How to expand the window sill - ideas and tips. How to make a wide window sill. Personal experience Increasing a plastic window sill with your own hands

The most obvious idea for a window sill is to transform it into a cozy lounge area. Just imagine: after a tiring working day, sit down on a soft sofa by the window, wrap yourself in a blanket, immerse yourself in your thoughts, enjoy the rain or falling snow ... Beauty!

The main thing is that such a lounge area can appear in any room of your house (where there is a window, of course): in the bedroom, in the living room, and in the kitchen. Yes, and making it as easy as shelling pears: put a few decorative pillows on the windowsill and consider that the mini-sofa is ready. An important condition: the height of such a window sill should not be more than 50 cm from the floor, and the width should not be less than 60 cm.

(all photos enlarge by clicking)

2. Reading nook

In continuation of the previous paragraph: on your "soft" window sill, you can equip a reading corner. Place a small bookshelf nearby and hang a pretty sconce for evening reading on the wall (the sconce can be replaced with a floor lamp).

And if there is no battery under the windowsill, then free space can be completely filled with books - another mini-library will appear in your house.

3. Comfortable workplace

Of course, the window sill can become your full-fledged workplace. However, sitting behind an ordinary window sill is not very convenient: your legs will rest against a cold wall or a hot battery. Therefore, the first thing you should do is figure out how to increase the working space. There are two main options: either expand the window sill itself, or substitute a small table of the same width and height for it.

By the way, the tabletop can be transformable: the continuation of the window sill will rise and fall. It is necessary to make a report - they raised the table, completed it - removed the table. And on the windowsill itself there will be books, stationery and papers. We think this is a great idea for a small apartment. And don't forget to add a comfortable chair and table lamp to your makeshift office.

4. Bar counter

Always dreamed of a bar counter in the kitchen, but were well aware that there was nowhere to put it? What about a window sill? It can be turned into a comfortable dining table for two people. Just buy two bar stools and enjoy the morning view from the window!

In addition, this idea will appeal to those in whose apartments the window sills are too high, it is simply impossible to convert them into a lounge area or a desk.

5. Chest of drawers

There is a lot of free space under your wide windowsill, but you do not know how to use this space? Then let the window sill become the base for the chest of drawers. Of course, this idea is only useful to you if there is no battery under the window. However, there you can make ventilation hatches and store next to the battery those things that are not afraid of heat and dryness. This is another great idea for small footage.

6. Dressing table

Girls, just imagine: bright sunlight, a mirror in an openwork frame, a suitcase with cosmetics, a comfortable ottoman, many, many cute little things ... Oh, the dream of every girl is a personal dressing table for cosmetics, jewelry and perfume. Unfortunately, not all women's bedrooms have it: not because it is not needed, but because there is no space in the bedroom.

Maybe your window sill will become your boudoir? It seems to us that it will be very convenient and pleasant for him to take care of himself or get ready for a date.

7. House for a cat or dog

If you don't want to turn the window sill into a warm and soft lounge area for yourself, then give this place to your cat. Lay a small fluffy mattress (an old sweater, a blanket, a blanket) or fix a special upholstered shelf on the windowsill. We are sure that your pet will be delighted with his new bed.

And if a dog lives in your house, then for it you can equip a house not on the windowsill, but under it. There your dog will be warm and cozy.

Very often in life there is a need to increase the window sill. The reason for the need to increase the window sill very often becomes an increase in the width of the bearing walls.

In order to save money, you can perform this action yourself.

How wide should the window sill be??

When installing a plastic window sill, it must be remembered that it should not interfere with the rise of warm air. That is why it is necessary to correctly calculate its width.

The permissible protrusion of the window sill should not exceed 50-70 millimeters. If the protrusion of the window sill is larger, then it will overlap the window sill, which will negatively affect air circulation.

Under the window itself, it is necessary to bring approximately 20 millimeters of the window sill. This fact must also be taken into account when calculating its length.

The width of the window sill directly depends on the width of the load-bearing wall. For example, if the width of the load-bearing wall is 50 centimeters, then it is necessary to add its plant under the window and ledge to the width of the window sill.

That is, with a bearing wall width of 50 centimeters, the width of the plastic window sill will be 57-59 centimeters.

Flowers are an original design solution for any room. Most often they are placed on the windowsills.

If the window sill is narrow and it is impossible to place flowers on it, then it is necessary to expand it. It is quite simple to do this, which allows the user to perform this action independently.

To expand the window sill, it is necessary to make a wooden beam, the width of which will be equal to 100 millimeters.

Four holes must be drilled in the front edge of the window sill, the diameter of which will be 12 millimeters. It is also necessary to drill appropriate holes in the beam at the same distance.

This requires pre-drilling 2mm holes. At the same time, the nail heads should be hidden under the window sill so as not to spoil the aesthetic appearance of the window.

In order to simplify the task of mounting the beam on metal rods, it is necessary to clean the holes from dust. For this purpose, a special brush is used.

In order to save space in the room, you can make a countertop from the windowsill. This countertop can be widely used in the kitchen, bedroom or office.

Initially, it is necessary to make measurements of the window sill, which will be used to make the countertop. In this case, the height of the countertop must fully correspond to the height of the window sill.

The far edge of the tabletop must be attached to the support profile, and the near one will rest against two specially made cabinets.

When installing the cabinet, it is imperative to align it vertically. It must completely coincide with the plane of the window sill. It is best to order cabinets for this, which will have adjustable legs.

After installing the cabinets, it is necessary to make a base for the countertop. For this purpose, you can use plywood, the thickness of which is at least 12 millimeters.

To protect the countertop from swelling, it is necessary to choose moisture-resistant plywood. The base for the future countertop is cut out in accordance with its configuration. For this purpose, a jigsaw.

The final step in installing the countertop is placing the plywood on the cabinets. Other materials can be used as countertops, but they will be much more difficult to process to the shape of the countertop.

At the same time, they are much stronger and more reliable than plywood.

And also watch a video on how to make a countertop from a window sill:

It often happens that in panel houses the window sills are so narrow that you can’t even put flower pots on them. Only small cups with seedlings, nothing more. There is no way to place a large flower in a tub, alas. Today I offer three options for how to expand the window sill with wooden lining.

What is a window sill: it is a horizontal element of the window, located below the frame. In modern design, window sills are of great functional importance. They are made wide to allow the placement of certain objects and even places of rest on them.

Attaching an additional board

This mounting option is convenient in that the board can be taken in any width. Such a board is fastened with a clamping bar. How the mount is implemented can be seen in the photo.

A quarter is selected from the bar-beam, then it is fastened with screws to the main window sill, after which a new wide board is placed on top of everything. The board, in turn, is fixed with furniture screws through a bar-beam.

It turns out that such a wide window sill, on which you can place many pots of flowers or seedlings.

Building a window sill with an additional board

In this case, holes for dowels are drilled in the pre-cut edges of the window sill in increments of 20 cm. Then glued dowels are inserted into the holes.

In the same way, counter holes are marked and drilled in an additional board. Next, glue the protruding parts of the dowels and the entire side surface of the boards with glue, after which the boards are tightly adjusted.

Retractable countertop - window sill

A chrome-plated bolt secures the table top to the window sill. To ensure the rotation of the table, washers are placed under the bolt, and the left corner of the tabletop is also rounded.

Such a table has three points of support: two legs on wheels and a bolt attachment point. If you need to open the window, then the table is simply turned to the side.

Now everyone is chasing plastic window sills and windows, but fashion can pass, but wood will always be in price. In addition, air does not penetrate through the plastic at all, the room does not breathe.

Ideas for natural window sills

In conclusion, I want to show you two ideas for natural window sills that I really liked.

Therefore, think about whether it is worth clogging the cottage with plastic, is it not better to make the windows wooden, and the window sills too. All the best!

Today there is in every house and in every apartment. A modern window sill is a multifunctional device that, firstly, pleases the owners with the aesthetic appearance of the window, and secondly, plays the role of an additional place where you can store a variety of items. The second function is especially popular among modern consumers, because if you leave your car keys, wallet or any other important thing on the windowsill, you can easily find it there. However, most people, and especially housewives, use window sills as a breeding space. indoor plants and flowers. This process implies window sills considerable width, however, even the widest window sills may sometimes not be enough for a large number of flower pots. How to enlarge the window sill with your own hands, described below.

Extension wooden window sill

If the window sills in your home are made of wood, they can be expanded to the desired size using the materials at hand and our advice.

First you need to prepare a hardwood board. The board must be completely dry and free of cracks. If necessary, the board is adjusted to the desired size using a jigsaw or an ordinary saw. The edges of the board should be sanded and leveled.

Next, stock up on metal parts in the form of corners that will be used as brackets. The thickness of the board must match the thickness of the wooden window sill. The dimensions of the brackets should be selected in accordance with the parameters of the window sill, while taking into account that several screws or self-tapping screws will be screwed into the board. You should mark the place of the bend in advance and drill holes in the corners in the appropriate places. Of course, the joint of the bracket would be best welded together using a welding machine, but not every amateur craftsman has one with him. After the board and brackets are ready, you should firmly and securely fasten them. The bracket is screwed to the window sill and the wall, and the board, in turn, to the bracket. All parts of the new design must be perfectly matched to each other. Only in this case, the new window sill will be really reliable and able to withstand significant loads.

If you are not sure if the support that the bracket can provide is enough, you should modify the board. A special comb is cut out on its end side, and a corresponding groove is cut at the junction with the window sill. When assembling the structure, the comb is inserted into the groove, which makes it possible to give the window sill additional rigidity and strength. Also in this assembly option, you can use wood glue.

How enlarge stone window sill, concrete or plastic

If the extension wood window sill possible with only an additional board, then in the case of stone window sills, concrete or plastic It is not that simple.

Here the option with an additional element is not very suitable. If the width stone or plastic window sill It is not enough for you, it is recommended to simply replace it with a wider one. To do this, you need to remove the old window sill, prepare a place for installation and fix the new one.

Plastic slopes are easy to disassemble, after which it is easy to access pvc window sill. If the slopes are plastered, the window sill will have to be knocked out. Especially if it is made of stone or concrete.

Next, you should clean and prepare the place for installing the future window sill: remove the protruding parts, get rid of debris and prepare a new window sill. Do not forget about the accuracy and clarity in the markup. If at the time of installation it suddenly turns out that the new window sill does not quite fit, the work may be delayed. If the dimensions are exactly the same, you should install a new window sill in an empty place, and then fix it from below with wooden bars. This option is well suited for plastic window sills. Any load is placed on top, after which all the free space under the window sill is filled with mounting foam.

In the case of window sills made of natural or artificial stone, as well as concrete, installation work becomes more complicated, since such window sills are of considerable weight. To install them, it is necessary to use a cement mortar, and in some cases, metal supports with a special fastening system.

It is worth remembering another small detail related to the expansion of window sills. Do not forget that after the above steps, the edge of the window sill will protrude much more forward from the side of the window. And therefore, the curtains and curtains hanging in the room will begin to touch him. To remedy this situation, it is necessary to replace the cornice or lengthen it so that the distance from the curtains to the wall becomes greater.

Moving to a new apartment, we were glad to increase our residential meters. But there is much less space for flowers. The window sills were so narrow that even a saucer could not hold on them, not to mention flower pots. The problem had to be solved urgently before we lost half of the collection. It was especially important to solve the problem of a narrow window sill in the kitchen.


The first option that comes to mind is a plastic window with a plastic window sill. True, the window sill increases by only 10 centimeters. Not as big a gain as we would like. In addition, if the kitchen is small, the desktop (wherever it stands) makes the kitchen cramped and uncomfortable.

The decision came by itself. It is necessary to make a full-fledged work surface from the window sill - from wall to wall. In this case, the window sill will have a length of 2 m, a width of 45 cm (near the wall) and 60 cm (in the window opening).

Window sill installation

For the manufacture of a wide window sill, we used 2 simple narrow kitchen cabinets without a "top" and facades. These cabinets are easy to purchase at a home improvement store or ordered from a kitchen furniture company.

The bedside tables were placed sideways against the outer wall, opposite each other. Thus, they have become a reliable support for the countertop. Adjustable legs made it possible to adjust the height of the bedside tables and the level of the window sill.

For the countertop, we took a large sheet of plywood (12 mm). According to the plan, the tabletop is slightly wider than the bedside tables standing sideways, and goes into the window opening. Given the uneven geometry of the walls, the base for the countertop had to be cut out according to a pre-made pattern. For curly carving, an electric jigsaw was needed.

The next stage is facing the countertop with ceramic tiles. We used medium-sized tiles: with a small kitchen, large tiles visually reduce the free space, and laying very small tiles is a rather tedious task. As a result, the choice fell on the tile with which the wall was finished. The total size is 20x20 cm, while each one consists of four small "tiles" (10x10 cm).

To avoid wet processes, tiles were attached to plywood with glue, which is popularly called "liquid nails".

The seams were covered with white grout. The end was closed with an aluminum threshold. By the way, window slopes were made last, when the wide window sill was already completely ready.

Impressions from the operation of the window sill(after five years)

No need:

Making wide seams between tiles - the designer's desire to keep the size of the cells and lines, as on the wall, played a cruel joke. Rough seams 5 mm wide turned out to be "dirt accumulators". At first they were intensively cleaned and washed. However, from constant cleaning, the grout began to crack. Hence the moral: on the countertop (window sill), lay the tiles close, with minimal gaps.

Use embossed tiles, even if one has already been used for walls. From an aesthetic point of view, it is beautiful, but from a household one ... Embossed tiles have to be cleaned regularly with a brush (a rag is enough for a smooth surface).

In order not to block the gas valve, a large hatch (15x15 cm) is made in plywood, one whole tile serves as a cover for it. If necessary, the tiles are easy to remove. You can install a furniture handle on it. True, experience shows that even without a handle, such a hatch is quite convenient to use.
