Lunar birthday tells about the nature of the soul. Born on the full moon - characteristics of people and fate If the child was born on the full moon

Are you or your loved ones? It is no secret that the Moon greatly influences the tides of the seas and oceans, the behavior of animals, the growth of plants ... But how does it affect a person?

Astrologers often say that the full moon makes people more impulsive, increases emotionality, promotes conflict and rebellion. You can read about what to do and what not to do on the full moon.

But how do people born in the very heart of the lunar cycle feel the influence of the earth's satellite? A lunar birthday can reveal more about you than you know about yourself. In our Lunar calendar you can calculate on which day of the lunar cycle you were born and get advice and information about your strengths and weaknesses 👇

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But if you already know that you or your loved ones were born on the full moon, here is a brief description of the influence of the night luminary on your life path.

Characteristics of those born on the full moon

People born on a Full Moon are rebels. It is not suitable for them to spend their lives in submission to someone. Such people have many talents, often have a penchant for creativity. They love to live here and now, do not plan the future, forget the past.

Those born on the full moon are very emotional, quick-tempered, stubborn. These are loving people who are easily tempted.

If you were born on a full moon, learn to control your emotions. Restrain your own instincts. Remember, some temptations come with a price.

*If you have children born on the full moon, treat them with understanding. Do not scold such a child, in which case he will rebel even more! Gently and patiently teach him to be more reserved.*

Try to become a freelancer or create your own business. It is absolutely not suitable for you to obey someone, it kills all your potential.

Live in harmony with the moon– it is very important for you! Find out what mood the satellite of the earth has on what lunar day. Act when the Moon is favorable to your business. Eat according to the recommendations, and you will live a long and happy life!

To date, hundreds of studies have been conducted on the influence of the moon on the human body, but the scientific aspect of the impact has not been proven. There is an assumption that it is due to gravitational forces, because the human body consists of 60% of water (of body weight) and the Moon affects it in the same way as water in the seas and oceans, causing internal tides. Nevertheless, astrologers, numerologists, yogis and specialists in the study of bioenergetics claim that the phases of the Moon, its position in the horoscope, as well as certain aspects of life are closely related to every person, and especially to women, because according to astrology, it is the Moon that symbolizes the feminine. The astrologer Harper's Bazaar decided to look at the natal charts of the stars and tell useful facts about the influence of the Moon on women's appearance.

Lunar cycles and influence on appearance

Each lunar cycle lasts approximately 28 days from new moon to full moon and new moon again: during this time, the Moon returns to its original position relative to the Sun, passing through several astrological constellations. During this period, the Earth's satellite "lives" 3 phase-states relative to our planet, which have a gravitational effect on all living organisms.

  • Waxing Crescent. The New Moon, when the satellite is in the growth phase and is practically invisible from Earth, is best spent calmly: meditate, cleanse the body and generally go on a light diet. Women born on the new moon have a youthful and often thin appearance, while they have a searching and attentive look, often full lips. Star example - Liza Minnelli, Amal Clooney, Angelina Jolie.
  • Full moon. The influence of the Moon on a person on a full moon is expressed in the fact that we become more emotional and sensitive. During this period, many suffer from insomnia and increased activity, so it is recommended to spend more time in nature, devote time to beauty treatments and exercise. Full moon women often have strong intuition, and look completely different from their mothers. Full moon representatives have huge eyes, large and bright facial features and active facial expressions. By the way, there is an opinion that such women often have long and happy karmic marriages, as they have amazing intuition and know what kind of man they can live with all their lives. Star example - Goldie Hawn, who has been married to Kurt Russell for 35 years.
  • Waning moon. This is the period when activity decreases. All body processes are slower than usual. At such a time, you should not load yourself with fatty and high-calorie foods. It is also not recommended to do physical activity and start something new. Astrologers advise to devote this period to analytical activity, that is, to study everything that happened before the waning phase. Women born during the waning moon have excellent analytical data, and outwardly they most often look like their mothers. It is worth noting that visually such representatives seem more serious than they really are. Star example - Melania Trump.

Moon and women's hair

According to energy experts, with the help of a haircut, you can improve a person’s well-being, free him from negative energy, or, conversely, provoke a disease. So it's best cutting hair it is on the growing moon: it is believed that this period is ideal for those who are ready to abandon the past or simply want their hair to grow faster and be thick. By the way, in Hollywood, the most famous fan of haircuts on the moon is Jennifer Lopez: the star always asks her stylists to follow the astrological location of the satellite in different horoscopes. It is believed that it Moon in Leo promotes a chic haircut, which ultimately stimulates growth and improves the quality of hair.

How to eat according to the phases of the moon?

Waxing Crescent. During this period, the female body is more weakened and vulnerable than on other days, as it launches its natural mechanism for self-purification. This is the ideal time to quit bad habits, plus it is recommended to give up alcohol, starchy foods and sweets. A great option is to use this period for juice detox or add foods such as lemon, mint, arugula, and zucchini to your diet.
Full moon. Authoritative nutritionists believe that the full moon is the best day to start a diet. During this period, appetite decreases, which means that it is worth drinking more and adding seasonal fruits to the diet. fruit and vegetables. Ideal option: morning smoothies and lunch cream soups. But for dinner, experts recommend eating something sour-milk. By the way, there is an opinion that it is during the full moon that the body is ready to rebuild, which means that the diet will not turn into a fiasco!
Waning moon. The period of using all the forces and capabilities of the body, and therefore its greatest activity. Many women have a desire to start new projects, make plans for the future, in other words, to be in constant motion. During this period, it is best to switch to proper nutrition, starting in the morning with oatmeal, and for lunch it is recommended to eat a small portion of bulgur and red fish.

born infull moon

if a child was born on a full moon, this inevitably raises an alarming question.

Where do these concerns come from?

Why is the full moon infamous?

The influence of such a strong celestial phenomenon on people has been noticed since antiquity. At this moment, many physical processes are intensified and aggravated. And if such an event falls on the late stage of pregnancy, it has the power to correct the date of your birth.

According to legend, there would be no wars, no famine, no disease. It was one of the main instruments of resistance of the Guaraní people against Spanish and Portuguese domination. Movements to search for a "land without evils" were formulated by shamans who called themselves Karas.

Only 300 people arrived at Chachalpa in Peru, where instead of bonzes, they were captured and imprisoned. Understanding what phase of the moon you are in allows you to understand your reactions to the phases of the moon of the moment. The reaction of the New Moon type will not be the same as the reaction of the type born in the first quarter to the full moon or the last quarter. There are types of moon phases that do not agree, simply because it will be difficult for them to understand each other in order to communicate easily. A rising phase type of the Moon may have trouble reporting a decreasing phase type of the Moon and may require concessions.

Obstetricians know and track this feature, and on the night of the full moon, reinforced teams are usually on duty. Births go along some mysterious "conveyor line", as if nature demands to get "its own". Where did the full moon get its bad name from? There are so many mystical beliefs about her... And if a child was born on a full moon, this inevitably raises an alarming question.

Most often we know his astrological sign. With the position of the Moon in one of the 12 signs, interest in astrology will be more noticeable. A New Moon birth will become more resonant with a person of the same lunar or First Quarter type. The birth of a full moon will have a better chance of getting along with a Last Quarter type person or being born in the same phase, this is called an affinity or projection factor for the energies we know when both people were born under the same phase. During the progress phase, there may be an exception, the duration of which is 7 years, but the relationship will be short-lived.

What is a full moon? This is one of the phases of the moon when all nightthe lunar disk is fully visible. bright, fullMoon. Then comes the next phase - the last quarter... Thus, this is quite a common natural phenomenon that occurs every month. But what is so mysterious and mysterious about it?

Numerous combinations allow for variety in the experience of the phases of the moon. To begin with, knowing the phase of the moon at the time of our birth is the first step of self-knowledge, compiled with the day of the week and the hour, morning, afternoon, afternoon or evening, in order to better appreciate our preferences for the day.

Knowledge allows us to better understand our emotional reactions at certain times of the moon and days of the week. All rights reserved, for text and photos. In order not to confuse the years of 13 new moons and the years of 13 full moons, which are considered years of 13 moons, then we must understand what it is.

The point is that sometimes full moon lunar eclipses occur - in which the Earth blocks the Sun, casting a shadow on the Moon. When the Moon obscures the Sun, casting a shadow on the Earth, solar eclipse, in new moon. Thus, eclipses occur on the full moon and new moon, and are lunar and solar.

Also, you will need to do a search to find out if you were born under Year 13 of the Moon and in which New Moon or Full Moon mode? The author adds: People born in these years will have the advantage, regardless of their moon sign, to easily get out of worse situations. But this chance will not be useful to them in case of revolution, conflict, accident, etc. And will not abuse them. If their lives are peaceful, they will never need this thirteenth New Moon. What would be interesting to watch for births that occur or occur during the month is the second new moon or full moon, the psychological impact of which will be much more targeted than the limitation on the 13th moon of the year.

Not every full moon and new moon is accompanied by this "ominous" event. At least 4 eclipses are observed annually, on average 2 lunar and 2 solar. But there are years when there are no lunar eclipses at all. As you can see, they happen less frequently than solar ones.

However, from here - precisely because of eclipses - many well-known fears grow. Since eclipses carry a metaphysical meaning, mystical, they have always been considered mysterious phenomena and caused fear. People noticed their fatal influence on many earthly processes, historical and natural, and attached to them the sign of the inevitability of future changes.

Given this information, it would be easier to determine whether there really is a causal relationship with human behavior. When we know what under the New Moon makes us develop a more objective mind and under the influence of the Full Moon become more subjective. To the best of my knowledge, no research work has been done to test these features seen in astrological ephemeris. Apart from a very brief note in the book linked in the link, only the 13th Moon is emphasized in the New Moon mode.

Year 13 Moon should not be confused with the Blue Moon, which corresponds to two full moons in the same month. It is true that during the New Moon the night is black because the Moon is not visible, and the month in which two new moons occur is quieter, and yet, if it affects the Blue Moon, Necessarily under the 13th new moon, which will be reflected on the plane of individual consciousness, for those who are receptive to it. The number 13 is associated with the mystery of "Death" in the Tarot of Marseille, a symbol of transmutation, one goes from one state to another.

But not all eclipses are so fatal. . Most of them act on collective events, world history, political power, the state as a whole, politicians (hence this natural fear). Ordinary people, born in an eclipse, can be involved in these "hostile whirlwinds", be their participants, observers - but they may not directly touch them. It all depends on the degree of fatality of the personal horoscope.

It is also in the 13th arrondissement of Paris that Chinese New Year is celebrated every year. Yin, feminine, the moon has motivated many popular beliefs and still inspires many artists. No study establishes a clear link between this star and its possible effects on humans, but many of us claim that it affects them in one way or another on multiple levels.

Let's stay curious, let's think a little about these possible 8 effects of the Moon on a Human! Gardening with the movement of the moon in mind is an ancestral practice. It is based on a few simple rules based on the lunar calendar which is different.

Remember? September 11, 2001 - several thousand people (including 19 suicide bombers) became victims of terrorist attacks in the United States. And someone remained alive, but was at the epicenter of events ... Someone, being in another country, worried about their loved ones ... All of them were united by one thing - fate. All these are different manifestations of the same astrological "nuance" in birth charts, different degrees of fatality .., as they say, it was destined ...

The proximity of the Moon to the Earth. Note: The Moon does not move away from the Earth, it is our point of view that gives us this impression. On full lunar evenings, the number of births will be much higher than average. It is also said that miscarriages, cesarean sections, twin births, and even malformations will increase on those nights.

However, as far as maternity attendance rates are concerned, this belief that they are full moons is completely wrong: the number of births on these evenings does not exceed the average. This belief is the admiration of hairdressers who actually see a surge in their salons during the rising moon.

The individual fate of one person is more influenced by the so-called partial eclipses, partial . There is no longer a "dodge". A person is personally assigned some kind of role, purpose. They can be both positive and negative. It all depends on which group of eclipses the birth took place, since there is a classification here.

The rising moon is observed for 13 days and will promote the growth of sap in the aerial part of the plants. Attached to the hair, it activates their shooting. However, if the influence of the satellite's attraction on terrestrial fluids is proven, it remains minimal and negligible on the scalp.

Good to know: A similar believer refers to nail growth. Swedish scientists studied the influence of the moon on the sleep cycle by observing the cerebral activity of 30 volunteers on a full moon night. Their levels of melatonin, the sleeping hormone, drop to very low levels on these evenings.

Even in antiquity, a time interval was identified through which the sequence of all eclipses is repeated, -, and empirically, each series of eclipses has its own interpretation. That is, if you look at where and when the last eclipse was before the birth of a person, you can understand how his fate will be colored, what imprint it bears (after all, fate can also be with the "+" sign). Can help figure this out astrological consultation.

Sleep activity of the brain decreased by 30%, and the brain fell asleep 5 minutes later than usual. The total sleep time is amputated by 20 minutes. . Another study of 319 subjects tends to show similar results: REM sleep periods are lower during a full moon night, and wake times are nearly halved.

It is the electromagnetic radiation of the full moon on our cells that will be responsible for this, affecting the nervous system and creating fictitious stress. However, if several physicians seem to observe a connection between patients' moods and the full moon, research invalidates this postulate.

The connection between the Lunar Nodes and eclipses has long been noticed. . These phenomena always occur in astrological degrees and signs close to the positions of the Lunar Nodes. And if a person was born directly right in the eclipse and one ofluminaries in his natal chart - the Sun or the Moon - are in conjunction with one oflunar nodes, then this is a karmic sign. It can be interpreted on the basis of the astrological knowledge embedded in the saros.

He moves yoliters of water: true

So, real effect or placebo? The secret of the moon remains intact! Under the combined sun and moon, the oceans warp and the sea rises and falls several meters. For coastal residents, tourists and fishermen, it is necessary to deal with the tides and the schedules they impose.

The tidal period is also variable: for example, in Brest and Le Havre, the tide schedules and their duration are shifted. Depending on the location, the water can rise up to several meters. . This is one of the favorite scenarios of sci-fi filmmakers: The moon makes fools even more crazy and ten times their violence. Again, statistics from hospitals or shelters do not show this.

That is, according to the eclipse, we can talk about the meaning of human life, its purpose, the degree of fatality. Such people will always react sensitively to eclipses - they can use them to check their lives and the events taking place with them. For example, boys - men are more difficult to perceive - if they were born on a full moon. It is more difficult for girls if their birth took place on a solar eclipse (on a new moon). Since the Moon symbolizes the feminine, and the Sun - the masculine, and "shifters" of all kinds in an unrelated, unusual, opposite hemisphere are always painfully experienced.

This belief is preserved in the words of a madman: it was characteristic of a man who lost his mind due to the supposedly bad influence of the moon. Today, in psychiatry, a bizarre person is a person with bipolar disorders. The full moon is symbolic: it is the end of a cycle that brought the light of the night, and the beginning of another that will plunge the night into complete darkness.

Negative ideas, psychological problems associated with sleep disorders and depression can push people to action, but the number of people who end their days on a full moon does not compare records by numbers. Therefore, we are a lunar family ☺. This is what makes the oceans!

It is also important on what lunar day it happened eclipse. Heavy for a solar eclipse is the 29th lunar day, and for the lunar - the 15th. As you can see, there are a lot of nuances and subtleties here, and not everything is so simple and simply needs to be perceived. Folk wisdom, as usual, always generalizes centuries-old experience, but in order to really get to the bottom of it, you still have to multiply all this by a multi-layered system of special knowledge.

The logic for me, explaining this is more difficult, I confess, and I have no opportunities. The descending moon: it is approaching. Indeed, the simultaneity between this event and the condition of some people with mental problems has allowed some to see this phenomenon as an explanatory hypothesis, and others to demonstrate a "greater" effect of the Moon.

It is because of this kind of thinking that the idea of ​​this article was born. On the day of the eclipse, around noon, half an hour after the eclipse reached its climax, two epileptic residents had a seizure. The fact that each of them was in a different pavilion and that the two events took place almost simultaneously did not fail to impress the educational teams present. And it didn't take long for some to attribute responsibility to the Moon for these crises.

astrologer Viya Fedyanina

  • People born on the 29th day of the moon can track how this calendar “mark” passes for them. The difficulties that happen to you on the 29th lunar day indicate your problems - they must be taken for good. If on this day you receive something good, then keep in mind that it may be from the evil one, you are rewarded for some bad deeds. Track. It is better to be punished on this day - so that it is not successful. Successful 29th day - bad.

On the 29th lunar day, you need to drive all the negativity out of yourself. If you feel very bad on this day - something torments, oppresses, tears from the inside, - you can do the following ritual:

This referred us to antiquity, a period when "epilepsy was believed to be under the influence of the moon." Several elements will help to find an alternative explanation for the condition of people. Out of fear that the residents would correct the sun by removing their goggles, each pavilion was locked up with a few minutes' exit planned to see the event. One of the two people who had this epileptic seizure was used to come in and out during the day at different places in the house. Other residents are called "bad" during these hours: two people who do not support the curtailment of treatment have asked to "go out".

It is necessary to stand in salty cool water (not very cold, so that the legs are pleasant) for no more than 10 minutes. Think that all bad things go away. If it is very bad, you can take a candle in your left hand. But this candle cannot be blown out. It is better to immediately cut off as much as you need - so that the whole thing burns out.

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On the other hand, the safety instructions as well as the danger warnings of the event were repeated many times before and during the exit. Finally, the head of the structure walked several times in the pavilions in the morning to remind teams and residents of safety instructions, while at normal times he takes place more than once a week. These are both elements of concern for teams and residents. Stress and psychological upheaval may play a role in initiating epileptic seizures.

Conditions therefore favored the possibility of such crises. But apart from a few anecdotes, many works have been done over half a century, mainly in the United States, which let us know what is demonstrated or not in this belief in the power of the Moon, which does not date from yesterday. The following is an overview of the main studies, the reports of which are published in scientific journals.

The full moon gives birth to... geniuses and criminals.
Such a sensational discovery was made by Krasnodar scientists.
"Moon Boys".
A cloud runs over the full disk of the moon, and an ominous howl is heard
wolf... This is how mystical thrillers usually begin. And not in vain.
The artists of the word noticed exactly: the days of the full moon are unfavorable
for many people. Associate Professor of the Department of Polyclinic Pediatrics
Kuban Medical Academy Nikolai Petrovich Bilenko is engaged in
studying the influence of biorhythms on a person for more than seven years.
Together with his student Yuri Dragun, he compared the dates
the birth of geniuses and criminals with the phases of the moon and came to
startling conclusions: such people are most often born
either on a full moon or on days close to a new moon. Scroll
the names of the "moon boys" are impressive: Pushkin, Lermontov,
Tolstoy, Roerich, Blok, Mozart, Bach, Einstein and... Chikatilo, Nero,
Napoleon (the list has been shortened so as not to bore readers).
We hasten to reassure parents: if your child was hurt
to be born under a changing moon, this does not mean that from him
grow up a bandit. Saint-Exupery and Chikatilo were born in different
era, but according to the lunar calendar, literally on the same day. Nicholas
Petrovich believes that, knowing in advance about the characteristics of such children,
can be brought up from potential criminals as artists:
geniuses and villains have in common - the excitability of the nervous system and
obsession. Break hundreds of cards of dead children, Krasnodar
researchers were amazed: most were born on days close to
to the full moon or new moon. But again, this is not inevitable.
It's just that children born under a full or young moon require
special attention of parents, teachers, doctors. A month has passed
In 1996, Bilenko instructed his student to trace
how often do babies with hemophilia (poor clotting
blood) are admitted to the hospital on the new moon. It turned out that five
days before the birth of the moon, they, as if on command, stopped going there
act. But it was at this time that the waiting rooms were flooded
adults with heart attacks - patients have increased blood clotting.
- New moon sickles mowed down more than one life, - Nikolai is sure
Petrovich. - Alexander Atrakovsky, who suddenly died on his
command post in Chechnya, recent prime minister of Japan, deceased
from ischemic stroke - they all died on the birthday of the moon.
But if you took vitamin E the day before or chewed garlic (he
thins the blood no worse than ginseng), maybe not fatal
would. Experienced surgeons know: on the new moon, operations take place
better, but with a full moon sometimes you should not operate -
there may be a lot of blood loss. Fatal mismatches Per person
affects not only the Cosmos, but also the one who lives next to it - so
can be simplified to formulate the topic of Bilenko's dissertation. Indians
were not fools when they sent the bride and groom for verification
compatibility of biorhythms. Wedding day (he usually became
the day of the conception of the firstborn) was also checked against the lunar calendar. Why?
- Some people act on their partners like they used to
Jammer on "Voice of America". But this is not energy vampirism,
and mismatch of frequencies of biorhythms. If there is love between them, she
becomes difficult. And the offspring also suffer, - says
scientist. According to his research conducted in the children's regional
hospital in the city of Krasnodar, in children whose mother and father
biorhythms - opposites, more often there are diseases associated
with impaired immunity. If the child does not "match" with
parents, he not only feels like a stranger in the family, but more often
sick. He also needs to be vaccinated at certain times.
months without side effects. Dangerous if not hit
"in tact" with her husband is a pregnant woman. And if the mother-in-law
"foreign" - together with their spouse, they act on the fetus like this
same as a source of radioactive radiation. But there is a way out:
move them to another room until the baby is born. When
biological rhythms of people coincide, they can heal each other.
In the practice of Nikolai Petrovich Bilenko there was a case: a mother close to
sick daughter on low-frequency biorhythms, from a serious
a neurological disease cured her within a day ... On another
patient with bilateral pneumonia
grandmother did. - There is no fantasy here, -
emphasizes Bilenko. - We have a piece of the world ocean -
blood. Therefore, we react to the processes taking place in the Cosmos,
far and near. The people around us - this is the neighbor
microcosm. To break through his ideas, Nikolai Petrovich
it took a lot of effort: his theories did not fit into
traditional concepts. Many people now use his methods.
practical doctors. - Even Tibetan monks used lunar
calendars, he says. - I just applied these discoveries in my
medical practice.
The Indians simply solved the problem of incompatibility: they built
separate wigwams for men and women. "Mismatched"
it is better for spouses to sleep in different rooms and periodically rest
from each other. Children who are incompatible with their parents need their own
space, strengthening the immune system by hardening,
outdoor walks. Annual biorhythms of those born in one
season (within three months) usually coincide. The opinion about
that a husband should be seven years older than his wife is a mistake! For
biological synchrony, a difference of 2-3 years or even 28 years is good
- 30 years. Perfectly synchronized peers. signs
biorhythm mismatches:
- a sharp deterioration in well-being at night, which passes ...
in the morning at work; - sudden onset of allergic reactions;
- frequent desire to take a break from a partner: such
spouses like to spend vacations separately from each other and often
are visiting.

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Each month, the moon goes through four phases, also called quarters. Every month we see in the sky how a new month is born, increases, becomes full and then decreases until it disappears completely.

All this is obtained due to the relationship of the Sun, Earth and Moon. The change in the lunar phases occurs due to the fact that the Earth rises between the Moon and the Earth. Approximately 7.5 Earth days fall on each lunar phase.

Each phase has its own energy impact on a person. And children born in different phases have their own characteristics. Also, those children who are born at the change of phases have their own characteristics. A sharp change in the lunar phase dramatically changes the energy of influence on a person and all this affects the body negatively. Naturally, those born on these days of phase change receive this negativity.

Children born in the first phase of the moon

These are very vulnerable and young souls who came to our Earth. These children are open to the world, they can be read like an open book. True, children born around the new moon have their own characteristics.

Children born in the first phase are open to the whole world, friendly and responsive. For example, in India, a woman born in the first lunar phase is considered a good wife. There are even ancient rules for choosing a wife, where women born in the first phase of the moon have advantages.

In karmic astrology, it is believed that in the first phase, very young souls are born, who are just beginning to fill the experience of being on Earth. They do not have large karmic loads, so their life is easy and not burdened by past karmic mistakes. But they can make their karmic experience much heavier with their mistakes in this life. Not only do they not have past sins, but also past great experience and they have to try everything. Their talents still need to be revealed, and we need to work on this.

Since these children absorb everything, parents need to make sure that in childhood they absorb more good than bad, and also explain that it is not necessary to open your soul to everyone. And any experience is useful, even if it is painful.

Lack of experience and reduced energy can give some infantilism. As in manifestation in the outside world, so is emotional inhibition (except for those born around the new moon and at the change of the first and second phases). But they have a huge potential that parents have to discover and give the child a chance to develop their talents and abilities.

Children born in the second phase of the moon

These souls have already visited the Earth in the past, have bumps and have a unique karmic experience. But this experience is still young and unburdened. Therefore, these children are emotional, but normal. They are open to the world, but they know how to keep the depths of their souls intact from strangers. If the Moon is not burdened by other aspects with other planets, then they are emotionally stable, moderately entrusted and able to express themselves moderately. The most stable mentality is born in the middle of the second phase, and if the Moon in the natal chart is harmonious, then these children are able to sensitively understand their feelings, know a sense of proportion and know how to close themselves from enemies and enemies.

The energy is balanced, so they are active, they can do sports well if there is no negativity from Mars to the Sun or Moon. But they need a good regime of work and rest, as it is difficult for them to relax and go to rest after the active phase. In addition, they must be taught criticality, since they are not capable of introspection and self-criticism.

Children born on the full moon

Those born on the full moon, like all children born at the junction of the lunar phases, have an unstable psyche, they are very emotional, they can simply give explosions of emotions. Often, these are alarmists and tantrums. They need sensitive guidance from their elders, a good regime of work and rest, and they also need to be carefully monitored - what they play, what they read and who they are friends with. There is no need to scold them, criticize them sharply, as this will give rise to a bunch of new internal complexes, which are then difficult to get rid of. It is necessary to accustom to discipline and to the fact that the child should at least linger for a while and think again before he rushes to do something on his own impulse. I must say that impulsiveness, especially ill-conceived actions on emotional grounds, will give them a lot of trouble. Also, do not give them plenty to criticize themselves, these children are often very dissatisfied with themselves and their actions. Teach that any experience is an experience, that everyone makes mistakes and everyone has unpleasant moments in life.

Children born in the third phase of the moon

Children born in the third phase of the moon have a good experience of past lives on Earth. These are old souls, they have a lot of experience, both positive and negative. Of course, negative experience gives rise to trials, but positive experience gives good, already developed talents and abilities.

They soak up any experience like a sponge, no matter what the experience is good or bad. From above, they are allowed to gain any experience and the task of parents is to instill in them the rules of morality and spirituality from childhood. Since they have no internal prohibitions, it is upbringing that will help them not to gain other experience in the future.

Children born in the fourth phase of the moon

These are usually old souls. In their reincarnations, they have come a long way and have a huge baggage behind them. Such children from childhood already intuitively understand what they are doing and why. It is usually very difficult for parents to convince them of something. Especially if it concerns their future life. Here is advice to parents, do not guess who the child will be in the future, do not force him to do something if you see that there is no inclination to this. They have a karmic memory in their subconscious, which they can be guided by. The main thing is to teach them to conquer themselves and their passions, to teach them to be able to manage themselves, to adequately respond to others. These children will conquer themselves all their lives.

Children born at the junction of the lunar phases

Children born at the junction of the lunar phases will have a more mobile psyche. They are more emotional, more receptive. And fate will throw changes that they will take place violently, with strong emotions. But don't worry, these children, just like others, can be happy.

All children born at the junction of the lunar phases are emotional to one degree or another and need calm guidance. They are susceptible, in early childhood they can confuse reality and their fantasies. They sometimes react emotionally even to the most ordinary things and are often not prone to introspection. This is especially true for children born on the new moon and full moon.

Days of Hekate

The days of Hekate are two days before and two days after the new moon. The moon disappears from the firmament, a new moon occurs and a new month is born in the sky. Children born in the days of Hekate may experience constant internal contradictions. Many fears and complexes can hide inside. They, as a rule, have reduced immunity, this is especially true for children born on the new moon itself. Therefore, it is necessary to devote more time to hardening the body, also protect it from infections, but do not turn your child into a greenhouse plant, since in the future a weakened immune system will not go anywhere and suddenly will not work. It must be tempered and strengthened.

Parents of such children need to carefully monitor their friends and the company in which the child is located. Since these children are often very suggestible. At first, parents can use strong suggestibility, if you make contact, you can slowly guide your child in the right direction. But as they grow older, one way or another, parents lose some of their authority, and here the street can come to the fore. For these children, you need to keep a good eye on friends and where their child constantly resides.

Those born on the new moon and the days of Hekate are very sensitive, therefore it is better to be guided by the principles of friendship and unobtrusive upbringing, and not pay attention to numerous tantrums and whims, as they tend to throw tantrums over trifles. Children born before the new moon, as a rule, have a more stable psyche, they are more stubborn, but they have more internal complexes and fears.

If a child is afraid to sleep in the dark, then it is not the best way to just leave and turn off the light, considering this a childish whim. It is better to leave a night light, read soothing fairy tales and stories, avoid watching adventure films before bed and watch computer games. Little children, any elephants, confuse their fantasies with reality, and children born in the days of Hekate and older are very impressionable.

Also, due to a decrease in energy, it is not necessary to give such a child to energetic sports. And also parents need to carefully monitor the regime of work and rest and teach discipline. The latter will be very helpful in the future.

In our natal chart, the Moon and the Sun are especially significant fundamental energies. The sun manifests energy in us, making us an individual person who strives for a goal, and the moon manifests energy, making us subtle and receptive natures.

Now it is difficult to find a person who does not know his solar zodiac sign on his birthday. But there is also the Moon sign of the zodiac - this is the position of the Moon in a certain sign of the zodiac, at the time when a person was born. As there is no day without night, an astrological portrait of a person based only on the solar sign of the zodiac will be completely incomplete, this is especially true for women, because the Moon personifies the feminine and she controls the personal qualities of all women.

The phase of the moon in our natal chart determines the characteristics of our personality. The entire lunar cycle is connected with the circle of reincarnations of a person, receiving astral information and accumulating karma in his past lives. In this regard, the further the date of birth is from the date of the new moon, the more experienced he is in the manifestation of the astral world. To use our service.

Man born on the growing moon- his task in life is the development of the outside world, and the implementation of his knowledge, skills and abilities. Such people already at birth will be focused on vigorous activity, by all means strive to achieve success and a high position in society. People around and surrounding events are not interesting to them.

Man born on the waning moon- his period of accumulation of experience and external activity is coming to an end, the time of summing up is coming. Such a person is most busy searching for eternal philosophical answers to the questions - who am I in this world?, what is the meaning of life?, how was the Universe born? He has little interest in the external environment and his social achievements. His efforts boil down to ensuring that he has an interesting occupation in life and a small circle of friends. Self-esteem and self-respect for him has a higher priority than his assessment of the personality of the people around him. He is oriented most inward to himself.

A person born in the first phase (quarter) of the moon

People born in the first phase (quarter) of the Moon are assertive and active. They have many different abilities, and therefore it is difficult for them to focus on one thing. They have a tendency to strive to stand out and therefore often face difficulties because they do not have the ability to interact with different social groups of people. In the analysis of current events, they usually focus not on facts, but more on their feelings. Very subjective. And they often fail, because they cannot realistically assess their strengths. The most active life period is after 30 years. During this period, these people become more realistic, they can already decide on their favorite professional direction, and by the age of 45 they easily achieve success.

A person born in the second phase (quarter) of the moon

People who were born in the second phase of the moon from childhood are already adapted to the world around them. Such people are considered the most successful in social relationships. They are easy to achieve success, practical and concrete, they see profitable opportunities and know how to realize them. They quickly and easily discover their potential and achieve success with ease. Often by the age of 30 they are already firmly on their feet and have a stable income.

A person born in the third phase (quarter) of the moon

People born in the third phase (quarter) of the Moon have more potential than they actually realize. In the first half of their lives, they are quite successful and, like all people of the waning phase of the moon, they very quickly find their favorite pastime in their lives. But over time, they become less and less interested in social success. And after about 40 years, and sometimes even later, they find completely new goals in their lives, begin to engage in their self-knowledge and eventually begin to lose interest in any type of social activity. They are drawn to such sciences as philosophy, or they are often very religious. If the Moon at the time of their birth had tense aspects or confrontations, then such a change in their goals can be dramatic, as a result of the collapse of their personal life, and possibly a career, or disappointment in their former ideals.

A person born in the fourth phaseMoon (quarter)

People born in the fourth phase of the moon at first glance look like they are immersed in themselves. And in childhood, they often get sick. In life, they are not assertive due to the fact that they do not have the necessary amount of energy that is necessary for self-affirmation. They are forced to do work that they do not like, do not like, but after about 30 years they can quit everything and do what they love, even if their loved ones do not approve of it. Hermits and monks very often come out of such people who were born in the fourth phase of the moon.

Full moon

People who were born on a full moon often grow up in dysfunctional families, or have conflict with their parents. In childhood, they discover many of their abilities, and they are highly valued by the environment, but as a rule, by the age of 30 this reserve begins to deplete, and for which they are very worried. In search of inspiration, they can change a lot of different jobs, change their place of residence and at the same time they will not stop at anything. And only somewhere around the age of 55 do they begin to show the first results that will lead them to satisfaction.

New moon

The new moon is the first day of the lunar month. This is the time when all the results of the cycle of reincarnations are summed up, and on the first lunar day it is considered the first incarnation of a person.

A person born on such a day cannot prove himself, he only gets acquainted with the whole world around him. The similarity of such people is that they look immersed in themselves, their environment hardly understands them. For
