Teaching English from the age of 3. Learning English with a toddler

Daria Popova

If you start talking to a child in English before the age of 3, then the question of the “content” of the first English experience disappears by itself. You just start talking to your child in English, show an English cartoon or read a book in English. English for children- and involve the child in playing.

However, after 3 years, when native speech is already so strong that the child is no longer so pliable on such journeys to unknown speech shores and a distinct need already appears “Mom, I want it to be clear what you are saying”, the question arises - a how to teach english to a child to make it as interesting, understandable and accessible as possible.

Geography and English for children after 3 years

You can start by showing the child a globe or a map and tell them that blue means water, and other colors mean earth. There are different countries on Earth. They can ride trains and fly planes. Find Russia, native city mark with a dot, and then suggest a trip to other countries.

But here's the bad luck - in these countries they do not speak Russian. Here we speak Russian. What it is? It is a table. What is it? This is a book. And when we arrive in another country, they don’t know such words there, everyone will call them differently. Each country has its own language. In Spain - Spanish, in France - French, in Japan - Japanese, etc.

In very, very many countries people speak English. English is spoken:

  • in Great Britain (this country is also called England)
  • in America (USA)
  • In Canada
  • in Australia
  • in New Zealand

And in other countries people know this language well. Would you like to learn how to speak English? Let's try to learn a few words today.

To do this, we will go to the homeland of the English language - to the UK. But she is very, very far away from us. It takes a few hours to get there by plane. What do we do? What is the fastest transport in the world? Even faster than an airplane? Rocket! Let's fly on a magic rocket, and in order for it to deliver us to England, we will control it in English!

Get into the rocket - To do this, fold your arms over your head.

Put on your helmet (We put on a helmet) - we depict with our hands how we put a helmet on our heads.

Buckle up! (We fasten ourselves) - we fasten the “invisible” belts.

Five, four, three, two, one, blast off! - 5,4,3,2,1, start!

Raise the child, circle in the air and land in England(well, for example, on the couch).

English words are spoken loudly and clearly, and the translation is barely audible. You will repeat this game many more times later, and it is worth accompanying it with translation one or two first times, then there is no need for translation.

English for children in the UK

In England, a child meets his first English friend. Think, maybe an English character already lives among your toys. It could be:

  • Winnie the Pooh
  • Alice doll (who is in Wonderland)
  • peppa pig
  • kittens who lost their gloves
  • Humpty-Dumpty (Humpty Dumpty)…

English children's literature and animation leave a flight for your creativity here.

I will focus on a children's amusement known from Marshak's translation.

"Where were you today, pussycat?"
- The Queen of England.
What did you see at court?
I saw a mouse on the carpet.

Pussycat, pussycat
Where have you been?
I've been to London
To look at the Queen.
Pussycat, pussycat
What did you there?
I frightened a little mouse
under her chair.

We take a cat toy and get acquainted with it in English.

— What's your name?

— My name is Pussy Cat! What's your name?

— I'm Masha.

— Nice to meet you, Masha! Let's play.

Again, in the first acquaintance, we translate each phrase, encourage the child to repeat the words Hello after you, introduce myself in English I’m ..., agree with the offer to play ok. Help the child with gestures. At the word Hello, we wave our hand in greeting, I'm - We point to ourselves. We show the ok sign (this gesture is difficult, but that's what makes it interesting).

We show a cartoon for amusement:

Pay attention to the cartoon characters cat (cat), mouse (mouse), the Queen (queen). Depict them with gestures. Cat - show scratchy nails and perform sharp scratching movements in front of you. Mouse - put the fists to the head, showing the ears of the mouse. Draw the queen by showing the crown with the help of the hand.

Now listen to the song again, asking the child to be attentive, and when he hears cat - show a cat, when mouse - a mouse, etc. Help your child as much as possible with your example so that it is easy for him!

Now it's time to play cat and mouse.

The mouse catches the cat. We change roles. Encourage your child to repeat the rhyme with you. We accompany the rhyming with already familiar gestures. We repeat until we get bored.

It's time to play Queen.

Ask what the queen wears on her head. Crown. To learn to walk with a crown on their heads, kings and queens first wear books on their heads. Let's practice.

It's time to say goodbye to Pussy Cat.

We say Goodbye! And again we fly on a rocket.

If the child is already quite tired, then you can return back to Russia (then play the game in Russian), and continue your journey tomorrow.

English for children in America

Now we're flying to the United States of America or to America. There we can meet:

  • Mickey Mouse
  • spiderman
  • other characters from American cartoons

Most likely, you have such toys, right? Meet an American friend.

In America they build very high buildings which are called skyscrapers or skyscrapers.

Take either ordinary cubes and build a very high skyscraper out of them. You can interest the child by offering to build a skyscraper as tall as him.

And you can complicate the task if you draw a model of a skyscraper from colored blocks, the sequence of which the child needs to repeat, while the colors are called in English. Blue, green, yellow, red etc.

They built a skyscraper, said goodbye to the character and flew on a rocket to Canada.

English for children in Canada

In Canada we'll get to know the maple leaf. It's great if you can buy maple syrup in stores in your city and treat yourself to it during class.

A breeze blew and a maple leaf fell on the child's nose, landed on his arm, knee, etc. Name the parts of the body in English and show them to yourself, and the child should touch the corresponding part of the body with a piece of paper.

The maple leaf fell down on the nose.

The wind is blowing. (we blow)

The leaf is flying (circling)

And the maple leaf fell down on the arm.

The leaflet then tells you how Canadians like to play hockey.

Consider what you can use in your home instead of a club. A badminton racket and a ball will do, for example, show your child how to drive the ball with a racket and try to score a goal in a chair gate.

Note that the English word Hockey is similar to Russian hockey. Ask your child to guess how to translate the English sports football, basketball, baseball, hockey, volleyball, badminton, tennis. Show how to mime each of these sports, then name it, and the child should show how to play it.

We say goodbye to a Canadian friend and set off on a rocket to Australia.

English for children in Australia

In Australia we meet kangaroos. You can print pictures if there are no such toys.

With kangaroos we learn to jump. When you say jump, the child is jumping. When you say stop, the child must stop. Jump, jump, stop. Jump, jump, jump, stop. Stop, jump, etc.

Finally, it was time to take the rocket home. We say goodbye to the kangaroo and fly to Russia.

In addition, you can prepare pictures of the flags of countries in advance and, upon arrival in the country, examine them and repeat the colors of the flags - red, white, blue.

In the first years of life, the child actively absorbs all the information coming from outside. At the age of 3 years, the ability to imprint is activated - that is, the baby begins to build complex connections of objects, faces in memory and tries to build the first logical chains. Therefore, English for children from 3 years old is an urgent issue for parents who want to conduct early education in the language of international communication.
Such a process for a three-year-old child will be effective only if the parents actively encourage the preschooler to receive information in English at home. This is done in a playful way, with the help of foreign language appeals and light exercises. Let's take a closer look at the various methods and available training tools in the article.

Methods of teaching English to children 3 years old: a detailed analysis

There are several generally accepted methods of teaching children 3 years old English language. Among them are the most effective:

Zaitsev's training system
Regular classes are held using special game cubes. They are different in weight, colors, make different sounds. The faces of the cubes are marked with words and syllables in English. So the child learns to reproduce the simplest vocabulary from memory and gets acquainted with the phonetics of foreign speech.

Read also:

Doman system
This program involves viewing colorful cards with images and words. Naming and repeating the names of the drawn objects after the teacher or parents, children of 3 years old actively use visual memory.

English learning cards and blocks are easy to find in most bookstores in the literature and games section for preschoolers.

Learning in a playful way
Of course, for children 3 years old this is the most effective technique teaching English. Without focusing on the fact that this moment the child is engaged, you can achieve high results in a short time. Up to 5 years old, children perceive everything through the game, so it is worth using it for the benefit of the development and growth of the baby's knowledge.

Of course, today there are many language centers that accept young children for education. However, even classes with a teacher in a group should be supplemented with simple exercises and games at home so that the process goes correctly and quickly. Even the busiest parents can do this:

English classes for children 3 years old: instructions for parents

Moms and dads can follow these simple guidelines to make English classes for children 3 years old successful:

Consider books with colorful pictures with your child, commenting on the drawing and inviting him to name colors (objects, characters) in a foreign language

Household appeals, greetings and farewells gradually adapt to English


good morning!("Good morning!")
good night!("Good night!")
My sweetie("My sweet")
good for you(“Lucky you!”), etc.

Try to always praise the child for success in English words.


Excellent, baby!- "Great, baby!"
Good- "Good"
high five- "High five!"

Read also:

Offering different dishes to choose from, focus on them English titles and ask your child to repeat them after you

Observing even such simple rules, supplementing English classes for children of 3 years old, do not forget about the main “tool” of influencing the acquisition of knowledge - games.

10 games for children 3 years old in English

The game is the favorite pastime of any child. Through it, he learns the world, rests, has fun and rejoices. Among the games for children 3 years old in English, you should choose simple ones that do not cause mental and psycho-emotional stress in the child as much as possible. The ease of completing tasks and the ease of learning new things is the key to success!
Parents can choose from any of the following games:

1. Hide and seek, counters with an account in English
Ask the child to count to 10 in English before doing any action (find you in an apartment or house), find the “missing” magical item. He can figure out who goes first in a board game with a simple English counting rhyme in numerical order.

2. Edible and non-edible
When throwing the ball, name objects in English, alternating between examples of edible treats and inedible objects. Invite the child to answer "Yes" or "No" in English - Yes or No?

3. Describe a picture, toy, weather, object
The child should use as many of the English words he already knows as possible when describing something.

4. Board games
In the children's section of bookstores today, there are many options for "boards" for kids in English. Bring them from trips, ask friends and family friends to bring them from abroad. This develops logic and accelerates the development of the English language!

5. Choose a picture
You will need cards (you can - speech therapy, without signatures in Russian) with the image of colored objects, geometric objects. Invite the child to group them by color, naming them in English.

6. Name the syllable
Oral game. Call the child aloud English words, skipping the endings, so that he finishes them himself. For these purposes, rhyming rhymes (for example, children's limericks) are best suited.

Of course, this list can be supplemented with colorful and interesting mobile applications. But remember that just giving a 3-year-old child a tablet or smartphone and leaving to do business is an ineffective method! You must play and parse what you see and hear with him, then learning English will be successful.

Read on the website:

7. Try on a role.
Invite the kid to play the role of dad or mom, who live far, far away from here and can only speak English, and let the toy be a child.

8. Clap your hands.
Challenge your child to clap their hands every time they hear a syllable or letter, and then name as many words as possible with them.

9. Draw a friend from London.
The child draws a boy or a girl who could only live in London and become his friends. And then he describes them in English, tells what they are fond of and what they do on weekends. The task will appeal to children who love to draw and do crafts.

10. We sing and dance.
Find a couple of children's English songs and learn them with your baby, and then perform a duet, complementing the performance with fun dancing.

Teaching English to children 3-4 years old - goals and objectives

It is appropriate, before starting homework or lessons in a circle, to determine why children of 3-4 years old need to learn English. Make a short list of goals and objectives in order to further focus on them, choosing the material of the classes.

The list might look like this:

Learning English is interesting and useful for general development
English in the future will expand the horizons for the study and work of the child
In a few years, the baby will be able to take part in international competitions and competitions.
At the age of active communication, my child will be able to communicate via the Internet with peers from different countries
Learning a foreign language will help my child get used to the learning process and treat knowledge with respect and interest.

After compiling a list of goals for teaching English to children 3-4 years old, it is worth drawing up a detailed lesson plan.

English lesson plan for children 3 years old for a week (table)

The Tap to English weekly English lesson plan for 3 year olds is an example for parents. The content of the classes is selected separately from open sources - the Internet, books, applications, and so on. The most important thing is to try to include as many useful and exciting games as possible in the process and “switch” the baby from one activity to another in a timely manner so that he does not get bored.

Day of the week

time of day

Lesson structure

MONDAY MORNING Working with cards

Learning 2-3 new words


Parsing a picture book

Work in a mobile application for children

EVENING Review of words learned in the morning

Memorizing a song or a short poem

TUESDAY MORNING Repeating a poem or song learned the day before

Watching a cartoon in English

DAY Game (optional)

Cartoon in English

EVENING Review of words learned yesterday morning

Learning new 2-3 words


Game (optional)

DAY Work on cards (optional)

Learning new 2-3 words

Repetition of words learned in 3 days

EVENING Cartoon in English
THURSDAY MORNING Repetition of the words learned the day before

Learning a new song in English or a poem

Game (optional)

DAY Work in a mobile application

Repeating a song or poem

EVENING Cartoon in English

Repetition of words learned yesterday

FRIDAY MORNING Working with cards

Drawing on a theme (using English words)

DAY Repeating a song or poem

Repetition of words learned during the week

Cartoon in English

EVENING Cartoon in English
SATURDAY MORNING “Performance” in front of the family with any poem or song studied during the week
DAY Going to a park, cinema or festival, watching a film about the UK or English children with further discussion in English
EVENING Relaxation
SUNDAY MORNING Learning 2-3 new words
DAY Cartoon in English
EVENING Relaxation

It is worth noting that this is an approximate lesson plan: each child is individual. Someone has sufficient perseverance and with interest will take part in each of the points of the plan. And it will be difficult for someone to do this daily. Each parent decides on the duration, content and frequency of classes independently, based on knowledge of the characteristics of the character of their baby.

And most importantly - in teaching English, as in everything else, be guided by ONLY FOR THE CHILD AND HIS INTEREST. Do not try to achieve your own goals at his expense. The child involved in the process will not experience discontent and frustration before, during and after the lesson.

Hello my beloved readers.

If you have a small child, then today's lesson is for you. After all, we all want to give our children the very best. And knowledge of English from infancy is one of the components. Therefore, today we are waiting for tips and methods on how to turn English for children of 3 years into their most favorite and interesting pastime.

The first question that confronts any parent is how to teach a child. Of course, you can send your baby as early as 3 years old to specialized courses with other people's uncles and aunts, but I can tell you that at this age you can cope with self-study at home.

If you are not an expert in English - do not worry, here are a few methods that you can master on your own and with minimal knowledge of English.


For the fastest development of these methods, use improvised materials: colorful cubes, cards, posters, and the like. Here are a few options for such materials that will definitely instill interest in a three-year-old, and then knowledge:

Training kit " English for toddlers". In this set you will find all the minimum necessary for initial stage learning English with your child. Cards, booklets and explanations.

Set of 9 books-cubes " My first English"will not leave any child indifferent. You can start studying with this set even from the age of 1! At the same time, the books are made of very thick cardboard, so they are not afraid of being torn)).

Also, check out my blog page. There I give small lists of useful things for English learners - from toddlers to adult aunts and uncles).

Well, have you already mentally prepared a list of what you will do in the evening? Do not hurry! Here are some more for you important tips which are often forgotten by parents.

  • game form.
    I don’t know how many times in my life I say this, but I repeat once again: classes should take place in a playful way. There should not be any “sit down and teach”. This is a child who does not even understand what you want from him, why should he learn any other words if he already knows them as they are in our language. Again and again I beg you: important game form learning.
  • Naturalness.
    Little kids are not yet ready for something serious. Therefore, learning a foreign language should occur as naturally as learning Russian. To get started, try just inserting individual English words into speech. For example, when a baby plays with animal toys - translate the names of some. Or when he eats translate the name of the dish. So he will memorize new words in a natural setting. This can also be done while walking, when you get dressed, wash your face, go to bed, etc.
  • Ease.
    Your lessons should take place in an easy atmosphere. At this point, forget the word " education". Everything should happen in such a way that it is not a burden for the child, but arouses interest and brings pleasure.
  • Repetition.
    « Live in» the words you and your child have learned into speech and keep repeating them until they become part of your baby.

-Good, you say. - What if my child is already 4-5 years old?

And I will answer you: - Do all the same, only now you can take.

At this stage, the tutorial will help you develop a systematic way of working and even help you with some ideas.

But by the way, one more idea- but not mine, but a whole team of authors and artists. It is not related to English, but it will be very useful for every child loved by parents! A personalized book with an exciting story is something! How are you?

This, my dear, is exactly what can help you and your baby at the very beginning of language learning. Do you want me to tell you a little secret? materials for each of the methods I have named I have it on my site! You don't have to go through different sites in search - I have already selected for you all the best and most useful “ yummy” for your kids.

But for you and your children, an excellent educational cartoon with a comment at the end, try to watch it together and I'm sure that after that you will be able to master at least 5 new words with your child:

And if you want to get even more useful materials- subscribe to my blog newsletter and be " fully armed". Who knows, maybe adults will catch up and start nibbling on the granite of English science;).

See you again, my dears! Take care of yourself and your growing "future".

Explanatory note.

This program and method of teaching English is intended for preschool children aged 3-6 years. The program is the result of the author's work in a number of children's institutions of the city and directly in the state educational institution "Primary School-Kindergarten No. 701" Emerald City ".

Teaching children a foreign language should begin no earlier than from the age of three (the age of children junior group kindergarten), when the child's speech in his native language is already more or less formalized, and he speaks, albeit in very short, but correct sentences.

The program is designed for classes, the duration of which is 20 minutes once a week for children aged 3-4 years (younger and middle groups) and 25 minutes once a week for children aged 5-6 years (senior and preparatory groups). The experience of working in preschool children's institutions has shown the feasibility of conducting classes with a group of not more than 10 people. But you should not create very small groups, since the types and methods of work make it possible to involve all children in active activities (collective repetition of words and sentences, singing, games, stories from pictures, etc.) It is most convenient to organize these classes in the morning. Children at this time are not tired and perceive the material of a foreign language well. The need to create this program is due to the specific conditions of work in the State Educational Establishment "Primary School-Kindergarten No. 701" Emerald City "and the concept of teaching and educating children in this institution. This concept assumes the continuity and succession of the learning process during the transition of children to school. Within its framework, the experience of creating a single complex for learning English "Kindergarten - School" was implemented. The proposed program is aimed at ensuring that children, moving into elementary school, fall into classes of in-depth study of the English language.

When creating the program, the psychophysiological characteristics of preschool children were taken into account. First of all, we focused on the involuntary nature of memory and attention, the ability to imprint, and on the game as the main activity.

The purpose of this course is to make the child understand that there are other countries, and people who speak different languages ​​live in them. INTEREST, CAPTURIZE, GET ATTENTION - HERE ARE THE MAIN FIRST STEPS THAT WILL HELP IN THE FURTHER FURTHER CHILD PLUMBING WITH PLEASURE INTO THE WORLD OF LEARNING ENGLISH.

of the age of oral foreign speech, the teacher's awareness of the age-related anatomical, physiological and mental characteristics of the child is of great importance. Without this, it is impossible to resolve the issue of choosing teaching methods and techniques, to determine the dosage of the material and the frequency of classes. Accounting age features children is especially important in determining the optimal age to start learning a foreign language. One of the essential points that testify to the psychological readiness of the child to learn a foreign language is his ability to evaluate his actions and the actions of his comrades, to realize what is bad and what is good.

Children of the senior and preparatory groups of the kindergarten already have certain knowledge, skills and abilities. At this age, the child develops the ability to target memorization necessary information. He is starting to form logical thinking, no longer in isolation, but in conjunction with the general changes in his life, with the formation of his worldview. Preschool age is especially favorable for the beginning of learning a foreign language, since children are particularly sensitive to linguistic phenomena. They easily and firmly memorize a small amount of language material and reproduce it well. With age, these favorable factors lose their strength.

So, a small child learns his native language involuntarily, on the basis of imitation. Before the child begins to consciously set goals and understand why and how to learn his native language, he already basically masters it. This involuntary, unstressed form of language acquisition is very effective. Assimilation occurs in gaming activities, with the assistance of positive emotions, involuntary attention, involuntary memory. It is these age-related abilities that open up great opportunities in terms of connecting a second (non-native) language.

Children aged 3 to 8 years, through the so-called "imprinting" (imprinting), based on imitation, learn foreign speech relatively easily.

For the correct organization of the system of teaching a foreign language to preschoolers, the teacher needs to know not only their age, but also their individual characteristics.

The teacher should take into account the individual qualities of children from the very first days of classes.

In the classroom in a foreign (English) language, some children show restlessness, increased activity desire to attract attention. This disrupts the overall rhythm of classes and reduces their effectiveness. This is how children with a strong, excitable, but unbalanced type usually behave. nervous activity-cholerics. Punishment or shouting from the teacher is inappropriate here, since they are still in more excite the child. To calm and organize such children is possible only with patience, a calm, but demanding attitude.

Gradually, thanks to an excess of new impressions during classes, children develop interest in them, attention develops, and a sharp change for the better occurs in their behavior.

In the process of teaching preschoolers a foreign language, the author often observed that some children perceive the vocabulary being studied through continuous language communication (that is, they constantly talk), while others, on the contrary, through "wordless communication" (they learn the language silently). In this case, it is necessary to establish such a “balance” that would give all children the opportunity to equally master active and passive speech. But this “balance” is possible only when the teacher knows not only what the child is talking about, but also “what he is silent."

So, before teaching a stuttering child a foreign language, you need to contact a speech therapist to find out which exercises will be most useful for such a child.

The teacher should calmly, benevolently explain to the children how important it is to listen to every sound and word in their native and foreign languages, that foreign speech can be mastered only after you have mastered your native language. This will teach children to be more attentive to the sound side of their native and foreign languages.

The teacher finds out what attracts the child most of all in the course of classes, and gives him the opportunity to do language exercises, but not in isolation, but together with the group, which allows the child to fully demonstrate his speech capabilities. As soon as the child is convinced of his first successes, he begins to believe in himself and with even greater desire tries to "speak like a teacher."

The teacher constantly maintains contact with parents, this helps to find ways to implement an individual approach faster.

Numerous studies show that children can easily learn multiple languages ​​at a very early age. In this case, there is no threat to their mental and mental development. And if in early childhood a person freely masters different language systems, then over the years it needs much more effort.

The development of a child's speech is necessarily associated with his activities (play, work, holiday, etc.). Therefore, language training should be carried out not only in 20-30-minute lessons once a week, but on a daily basis, during various types of children's activities. Language teaching in the classroom should be carried out through purposeful organized activities of children.

The main principles of teaching English in a public educational institution (GOE) are:

1. The principle of oral speech, which involves the assimilation of educational material orally.

overcome phonetic difficulties, having mastered the basic conversational skills, as well as accumulate the necessary lexical and grammatical material.

Mastering the skills of oral English speech is facilitated by:

Listening to the speech of the teacher, simple stories and fairy tales, compiled on the basis of familiar vocabulary;

Listening to tape recordings;

Performing question-answer exercises;

Maintaining accessible dialogues with the teacher and among themselves (based on the acquired lexical material;

Participation in various didactic games in a foreign language;

Carrying out a 2-3-minute "language exercise";

Small messages of children within the framework of the studied topics;

Learning by heart simple poems, songs, tongue twisters, riddles;

Count up to 10-in senior group and up to 20 - in the preparatory group.

The oral method is the foundation on which the educational process for teaching a foreign language to preschool children is built.

  • In the learning process, it is necessary to rely on the emotional sphere, since at the age of 3-6 years, children do not have the concept of a conscious need for learning. Classes should be lively, interesting, colorful. In the classroom, it is supposed to use a variety of aids: toys, cubes, pictures, lotto, photographs.
  • The formation of articular skills and the formation of communication skills in the language should take place in situations characteristic of Everyday life and activities of preschool children. Helps to master articular skills high ability children to imitation and a tendency to repeat, "playing to oneself" the words and phrases heard.

4. The assimilation of material by children, especially grammatical, must be conscious (conscious). Children not only memorize constructions, grammatical forms, sounds, but also must understand what is happening in a particular case. For this, grammar exercises in the form of games and fairy tales are used.

5. Goals.

educational goals.

It is supposed to instill in children an interest in learning a foreign language, the formation of skills in educational activities. Foreign language teaching contributes to general development personality, fosters a benevolent attitude towards other peoples and countries.

development goals.

The main goal of early learning a foreign language is the development of the child. Learning a foreign language contributes to the development of memory and thinking of children, the formation of speech culture. In the process of properly organized teaching a foreign language, the articulatory apparatus of the child is improved. The skills of voluntary attention, purposeful perception are formed, imagination develops. The development of the child is also facilitated by the mastery of speech behavior in a foreign language.

Educational goals.

It is supposed to form the skills of independent solution of elementary situational problems in English within the framework of the topics proposed by the program, and in the acquisition of elementary regional knowledge about the country of the language being studied.

6. Methods.

Methods - ways to achieve goals, solutions, tasks. To implement the program, the author uses the following methods:


In an effort to instill in children a love for a foreign language, the teacher must build classes in such a way that the child experiences the same pleasure from learning as from the game. The game retains its leading role. Children continue to play until the age of 10-12. The ability to rely on gaming activity allows you to provide a natural motivation for speech in a foreign language, to make even the most elementary statements interesting and meaningful. The game in teaching a foreign language does not oppose learning activities, but is organically connected with it. The game in this function does not allow the free action inherent in regular games. When introducing this or that game, the teacher must take into account what pleases, excites the child at the moment, and also remember the target orientation of his own game. The teacher directs the course of the game and controls it. It is the use of gaming teaching methods that allows laying the foundations for the components of educational activity: the ability to see the goal and act in accordance with it, the ability to control and evaluate one's actions, etc.

By teaching children in the process of play, we help to ensure that the joy received from play activities gradually turns into the joy of learning. Teaching should be joyful. At the same time, the game is not only a source of children's joy, it is the main way to solve educational problems.


The attention of children of this age is unstable. Children can only concentrate for a few minutes. Children do not perceive long (more than 2-3 minutes) monologic explanations of the teacher, so any explanation should be built in the form of a conversation.

Dialogical speech should prevail over monologue.


The child does not catch the individual nuances of the phonetic phenomena of the English language. Insufficiently developed phonetic hearing in some children leads to the fact that they do not adhere to the necessary intonation of the sentence, confuse and do not always correctly compare the sounds and words of the studied and native languages. Children make much fewer mistakes in pronunciation if the teacher pays enough attention to the correct articulation of sounds. The author tries to teach children to assimilate the rules of phonetics not automatically, but consciously, based on the child's ability to analyze the sound phenomena of English speech, albeit still insufficiently developed, but still existing in the child. The teacher makes sure that the children learn to listen and distinguish between sounds and sound combinations, highlight individual words, and also be able to distinguish correct pronunciation from incorrect in the speech of their comrades.

The teacher shows the similarity or difference of English sounds with similar sounds of the native language, which helps to improve the child's diction. During articulation gymnastics, the teacher must constantly ensure that the material is of interest to children. This is possible thanks to the novelty of the material and the tendency of children to “play with sounds”.

Articulation gymnastics is aimed at preparing the child's articulation apparatus for pronouncing the sounds of a foreign language. It is practiced at the beginning of every class. As a rule, it takes the form of a fairy tale about Mr. Tongue. In teaching children correct pronunciation foreign words a positive role is played by special musical exercises.


In children, voluntary memorization predominates. What is interesting and evokes an emotional response is well and quickly remembered.

A visual aid (model, toy, drawing, etc.) is, as it were, the bridge along which you need to go from the name of an object (or phenomenon) in the native language to the name of the object (or phenomenon) in a foreign language.

The use of visualization in the process of teaching English speech to preschoolers should depend on the specific conditions in which the lesson is conducted. For example, when studying the topic “Animals”, it is better to use not pictures, but toys that enable children to perceive the displayed objects in volume. "Natural visualization" (plants, models, toys, minerals, etc.) makes a greater impression on children than "pictorial visualization" (pictures, photographs of diagrams, etc.). However, "natural visualization" should not crowd out other types of visualization. Including "pictorial".

The teacher carefully considers what type of visualization can be used so that the visual aid evokes certain emotions in the child and leaves a mark in his figurative memory.

To make the first impression the most striking, toys, pictures, photographs, diagrams and other visual aids should be attractive.

The use of visualization in the process of teaching preschoolers a foreign language contributes to the development of their observation skills, which are one of the main factors in a child's psychological readiness for schooling.

The author adheres to the communicative methodology: during classes, communication in the native language is completely excluded. English words are associated not with Russian counterparts, but with objects, pictures. To make it interesting for kids to learn, songs, fairy tales, live dialogues, games are used.

The technique is simple: since the child perceives everything as a game, teachers use this by starting a game of “foreign words”, in which the same objects can be called differently! If during the classes they show beautiful pictures and toys, and even teach these toys to “converse” with each other in English in the manner of Khrusha & Stepashka… delight is guaranteed.

At this age, in group classes, English can only be exciting game, the purpose of which is to develop vocabulary and put pronunciation.

5. .

The use of audio and video materials not only helps the learning process, but also contributes to the comprehensive development of the child. These funds “pull up” lagging children to the level of more developed ones, which gives a positive “educational effect”. Audio and video materials provide dynamism, brilliance and vivid impressions. With expressive speech accompaniment, they evoke emotions in children that have a positive effect on the learning process.

7. Argumentation of the program.

The author defends the idea of ​​not a linear arrangement of the material, but a concentric (reciprocating) one. The positive point with this arrangement of the material is that each new academic year of study takes place not only a return to the previously studied material, but also its study at a higher level with the involvement of new lexical units and grammatical forms. Repetition becomes so important because of the characteristics of the psyche of the child, and also because English is not native to the child. The child does not live permanently among native speakers and does not use it in everyday communication. Under these conditions, in the absence of repetition, words and structures pass from an asset to a liability in a fairly short period of time, or even completely forgotten.

However, it should be noted that this program does not exclude a completely linear arrangement of the material. At each stage of training, for example, in the academic year, a consistent, linear study of new topics and concepts is necessarily implied.

Thus, there are plenty of arguments for learning English in the preschool period.

What surrounds us: a room for classes; Kindergarten; yard, playground street; transport; a park.

Body parts.

Food, dishes.


Home, family (relations).


My apartment, furniture.

Weather. Seasons.

Holidays, birthday.

Sports, Games.

Daily regime.

In addition, discussions on regional studies topics are held in the classroom. Children get acquainted with the folklore of England and the USA, with the best works for children of English and American writers in translation. Songs, poems, rhymes, stories and fairy tales are widely used as teaching material.

9. Conversational formulas.

Greeting, farewell, introduction, introduction:

Bye! Goodbye! good night!

How old are you?

I am fine, thanks.

I am so-so.

I am ill.

I am a boy (a girl).

Request expression:

Polite denial to a request for something or help:

I'm sorry. I cant.

Expression of gratitude - a polite response:

Thanks you (very much)

Thanks a lot.

You are welcome.

Positive rating:

That's very good!

Educational and thematic plan.

Junior group.


Number of hours



form of control

  • Acquaintance. Greetings.
  • Animals
  • A family
  • Colors
  • Tableware
  • Body parts
  • clothing
  • Furniture
  • Seasons

Lessons 1-2. Vocabulary: Hello, hi, good morning, good afternoon, good evening. – Use of video materials on the topic.

Lessons 3-7. Vocabulary: dog, cat, monkey, elephant, cock, duck, goose, hen, bear, hare, donkey, squirrel, mouse, fox, wolf. Audio. Use of videos on the topic. Situational games with themed cards, bingo and toys.

Lessons 8-12. Vocabulary: family, mother, father, sister, brother, son, daughter, aunt, uncle. Use of video and audio material on the topic. Games with lotto and pictures.

Lessons 13-16. Vocabulary: red, blue, yellow, green, orange, brown, black, white, purple, grey. Playing "Footprints", "Balloons". Use of video materials on the topic.

Lessons 17-20. Vocabulary: bread, butter, meat, ice-cream, egg, fish, cheese, salad, potato, tomato, carrot, cucumber, apple, orange, milk, water, juice, tea, coffee. Use of video materials on the topic. Role playing games, lotto game and pictures.

Lessons 21-23. Vocabulary: cup, glass, plate, saucer, spoon, fork, knife, kettle, pan, dish, bowl. Use of video materials on the topic. Role playing games, lotto game and pictures.

Educational and thematic plan.

Middle group.


Number of hours



form of control

  • Acquaintance. Greetings.
  • Animals
  • A family
  • Toys
  • Colors
  • Tableware
  • Meals
  • Body parts
  • clothing
  • Furniture
  • Seasons

Class schedule: 32 hours once a week

Lessons 2-3. Vocabulary: Hello, hi, good morning, good afternoon, good evening. -What's your name? -My name is. Use of videos on the topic.

Lessons 4-7. Vocabulary: dog, cat, monkey, elephant, cock, duck, goose, hen, bear, hare, donkey, squirrel, mouse, fox, wolf. Audio. on this topic. Use of videos on the topic. Situational games with cards, bingo and toys.

Lessons 8-11. Vocabulary: family, mother, father, sister, brother, son, daughter, aunt, uncle. Use of video and audio material on the topic. Games with lotto and pictures.

Lessons 12-13. Vocabulary: toy. These lessons combine words on the topics “Animals”, “Transport”, “Colors”. Use of video materials on the topic. Creation of game situations with toys in the group.

Lessons 14-17. Vocabulary: red, blue, yellow, green, orange, brown, black, white, purple, grey. Playing "Footprints", "Balloons". Use of video materials on the topic.

Lessons 24-26. Vocabulary: body, head, hair, eye, ear, nose, face, neck, shoulder, arm, hand, leg, foot-feet, finger, toe. Use of video materials on the topic. Loto game. Consideration of a poster on the topic.

Lessons 27-28. Vocabulary: dress, shirt, jeans, trousers, coat, jacket, scarf, hat, cap, gloves, mittens, boots, shoes, suit. Use of video materials on the topic. Role-playing games on the topic using pictures, dolls and doll clothes.

Lessons 29-30. Vocabulary: sofa, table, chair, armchair, shelf, bookcase, wardrobe, bed, cupboard. Use of video materials on the topic. Role playing in children's corner. Games using pictures and lotto.

Lessons 31-32. Vocabulary: winter, spring, summer, autumn. Learning songs on the topic. Games using pictures and lotto.

Educational and thematic plan.

Senior group.


Number of hours



form of control

  • Acquaintance with the country of the language being studied
  • Acquaintance. Greetings.
  • Animals
  • A family
  • Toys
  • Colors
  • Holidays
  • Winter Games. Sports.
  • Tableware
  • Meals
  • Body parts
  • clothing
  • Furniture
  • Seasons

Class schedule: 32 hours once a week

Lesson 1. A story about the country of the language being studied using pictures and photographs.

Lessons 2-3. Vocabulary: Hello, hi, good morning, good afternoon, good evening. -What's your name? -My name is… -How are you? -I am fine, thanks. Use Video materials on the topic.

Lessons 4-6. Vocabulary: dog, cat, monkey, elephant, cock, duck, goose, hen, bear, hare, donkey, squirrel, mouse, fox, wolf. Audio. Use related videos. Situational games with themed cards, bingo and toys.

Lessons 7-9. Vocabulary: family, mother, father, sister, brother, son, daughter, aunt, uncle. Use of video and audio material on the topic. Games with lotto and pictures.

Lessons 10-11. Vocabulary: toy. These lessons combine words on the topics “Animals”, “Transport”, “Colors”. Use of video materials on the topic. Creation of game situations with toys in the group.

Lessons 12-14. Vocabulary: red, blue, yellow, green, orange, brown, black, white, purple, grey. Playing "Footprints", "Balloons". Use of video materials on the topic.

Lesson 17 Playing loto and pictures on the topic.

Lessons 18-19. Vocabulary: bread, butter, meat, ice-cream, egg, fish, cheese, salad, potato, tomato, carrot, cucumber, apple, orange, milk, water, juice, tea, coffee. Use of video materials on the topic. Role playing games, lotto game and pictures.

Lessons 20-21. Vocabulary: cup, glass, plate, saucer, spoon, fork, knife, kettle, pan, dish, bowl. Use of video materials on the topic. Role playing games, lotto game and pictures.

Lessons 22-23. Vocabulary: breakfast, lunch, dinner, supper, teatime, I am hungry, I am thirsty. Role-playing games on the topic with pictures.

Lessons 24-26. Vocabulary: body, head, hair, eye, ear, nose, face, neck, shoulder, arm, hand, leg, foot-feet, finger, toe. Use of video materials on the topic. Loto game. Consideration of a poster on the topic.

Lessons 27-28. Vocabulary: dress, shirt, jeans, trousers, coat, jacket, scarf, hat, cap, gloves, mittens, boots, shoes, suit. Use of video materials on the topic. Role-playing games on the topic using pictures, dolls and doll clothes.

Lessons 29-30. Vocabulary: sofa, table, chair, armchair, shelf, bookcase, wardrobe, bed, cupboard. Use of video materials on the topic. Role play in the children's corner. Games using pictures and lotto.

Lessons 31-32. Vocabulary: winter, spring, summer, autumn. Learning songs on the topic. Games using pictures and lotto.

Educational and thematic plan.

Preparatory group.


Number of hours



form of control

  • Acquaintance with the country of the language being studied
  • Acquaintance. Greetings.
  • Animals
  • A family
  • My apartment. Furniture.
  • Schedule
  • On the street. Transport.
  • On the street. What surrounds us.
  • Holidays in England and Russia
  • Seasons. Weather.
  • Toys
  • Colors
  • Body parts
  • clothing
  • Tableware
  • School. School supplies.
  • Professions

Class schedule: 32 hours, once a week.

Lesson 1. A story about the country of the language being studied using video material, pictures and photographs.

Lesson 2. Vocabulary: Hello, hi, good morning, good afternoon, good evening. -What's your name? -My name is… -How are you? -I am fine, thanks. Use of video material on the topic.

Lessons 3-4. Vocabulary: dog, cat, monkey, elephant, cock, duck, goose, hen, bear, hare, donkey, squirrel, mouse, fox, wolf, mouse, snake, bird, butterfly, fly. Use of video materials on the topic. Games with cards, lotto and toys.

Lessons 5-6. Vocabulary: family, mother, father, sister, brother, son, daughter, aunt, uncle. Use of video and audio material on the topic. Games with lotto and pictures.

Lessons 7-8. Vocabulary: flat, house, sofa, table, chair, armchair, shelf, bookcase, wardrobe, bed, stool, cupboard, kitchen, bedroom, toilet, bathroom, living-room, hall. Use of video materials on the topic. Role play in the children's corner.

Lessons 9-10. Vocabulary: short sentences like: I get up at seven o'clock. I want my hands and face. I dress. I have breakfast. Use of video materials on the topic. Drawing up a loto on the topic.

Lessons 11-12. Vocabulary: car, bus, trolleybus, tram, bicycle, bike, ship, train, plane, lorry, truck, scooter. Use of video materials on the topic. Loto game. Demonstration of pictures by topic.

Lessons 13-14. Classes include games and vocabulary covering topics such as "Transport", "Colors". Game on the topic using pictures and lotto.

Lessons 15-16. Vocabulary: New Year, Christmas, Birthday. Songs associated with these holidays. Role-playing games on themes.

Lessons 17-18. Vocabulary: winter, spring, summer, autumn, cold, hot, worm, windy, snowy, sunny. Learning songs on the topic. Games using pictures and lotto.

Lessons 19-20. Vocabulary: toy. These lessons combine words on the topics “Animals”, “Transport”, “Colors”. Use of video materials on the topic. Creation of game situations with toys in the group.

Lessons 21-22. Vocabulary: red, blue, yellow, green, orange, brown, black, white, purple, grey. Playing "Footprints", "Balloons". Use of video materials on the topic.

Lessons 23-24. Vocabulary: body, head, hair, eye, ear, nose, face, neck, shoulder, arm, hand, leg, foot-feet, finger, toe. Use of video materials on the topic. Loto game. Consideration of a poster on the topic.

Lessons 25-26. Vocabulary: dress, shirt, jeans, trousers, coat, jacket, scarf, hat, cap, gloves, mittens, boots, shoes, suit. Use of video materials on the topic. Role-playing games on the topic using pictures, dolls and doll clothes.

Lessons 27-28. Vocabulary: bread, butter, meat, ice-cream, egg, fish, cheese, salad, potato, tomato, carrot, cucumber, apple, orange, milk, water, juice, tea, coffee, breakfast, lunch, dinner, supper, teatime, I am hungry, I am thirsty. Use of video materials on the topic. Role playing games, lotto game and pictures.

Lesson 29 Use of video materials on the topic. Role playing games, lotto game and pictures.

Lessons 30-31. Vocabulary: school, teacher, pupil, classroom, desk, chair, table, blackboard, duster, piece of chalk, pen, pencil, rubber, ruler, book, exercise-book. The game "To school" using visual materials, pictures.

Lesson 32 Loto game.

11. Monitoring and evaluation.

Achieving success in communication is one of the main conditions for the formation of interest.

When teaching six-year-olds, direct control is not used. That is, students do not know that their activities in this situation are specially evaluated.

Focus on the performance of actions is ensured by the rules of the game, which the student observes in an effort to solve the game communicative task.

1) In all cases, a friendly attitude towards the student as a person.

2) A positive attitude towards the student's efforts aimed at solving the problem (even if these efforts did not give a positive result).

3) A concrete analysis of the difficulties faced by the student and the mistakes he made.

4) Specific instructions on how to improve the achieved result.

The general pedagogical meaning of the statement should be something like this: “You acted very well, but so far you have not yet succeeded. You will definitely do better next time!”

An overall positive assessment is also necessary because children still cannot separate the assessment of the performance of the task from the assessment of themselves as a whole. They understand the words "you did it badly" like this: "I'm bad, and the teacher does not like me."

Forms of performance evaluation can be:

Open classes for parents;

Questioning of parents;

Participation in thematic holidays;

The level of formation of speech skills and abilities is established with the help of special control tasks and is recorded in writing.

To check the level of learning, listening and speaking classes (dialogical and monologue speech) are provided.

For students, this is hidden control, that is, they do not know that their activities are specifically controlled. Control is exercised in the situation: teacher - student. The setting should be natural. Testing is carried out in the form of a game.


1. N.V. Chanchikova. English for kids. Publishing house "Style". St. Petersburg, 1993 - 160 p.

2. Bondarenko A.K., Matusik A.I. Education of children in the game. M.: Enlightenment, 1983.

Z. Golubkova G.B. Let's learn together. English language guide for children under 10 and their parents. St. Petersburg, 1991.

4. L.S. Kochetova. We study English. Publishing house "Style". St. Petersburg, 1993 - 144 p.

5. Elkonin D.B. The psychology of the game. Moscow: Pedagogy, 1978.



State educational institution for children of preschool and primary school age Elementary school - kindergarten No. 701 "Emerald City" of the Kalininsky administrative district of St. Petersburg




"English for children"

for children from 3 to 7 years old.

Program implementation period 4 years

St. Petersburg 2012

Explanatory note.

1. Scientific and methodological substantiation and relevance of the program.

This program and method of teaching English is intended for preschool children aged 3-6 years. The program is the result of the author's work in a number of children's institutions of the city and directly in the state educational institution "Primary School-Kindergarten No. 701" Emerald City ".

Teaching children a foreign language should begin no earlier than from the age of three (the age of children in the younger group of kindergarten), when the child’s speech in his native language is already more or less formalized, and he speaks, albeit in very short, but correct sentences.

The program is designed for classes, the duration of which is 20 minutes once a week for children aged 3-4 years (younger and middle groups) and 25 minutes once a week for children aged 5-6 years (senior and preparatory groups). The experience of working in preschool children's institutions has shown the feasibility of conducting classes with a group of not more than 10 people. But you should not create very small groups, since the types and methods of work make it possible to involve all children in active activities (collective repetition of words and sentences, singing, games, stories from pictures, etc.) It is most convenient to organize these classes in the morning. Children at this time are not tired and perceive the material of a foreign language well. The need to create this program is due to the specific conditions of work in the State Educational Establishment "Primary School-Kindergarten No. 701" Emerald City "and the concept of teaching and educating children in this institution. This concept assumes the continuity and succession of the learning process during the transition of children to school. Within its framework, the experience of creating a single complex for learning English "Kindergarten - School" was implemented. The proposed program is aimed at ensuring that children, moving into elementary school, fall into classes of in-depth study of the English language.

The lessons are aimed at the comprehensive development of the child, the desire to learn to speak English is achieved and grows, oral-speech skills and the ability to communicate at an elementary level are formed. It is to speak, and not only to recite poems, sing songs and list the names of objects. Children attend classes with interest, listen and watch videocassettes with pleasure.
Our task is to create in the child's brain an image of the basic structures of the language. Since at this age the speech mechanisms are not yet fully formed, and the mechanism of imprinting operates, it seems to be the most effective natural way creating an image of the child's language - through repeated listening to the structures being worked out (the audio complex plays a big role in this).
When creating the program, the psychophysiological characteristics of preschool children were taken into account. First of all, we focused on the involuntary nature of memory and attention, the ability to imprint, and on the game as the main activity.

The purpose of this course is to make the child understand that there are other countries, and people who speak different languages ​​live in them. INTEREST, CAPTURIZE, GET ATTENTION - HERE ARE THE MAIN FIRST STEPS THAT WILL HELP IN THE FURTHER FURTHER CHILD PLUMBING WITH PLEASURE INTO THE WORLD OF LEARNING ENGLISH.

2. Age characteristics of children.

The optimal age to start learning a foreign language.

For the proper organization of the process of teaching preschool children
of the age of oral foreign speech, the teacher's awareness of the age-related anatomical, physiological and mental characteristics of the child is of great importance. Without this, it is impossible to resolve the issue of choosing teaching methods and techniques, to determine the dosage of the material and the frequency of classes. Taking into account the age characteristics of children is especially important when determining the optimal age to start learning a foreign language. One of the essential points that testify to the psychological readiness of the child to learn a foreign language is his ability to evaluate his actions and the actions of his comrades, to realize what is bad and what is good.

Children of the senior and preparatory groups of the kindergarten already have certain knowledge, skills and abilities. At this age, the child develops the ability to purposefully memorize the necessary information. He begins to form logical thinking, no longer in isolation, but in conjunction with the general changes in his life, with the formation of his worldview. Preschool age is especially favorable for the beginning of learning a foreign language, since children are particularly sensitive to linguistic phenomena. They easily and firmly memorize a small amount of language material and reproduce it well. With age, these favorable factors lose their strength.

So, a small child learns his native language involuntarily, on the basis of imitation. Before the child begins to consciously set goals and understand why and how to learn his native language, he already basically masters it. This involuntary, unstressed form of language acquisition is very effective. Assimilation occurs in gaming activities, with the assistance of positive emotions, involuntary attention, involuntary memory. It is these age-related abilities that open up great opportunities in terms of connecting a second (non-native) language.

Children aged 3 to 8 years, through the so-called "imprinting" (imprinting), based on imitation, learn foreign speech relatively easily.

3. Accounting for the individual characteristics of children.

For the correct organization of the system of teaching a foreign language to preschoolers, the teacher needs to know not only their age, but also their individual characteristics.

The teacher should take into account the individual qualities of children from the very first days of classes.

In the classroom in a foreign (English) language, some children show restlessness, increased activity, a desire to attract attention. This disrupts the overall rhythm of classes and reduces their effectiveness. This is usually the behavior of children with a strong, excitable, but unbalanced type of nervous activity - choleric. Punishment or shouting of the teacher is inappropriate here, as they excite the child even more. To calm and organize such children is possible only with patience, a calm, but demanding attitude.

Gradually, thanks to an excess of new impressions during classes, children develop interest in them, attention develops, and a sharp change for the better occurs in their behavior.

In the process of teaching preschoolers a foreign language, the author often observed that some children perceive the vocabulary being studied through continuous language communication (that is, they constantly talk), while others, on the contrary, through "wordless communication" (they learn the language silently). In this case, it is necessary to establish such a “balance” that would give all children the opportunity to equally master active and passive speech. But this “balance” is possible only when the teacher knows not only what the child is talking about, but also “what he is silent."

So, before teaching a stuttering child a foreign language, you need to contact a speech therapist to find out which exercises will be most useful for such a child.

The teacher should calmly, benevolently explain to the children how important it is to listen to every sound and word in their native and foreign languages, that foreign speech can be mastered only after you have mastered your native language. This will teach children to be more attentive to the sound side of their native and foreign languages.

The teacher finds out what attracts the child most of all in the course of classes, and gives him the opportunity to do language exercises, but not in isolation, but together with the group, which allows the child to fully demonstrate his speech capabilities. As soon as the child is convinced of his first successes, he begins to believe in himself and with even greater desire tries to "speak like a teacher."

The teacher constantly maintains contact with parents, this helps to find ways to implement an individual approach faster.

Numerous studies show that children can easily learn multiple languages ​​at a very early age. In this case, there is no threat to their mental and mental development. And if in early childhood a person freely masters different language systems, then over the years he needs much more effort.

4. General methodological principles.

The development of a child's speech is necessarily associated with his activities (play, work, holiday, etc.). Therefore, language training should be carried out not only in 20-30-minute lessons once a week, but on a daily basis, during various types of children's activities. Language teaching in the classroom should be carried out through purposeful organized activities of children.

The main principles of teaching English in a public educational institution (GOE) are:

1. The principle of oral speech, which involves the assimilation of educational material orally.

The psychological characteristics of children allow them to assimilate individual
words, phrases and structures. Per short period children should
overcome phonetic difficulties by masteringbasic conversational skills, as well as to accumulate the necessary lexical and grammatical material.

Mastering the skills of oral English speech is facilitated by:

Listening to the speech of the teacher, simple stories and fairy tales, compiled on the basis of familiar vocabulary;

Listening to tape recordings;

Performing question-answer exercises;

Maintaining accessible dialogues with the teacher and among themselves (based on the acquired lexical material;

Participation in various didactic games in a foreign language;

Carrying out a 2-3-minute "language exercise";

Small messages of children within the framework of the studied topics;

Learning by heart simple poems, songs, tongue twisters, riddles;

Count up to 10 - in the senior group and up to 20 - in the preparatory group.

The oral method is the foundation on which the educational process for teaching a foreign language to preschool children is built.

  1. In the learning process, it is necessary to rely on the emotional sphere, since at the age of 3-6 years, children do not have the concept of a conscious need for learning. Classes should be lively, interesting, colorful. In the classroom, it is supposed to use a variety of aids: toys, cubes, pictures, lotto, photographs.
  2. The formation of articular skills and the formation of communication skills in the language should take place in situations typical of the daily life and activities of preschool children. The mastery of articular skills is helped by the high ability of children to imitate and the tendency to repeat, "playing to themselves" the words and phrases they hear.

4. The assimilation of material by children, especially grammatical, must be conscious (conscious). Children not only memorize constructions, grammatical forms, sounds, but also must understand what is happening in a particular case. For this, grammar exercises in the form of games and fairy tales are used.

5. Goals.

educational goals.

It is supposed to instill in children an interest in learning a foreign language, the formation of skills in educational activities. Teaching a foreign language contributes to the overall development of the individual, fosters a benevolent attitude towards other peoples and countries.

development goals.

The main goal of early learning a foreign language is the development of the child. Learning a foreign language contributes to the development of memory and thinking of children, the formation of speech culture. In the process of properly organized teaching a foreign language, the articulatory apparatus of the child is improved. The skills of voluntary attention, purposeful perception are formed, imagination develops. The development of the child is also facilitated by the mastery of speech behavior in a foreign language.

Educational goals.

It is supposed to form the skills of independent solution of elementary situational problems in English within the framework of the topics proposed by the program, and in the acquisition of elementary regional knowledge about the country of the language being studied.

6. Methods.

Methods - ways to achieve goals, solutions, tasks. To implement the program, the author uses the following methods:

1. GAME.

In an effort to instill in children a love for a foreign language, the teacher must build classes in such a way that the child experiences the same pleasure from learning as from the game. The game retains its leading role. Children continue to play until the age of 10-12. The ability to rely on gaming activity allows you to provide a natural motivation for speech in a foreign language, to make even the most elementary statements interesting and meaningful. The game in teaching a foreign language does not oppose learning activities, but is organically connected with it. The game in this function does not allow the free action inherent in regular games. When introducing this or that game, the teacher must take into account what pleases, excites the child at the moment, and also remember the target orientation of his own game. The teacher directs the course of the game and controls it. It is the use of gaming teaching methods that allows laying the foundations for the components of educational activity: the ability to see the goal and act in accordance with it, the ability to control and evaluate one's actions, etc.

By teaching children in the process of play, we help to ensure that the joy received from play activities gradually turns into the joy of learning. Teaching should be joyful. At the same time, the game is not only a source of children's joy, it is the main way to solve educational problems.


The attention of children of this age is unstable. Children can only concentrate for a few minutes. Children do not perceive long (more than 2-3 minutes) monologic explanations of the teacher, so any explanation should be built in the form of a conversation.

Dialogical speech should prevail over monologue.


The child does not catch the individual nuances of the phonetic phenomena of the English language. Insufficiently developed phonetic hearing in some children leads to the fact that they do not adhere to the necessary intonation of the sentence, confuse and do not always correctly compare the sounds and words of the studied and native languages. Children make much fewer mistakes in pronunciation if the teacher pays enough attention to the correct articulation of sounds. The author tries to teach children to assimilate the rules of phonetics not automatically, but consciously, based on the child's ability to analyze the sound phenomena of English speech, albeit still insufficiently developed, but still existing in the child. The teacher makes sure that the children learn to listen and distinguish between sounds and sound combinations, highlight individual words, and also be able to distinguish correct pronunciation from incorrect in the speech of their comrades.

The teacher shows the similarity or difference of English sounds with similar sounds of the native language, which helps to improve the child's diction. During articulation gymnastics, the teacher must constantly ensure that the material is of interest to children. This is possible thanks to the novelty of the material and the tendency of children to “play with sounds”.

Articulation gymnastics is aimed at preparing the child's articulation apparatus for pronouncing the sounds of a foreign language. It is practiced at the beginning of every class. As a rule, it takes the form of a fairy tale about Mr. Tongue. Special musical exercises play a positive role in teaching children the correct pronunciation of foreign words.


In children, voluntary memorization predominates. What is interesting and evokes an emotional response is well and quickly remembered.

A visual aid (model, toy, drawing, etc.) is, as it were, the bridge along which you need to go from the name of an object (or phenomenon) in the native language to the name of the object (or phenomenon) in a foreign language.

The use of visualization in the process of teaching English speech to preschoolers should depend on the specific conditions in which the lesson is conducted. For example, when studying the topic “Animals”, it is better to use not pictures, but toys that enable children to perceive the displayed objects in volume. "Natural visualization" (plants, models, toys, minerals, etc.) makes a greater impression on children than "pictorial visualization" (pictures, photographs of diagrams, etc.). However, "natural visualization" should not crowd out other types of visualization. Including "pictorial".

The teacher carefully considers what type of visualization can be used so that the visual aid evokes certain emotions in the child and leaves a mark in his figurative memory.

To make the first impression the most striking, toys, pictures, photographs, diagrams and other visual aids should be attractive.

The use of visualization in the process of teaching preschoolers a foreign language contributes to the development of their observation skills, which are one of the main factors in a child's psychological readiness for schooling.

The author adheres to the communicative methodology: during classes, communication in the native language is completely excluded. English words are associated not with Russian counterparts, but with objects, pictures. To make it interesting for kids to learn, songs, fairy tales, live dialogues, games are used.

The technique is simple: since the child perceives everything as a game, teachers use this by starting a game of “foreign words”, in which the same objects can be called differently! If during the classes they show beautiful pictures and toys, and even teach these toys to “converse” with each other in English in the manner of Khrusha & Stepashka… delight is guaranteed.

At this age, in group classes, English can only be an exciting game, the purpose of which is to develop vocabulary and improve pronunciation.


The use of audio and video materials not only helps the learning process, but also contributes to the comprehensive development of the child. These funds “pull up” lagging children to the level of more developed ones, which gives a positive “educational effect”. Audio and video materials provide dynamism, brilliance and vivid impressions. With expressive speech accompaniment, they evoke emotions in children that have a positive effect on the learning process.

7. Argumentation of the program.

The author defends the idea of ​​not a linear arrangement of the material, but a concentric (reciprocating) one. The positive point with this arrangement of the material is that each new academic year of study takes place not only a return to the previously studied material, but also its study at a higher level with the involvement of new lexical units and grammatical forms. Repetition becomes so important because of the characteristics of the psyche of the child, and also because English is not native to the child. The child does not live permanently among native speakers and does not use it in everyday communication. Under these conditions, in the absence of repetition, words and structures pass from an asset to a liability in a fairly short period of time, or even completely forgotten.

However, it should be noted that this program does not exclude a completely linear arrangement of the material. At each stage of training, for example, in the academic year, a consistent, linear study of new topics and concepts is necessarily implied.

Learning a language usually speeds up a child's mental and emotional development. In the future, it will be easier for him to give not only others foreign languages, but also any sign systems (for example, a programming language). And participation in joint educational games with peers allows you to form an interest in learning even before school. In addition, imagination actively participates in gaming activities, the process of memorization is easier, and logical abilities gradually develop. Finally, communication with a native speaker from early childhood makes it possible to achieve excellent pronunciation.
Thus, there are plenty of arguments for learning English in the preschool period.

8. Educational and thematic planning of classes.

What surrounds us: a room for classes; Kindergarten; yard, playground street; transport; a park.

Body parts.



Food, dishes.



Home, family (relations).


My apartment, furniture.

Weather. Seasons.

Holidays, birthday.

School. School supplies.

Sports, Games.

Daily regime.

In addition, discussions on regional studies topics are held in the classroom. Children get acquainted with the folklore of England and the USA, with the best works for children of English and American writers in translation. Songs, poems, rhymes, stories and fairy tales are widely used as teaching material.

9. Conversational formulas.

Greeting, farewell, introduction, introduction:

How do you do! Hello! good morning! good evening! good affemoon!

Bye! Goodbye! good night!

What is your name? My name is …

How old are you?

I am fine, thanks.

I am so-so.

I am ill.

I am a boy (a girl).

Request expression:

(Please) give me a\the... (please).

(Please) help me (please). May I have a\the... (please).

Polite denial to a request for something or help:

I'm sorry. I cant.

Expression of gratitude - a polite response:

Thank you (very much)

Thanks a lot.

You are welcome.

Positive rating:


That's very good!

Educational and thematic plan.

Junior group.

  1. Acquaintance. Greetings.

The game

  1. Animals

The game

  1. A family

The game

  1. Colors

The game

  1. Seasons

The game

Lessons 1-2. Vocabulary: Hello, hi, good morning, good afternoon, good evening. – Use of video materials on the topic.

Lessons 3-7. Vocabulary: dog, cat, monkey, elephant, cock, duck, goose, hen, bear, hare, donkey, squirrel, mouse, fox, wolf. Audio. Use of videos on the topic. Situational games with themed cards, bingo and toys.

Lessons 8-12. Vocabulary: family, mother, father, sister, brother, son, daughter, aunt, uncle. Use of video and audio material on the topic. Games with lotto and pictures.

Lessons 13-16. Vocabulary: red, blue, yellow, green, orange, brown, black, white, purple, grey. Playing "Footprints", "Balloons". Use of video materials on the topic.

Lessons 17-20. Vocabulary: bread, butter, meat, ice-cream, egg, fish, cheese, salad, potato, tomato, carrot, cucumber, apple, orange, milk, water, juice, tea, coffee. Use of video materials on the topic. Role playing games, lotto game and pictures.

Lessons 21-23. Vocabulary: cup, glass, plate, saucer, spoon, fork, knife, kettle, pan, dish, bowl. Use of video materials on the topic. Role playing games, lotto game and pictures.

Educational and thematic plan.

Middle group.

The game

  1. Acquaintance. Greetings.

The game

  1. Animals

The game

  1. A family

The game

  1. Toys

The game

  1. Colors

The game

The game

  1. Tableware

The game

  1. Seasons

The game

Class schedule: 32 hours once a week

Lesson 1. A story about the country of the language being studied using pictures and photographs.

Lessons 2-3. Vocabulary: Hello, hi, good morning, good afternoon, good evening. -What's your name? -My name is. Use of videos on the topic.

Lessons 4-7. Vocabulary: dog, cat, monkey, elephant, cock, duck, goose, hen, bear, hare, donkey, squirrel, mouse, fox, wolf. Audio. on this topic. Use of videos on the topic. Situational games with cards, bingo and toys.

Lessons 8-11. Vocabulary: family, mother, father, sister, brother, son, daughter, aunt, uncle. Use of video and audio material on the topic. Games with lotto and pictures.

Lessons 12-13. Vocabulary: toy. These lessons combine words on the topics “Animals”, “Transport”, “Colors”. Use of video materials on the topic. Creation of game situations with toys in the group.

Lessons 14-17. Vocabulary: red, blue, yellow, green, orange, brown, black, white, purple, grey. Playing "Footprints", "Balloons". Use of video materials on the topic.

Lessons 18-19. Vocabulary: bread, butter, meat, ice-cream, egg, fish, cheese, salad, potato, tomato, carrot, cucumber, apple, orange, milk, water, juice, tea, coffee. Use of video materials on the topic. Role playing games, lotto game and pictures.

Lessons 20-21. Vocabulary: cup, glass, plate, saucer, spoon, fork, knife, kettle, pan, dish, bowl. Use of video materials on the topic. Role playing games, lotto game and pictures.

Lessons 22-23. Vocabulary: breakfast, lunch, dinner, supper, teatime, I am hungry, I am thirsty. Role-playing games on the topic with pictures.

Lessons 24-26. Vocabulary: body, head, hair, eye, ear, nose, face, neck, shoulder, arm, hand, leg, foot-feet, finger, toe. Use of video materials on the topic. Loto game. Consideration of a poster on the topic.

Lessons 27-28. Vocabulary: dress, shirt, jeans, trousers, coat, jacket, scarf, hat, cap, gloves, mittens, boots, shoes, suit. Use of video materials on the topic. Role-playing games on the topic using pictures, dolls and doll clothes.

Lessons 29-30. Vocabulary: sofa, table, chair, armchair, shelf, bookcase, wardrobe, bed, cupboard. Use of video materials on the topic. Role play in the children's corner. Games using pictures and lotto.

Lessons 31-32. Vocabulary: winter, spring, summer, autumn. Learning songs on the topic. Games using pictures and lotto.

Educational and thematic plan.

Senior group.

  1. Acquaintance with the country of the language being studied

The game

  1. Acquaintance. Greetings.

English for children from 1 year old is not very similar to a lesson in its usual sense. English classes with kids are mostly English-language “staging” with a small plot, poetic stories, English songs, funny pictures and interesting drawing-crafts. At the same time, no, including new, foreign words are translated into Russian for the baby. The child should become interested in a language that is incomprehensible to him and, immersing himself in the English-speaking environment, listen and absorb. Quite often very young students just listen and listen and listen at first. English speech teacher, and then they begin to give out whole constructions.

In order for the child to be immediately involved in the process of learning games, the child can be accompanied by a parent in the Polyglot Center. As soon as the student finds contact with the teacher and stops losing mom or dad, he can independently stay in English lessons for the smallest.

Age features

English language courses for kids are divided into several subspecies. With children from one to 2 years old, teachers are engaged in the presence of parents. In addition to studying foreign Special attention given to early development. The teacher in his work uses finger games, mobile tasks that encourage kids to act, learns short poems and songs with his wards. One of the affordable and effective ways to provide information is watching cartoons in English. The main task of the teacher is to interest children, to make them want to learn the language and develop. The teacher is working on preparing the child for a more intensive course, teaching him to intuitively recognize and understand foreign speech.

The English language program for kids from 2 years old is aimed at ensuring that the child speaks as early as possible. With regular attendance at classes, children develop perfect pronunciation and there are no grammatical errors. This level combines tasks for the little ones and is the basis for regular learning. The teacher still devotes a lot of time to games, but the children are already at the table more, performing creative assignments. A competent approach allows you to increase the child's vocabulary several times in a year. In the structure of the classes there are songs, dances, small poems and nursery rhymes.
