Diseases characteristic of hazelnuts. Hazelnut: planting and care How to treat white spot on hazel leaves

ID: 2129


Hazel, hazelnut, hazelnut, avellan.


Harvesting nuts.

Walnut fruits ripen in August-September. The main sign of maturity is yellowing and browning of the wrapper, shedding of nuts. After harvesting, the fruits are dried and peeled. Then the nuts must be completely dried. In properly dried fruits, the moisture content does not exceed 12%. Harvest from a bush can reach 10-15 kg.

Pests and diseases of hazel.

You have to protect the same! Like any other crop, hazelnuts have "their" pests. Although little has been written about this in the literature. At the end of summer, when the nuts are well colored, but still immature, they are damaged by the weevil. He makes a hole in the soft nut shell with his proboscis and lays 1-2 eggs there. The hatching larvae eat out the nut from the inside and it dries up on the branch before it has time to ripen. Such nuts do not fall out of the plush (leaf-like wrapper), but fall in the fall along with the wrapper to the ground. By November, the larvae go deep into the ground and pupate. If you collect all the holey nuts in a timely manner, you can significantly reduce the number of pests.

In addition, at the end of summer, whole “colonies” of leaf beetle caterpillars hang on hazelnut leaves. They eat leaves, leaving behind vein skeletons. Caterpillars can be harvested by hand. But if there are a lot of pests, then you can treat the garden with insecticides against gnawing insects. Lepidocid can be recommended as a biological preparation.

Other features. During the "filling" and ripening of nuts at high temperatures, watering is necessary. Otherwise, they may discard the fruits.

You can fight the main hazelnut pests by protecting the bushes with Intavir. Thus, you can get rid of: walnut weevil, kidney mites, caterpillars, aphids, scale insects. The first treatment is carried out before the buds open, the second - after the leaves open. Colloidal sulfur and triple treatment of the bush with Bordeaux liquid help well against fungal diseases.

In addition to the above pests, nuts are eaten by borer beetles, the females of which lay their eggs in unripe fruits, and the larvae formed from them destroy the grain. By simply shaking the bush, you can get rid of many beetles. They are removed along with the fallen nuts. Hazelnuts are also damaged by nuts, woodpeckers and squirrels.

hazelnut cultivation video

Hazelnut. Hazelnut. Cultivation and care.

For hazelnuts to bear fruit

Many gardeners - lovers of forest nuts often encounter trouble: from a large spreading bush, only a small handful of nuts can be collected, while in wild hazelnut thickets, nuts can be collected in bags. What is the reason and how to make your "home" hazel bear fruit abundantly? The big difference between the harvest of "savages" and "home" hazelnuts is most often due to the lack of pollinators in the latter.

There are many hazels in the forest and the plants perfectly pollinate each other. On the site, for full-fledged pollination, it is necessary to plant 2-3 bushes and it is important to have hazelnuts of different varieties (flowers need cross-pollination).

The more varieties, the greater the yield, because the period of pollination of varieties does not coincide. Remember: hazelnuts increase productivity gradually, only by the age of 20 this plant will give a full harvest (about one bucket of nuts from a bush). If you have five bushes of good varieties of hazelnuts, you can get a bag of nuts in the harvest year. Hazelnuts require a significant area.

It is desirable to plant it according to the scheme 6 x 6 m. This is much more than what is required for an apple tree, pear and even cherry. Geographically, the area for hazelnuts is comparable only to the area for walnuts. Hazelnut loves moisture.

Best of all, it grows where there is no stagnation of cold air in spring, in an area protected from the wind. When planted in spring, most hazel trees do not take root (hazelnuts have a short dormant period). Either plant very early in the spring, or in the fall - at the very beginning of October.

Roots damaged before frost heal well - and in spring the hazel is actively growing. Hazel needs a lot of water, without it there will be no harvest! It is necessary to provide 5-6 irrigations per season with obligatory loosening of the soil after each.

But keep in mind that the roots are located close to the surface of the earth, so you need to loosen them finely - 10-15 cm. It is better to grow hazelnuts in the form of a bush. After planting, shorten the plant at a height of 25-30 cm above the soil surface. Over the summer, several shoots form on the cut bushes.

Do not cut the shoots themselves, because hazelnuts bear fruit on one-year-old wood (leave 8-10 strong shoots located as far apart as possible). Inside the bush, do not allow excessive thickening. Hazelnuts begin to bear fruit in the 4th year after planting, so further pruning consists of thinning out the "insides" of the bush and removing dry branches. It is necessary to rejuvenate the fruit-bearing shoots of hazelnuts gradually, but only after 20 years, when signs of drying of the branches appear. Good results are obtained by the autumn application of wood ash to tree trunks.

This top dressing will increase productivity and contribute to early fruiting. Also, in the first growing season, 1-2 top dressings are made with ammonium nitrate (15-20 g per 1 sq. M). In the future, top dressing is used: 40-50 g of superphosphate, 3-4 kg of manure, 25-30 g of potassium sulfate and 40-50 grams of ammonium nitrate per square meter. The first time top dressing is carried out in April, the second is done in early June.

Fertilizers are evenly scattered over the soil surface and dug up. Fertilizing plants is best done after rain or watering. 8. To avoid hazelnut diseases.

In the spring, as soon as the leaves appear, spray the shrub with a 2% lime-sulfur or 0.6% solution of thiozol-80 (used to combat powdery mildew). Repeat spraying after 10-12 days. In autumn, collect and burn fallen leaves, dig up the soil under the bushes. This will kill the powdery mildew infection that overwinters on leaf litter and the nut weevil larvae that winter in the soil. If worm nuts are harvested several times during the summer, the number of nut weevil can also be reduced. It is best to collect nuts when they themselves begin to fall out of the "wrapper" or when shaken. The article was prepared based on the materials of the magazine "Garden of my dreams"

How to grow hazelnuts

Posted on March 29, 2015 by Farmer without the hassle in Gardening // 0 Comments HazelnutSadovaya a variety of wild hazel that provides nutritious and healthy nuts. The culture is not embarrassed by hilly and lowland conditions, beams, mountains and even impenetrable wilds, so it takes root in almost all regions of the country. Growing hazelnuts at home does not require a colossal expenditure of effort or energy, and even amateur summer residents who have a free land plot can handle it.

Hazelnut planting technology

The plant is a shrub with green or reddish leaves that can reach 3 meters in height. A powerful root system allows you to fix on any soil, so when buying a seedling, you need to pay special attention to this part.

The most popular variety is Trebizond, which has Crimean roots. To increase productivity, it is better to bypass soils with high acidity, as well as swampy areas or high humidity. The southern slopes are also dangerous for the crop, because growing hazelnuts in such a location provokes early flowering, and the inflorescences can be damaged by spring frosts.

It is generally accepted that the autumn and spring periods are suitable for planting, but in reality, most spring seedlings do not take root, so it is better to plant hazelnuts in the fall. The optimal time period is considered to be the end of August and until mid-October, because later seedlings may not have time to take root in the soil and freeze during severe winter frosts. Between the bushes and rows you need to maintain an equal distance, which is from 3 to 4 meters.

The holes should have a depth of about a meter, and a similar width so that the bush can take root and not come into contact with other seedlings, otherwise the plants may negatively affect each other. Growing hazelnuts is a delicate matter, so in the planting pit you need to mix 10-15 kg of humus with 2 cups of ash and 100 g of sulfate, and this mixture will become the basis. Planting is best done together, when one person holds the seedling, and the second gently spreads the root system, and sprinkles it with earth, forming a small mound. A small peg should support a fragile plant, to which the trunk is carefully tied with ropes.

Additionally, you can dip the roots of the plant in a mash of clay mixed with manure to fix the result. Caring for future hazelnuts Immediately after planting, the plant should be watered abundantly with water, digging a small hole next to it.

About 20 liters of liquid are poured into it, and when it is completely absorbed into the ground, they fall asleep and loosen the adjacent soil, forming a circle. It is also necessary to carry out mulching, it is better to use sawdust. During growth, the plant should be fed with mineral supplements, and when the fruits are formed, each bush is fed with urea - 150 g will be enough. During the growing season, when the bush is just forming, it is worth leaving only a few shoots, the rest are completely removed so that the hazelnuts are strong and rich in harvest.

The seedling should resemble a vase in shape, inside which there should not be too many branches. After the hazelnut begins to bear fruit (occurs for 3-4 years), the bush must be thinned out annually, getting rid of dried and broken branches. Every 4-5 years, it is worth cutting off old branches that stop growing and lose their ability to bear fruit. Sometimes the cultivation of hazelnuts can be complicated by diseases that harm the plant and fruits. The most common is powdery mildew, which is removed with a 2% sulfur-lime decoction. Additionally, it is worth carrying out preventive treatments from the walnut barbel. Finally, we invite you to take a look Video about growing hazelnuts, quite an interesting and undoubtedly useful plot, enjoy watching

Hazel (hazelnut) video
  • At a height of 15-20 cm above the ground, a seedling is cut, the seedling is tied to a support.
  • When planting, you need to water each plant at the rate of 20 liters per tree, and in dry periods - an additional 10 liters each.

    What does a growing hazelnut look like?

    Hazelnut flowers are cross-pollinated. Therefore, in order to have a high yield, you need to plant several different varieties of shrubs. One variety gives a very small yield. To see how hazelnuts grow, the photo on our website will help. Hazelnut fruits appear after 4-5 years.

    In large industrial gardens, the yield reaches 10-60 centners per 1 ha. You need to collect the fruits before they fall out of the shell, at the end of August.

    The branches of the bush are flexible, for picking nuts they can be bent with a hook and it is not necessary to use a ladder. Periodically, the hazelnut bush needs to be cut. In order to properly form the crown, excess shoots are cut out in the middle of the bush, and the side shoots are bent to the sides and strengthened in the desired position.

    So the plant is more illuminated and ventilated. It is necessary to start the formation before the appearance of the first harvest in 3-4 years. Subsequently, pruning of branches and shoots is needed to thin out the bush, remove damaged branches. The second pruning occurs at 5-6 years.

    After 15-20 years, the hazelnut bush needs to be rejuvenated so that the crop remains the same. 2-3 old branches are removed every year for 2-3 years. Pruning is best done in late autumn or winter.

    If the bush is rejuvenated correctly and periodically, then hazelnuts will bring a crop of up to 180 years. Propagation occurs through division of the bush, root seedlings, grafting or seeds. In addition to the cultivation of hazelnuts in the form of a bush, in Europe and the USA they practice the cultivation of standard trees.

    Hazelnut cuttings or eyes are grafted onto a tree-like hazel. In industrial cultivation, standard trees are convenient for mechanical harvesting and give a higher yield. On a private plot, standard nuts will save space. Varieties of hazelnuts for growing in the garden:

    • Cosford is a hazelnut whose photo shows its beauty and strength. The variety is resistant to diseases, bears fruit abundantly, vigorous, ripens at the end of August. Early Trapezoidal - thin shell, pointed nut, ripen in July, does not bear fruit alone, a bush of the usual size. Roman - large fruits with grooves, high oiliness of the kernel, resistant to disease, vigorous bush, regularly yields when dusted. Almond - the fruit is light, the kernel tastes like almonds, the bush grows moderately, ripens in mid-August.
    How to grow a bush from a walnut

    If you want to quickly and easily grow a bush on your site, a brief instruction on how to plant hazelnuts from a nut will be useful to you:

    • Take ripe, high-quality nuts; plant more after harvesting; plant seeds at a depth of 7-8 cm; regularly remove weeds and water; after a year, the seedling should grow 15 cm high - then it can be transplanted to a permanent place; if this height is not reached, wait another year; put a bucket of fertilizer in the hole before transplanting.

    Before growing a hazelnut from a nut, keep in mind that it may lose the properties of its variety. When the bush is already strong, you need to inoculate varietal hazelnuts. The main pest of hazelnuts is the nut weevil.

    Hello dear friends! Hazelnuts are considered to be hybrids and selected forms of common hazel, a direct relative of birch, alder and hornbeam. Nut kernels of hazelnuts are superior in nutritional value to lard and soybeans, but Russian gardeners grow the crop not only for the sake of nuts, they are attracted by the decorativeness of the bush and the plasticity of wood.

    The structure of the plant makes it possible to cultivate hazelnuts in a compact standard form or form along an arch; red-leaved subspecies stand out with special originality. Let's talk about things at the site. Hazelnut is a wind-pollinated crop, the pollen of many hybrids is sterile, and for fruiting it needs a neighborhood with a red-leaved specimen or a pair of green-leaved varieties.

    The ripening of nuts occurs on the 5th month after pollination. Staminate catkins in garden forms of hazelnuts withstand spring temperature fluctuations up to -5`C, which affects fruiting when cultivated in the middle lane and to the north. The plant itself is able to bear fruit annually, if the climatic conditions of the region allow.

    Hazelnut propagation

    Hazelnuts are valuable for the mass cultivation of seedlings for sale. Like a walnut, it can be propagated by seeds (nuts) and often seedlings are superior in quality to parental forms. Hybrids are propagated by arc or horizontal layering only vegetatively in order to preserve varietal characteristics that are lost with the seed method.

    Delicate wood and a thin layer of cambium make it difficult to use grafts, so they are rarely used. Nuts are harvested during the period of natural ripeness and shedding directly with the pluses (cover), then dried for a couple of weeks, cleaned of the cover and stored in any container that does not allow moisture to pass through. When sowing hazelnuts indoors, nuts are laid in December for a month and a half stratification. Seeds are placed in a container with sand, which is placed in a refrigerator, an unheated basement or under snow. Then they take it out and plant it under polyethylene in suitable containers filled with soil and a top layer of sand 2.5-4 cm thick.

    With the advent of sprouts, regular spraying is carried out and looked after, as for ordinary seedlings. Seedlings are transplanted under greenhouses in June. When propagating hazelnuts with arc layering, the shoots are pulled with wire near the branches and scratches are made from the sides, which are powdered with a root formation stimulator.

    The ends are pinched and the branches are dug into the ground, maintaining its moisture for the entire period of rooting. Dig up branches for the next season, dividing and sorting the resulting seedlings for further cultivation. For propagation by horizontal layering, trenches are dug to the center of the trunk, into which the lower branches of different ages are pinned.

    Most of the buds on the shoots and branches germinate, forming seedlings. When they grow up to 10 cm, scratches are made on the lower part, sprinkled with soil and periodically watered.

    A young hazelnut is separated and transplanted as it is firmly formed. Summer, green cuttings are rarely used, since the cultivated forms of hazel have a poor survival rate and it is advisable to use this method to obtain a small number of seedlings. Even with the use of a mist generator, the root formation rate of green hazelnut cuttings is only 10% of the total amount of planted material. When planting finished seedlings on the site, the conditional neck of the root is left above the ground level. To form standard forms, the lower shoots are removed, leaving the central conductor intact.

    To obtain bushes, cut off all branches of seedlings 10 cm above the soil. Hazelnut grown vegetatively begins fruiting in the second or third season, depending on the time of planting, from seeds - in the fifth. Full productivity in selected forms and hybrids occurs in the 10th year and lasts at least a quarter of a century, then the plants are rejuvenated by pruning in order to resume fruiting. I look forward to your feedback on the article "in the country". See you, friends!

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    588. HOW DO THE HALVAD VARIETIES GROW? Hazelnut varieties are propagated by root offspring (see No. 38). 589.

    IN WHICH AREAS AND IN WHICH AREAS SHOULD HAZELNUTS BE GROWED? Hazelnut is a moisture-loving fruit breed. It works best in the upper mountainous areas of the valleys of perennial rivers, where air stagnation is not observed.

    The most suitable for its cultivation are the northern, northeastern and northwestern slopes. The sites should be protected from the wind, and the humidity of the air is relatively high.

    Suitable for the cultivation of hazelnuts are also flat areas located near large rivers. 590. WHICH SOILS ARE THE MOST SUITABLE FOR GROWING HAZELNUT? The maximum hazelnut yields can be obtained only on alluvial-meadow and fertile soils.

    The subsoil must also be nutrient-rich and permeable. Soils with a layer of limestone lying at a shallow depth are unsuitable for growing hazelnuts.

    On other types of soil, hazelnuts can be grown only if there is good natural moisture and the provision of a policy, 591. WHICH HAZELNUT VARIETIES ARE SUITABLE FOR GROWING IN AMATEUR GARDENS?

    (Fig. 247). The nuts are large, oblong, obovate, with a pointed nose, light brown or brown.

    The kernel is large, fits snugly to the shell, good taste. The yield of the kernel is 54% of the total weight of the nut, the oiliness is about 62%. Nuts ripen in late August - early September. Used for fresh and dry food, as well as in the confectionery industry.

    The bush is vigorous, enters the fruiting season early, bears fruit very abundantly. Flowering time is medium-early. The variety is resistant to diseases and pests, self-fertile.

    Rice. 247. Cosford

    The nuts are large, oval in shape, with a pointed nose. The shell is thin. The seed is of medium size, tightly attached to the shell, with an easily detachable skin.

    The yield of the kernel is 54% of the weight of the nut, the oiliness is about 64%. Nuts ripen in the second half of July. Used for fresh and dry consumption, they are also processed.

    Bushes of medium vigor, early fruiting and are distinguished by regular and abundant yields. Flowering time is early. The variety is self-infertile. (Fig. 248).

    The nuts are large, weighing about 2.7 g. The shell is thin, light chestnut, with several grooves. The kernel is large and fits tightly to the shell. The kernel yield is about 46% of the total weight of the nut, the oiliness is about 67%.

    Nuts are easily separated from the wrapper. Ripens in the second half of August. Used for fresh and dry consumption, as well as in the confectionery industry. The bushes are vigorous, early in the season of fruiting, fruiting regularly.

    Early flowering variety, self-fertile. Relatively disease resistant.

    Rice. 248. Roman hazelnut

    Nuts of medium size, weighing about 1.6 g. The shell is thin, light brown, shiny. The kernel is medium in size, fits snugly to the shell. The kernel yield is 45% of the total weight of the nut, the oiliness is about 63%.

    The taste is very good, reminiscent of almonds. Nuts ripen in mid-August. Used for fresh and dry consumption, as well as in the confectionery industry. Bushes of moderate vigor, characterized by regular and abundant yields.

    592. WHAT DISTANCES TO TAKE WHEN PLANTING HAZELNUT? Hazelnuts are planted at the following distances: 5.5-6 m between rows and 4-4.5 m between plants in a row.

    Wider distances should be given on more fertile soils. 593. WHAT REQUIREMENTS DOES THE HAZELNUT SUBMIT TO SOIL TREATMENT?

    Preparing hazelnut fruits for planting.

    Hazelnut is a moisture-loving fruit species, so it should be planted near rivers and beams. To ensure the normal growth of plants and obtain high and high-quality yields during the growing season, 5-6 irrigations should be given. 594.

    HOW TO PREPARE A SITE ALLOCATED FOR PLANTING HAZELNUT? The preparation of the site allocated for the creation of a hazelnut plantation is carried out in the same way as when laying an apple orchard (see Nos. 16 and 63). 595. WHEN IS THE HALVAD PLANTS PLANTING?

    As with other fruit species, the most suitable time of year for planting hazelnuts is autumn. Hazelnuts have a short dormant period. Therefore, during spring planting, most of the plants do not take root. 596. WHAT REQUIREMENTS DOES THE HAZELNUT SUBMIT TO SOIL TREATMENT?

    Hazelnut does not impose special requirements on soil conditions, it can successfully grow and bear fruit on soddy soil, but it also reacts positively to tillage. The main plowing in hazelnut plantations is carried out in autumn.

    In order to keep the soil surface clean from weeds, 5-6 loosenings are done during the growing season. Autumn tillage is carried out to a depth of 15-18 cm, and loosening during the growing season - to 10-12 cm.

    After carrying out plantation plowing, the area allocated for planting hazelnuts is leveled and broken. Planting holes are dug 30/30/30 cm in size. Hazelnut planting material must have a well-developed root system.

    Before planting, a careful inspection of the root system of seedlings should be carried out and all damaged roots should be cut to a healthy place. Strong pruning of the root system is harmful.

    The root system of the seedling is placed in a hole in such a way that after filling it with earth it would be planted 3-4 cm deeper than in the nursery. The exact location of the seedling in the pit is determined using a planting board or by sighting.

    It is more convenient to plant together: one holds the seedling and straightens the root system, and the other throws it with loose and moist soil, slightly compacting it with their feet. At the end, a hole is made from the ground near the planted plant.

    Immediately after planting, each plant is watered by pouring 20-25 liters of water into the hole. You can also water with gravity. When the water is absorbed, the hole is mulched.

    598. HOW TO FORM YOUNG AND CUT FRUIT-BEARING PLANTS OF HAZELNUT? It is better to grow hazelnuts in a bushy form. Plant annual or biennial rooted plants.

    Immediately after planting, the plant is shortened at a height of 25x30 cm above the soil surface. During the growing season, plants cut in this way form several shoots. If there are too many shoots, some of them are removed.

    Shoots are not shortened. Hazelnut bears fruit on one-year-old wood, therefore, with the help of pruning, one should strive to obtain new strong growths annually, thus regulating fruiting. Pruning in the early period creates a skeleton of a bush, resembling a vase.

    In the inner parts of the bush, excessive thickening should not be allowed. In the third year after planting, hazelnut bushes begin to bear fruit and further pruning consists mainly in thinning out the inner parts of the bushes and removing dry and broken branches.

    Some varieties of hazelnuts are prone to excessive formation of root growth, which leads to the depletion of bushes and reduced yields. In this case, part of the root shoots must be removed at an early age, when the offspring rise 5-8 cm above the soil surface.

    Their cutting at the level of the soil surface does not lead to a decrease in the number of root shoots. Even the reverse process is observed, since pruning offspring causes their branching.

    Therefore, to effectively remove the overgrowth, it is necessary to dig out the soil around each shoot and cut it with a pruner to the base. Pruning is carried out in early spring. After fruiting for 4-5 years, the branches of the hazelnut bush grow old and almost stop growing.

    During winter pruning, such branches should be removed, replacing them with younger and more vital ones. Thus, rejuvenating pruning of hazelnut bushes is carried out annually.

    Such pruning can be carried out as long as the bushes form a sufficient number of strong coppice shoots. 599. HOW TO CARRY OUT REJUVENATING CUTTING OF OLD HAZELNUT BUSHES?

    Rejuvenating pruning of hazelnut bushes is carried out with a significant weakening of growth and coppice shoots. Cut out the entire above-ground part of the plant at soil level. Then the base of the bush is covered with loose soil with a layer of 5-6 cm.

    In summer, bushes cut in this way have numerous strong shoots. Rejuvenation pruning gives particularly good results when accompanied by abundant application of organic and mineral fertilizers and tillage.

    With good filling of the soil with organic and mineral fertilizers, before planting in the first growing season, give 1-2 top dressings at the rate of 15-20 g of ammonium nitrate per square meter. m. In the following years, 3-4 kg of manure, 40-50 g of superphosphate, 25-30 g of potassium sulfate and 40-50 g of ammonium nitrate per square meter are applied. m. 601.

    WHEN SHOULD I FERTILIZE UNDER HAZELNUT? The allocated doses of manure, superphosphate, potassium sulphate and 1/3 of the dose of ammonium nitrate are given in the fall for deep tillage. The rest of the ammonium nitrate is applied in spring and summer.

    The first feeding with ammonium nitrate is given in April, and the second - in early June. Fertilizers are evenly scattered over the soil surface, after which the soil is dug up. In autumn, digging is done as deep as possible, and in spring - very shallow.

    It is necessary to feed hazelnut plants after rain or watering. 602. WHICH DISEASE DOES THE MOST HARM TO HAZELNUT CURRENTLY?

    Currently, hazelnuts are most severely affected by powdery mildew. The causative agent of the disease is a fungus that usually develops on the upper side of the leaf blade in the form of spider mold. Subsequently, black formations develop on the mold.

    The disease can also develop on a pear. The causative agent of the disease overwinters on fallen leaves. Collection and burning of infected leaves; spraying with 2% lime-sulfur decoction when signs of illness appear and then several times after 10-12 days. 603.

    WHICH PESTS ARE THE MOST DANGEROUS FOR HAZELNUT IN BULGARIA AND HOW TO FIGHT THEM? The most dangerous pests for hazelnuts are the nut weevil and the nut barbel. The adult nut weevil is a bug found in spring and summer.

    Overwinters in the larval stage in the soil. Females gnaw through green, still soft hazel fruits and lay one egg in each of them. The hatched larvae feed inside the nut, completely eating away the kernel. Having finished feeding, the larva leaves the nut and burrows into the soil.

    The fight against walnut weevil is carried out by deep digging of the soil, collecting worm nuts, spraying with a 0.4% solution of thiophenite 20 to kill beetles before oviposition. Walnut barbel is a small beetle. The female lays her eggs under the bark of the shoots.

    The hatched larvae bite into the core of the shoots, where they remain for two winters. Affected shoots dry out. To protect plants from damage by a nut mustache, it is necessary to cut and burn the affected shoots and spray the hazelnut bushes with a 0.4% solution of thiophenite 20 at the beginning of the summer of beetles. 604.

    WHAT MEASURES SHOULD BE TAKEN TO PROTECT HAZELNUT FROM DISEASES AND PESTS? In autumn, after leaf fall, you need to collect and destroy fallen leaves, and then dig up the soil under the hazelnut bushes.

    In this way, the infection of powdery mildew, which hibernates on fallen leaves, and the larvae of the walnut weevil, which have taken refuge for the winter in the soil, are destroyed. In winter, cut and burn all branches affected by the walnut barbel.

    To reduce the number of nut weevil, it is necessary to collect worm nuts several times during the summer. When leaves appear, spraying is carried out with a 2% lime-sulfur decoction or a 0.6% solution of thiozol 80 to combat powdery mildew.

    Spraying is repeated after 10-12 days. The next spraying is carried out when adult nut weevil insects appear. A 0.4% solution of thiophenite 20 is used.

    To completely protect the nuts from damage by the nut weevil, one more spraying with the same pesticide is carried out during the mass summer of beetles. When spraying against the nut weevil, adult insects of the nut longhorn are also destroyed. 605.

    HOW AND WHEN TO HAVE HAZELNUTS? Nuts are removed when they begin to fall out of the wrapper on their own or when shaken off. Cleaning is carried out manually or by shaking.

    Peeling nuts from wrappers and drying is carried out in the same way as for almonds (see No. 587).

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    UDC 632.9.634.54.(479.24)


    FALSE scale insects

    Specialty 06.01.11 - protection of plants from pests and diseases

    MOSCOW 1994

    The work was carried out in the forecasting laboratory of the Azerbaijan Scientific Research Institute of Plant Protection.

    Scientific adviser - Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor Yu. A. Zachvatkin.

    Official opponents Academician of the Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor P. I. Susidko, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Prof. E. AL. Drozdovsky.

    Lead Institution - Russian Friendship University

    Kyachp "pch p" | "no Pyatpirp

    Ta D 120 35 09 at the Moscow Agricultural Academy named after K. A. Timiryazev.

    Address 127550, Moscow, st. Timiryazevskaya, 49 Academic Council of the TSKhA.

    The dissertation can be found at the TsNB TSHA.

    Scientific Secretary of the Specialized Council - Candidate of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor

    V. A. Shkalikov

    Ovvy hthshzh-yat 'yaly

    Relevance of the topic. Currently, industrial hazelnut plantations play a leading role in the agricultural economy of the Sheki-Zakatala zone of Aerob&ijsan and are located on an area of ​​more than 20 thousand hectares; their yield with high agricultural technology and protection from pests and diseases is 10-15 q/ha.

    However, the available literary information on the harmful hazelnut entomo-fauna is extremely poor, "refer mainly to industrial plantations. There is no information on the ecology, composition and harmfulness of the dominant species, measures in the conditions of the Sheki-Zakatala zone of Azerbaijan have not been developed.

    Purpose and objectives of research. The main goal of our research in 1989-1991. was the study of the species composition of hazelnut pests, the biological characteristics of the most dangerous species, and the development of effective measures to combat them. In this regard, the following main tasks were solved:

    . – study of the species composition of phytophages and entomophages /insects, mites, spiders/ on funzuk plantations and in adjacent arbslyahlecinn by means of field and stationary surveys; "■■ .. "

    - determination of the population, damage and the allocation of dominant species: on route and stationary surveys;

    " - registration of the dynamics of the number of the dominant and most dangerous pests of hazelnuts - walnut weevil and acacia false quotation;

    – study; of natural “ntomophagous of the main hazelnut pests;:, ■ ;".."

    – based on the study of the resistance of varieties of fuChdum^k pest * to recommend an integrated protection of hazelnuts;

    - apply modern preparations and evaluate the effectiveness of the action; ■" "

    Use of the agrotechnical method of combating the walnut weevil and the acacia pseudoshield * as one of the alb|4vitov integrated ep? hey hazelnuts;

    – study of the harmfulness of walnut weevil and acacia false scale; "".:. "

    Determination of the economic threshold of harmfulness of the walnut-year-weevil and acacia false scale.

    Ts1":-.TRAILING SCIENTIFIC,".5! b. OLIETEKA Moscow. sog;;:ohoz achadog.;ii

    Inv. YyaL^SHR^Z

    Scientific novelty and practical significance. In the studies of 1989-1991, 85 species of insects were identified, of which more than 20 species were not previously noted as pests of hazelnuts in this zone.

    At the same time, we have identified some features of the biology and phenology of the walnut weevil and the acacia false scale; the time of their exit from the wintering grounds, the timing of awakening and transformation into an adult of the larvae of the acacia false scale, the timing of the appearance of females and males of the acacia false scale, the features of egg laying and the potential fertility of the walnut weevil and the acacia false scale were established; placement of ovipositors on nuts and places of emergence of larvae after the end of feeding, the timing of pupation of larvae of the walnut weevil), the duration of feeding of larvae of the acacia false beetle and the course of generation, the wintering stage. The sums of effective temperatures necessary for the development of the pest in the conditions of the Sheki-Zakatala zone of Azerbaijan were determined.

    In addition, Syla studied the resistance of hazelnut varieties cultivated in the Sheki-Zakatala zone to damage by walnut weevil ”and determined the damage that he caused in the stage of adults and larvae. The timing of the supervision of the appearance of pests in populations, their damage to nuts and the method of counting the number were studied.

    For the first time, we have determined the threshold of harmfulness and economic thresholds of harmfulness of the walnut weevil and the acacia liana shield on hazelnuts in this zone. Affective control measures have been developed and recommended: agrotechnical, biological - with hormonal and bacterial preparations, and chemical.

    Work approbation. The main provisions of the dissertation work were reported and discussed at scientific conferences of young scientists and specialists "Pests of hazelnuts and measures! Fighting them * in the city." Ganja, 1991

    The volume and structure of the dissertation. The dissertation is presented on 208 pages of typewritten text. Consists of introduction, 4 chapters, conclusions, recommendations for production. Contains 54 tables, 10 graphs and 9 photographs.

    The list of used literature includes 193 titles, including 20 foreign authors.


    Chapter I. Soil-climatic conditions and vegetation cover of the Shvka-Zakatala zone.

    In this chapter, a brief description of the geographical position, relief, soil-climatic and plant conditions of the Sheki-Zapatala zone of Azerbaijan is given, where in 1389-1991. I did research.

    Chapter 2

    We have identified 85 species of insects in hazelnut plantations in this zone, from. of which about 25 species are pests, but were not previously noted as such. In 1989, we determined that in the Sheki-Zakatala zone, the most common and harmful are the walnut weevil - Silcy1Co and the acacia false shield - P*.£C*euO?.e

    3.1 Program and methodology of research. All questions were studied according to generally accepted methods, which are described in detail in the dissertation /K. K. Fasulati, B. A. Dospekhov, 1986/.

    3.2. A "study of all phases of the development of the nut weevil was carried out: pike / adults /, eggs, wild game - 5 instars of the pupa,

    3.3. We have established the prevalence of the walnut weevil in the area where this pest causes large losses in the hazelnut crop. At the same time in this zone in. industrial production of hazelnuts damage percentage from 34.4 to 55, Oe

    ■"3^.". OsvLnnozh, bi "ogsh1.sh" frame "lice,; development_.orvzha -

    Wogo weevil. ;

    3.4.1. Pokasim observations and existing literary data N. A. Kholadkovytay 71966, 1972 /, Ya. P. Shchelkonovtsev / 1928,1932 /, V. I. Gusev et al. beetles from wintering places began in the third decade of April at an average daily air temperature of 15.6 ^. The earliest date is April 2 / 1991 /, the latest - April 28 / 1990 /. ."-."

    Massoala in "od beetles start! als in b days after the start of the flight

    The beginning of additional nutrition depends on the timing of the development of the fruit varieties. In 1989, the first damage was on April 23, in 1990 - 4 shares, in 1991 - 15 shares.

    Duration of nutrition is 42-47 days.

    3..4.2. Sex ratio. According to our observations, the male came out first, and after 1-2 days, the polar cod. At the beginning of the birth of females, males /66.1-75.4£/ prevailed, and in the period of mass summer and until the end - females /4b.4-62.3% and 64.3-78.b%/.

    3.4.3. Sa-ka gnaws a canal t> mm in the maturing shell, where it lays mainly one egg, pushing it with the help of a cephalothorax. The number of eggs in the ovaries varied greatly both in 1990 and 1991. The minimum number of eggs per female was 7, the maximum was 57. Embryonic development lasts 8-2 days. Hatching of larvae in this zone was recorded in 1989 - June 5, in 1990 - LP. June, in 1991 - May 00.

    3.4.4. But according to our observations, the first 3-4 days the larvae fed on soft parenchyma on the inside of the nut shell. Larvae of 1st, 1st, and 3rd instars were in tunnels made inside the nucleus, while larvae of 1U and Y instars were on the periphery of the nucleus. The duration of their nutrition is 13-22 days. The larva completes feeding in one nut.

    The larvae were placed in the soil mainly at a depth of 10-20 cm /68.6-72.5^/, at a depth of 5-10 cm /10-17.b%/ i 20-30 cm - /11.6-18, 2*/.

    Ya. P. Shelkonovtsev / 1928, 1932 /, L. A. Smolyaninava / 1929 /, A. M. Kuchinov / 1931 /, I. T. Puthlzhn / 1931 / and others note that pupation occurs in the fall after they emerge from the nuts.

    According to our observations, the beginning of pupation of overwintered larvae in 1969 was in the third decade of March /30.03./, in 1990 - March 25, and in 1991 - in the second decade of March /March 18/. The duration of the pupal stage is 5-30 days.

    We determined that the nut weevil overwinters as a larva /73-7636/ and a beetle /21-2636/.

    3.5. Nut weevil damaged all varieties of hazelnuts. The weevil caused the greatest harm during additional feeding. According to our observations, of the varieties of hazelnuts, those that ripen early

    Those than others and have a thin shell, hurt more. degree / 48.9-57.9, because the additional feeding of beetles and oviposition coincide in time with the maturation of early-ripening walnut fruits. shgt povtzhvdli more /12.3-39, "/ than larvae /6d-31,e

    Loss of nuts from one bush, depending on the variety of hazelnuts, ranged from 0.0036 to. 1.587 q/ha. In monetary terms, in 1991, this amounted to from 3.58 to 158.46 rubles per hectare / I kg of nuts in 1991 cost 6 rubles. 40 kop.

    3.6.1. Reconnaissance and stationary supervision is required. The pest is easy to identify by the characteristic damage caused by beetles during their additional feeding. on nuts /from late April to August/. Damaged nuts rot and fall off. Beetle feeding sites are visible as dark dots on the surface. surface of nuts

    It is expedient to carry out a survey during the feeding of the larvae /April - May / following the traces of oviposition on the fruits, as well as along the holes after the larvae emerge from the nuts /June - August/.

    Control. records and surveys should be carried out by excavations in autumn /September - October/ after. the emergence of larvae from nuts and the emergence of beetles and in spring /the third decade of March - the first decade of April/ for the phenomenon of decline. number of weevil over the winter. These data are being clarified. ol-em fighter measures.

    \-3.6.2. The economic threshold of harmful and pest reflects the minimum number of nut weevil /0.12 beetle per one: hazelnut bush/, at which protective measures are necessary.. 7.*-*- .,", -.; "L "."■ ■_…"■ ■,";" V ■■ – : ".. "

    3.6.3. The results of agrotechnical experiments show that the best effect in the fight against the walnut weevil is obtained by loosening the soil around the bush with a diameter of 1.5-2 m with the processing of row spacing to a depth of 15-20 cm. When applying this scheme, the weevil is damaged. fruits; was 18.3-19.5C..

    ~ \\" When carrying out one winter irrigation, the damage to fruits by the walnut weevil was 31.7-34.4*, with two waterings - 19.720.4*, in particular, the best results in the fight against pests were obtained when irrigating the egaiui / in January / and in spring / in April /.

    3.6.4. In the fight against walnut weevil in 1990-1991. we tested bacterial - bitoxibacillin 60 billion and hormonal - dimilin 25 *. s; n. "The results of the experiments show that biological preparations have a noticeable effect even with a double spraying of bitoxy-

    Zacillinon fruit safety 61.44, and when sprayed with dimilin fruit safety 67.6 *.

    3.6.5. Chemical treatment was carried out only against beetles during additional feeding, and the larvae lead a hidden lifestyle. Based on these experimental results, it is clear that the processing in 1990 had a stronger effect on the preservation of nuts. The highest safety of the nut crop compared to the control reached 89.554 when processing ripcordo 4SK k.e. 0.3 l/ha. The economic efficiency of preparations is given in Table I. The highest net income was obtained from the processing of Ata-Baba 4Ob k. e. ripcords /4303.32 rubles/ha/. Somewhat lower net income /3802.12 rubles/ha/ was obtained when processing 2k.8, tsyybush variety Zakatala.

    Table I

    Economic efficiency of the tested preparations against the nut weevil.

    YYG" | Varieties

    ¡Total ¡direct and supplement, ¡cost ¡rub/ha

    ".Net) Norya income, rent-

    Rub/ha )bel-¡nosti,

    ■ ¡Add-

    P - uro-th, ha

    ¡Cost | yield increase I rub/ha

    Ripcord 4OX k.e. 0.3 l/ha

    Simbush 25* k.8. 0.32 l/ha

    Suicidin 2 № k.v. 0.6 l/ha

    0.3 l/ha BTB-60

    control without


    Ata-baba 9.8 7.0 4480 P5.68 4303.32 2435.56

    Rolled up 8.6 6.2 3968 165, V8 3802.12 2292.09

    Ashrafi 7.4 5.4 3456 144.28 3311.72 229a.3*

    Ata-baba 7.2 4.4 2816 G93.4V 2622.52 1355.44

    Rolled up 6.5 4.1 2640 153.88 2486.12 1615.62

    Ashrafi 5.8 8.8 3432 128.68 2303.22 1789.96

    Ata-baba 6.4 3.6 2304 96.28 2207.72 2298.02

    Rolled up 5.8 3.1 1964 M.68 1909.32 2556.66

    Ashrafi 4.8 2.4 1792 85.48 1706.68 1996.46

    Ata-baba 5.2 2.4 15Eb 115.60 1420.40 1228.71

    Rolled up 4.5 2.1 1344 112.70 1231.58 1095.71

    Ashrafi 3.8 1.8 P52 110.50 1041.50 912.53

    Ata Baba 5.8 3.0 1920 125.30 1797.80 1434.77

    Zakatala 5.1 2.7 2.4 1728 122.20 1b0b.80 1314.07

    Airafi 4.4 1536 119.50 1416.50 1165.35

    Ata-baba 2.8 – – – –

    Rolled up 2.4 – – – – –

    Apgrafn 2.0 – – – – –

    Chapter 4. Acacia false shield - tciu.1%

    Acacia false shield, widespread and of great economic importance, has been studied by many researchers / Mol "1" "2, 1908; S. A. Mokrzhetssky, 1989; Sutt (i £. Cd. Bu. "i" e, 1914, "

    1963* G. R. Ibragimov, 19b3; I. A. Panshin, 1953;. Borkhseni-us: 1967; Dubrovskaya, 1959; Pianov, 1972/ in various "zones of the CIS and abroad.

    4.1. The methodology of work on the study of biology,: vkologii ^ features of plant damage and measures to combat pka "^ uyeva false shield on hazelnuts are described in detail in the dissertations / H. A. Ivanova and A. A.

    Bogdarina, 1962; Pomorsky E. L., 1935; Gara K. Al, Dospekhova B. A., 1965; Tansky, 1978/. *

    4.2. "Study of individual phases and stages was carried out: egg, larva of I instar * larva of II-instar female, larva of II-instar itself, tsa, male scutellum, nymph of I instar, nymph of II instar, adult male

    Acacia false scales and determining their size and differences from each other; friend. : :" .

    "4.3w The results of the observation on the study of the prevalence and intensity of Infestation of acacia false scales in this zone show that the population of hazelnut plantations. was 44.6-66,W, the intensity of the settlement of bushes was 1.0-2.1*." .

    4.4. Features of the biology of reproduction and development of acacia liana. A study was made of the phases of the life cycle of the pest, starting from the moment of larvae, which, according to I. A. Panpin /1963/ and A. M. Sikharulidze, L.8. from 26 March to 15 April. According to our observations of 1989-1991. larvae of II age awaken on March 25 - April 15. Accordingly, by years: in 1989 - March 25, in 1990

    Ha respectively by years: 9.8; 11.8 and 12.3^C and relative air humidity - 50, 63 and 6W.

    A mass awakening was taking place; in 1989 - 30.OB, in 1990. - 20.04, in 1991 - 22.04. Awakening ends: in 1989 - Ob.04, in 1990, - 25.04,; in 1991 - 28.0". and the duration of the awakening of the larvae of the II age of the acacia "lodge" is 10-14 days. " " " , " h " According to A. A. Saakyai-Barvnoea, K. S. Sugonyaev, G. G.

    Sheldanova / 1971 / The mass appearance of females coincides with the average daily temperature of + 13.5 °C, in the Leningrad region this occurs at the end of May and at the beginning of the stump.

    Under the conditions of Azerbaijan, according to R. R. Ibragimov /X95I/ and Imanov N.M. - /19E5/, the transformation of larvae into an adult occurs from early April to the end of May.

    According to our observations, in 1989 the transformation into adults of wintering larvae of the II age began in the third decade of April /25.04/ at an average daily air temperature of 18.6°C and a relative air humidity of 61*.

    The transformation of larvae of the second age of the acacia false scale was noted in 1990 - 20.05., in 1991 - 08.06. Mass transformation of larvae of II age was observed in 1969 on May 30, in 1990 on May 25, and in 1991 on May 13. The last molts of the acacia false scale, the transformation into an adult were noted in 1989 - 05.05., in 1990. - 30.C5., in 1991 - 18.05. The duration of the transformation lasts 10-11 days.

    The observation carried out for 3 years gives grounds to conclude that in the Sheki-Zakatala zone in spring, at the beginning of the budding of hazelnuts, when the air temperature reaches below 10°C during the day, the larvae spread, populating younger shoots. At the same time, the formation of adults begins here.

    4.4 L. L. N. Zotsenko /1955/, O. R. Kiskina /1960/, A. M. Sikharu-lkdze, A. E. Tavaiyaipvili /1972/, M. G. Nekhlyudov /1981/, N. V. Korchagin /1987/ note that the laying of eggs of the acacia false scale occurs at the end of the second decade of May until the beginning of June, and according to N.M. Imanov /1985/ in the Sheki-Zakatala zone, starting from the second decade of May to the middle of the third decade of June adult females lay eggs.

    But our observations of oviposition on hazelnuts began in 1989 in the first decade of May /03.05./ at an average daily air temperature of 17.4°C and a relative humidity of 53*. Egg-laying occurs under its shield in each female of the acacia false shield. In 1990, oviposition was observed. 05.06., & in 1991 - 18.05. Mass egg-laying was noted in 1989 - 15.06., in 1990. - 10. Sat., and in 1991 - 28.05. The end of oviposition was observed in 1989 - 30.05., in 1990 - 25.06 ", and in 1991" - 08.05. and the duration of oviposition lasted 20-2? days.

    According to our observations, after finishing oviposition, the female dies, forming the so-called "false shield*, which serves as a reliable shelter


    4.4.2. Females of the acacia false scale lay from 340 to 2200 eggs / Kiskina 0.G., 1950; Ibragimov G. R., 1952; Zotsenko L. N., 1955; Sikharulidze A. M., 1977; Osipov V. E., 1985/.

    For 1969-1991. statistical processing of the accounting results of the potential fecundity of the acacia false buccal / Pomorekii L. L., 1935 / confirms that the most egg production is typical for females during the mass laying of eggs - 2202.4-2249.0, the minimum

    - at the beginning or end of oviposition - 1759.9-1930.0 eggs.

    4.4.3. Embryonic development according to LN Zotsenko, BV Vereshchagin /1957/, NA Dubrovskaya /1959/ females live for about one month. According to our observations in 1989-199I. this period lasted 17-19 days. In 1989, larval hatching was noted on May 21 at an average daily air temperature of 20.6°C and a relative air humidity of 56*. In 1990, the hatching of larvae of the acacia false scale was noted on June 20, and in 1991 on June 3. Mass hatching of larvae of the acacia false shield was observed in 1989 - June 25, in 1990 - May 26, and in 1991 - June 12. The last larvae hatched in 1989 - 10.06., in 1990 - 06.07., and in 1991 - 22.05. The exception is 1989, when the development of adults was noted earlier than in 1990-1991. Such deviations in 1989 are related to weather conditions.

    4.5.1. Larvae emerging from eggs, according to I. A. Panshin /1953/, L. N. Zotsenko /195b/, H. A. Dubrovskaya / 1959 /, V. N. Korchagin / 1987 /, are settled on hazelnuts both active and passive ways. Migration of vagrants plays an important role in active settlement within the crown of bushes, moving from one bush to another. According to our observations in 1989, the period of the first instar of "vagrant" larvae lasted from 25 mm to 15 August. This period is the most harmful period in the life of the acacia false shield. The harmful period in 1990 lasted from June 30 to August 28, and in 1991

    – from June 22 to August 8. Thus, the transition of larvae to the second stage in 1989 - on August 15, and in 1990 - on August 28, l in 1991.

    The results of the 1989-199I years. observations on the study of the phases of the life cycle of the acacia false scale allow us to express the opinion that under the conditions of the Sheki-Zakatala tone of Azerbaijan, this pest has one incomplete generation and hibernates in the stage ft * 4vWVKV4

    Second age. "

    4.5.2. The determination of the harmfulness of the acacia false shield was carried out by comparing the yields obtained from populated and non-salted hazelnut bushes. To do this, we took 10 hazelnut bushes populated and not populated by pests. After that, the yields of populated and healthy plants were determined. The results of the research "show that the harvest from bushes populated with acacia false shield

    4.6. The natural mortality of the acacia false shield depends on fluctuations in the meteorological conditions of winter "and a sharp fluctuation in temperature in early spring / Saakyan-Baranova A. A., Sugonyaev E. S., Sheldanova G. G., 1971; Bailey" p., 1964; "Zotsenko L. N ., 1955; Neklyudova M. G., 1981 /.

    According to our observations, mortality in summer is significantly -: higher / 65.6 * /, when only hatched larvae are easily washed off by rain, thrown off by the wind, they are more sensitive to sharp fluctuations in temperature. Perhaps mortality e;i;a depends on hunger - . larvae / more than 50! Another cause of mortality is the height of the terrain - mountain and foothill conditions. mortality was 23.4 and 55,- respectively, / -

    4.8. Determination of the economic threshold of harmfulness, Akaii false shield on hazelnuts in the conditions of the Sheki-Zakatala zone of Azerbaijan.

    The relationship between the harmfulness of the acacia false shield and plants damaged by it, in particular, hazelnuts, is very diverse and complex. ■ .- " ".

    By themselves, the larvae, adults of the acacia false shield, with a weak population, do not reduce the productivity of hazelnut bushes. The larvae will give the leaves and fruit elements of the nut. From sucking larvae-vagrants, the leaves are full of colors, wither, fall prematurely. Often settled bushes develop slowly and do not bear fruit.

    We determined the economic threshold of harmfulness of the acacia false scale on hazelnuts - 9.2 individuals on the 1st branch 20 cm long.

    4.9. Measures to protect hazelnut plantations from acacia false shield.

    According to O. G. Kiskina /1955/, M. I. Z^galtsev, T. N. Nolevoy / 1964 /, G. A. Peterilo / 1956 /, L. N. Zotsenko, O. B. Vereiagin / 1957 /, F. A. Pavlenko / 1962 /, A. M. Sikharulidze and L. E. Tavamaishvili / 1977 /, V. N. Korchagina / 1987 /, N. M. ymanova / 196b /, the best time for taking control measures against the acacia false ^ torment, there is a period in autumn / March, April / when the pest is in the larval phase, and in summer / in June - early July /.

    In 1990-1991 we sprayed against acacia false shield on hazelnuts. Spraying was carried out in the early spring before the start of budding of hazelnuts and in summer during the hatching period, ichi-nok. To combat acacia false shields, we used the following? m preparations: pyrethroid - tsimbush, 25% k. e. 0.25, 0.28 and 0.b2 l/ha; ripcord 406 k.e. 0.1, 0.2 and 0.3 l/ha; sumicidin k. e. at a consumption rate of 0.4, 0.5 and 0.6 l/ha; hormonal - dimilin 25 * s. n. 0.1, 0.2 and 0, "b l / ha; microbiological - CZitoxibacillin 60 billion at a consumption rate of 0.8, 0.9 and 1.0 *.

    4.10.1. The geological efficiency of diyilin and bitoxibacillin in 1990 is presented in Table 2.

    The results of the primary trials of pyrethroid preparations, conducted in April 1990, testify to their effectiveness /table 3./.

    As can be seen from the data in Table 2, when using diyilin s. n. > consumption rate of 0.3 a/ha, the mortality of chicks was α.4%, and when using bitoxibacillin-60 billion at a consumption rate of 1.0X, the mortality of adults was 70.85С. Among the pyrethroid preparations tested by us, the best effect was obtained when using 40 * ripcord at a consumption rate of 0.3 l/ha, after which the adult mortality on the 5th day after spraying was 79.3% /table 3/.

    table 2

    Biological effectiveness of dimilin and bitoxibacillin: against larvae of acacia false shield on hazelnuts

    Options ¡End-¡Koli – j

    To ¡tration ¡quality)

    Experience ¡ in * for i individuals)

    Inpena – ¡no i

    (ratu and ¡pred

    J l/ha ¡vari-

    Larva I - P instars

    Accounting for days after spraying


    ¡ * !Number(* ¡Number)…* ¡death-!account - ¡death-!account - mortality! nyh ¡¿ness! nyh |News j ¡indi – ¡ !indi-

    Dimilin 25* s. P.

    Bitoxy-bacillin 60 billion.

    58,6 . 62,6 70.8

    412 " 36,5 . 325 " .46,3 304 52.4

    Control 630 595

    5.6. 582 ---Z^G

    ■ Table 3 Results of primary testing of pesticides - in ■ the fight against acacia false shield - , \

    Op options…

    ¡Concentration ¡in * by jtrpena-¡pary and i l/ha

    ¡Number of ¡individuals

    Item: ¡qty

    ¡vari ¡teacher-

    H0MU. indie

    Accounting for half a day after spraying

    I mortality

    | Number,-,..-, * ¡account - ¡mortals ¡ness

    ¡Number¡ * ¡accounting - ¡death-! -¡ness ¡indi - j

    Ripcord 40* k.e. ■ 0.1 156 ". „. RGL: - 83 46.8, ■ ■ 49 68.6 . 450 33.8

    0.2 163 74 ,. 54.6 43: 73.6" 350 v: 43.6

    0.3 166 – " 57 " 65.7: " 34 " 79.5 295 ■ 54.6 –

    Tsimbush 25* k.e. 0.25 138 79 42.8 62 55.1 .520. . 30.7

    0.28 153 . "■"". 51.6 56 63.4 380 . 39.7

    0.32" T5S 69 56.3 ■ 42 ■ 73.4 258" ^2.2.

    CvMHunflHH a.e. 0.4 144 . 85 – 40.9 73 "79.3: 430 ~ ..". 34.8

    0,5 0.6 165. 152 – 88 65 46,7 57.2 68 52 58,8 " 65.8" 440 " 430 " ,33,4


    Droizvodstvennye test / I biological and chemical means of protection ¡n ^ ka from acacia false shields.

    Production experiments were carried out on plantations (hazelnuts in the walnut state farm of Zyakatalsky district on an area of ​​1.5 hectares. Bushes were treated with an MTZ-50 tractor with an OiT sprayer. On the 5th day after spraying, efficiency records were made. false shields Presented in Table 5. Table 5

    The results of production tests of przlarats on runuch plantations populated with acacia false shield, 1991

    Options (experience

    (Number of I I pest on I I10 branches with I

    13 bushes__I

    Quantity ~ 1 Quantity of 1 individuals (specials 1 according to the pre. ambassador!

    1 accounting_ X__X _ _ _ 1UIv1U.

    I The number of 1 pest on! 10 branches from! 3 bushes _! Number of eo 1 Number of ~ (individuals! individuals! according to (after!


    SUMICIDIN 20% a.e. Diyilin 20% s. n. BTB-

    0,3 0,32 0,6 0,3 1.056

    93.4 07.9 84.8 69.b

    280 320 ZIO 306

    Processing control

    72,5 295 3,4 368

    7a, y 72,b b5.7 2a.3 32.4 4.3

    Statistical processing of the obtained data on the effectiveness of pesticides against larvae of the 1st phases of development under production conditions allows us to consider that the preparations of cymbush ¿b% c.e. and sumicidin 20% c.a. do not differ significantly in effectiveness, and the drug Ripcord 40% a.e. at a concentration of 0.3 l/ha, it is superior to other preparations. The results of the effectiveness of pesticides against ivagc also allow us to consider that ripcord 40% a.e. at a concentration of 0.3 l/ha according to the preparation, it is most effective and differs significantly from the preparations of cymbush 25% a.e. and sumicidin 20% a.e. with HCP0b) - 3.4.

    1. As a result of studies carried out in the Sheki-Zakatala zone of Azerbaijan in 1989-1991, She identified hazelnut insect pests. Among them: equal-winged proboscis - 3 /2.6% /, scales-K1 "lie - 57 / 67.1 * /, beetles - 25 / 30.3 * /. Most of the species lean towards polyphages, which make up 75 of the total * pests.

    2. In industrial plantations in the Sheki-Zakatala zone of Azerbaijan, the most dangerous pests are: walnut weevil, acacia false beetle, hazel aphid, hazel leaf beetle,

    During the years of research, we have established that in this zone the most common and harmful are the walnut weevil - Cu-rgD^ozhisaul and acacia false shield - e*»*»

    Which cause damage to the hazelnut crop annually, the losses of which range from 15 to 65 * and from 25 to 73 *. " ■-■".". . \

    3. It was revealed that the flight of the walnut weevil beetles is long and occurs from the second or third decade of April to the middle of the second decade of August, and the awakening of the larvae of the acacia false shield - from the third decade of March to the third decade of May. ".",";"

    4. The walnut weevil and the larvae of the acacia false shield feed on the buds and leaves of hazel trees, on fruits, young branches and shoots of bushes and shrubs of other species. . ;

    Additional nutrition on the fruits of hazel is noted with sulfur -. , dynes of the third decade of May until the beginning of the first decade of August / 30-40 days /.

    1.. The females of the walnut weevil lay their eggs in the period from "July 5 to July 3 / 25-30 days /, and the females of the acacia false shield from". May 3 to June 1 /20-27 days/. " " "-.-V-

    The average fecundity of female nut weevil is 39-57 eggs. The female acacia false scale lays eggs under her body, which, as it lays, draws inwards towards the dorsal part, and the resulting space is gradually filled with eggs. On average, over three years, potential; the fecundity of one female was 1951.6 eggs. .v,

    6. Depending on the weather conditions in the embryonic zone -. the development of the nut weevil is completed in 8-1G "day *."..-." ,

    The duration of the embryonic development of the acacia false orb is 18-21 days.

    After leaving the fruit of the nuts, the bulk of the larvae of the walnut weevil /up to 75 */ crumble to the soil and lie at a depth

    10-20 cm by 1-1.5 meters around the bush;

    Akalmevo larvae! "False worms" lurk on the leaves > about the magpies of October / 10.15. /, and then "they gerekhsdat on g ~" agi, gd "remain to winter.

    7. Walnut weevil larvae pupate from the beginning >

    The development of male nymphs in the acacia false scale continues from March 20 to April 25 on average for 25-30 days

    8. Walnut weevil larvae diagogue in the soil” from September 25 to April 30 next year. During the years of research, it was gratifying that the generation of the walnut weevil is one-year-old and it hibernates

    In the station of the larva /73-7Э&/ and the beetle /21-2b*>/.

    According to our observations, the larvae of the acacia pseudo-shield hibernate at the age of 2-4-year-old bushes on the underside of the shoots, and in tact on the bark of thick branches, in forks, cracks from October 10 to the end of the third decade of March of the next year. During the year, the acacia leg shield on hazelnuts develops only in one motion.

    9. In order to plan and organize protective measures against hazelnut pests, for the first time in the Sheki-Zakatala1 zone, we determined the economic threshold of harmfulness of the walnut weevil and acacia false scale. The threshold abundance and harmfulness of the walnut weevil is achieved at 30 individuals per 1 ha or, taking into account the planting scheme, 0.12 beetles per bush. Under the same conditions, the economic threshold of harmfulness of the acacia false scale is 9.2 individuals per branch 1 20 cm long.

    10. Winter watering of a hazelnut garden favors a decrease in the size of the wintering stock of the population and, thereby, a reduction in its damage by 28.9-29.0", while, compared with the control, the increase in yield was 3.6 c/ha and net income - 2089 40 rub/ha.

    The safety of fruits increases due to the reduction of harmfulness from weevils when using NTV by 51, dimilin - by 57.64; the mortality rate of larvae of the acacia false scale from EGGB is 70,ЁК, from dimilin - 68.4*.

    11. In order to eradicate the pest population from the tested chemicals, the most cost-effective option was 3-fold spraying. hazelnut plantations40% a.e. ripcordo Z l/ha/. Other burnouts also turned out to be highly effective ("active against weevil and false positives. Systemic drugs

    The number of adults and brodt”ek”- ^zh:-et”(.vvarpk>sgk imago was from ripcord - 78, from cymbush - 72, "" and from sumicidin - 65, the mortality of larvae-bro. 93.4, 87.9 and 84.81 compared to the control.

    12. The payback of one ruble spent on flying measures against the nut weevil is 24.36 rubles when using ripcord, 13.55 rubles for cymbutp, 22.93 rubles for sumicidin, 12.20 rubles for lime, and 14.34 rubles for ETE.

    13. The payback of one ruble spent on carrying out flying measures against the acacia false scale is 30.68 rubles when using ripcord, 20.32 cymbush, sumicidin - .15.10, dimilin - 10.07, BTB - 10.04 rubles. . -


    The results of our experiments and their production verification allow us to recommend the following control measures. with walnut weevil and acacia false shield on walnut plantations in Seki-Za, the Qatal zone of Azerbaijan. ■■ ; L"


    1. It should be carried out in autumn and early spring - digging and loosening the soil around a bush with a diameter of 1.5-2 meters with tractor processing of row spacing to a depth of 15-20 cm. ",

    2. Carry out agrotechnical and sanitary measures to combat hazelnut pests. – . " ."

    After harvesting in the fall, it is necessary to clean the aisle, 1st from plant residues and harvest. from areas of dried branches, as well as branches, to a greater extent inhabited by acacia false shield.

    3. It is necessary to systematically inspect bushes damaged by ope- "hive weevil, which can be carried out by characteristic damage to nuts during additional feeding of beetles / from mid-April, la to August / and during the period of feeding of larvae in nuts / July-August / Control records and surveys must be carried out "autumn" / September-;! October-October /, after the larvae emerge from the nuts and the beetles hatch V through soil excavations. ; - 4. ! ,

    4. To prevent the importation of the nut weevil with seed into areas where it is absent, collected nuts. can be sent to collective farms, state farms and other farms not earlier than October; ", rya, that is, after the release of larvae from nuts ".*.,

    5. Carrying out two-waterings until January 25 /winter/ and up to 20 Alre - i la /sunny/ gives the best. "eZDect "against - winter> lean larvae of Orekhovo -" th weevil., -. * ",".., V. "-. ,""-:. \"*""

    6. Yari - for the creation of oiled hazelnuts, it is necessary to get varieties resistant to hazelnuts and plant them; them according to

    Aalutmm "YAM ¿**e+shat n"s bjâfiitmx ;,

    AieporTjiïijrrx*".. ".. "–. , " – ï"I* ".;■" ^v/.^"V"-Ч

    Chemical activities

    1. After carrying out agrotechnical measures during the period of additional nutrition of the weevil and during the period of awakening of overwintered larvae, the bacterial preparation BTB (60 billion - 1%) and the hormonal preparation dimilnn (25% c p at concentrations of 0.3 l / ha) should be used.

    2. Against walnut weevil and overwintered larvae of acacia false scale insects, spray with ripcord (40% ee at a concentration of 0.3 l/ha), tschmbush (-5% ee at a concentration of 0.32 l/ha), sumicidin (20% e. at a concentration of 0.6 l/ha) The treatment should be carried out in the spring at the beginning of bud break, before the formation of females and males.

    3 After that, it is necessary to carefully examine the plantings and, with a significant number of pests, treatment with ripcord, cymbush and sumicidin should be carried out at recommended doses.

    The treatment should be carried out in July-August, during the period of mass flight of the weevil and after the release of the larvae of the ich-under the maternal shields on the leaves.

    1 Khalilov E A On the study of pests of funchuk in the conditions of Sheki Zakatala zone of Azerbaijan // Proceedings of the Azerbaijan Scientific Research Institute of Plant Protection - Baku - 1991 - XI volume - C 124-130

    2 Khalilov E A Nut weevil // Abstracts of the All-Union Conference of Young Learners! yh and specialists -Ganja, 1991.- C 279-280

    3 Khalilov E A Pests of hazelnuts and measures to combat them // Agrarian science of Azerbaijan - Bak> - 1993 -С 4b-50

    OS 1 n n

    Printing house of the Moscow Agricultural Academy named after K. A. Timiryazev 127530, Choskva I "G0 Timiryazevskaya at 1, 44

    Hazel diseases can also affect other nut crops, in particular, hazelnut trees.

    Hazel diplodia.

    The causative agent is a fungus Diplodia coryli Fckl. The bark on trunks and branches darkens and dries out. Over time, black, dense, bare fruiting bodies 2.5-5 mm wide, single or crowded in groups, form in it. Affected trunks dry out. The infection persists in the bark of the affected trunks.

    Control measures. Timely cutting of dry trunks and branches without leaving a hemp, disinfection of cuts and saw cuts with 1% copper sulphate and smearing with oil paint on drying oil. Preventive spraying of bushes in the spring, before the leaves bloom with a 1% Bordeaux mixture or its substitutes (HOM, Abiga-Peak)

    Stem rot of hazel.

    The causative agent is a fungus Phellinus torulosus (Pers.) Bourd. et Galz. (syn. Polyporus torulosus Pers.) . Causes the development of white central wood rot. On the affected trunks of hazel, many-year-old, various in size and shape, shell-shaped, sometimes almost prostrate fruiting bodies of the tinder fungus are formed. The upper surface is brownish-rusty, furrowed or tuberculate, hairy. The fabric is fibrous, cork or woody, brownish-rusty. The hymenophore consists of several layers of tubules. In addition to hazel, many hardwoods are affected. The infection persists in the affected trunks and fruiting bodies of tinder fungi.

    Control measures. Same as against diplodia.

    The causative agent is a fungus Phyllactinia suffulta Sacc. f. coryliaellanae Jacz. A white cobwebbed coating develops on the leaves, which quickly disappears. Numerous dotted rounded fruit bodies are formed on the underside of the leaf blade, first yellow, and then turning black when ripe. Affected leaves turn yellow prematurely and fall off. The infection persists in the affected fallen leaves.

    Control measures. At the first symptoms of powdery mildew, young leaves are sprayed with one of the preparations: soon, rayok, thiovit Jet. With a strong spread of the disease, spraying is repeated after 7-10 days.

    See how these hazel diseases manifest themselves - the photo shows the characteristic signs of infections on the branches, bark and leaves of plants:

    Hazelnut diseases and their treatment

    There are quite specific diseases of hazelnuts that do not transmit stone fruits to fruit trees. And there are hazelnut diseases that are a danger to the entire garden. We offer you to learn more information about hazelnut diseases and their treatment with the help of modern chemical preparations.

    Phyllosticosis of hazelnuts.

    Hazelnut phyllosticosis, or yellowish-brown hazel leaf spot, is caused by a fungus Phyllosticta corylaria Sacc. Large yellowish-brown spots of irregular shape with a thin brown border appear on the leaves. Over time, the necrotic tissue becomes light ocher, but the border remains. Small dotted black pycnidia form in it, the affected leaf tissue cracks and falls out. Affected leaves turn yellow prematurely and fall off, which affects the poor ripening of shoots and a decrease in their frost resistance. The infection persists in the fallen affected leaves.

    Control measures. Collection and disposal of fallen leaves. Preventive spraying in the spring, when the leaves bloom, with a 1% Bordeaux mixture or its substitutes (HOM, Abiga-Peak).

    Ocher-brown spotting of hazelnut leaves.

    The causative agent is a fungus Phyllosticta coryli West. The spots on hazelnut leaves are large, irregular in shape, ocher-brown, whitening over time. In the necrotic tissue, small dotted flattened black pycnidia are formed. The affected tissue dries out, cracks and falls out. The leaves dry up prematurely. The infection persists in the affected fallen leaves.

    Control measures.

    The causative agent is a fungus Gloeosporium perexiguum Sacc. The spots on the leaves are red-brown, small, necrotic tissue falls out over time, and holes remain. On the upper side of the spots, small yellow sporulation pads develop, spores from which recharge neighboring leaves. Affected leaves dry out prematurely. The infection persists in the affected fallen leaves.

    Control measures. Same as against phyllostictosis.

    The causative agent is a fungus Cylindrosporium avellanum (B. et Br.) Ibr. et Ach. The spots on the leaves are numerous, rounded, less often angular, merging. On the upper side, sporulation develops in the form of small brown pads. Affected leaves turn yellow prematurely and fall off. The infection persists in the affected plant debris.

    Control measures. Same as against phyllostictosis.

    The causative agent is a fungus Cercospora coryli Montem. The spots on the leaves are numerous, small, 1-3 mm in diameter, red-brown in color. Over time, the spots merge, become grayish in the center, an inconspicuous grayish coating of mycelium with spores develops on both sides of the necrotic tissue. Affected leaves turn yellow prematurely and fall off. The infection persists in the affected fallen leaves.

    Control measures. Same as against phyllostictosis.

    The causative agent is a fungus Mamiania coryli Ces. et de Not. Brown-black spots appear on the leaves, dense sporulation pads develop on them in the form of a convex shiny bed, in which the fruiting bodies of the fungus are formed. The infection persists in the affected fallen leaves.

    Control measures. Same as against phyllostictosis.

    Consider the most common insect pests that prevent you from getting a full-fledged crop of nuts.

    Birch cushion.

    Birch cushion, or birch false shield Pulvinaria betulae L. , - a hazel pest, a small sucking insect, initially gray, then dark brown in color with transverse wrinkles. Adults are immobile. The body of females is slightly convex, heart-shaped, 4-8 mm long, 3.5 mm wide. Larvae are oval, whitish-gray in color, eggs are small, reddish-pink. In an adult female, a white egg sac 6-9 mm long develops over time. The larvae overwinter, more often of the second instar, under the lagging bark, emerge in the spring and feed on the juice of the bark tissues. Females move until the formation of the egg sac begins, after which they become immobile.

    Each female in late June - early July lays up to 600 eggs. From mid-July to the end of August, larvae hatch, which immediately stick under the skin and hardly move. Feeding continues until autumn, after which the larvae crawl into the cracks in the bark and hibernate. Pillow birch damages all fruit crops, many berry bushes and almost all hardwoods and shrubs. It spreads more often with planting material.

    Control measures. Preventive spraying of all trees and shrubs before the leaves bloom with Fufanon and Kemifos preparations. In summer, with a large number of stray larvae, spraying is carried out with one of the preparations: Fufanon, Kemifos, Aktellik, Kinmiks, Iskra, Inta-Vir, taking into account the waiting time.

    Bed bug green garden.

    Green garden bug Lygocoris pabulinus L. (syn. Lygus pabulinus) - a hazelnut pest, a sucking insect with incomplete transformation. The bug is up to 10 mm long, green, shiny, flat, oval, very mobile. The front wings are leathery, overlapping each other at rest, the hind wings are membranous. Tibiae with pale setae, without black dots. The larvae are pale yellow or bright green with red eyes, similar to adult insects, but lack wings and are smaller. The tips of the antennae are orange-red. Eggs up to 3 mm long, creamy, banana-shaped. Eggs overwinter on the bark of branches and shoots; in spring, larvae hatch, move to young shoots and flower buds, and feed on tissue sap. Adult bugs and larvae are very mobile, and adults fly well. In summer, females lay their eggs inside plant tissue. It is very harmful to vegetable crops. The green garden bug is polyphagous and damages almost all plants - from herbaceous to woody ones. Damaged leaves become wrinkled, yellowish, buds and inflorescences crumble, fruits can be deformed.

    Control measures.

    hazel weevil Curculio piss L. - a beetle with a long, thin, bent proboscis. The body length of the female is 8-9 mm, the proboscis is 6 mm, in the male the body is 6-7 mm, the proboscis is 4 mm. The body of the beetle is black, covered with yellow-gray scales, which is why the weevil has a gray-yellow color. The scales on the pronotum form transverse stripes, and on the elytra there are yellow spots. The antennae are long, cranked, and the legs are covered with gray hairs. Larva 7-10 mm long, yellowish-white, thick, slightly curved, legless, with a small red-brown head and black jaws. The pupa is 8-9 mm long, delicate, milky-white, with a long proboscis pressed against the body. The larvae of the hazelnut pest overwinter in the soil in earthen cradles; in the spring they pupate there.

    Beetles come to the surface at an average daily soil temperature of 15-16 ° C and feed on leaves and ovaries of hazel. After fertilization, the females lay their eggs one at a time inside the soft fruits of the hazel. After 7-8 days, the larvae hatch and feed on the kernel of the nut, completely eating it away by the end of their development. Having finished feeding, the larva gnaws a round hole with a diameter of 2 mm in the shell, falls to the ground, makes an earthen cradle in the soil and, curled up in a ring, hibernates. One generation of weevil develops.

    Control measures. Preventive spraying of bushes when leaves bloom with Fufanon and Kemifos preparations. Shaking off the beetles on film and destroying.

    Hazel tube runner Apoderus coryli L. - beetle 6-7 mm long. The head is elongated into a long wide rostrum, widened towards the apex, sharply constricted behind the temples. Antennae club-shaped, attached on sides of rostrum, tarsi with four segments, tibiae with hook at apex. Body black, elytra and posterior part of pronotum red, without scales. The elytra are much wider than the pronotum, with well-developed humeral tubercles and are usually rectangular in shape, with very coarse punctate grooves. The larvae are white, fat, legless and blind, feeding in plant tissues. The pupa is open, white, located in an earthen cradle in the soil. After fertilization, the female cuts the leaf across, twists most of it into a cigar-shaped tube and lays eggs in it. The hatched larvae feed inside the tube. The folded leaf dries up and falls to the ground along with the larvae, which after a while emerge from the dry tube, go deep into the soil and pupate in earthen cradles. Hazel pipe worker damages hazel and alder.

    Control measures. Preventive spraying of bushes when leaves bloom with Fufanon and Kemifos preparations. Collection and destruction of leaves with larvae rolled into a tube.

    northern birch sawfly Croesus septentrionalis L. . - Hymenoptera insect 8-10 mm long. The head and thorax are black, the abdomen is reddish with a black tip. The antennae are long, consist of 9 segments, the legs are black with white and rufous rings on the middle part. Forewings with brown stripe near pterostigma. An adult caterpillar up to 20 mm long, dirty light green in color, there are many black spots on the sides of the body. The last two or three segments may be reddish-yellow, the head is shiny, black. The caterpillar has 3 pairs of thoracic and 7 pairs of ventral legs. Two generations develop per year. Adult caterpillars hibernate in cocoons in the soil, in a state of diapause. The first generation appears in May-June, the second - in July-September. After fertilization, females lay their eggs under the epidermis on the underside of the leaf near the main vein. The hatched larvae stay in groups, rudely eat leaves, leaving only petioles and main veins. The sawfly damages hazel, birch, alder, poplar and mountain ash.

    Control measures. Preventive spraying in the spring when the leaves bloom with one of the preparations: Fufanon, Kemifos, Aktellik, Kinmiks, Spark, Inta-Vir. With a large number of caterpillars, repeated sprayings are carried out in the summer with the same preparations, taking into account the waiting time.

    Hazel moth Lithocolletis coryli Nic . - a very small butterfly with narrow long light wings, bordered by a long silver fringe. Caterpillars are very small, yellowish-green, have 7 pairs of legs, live under the epidermis, eating out the parenchyma in the form of a mine. The mine is wide, oval, light, more often at the edge of the leaf, which is folded up by the older caterpillar.

    Control measures. Preventive spraying of bushes when leaves bloom with one of the preparations: Fufanon, Kemifos, Aktellik, Kinmiks, Spark, Inta-Vir.

    Moth crumb hazel serpentine Nepticula microtheriella Stt. - a small butterfly with brownish-gray narrow front wings. The hind wings are much narrower and are framed by a long fringe. The females lay their eggs on leaves. The hatched caterpillars live and feed inside the leaf, making in it ribbon-like, highly twisted, serpentine mines, through which a dark line of excrement is visible. Damages hazel.

    Control measures.

    Moth hazel pocket Ornix ave lanella Stt . - a very small butterfly with a wingspan of 12-13 mm. The wings are narrow, with a long delicate silver fringe. The caterpillar lives in pockets from the curved edges of the leaves and skeletonizes the leaves from the underside. Damages hazel.

    Control measures. The same as against moth hazel.

    Video: Hazelnut pests

    Hazel has been cultivated by people since time immemorial, and all this time it is periodically subjected to the invasion of various pests and attacks of harmful ailments. True, various diseases do not affect the beautiful hazel very often, but in any case, it does not hurt to know how the manifestations of various ailments look on this wonderful plant.

    Powdery mildew leaves

    This disease manifests itself on the leaves of hazel in the formation of a whitish mealy or cobweb plaque. After some time, the plaque on the undersides of the leaf blades gradually disappears.

    Colorless unicellular spores of the causative agent of this ill-fated disease are club-shaped, and the marsupial stage is represented by almost spherical and slightly flattened perithecia.

    leaf phyllosticosis

    Hazel leaves attacked by this disease are covered with large yellowish-brown spots, framed by thin brownish borders and characterized by an irregular shape. A little later, the spots begin to dry out and turn into light ocher tones, but the pronounced borders remain. Gradually, infected tissues on the leaves begin to crack and fall out. By the way, sometimes phyllostictosis is called yellow-brown spotting.

    White mixed branch rot

    The causative agent of this harmful misfortune affects not only hazel branches - trunks with roots often suffer from its attacks. And sometimes manifestations of the disease can also be found on fallen trees or on stumps. The process of rotting in the affected areas is incredibly intense, leading to the appearance of a mixed rot, which is characterized by a characteristic white color and provokes an easy separation of wood fibers. In addition, on the infected parts of plants, one can observe the appearance of clusters of mycelium, painted in brownish or reddish tones. Especially often noticeably weakened trees suffer from white mixed rot. By the way, the fungus that causes this scourge is very resistant to low temperatures.

    leaf rust

    On the hazel leaves attacked by this dangerous disease, light brown hemispherical pustules begin to form (mainly from the lower sides), densely dotted with orangeish ovoid and bristly spores. Leaves that have fallen ill with rust must be collected and destroyed.

    White peripheral branch rot

    This misfortune quite often affects twigs and shoots of hazel, especially if they grow in too shaded areas. If the lesions are especially strong, the plants will gradually begin to die off - this irreversible process occurs due to the ringing of the entire circumference of the trunks with rot.

    Disease prevention

    In order for the hazel to be affected by various ailments as rarely as possible, in the fall, as soon as the leaf fall ends, the fallen leaves are collected and destroyed, and the soil under the trees is dug up. This measure perfectly helps to eliminate the causative agent of powdery mildew, which often overwinters on fallen leaves of hazel. Yes, and fertilizer under the bushes is also better to make in the fall.

    When growing hazel, it is important to remember that on strong and well-groomed bushes, the fungus that causes various ailments develops extremely rarely, and many other misfortunes also almost always bypass the hazel. Therefore, it is very important for this culture to try to provide proper care. The areas where it is grown must be reliably protected from the wind, and the groundwater level on them should not be more than one meter. Equally important is the correct pruning and formation of bushes. At the same time, it is strongly not recommended to shorten annual shoots.
