Congratulations on important events verse with the end of the school year. Congratulations on the end of the school year

Congratulations on your graduation school year! For everyone it was different, for someone it was a life lesson, a new discovery, important events, for someone another portion of knowledge, skills; simple or complex, but for everyone and everyone full of thoughts, conclusions, plans. May the time of rest and reboot not be in vain, but return everyone strong, healthy, beautiful, ready for a new start.

Another school year has flown by, congratulations on its completion. I wish you a good vacation, recharge with the energy of the summer sun. To be nourished with vitamins, to restore strength, to gain the aspirations of a warm wind, in order to plunge back into study with renewed vigor. Happy holidays, positive mood, excellent communication and many bright and new adventures.

Congratulations on the successful completion of the school year, we wish you a happy, cheerful summer holidays, success in achieving new knowledge and good health.

Congratulations on the end of the school year and I want to wish you a fun and wonderful vacation, a lot of impressions and vivid emotions, interesting travels and new discoveries, wonderful ideas and incredible adventures.

Congratulations on the end of the school year, with the beginning good rest, fun and adventure stories of summer. I wish you to spend these hot days with great pleasure and enthusiasm, I wish you to make all your summer desires and dreams come true, I wish you to fill your body with good health and new strength, I wish you to remember each happy moment and happy moment.

Congratulations on the end of the school year, on the successful completion of this stage scientific discoveries and knowledge. I want to wish you to replenish your strength over the summer, have time to realize all your plans and fulfill everything cherished dreams. I wish you a lot of inspiration and happy emotions, wide expanses of opportunities and joy this summer.

Congratulations on the end of the school year! Much has been passed, studied, discovered. A well-deserved rest ahead. Transfiguration pleasant hassle, long-awaited holidays, new emotions, bright moments, a fun summer! I wish you restoration of strength, clarity in thoughts and freshness in your head.

Another year filled with knowledge and impressions has flown by. It is on this special event that I want to congratulate you. I want to wish you patience, confidence, inner peace, and most importantly, success in all, even the most extraordinary, endeavors. Be yourself, do not be afraid of problems, and then you will definitely reach the highest peaks.

Congratulations on the end of the school year, on a well-deserved rest and the onset of a bright summer season. I wish to leave aside paragraphs and formulas, rules and theorems. May the knowledge accumulated over this year go to your shelf of your mind, may an unforgettable summer of colorful impressions and mysterious adventures await you as a reward for your efforts and hard work.

Congratulations on the end of the school year. I wish not to lose the knowledge gained over the summer, I wish instead of hot boring days of the scorching sun to arrange a fun holiday of beautiful sunrises, rainbow colors, interesting hikes, delicious picnics, exciting trips and happy summer stories.

Every year, several million Russian students graduate in May in one class or another. Parents, friends or relatives want to congratulate their pets with beautiful poems and wishes.

Wishes in prose:

We wish you success in your further studies and development of the school curriculum. Always study only for positive marks and always go to the intended goal. Be consistent in your actions and never lower your head. And this summer we wish you to make new friends, have fun and have a good rest before new achievements.

Here comes the long-awaited moment. We were waiting for him with the whole family. whole year. You have learned a lot during the school year. But even more knowledge is waiting for you ahead. We wish you great success in life, always look to the future with optimism and easily part with the past. Be patient and keep learning in the same spirit.

Wishes in verse:

  1. So the bell rang, It was the last for us.

We wish you strength for future achievements.

A little more to grow up, so that the character becomes stronger,

Go to your dream faster, overcoming all obstacles.

2. Today is your holiday,

You are moving to a new class.

You will receive your flowers

And great grades.

Let there be more score

And the average score

So that you do not lose heart,

When you get two.

See more information:

  • What phrases are most often heard from teachers at school?

Another academic year is coming to an end. More recently, it seems that the school hospitably, smiling broadly with colorful decorations and bright posters, opened its doors to our children. It was a wonderful autumn day - September 1st. There was an infinitely blue and warm sky, a sea of ​​flowers and smiles. It was joyful from the upcoming meetings. There seemed to be no end to this year. But here is the end of May, the end of the school year. A year has not passed, a year has flown by, raced by. May 25th and the holiday of the "last call" are coming soon. Joyful and sad holiday. It's sad that you have to part with the guys. The chicks will fly out of their “native nest” and set off on their life “swimming on the waves of the sea of ​​life”, passing through tests with exams. I want to congratulate all the graduates on their graduation, wish them to pass their exams with dignity and find their way in life. Dear graduates! I wish you success, good luck, well-being, interesting meetings. Live without lies and without falsehood, strive for knowledge, to achieve your dreams. Appreciate true friendship! Be kind and considerate people. Good luck and happy travels!

But the school is not only students, it is teachers, people who are daily, hourly next to children, living the same life and interests of children. The outstanding teacher S. L. Soloveichik said: “The teacher is not an intermediary between the world and children, no, he is on the side of the children, he is with them and at their head.” Dear colleagues! I sincerely congratulate you on the approach of such a joyful and exciting event - the end of the school year. It is joyful that the end is coming to worries, trials, all kinds of reporting and checks. Much has been done in a year: open, studied, researched. Exciting because not everything is over yet: exams are ahead. Exams are passed not only by children, but also by us, dear colleagues, together with them. I believe everything will be fine. And on the horizon - a long-awaited vacation! We deserve it! Please accept my most sincere congratulations on the end of the school year. Hello everyone, good luck!

With the end of the academic year, I want to congratulate the employees and organizers of the sitePedsovet. su. You have been irreplaceable assistants and advisers in our difficult work. It was you that we turned to in difficult times, we looked for tips, support, got acquainted with new products. You provided an opportunity to get acquainted with the experience of colleagues.

May this summer become unforgettable, cheerful, filled with bright events, wonderful emotions and pleasant chores for all of us! I wish you to spend this vacation in such a way that all our dreams related to summer, warmth and peace of mind come true. Please accept our congratulations on the end of the 2-16/2017 academic year and the upcoming long-awaited vacation!

School year behind
Summer is fast approaching us!
What do I congratulate you on
And of course I wish
Don't lose knowledge
Don't forget anything
Relax, gain strength
To be successful again
Next academic year
No worries and no hassle!
May the summer be happy
Bright, colorful, beautiful!

Completed academic year -
On vacation! Forward!
Relax, have fun
By September, gain strength.

A sea of ​​entertainment awaits you
Miracles and adventures.
Let this summer bring
Lots of joy and light.

You stock up on health
Get better, grow up
To start magically
School New Year!

Congratulations on the end of the school year! For everyone it was different, for someone it was a life lesson, a new discovery, important events, for someone another portion of knowledge, skills; simple or complex, but for everyone and everyone full of thoughts, conclusions, plans. May the time of rest and reboot not be in vain, but return everyone strong, healthy, beautiful, ready for a new start.

The school year has flown by
There were many achievements
New knowledge, important things,
Sea of ​​joyful moments!

We all want to develop
To not stand still
Back to school together
To know science!

The school year has come to an end
Lots of things to do during the holidays.
Relax, sunbathe, take a walk
And visit the sea.

With the end of the school year!
Only magical moods
Optimism, fun, friends
And beautiful cloudless days.

Here is the school year
Let him take with him -
unsolved problems,
And control to boot.

Those lessons that are boring
You don't need anymore.
From home exercise
Rest without regrets.

Don't waste time in summer
Enjoy, relax.
But with the arrival of September,
School is waiting for you!

The school year has flown by
He had a lot of trouble
You tried not to be lazy
As much as they could, they learned.

Summer is waiting for you
Everyone must gain strength
So that with new inspiration,
Come to the exercises in September.

The academic year has ended
And summer is ahead.
We wish you very colorful
You have time to spend!

Let the rest be fabulous
And every day is fun.
And then, with renewed vigor,
You go to school!

Holidays again - a year behind
Many good things lie ahead.
Games, jokes, joyful laughter,
Beaches, hiking, accomplishments, success.
I wish you all a rest
So that by the fall the school began to pull.

Hooray! The school year has passed!
He had so many worries.
They gave all their strength to study,
Didn't rest a bit.

Thanks to all teachers
For kindness and attention!
See you again in September.
In the meantime, school - goodbye!

The school year is over
He was complex and strict
Now you can relax
Holidays go!

We don't need an alarm clock
textbooks, notebooks,
You can throw a satchel
Sleep until noon is sweet.

Go to the river
With beloved friends
Long live the holidays
How long have we been waiting for you!
