What are window sills for plastic windows. We choose a window sill. Is it worth it to isolate the mounting seam from the outside

Modern double-glazed windows for windows require the installation of appropriate accessories, and a worthy addition to them will be plastic window sills, subject to the choice of a quality option.

What can be said about plastic window sills?

Each owner of a city apartment or a country estate is both a supply manager and a craftsman, skilled in some specific profiles of household chores (or mediocre, but diligent), and a designer. That is, as far as possible, a worker of all trades. And, looking at the cracked wooden window frames, diligent host say with confidence: "It's time to change to double-glazed windows." But what about the boardwalks and the kitchen, no less cracked, having lost their aesthetic appearance? Of course, they also need to be replaced, but the boards in this case will be inappropriate. What is the way out? The ideal solution plastic window sills will become, and which ones are better - we will consider further.

However, someone, considering the proposed option, will definitely remember that plastic, unlike wood, is much easier to deform, is afraid of contact with hot objects, and burns out in the sun. That is, such a window sill board can be very short-lived. Well, this is really not a myth, and a heated iron, even with a short contact, can really leave a stain on a glossy plastic surface. But, on the other hand, there are special boards for ironing, equipped with iron stands, it is better to leave a hot kettle on the stove. It is better to put flowers on the windowsill, and when combining it with a countertop, place a laptop and books.

It would be a mistake to assume that all PVC window sills are of the same quality. If the basis, as a rule, is the same for all models, then decorative coating(Lamination) is different. There are several types of films that cover PVC window sills, and all of them have various properties, which are transferred to the processed product. In particular, there are coatings that protect against high temperatures, scratches, fading under the influence of ultraviolet rays. Next, we will review and compare the most common types of films.

Such different plastic window sills

Whatever model you choose, you will have to deal with polyvinyl chloride, or, for short, PVC. The difference between the products of certain manufacturers is only in the added plasticizers, and since the composition is not known to you, you should only be interested in quality, preferably time-tested. It is better not to take cheap products from unknown manufacturers, since, quite possibly, such plastic window sills have an insufficient amount of plasticizer and are highly brittle.

In fact, you will have a choice of two options: with wood filler and without it, only with stiffeners. And, of course, all this will be PVC. Which type do you prefer? The first one is more expensive, due to the fact that it is not produced by domestic companies and is supplied only from abroad. The second option is rigid polyvinyl chloride. And if the last one High Quality, you will not notice any difference in strength or durability. You can even choose a model that will be resistant to high temperatures, that is, such plastic window sills will not warp either under a hot iron or under a kettle.

As for the stiffeners, there is a choice here. In particular, the most common design that is used in the manufacture of cheap window sills is vertical ribs with large gaps. Reducing the number of jumpers inside the window sill allows the manufacturer to save on material, but this affects the strength properties. Higher quality models are equipped big amount stiffening ribs, they are more expensive, but much more reliable and durable, because they do not deform under external loads. This is how many are made. plastic slopes and window sills.

The option has high strength, the stiffeners of which are not located vertically, but at an angle, with teeth. Connecting with each other, they form a series of triangular cells, due to which any surface deformations are completely excluded. Strength also depends on the thickness of the window sill, since the higher the stiffeners, the less resistant they are to loads, especially to sharp mechanical influences. However, just the corner jumpers are an exception, forming an extremely stable structure.

Choosing plastic window sills

So, having carefully considered the design options, let's move on to external coatings window sill boards. As already mentioned, they are divided into several classes, conditionally they can be called Economy, Classic and Elite, with the appropriate quality of the finishing film. The first option is the most common, in this case, a film of the same PVC is glued onto the base cast from polyvinyl chloride. Cheap and quite reliable, if you do not expect such a window sill to be resistant to scratches and hot irons. The coating protects against moisture, ultraviolet radiation, light impacts, withstands impact detergents. The maximum temperature that such a product can withstand is a mug of hot tea or coffee. Even cigarette ashes can leave an indelible mark.

The second option occupies the middle price position of the three listed, the coating on such models is more reliable, since it is a melamine film (CPL). Such already quite steadfastly and without consequences withstand even a smoldering cigarette that has fallen to the surface, even with a significant mechanical impact, scratches do not remain. What is most interesting, this class of coating is self-extinguishing, that is, it will not give food for fire in case of accidental direct contact with fire, for example, with a burning match that has fallen on the windowsill. And, of course, the film is not afraid of household chemicals, especially detergents.

The Elite class includes plastic window sills covered with a film based on melamine resin, but more high level quality, which is one of the latest achievements modern technologies. As a coating, VPL film, or Elesgo, produced in Germany, is used. The first gives the window sill complete moisture and vapor impermeability, resistance to any temperature fluctuations, and prolonged exposure to ultraviolet radiation. This is not to mention the exceptional resistance to mechanical damage, whether it be scratches or chips. The second, among other things, provides antistatic surface, while being an environmentally friendly material.

Any type of lamination has its own service life, which depends on the quality of the coating (it also affects the price), and it is better to choose the most durable models without looking back at the cost, or choose the golden mean.

The films that cover the PVC base are given a certain color and texture even in the process of their production. In the future, laminated window sills also become glossy or matte, acquire any color, including those that imitate wood stains. By the way, these models look great with wooden frames. Elite films often have a silky touch surface, which indicates the quality of the coating.

Let's try to understand the features of each of these materials, go through their advantages and disadvantages and find out which one is better to choose a window sill for your plastic windows. Shall we start?

Types of window sills

First of all, they are distinguished by the material from which they are made. All of them, to one degree or another, are on the market and are constantly offered by window installers.

So, they are:

  • PVC (plastic window sills);
  • From solid wood;
  • From natural stone;
  • Made of artificial stone (acrylic or agglomerate).

Well, let's start in detail about each.

Plastic window sills

Today on modern market you can easily find plastic window sills presented to the potential

This type is perhaps the most common, because there are many options for plastic window sills, both in color and in texture, shape, and manufacturer.

Why are they so popular?


  • Easy to install window sill;
  • Do not need careful care;
  • Have a perfect flat surface without flaws;
  • Do not fade under the influence of sunlight;
  • Large selection of shapes, colors, textures;
  • Durability;

However, there are a number of practical drawbacks that must be considered before buying.


  • Low thermal stability. If you put a hot object on them, this will lead to deformation or staining;
  • Low maintainability. If dents, cut marks or a crack appear on the windowsill due to any reason, then it is almost impossible to fix it.

It is PVC window sills that are most often offered by companies that sell and install plastic windows.

note on the structure of the windowsill chambers - they should not be too thin, and there should not be a wide distance between the walls, because it is the structure of the chambers that ensures the final strength of the surface as a whole.

Do not be shy and test the strength of the window sill by pressing on it. Sooner or later you will have to stand on it to wash the window or hang the curtain and you must be sure that it does not deform under you.

In general, plastic window sills are a good choice for those who are used to not spending a lot of time cleaning, and for those who prioritize practicality.

Also, the question often arises - how to choose the color of the window sill. It is worth noting that in most cases they use the classic white color, because this design is suitable for any interior. You can also choose window sills painted to look like wood or stone, but then you should already take into account the design features of the room.

Wooden window sills

Window sills made of solid wood will serve as an excellent addition to the interior of any room.
Yes, some breeds can be very expensive, but there are worthy alternatives. For example, beech. It is cheaper than oak, but much stronger than pine or alder.

Let's look at advantages of such surfaces:

  • Durability;
  • Tactile warmth - they are very pleasant to the touch;
  • Strength. Due to the solid structure, such window sills are considered an order of magnitude stronger than plastic counterparts.
  • Fits perfectly into the interior, looks expensive and elegant.
  • The window sill can be painted in any color, also give correct form at will.

The disadvantages include the following:

  • Conditional moisture resistance. If the window sill is made with high quality, it is initially impregnated with a hydrophobic mixture, and also opened with two layers of varnish. Cheap options are varnished only once and, with the slightest damage to the top layer, they begin to gain moisture;
  • Care. As with any wooden surfaces, here you need special treatment and more or less regular care.
  • Average resistance to mechanical stress. It is quite easy to leave a scratch or dent on them (depending on the type of wood).
  • High cost. Window sills made of mahogany, oak, tropical species - look cool, but are prohibitively expensive.

To ensure permanent beautiful view such a window sill, you will need to regularly wipe it with a dry cloth and special wood care mixtures.

Also, when choosing a wooden surface, you should pay attention to possible flaws, which, unfortunately, are a frequent occurrence and can spoil the whole look of the window sill.

For example, preselect better side wood, so that it subsequently becomes the front. This is especially true of knotty textures, which are found in the manufacture of surfaces from rocks of classes B and C.

If you are afraid that the edges of the window sill will be damaged during installation, then you can ask the craftsmen to leave them straight (without facets or edges), and bring them to mind after installation.

Window sills made of natural or artificial stone.

Stone window sills have the highest rates of strength and durability.

Of course, they have a price, because they guarantee durability and beauty for many years.


  • Strong, durable;
  • Heat resistant and water resistant;
  • Do not fade;
  • Artificial stone (especially acrylic) is easy to restore if damaged;
  • Look cool and good;
  • A wide selection of colors and types of window sills on sale.


  • Big weight. Window sills made of natural stone are very heavy, unlike artificial ones;
  • Low maintainability (for natural stone);
  • Susceptible to;
  • Very expensive (in the cost of materials, installation, repair).

It is worth noting that fake diamond slightly lighter and more practical to use than natural. It also has a wide variety of textures, shapes and colors. Such window sills are environmentally friendly, which cannot be said about natural stone, which must necessarily pass a radiological examination.

Therefore, it is worth considering carefully which of these materials is better to choose.

Window sill-tabletop

They come from any of the materials that we have already discussed above.

The idea with a window sill-countertop is perfect option for those who don't have much square meters in the room.

This surface can be used as a table or workplace in the kitchen.

The pros here are:

  • Space saving
  • Versatility

There are only two cons:

  • Such a window sill will be constantly filled with something;
  • If you decide to put a sink at the kitchen window, behind (or above) which there will be a window sill, then drops of water and dirt will remain on it.

Gloss or mat?

When buying a window sill, you will end up with a choice - matte or glossy?

From a practical point of view, caring for a matte window sill is a little easier than a glossy one.

On a glossy surface, any stains are clearly visible due to the fact that the gloss reflects and contrasts with a dirty surface. Such a window sill certainly looks beautiful, but this applies to those cases when it is well washed. The matte surface does not get dirty so quickly, so it is easier to use and maintain.

Another important point. Condensation on windows is a common problem. But strangely enough, this comes from the wrong choice of the length and width of the window sill. After all, as a rule, a battery is placed under the windowsill.

If the window sill protrudes above it and “covers” it, then condensation can be seen on the windows. In order to prevent this from happening, it is worth making sure that the window sill does not cover the battery. But there is also Alternative option- installation of ventilation grilles on the windowsill. In the photo you can see the trajectory of the movement warm air.

The choice of a window sill should be taken responsibly, because negligence in this matter can cause discomfort during use, as well as unnecessary trouble for the owners. Please pay attention before buying Special attention not only on the description of the product or the manufacturer, but also on customer reviews.

We hope our information was useful and will help you choose the perfect window sill for your apartment.

Whichever window sill you choose, you will still encounter both pluses and minuses. Unless some will be more, others less. Technology does not stand still. Keep up with the times and specialists developing various kinds window sills and responsible for all elements of the window system.

Which window sill to choose - sometimes it is easier to answer this question by playing the game "stone, scissors, paper" with your inner self. The fact is that the current window sills of all kinds are quite durable, moisture resistant, not afraid of sunlight and detergents. But there are clear differences. So, a window sill is definitely needed. And, above all, to preserve heat (preventing the leakage of warm air from the room), as well as to protect against drafts and cold air from the street.
Recommended!! More than 600 types of window sills in stock with delivery in Moscow and the Region - VsePodokonniki.ru (delivery to the regions is possible)

Thanks to the window sill, the thickness of the warm air gap near the window, which is important. Many find convenience in being able to set up flower pots. From a technical point of view, we immediately get convenience, sound insulation and durability. For those who have long dreamed of wider window sills, there is also the opportunity to transform such a window element into a closet, countertop, book shelf or children's corner!

The choice of window sills is quite large, you just need to let your imagination run wild. Well, if there are two types of window sills - monomaterial (these include wooden, marble, granite, artificial stone) and composite (polyvinyl chloride, chipboard, MDF), you can safely choose exactly what you need. In order to know how to choose a window sill, you need to understand the materials of which they are composed as best as possible. After all, not all products lend themselves to the same processing and consist of the same elements. This means that their inherent qualities are different.

So, what are window sills? Let's start with natural wood.Window sills from this environmentally friendly pure material appreciated always and everywhere. Such window sills can be made of wood various breeds. For example, you can choose beech, ash, oak, mahogany, chestnut or, if you prefer, pine. Given the processing of wood, such a window sill is not too afraid of moisture and retains environmentally friendly material for the health of your loved ones.

For those who prefer the cheapest option in terms of price, it is better to stop at pine. For those who are chasing the most expensive purchase, it is better to choose cherries. Beech, ash, oak are no less in demand. Do not worry, because all such window sills usually last a long time and cost much less than new materials. At the same time, they are perfectly combined with various interior items.

But keep in mind, in order not to have problems in the future, you should find out how this material was transported, how it was dried, what year the forest was cut down, and what materials it was processed. Keep in mind that oak tolerates a nearby heating system better than others. Most quality material cherry, ash and mahogany are considered. True, such window sills must be varnished or gelled.

Is it important for you that the material withstands high temperatures and does not lose its basic qualities? Then you can choose chipboard and MDF window sills made of chipboard and medium density fibreboard. These products are made from waterproof materials. Moreover, they do not need special care. By the way, many people order such window sills for themselves, choosing the tone “under the stone” or “under natural wood”.

And for special "gourmets" you can choose various options color solution. Such a purchase will affect your wallet less than window sills made of natural material. As practice shows, it is possible to wash such products calmly. True, you need to start cleaning very carefully, otherwise you risk breaking protective covering, and your product will swell and deform. Experts also advise when installing a window sill to process the edges of the product silicone sealant(so that the bundle does not go).

What to do for those who like more " standard windows"? The fact is that most of our citizens prefers to establish PVC profiles. And they have their own good reasons for this: such window sills are not afraid of sunlight, temperature changes (they are not afraid of fluctuations from minus 30 degrees to plus 60), hold moisture well, are fire resistant and durable. At the same time, the prices for such material are low, plus the colors allow you to choose exactly what you like.

Well, do not forget that these products are durable (manufacturers give up to 10 years warranty), fire resistant and have solid construction, which is important if you plan to stand on them yourself or put plants in large flower pots on the windowsill. This window sill is “friends” with ultraviolet light. It has protection in the form of a layer of glossy or lacquer coating applied over the material.

Anyone who needs to experiment with sizes can safely stop at just such products. After all, they can be ordered up to 6000 mm long and up to 600 mm wide (usually 18-22 mm thick). In addition, the specifics of the installation is such that the window sill can be cut to order directly at your home. Another plus of such window sills is that they are easy to install (in just an hour or two when using). It is easy to wash them (just keep in mind that this cannot be done with abrasive products).

Natural and artificial stone are also not far behind. And quite often these materials are used both in private homes and ordinary apartments. So, marble, onyx, and also granite are especially in demand with us. This is enough expensive pleasure, but the product will last a long time, and appearance not only will not disappoint, but will pleasantly surprise everyone.

Marble can be of different shades. But onyx transmits light. This quality of the stone can be used as room lighting. Just do not rush to take the first thing you see. When ordering, pay attention to the color of your stone - sometimes a stone of the same breed has a different color, which means that window sills in the same room can turn out to be different. And this will agree, it will not be very pleasant and aesthetically pleasing.

Experts advise to be careful with possible damage to the stone - veins on the stone can "hint" to the problem (the more veins, the more likely it is to crack).

When ordering granite, for example, there is one more nuance. This stone has the ability to accumulate radiation, which means it can harm your household. Therefore, make sure which safety class you bought the material (should be only 1st). But even if you have taken into account all the details, then be careful. Colored and acidic liquids should not be spilled on the marble window sill. So, coffee, tea or wine will leave clearly visible stains. It will be quite difficult to get them out, believe me.

And if you do not want to change the window sill to a new one, try to check the presence of liquids on it. But that's not all. When working with stone, there is a risk of scratches and cracks. But this is to be expected from any stone. Well, it didn’t work out for you with a natural stone, take an artificial one. This is also a fairly durable material (and it is created from a mineral filler and polymer resin). With the help of dyes, you can always get different shades and drawings (for example, it is now common among buyers).

If you are still in doubt, we will add that this product is heat-resistant and durable. It, we assure you, is not afraid of cracks and stains (and does not paint from spilled liquid!), And does not darken yet. The price of products made of artificial stone is much lower than that of natural stone. Such window sills can be safely washed with soapy water and not worry about it!

How not to lose the window sill and choose what you need? And after you have bought, how not to spoil the product? A few tips from knowledgeable people won't interfere.

  1. Often the customer is more worried about the amount of money spent than about the availability of certificates and documents. Nevertheless, when buying window sills, it will not be superfluous to make sure that the products comply with the existing state standards, and also have a state standard quality certificate (they are issued, remember this, indicating sanitary and epidemiological standards).
  2. When deciding which window sills to choose, pay attention to the susceptibility of the material to moisture and the appearance of condensation, the influence of sunlight and the appearance of yellowness (many window sills are covered with special protective materials, protecting them from UV radiation), surface treatment with chemical materials, the possibility of microbial growth and fungi (they appear in rooms with high humidity).
  3. It is better to clean window sills with detergents that do not contain chlorine. Marble is more fragile than granite. It is better not to put on marble window sills heavy objects and don't spill drinks. Glass window sills are now also in vogue, but you should consult with a specialist in advance, who will tell you what thickness you need to choose a glass product. This will do you good!
  4. Don't be too lazy to learn about new products. Options now available include window sills made up of marble, polyester resin and quartz sand or granite. Such products, although they will look like marble, will cost less. So, which window sill to choose will depend only on you. And which better window sill- this, after reading the article, only you can say. Or are you still thinking?

Which window sills to choose for PVC windows is such a question that customers of window companies face when ordering new windows. As a rule, the supplier is ready to provide several options for slopes and window sills, which differ in design, materials and price. The choice will always be based on a compromise between cost and quality, so keep your overall budget in mind when deciding which type of window sill is best.

The choice of a window sill for a plastic window begins with materials. For the most part, suppliers offer all the types described below for plastic windows:

  • window sill made of plastic (PVC);
  • from solid wood;
  • from natural stone;
  • from acrylic.

Plastic window sills

Plastic models for PVC windows are chosen most often - they go well with the plastic texture of the window itself. If the frame has a color film imitating some texture, it is also applied to plastic window sill.

Popularity plastic types due not only to a wide choice of design, but also to other advantages:

  • simplicity and low cost of production;
  • ease of installation;
  • absence high demands to care;
  • perfectly smooth surface without flaws;
  • color fastness to UV radiation (does not fade or turn yellow);
  • durability;
  • no need for painting.

To do right choice, you need to know not only about the advantages, but also about the disadvantages. Among the cons plastic structures low thermal stability (you can not put hot objects on the surface, otherwise it will melt) and low maintainability (if there are dents, chips and cracks, nothing can be done). Knowing in advance which weak sides This species has it, you can be extra careful and keep it in its original form for many years.

Plastic models also need to be able to choose. What types of plastic structures exist? The main difference lies in quality. Cameras should not be too thin, welcome minimum distance between the walls - it is the structure of the chambers that is responsible for the strength of the entire structure. Press down on the show piece (if any) to make sure it doesn't crack or buckle.

Choosing a plastic window sill is recommended for those who appreciate practicality, do not like to clean up a lot or regularly update the painting. It is also suitable for lovers bright colors and unusual textures - there is the possibility of stylization under stone and wood.

Wooden window sills

In second place after plastic in popularity are wooden models. The choice of a wooden window sill must be made according to several criteria - wood, dimensions, thickness, color. Oak planks the most durable, but also the most expensive. Pine and alder are cheaper, but too soft, but beech is quite suitable for such purposes. This type of wood is strong enough to resist mechanical damage, looks good, can be tinted and is inexpensive.

What are the advantages of wooden models:

  • pleasant tactile sensations, pleasure from contact with living material;
  • durability;
  • strength - have a solid structure, withstand big weight, are subject to restoration in the event of scratches, chips, color imperfections;
  • elegance - wooden ceilings look good in any interior;
  • wide choice of colors - wood can be painted.

Let's complicate the choice a little - we'll talk about what the material has disadvantages. The first is low moisture resistance. It is increased with the help of hydrophobic mixtures, however, with insufficient processing, the tree will absorb moisture from the air. The second is care. wooden surfaces require certain funds for regular maintenance, and the coating needs to be updated from time to time. The third is the average resistance to mechanical damage (if you choose soft varieties wood, you may encounter dents and scratches). And last but not least, the price is high - these types of window sills for plastic windows are quite expensive.

When making a choice in the direction of wood, pay attention to the class of wood (B and C will not work due to a large number knots), give preference hard rock, pay attention to flaws and chips. If you wish and are able to bring the surface to mind on your own, order the installation of an unfinished straight window sill without facets or edges.

stone window sills

The main advantage that stone window sills have is strength and durability. They are practically not subject to wear, dents from careless handling do not form on them, they do not need to be regularly covered with varnishes and paints. Consumers make a choice towards stone because of the following advantages:

  • high resistance to temperature and moisture;
  • stylish and solid appearance;
  • a wide selection of colors and textures.

Of the minuses, we denote a large weight, susceptibility to chips and low maintainability - if something has broken off, then it will be difficult to return the former appearance of the surface. Still such models of the road at all stages - production, delivery, installation. They are suitable for those who appreciate natural materials and focuses on design.

In addition to natural stone, there is also artificial (for example, acrylic). It is lighter, cheaper and easily repaired if damaged. The material is distinguished by a wide variety of textures, shapes and colors. The difference can only be understood upon close examination.

Window sill in the form of a tabletop

It can be made from any material that has been described above. His idea is to combine a window sill surface with a table to save space in a room or create an additional workplace in the kitchen. In this case, the material is selected depending on how the surface will be used in the future. Natural or artificial stone is useful in the kitchen, wood or plastic will look good in the room. If a sink is to be installed in the countertop by the window, it must be sufficiently thick, durable and resistant to moisture.

Designs and textures

The consumer has a choice between matte and glossy textures. The gloss looks spectacular, but dirt, dust and stains are very clearly visible on it. The matte surface is less dirty and easy to clean, but loses in terms of aesthetic characteristics.

To avoid condensation on the windows, it is important to choose the right length / width of the board and its location relative to the battery - if it protrudes above the battery, condensation will appear on the windows. Design the window sill so that it does not cover the battery, or install ventilation grill for unimpeded circulation of warm air.

We hope this material has helped you understand which window sill to choose for plastic windows. By comparing all the pros and cons, you can make the best decision for your interior.

Anton Tsugunov

Reading time: 8 minutes

Windowsill - important element interior. It completes the window opening, serves as a shelf and even a seat. Consider the best window sills for plastic windows, the rules for choosing them.

Often the window sill bears the main decorative load. Especially if the room is small or there are lush flowers, books, vases, photographs on the window sill.

Appointment of window sills

To choose a good window sill, you need to take into account its properties and specifications. This element of the interior performs several useful functions at once:

  • Protective. A properly installed window sill provides additional protection from the penetration of cold and moisture into the room.
  • Functional. IN small rooms(kitchen, bathroom, bedroom) this element can serve as a table or work surface. In the office on the window sill there are often books, folders with documents. And in living rooms, it is sometimes used as a bench.
  • Binder. The product can complement the space of the table, serve as a transitional element between pieces of furniture.
  • Decorative. At good choice color and material, the window sill becomes a decoration of the room.

Types of window sills

Window sills are:

  • plastic;
  • wooden;
  • composite;
  • from natural or artificial stone.


When replacing wooden windows the owners often choose a plastic window sill. When you weigh all the pros and cons, this seems like a very reasonable choice.

Same specifications with window material ( chemical composition, coefficients of expansion and resistance to temperature influences).

Environmental friendliness. Quality Models do not contain formaldehydes, lead stabilizers, which makes them safe for humans and completely recyclable.

Same care: one PVC cleaner can be used during cleaning.

Light weight.

Price range: 80–540 rubles/p. m with a web thickness of 100 mm.

Acrylic coating makes the window sill more resistant to high temperature and minor damage.

Strength provided by a system of internal ribs.

Aesthetics: harmonious combination with glass material. Laminate coating can imitate wood or stone.

Single service life (30–50 years)

Restrictions on the ability to withstand the load.

Absence acrylic coating degrades resistance to high temperatures.

Risk of deformation under mechanical or thermal stress.

Cheap models contain formaldehyde, the fumes of which are harmful to health.

Matte models have rough surfaces that accumulate dirt and dust

Experts advise choosing models of plastic window sills with a price of 250 rubles / p. m with a web thickness of 150 mm. The technology of their production excludes the addition of additives harmful to humans.

Parameters affecting the price:

  • The cost of the pigment included in the product. Titanium oxide is used for the production of expensive models. This pigment maintains the whiteness of the window sill for 10 years. Cheaper models easily absorb dust, acquiring a yellowish tint, colored ones fade over time, creating a unkempt effect.
  • Coating quality. Brands Moller, Danke use compounds that prevent mechanical damage (scratches, abrasion) and deformations when exposed to high temperatures.

A standard PVC sheet for the manufacture of a window sill has the following dimensions:

  1. Length - 4050–6000 mm.
  2. Width - 100-600 mm with a step of 50 mm. A product with dimensions of 600-1000 mm with a step of 100 mm is considered wide.
  3. Thickness - 18–22 mm. With an increase in this parameter, strength and resistance to mechanical stress increase.

Cloths of this length are purchased by construction companies and firms. For specific projects, installers cut window sills on their own required dimensions. It is possible to produce PVC sheets according to individual orders for old-plan houses or country cottages.

Composite (MDF, chipboard)

Well-pressed chipboards form the basis of chipboard window sills. As a rule, they are covered with a thick laminating film. It gives resistance to chemical agents, temperature and mechanical influences. Any colors and textures, inserts, inserts can be used.

Fibreboards, firmly bonded with safer and more environmentally friendly compounds (lignin, paraffin), form the basis of MDF window sills. They are 2 times more resistant to mechanical stress than chipboard products. Besides, MDF boards moisture resistant, they can be installed in the bathroom.

The surface is laminated or covered with a thin natural wood veneer, which makes them look like wood.

Excellent characteristics (long service life, moisture resistance, strength, resistance to drugs household chemicals) have window sills of the German brand Verzalit. They are made from wood shavings pressed under high pressure with polymer resins.


Beautiful window sills made of a solid array of dried wood testify to the good taste of the owner. They are made from:

  • pines, larches (price - 2500–2800 rubles / m²);
  • oak, ash, beech (price - from 4500 rubles / m² with a web thickness of 40 mm);
  • elite breeds (ebony, mahogany).

A solid array can be replaced by separate bars, tightly glued together.

But such products need regular care. Before the manufacture of window sills, the array is impregnated with an antiseptic to prevent destruction. The texture and color of natural wood are preserved thanks to a layer of oil (mastic, varnish). And this surface layer needs to be updated (once every 1–1.5 years).

On sale you can find wooden window sills with these dimensions:

  1. The length of the canvas is from 15 cm, the width is up to 1 m.
  2. The length of the canvas is from 70 cm, the width is up to 3 m.

Very durable, resistant to all types of influences (mechanical, chemical, biological), have absolute moisture resistance, fire resistance. They are based on mineral fillers and polymer resins.

Dyes create a rich color scheme, you can give the product any shape, which opens up scope for design solutions. On such a hard surface, you can securely fix / install any device (fan, vise). And the scratches that appear are easily eliminated by grinding.

There are also disadvantages. Only specialists can mount products. For reliable fastening of such models, brackets that can withstand heavy loads are required. A high price(3,500–8,000 rubles/p. m.) does not allow classifying products as a budget product segment.

There are 2 options for window sills made of artificial stone:

  • Made from acrylic composite. The finely dispersed filler of marble, granite or quartz chips is compacted and bound with an acrylic mixture. In the manufacture of hardeners, pigments and other substances are added to the bulk. Additives increase the hardness and toughness of the material. New properties reduce the chance of chipping.
  • From quartz stone. Quartz chips, which make up 90–95% of the mass of the product, are bound with polyester resins. Technological process provides for the addition of mineral coloring pigments (iron compounds, red lead, ocher). Such a window sill is heavier and denser, but the risk of chipping increases.

From natural stone

Granite, marble or onyx are used for natural stone window sills. Such plates are well polished, have beautiful texture and intricate drawing. But due to difficulties in production (possible internal voids in the stone), they are not cheap (up to 4,000 rubles per linear meter with a web thickness of 20–30 mm).

Window sills from natural stone not resistant to surface damage: they are easily scratched. And the deep scratches that stand out on the stone are extremely difficult to remove. It will take 2-4 people to transport and install the stove.

Which window sills are better: glossy or matte?

Choosing between glossy or matte finish plastic, you need to remember the main features of these surfaces. The regularity of cleaning and the general appearance will depend on them.

  • Texture. shiny glossy surfaces well reflect the light, creating the illusion of an intense light flux and increasing the illumination of the apartment.
  • Resistance to aggressive influences. Matte surfaces turn yellow from prolonged exposure to direct sunlight, the chemical agents of detergents destroy the stove over time.
  • Aesthetics. Any contamination or mechanical damage (scratch) is clearly visible on the glossy finish. The rough matte surface lasts a long time without cleaning.
  • Care: wipe the glossy window sill with a damp soft cloth. For matte surfaces, you can not do without detergents.
  • Compatibility with slopes. If the slopes are made of glossy plastic sandwich panels, the same glossy window sill will look good with them.

Window sill and condensation on the windows: where is the connection?

Dense wooden window sills accumulate moisture and, even if all installation rules are followed, can provoke condensation. But the stone ones will play the role of a kind of heater: they will warm up themselves and contribute to the uniform heating of the window opening.

Condensation can form on windows if the window sill is too wide. can be done in two ways:

  • The window sill should not overlap more than half the width of the radiator located under the window. Warm air currents will be able to rise up to the glass without obstacles.
  • With a large width of the window sill, gratings cut into it will become the exit, which will direct warm air flows to the double-glazed window.

But still, which window sill is better?
