This material for finishing windows must be chosen in order to restore deep openings.

Stucco slopes are a classic type of finish, which is characterized by a high level of strength and reliability. The disadvantage of these units is that they are quite difficult to mount.

Slopes from decorative materials made to highlight individual design premises. Cork wood, mirrors, bamboo lamellas, etc. are used as decorative materials.

From the point of view of strength, plaster slopes are best, attractiveness - decorative slopes, practicality - plastic, durability - sandwich panels.

Slope manufacturing technologies are very diverse. They directly depend on the material that the user has chosen to perform this action.

When making slopes from plaster, it is necessary to initially install beacons, which will allow you to align the slopes as evenly as possible. For the preparation of plaster, it is necessary to choose gypsum-based mixtures, in which sand and cement are added. Slopes are applied with a trowel.

For plastic slopes, PVC panels are used, from which the mounting spike is removed before use. Next, you need to cut the panels to the size of the window opening using a jigsaw or assembly knife. A special foam must be applied to the wall, on which the slopes will be installed.

Drywall slopes are installed according to the same principle as plastic slopes. Before installing the slopes on the wall, it is necessary to apply a special insulation, which will provide a high level of thermal insulation.

Also watch a useful video on drywall slopes


Far from always, apartment owners know what slopes and ebbs in plastic windows are. , and consider that it is not necessary to install them. However, before drawing a conclusion, you need to understand what it is and why they are needed. The main function of these details is not only the decorative completion of windows, but also the protection of the room from moisture and drafts.

Purpose and terminology

Ebb tides are installed from the outside of the structure, slopes without tides are mounted inside the room. - this is a structure that does not allow moisture to get to the window frame or the wall of the building, for example, during rain. At low tide, the precipitation is carried away and falls to the ground.


The slope, on whatever side it is, is placed around the perimeter of the window and serves to decorative design because it helps hide mounting seams, irregularities, close the window opening after the windows are inserted. Another purpose of the design is to protect the room from noise and cold. If ebbs and slopes are not installed, it is likely that excessive moisture will enter the room through leaky seams. In the cool season, the room will not be comfortable, as warm air will quickly leave it, in addition, condensation will form on the windows, fungus and mold may appear on the walls.


And ebbs on plastic windows are not always carried out by the same company that installs the windows. Often this is done by a separate specialist or the work has to be done by the owners of the premises. Do not be afraid of this: in fact, the installation of these elements does not cause difficulty and is within the power of an amateur. However, if your apartment is high enough and you need to work outside, it is better to hire people with the appropriate equipment, because in the absence of a balcony, working at height is unsafe and requires special skills and insurance, which is not profitable to buy.

Plastic sandwich for slopes

Internal work can be safely carried out independently. The correct slope must be of the same material as window frame: this will help to avoid gaps, different reactions of materials to temperature and other external factors. Plastic is easy to use, easy to install, looks harmonious, is inexpensive, does not require complex installation and service after installation.

In order not to spend a lot of time on installation, not to think about how to properly position the insulation inside the slopes, you can purchase sandwich panels for slopes of plastic windows. This is a ready-made structure that already has polyurethane insulation inside, and it can be installed immediately, only after sealing and sealing the seam gaps.

The structure of the established slopes

How to mount correctly?

Inside you can install yourself, for this you do not need to carry out complex work to hire specialists. You can save money by doing quality work yourself.

  • Before starting the procedure, some preparation will be required, which includes cleaning the window opening from excess debris. To do this, you will need to cut off the protruding mounting foam, blow out the debris, and degrease the space. Small gaps can be sealed with sealant, if any. big holes, they are closed with cement mixture, if necessary, treat the joints with sealant. This will not only eliminate drafts, but also get rid of moisture in the space between the slope and the frame.
  • Next, you can begin to install sandwich panels for slopes of plastic windows, the price of which at first glance is somewhat higher than conventional counterparts, but if you add the price of insulation, the cost of lathing, vapor barrier and other trifles to the cost of a bare slope, the difference will not be so big. Installation of slope ebbs can take place both immediately after the installation of windows, and any time after that.

Slopes are sold in the form of long structures, you should not be afraid of this, it is enough to measure and cut off correctly in place, the material is easily sawn off hand saw. The main thing is that the parameters of the selected slope correspond to the characteristics of the window opening, not be less.

  • Installation of slopes of ebbs is carried out in a certain sequence. You need to start with the installation of ebbs, otherwise the slopes will interfere. You must first find a horizontal line: you need to do this by level, then glue the joints between the window and the frame with a special diffusion tape.
  • Ebbs are most often fixed with polyurethane foam, the excess of which is cut off after it dries, and the seams are treated with a moisture-resistant sealant. In order for the part not to fall behind and be fixed in a level position, it is pressed with something heavy for the period of foam hardening. The low tide should look down a little so that snow does not collect on it.

The installation of slopes and ebbs on plastic windows should be carried out carefully, it is important to ensure that each part is level, there are no gaps between it and the walls.

  • After the ebb is fixed, you can begin to mount the slopes. Inside, installation is carried out according to the same principle as outside, only in the case of working inside, you usually have to deal not with the ebb, but with the window sill, which is also fastened with mounting foam in the first place, then proceed to the installation of slopes.

Slopes and release in ready-made, so all that is needed is to fit the part to size. It is necessary to mount carefully so that the joints converge, and there is not a big gap. It is recommended to close the gaps with sealant, if any. Work starts with vertical elements, which are fastened with self-tapping screws, then mount the horizontal structural elements.

Mounted slopes

Ebb and flow plastic - good way protect window construction from moisture, block the wind access to the room. The insulated slope will not allow warm air get out through the windows and help in winter time make the room a few degrees warmer.

Slope - an inclined surface: 1) limits the mass of bulk material. The extremely large angle O., at which the granular body is still in equilibrium, is called the angle of natural O., depends on the composition of the granular body and its moisture content. With a high earthen structure, the lake is divided into separate parts by horizontal sections - berms;
2) O. (Fr. rideaux) in France - slopes overgrown with grass and shrubs, separating cultivated areas on the slopes of river valleys;

3) O. coastal, formed under the action of waves on the shores of seas and lakes, composed of loose ex. Cm. Washout.

Geological dictionary: in 2 volumes. - M.: Nedra. Edited by K. N. Paffengolts et al.. 1978 .


(a. slope; n. Boschung; f. talus, pente; and. talud, pendiente, bajada, declive, descenso) - an inclined surface that limits the natural. ground, excavation or embankment. O. depends on the strength of the soils under the O. and at its base, the density of the soils, the steepness and height of the O., the loads on its surface, the filtration and the position of the level groundwater. The stability of O. is calculated by Eng. methods (on a fixed sliding surface, the method of round cylindrical sliding surfaces, etc.) or on the basis of the theory of limit stress state. To assess stability, experimental studies on physical are also used. models or calculations of changes in the stress-strain state of O. rocks, taking into account eng. impacts (cutting, sinking workings, construction of structures, etc.). cp. values ​​of the angles of nature. O., folded dec. g. p., are shown in table.

Increasing the stability of the O. is achieved by flattening it, reducing the load on the edge (the upper part of the O.), regulating the water regime (developing a surface drainage system, using deep horizontal and vertical drainage), and preserving nature. and creating arts. stops in the lower parts of O. The surface of O. is fixed by sowing grasses, paving with stone, arranging concrete or reinforced concrete clothes, etc. S. B. Ukhov.

Mountain Encyclopedia. - M.: Soviet Encyclopedia. Edited by E. A. Kozlovsky. 1984-1991 .


See what "Slope" is in other dictionaries:

    Cm … Synonym dictionary

    Slope, slope, husband. 1. Sloping descent, slope, inclined surface. Hill slope. || Side surface roadbed, road embankment (railway). The car crashed downhill. 2. The same as the strut (special region). 3. Cut or cut, ... ... Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov

    SLOPE, see sloping. Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary. IN AND. Dal. 1863 1866 ... Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary

    slope- OTKOS, a, m. Absenteeism, dismissal, what l. a situation in which someone managed to avoid troubles, undesirable actions, etc.; trick to avoid trouble. slope from the armada (army). From slop… Dictionary of Russian Argo

    OTKOS, a, husband. 1. Sloping descent. O. hill. 2. Lateral inclined surface of the road embankment. Slope fastening. Let the train under about. 3. Support in the form of an inclined beam (special). | adj. sloping, th, th (to 1 and 2 values). Ozhegov's explanatory dictionary. ... ... Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

    slope- An inclined surface that is part of a soil massif or structure [Terminological dictionary for construction in 12 languages ​​(VNIIIS Gosstroy of the USSR)] Topics construction in general EN slope DE AnlaufNeigung FR pentetalus ... Technical Translator's Handbook

    slope- An inclined section of the earth's surface, the angle of inclination of which is determined by the deviation from the horizontal, and the length is determined by the slope distance between the crest of the slope and its foot. Syn.: slope; hillside … Geography Dictionary

    slope- 3.7 slope: A vertical or steeply sloping section of the earth's surface, formed as a result of relief-forming processes or human engineering and economic activities. Source … Dictionary-reference book of terms of normative and technical documentation

    Roll downhill. Razg. Unapproved Go down morally, morally. F 1, 234. Go / go downhill. 1. Unfold Change dramatically for the worse (about business, life in general). SPP 2001, 59; Mokienko 2003, 68. 2. Getting into trouble. Sergeeva ... Big dictionary of Russian sayings

    Slope- 38. Slope is an inclined part of the surface of an open mine working or an artificial embankment (dump). Depending on the type of mining equipment, the slope may be flat (dragline excavators, multi-bucket excavators), concave ... ... Official terminology


  • Nizhny Novgorod slope, Nikolai Kochin. The novel NIZHEGORODSKIY OTKOS completes the trilogy of the oldest Soviet writer about the Great October Revolution ("Gremyachaya Polyana", "Youth", "Nizhny Novgorod slope"). Here is the protagonist of the novel...