Abstract for drawing houseplants. Direct educational activities in the senior drawing group on the topic: "houseplants". Synopsis of GCD in the preparatory group

Sections: Working with preschoolers

Educational areas: Artistic creativity, Cognition, Communication, Socialization, Health.

Purpose: to continue to develop the ability to correctly position the drawing on the sheet, draw with paints.

  1. Anchoring elementary representations about indoor plants: the plant has a stem, leaves; the plant is planted in a pot with soil. To consolidate knowledge of the names of indoor plants; be able to distinguish houseplants from gardening.
  2. Strengthening the ability to care for indoor plants.
  3. Education of independence, goodwill, desire to help.

Vocabulary: houseplant, garden flowers, watering can, flowering plant.

preliminary work: conversations about indoor plants; caring for indoor plants: watering, loosening the earth in a pot, rubbing the leaves.


  • A parcel box containing a photo of a houseplant with a question mark in a flower pot;
  • Houseplants;
  • Tools for caring for indoor plants: a watering can, sponges for wiping, rakes and sticks for loosening, a napkin for hands;
  • Chlorophytum offshoot;
  • Pot, earth;
  • Cards with the image of indoor plants and garden flowers;
  • Fairy Hero;
  • Didactic game "Plants";
  • Gouache paints in brown and green, brushes, cups of water, White list paper, coasters for brushes, napkin.

Lesson progress

Children are in the group:

The flower was sleeping and suddenly woke up -
I didn't want to sleep anymore.
Moved, stirred
It flew up and flew away.

On the table is a parcel box (on the box is a sticker with cartoon characters), which contains a photograph of a houseplant with a question mark in a flower pot. Fairy Star sits nearby.

Educator: Guys, look, we received a package. Star Fairy, do you know where she came from? Does not know. Who do you think this package is from? And I don't know. Want to see what's in it? But to find out what's in the box, you need to solve riddles.

  • Without arms, without legs, but moving,
    Breathing but not speaking
    Eats, but no mouth. (Plant.)
  • They grow on the windows - they bring joy to people. (Indoor plant.)

Educator: Guys, did you guess what's in the package? (Indoor plant.)

Children open the box, and there is not a living houseplant, but a photograph of a houseplant with a question mark in a flower pot.

caregiver: Fairy Star is also interested in what it is. Where she lived, there are no indoor plants. And she lived in a store. There were many interesting things around, but they were inanimate things. What is sold in the store? FZ does not know how to take care of flowers at all and asks us to teach her. Can we help? Let's see together with the Federal Law what are the room and garden plants. (Show pictures.)

Didactic game.

Educator: Guys, what kind of plants do you know, except for indoor ones? (garden.) Can you tell them apart? On one chair is a flower bed, on the other is a flower pot. On the floor are cards with a picture of a rose ( garden flower) and an indoor flower in a pot. Boys collect images of an indoor flower in a pot, and girls collect roses in a flower bed.

Talk about indoor plants.

Children go to a corner of nature.

Educator: Children, look how many houseplants are in our group. What do you think these plants are for? (To be beautiful.) What else are indoor plants for? (Plants purify the air.) That's right, to be beautiful - a person decorates his house with houseplants. But they not only delight us with their beauty, but also purify the air from dust and dirt. Many houseplants smell good.

Guys, you already know that each plant has its own name. What names of indoor plants do you know? (Children name the plants of a corner of nature and show them.)

Guys, what needs to be done so that the houseplant is always beautiful, does not wither? (Care for a houseplant.) Let's tell the Federal Law how we care for plants.

Labor activity.

Educator: Guys, we recently put Chlorophytum sprouts in a glass of water. Why did we do this, Vasilisa? Look at the roots of the little sprout of Chlorophytum! It's time to plant it in a pot. We will put earth for indoor plants there, make a small hole and plant a sprout in it. We fill it with earth at the base and pour water over it. The plant has not yet grown strong, so we will take care of it every day. It will definitely grow! Let's give FZ a lot of Chlorophytums so that the air in her room is fresh and clean. Sit at the tables, make friends with the leg of the chair with the leg of the table, straighten the backs. I will show you how to draw a houseplant - chlorophytum. First we will draw flower pot brown paint, and then the flower itself is green.


Our delicate flowers
The petals are unfolding. (Smooth opening of the hands.)
The wind breathes a little
The petals sway. (Waving hands over head.)
Our scarlet flowers
Close the petals (Smooth lowering hands.)
Sleeping quietly
They shake their heads.

Get to work. Lisa painted the flower very carefully, Katya did it beautifully, etc.


Guys, you drew beautiful flowers. FZ says to you: "Thank you!". So what flower was in the package? How will we plant flowers? Why do we grow plants at home?

Natalya Ptashinskaya
Synopsis of GCD on fine arts. Drawing from life "Indoor plant"

GCD for fine arts.

Mental education. Formation of elementary ecological ideas.

Artistic and aesthetic education. Visual activity.

Theme of the week: life safety.

2 lessons for children in the preparatory group for school. Program "Education and education in kindergarten» ed. M. A. Vasilyeva and others.

Topic: Drawing from nature« Indoor plant» .

Target: Concretize children's ideas about living conditions indoor plants. Learn to make connections between states plants and conditions environment.


Educational: to continue work on enriching the natural vocabulary of children;

To expand the knowledge of children about creative activity, its features. Learn to call the profession an artist;

keep learning draw with gouache.

Educational: To form a positive attitude towards art; aesthetic feelings in fine arts activities; the ability to navigate on a sheet of paper.

Educational: Respect for plants; accuracy in work.

materials: album sheets, gouache, oilcloth (according to the number of children).

Tools: brushes, water cups, palettes (according to the number of children).

Attributes: indoor plants in pots.

Didactic material: Poem by V. Viktorov "Flower"; didactic game "What if?".

GCD progress:

Guys, listen to a poem by V. Viktorov "Flower" and answer question Q: What will we talk about today?

I picked a flower in the meadow on the run.

I blew it, but I can't explain why.

In a glass, he stood for a day and wilted.

And how long would he stand in the meadow?

What is the poem about? (about a flower, plants)

Do you take care of nature? (Yes)

Guys, you already know what happens forest plants, meadows, orchards? (Yes)

Today we will talk about indoor plants.

Why do people call them indoor plants? (Grow in the room)

What do you know houseplants? (Sansevera, chlorophytum, ficus, violet, rose.)

-room conditions, what are the conditions? (Heat, light, humid; Plants in the room a constant positive air temperature is needed, light and water are needed).

That's right, guys, well done!

What is water for? (plants drink)

Let's play a game "What if?"-If you open the window in winter, plants will suffer? (freeze)- If you do not water? (will dry up)- If you pour them a lot of water (will die) Well done!

Guys, a person of what profession paints pictures? (Painter)

You have paints, brushes, paper on the tables. Do you want to become real artists? (Yes)

Look in front of you indoor flowers: sansiviera and chlorophytum. Today we are with you, like real artists, we will write them.

What parts does it consist of

– sansiviera (From fleshy leaves that look like long tongues. ,

Chlorophytum (From thin leaves similar to ribbons.).

What flowers grow(In pots with earth.).

It is important to place your drawing correctly on the sheet!

You can draw a pot of earth? (Not)

Now let's draw flowers. Everyone will choose only one.

Now let's color our flowers.

Do flowers have the same shade? (Not)

Let's choose the right shades.

Well done! You are real artists.

Do you enjoy being artists? (Yes)

Maybe you grow and become artists, paint our portraits.

While you're coloring, say everything houseplants safe for humans and animals? (Not)

Why? (There are useful plants, there are poisonous plants.)

Correctly. - What do you know poisonous plants? (Ficus, spurge, etc.)

Why? (Their juice is poisonous. You can get poisoned. It's not safe)

Well done! You all know, but you can ask mom and dad today about useful and poisonous plants to see if there are dangerous plants in the house.

Let's, like real artists, arrange an exhibition of paintings. Whose work did you like more, why?

Did you enjoy the activity?


1. Program "Education and education in kindergarten"

2. Petrova V. I., Stulnik T. D. moral education in kindergarten. program and guidelines. - 2nd edition, corrected and supplemented - M .: Mosaic-Synthesis, 2008.-80 p., p. 57.

Summary of classes in kindergarten: In the world of indoor plants for children 5-7 years old.

Author: Nersesyan Naira Igorevna, teacher of MBDOU "Kindergarten of a general developmental type No. 144", Voronezh
Purpose: Kindergarten teachers, teachers primary school curious parents. The outline is suitable for classes with children 5-7 years old.
Target: Name the plant and its main parts. Take good care of your plants.
Tasks-Expand knowledge about indoor plants.
-Give an idea about the reproduction of indoor plants.
-To develop the skills of research activities of children 5-7 years old in the course of joint activities.
- To cultivate respect for nature.
- Develop curiosity, diligence.
-Teach how to draw houseplants.
-Improve plant care skills.
- Familiarize yourself with several types of indoor plants.
-To expand the knowledge of pupils on ecological culture.
preliminary work Creation of a subject environment aimed at developing children's interest in plants, the presence of demonstration material: pictures and posters from the series<<Комнатные растения>>. Video material - for display on the screen.

Lesson progress

caregiver Guess the riddles:<< Дышит,растет, а ходить не может>> (Plant).
Purify the air
They create comfort
Green on the windows
Bloom all year round. (Indoor plants)
What will we talk about today? (About indoor plants).
A glass of water covered
Hedgehog mitt. (Cactus)

A bush grew in a tub,
And wide and thick:
Leaf like leather
tightly folded,
elderberry trunk,
Like rubber. (Ficus)

Leaf with a hump, groove,
Has thorns, but can't hurt

But heals us at any hour. (Aloe)

There is a pot on the window
In him most wonderful flower,
purple, graceful,
Enticing aroma! (Violet)

caregiver What other indoor plants, besides the above, do you know? (Kalanchoe, feces, fern). Show a picture?

caregiver Indeed, these plants are grown only indoors, because most of them are native to hot countries where all year round summer. A person creates about the same conditions in winter as in summer. But why?
Children All conditions are created so that the plants do not die, do not freeze in winter.
caregiver Remember what is necessary for plants?
Children Plants need soil, light, heat, air, water.
caregiver There are five helpers of plants, like five fingers on a hand. Do plants need soil?
(Yes, they grow in pots of earth).
Why are indoor plants placed on the windowsill? (They need light to grow.)
Why are indoor plants not taken outside in autumn and winter? (They need warmth).
What other condition do plants need to grow well? (Plants need air to breathe.)
What should be done to make it easier for them to breathe? (In order for air to get to the roots of the plant, you need to loosen the earth, you need to wipe the dust from them).
What is the fifth condition for plant growth? (Water is needed - they must be watered regularly).
Let's see how the flower grows.

Children name the main parts of a plant (root, stem, leaf, flower, fruit with seeds).

There are a lot of indoor plants, let's get acquainted with a few more of them.
Up the steep wall
Cast on concrete
centipede crawling,
Carry leaves with you. (Ivy)

In turn, on the screen, the children look at pictures of plants, repeat complex names with the teacher and remember (geranium, coleus, begonia, gardenia, agave).

Physical education minute
A sunflower grows in the yard.
A sunflower grows in the yard
In the morning it reaches for the sun. (Children stand on one leg and stretch their arms up.)
Next to him is a second, similar,
He also reaches for the sun. (Children stand on the other leg and again pull their hands up.)
We turn our hands in a circle.
Don't accidentally hit a friend!
A few laps ahead
And then vice versa. (Rotation of straight arms forward and backward.)
We had a wonderful rest
And it's time for us to sit down. (Children sit down.)

caregiver How to properly care for indoor plants? (Water, loosen, spray, wipe dust, wash). Let's always take care of our indoor plants together. (Children water the flowers, wipe the dust, spray with the instructions of the teacher)

To consolidate the proper care of plants, they watch video material, the teacher comments

caregiver Look at all the pictures and draw your houseplant.

caregiver From all the drawings, choose the most expressive and most accurate.

It is difficult to imagine our life without indoor plants. AT preschool they not only delight babies with their beautiful flowers and fragrance, but also make the air cleaner, prevent the growth of bacteria, and also have the best effect on the child's psyche. The process of caring for indoor flowers forms the children's independence and responsibility. They see the results of their work, realizing cause-and-effect relationships (the state of the plant and environmental factors). In addition, preschoolers are very fond of drawing indoor plants, especially from nature, passing them in the process of creativity. characteristics structures and colors. How to conduct a lesson in drawing plants in preparatory group what ideas and techniques can be applied.

Features of drawing on this topic among preschoolers of preparatory groups

The image of a houseplant in the preparatory group is interesting in that drawing from nature can be practiced on this topic. After all, it is the leading teaching method in the school. For such a lesson, the teacher chooses a copy with a sufficient number of leaves. If this is a flowering plant, then it is advisable to draw it during the flowering period. The same can be said about drawing based on photographs or pictures.

Note that if compared with the school methodology, then when depicting indoor plants in the preparatory group, the task of creating a three-dimensional image, transmitting chiaroscuro, and a complex angle is not set.

Visually examining nature, preschoolers, with the help of the teacher's leading questions, highlight it key features. The pupils of the preparatory group already have enough experience to analyze the general shape of the plant, its constituent parts(stem, leaves, flowers) only on the basis of visual perception without the participation of other senses. Note that for drawing, children are offered a familiar plant, which they can observe every day in a corner of nature.

Considering the plant, the educator draws children's attention the fact that its different parts are not the same in color: the guys highlight the lightest and darkest elements. At the same time, the teacher reminds with the help of what techniques this can be reflected in the drawing.

As for the model of the educator, it is practically not used in the preparatory group - only a partial demonstration of drawing techniques is practiced. This avoids the boilerplate image.

When drawing from nature in the process of creativity, the children should compare their work with nature or a picture in order to detect and correct errors in time.

Since an integral attribute of the image of a houseplant is a pot, its drawing also needs to be paid attention. It is not necessary to repeat the form, color and ornament presented in the picture or nature. Let preschoolers show creative independence when depicting a pot: paint it in their favorite color, come up with an original pattern.

At the end of the work, the teacher must review the resulting drawings with the children. In the course of the analysis, it should be noted the works that are closest to nature, executed carefully, convey color palette plants. In addition, you should evaluate the composition of the drawings - how well the image is placed on the sheet. The teacher listens to the opinion of the pupils, and then expresses his point of view - shows the works that he liked, and argues his opinion.

Most relevant materials and base

You can draw a houseplant in the preparatory group with a variety of materials. Bright and rich drawings are obtained using gouache. Watercolor works look more gentle, suggesting smooth transitions shades.

Indoor plants can also be drawn with colored pencils or wax crayons, paying attention to the display of different shades. You can also try to offer the guys a graphic drawing.

The basis for drawing on this topic is selected standard. If preschoolers use paints in a lesson, then you first need to tint the paper in pale colors. pastel shades(pinkish, bluish, yellowish, etc.). Before starting drawing, it is important to consider the location of the sheet of paper: if the object of the image is a plant oriented vertically (for example, sansevera, amaryllis or begonia), then the base must be positioned accordingly. If children have to draw chlorophytum with its numerous hanging stems or the composition includes two plants in pots, then it would be advisable to place a sheet of paper horizontally.

Techniques and techniques that are used when drawing a houseplant

When drawing in the traditional technique, it is better to start the image of a houseplant with a light pencil sketch - to outline the outline of the object, its main parts, while observing the proportions. Of course, it is easier for a preschooler to draw the elements of the image sequentially, but this often leads to non-compliance with proportions. In addition, in the preparatory group, children must perceive the object as a whole, highlighting the key features of its form. After a preliminary sketch, the task is to convey the details of the plant as accurately as possible.

A good help for the child are step-by-step drawing schemes. Thanks to them, preschoolers develop an image algorithm.

Photo gallery: step-by-step drawing of a cactus

1st drawing step 2nd drawing step 3rd drawing step 4th drawing step

Pupils of the older group already have a good command of traditional drawing techniques. Working with paints, they paint over large parts of a houseplant with the whole pile of the brush, while small ones (petals and the core of a flower, leaf pattern, pot ornament) are drawn with the tip, holding the brush almost vertically).

Drawing flowers usually requires a wide range of colors (mostly soft pastels), so the guys practice mixing paints to get new interesting shades.

When working with colored pencils, you need to achieve accurate shading with unidirectional movements. By adjusting the force of pressure, preschoolers transmit different shades one color. In addition, when drawing a houseplant, you can create a beautiful image using several pencils of the same shade, for example, green.

Four shades of green are used to realistically depict leaves.

In class on visual activity the teacher pays attention to the compositional solution of children's drawings. So, the plant needs to be drawn large, in the whole sheet. In addition, the attention of preschoolers should be paid to how to correctly depict a sheet that obscures another. So that the leaves do not merge with each other, you need to use different shades of green.

Such a fine art theme as “Indoor Plants” contains great opportunities for using non-traditional drawing techniques. For example, it is good to depict small flowers with a cotton swab. At the same time, in order for the prints to be even and round, you need to hold it strictly vertically and press it well against a sheet of paper.

Plant petals drawn with cotton buds

Hand painting is often used to draw a cactus. The image is complemented by thorns and flowers, drawn in the traditional way.

Hand painting combined with traditional drawing

If you connect fantasy, then this plant can also be depicted using blotography. First, a pot and a cactus growing in it are indicated with a pencil, and then, in order for the plant to get small branches, thorns, you need to blow on it from a tube, shaking it from side to side.

With the help of blotography, very realistic thorns are obtained.

An interesting technique is drawing on wet paper. It allows you to get a beautiful blurry image, gradient transitions of shades due to the fact that the colors behave unusually, blur, go beyond the contour of the details. The extraordinary lightness of colors, the creation of new colors directly on the drawing will make drawing a houseplant fascinating and magical.

To work, preschoolers will need a sponge: they need to moisten a sheet of paper with quick movements. Then, with the help of an ordinary brush, paint is applied, and the touch on the paper should be very light. In order to depict the petals, a few drops are enough - the paint spreads, forming beautiful drawing. Before the paper dries out, you can add spots of a contrasting color to each petal, for example, black in the middle, and green on the edges.

Wet painting allows you to get a beautiful slightly blurry image.

Another non-standard way of drawing is to use crumpled paper. Before starting work, it is necessary to thoroughly crush the sheet, but very carefully so as not to tear it. After that, the base is straightened and ironed with palms. With the help of a wide brush, the background is formed: plain or more interesting gradient. Note that you need to type on the brush more water and paint, so that the excess flows into the folds - after drying, they will become brighter, and the work will look original. After the background dries, you can proceed directly to drawing the plant.

Drawing on crumpled paper looks exquisite

Inclusion in the composition of additional types of visual activity, the implementation of an individual approach in the classroom

In order to captivate preschoolers as much as possible with the creative process, it is useful to include elements of other types of visual activity in drawing. These techniques can also be used within individual approach, offering to decorate the composition at will, to children who show an increased interest in drawing.

The applique details will make the work more original. For example, a cactus drawn with palms can be decorated with paper needles.

As an option, you can offer the guys a base with ready-made applicative silhouettes of pots (or they will glue them themselves). Similarly, children can cut paper flowers and decorate a painted plant with them.

Drawing with appliqué elements

Drawing with appliqué elements

In addition, preschoolers can first draw plant elements (leaves, flowers) on paper, then cut them out and glue them to the painted pot. This will allow you to get the original three-dimensional effect (the details are not completely glued).

Photo gallery: children's drawings with indoor flowers

Drawing with appliqué elements Drawing with 3D appliqué elements Drawing with appliqué elements Drawing with 3D appliqué elements

The composition can also include an unconventional application, for example, decorate a flower pot with buttons.

Drawing with elements of non-traditional appliqué

As for the inclusion of plasticine parts in the composition, there is also a lot of room for imagination here. It can be beautiful patterns on a pot, flower decoration or highlighting the pattern of leaves with flagella.

Variants of compositions for drawing indoor plants in the preparatory group

Traditionally, drawing a houseplant is offered to pupils of the preparatory group in the first half of the year (October). The main task of this lesson is to convey the key features of the plant and the shape of the pot. Since in the group corner of nature in the senior preschool age the most different plants, then you can organize drawing from nature (the teacher selects any plant with bright distinctive features).

The topic of the lesson can be designated as more specific, for example, “Cactus”, “Violet”, “Sansevier”, etc.

Another option is drawing according to the presentation on the topic “My favorite indoor flower": the selected plant may not grow in a group, but only, for example, at a child's home.

In the preparatory group, you can also practice drawing two houseplants at once. For this, the teacher selects specimens that differ from each other in the height of the stem, the color of the leaves and flowers, and the shape of the inflorescences. A suitable topic, for example, "Begonia and sansevier".

This lesson can also be held on the eve of the holiday of March 8 or Mother's Day - to draw a beautiful flowering plant ("Violet", "Geranium", "Amaryllis", "Begonia") as a gift to mom.

Ways to organize a motivating start to a lesson: looking at a houseplant, photographs, thematic pictures, informative conversations, environmental tales on this topic, etc.

In the preparatory group, the game component is still an important component of the drawing lesson. It is necessary from the very beginning to captivate preschoolers with the proposed topic. For example, a teacher not only invites children to look at indoor plants in a corner of nature, but brings a toy - a flower fairy, which leads the children to her magical garden.

The fairy can also turn to children for help: an evil thistle has kidnapped her lovely violets. If the guys draw flowers, then the fairy will turn them into real ones. And violets will again delight the inhabitants of the kingdom.

Grandmother Fedor Egorovna (disguised teacher) can come to the lesson for preschoolers. Grandmother is very upset: her granddaughter gave her a flower in a pot, and he wilted. Preschoolers teach their grandmother how to properly care for indoor plants and draw beautiful flowers for her in pots.

Another interesting solution- a sad Luntik comes to the guys. He says that in the summer he picked flowers in the meadow, and then threw them away. He was shamed by the flower fairy, who said that a meadow without flowers would become boring and ugly. But Luntik did not obey, and then the fairy got angry and bewitched him. Now the hero cannot laugh and smile. The fairy promised to disenchant him if they grow in the meadow bright flowers. But it's autumn now, and that's impossible. You can please the fairy with beautiful indoor flowers that children can draw for Luntik.

Drawing may also be preceded by informative conversation about indoor plants, The guys will be interested to learn some interesting facts from their lives. It turns out that some plants do not have a stem at all, and large leaves start right from the roots (for example, this is sansevera). Plants, like people, feel kindness and affection. That is why they grow well with one hostess, delight with lush flowers, and wither with another even with proper care. Flowers love caring hands, affectionate words. There are plants that have healing properties, they are also called a home doctor - these are, for example, aloe and kalanchoe. Kalanchoe helps with sore throat, headache. Aloe juice can treat a runny nose, and apply the pulp to a sore spot to relieve inflammation. By the way, Boris Zakhoder has a wonderful poem on this subject:

They say - aloe, aloe - I wonder what it is?

What is aloe - aloe blue?

Good or evil? Small or big?

Good or bad?

One colleague of the pope was literally saved by aloe.

And my mother's best friend it helped in sickness.

And then I saw aloe on Aunt Zoe's dresser.

Aloe grew in a pot on Aunt Zoe's chest of drawers:

Green, big, but prickly and crooked.

By the way, a lesson in drawing indoor flowers can be exciting to end - give preschoolers seeds of plants so that they plant them at home with their parents.

There are many ecological fairy tales on the topic of indoor plants, from which you can also draw motivation for the lesson. One of these works is the fairy tale "Grandmother Fyodor and Geranium". According to the plot, one lazy and sloppy old woman named Fyodor had Geran in the house. Grandmother did not take care of the flower, and he died: the flowers withered, the leaves withered. The earth in the pot was dry, and he himself cracked long ago. And so Gerani's patience ran out, and she left home.

Fedora woke up in the morning and felt bad, restless, but could not understand what was wrong with her. Then a mouse appeared from behind the stove and told her grandmother that she felt bad because there was no more Geranium in the house. After all, this is a special plant: it heals the human soul. Fedora regretted not caring for Geranium. The mouse explained that it was necessary to water the flower, to loosen the earth, to nourish the roots. Geraniums need a lot of sunlight, and the window in the house is dusty and dirty. Grandmother went to look for Geranium, walked for a long time and, finally, found her shedding tears in a clearing. Geranium forgave Fyodor, and they returned home. Grandmother planted the plant in a new pot, poured fresh earth, watered it, washed the window so that there was a lot of light in the room. And the happy Geranium blossomed, filling the whole house with a wonderful aroma.

Illustration for the fairy tale "Grandmother Fyodor and Geranium"

After reading a fairy tale to the children, the teacher can once again fix the rules for caring for indoor plants with them and invite them to depict a beautiful well-groomed Geranium against the background of a window with beautiful curtains.

Another plant is dedicated to the fairy tale "Cactus Flower" by Maria Skrebtsova. The action takes place in a hot desert, where another child was born in a family of cacti. Children here were brought up in severity, because they grew up hardy and harsh, they saw only one drop of water a week. But our hero turned out to be not like his silent brothers and mother: he thought about many things and asked questions to everyone around him: cacti, the sun, sand, wind, stars. He was wondering, for example, why the sky so rarely cries, because the desert needs its tears so much, or whether it is possible to drown in the sands.

The sands told the cactus about people, many funny, sad and even scary stories. He began to dream of meeting them. And then one day people appeared in the desert. They did not like it here, and they called the cacti ugly compared to the beautiful meadow flowers.

Cactus realized for the first time that he was ugly and began to cry. People took notice of him. They approached the cactus, but there was admiration on their faces. People called the plant a snow-white miracle, a treasure, they said that a charming aroma emanated from it.

It turned out that it blossomed on a prickly cactus the most beautiful flower which illuminated everything around with wondrous light and fragrance. The cactus was happy that his flower opened the soul in people.

After getting acquainted with such a beautiful philosophical tale, children will surely want to draw a blooming cactus in a pretty pot.

Illustration for the fairy tale by M. Skrebtsova

The task of the teacher is to pick up exciting physical exercises related to the plant theme. Here are some possible examples.

Fizkulminutka "Cactus

Physical education "Flower exercise"

Finger gymnastics "Flowers"

Lesson notes

Name of the author Abstract title
Gorbatko T.A. Drawing from life "Indoor plant
Educational tasks: learn to draw a houseplant with gouache, clarify the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe life of plants, the relationship of their condition with environmental conditions.
Development tasks: develop compositional skills, color perception.
Educational tasks: cultivate a caring attitude towards plants.
Integration educational areas : "Artistic creativity", "Cognition", "Communication", "Socialization", "Health".
Demo material: indoor plants in nature
Handout: sheets of white paper according to the number of children, watercolors, pencils and wax pencils, non-spill jars, brushes, brush stands.
Lesson progress:
Reading a poem by V. Viktorov Flower:
  • I picked a flower in the meadow on the run.
    I blew it, but I can't explain why.
    In a glass, he stood for a day and wilted.
    And how long would he stand in the meadow?

A conversation about caring for nature and indoor flowers. Children name the plants they know. The question is discussed: what are room conditions.
Held word game"What if?". Children continue the phrase started by the teacher. For example, what if you open the window in winter, and what if you water the plants too abundantly.
Then the teacher invites the children to turn into artists and draw an indoor chlorophytum flower that they have in the group. The structure of the plant is considered.
Independent work of preschoolers.
A short talk about poisonous indoor plants (ficus, spurge).
Exhibition of children's works.

Medvedeva L. "Indoor plant violet"
(Unconventional drawing technique)
The lesson begins with a riddle about indoor plants:
  • The air is being purified
    Create comfort
    Green on the windows
    And they bloom in winter.

A conversation about the importance of indoor plants in people's lives (they decorate the interior, make the air cleaner and more humid, positively affect people's well-being).
The teacher tells preschoolers that flowers have been valued since ancient times - holidays were held in their honor. In Holland, the tulip festival is still organized annually.
Children tell what houseplants they have at home, how to care for them.
The teacher tells the children about medicinal indoor plants - aloe, kalanchoe, geranium, reports that the most unpretentious flower- violet.
A physical minute “Flowers grow in the meadow” is held:

  • Flowers grow in the meadow
    Unprecedented beauty.
    (Sipping - arms to the sides)
    Flowers reach for the sun.
    Stretch with them too.
    (Sipping - hands up)
    The wind blows sometimes
    Only it's not a problem.
    (Mahi hands)
    flowers leaning,
    The petals drop.
    And then they get up again
    And they still bloom.

The teacher tells the children about the varieties of violets. The most beautiful have terry leaves. The edge of the petal seems to be outlined in a different color: blue flower- white fringe, red - purple, etc.
The children are invited to depict a violet in an unconventional way - an imprint with crumpled paper. This method allows you to get a beautiful double-fringed flower, conveys a "fluffy" texture.
The shape of the pot is specified - an inverted trapezoid. Since the plant is larger than the pot, it will take most sheet of paper.
Before drawing with paints, you need to make a pencil sketch. The sheet of paper is placed vertically. First, a table is depicted in the form of a horizontal line, then a pot in the form of a trapezoid ( Bottom part less than the top).
To make an impression, you need to crumple the paper, paint one side in purple and "print" flowers. There should be many flowers. Violet leaves are painted with a brush and the pot is painted brown. Children are invited to decorate the table and background in any color.
Independent work of preschoolers. At the end of the lesson, the teacher asks if it is possible to depict other indoor plants in a similar way.

Aisina G.N.
(drawing from nature)
The flower fairy invites children to her beautiful garden. Preschoolers are offered riddles about indoor plants:
  • Purify the air
    They create comfort
    Green on the windows
    Bloom all year round. (houseplants)
  • On the window in winter and summer
    Forever green and beautiful.
    bright red color
    Burns gently ... (balm)

    Covered glass with water
    Hedgehog mitt. (cactus)

  • With milk, not a goat
    With bark, not vine. (ficus)
  • Up the steep wall
    Cast on concrete
    centipede crawling,
    Carry leaves with you. (Ivy)
  • Leaf with a hump, groove,
    Has thorns, but can't hurt,
    But heals us at any hour. (Aloe)

Children also name other indoor plants that are familiar to them. The teacher remembers with preschoolers the rules for caring for indoor plants (five assistants, like fingers in their hands - soil, moisture, sunlight, heat and air).
Conversation on:
Why do houseplants need to be watered?
Why are they placed on the windowsill and not under the table?
Can indoor plants be taken outside in winter?
What can be done to make flowers breathe easier?
What can you feed the plant?
The teacher tells the children how to properly wipe and wash the leaves of plants.
A physical minute "Our scarlet flowers" is being held:

  • Our scarlet flowers
    The petals are unfolding.
    Slowly raise your hands up.
    The wind breathes a little
    The petals sway.
    Swinging hands to the left - to the right.
    Our scarlet flowers
    Close the petals
    They sat down and hid.
    shake their heads,
    Head movement to the left - to the right.
    They fall asleep quietly.

The teacher examines the cactus with the children. Preschoolers name its components, and then start drawing from nature.
consideration finished works, the most expressive ones are noted.

Drobina N.A. "Indoor Flowers"

The lesson starts with didactic game: Children take turns throwing a colored dice. Each side of it corresponds to the picture on the board with the image of a flower - you need to name it.
Riddle about indoor flowers:

  • The air is being purified
    Create comfort
    Green on the windows
    And they bloom in winter.

Fedor's weeping grandmother appears: one girl gave her a flower in a pot, but it withered. The guys tell Fedora about how to properly care for indoor plants.
Preschoolers are shown the presentation "Indoor Flowers". Children talk about the plants that they have at home, about how they are cared for in the family. The teacher's story medicinal plant on the windowsill (aloe, kalanchoe, geranium).
So that Fyodor's grandmother does not get upset, the teacher offers to draw her a beautiful houseplant - a cactus. The work will take place in two workshops: traditional painting on easels with watercolors and painting in an unconventional way “wet”. Children draw cards with the image of a cactus in a certain technique and go to the appropriate workshops (a second teacher is connected to the work).
Before productive activities, a physical education session is held “A prickly flower on the window ...”
Teachers explain the basic methods of work. When drawing in the traditional technique, it is proposed to add volume to cacti by using light and dark tones.
Drawing "wet" involves wetting the upper part of the picture with water (where the cactus itself will be depicted). The plant must be depicted with light paint, sprinkled with salt, and then dark tones are added.
Independent activity of preschoolers. Exhibition of drawings.
At the end of the lesson, the teacher gives the children seeds of indoor plants, which
They can plant at home with their parents.

Drawings of pupils with comments on the performance of work

Preschoolers create charming images of violets. So, beautiful and original indoor flowers, drawn on crumpled paper, with detailed petals, each of which (whether yellow or blue) has a dark blue rim (“Violet for the Fairy of Flowers”, “Blue Violet as a Gift to the Fairy”) . Violet petals in children's works in children's works appear in other colors: pale lilac (“Beauty Violet”), burgundy (“That's such a violet”). The composition "Beauty Violet" deserves special attention: it depicts a plant with beautiful large leaves, very graceful flowers. We note a very pleasant gentle background - a window with blue curtains.

Realistically drawn houseplant sansevier in children's work with its characteristic shape and pattern of leaves. In the composition "Luminous sansevera" the light green edging of the leaves attracts attention, and in the "Pike tail" pattern, transverse stripes of a darker color, similar to the color of the predatory fish of the same name, clearly stand out.

An intricately shaped cactus is shown in the figure "Prickly Cactus". The image of the plant is made up of multidirectional ovals. In addition, we note the intricate ornament of the yellow pot of dots and wavy lines.

The flower pot in the work “My Favorite Houseplant” is also beautifully decorated: different kinds ornament on a pale blue background.

It is useful to give the children the task of drawing two houseplants that are not similar to each other (“Begonia and sansevier”) at once. This helps preschoolers to more clearly identify characteristics everyone.

A beautiful and colorful geranium is depicted in the drawing of the same name. The emphasis here is on large bright red flowers on a tall stem.

In the classroom in kindergarten, the children draw not only the plants presented in the corner of nature, but also those that grow in their homes. Such is, for example, the work Money Tree". The plant is depicted as powerful, spreading, with a characteristic leaf structure.

Very neat composition - "My favorite indoor flower." We see here unusual shape pot, and the plant itself beautifully spread its long stems with bright red flowers at the ends.

Photo gallery: drawings of preschoolers with flowers

Drawing watercolor Drawing watercolor Drawing watercolor Drawing watercolor on crumpled paper Drawing watercolor Drawing watercolor Drawing watercolor Drawing watercolor Drawing watercolor Drawing watercolor Drawing gouache Drawing watercolor on crumpled paper Drawing pencils Drawing watercolor Drawing watercolor

Video: palm cactus

Video: a child draws a sansevier

Video: the most useful indoor plants

Video: master class on drawing cacti

Video: indoor plants - video presentation for preschoolers

Houseplants are an integral part of the life of preschoolers in kindergarten. Delighting children with their pleasant coloring, intricate shape of flowers and leaves, they make the interior group room cozy and beautiful. This is especially true for the cold season, when there is no fresh greenery outside. The task of the teacher is to arouse the interest of pupils in drawing indoor plants, each of which is unique in its own way: it has its own length and thickness of the stem, pattern and color of leaves and flowers. Therefore, such creative activities develop aesthetic perception, a sense of form and color. In addition, drawing an object of nature always contributes to a more in-depth knowledge of it.

If you have any difficulties or problems, you can contact certified specialist which will definitely help!

It is difficult to imagine our life without indoor plants. In a preschool institution, they not only delight kids with their beautiful flowers and fragrance, but also make the air cleaner, prevent the growth of bacteria, and also have the best effect on the child's psyche. The process of caring for indoor flowers forms the children's independence and responsibility. They see the results of their work, realizing cause-and-effect relationships (the state of the plant and environmental factors). In addition, preschoolers are very fond of drawing indoor plants, especially from nature, conveying their characteristic features of the structure and color in the process of creativity. How to conduct a lesson on drawing plants in the preparatory group, what ideas and techniques can be applied.

Features of drawing on this topic among preschoolers of preparatory groups

The image of a houseplant in the preparatory group is interesting in that drawing from nature can be practiced on this topic. After all, it is the leading teaching method in the school. For such a lesson, the teacher chooses a copy with a sufficient number of leaves. If this is a flowering plant, then it is advisable to draw it during the flowering period. The same can be said about drawing based on photographs or pictures.

Note that if compared with the school methodology, then when depicting indoor plants in the preparatory group, the task of creating a three-dimensional image, transmitting chiaroscuro, and a complex angle is not set.

Visually examining nature, preschoolers, with the help of leading questions from the teacher, highlight its key features. Pupils of the preparatory group already have enough experience to analyze the general shape of a plant, its constituent parts (stem, leaves, flowers) only on the basis of visual perception without the participation of other senses. Note that for drawing, children are offered a familiar plant, which they can observe every day in a corner of nature.

Considering the plant, the teacher draws the children's attention to the fact that its different parts are not the same in color: the guys highlight the lightest and darkest elements. At the same time, the teacher reminds with the help of what techniques this can be reflected in the drawing.

As for the model of the educator, it is practically not used in the preparatory group - only a partial demonstration of drawing techniques is practiced. This avoids the boilerplate image.

When drawing from nature in the process of creativity, the children should compare their work with nature or a picture in order to detect and correct errors in time.

Since an integral attribute of the image of a houseplant is a pot, its drawing also needs to be paid attention. It is not necessary to repeat the form, color and ornament presented in the picture or nature. Let preschoolers show creative independence when depicting a pot: paint it in their favorite color, come up with an original pattern.

At the end of the work, the teacher must review the resulting drawings with the children. In the course of the analysis, it should be noted the works that are closest to nature, executed carefully, conveying the color palette of the plant. In addition, you should evaluate the composition of the drawings - how well the image is placed on the sheet. The teacher listens to the opinion of the pupils, and then expresses his point of view - shows the works that he liked, and argues his opinion.

Most relevant materials and base

You can draw a houseplant in the preparatory group with a variety of materials. Bright and rich drawings are obtained using gouache. Watercolor works look more gentle, assuming smooth transitions of shades.

Indoor plants can also be drawn with colored pencils or wax crayons, paying attention to the display of different shades. You can also try to offer the guys a graphic drawing.

The basis for drawing on this topic is selected standard. If preschoolers use paints in a lesson, then you first need to tint the paper in pale pastel colors (pinkish, bluish, yellowish, etc.). Before starting drawing, it is important to consider the location of the sheet of paper: if the object of the image is a plant oriented vertically (for example, sansevera, amaryllis or begonia), then the base must be positioned accordingly. If children have to draw chlorophytum with its numerous hanging stems or the composition includes two plants in pots, then it would be advisable to place a sheet of paper horizontally.

Techniques and techniques that are used when drawing a houseplant

When drawing in the traditional technique, it is better to start the image of a houseplant with a light pencil sketch - to outline the outline of the object, its main parts, while observing the proportions. Of course, it is easier for a preschooler to draw the elements of the image sequentially, but this often leads to non-compliance with proportions. In addition, in the preparatory group, children must perceive the object as a whole, highlighting the key features of its form. After a preliminary sketch, the task is to convey the details of the plant as accurately as possible.

A good help for the child are step-by-step drawing schemes. Thanks to them, preschoolers develop an image algorithm.

Photo gallery: step-by-step drawing of a cactus

1st drawing step 2nd drawing step 3rd drawing step 4th drawing step

Pupils of the older group already have a good command of traditional drawing techniques. Working with paints, they paint over large parts of a houseplant with the whole pile of the brush, while small ones (petals and the core of a flower, leaf pattern, pot ornament) are drawn with the tip, holding the brush almost vertically).

Drawing flowers usually requires a wide range of colors (mostly soft pastels), so the guys practice mixing paints to get new interesting shades.

When working with colored pencils, you need to achieve accurate shading with unidirectional movements. By adjusting the force of pressure, preschoolers convey different shades of the same color. In addition, when drawing a houseplant, you can create a beautiful image using several pencils of the same shade, for example, green.

Four shades of green are used to realistically depict leaves.

In the lesson on visual activity, the teacher pays attention to the compositional solution of children's drawings. So, the plant needs to be drawn large, in the whole sheet. In addition, the attention of preschoolers should be paid to how to correctly depict a sheet that obscures another. So that the leaves do not merge with each other, you need to use different shades of green.

Such a fine art theme as “Indoor Plants” contains great opportunities for using non-traditional drawing techniques. For example, it is good to depict small flowers with a cotton swab. At the same time, in order for the prints to be even and round, you need to hold it strictly vertically and press it well against a sheet of paper.

Plant petals drawn with cotton buds

Hand painting is often used to draw a cactus. The image is complemented by thorns and flowers, drawn in the traditional way.

Hand painting combined with traditional drawing

If you connect fantasy, then this plant can also be depicted using blotography. First, a pot and a cactus growing in it are indicated with a pencil, and then, in order for the plant to get small branches, thorns, you need to blow on it from a tube, shaking it from side to side.

With the help of blotography, very realistic thorns are obtained.

An interesting technique is drawing on wet paper. It allows you to get a beautiful blurry image, gradient transitions of shades due to the fact that the colors behave unusually, blur, go beyond the contour of the details. The extraordinary lightness of colors, the creation of new colors directly on the drawing will make drawing a houseplant fascinating and magical.

To work, preschoolers will need a sponge: they need to moisten a sheet of paper with quick movements. Then, with the help of an ordinary brush, paint is applied, and the touch on the paper should be very light. In order to depict the petals, a few drops are enough - the paint spreads, forming a beautiful pattern. Before the paper dries out, you can add spots of a contrasting color to each petal, for example, black in the middle, and green on the edges.

Wet painting allows you to get a beautiful slightly blurry image.

Another non-standard way of drawing is to use crumpled paper. Before starting work, it is necessary to thoroughly crush the sheet, but very carefully so as not to tear it. After that, the base is straightened and ironed with palms. With the help of a wide brush, the background is formed: plain or more interesting gradient. Note that you need to collect more water and paint on the brush so that the excess flows into the folds - after drying, they will become brighter, and the work will look original. After the background dries, you can proceed directly to drawing the plant.

Drawing on crumpled paper looks exquisite

Inclusion in the composition of additional types of visual activity, the implementation of an individual approach in the classroom

In order to captivate preschoolers as much as possible with the creative process, it is useful to include elements of other types of visual activity in drawing. Such techniques can also be used as part of an individual approach, offering to decorate the composition as desired, for children who show an increased interest in drawing.

The applique details will make the work more original. For example, a cactus drawn with palms can be decorated with paper needles.

As an option, you can offer the guys a base with ready-made applicative silhouettes of pots (or they will glue them themselves). Similarly, children can cut paper flowers and decorate a painted plant with them.

Drawing with appliqué elements

Drawing with appliqué elements

In addition, preschoolers can first draw plant elements (leaves, flowers) on paper, then cut them out and glue them to the painted pot. This will allow you to get the original three-dimensional effect (the details are not completely glued).

Photo gallery: children's drawings with indoor flowers

Drawing with appliqué elements Drawing with 3D appliqué elements Drawing with appliqué elements Drawing with 3D appliqué elements

The composition can also include an unconventional application, for example, decorate a flower pot with buttons.

Drawing with elements of non-traditional appliqué

As for the inclusion of plasticine parts in the composition, there is also a lot of room for imagination here. It can be beautiful patterns on a pot, flower decoration or highlighting the pattern of leaves with flagella.

Variants of compositions for drawing indoor plants in the preparatory group

Traditionally, drawing a houseplant is offered to pupils of the preparatory group in the first half of the year (October). The main task of this lesson is to convey the key features of the plant and the shape of the pot. Since a variety of plants are presented in the group corner of nature at the senior preschool age, it is possible to organize drawing from nature (the teacher selects any plant with bright distinctive features).

The topic of the lesson can be designated as more specific, for example, “Cactus”, “Violet”, “Sansevier”, etc.

Another option is drawing according to the theme “My favorite indoor flower”: the selected plant may not grow in a group, but only, for example, at a child’s home.

In the preparatory group, you can also practice drawing two houseplants at once. For this, the teacher selects specimens that differ from each other in the height of the stem, the color of the leaves and flowers, and the shape of the inflorescences. A suitable topic, for example, "Begonia and sansevier".

This lesson can also be held on the eve of the holiday of March 8 or Mother's Day - to draw a beautiful flowering plant ("Violet", "Geranium", "Amaryllis", "Begonia") as a gift to mom.

Ways to organize a motivating start to a lesson: looking at a houseplant, photographs, thematic pictures, informative conversations, environmental tales on this topic, etc.

In the preparatory group, the game component is still an important component of the drawing lesson. It is necessary from the very beginning to captivate preschoolers with the proposed topic. For example, a teacher not only invites children to look at indoor plants in a corner of nature, but brings a toy - a flower fairy, which leads the children to her magical garden.

The fairy can also ask the children for help: an evil thistle has stolen her beautiful violets. If the guys draw flowers, then the fairy will turn them into real ones. And violets will again delight the inhabitants of the kingdom.

Grandmother Fedor Egorovna (disguised teacher) can come to the lesson for preschoolers. Grandmother is very upset: her granddaughter gave her a flower in a pot, and he wilted. Preschoolers teach their grandmother how to properly care for indoor plants and draw beautiful flowers for her in pots.

Another interesting solution - the sad Luntik comes to the guys. He says that in the summer he picked flowers in the meadow, and then threw them away. He was shamed by the flower fairy, who said that a meadow without flowers would become boring and ugly. But Luntik did not obey, and then the fairy got angry and bewitched him. Now the hero cannot laugh and smile. The fairy promised to disenchant him if bright flowers grow in the meadow. But it's autumn now, and that's impossible. You can please the fairy with beautiful indoor flowers that children can draw for Luntik.

Drawing can also be preceded by an informative conversation about indoor plants. It will be interesting for the guys to learn some interesting facts from their lives. It turns out that some plants do not have a stem at all, and large leaves start right from the roots (for example, this is sansevera). Plants, like people, feel kindness and affection. That is why they grow well with one mistress, delight with lush flowers, and wither with the other even with proper care. Flowers love caring hands, affectionate words. There are plants that have healing properties, they are also called a home doctor - these are, for example, aloe and kalanchoe. Kalanchoe helps with sore throat, headache. Aloe juice can treat a runny nose, and apply the pulp to a sore spot to relieve inflammation. By the way, Boris Zakhoder has a wonderful poem on this subject:

They say - aloe, aloe - I wonder what it is?

What is aloe - aloe blue?

Good or evil? Small or big?

Good or bad?

One colleague of the pope was literally saved by aloe.

And it helped my mother's best friend in her illness.

And then I saw aloe on Aunt Zoe's dresser.

Aloe grew in a pot on Aunt Zoe's chest of drawers:

Green, big, but prickly and crooked.

By the way, a lesson in drawing indoor flowers can be exciting to end - give preschoolers seeds of plants so that they plant them at home with their parents.

There are many ecological fairy tales on the topic of indoor plants, from which you can also draw motivation for the lesson. One of these works is the fairy tale "Grandmother Fyodor and Geranium". According to the plot, one lazy and sloppy old woman named Fyodor had Geran in the house. Grandmother did not take care of the flower, and he died: the flowers withered, the leaves withered. The earth in the pot was dry, and he himself cracked long ago. And so Gerani's patience ran out, and she left home.

Fedora woke up in the morning and felt bad, restless, but could not understand what was wrong with her. Then a mouse appeared from behind the stove and told her grandmother that she felt bad because there was no more Geranium in the house. After all, this is a special plant: it heals the human soul. Fedora regretted not caring for Geranium. The mouse explained that it was necessary to water the flower, to loosen the earth, to nourish the roots. Geraniums need a lot of sunlight, and the window in the house is dusty and dirty. Grandmother went to look for Geranium, walked for a long time and, finally, found her shedding tears in a clearing. Geranium forgave Fyodor, and they returned home. Grandmother planted the plant in a new pot, poured fresh earth, watered it, washed the window so that there was a lot of light in the room. And the happy Geranium blossomed, filling the whole house with a wonderful aroma.

Illustration for the fairy tale "Grandmother Fyodor and Geranium"

After reading a fairy tale to the children, the teacher can once again fix the rules for caring for indoor plants with them and invite them to depict a beautiful well-groomed Geranium against the background of a window with beautiful curtains.

Another plant is dedicated to the fairy tale "Cactus Flower" by Maria Skrebtsova. The action takes place in a hot desert, where another child was born in a family of cacti. Children here were brought up in severity, because they grew up hardy and harsh, they saw only one drop of water a week. But our hero turned out to be not like his silent brothers and mother: he thought about many things and asked questions to everyone around him: cacti, the sun, sand, wind, stars. He was wondering, for example, why the sky so rarely cries, because the desert needs its tears so much, or whether it is possible to drown in the sands.

The sands told the cactus about people, many funny, sad and even scary stories were associated with them. He began to dream of meeting them. And then one day people appeared in the desert. They did not like it here, and they called the cacti ugly compared to the beautiful meadow flowers.

Cactus realized for the first time that he was ugly and began to cry. People took notice of him. They approached the cactus, but there was admiration on their faces. People called the plant a snow-white miracle, a treasure, they said that a charming aroma emanated from it.

It turned out that a most beautiful flower blossomed on a prickly cactus, which illuminated everything around with wonderful light and fragrance. The cactus was happy that his flower opened the soul in people.

After getting acquainted with such a beautiful philosophical tale, children will surely want to draw a blooming cactus in a pretty pot.

Illustration for the fairy tale by M. Skrebtsova

The task of the teacher is to pick up exciting physical exercises related to the plant theme. Here are some possible examples.

Fizkulminutka "Cactus

Physical education "Flower exercise"

Finger gymnastics "Flowers"

Lesson notes

Name of the author Abstract title
Gorbatko T.A. Drawing from life "Indoor plant
Educational tasks: learn to draw a houseplant with gouache, clarify the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe life of plants, the relationship of their condition with environmental conditions.
Development tasks: develop compositional skills, color perception.
Educational tasks: cultivate a caring attitude towards plants.
Integration of educational areas: "Artistic creativity", "Cognition", "Communication", "Socialization", "Health".
Demo material: indoor plants in nature
Handout: sheets of white paper according to the number of children, watercolors, pencils and wax pencils, non-spill jars, brushes, brush stands.
Lesson progress:
Reading a poem by V. Viktorov Flower:
  • I picked a flower in the meadow on the run.
    I blew it, but I can't explain why.
    In a glass, he stood for a day and wilted.
    And how long would he stand in the meadow?

A conversation about caring for nature and indoor flowers. Children name the plants they know. The question is discussed: what are room conditions.
The word game “What if?” is played. Children continue the phrase started by the teacher. For example, what if you open the window in winter, and what if you water the plants too abundantly.
Then the teacher invites the children to turn into artists and draw an indoor chlorophytum flower that they have in the group. The structure of the plant is considered.
Independent work of preschoolers.
A short talk about poisonous indoor plants (ficus, spurge).
Exhibition of children's works.

Medvedeva L. "Indoor plant violet"
(Unconventional drawing technique)
The lesson begins with a riddle about indoor plants:
  • The air is being purified
    Create comfort
    Green on the windows
    And they bloom in winter.

A conversation about the importance of indoor plants in people's lives (they decorate the interior, make the air cleaner and more humid, positively affect people's well-being).
The teacher tells preschoolers that flowers have been valued since ancient times - holidays were held in their honor. In Holland, the tulip festival is still organized annually.
Children tell what houseplants they have at home, how to care for them.
The teacher tells the children about medicinal indoor plants - aloe, kalanchoe, geranium, reports that the most unpretentious flower is violet.
A physical minute “Flowers grow in the meadow” is held:

  • Flowers grow in the meadow
    Unprecedented beauty.
    (Sipping - arms to the sides)
    Flowers reach for the sun.
    Stretch with them too.
    (Sipping - hands up)
    The wind blows sometimes
    Only it's not a problem.
    (Mahi hands)
    flowers leaning,
    The petals drop.
    And then they get up again
    And they still bloom.

The teacher tells the children about the varieties of violets. The most beautiful have terry leaves. The edge of the petal seems to be circled in a different color: the blue flower has a white fringe, the red one has purple, etc.
The children are invited to depict a violet in an unconventional way - an imprint with crumpled paper. This method allows you to get a beautiful double-fringed flower, conveys a "fluffy" texture.
The shape of the pot is specified - an inverted trapezoid. Since the plant is larger than the pot, it will take up most of the paper.
Before drawing with paints, you need to make a pencil sketch. The sheet of paper is placed vertically. First, a table is depicted in the form of a horizontal line, then a pot in the form of a trapezoid (the lower part is smaller than the upper one).
To make an impression, you need to crumple the paper, paint one side purple and “print” the flowers. There should be many flowers. Violet leaves are finished with a brush and the pot is painted brown. Children are invited to decorate the table and background in any color.
Independent work of preschoolers. At the end of the lesson, the teacher asks if it is possible to depict other indoor plants in a similar way.

Aisina G.N.
(drawing from nature)
The flower fairy invites children to her beautiful garden. Preschoolers are offered riddles about indoor plants:
  • Purify the air
    They create comfort
    Green on the windows
    Bloom all year round. (houseplants)
  • On the window in winter and summer
    Forever green and beautiful.
    bright red color
    Burns gently ... (balm)

    Covered glass with water
    Hedgehog mitt. (cactus)

  • With milk, not a goat
    With bark, not vine. (ficus)
  • Up the steep wall
    Cast on concrete
    centipede crawling,
    Carry leaves with you. (Ivy)
  • Leaf with a hump, groove,
    Has thorns, but can't hurt,
    But heals us at any hour. (Aloe)

Children also name other indoor plants that are familiar to them. The teacher remembers with preschoolers the rules for caring for indoor plants (five helpers, like fingers on their hands - soil, moisture, sunlight, heat and air).
Conversation on:
Why do houseplants need to be watered?
Why are they placed on the windowsill and not under the table?
Can indoor plants be taken outside in winter?
What can be done to make flowers breathe easier?
What can you feed the plant?
The teacher tells the children how to properly wipe and wash the leaves of plants.
A physical minute "Our scarlet flowers" is being held:

  • Our scarlet flowers
    The petals are unfolding.
    Slowly raise your hands up.
    The wind breathes a little
    The petals sway.
    Swinging hands to the left - to the right.
    Our scarlet flowers
    Close the petals
    They sat down and hid.
    shake their heads,
    Head movement to the left - to the right.
    They fall asleep quietly.

The teacher examines the cactus with the children. Preschoolers name its components, and then start drawing from nature.
Consideration of finished works, the most expressive ones are noted.

Drobina N.A. "Indoor Flowers"

The lesson begins with a didactic game: children take turns throwing a multi-colored dice. Each side of it corresponds to the picture on the board with the image of a flower - you need to name it.
Riddle about indoor flowers:

  • The air is being purified
    Create comfort
    Green on the windows
    And they bloom in winter.

Fedor's weeping grandmother appears: one girl gave her a flower in a pot, but it withered. The guys tell Fedora about how to properly care for indoor plants.
Preschoolers are shown the presentation "Indoor Flowers". Children talk about the plants that they have at home, about how they are cared for in the family. The teacher's story about medicinal plants on the windowsill (aloe, kalanchoe, geranium).
So that Fyodor's grandmother does not get upset, the teacher offers to draw her a beautiful houseplant - a cactus. The work will take place in two workshops: traditional painting on easels with watercolors and painting in an unconventional way “wet”. Children draw cards with the image of a cactus in a certain technique and go to the appropriate workshops (a second teacher is connected to the work).
Before productive activities, a physical education session is held “A prickly flower on the window ...”
Teachers explain the basic methods of work. When drawing in the traditional technique, it is proposed to add volume to cacti by using light and dark tones.
Drawing "wet" involves wetting the upper part of the picture with water (where the cactus itself will be depicted). The plant must be depicted with light paint, sprinkled with salt, and then dark tones are added.
Independent activity of preschoolers. Exhibition of drawings.
At the end of the lesson, the teacher gives the children seeds of indoor plants, which
They can plant at home with their parents.

Drawings of pupils with comments on the performance of work

Preschoolers create charming images of violets. So, beautiful and original indoor flowers, drawn on crumpled paper, with detailed petals, each of which (whether yellow or blue) has a dark blue rim (“Violet for the Fairy of Flowers”, “Blue Violet as a Gift to the Fairy”) . Violet petals in children's works in children's works appear in other colors: pale lilac (“Beauty Violet”), burgundy (“That's such a violet”). The composition "Beauty Violet" deserves special attention: it depicts a plant with beautiful large leaves, very elegant flowers. We note a very pleasant gentle background - a window with blue curtains.

Realistically drawn houseplant sansevier in children's work with its characteristic shape and pattern of leaves. In the composition "Luminous sansevera" the light green edging of the leaves attracts attention, and in the "Pike tail" pattern, transverse stripes of a darker color, similar to the color of the predatory fish of the same name, clearly stand out.

An intricately shaped cactus is shown in the figure "Prickly Cactus". The image of the plant is made up of multidirectional ovals. In addition, we note the intricate ornament of the yellow pot of dots and wavy lines.

The flower pot in the work “My Favorite Houseplant” is also beautifully decorated: various types of ornament on a pale blue background.

It is useful to give the children the task of drawing two houseplants that are not similar to each other (“Begonia and sansevier”) at once. This helps preschoolers to more clearly identify the characteristic features of each.

A beautiful and colorful geranium is depicted in the drawing of the same name. The emphasis here is on large bright red flowers on a tall stem.

In the classroom in kindergarten, the children draw not only the plants presented in the corner of nature, but also those that grow in their homes. Such, for example, is the work "Money Tree". The plant is depicted as powerful, spreading, with a characteristic leaf structure.

Very neat composition - "My favorite indoor flower." We see here the unusual shape of the pot, and the plant itself beautifully spread its long stems with bright red flowers at the ends.

Photo gallery: drawings of preschoolers with flowers

Watercolor drawing Watercolor drawing Watercolor drawing Watercolor drawing on wrinkled paper Watercolor drawing Watercolor drawing Watercolor drawing Watercolor drawing Watercolor drawing Watercolor drawing Gouache drawing Watercolor drawing on wrinkled paper

Houseplants are an integral part of the life of preschoolers in kindergarten. Delighting children with their pleasant coloring, intricate shape of flowers and leaves, they make the interior of the group room cozy and beautiful. This is especially true for the cold season, when there is no fresh greenery outside. The task of the teacher is to arouse the interest of pupils in drawing indoor plants, each of which is unique in its own way: it has its own length and thickness of the stem, pattern and color of leaves and flowers. Therefore, such creative activities develop aesthetic perception, a sense of form and color. In addition, drawing an object of nature always contributes to a more in-depth knowledge of it.
