How to find out who you are phlegmatic choleric. Advantages and disadvantages. Cholerics have a strong will

Each person is unique and original from birth. All people behave differently, have their own character, their own emotions, experiences and views.

But at the same time, in sociology, pronounced features of certain personalities are distinguished, which make it possible to divide people into four types of temperament - choleric, sanguine, melancholic and phlegmatic. How are these types different? And what is meant by temperament?

What is temperament?

Translated from Latin temperamentum means "proportionality" or "certain ratio of individual parts" . Temperament is called a stable combination various features and individual properties of a person, which largely depend on his innate qualities. In simple words, temperament - these are the qualities and traits of character that have been laid down in a person from her birth.

It is believed that temperament is manifested in the general level of activity of people, their mobility, motor skills, expression of emotions. One person may be mobile, receptive, have a fast pace of speech and a high speed of thinking, another is lethargic, passive, slow and silent.

Such differences in the 18th century allowed sociologists to divide people into types, which were based on the ancient teachings of Hippocrates about the psychological characteristics of the individual.

Who are choleric people?

Cholerics include people who have high mobility, impulsiveness, excessive emotionality. Such a person passionately gives himself to any business and is able to overcome many difficulties. On the other hand, he is often unbalanced, prone to sudden mood swings, and sometimes quite aggressive.

Looking at the choleric, it seems that he manages to be in several places at once and do many things at the same time. He can instantly make any decisions and immediately execute them, but often his excessive aspirations give the impression of frivolity and lack of concentration.

Who is called sanguine?

Sanguine people are considered universal favorites. They are always cheerful, cheerful, talkative. These people are distinguished by great charm and amazing ease of communication. Thanks to these qualities, they have many friends and often occupy leadership positions.

Among the positive aspects of sanguine people are sociability, openness,. They easily adapt to any life situations and have high performance. However, in adverse conditions their high mobility and energy can result in hasty actions and lack of concentration.

Who is a phlegmatic?

Phlegmatic people are calm, unhurried people who have stable aspirations and are stingy with emotions. Like sanguine people, they show increased perseverance in work, but at the same time remain balanced and calm.

The phlegmatic temperament can be described as unflappable and slow with little expression of emotion. It is difficult for people with this character to switch from one activity to another and adapt to existing conditions, but even in emergency situations they show calmness and endurance.

Melancholic - who is it?

Melancholics are characterized by such features as slight vulnerability, deep feelings, external lethargy and a bad reaction to others. Such people are considered the most vulnerable and are distinguished by softness and humility. Friendship with a melancholic can be a real test, as he is extremely touchy and gets upset over every little thing.

He constantly feels that he is underestimated, not loved or not given enough attention. At the same time, melancholic people have a significant supply of energy and are better than others at listening and understanding. Their timidity and shyness are combined with impeccable taste, romance and a sense of beauty.

Who is Choleric?! Who is Sanguine?! Who is Phlegmatic? Who is Melancholic?!
Or more about temperaments

General concepts of temperament

Each person (individual) has his own characteristics of mental activity.
Temperament is a characteristic of a person, namely:

  • pace,
  • rapidity,
  • rhythm,
  • intensity
  • these mental processes and states.

    Temperament determines and ensures the speed, strength and balance of our reactions. It manifests itself in thinking, speech, manner of communication.
    At the same time, temperament does not affect interests, success, intelligence, business qualities - here we are able to independently develop our inclinations, turn them into abilities or forget about them.
    The ability to make a choice and take responsibility for it are indicators of a developed personality, and not manifestations of the characteristics of temperament. Knowing your own type of temperament greatly simplifies the process of knowing yourself, accepting your manifestations and, as a result, choosing your own lifestyle.

    Temperament human being is a biological quality, innate, not acquired. Only 25% of 100% temperament can be corrected. And this correction is our adjustment to the requirements of society (the world around us, society ...). For what? For a more efficient and successful existence.
    Pure temperaments are rare. In every person there is something from the choleric, sanguine, phlegmatic and melancholic. The question of who is better to be does not make sense, as does the question of what season is best. Each has its pros and cons. You need to know them and act, choosing an effective model of behavior depending on the situation. That is, not to be led by natural qualities, but to develop them.

    Features of temperament must be taken into account when choosing a profession, but temperament should not be confused with character.

  • Kindness and cruelty
  • hard work and laziness
  • neatness and carelessness

  • all these are character traits that are not laid down by nature, but are formed throughout life.
  • Smart or stupid
  • honest or deceitful
  • talented or untalented

  • can be a person with any temperament. The success of a person does not depend on his temperament, but on the abilities, knowledge, skills and orientation of the personality.

    The main components of temperament

    An analysis of the internal structure of temperament leads to the allocation of three main, leading components. Each of these components has a complex multidimensional structure and different forms of psychological manifestations.

    1. Scope of the general mental activity person.
    • the desire of the individual for self-expression, effective development and transformation of external reality;
    • intellectual and characterological features, a complex of relationships and motives
    The degree of activity extends from lethargy, inertia and passive contemplation at one pole to the highest degree of energy, powerful swiftness of action and constant upsurge at the other.
  • Motility.
    • In the motor (motor) component, the leading role is played by qualities associated with the function of the motor (and special speech-motor apparatus). Among the dynamic qualities of the motor component -
    • rapidity,
    • force,
    • sharpness,
    • rhythm,
    • amplitude and
    • a number of other signs of muscle movement.
    Features of muscle and speech motility can be more easily observed in humans than others. Therefore, it is often only by this component that a person’s temperament is judged.
  • Emotionality.
    • This is a large complex of properties and qualities that characterize the features of the emergence, flow and cessation of various feelings, affects and moods.
      This component is the most difficult. It has a branched own structure:
    • Impressionability- a person's susceptibility, his sensitivity to emotional influences, his ability to find ground for an emotional reaction where such ground does not exist for others.
    • Impulsiveness- the speed with which emotion becomes the motivating force of actions and actions without their preliminary reflection and conscious decision to carry them out.
    • emotional lability- the speed at which a given emotional state ceases or one experience is replaced by another.

    From the history of teachings about the types of temperament

    Observing how the teachings about temperament developed, one can understand what tools the researchers had.

  • Hippocrates and Galen could only see the fluids inside the corpse at autopsy (after all, the 5th and 2nd centuries BC).
  • Kant, Kretschmer, Sheldon already had knowledge of internal structure human tissues.
  • Pavlov already studied reflexes and properties of nervous processes

  • Hippocrates (5th century BC) spoke about temperaments for the first time. He argued that people differ in the ratio of the 4 main "juices" of life that make up its composition:
  • blood,
  • phlegm,
  • yellow bile and
  • black bile
  • Claudius Galen (2nd century BC) continued. He developed the first typology of temperaments (treatise "De temperamentum") According to his teaching, the type of temperament depends on the predominance of one of the juices in the body. They were allocated temperaments, which in our time are widely known:

  • choleric (from the Greek. chole - "bile"),
  • sanguine (from lat. sanguis - "blood"),
  • phlegmatic (from Greek - phlegma - "phlegm"),
  • melancholic (from the Greek. melas chole - "black bile")
  • Let us dwell in more detail on the teachings of I.P. Pavlova.
    I.P. Pavlov put forward a hypothesis that some fundamental properties of nervous processes - excitation and inhibition - underlie the differences in behavior. These properties include

  • excitation force

  • reflects the performance of the nerve cell. It manifests itself in functional endurance, i.e. in the ability to withstand prolonged or short-term, but strong excitation, without passing into the opposite state of inhibition
  • braking force

  • is understood as the functional performance of the nervous system during the implementation of inhibition. Manifested in the ability to form various inhibitory conditioned reactions, such as extinction and differentiation
  • their poise

  • balance of excitation and inhibition processes. The ratio of the strength of both processes decides whether a given individual is balanced or unbalanced when the strength of one process exceeds the strength of the other
  • their mobility/inertia

  • manifested in the speed of transition of one nervous process to another. The mobility of nervous processes is manifested in the ability to change behavior in accordance with changing living conditions. The measure of this property of the nervous system is the speed of transition from one action to another, from a passive state to an active state, and vice versa. The nervous system is the more inert, the more time or effort is required to move from one process to another. I.P. Pavlov distinguished between the excitation force and the inhibition force, considering them to be two independent properties of the nervous system.
    The 4 types of the nervous system identified by I.P. Pavlov correspond in their main characteristics to 4 classical types temperament:
  • strong, unbalanced type with a predominance of excitation - choleric;
  • strong, balanced, mobile - sanguine;
  • strong, balanced, inert - phlegmatic;
  • weak type - melancholic

  • I.P. Pavlov understood the type of the nervous system as innate, relatively weakly subject to changes under the influence of the environment and upbringing. According to Ivan Petrovich, the properties of the nervous system form the physiological basis of temperament, which is a mental manifestation of the type of nervous system
    Two things should be noted:

  • Weakness of the nervous system is not a negative property.

  • strong nervous system copes more successfully with some life tasks (for example, in work associated with large and unexpected loads).
    A weak nervous system copes more successfully with others (for example, in conditions of monotonous work). A weak nervous system is a highly sensitive nervous system, and this is its advantage over a strong one.
  • The division of people into four types of temperament is very conditional. There are transitional, mixed, intermediate types. Pure temperaments are relatively rare.

  • Hans Eysenck studied the works of C. Jung, R. Woodworth, I.P. Pavlov, E. Kretschmer and other well-known psychologists, psychiatrists and physiologists. He proposed three basic dimensions of personality:

  • neuroticism

  • characterizes emotional stability/instability (stability/instability).
    High rates of neuroticism are expressed in nervousness, instability, poor adaptation, a tendency to quickly change moods, and strong reactions in relation to the stimuli that cause them.
    Low rates of neuroticism are expressed in the preservation of organized behavior, situational focus in normal and stressful situations. It is characterized by maturity, excellent adaptation, lack of great tension, anxiety.
  • extra/introversion

  • psychotism

  • an indicator of a tendency to antisocial behavior, pretentiousness, inadequacy of emotional reactions, high conflict, self-centeredness.
    People with a high degree of psychotism are self-centered, impulsive, indifferent to others, and tend to oppose social norms. They are often restless, difficult to contact with people and do not meet with their understanding, deliberately causing trouble to others.

    The combination of high and low levels of introversion and extraversion with high or low levels of stability and neuroticism resulted in the four categories of people described by Eysenck.

    If the resulting table is superimposed on the typology of I.P. Pavlov, then we will get the already known quadrant of temperaments.

    Characteristics of temperament types according to G. Eysenck

    G. Eysenck gave characteristics of "pure" types of temperament (that is, in the extreme angular positions of the quadrant). And we have already understood that such types are extremely rare. Adjust accordingly when you receive test results. Moreover, the closer one type of temperament is to another, the more characteristics overlap.
    For example, if you got the result: neuroticism 13, extraversion 17 - then you are a sanguine Choleric. Then you have the characteristics of both choleric and sanguine, but not as pronounced as in pure Choleric, Sanguine. AT different conditions, in different situations you can show both those and other characteristics.
    I emphasize this because sometimes the respondent does not accept the result - "this is not about me." Remember that the literature often gives characteristics of "pure" types of temperaments.

    Description of types of temperament. Types of temperament according to G. Eysenck

    Interesting results

    A review of studies (Wilson, 1978) based on test predictions from Eysenck's theory presents an impressive amount of evidence. For example, extroverts are much more pain tolerant than introverts; they pause more during work to chat and drink coffee than introverts; excitement increases the effectiveness of their actions and actions, while it only interferes with introverts.
    Some others empirically established differences between extroverts and introverts are given below.

  • Introverts tend to prefer theoretical and scientific activities (eg, engineering and chemistry), while extroverts tend to prefer jobs that involve people (eg, sales, social services).
  • Introverts are more likely to be admitted to the practice of masturbation than extroverts; on the other hand, extroverts have sex in more early age, more often and with a large number partners than introverts.
  • In college, introverts are more successful than extroverts. Also, students who leave college for psychiatric reasons tend to be more introverted; while those students who leave for academic reasons are more likely to be extroverts.
  • Introverts feel more alert in the mornings, while extroverts feel more alert in the evenings. Moreover, introverts work better in the morning and extroverts in the afternoon.
  • And this is forever?!.. or a bit of neuroscience

    Temperament of a person - a biological, innate quality ... Somehow I want to understand - why? So let's dive into neuroscience for a bit.
    Individual nerve cells, or neurons, do not perform their functions as isolated units, like cells in the liver or kidneys. The job of the 50 billion (or so) neurons in our brain is that they receive signals from some other nerve cells and transmit them to third ones.
    Transmitters and host cells are combined into nerve circuits or networks. Actual junctions - specific points on the surface of nerve cells where they come into contact - are called synapses(synapsis; Greek "contact", "connection"), and the process of information transfer in these places - synoptic transmission.

    Unlike most other body cells, mature neurons cannot divide, and genetically the conditioned products of any neuron must ensure the preservation and change of its functions throughout its life.
    The ability of the nervous system and muscles to generate electrical potentials has long been known - since the work of Galvani at the end XVIII century.

    We will not delve into the signaling mechanism. To put it very simply, the signal transmission happens like this:

  • the electrical signal along the axon reaches the junction - the synapse;
  • in the synoptic vesicle chemical reaction, thanks to it the signal is transmitted further;
  • the chemical reaction is again converted into an electrical signal...
  • Please note that there are 2 types of synapses: excitatory and inhibitory (remember the teachings of I.P. Pavlov).

    Now it is clear that the strength of excitation / inhibition of nervous processes, their balance, mobility (that is, the type of temperament) depend on how it is genetically inherent in a person. And that it is given to a person for life.

    All people are different, adapt to the world around them in different ways, react to what is happening in their personal lives, in a critical situation, someone rushes to help, and someone is paralyzed by fear. All this is the result of the processes of excitation and inhibition occurring as a result of the development of higher nervous activity person.

    Considering what processes prevail in a person, there are 4 main types of temperament: sanguine, choleric, phlegmatic, melancholic. The sanguine temperament is the strongest and most dynamic. A sanguine person is a very hard-working, energetic person, he has a stable psyche and a cheerful disposition, easily and naturally switches from one type of activity to another, his hobbies are diverse. Rarely falls into depression despite the fact that he is very attached to the opinions of the people around him.

    For the first time, types of temperament were described by Hippocrates in the 5th century. Even then, he identified 4 main types associated with human physiology. He believed that psychological type depends on the fluid that prevails in the human body: sanguine - blood, choleric - bile, melancholic - black bile, phlegmatic - mucus.

    Character accentuation character

    “Constant in its impermanence” is a very correct description of a sanguine person. Such people are often guided by emotions in their actions, they quickly switch from one type of business to another, they can perform several tasks at the same time. They are excellent workers, but only if the work really interests them, if not, they do it superficially.

    The mood of such a person is very changeable. A minute ago he was in a great mood, and a second later all the world's sorrows are reflected on his face. Thanks to their stable psyche, sanguine people adapt perfectly to any situation, quickly adapt to new conditions, work, people.

    By nature, sanguine people are materialists, they love goods that you can touch, try. With pleasure they enjoy expensive, high-quality things, gourmet food. Their houses are always very light and comfortable, despite some disorder. All have their pros and cons!

    Sanguine is a strong type of temperament. Nervous processes in sanguine people are persistent, they are characterized by rapid excitability and rapid inhibition.

    Sanguine and people around him

    In society, such a person is distinguished good mood. He always smiles, loves to make fun of others and himself. But, as a rule, his jokes are kind, harmless, for them no one holds a grudge against him. A person with this type of temperament speaks very well, it is pleasant to listen to him, his speech is well delivered, his story is accompanied by bright facial expressions and gestures. Each of his stories is rich in colorful images and experiences of the narrator himself. Such a person remains very truthful when telling a fairy tale and in a serious conversation. He knows how to give convincing arguments in support of his words. And thanks to his cheerful disposition and smile, as a rule, he emerges victorious from any dispute, leaving a very pleasant opinion about himself.

    However, it is very easy to read, all his emotions are reflected on his face. If a sanguine person is upset or excited about something, this will immediately affect his appearance. He also does not know how to hide his attitude towards people.

    Let's try to figure out who a sanguine is. Since childhood, such people are different large quantity friends, they are always in the spotlight, they are good at making new acquaintances. A person with this type of temperament can easily find a topic of conversation in any company in a few seconds.

    If you ask a person to describe a sanguine person, they will use the following words: friendly, talkative, frivolous, carefree, active, sociable, empathetic, sympathetic, impatient, fickle, hardworking, enthusiastic, "soul" of the company, superficial, wild, happy.

    It is also worth noting that none of the 4 types of temperament is found in its pure form. As a rule, the temperament of a sanguine person is combined with a melancholic or choleric. Differences in the behavior of a woman and a man with this temperament are determined not so much by gender as by a combination of types of temperaments.

    What to consider when choosing a profession

    People with this type of temperament make excellent leaders and employees, regardless of the profession they have chosen for themselves. In any field of activity, they will find their calling. Such a person quickly joins the work, he easily combines the performance of several tasks. Difficulties can arise when performing monotonous actions. This quickly tires the sanguine person, becomes uninteresting for him. For a sanguine person, a profession is suitable that requires a lot of attention from him and active action . He must constantly remain in suspense, planning several options development of events. It is difficult to force a sanguine child to sit still, he prefers active, noisy games.

    When choosing a profession, you should pay attention to:

    1. Acting business.
    2. Pedagogical activity.
    3. Announcement and declamation.
    4. Political career.
    5. Specialties related to social activities.

    If you have a friend with this type of temperament

    How to communicate with a sanguine person? Yes, very simple. This is true, because they are always cheerful, joking and creating some kind of farce around themselves. Such people are very egocentric, they put themselves first. This is also a significant disadvantage of the sanguine person. They are completely immersed in their experiences and interests. You can’t classify sanguine people as introverts, it’s worth more thoroughly studying the dual concept of “extrovert-introvert”.

    A child with this type of character tries in every possible way to attract the attention of parents and everyone around him. accessible ways. At an early age, they have the qualities of extroverts.

    The child is a little boastful, ready to talk about his achievements to anyone who is willing to listen. This quality accompanies him into adulthood.

    Due to their nature, these people quickly make acquaintances, but acquaintances. Their relationship is very superficial and is unlikely to turn into friendship. Sanguine people have only a few true friends in their entire lives. In relations with the opposite sex, the same picture. These are romantics, they know how to make gifts, pleasant surprises, create a festive atmosphere. But really serious relationship and sanguine people don't mix well. They are afraid to take on any responsibility and run away before the relationship gets serious. If you want to build a relationship with a sanguine person, then it should always be bright with you.. Constantly surprise him and keep the intrigue.

    Like other types of temperament, sanguine people have their pros and cons. The great advantage of his character is friendliness, he skillfully wins over those around him, practically without making any effort for this. The disadvantages of a sanguine person are frequent mood swings, from which, first of all, his relatives and friends suffer.


    Compatibility of types of temperaments should be taken into account. A sanguine woman in this regard is a little easier, since many of her features are forgiven only because she is a woman. In relationships, sanguine and choleric are poorly compatible: these types do not get along well together. It is easier to build relationships for sanguine-melancholic couples, provided the latter is tolerant of the partner's frequent mood swings. A sanguine-phlegmatic pair is extremely rare, as is an extrovert-introvert pair.

    Prominent people

    Famous people with this type of temperament: Alexander Ivanovich Herzen, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Franklin Roosevelt, Ronald Reagan, Bill Clinton, Lionel Messi, Pierre Beaumarchais, Magic Johnson. The most famous of the sanguine extroverts is Napoleon Bonaparte.

    This online Hans Eysenck temperament test also measures two personality dimensions:
    Extraversion/Introversion and Neuroticism/Stability which give great variety in manifestation individual features. The test includes 57 non-repetitive yes-no questions. The test includes a lie scale that reveals distortions in the answers. The objects of measurement of the test are Extraversion-Introversion and Neuroticism-Stability.

    When filling online test Eysenck on temperament You get three scales:
    1. "Scale of Lies" - includes a maximum of 9 points. Measures how socially desirable your responses are. Those who scored 5 or more on this scale may try to avoid honest answers because of the desire to be socially acceptable.
    2. The Extraversion scale has a maximum of 24 points and measures how extroverted you are.
    3. The Neuroticism scale includes a maximum of 24 points and changes the degree of yours.

    To interpret the scores, the E and N scales are plotted on a chart from which you can read your personality characteristics. The closer you are outside the circle, the more vivid personality traits. Please note that this online test is a very simplified scale. Therefore, if it turned out that the test showed something completely different from what you thought, then you are more likely right, and the test is wrong.


    These are questions about the way you behave, react, and feel. Each question has two answer options - Yes or No. Try to determine if your usual response is closer to Yes or No. Answer quickly, do not spend too much time on each question, the first spontaneous reaction in the answer is usually the most accurate. It will take you no more than a few minutes to complete the test. Make sure you don't miss any of the 57 questions on the Eysenck Temperament Test. Start now, fill out quickly and don't miss out! There are no right or wrong answers and this is not a test of intelligence or ability, just a test of how you carry yourself.

    Theoretical basis

    G. Eysenck, after analyzing the survey materials of 700 neurotic soldiers, came to the conclusion that the entire set of traits describing a person can be represented by 2 main factors: extraversion (introversion) and neuroticism.

    The first of these factors is biopolar and represents a characteristic of a person's individual psychological make-up, the extreme poles of which correspond to the personality's orientation either to the world of external objects (extraversion) or to the subjective inner world (introversion). It is generally accepted that extroverts are characterized by sociability, impulsiveness, flexibility of behavior, great initiative (but little perseverance) and high social adaptability. Introverts, on the contrary, are characterized by lack of communication, isolation, social passivity (with sufficiently high perseverance), a tendency to introspection and difficulties in social adaptation.

    The second factor - neuroticism (or neuroticism) - describes some property-state that characterizes a person in terms of emotional stability, anxiety, self-esteem level and possible autonomic disorders. This factor is also bipolar and forms a scale, on one pole of which there are people who are characterized by extreme stability, maturity and excellent adaptation, and on the other - an extremely nervous, unstable and poorly adapted type. Most of people are located between these poles, closer to the middle (according to the normal distribution).

    The intersection of these 2 bipolar characteristics allows you to get an unexpected and rather curious result - a fairly clear assignment of a person to one of the four types of temperament.

    Interpretation of test results

    Extraversion / Introversion:

    • more than 19 - a bright extrovert,
    • more than 15 - extrovert
    • 12 - average value,
    • less than 9 - introvert,
    • less than 5 - a deep introvert.


    • over 19 - very high level neuroticism,
    • more than 14 - a high level of neuroticism,
    • 9 - 13 - average value,
    • less than 7 - low level of neuroticism.


    • more than 4 - insincerity in the answers, also indicating some demonstrative behavior and orientation of the subject to social approval,
    • less than 4 is normal.

    Presentation of results by scales extraversion and neuroticism carried out using a coordinate system. The interpretation of the obtained results is carried out on the basis of psychological characteristics personalities corresponding to one or another square of the coordinate model, taking into account the degree of severity of individual psychological properties and the degree of reliability of the data obtained.

    Drawing on data from the physiology of higher nervous activity, Eysenck hypothesizes that the strong and weak types, according to Pavlov, are very close to the extroverted and introverted personality types. The nature of introversion and extraversion is seen in the innate properties of the central nervous system, which ensure the balance of the processes of excitation and inhibition.

    Thus, using survey data on the scales of extraversion, introversion and neuroticism, we can derive temperament indicators personality according to Pavlov's classification, who described four classical types:

    1. sanguine(according to the main properties of the central nervous system, it is characterized as strong, balanced, mobile),
    2. choleric(strong, unbalanced, mobile),
    3. phlegmatic person(strong, balanced, inert),
    4. melancholic(weak, unbalanced, inert).

    Definitions of temperament types


    "Clean" sanguine quickly adapts to new conditions, quickly converges with people, sociable. Feelings easily arise and change, emotional experiences, as a rule, are shallow. Facial expressions are rich, mobile, expressive. Somewhat restless, in need of new impressions, insufficiently regulates his impulses, does not know how to strictly adhere to the developed routine, life, system at work. In this regard, he cannot successfully carry out a task that requires an equal expenditure of effort, prolonged and methodical effort, perseverance, stability of attention, and patience. In the absence of serious goals, deep thoughts, creative activity, superficiality and inconstancy are developed.


    Choleric characterized by increased excitability, actions are intermittent. This type of temperament is characterized by sharpness and swiftness of movements, strength, impulsiveness, and a vivid expression of emotional experiences. Due to imbalance, carried away by business, he is inclined to act with all his might, to be exhausted more than he should. Having public interests, temperament manifests in initiative, energy, adherence to principles. In the absence of spiritual life, the choleric temperament often manifests itself in irritability, efficiency, intemperance, irascibility, inability to self-control under emotional circumstances.

    Phlegmatic person

    Phlegmatic person characterized by a relatively low level of activity of behavior, new forms of which are developed slowly, but are persistent. It has slowness and calmness in actions, facial expressions and speech, evenness, constancy, depth of feelings and moods. Persistent and stubborn "worker of life", he rarely loses his temper, is not prone to affects, having calculated his strength, brings the matter to the end, is even in relationships, moderately sociable, does not like to talk in vain. Saves energy, does not waste it. Depending on the conditions, in some cases, a phlegmatic person can be characterized by “positive” traits - endurance, depth of thought, constancy, thoroughness, etc., in others - lethargy, indifference to the environment, laziness and lack of will, poverty and weakness of emotions, a tendency to fulfill just habitual actions.


    melancholic. His reaction often does not correspond to the strength of the stimulus, there is a depth and stability of feelings with their weak expression. It is difficult for him to concentrate on something for a long time. Strong influences often cause a prolonged inhibitory reaction in a melancholic (hands down). He is characterized by restraint and muffled motor skills and speech, shyness, timidity, indecision. Under normal conditions, a melancholic is a deep, meaningful person, can be a good worker, successfully cope with life's tasks. Under adverse conditions, it can turn into a closed, timid, anxious, vulnerable person, prone to difficult internal experiences of such life circumstances who don't deserve it at all.


    • EPI personality questionnaire (method of G. Eysenck)/ Almanac psychological tests- M., 1995. S.217-224.

    Every person is unique. Our psyche is multifaceted, we perceive the world differently. The perception of what is happening around depends on many factors, such as upbringing, type of temperament, social experience. Consider what temperament is and its 4 main types.

    Temperament: 4 types of human temperament

    The temperament of a person can be called a kind of biological foundation on the basis of which the personality itself is formed. These are the social properties of the psyche that determine the dynamics of mental activity, behavior and social adaptation of people.

    Hippocrates is considered to be the founder of the doctrine of the types of temperament. He argued that people are divided depending on the ratio of the four basic substances of the body: black bile, yellow bile, phlegm and blood. Claudius Galen supported the idea of ​​Hippocrates and wrote a whole scientific treatise called " Right Measure". Claudius Galen identified four main types of human temperament. These are sanguine (blood), choleric (bile), phlegmatic (phlegm), melancholic (black bile).

    Properties of temperament in psychology

    Human temperament is based on a number of specific properties, such as:

    Sensitivity. This is the degree of force of external influence necessary for the occurrence of a reaction from the psyche. Some people react calmly to external stimuli, others show a violent reaction;

    Reactivity. The property of reactivity is determined by the level of involuntary response to internal or external influences (sharp sound, tone of voice);

    Activity, the ratio of activity and reactivity. These properties indicate how a person reacts to life's difficulties. Is he ready to overcome various obstacles in life, to be purposeful, persistent, attentive;

    Rigidity and plasticity. These properties of temperament can indicate how skillfully a person can adapt to external influences of the social environment;

    Rates of reactive activity. They characterize the speed of mental processes and reactions to external stimuli;

    Introversion and extraversion. These properties depend on the speed of human reactions, the speed of applied solutions;

    Emotional excitability. Characterizes the degree of external influence on a person in the form of manifestations of signs of emotional arousal;

    Choleric - a characteristic of temperament: the pros and cons

    Cholerics have a strong willed character.

    Type of nervous system: unbalanced, unrestrained, overly mobile.

    Choleric takes on any difficult task, despite the complexity. Such people are excellent speakers, they are eloquent and convincing in almost any dispute.

    Choleric people are not vindictive, they quickly forget insults and cannot keep a feeling of anger at the offender for a long time.

    Choleric people are excellent leaders, they can organize people and take for them complex decisions. In a critical situation, the choleric is able to group, repel the enemy, protect a weak person.

    Choleric is not restrained in his statements in relation to ongoing events, he can sometimes be rude.

    Cholerics have a certain tendency to dominate other people. Often people with such temperaments are prone to rapid mood swings, excessive gesticulation.

    In the love sphere, the choleric is quite jealous, while the beloved person becomes a kind of property for him. People with this type of temperament quickly fall in love and become attached to another person. Sometimes choleric people in a relationship are prone to anger and scandals.

    Choleric children are quite capricious, they are often the center of attention in the family. The child can use his emotions to get the desired result. Such children are often capricious, in adolescence they show hyperactivity, they can get involved in sports or music, but they quickly get bored with hobbies.

    Choleric Disadvantages

    The main disadvantages of choleric include:

    • Excessive haste in their actions and actions;
    • Cholerics are impatient;
    • Excessive impulsiveness and imbalance;
    • Excessive straightforwardness and harshness in communicative communication with other people;
    • Aggressiveness that occurs periodically;

    Psychologists recommend that choleric people learn to work on themselves. This work should consist in the ability to control oneself in any conflict situations. Often choleric people make ill-considered decisions and literally throw themselves into the pool with their heads. The ten second tactic is suitable for them, which consists in the fact that before accepting important decision or statements of opinion must be mentally counted to ten.

    Sanguine - characteristic: pros and cons of sanguine

    Sanguine people are cheerful and incorrigible optimists. These people cannot sit still, they need constant movement.

    Sanguine people are very active, and this activity is manifested in literally all areas of the life of a sanguine person. They like to be the center of attention, but unlike choleric people, they do not have the manners of dictators.

    The peculiarity of the psychological behavior of sanguine people is characterized by a high degree of excitability.

    Sanguine people know how to get along with people, find a compromise in any difficult life situations. They are resourceful and enterprising. A sanguine person can literally lead the crowd, because these people are excellent speakers who know how to convince others that they are right.

    Hyperactivity does not give the sanguine person the right to sit still. He tries to make his life brighter and more interesting. Such people love to travel, discovering more and more facets of the world around them. Many artists, musicians, actors are just sanguine.

    Psychological feature of the sanguine

    If we talk about the psychological component of sanguine people, then in these people the degree of excitation of the central nervous system is quite high. The inhibition threshold, on the contrary, is low, and therefore sanguine people perceive the world as somewhat illusory. But at the same time, memory functions are developed remarkably. Often sanguine people focus their memory only on what arouses their interest. They can remember funny cases, but at the same time forget the dates of the birthdays of your friends. Sanguine people pay attention to noticeable details, such as bright clothes or an unusual hairstyle of the interlocutor.

    The emotional background of sanguine people is quite diverse. These people are emotional and not afraid to show their experiences to others. They often gesticulate when talking, they can hug or kiss when meeting. These emotions are completely sincere, a sanguine person wants to please people and receive the same reaction from them in response. Sanguine people are different out of the box thinking, they are constantly trying to learn something new, change their image or occupation. Monotonous work and loneliness leads them to severe depression.

    People with this type of temperament have a lot of friends. Sanguine knows how to make friends, and always comes to the aid of a person in a difficult situation. In personal relationships, sanguine people are sometimes windy. In building a strong family, they are hindered by an excessive thirst for communication.

    The main disadvantages of sanguine people:

    • Inconsistency in actions and deeds. A sanguine person often gets down to business, but rarely brings it to the end, such people cannot work in a monotonous job;
    • Sanguine people often overestimate themselves and their abilities;
    • People with a similar temperament have mood swings, it is difficult for them to develop strong-willed qualities in themselves;

    Phlegmatic - characteristic: pros and cons

    A phlegmatic person is a balanced person who carefully thinks through his every step. Usually such people have an analytical mindset and soberly look at the life around them.

    Phlegmatic people are rather lazy, often prefer not to be active and go with the flow. They are always calm and unruffled. Even if they have experienced stress or an unpleasant life situation, they do not always show their temper.

    Phlegmatic is difficult to piss off, his nervous system is like a scale that keeps balance. If it is difficult to bring him to simple emotions, then it is even more difficult to force him to show activity or joy.

    In other words, the phlegmatic type of human temperament is recognized as the most balanced and emotionally stable.

    Phlegmatic people do not immediately make contact with people, they need time to assess the situation. Abrupt change environment for them it is like a tragedy and it is very hard to bear. These people do not like active entertainment, they like a cozy home environment, they often prefer to spend time alone.

    In the work of phlegmatic people are painstaking and diligent, they have good memory and they can remember large amounts of information.

    Phlegmatic people are rather closed and hidden, they are reluctant to show sympathy for another person. But if a phlegmatic person likes a representative of the opposite sex, then he will do everything to achieve his location.

    Phlegmatic friends are quite difficult to find, he does not make contact well. But if a person with this type of temperament finds a friend, then this friendship can last a lifetime. A family for phlegmatic people is a kind of fortress in which they feel comfortable. Such people enter into marriage late, they can be in search of a partner for a long time.

    The main disadvantages of phlegmatic:

    • Often they are not receptive, do not show initiative, react poorly to external stimuli;
    • They can be stingy with emotions, slowly get involved in work, make poor contact with people around them;
    • Difficulty adapting to changing living conditions;

    Melancholic - characteristic: the pros and cons of a melancholic

    Melancholics are prone to bouts of despair and depression. The temperament of such people is sluggish, pessimistic. Any event, even an insignificant one, makes the melancholic worry. He does not know how to enjoy life, and sees it exclusively in a negative tone. Sadness and longing can cover such a person for no reason, often melancholic people feel a sense of self-pity.

    People with this type of temperament have to resort to secrecy and suppression of emotions. They experience everything in themselves, which is why depressive states of the psyche appear. Psychologists note that a huge number of people who commit suicide are just melancholic.

    The melancholic reacts slowly to external stimuli, does not remember information well, often suffers from a mass of complexes and an excessively low level of personal self-esteem. Motor activity is sluggish and inexpressive.

    Melancholic people cannot work intensively and monotonously, as they definitely need rest or short breaks to stabilize their psychological state. In a social environment, such people are lethargic, uncommunicative, it is difficult for them to find a soul mate or a close friend. It is difficult for them to be active and cheerful. They choose sanguine or choleric people as people, since this choice is explained by the subconscious desire of the melancholic to be patronized.

    It can be difficult for melancholic people to arrange their personal life. Often a big role in the fiasco love relationships plays their indecision and cowardice. They choose a strong person as their life partner. There are also advantages to this type of temperament.

    Melancholy people are kind, vulnerable, they will always share the last thing they have. They subconsciously want to help a person in need.

    Melancholic Disadvantages:

    • Emotional instability, indecision, lack of confidence in oneself and one's abilities;
    • Difficulty with the perception of the surrounding world, vulnerability, pessimism;
    • Tendency to depressive states of the psyche;

    Psychologists strongly recommend melancholic people not to close themselves. Try to explore the world, travel, communicate with new people. You can try to engage in sponsorship in order to increase your personal self-esteem. Engage in active sports, dancing, any creativity. A melancholic person needs to be close to relatives and friends, and not to become isolated in himself and his feelings.
