Summaries of classes on femp in the second junior group. December. Analysis of femp in the second junior group

Purpose: consolidation of ideas about geometric shapes, color and length of an object, the concept of big - small; on, under, empty - full.

Improve the ability to name and distinguish familiar geometric figures: circle, square, triangle;
To consolidate children's ideas about the color of an object;
Improve the ability to compare two objects in length ( short - long); in size ( big small).
To fix the concept on, under, empty, full.
Develop mental processes.
Develop fine and gross motor skills.
Familiarize yourself with the safety rules for handling boiling water and an electric kettle.
Materials and equipment:
1. The paths are long and short (for walking along them).
2. Geometric figures, cut into 4 parts.
3. Doll utensils (tea sets different color).

Lesson progress
I organizational moment.
- Guys, guests came to our lesson today, so we will meet them as good hosts. The sun has peeped into our group and wants to play with us! Stretch your palms!
1. Self-massage
Purpose: relieving muscle tension, creating a positive emotional mood.

Palm is the sun
And the fingers are rays
Wake up rays
Warm up, little ones.

The sun woke up
forehead touched
And stroked and stroked

The sun woke up
Touched the cheeks
And stroked and stroked.

The sun warmed his face.
Warmer, warmer.
Our hands stretched
Our lips smiled.
And now let's turn to the guests, smile at them and say "Hello!"
2. Surprise moment
The phone rings, the teacher picks up the phone.
Hello, hello! I am Katya doll. I'm calling kindergarten, I invite all the guys to drink tea with me, talk about good things.
- Guys, Katya doll invited us to visit for tea. Are we going to her?
Our doll Katya lives in fabulous city, which means that the road to it will be interesting and difficult.

II main part

1. "Walk the path"
- Guys, we have two paths in front of us. One is long and the other is short. But in order to get to Katya faster, you and I need to go along a short path.
- Let's determine which track is short and which is long. Children show a short path, and then take turns walking along it.
(track with traces, children should step clearly in the traces - development of the eye, coordination of movements).

To the music, children walk along the path

Children follow the text.
Our feet walk along a small path
Little legs top, top, top.
Together along the path top, top, top.
Cheerfully walking top, top, top.
The songs sing clap, clap, clap.
We clap our hands clap, clap, clap.
Nod your head, nod your head
We raise our hands
We lower our hands

We will part our hands
And we will walk along the path.

2. Didactic game "Assemble a geometric figure"
- Guys, look, the figures have crumbled into several parts, let's try to collect them. Will collect: Nazar, Timothy, Ilona.
- What figures did you collect? (triangle, square, circle)
What color is the triangle? (green)
What color is the square? (yellow)
What color is the circle? (red)
- And who knows how these figures can be called in one word? (Geometric)
- Well done!

Children come to the doll in the house. And here is our Katya.
- Guys, Katya is a little upset, what happened?
- Hello guys. I invited you to tea, but I myself can’t find a box of dishes.
Educator: - Guys, let's look for a box together. Look, what's under the table? Children find a box with dishes. Look carefully - the box is under the table
And now I'll put it on the table
Guys, there are a lot of dishes in the box, the box is full of dishes, right? (Yes)
So - a box full of dishes.
The teacher arranges cups and saucers. Shows an empty box - and now the box is empty.
- Guys, when there were dishes in the box, what was the box like? (Full), but what is the box without dishes? (Empty)
- Well done.
- And now girls, come to the table and take a cup, and now boys take it.
- Guys, Katya and I have a big cup. Raise your hand who has big cups. Varya, what kind of cup do you have - a small one. Now guys raise your hand who has small cups.
- Before drinking tea, we will remember the safety rules:
- Before turning on the kettle, what should we do? (children's answers)
- How should we pour tea so as not to get burned? (children's answers)
- And now we will drink tea:
Finger game "Tea":
Here's a cup, here's a saucer
Here is the teapot.
We pour tea into a cup
And drink it with me!
(movements in accordance with the text of the game;
the game is repeated twice)
Which delicious tea. Thanks Katya for the treat. And it's time for us to go back to kindergarten. Goodbye!
Doll Katya gives a farewell to all children a coloring book with a tea pair.
III Summary of the lesson.
- Guys, what did we do in class today?
- What did you like the most?


  1. To consolidate knowledge about geometric shapes, answer the question “how much? with the words one, many, none.
  2. To consolidate the concepts of "big", "small" and compare and select objects by size.
  3. Develop orientation in space and on yourself.

Educational tasks

  • continue to teach children to listen and understand question asked and answer it clearly.
  • consolidate and generalize children's knowledge about the number of objects (one, many, none), about the size of objects (big-small);
  • to consolidate the ability to distinguish and name the primary colors: red, blue, yellow, green.

Development tasks:

  1. Develop auditory and visual attention, imagination.
  2. Develop speech, observation. Expand and activate children's vocabulary.

Educational tasks:

Cultivate kindness and compassion.

Equipment and materials:

Equipment: soft toy Little mouse from the fairy tale by S. Marshak. Large and small cardboard frames in the form of a lock and a set of inserts - multi-colored keys. Large and small colored circles. Two dolls, clothes - different sizes.

Lesson progress

1. Introduction to the game situation

Introductions fairy tale hero smart mouse from Marshak's fairy tale "The Tale of the Smart Mouse"

Guys, a guest will come to us today, I will ask you a riddle, and you guess who he is?

small stature
A long tail
Collects crumbs
Hiding from a cat.

The mouse says that he came to the children, because he knows that they are as smart as he is.

2. The main part.

Didactic game "Pick the key to the lock (on the carpet)


Guys, something our little mouse is sad. Mouse, why are you so sad?

Guys, he says that he lost the key to the magic door. He must be found and picked up. Let's look at them: - Egor, what are the largest keys (larger and small), and what locks? What color are the keys?

Children name colors (blue, yellow, red, green)

See what kind of castle this is? (big)

What is this castle? (small)

Guys, what are the keys? (small, same, many)

Did you find big keys?

That's right, not one big key

The red key, which lock did it go to, and the green one?

So we helped Mouse open the doors: a small red key came to the big lock, and a small key also went to the small lock. The keys are all the same. The mouse is happy, he smiles.

Finger game "Finger-boy"

Guys, the Mouse says that in his fairy tale even the fingers on the hands of children become magical, and he offers to play with the fingers:

Finger boy, where have you been?

With this brother I went to the forest,

I cooked cabbage soup with this brother,

I ate porridge with this brother,

I sang songs with this brother. ( thumb hands alternately connected with the rest in accordance with the text) 2-3 times.

Game-lesson "Two dolls"

The guys came to visit us, the dolls Dasha and Masha came. They heard that the children helped the Mouse open the locks. They are also asked to help them choose a coat by size. Can we help you guys?

That's right, guys, the Dasha doll is higher than the Masha doll. So, for Dasha, clothes should be large, and for Masha, small.

What clothes does Dasha have? What about Masha?

I suggest, guys, to make a gift for the Mouse - a rug. Choose small circles of different colors, and lay out on a large circle.

What circles, and what color did Sonya choose, and Valeria, Alice?

What color is our big circle Rodion? How many big circles do we have?

How many little Elisha circles do we have?

How many small circles do we have left?

That's right, none.

Guys, the mouse invites us to play the game "Run to me." The mouse wants to see how attentive you are, and will stand in different places. You must see where the Mouse is standing, run there.

Did you enjoy playing with the Mouse?

Guys, let's say goodbye to the Mouse.

What game did Matvey, Sonya like?

I also liked how you helped Mouse.

My dear readers and friends, hello! Sukhikh Tatyana is in touch and is ready to acquaint you with information on the topic: a lesson on FEMP in 2 junior group. For those who are not in the know, I will decipher the abbreviation - the formation of elementary mathematical concepts. Although the school year is rapidly ending, April is already here, and May is just around the corner, but the educational activity in the head of the educator does not stop all year round.

The mathematical development of children in the kindergarten is carried out strictly according to the Federal State Educational Standard, respectively age characteristics kids. As an educator, I set tasks that are feasible for their intellect and help them look for answers. At the same time, the formation of elementary ideas about the concepts of mathematics is carried out not only in preschool educational institutions, but also at home.

I do not mean counting and other mathematical operations, but the simplest concepts of size, shape, time, space, quantity. The main form of education for children is classes, and they are planned taking into account the principles of scientific, accessibility, individual approach, consistency, visibility, connection with life, etc.

Games are the most appropriate form of learning for preschoolers. Therefore, I practice such classes for the smallest, where they necessarily apply didactic games and entertaining developmental exercises. Usually, FEMP classes are held for the whole group at the same time, frontally. But only in the 2nd junior it is recommended to break the children into subgroups at the beginning school year so that they gradually learn to practice together.

Mathematics in the garden does not take much time - only 1 lesson per week for the little ones, 2 for the older ones. At first, the duration of the lesson does not exceed 15 minutes, gradually increasing to 25-30 minutes in preparatory group. GCD (direct educational activities) is planned so that children gradually learn the concepts and can see their own progress.

The children and I study each program task for several lessons and constantly return to the material covered during the school year. This ensures a good understanding of the material.

But we consider not only mathematical topics in the classroom, in parallel there is the development of speech, logic, thinking, educational goals are achieved that form the personality of the baby. Take my word for it that the kindergarten development and learning program is extremely complex mechanism, which should provide quality training children to school and lay positive skills for a happy and fulfilling life.

Books are the key to the methodological savvy of the teacher

We, teachers, cannot do without self-education, and, therefore, self-study Literature on the upbringing and education of preschoolers. I really enjoy the process of finding new cool manuals and manuals for myself and my colleagues. It's not difficult, because you just have to "go" to the catalog of the UchMag online store, I immediately find everything I need.

Let's say you are planning open class in mathematics in the junior group. Need to write a summary, right?

I made a good selection of thematic literature:

  • "Mathematics. The second junior group: planning, abstracts of game lessons "- with the help of these materials you will be able to build a FEMP training system in the 2nd junior group;
  • "Formation of elementary mathematical representations at preschoolers. Abstracts of classes. 2nd year of study»– materials fully comply with the requirements of educational programs approved by the Ministry;
  • “Formation of elementary mathematical representations. The first and second junior groups of kindergarten "(Pomoraeva I.A., Pozina V.A.) - CD with excellent materials, designed in the form of a complex of gaming activities and exercises;
  • “Knowledge of the objective world. Junior group (from 3 to 4 years old)»- the manual will help the educator to realize the goals set by the general education program;
  • Thematic planning. Comprehensive classes according to the program "From birth to school" edited by N.E. Veraksy, T.S. Komarova, M.A. Vasilyeva. The second junior group "- a CD that contains all necessary materials in order to draw up a competent long-term lesson plan for FEMP.

I think we need an electronic file of methodological literature, what do you think? Probably, I will deal with this issue at my leisure (which is practically non-existent).

What mathematical concepts do children of the second younger group study?

In order for FEMP planning in a group to be as competent and effective as possible, it is important to understand what concepts are available to the intelligence of kids at this age.

So, the 2nd youngest learns to operate with the following concepts:

  • Quantity. My task at this stage is to develop the ability of kids to understand and highlight a common feature of objects of the same group: all these oranges are orange, round, large. We are learning to independently group objects according to the same criteria: select all red balls, all small ones, etc. Understand the meanings of the words one, many, none, one at a time. Realize the concept of "how much" and be able to give an answer, using the words many, one, none.

We also learn how to make simple comparative analysis identical and unequal values ​​or groups of objects by mutual comparison of objects. We begin to understand the concept of equally, not equally, what is more, what is less.

  • Value. Again, we understand the meaning of concepts through a comparison of objects or groups of objects: comparing them with each other, we realize which one is large, small in size. Comparing the height, we will understand which object is high, low. Similarly, in length - long, short, and in width - narrow, wide. We also compare identical or different objects according to a given parameter (height, width, etc.);
  • Form. We study geometric shapes: triangle, circle, square. We learn to explore the shape of objects through sight and touch. We understand that a circle has no corners, no beginning and no end. It is convenient to use surrounding objects to study geometric shapes;
  • Space. We learn to navigate in space, to understand what is ahead, behind, above, below. In parallel, we learn where we have the right handle, where is the left. During the study of these concepts, I use the furniture in the group, it is easier to explain: the chair is in front or on the right. Often children before preparation and even later confuse right-left. To prevent this, individual work with children who find it difficult to orient themselves in space is appropriate;
  • Time. Cognitive development in this direction is carried out by studying the signs by which night or day, morning or evening is determined.

What should a baby of the 2nd junior group be able to do by the end of May?

Spring ends, and with it, classes in the kindergarten stop and the results are summed up.

What should I teach kids about math:

  • Ability to self-group common ground objects (by shape, color, size);
  • To be able to find one object that is not the same as all the others;
  • Distinguish between the concepts of one and many;
  • Understand the meaning of the concepts more-less, the same, not the same;
  • Correlate groups of objects by quantity: more or less, the same;
  • Be able to identify signs by length, height, width;
  • Know simple geometric shapes - triangle, circle, square;
  • Distinguish where the right hand is, where the left hand is, and directions - in front, behind, above, below, above, below;
  • Know and understand the meaning of the words morning, afternoon, night, evening.

Do you find it all difficult? In fact, for kids, such math classes are entertainment, because we play, travel, talk in class, and do not hammer dry theory ...

In my learning process, I use technological maps, another didactic material so that cognition as a thought process occurs naturally, without tension. My task for FEMP is to make the study of the primary concepts of mathematics exciting, unusual, fabulous, in order to form a strong interest in science by the school period.

We do mathematics projects with children, I already wrote about project activities in kindergarten, I will not repeat myself.

So, but I will move on to the process of compiling a summary of FEMP for the 2nd junior group. You can choose any topics: transport, vegetables, create game situations.

The lesson is a kind of presentation for the kids of the wonderful world of mathematics. Therefore, it is so important at first to show children the attractiveness of mental activity.

An exemplary outline of a lesson on FEMP in the younger group

Theme: "Fairytale Journey"

  • To consolidate knowledge about the concept of one, many;
  • To teach to distinguish where there is one object, and where there are many of them;
  • Continue studying the geometric shapes square and circle.

Didactic materials:

  • Demonstration material: play corner in the group, bookshelf, pre-prepared train silhouette;
  • Handout: red cardboard squares and circles.

Educator: Children, today we will go on an interesting journey by train, do you agree? Here is a train, but without wheels. See what wheels can be made from? That's right, circles. Go!

How is the train buzzing? "Tu-tu!" First stop "Book". What do we see here? Yes, books. How many? Many or one? Are there small books among the books? A lot of them? And find, Katya, the most big book. Well done. And Petya will show a small book. Good girl.

Well done kids, are you a little tired of driving? Need to stretch! (physical education minute).

Oh, while we were playing, the train broke down again. What is missing? Wheels, what are they? Round? What colour? Red. Why don't we have windows? What can they be made from? From squares. Well done! Why can't wheels be square? The corners will get in the way, right.

Results. What did we do today? Traveling, right. What shape is the wheel, remember? And the windows? What have we seen with you? Lots of books and lots of toys. Well done guys.

Do not forget to write a self-analysis at the end. Here, something like this is a summary of the lesson on FEMP. Of course, more detailed samples are available in large quantities find on the Internet.

Remember that we combine group and individual work with kids. In this way, we will ensure excellent assimilation of the material.

Instead of an afterword...

In the work on the formation of initial knowledge in mathematics, it is necessary to use a variety of didactic material. These can be sticks and logical blocks of Kuzner, Gyenesh, for example. Such things will make kindergarten math really interesting for kids.

Well, that's all for now. I ask you to subscribe to the news and share links to my articles with your friends.

Sincerely, Tatyana Sukhikh! Till tomorrow!

Lesson on FEMP in the 2nd junior group: how to make a summary?


Teaching children to unite the same(By bloom, value) objects into subject sets according to the verbal task.

Consolidate knowledge about geometric shapes, answer the question "how much?" "With words one, a lot of, nor one.

Continue to develop the ability to compose group from individual objects and extract from it one item.

Educational tasks

Continue to teach children to communicate with educator: listen and understand the question asked and answer it clearly;

Consolidate and generalize children's knowledge about the number of objects ( one, a lot of, nor one,

Strengthen the ability to distinguish and name the main colors: red, blue, yellow, green;

Expand and activate children's vocabulary.

Develop logical thinking.

Cultivate a desire to work, kindness and responsiveness.

Equipment and materials:

Demo: soft toy Bunny. Big and small cubes. Big and small box.

Handouts: Large and small cubes according to the number of children, plates red, blue, and yellow according to one piece per child. circles of three colors: red, blue, yellow in sockets. One outlet per table. Five pictures with Christmas trees different sizes, tape recorder record "Lullaby for Umka".

Lesson progress

1. Introduction to the educational-game situation

Introduction of the fairy-tale hero Bunny-Stepashka.

Guys, a guest will come to us today, and who, you now guess themselves:

What kind of forest animal is this?

Did you stand up like a column under a pine tree?

And stands among the grass -

Ears more head.

That's right, it's a bunny, and our guest's name is Stepashka.

Let's say hello to Stepashka everyone together:

Children - "Hello Stepashka!"

Stepashka - Hello guys!

Guys, Stepashka whispered in my ear that he accidentally spilled the cubes, but he couldn’t collect them, because he didn’t remember how they were lying, but we’ll take a look now and we’ll definitely figure out how to collect and arrange the cubes (Yes)

2. The main part.

1. Game - task "Put the cubes in boxes" (on the carpet)

In front of each child are laid out cubes: big and small, and cooked two boxes: big and small

Look how many cubes Stepashka slept through ( A lot of, and they are all identical in size(No, and then what kind of cubes are there (Big and small ) .

Well done, and the boxes are all the same? (no, but what boxes (big and small )

Look at this box. (big )

What is this box? (small)

Look at your cubes. Show big cube(show). Show small (show).

I also have cubes big(showing) and small (showing). - Look I'm taking big cube and put it in big box, and a small cube in a small box.

(children complete tasks after explanation).

- So we helped Stepashka: big cubes put in a big box and small ones in a small box.

How many cubes are in the boxes? (a lot of )

How many cubes do you have? (neither one) .

Look Stepashka, we collected all the cubes and put them in boxes

Stepashka- "Thanks guys, you helped me a lot".

Something we swami sat up on the carpet, but let's be with you now A little Let's warm up and jump along with Stepashka.

Physical education minute "Fun in the Forest"

The hares got up early in the morning,

They had fun playing in the forest. (Jumping in place.)

On the tracks jump-jump-jump!

Who is not used to charging? (Walking in place.)

The fox is walking through the forest. (We imitate the movements of a fox)

Who jumps there, I wonder? (Sipping - hands forward.)

To answer the question

The fox is pulling its nose. (Pull nose forward.)

But hares run fast.

How could it be otherwise? (jumping in place)

Workouts help!

And the rabbits run away. (Walking in place.)

Here is a hungry fox

Looks sadly at the sky. (Sipping - hands up.)

He sighs heavily (Deep breath in and out.)

Sits down, rests. (Sits down, rests.)

Guys, let's invite Bunny to play one more game at the tables with us.

2 game task "Decompose by bloom»

Plates are laid out on the table. Each child has his own plate of a certain colors: blue, red, yellow. In the center of the table is a box with colorful blue circles, red, yellow. Children should put circles of the same colors just like the plate itself.

See what multicolored plates at our tables, what are they colors? (blue, red and yellow). And in the middle of the table there is also a box, and what lies in it ( colorful circles and what are there colors(blue, red and yellow). Right

What color plate, the same colors circles need to be put in it. Put the red circles in the red plate, put the blue circles in the blue plate, and put the yellow circles in the yellow plate. Everyone understands (yes, well then, let's start laying out

Each child puts the circles on his plate (children do the task on their own).

The guys did it (Yes, what good fellows you are! How much we did colorful circles(A lot of, and cymbals (a lot of )

3. Final part.

A game class"Show me where the Bunny's house is".

Christmas trees of different sizes on the board (different heights 5-6 pieces).

It was very interesting for Stepashka, with us "What good fellows you are" he says. Unfortunately, it's time for him to go home. Where do hares live? (In the woods).

That's right, all the hares live in the forest, so our Stepashka also lives in the forest, today he played with us so much that a bit tired and wants to go home get a little rest, Gain strength.

Look guys, this is the forest where Stepashka lives. He said that his house was under the tallest tree. Only he himself does not know which of the trees is the highest. Let's help show the highest Christmas tree. (children show)

Well Stepashka goodbye! Sweet dreams to you!

Stepashka- "Goodbye, guys"


Stepashka went to rest and gain strength, but let's go to the same place let's get some rest, and lie down on the rug, and listen to a beautiful song (Yes)

Sounds like "lullaby for Umka"



Introduction to numbers. (middle and senior groups)

1. Take white wand. She is the shortest. This is a unit. Number 1.

2. Find wand, where white stick stacked 2 times. Find the same wand, how many are there? (2) Pink stick is number 2. (And so on until 10).

Tasks. (senior group)

1. Compose 2 trains so that the water one has 3 pink cars, and the other, also consisting of pink cars, has 1 (2) wagon is longer.

2. Make up green wand, from the same sticks in different ways.

(number composition).

Examples of games with Cuisener's sticks.

A game: "Colored Rugs"

Target: Deepen children's knowledge of the composition of the number of two smaller numbers. Develop an understanding of what than more number, topics more options decomposition. Develop logical thinking, attention.

Game progress.

Children take one wand(e.g. yellow) and make it up from several others, in total equal to the length of the first. Every "rug" ends wand made up of white sticks, which bears the name "fringe". Children describe rug:

- color: "Yellow is white and red, red and white, pink and blue, blue and pink, and white, white, white, white, white."

- Numbers: "Five is one and four, four and one, two and three, three and two, and one, one, one, one, one." - Numbers (children lay out cards with numbers): 1 and 4,4 and 1,2 and 3,3 and 2, and 1, 1, 1, 1, 1. You can use the signs +, -, =.

It is necessary to bring the children to the understanding that, for example, for the number 3 there are only two options for folding the rug, and for the number 5 - four options. And accordingly, the first rug will be smaller than the second. Later, as you learn the material, you can use numbers from 1 to 10.

A game "Name the number - find wand» .

Target: to consolidate the ability to correlate the amount with the number.

move: games:

The host calls the number, the players go to the corresponding wand. The host then shows wand, and the children name the number that it stands for ( For example: white - one, pink - two, blue - three, red - four, and so on). First, the numbers are called and sticks shown in order and then split.

A game "Find a Pair"


The corresponding ordinary number shown on the card is matched to the colored number.

The corresponding number of items is selected for the color number. (or their images on the card).

The selection of pairs is performed first in order, and then in a breakdown.

After completing the exercise, the child folds sticks in boxes or bags, which depict the corresponding figure or numerical figure (or both together).



Learning to count within five

For the initial lessons, you will need five cards with the numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and five and five images of houses.

Learning to count initial stage will be produced using five houses and a box with five cages for them. From time to time, the teacher can cover the box with his hand or remove it, thanks to which the houses and empty cells located in it are very soon imprinted in the child's memory.

You should also not try to replace the box of houses with counting sticks or fingers, other counting items, or cubes that are not arranged in a row in the box. Unlike houses lined up in a box, these objects are arranged randomly, do not form a permanent configuration, and therefore are not deposited in memory in the form of a memorable picture.

Before the lesson, find out how many houses the child is able to determine at the same time, without counting them one by one with a finger. Usually, by the age of three, children can tell immediately without counting how many cubes are in the box, if their number does not exceed two or three, and only a few of them see four at once. But there are children who can only name one thing so far. In order to say that they see two objects, they must count them, pointing with their finger. For such children, the first lesson is intended. The rest will join them later. To determine how many cubes the child sees at once, alternately put a different number of cubes into the box and ask: "How many cubes are in the box? Don't count, say right away. Well done! And now? And now? That's right, well done!" Children can sit or stand at the table. Place the cube box on the table next to the child, parallel to the edge of the table.

For the tasks of the first lesson, leave the children who can only identify one cube so far. Play with them one by one.

1. The game "We put the numbers on the houses"

with two houses

Put a card with the number 1 and a card with the number 2 on the table. Place the box on the table and put one house into it. Ask the child how many houses are in the box. After he answers "one", show him and say the number 1 and ask him to put it next to the box. Add a second house to the box and ask them to count how many houses are now in the box. Let him, if he wants, count the houses with his finger. After the child says that there are already two houses in the box, show him and name the number 2 and ask him to remove the number 1 from the box, and put the number in its place

2. Repeat this game several times. Very soon, the child will remember what two houses look like, and will begin to name this number immediately, without counting. At the same time, he will remember the numbers 1 and 2 and will move the number corresponding to the number of houses in it to the box.

Types of exercises:

sound counting

movement counting

Counting objects by touch

Exercise options:

· Execution according to the model (as many as). Clap as many times as I do.

Counting the number of sounds (movements, objects by touch). The result of the count can be called or shown using numbers.

Completion of the task by the named number or the shown figure

Mixed exercises (for example, sit down as many times as you hear sounds)


Perform movements 1 more or less

Stage 1 (youngest) is invited to reproduce 1 or many (movements or sounds) according to the model. In the game “We walk around one after another”, the children must repeat those movements and as many times as the leader showed.

Requirements for extracting sounds and performing movements: the teeth should be extracted loudly, rhythmically, at a moderate pace, behind a screen, we pay attention to the fact that the children listen silently until the very end, count to themselves, if the children said incorrectly - the teacher repeats, if it is wrong again -reduces quantity.

Movements should be rhythmic at a moderate pace (we consider movements as a whole)

Olga Sharudilova
Abstract of lesson No. 2 on FEMP in the second junior group "Miracle Tree"

Program tasks:


1. Consolidate children's ideas about geometric shapes and the ability to recognize them.

2. Continue to learn to distinguish between the number of objects and correlate them with the number.

3. Fix the concepts of "wide, "narrow", "up", "at the bottom", "in the middle".


To develop in children attention, thinking, fine motor skills, speech.


Cultivate responsiveness, a desire to help others.

Material: Layout tree, 4 pouches with bows different colors, counting sticks, shoelaces, numbers, cards with pictures for counting (3 carrots, planar geometric figures, three-dimensional geometric figures, a hare toy, a split picture of a squirrel, a basket of flowers, music "Visiting a fairy tale".

Course progress.

Music sounds (organization and attraction)

IN: Guys, look how many guests we have today. (Soft toys as guests.) How do we greet each other?

Let's say hello:

speech game "Hello" (based on a poem by T. Sikacheva)

I say hello everywhere - at home and on the street,

Even "Hello" I say

I'm the neighbor's chicken. (Children show "wings")

Hello golden sun! (Show the sun)

Hello blue sky! (show the sky)

Hello free breeze! (Show "breeze")

Hello little oak tree! (Show "oak")

Hello Morning! (Gesture to the right)

Hello Day! (gesture left)

We are not too lazy to say hello! (spread both arms out to the sides)

IN: Guys, do you like fairy tales? What story have we been in? (children's answers) To get into it, you need to close your eyes and say the magic words.

Reincarnation ritual.

“One, two, three, a fairy tale, come visit us!”

(Children open their eyes, in front of them is a tree on which bags hang)

Look how beautiful our « Miracle tree

Like ours, at the gate

The miracle tree grows.

Miracle, miracle, miracle, miracle


Not leaves on it

And the bags on it

And the bags on it

Like apples!

Look guys, here it is miracle tree. Let's see what has grown on it? (children's answers, bags).

But the bags are not simple, for each completed task the tree will give a surprise - a piece of the picture.)

1. Who wants to take the pouches off the branch?

What color is the bow? (Yellow)

Oh, how interesting, what's in it? (children's answers) Yes, they are geometric shapes. Only they forgot how to call each other. Can we help them remember? To do this, you must lower your hand, take out a figure and call it out loud.

A game "Wonderful bag".

(The teacher approaches the children in turn, they take the figure from the bag by touch, examine and name it. The rest of the children observe and help the child who cannot cope with the task).

The teacher reads poetry:


triangular triangle

Angular bastard.

It looks like the roof of a house

And on the gnome's hat.

And on the sharp tip of the arrow,

And on the ears of a red squirrel.

Very angular in appearance

It looks like a pyramid!

A round circle is like a ball

He rides across the sky like the sun.

Round like the disk of the moon

Like granny pancakes

Like a plate, like a wreath

Like a cheerful bun

Like wheels, like rings

Like a cake from a warm oven!

Like a table is square.

He usually welcomes guests.

He's a square cookie

Set for a meal.

He is a square basket

And a square picture.

All four sides

The square is equal.

Guys, there is still a piece of some picture in the bag. Let's hang it on the board, maybe there will be more pieces in other bags.

And now we will do gymnastics for the eyes so that our eyes can rest.

Eyes see everything around

I will circle them.

It is given to see everything with the eye -

Where is the window, and where is the cinema.

I will circle them

I look at the world around.

2. Let's see what's in the other bag? Masha, what color is the bow? (green) Untie and see what's inside? (There are counting sticks, shoelaces and a white sheet.)

From sticks, make a square at the top of the sheet, a triangle at the bottom of the sheet, and a circle from the laces in the middle of the sheet. (Children go to their places and complete the task).

Mission accomplished, in the bag second part of the picture.

3. Who wants to remove the pouch? What color is the bow? (Red)

Someone was hiding in the bag. You need to solve the riddle.

A ball of fluff, a long ear

Jumps smartly, loves carrots.


Bunny in a bag. He wants to play with you.


Jumping, jumping in the woods (jumping in place)

Hares are gray balls. (Hands near the chest, like paws of hares, jumping.)

Jump-jump, jump-jump (jumping back and forth, back and forth)

The hare stood on a stump. (Stand up straight, hands on the belt.)

He built everyone in order, (turned the torso to the right, right hand to the side, then to the left and left hand to the side)

Began to show charging.

Once! Everyone walks in place. (Steps in place.)

Two! They wave their hands together, (Hands in front of you, perform the movement "scissors".)

Three! Sit down, stand up together. (Sit down, stand up.)

Everyone scratched behind the ear. (Scratch behind ear.)

On "four" stretched out. (Hands up, then on the belt.)

Five! Bent over and bent over. (Bend over, lean forward.)

Six! Everyone lined up again (Stand up straight, hands down.)

They marched like a squad. (Steps in place.)

The bunny not only played with you, he also prepared a task for you.

In the bag there are numbers 1-3, the children call them.

The bunny really liked to play with you, and he gives you another part of the picture.

4. The last bag remains. What color is the bow on this bag? (blue). Let's see what the tree has hidden there. (children's answers). Children take out volumetric figures of balls, cubes and give them to the teacher. Ay, ay-ay, what a clumsy I am, I scattered everything on the floor. Let's put things in order, collect the cubes in a wide box, and the balls in a narrow one, what color is the narrow box? What color is the wide box? Well done, you answered correctly.

In the bag is the last part of the picture.

Have we removed all the bags from the tree? And how many were there?

There are no more bags left on the tree. What picture do we get? (Squirrel)

Wild or domestic animal? Where does he live? What does he like to eat?

From the squirrel treats. And now it's time to return.

Ritual of reincarnation

You need to close your eyes.

One, two, three circled and we found ourselves in the garden.

Open your eyes, smile at each other. Here you are again in your group.


Did you like the fairy tale? If you liked being in a fairy tale, then our tree will blossom even more. Whoever liked it, he goes to a basket of flowers and attaches a flower to a tree. How many flowers are on the tree? (a lot of) How many flowers did each of you pick up? (one) See how densely our tree blooms.

Goodbye, thanks tree!

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