Japanese maple in your garden. Japanese maple - a wonderful decoration in the house

without maple Japanese garden it is hard to imagine. The graceful crown of the plant, the bizarre interweaving of branches, the fine carving of foliage sets the general tone for the garden, creates an atmosphere, and gives solemnity. At the forefront of the landscape composition, the plant displays a rich autumn outfit. It is ideal for a small garden as a solitary culture: in a rock garden, front garden, near a small pond, in the middle of a small lawn, etc. Japanese maples blend well with each other, low, hostas, ornamental grasses. They look harmoniously in mixborders, rockeries, among undersized borders.

The first mention of Japanese maples appeared at the beginning of the seventeenth century. At this time they were grown in monasteries. In the middle of the nineteenth century, the plant found itself in Europe, but at the beginning of the twentieth it was almost forgotten, in addition, due to the Second World War, some valuable varieties disappeared. In the 60s of the 20th century, maple again began its important procession, became fashionable, and breeders began to develop new varieties.

Japanese maple belongs to the Sapindaceae family. It is a perennial, slow growing deciduous shrub or small tree. In the southern zones, the plant is cultivated in open field. Japanese maple is highly decorative. In autumn, its leaves acquire surprisingly bright, saturated colors - burgundy, purple, pink, etc. with many shades and transitions. Japanese maple is used as a container plant. It is located in the garden, patio, on the terrace from early spring to late autumn. The plant is ideal for compositions,.

Place and soil
To preserve, brittle, thin maple roots, it is better to plant it in the ground with a clod of earth. Therefore, it is advisable to buy a plant in a container. Moreover, in this form, its planting can be carried out from spring to late autumn.
Great importance has a choice of location. You should know that Japanese maple need a lighted area, protected from midday sunlight. He also does not like cold drafts and strong winds. Conifers or a solid fence will serve as good protection for the plant. For cultivars with bordered and two-tone leaves, bright light without direct sun is suitable. Most suitable for Japanese maples garden soil. Only strongly alkaline soils are an exception.
A landing pit is dug twice as wide and deeper than an earthen lump in a container. A couple of shovels fertilized with compost and peat are poured into it. Meanwhile, the container with the plant is lowered into the water for 10-15 minutes. Then the plant is freed from it and set in the center of the pit. Maple is carefully covered with the remains of the prepared earth, gently crushing around the trunk.
A young plant is covered with agrofabric for the winter, while the soil around the trunk should be moist.

The root system of the Japanese maple is superficial. She needs regular hydration. The culture reacts to its lack, too dry wind, very hot sun rays, with dried tips of leaves, even by completely dropping them. It is necessary to bring it out of this state gradually (shade the crown, water it regularly). Fertilizers should not be applied during this period, you will only aggravate the situation. With sufficient attention, the culture will quickly recover, grow new foliage.
Also, Japanese maple needs to be mulched with bark, which will protect its roots from drying out and will not allow weeds to roam. If they have already appeared, they must be removed manually, but not mechanically, which is strictly prohibited. Japanese maples practically do not need pruning, it is used only for crown formation and thinning.

Top dressing of a young plant is carried out five weeks after its planting in the ground. The last feeding is carried out in early July. If the plant is planted in the fall, then its first top dressing is carried out next spring. Impressive are Japanese maples planted in tubs and exposed along the fence. Dwarf varieties will decorate the entrance to the house, patio. In addition, these types of maples are ideal for curly haircuts,.


Japanese maples

We are accustomed to seeing in parks and forests - a typical example of the vegetation of European latitudes. The description of such a tree as the Japanese maple is somewhat different from the usual one. Here the name speaks for itself, the plant really comes from the Land of the Rising Sun.

Did you know? Japanese maple is still found on the territory of the Russian Federation - in the Sakhalin region, but extremely rarely. It is for this reason that the plant is listed in the Red Book of Russia.

A blooming guest from Japan looks very beautiful. The inflorescences are bright, have a purple-red color. They appear in April.

The plant, thanks to its “design”, looks impressive even in winter.

Popular types and varieties

Under the term "Japanese maple" usually refers to three types of wood: fan, Shirasawa and directly Japanese. Their differences are not so significant, but extremely important for choosing the “right” plant in gardening.

The legendary fan or palm-shaped maple got its name due to the special structure of the leaves, which can become the “highlight” of any park. It is shaped like an open hand or a lace fan and turns bright scarlet in June. The height of the palm-shaped tree does not exceed two meters.
Many varieties of plants belong to this species, but the most popular are the following:

Not the most common, but attracting admiring glances shirasawa maple has a huge colors: bright yellow to burgundy red. Unlike other species, it can grow quite large: up to 15 m high and with a trunk up to 60 cm in diameter.
Japanese maple and its variety "Dissectum Nigrum" are very popular, the black and red foliage of which is in perfect harmony with the green lawns of many landscapes.

Good selection of seedlings

Since the plant is quite expensive, then the choice of seedlings must be approached carefully. Decide on a variety of Japanese maple: if you have a large area for growing, then you can safely stop at large trees (for example, Shirasawa maple), in the case of a limited area, it is better to buy shrubs.

Seedling recommended to buy in a container, since in this case the landing and further care behind the Japanese maple will be easier and safer. In addition, the likelihood that the tree will take root is higher, since it will be in its “native” soil and its root system will not be damaged during landing.

Important! The seedling of the plant must be “young”, a tree up to a year old is ideal for planting.

It is worth buying maple in a special store. It must have a fresh healthy appearance, without wilted leaves or some damage.

Where to plant

Many people are afraid to acquire a representative of the Japanese flora, considering this plant to be capricious and unsuitable for our latitudes. This is not so, growing Japanese red maple at home is possible, but there are still some nuances when choosing a planting site.
First, choose a location where the soil will be sufficiently moist. On the other hand, make sure that there is not a lot of stagnant moisture, the plant does not like this.

Secondly, your handsome man will feel best in cozy and sheltered from the wind. He is not particularly afraid of drafts, but still in a quiet corner it will grow much faster.

To lighting special requirements no. Of course, it is better not to plant in a completely dark place. Remember that light is very necessary for the natural processes of photosynthesis. In addition to this, a variety of maple colors will play brighter.

And lastly, do not forget about the "neighbors" of this beautiful plant. It is not recommended to plant other large ones nearby. This will "steal" the light from the maple, and the site will be overloaded, the maple will get lost between large branches. In addition, the crown must have enough space for growth and development. by the most profitable option there will be flowers next to the Japanese maple. Look good, and.

Landing Rules

Planting a Japanese maple is an easy process, so there shouldn't be much difficulty. The main thing is to provide the tree good conditions, as close as possible to its native latitudes.

Soil preparation

As noted earlier, maple loves moisture, but not "stagnant water". That's why experienced gardeners it is advised to take care of for its root system (small, screenings). the seedling stands often, but not too abundantly.

Almost any is suitable, for trees a high content is natural. The only exception is too alkaline. The soil must be When disembarking, it is recommended to feed it.

Scheme and technology

The technology of growing a tree is simple. It includes two stages, in the case of growing Japanese maple from seed.
Seeds are germinated in a standard way, as usual. They are soaked for 2-3 hours. After that, they choose a diameter of 10–15 cm and a height of 10–20 cm. They are made in the ground small holes, spread the seeds separately from each other to a depth of 4–5 cm and sprinkle with a layer of soil. Then slightly moisten and put in a warm place where there are no direct rays. For the greenhouse effect, it is better to cover the container and let the seedlings “breathe” once a day.

When the maple sprouts and leaves begin to appear on it, it can be planted in a permanent place.

The scheme is as follows:

  1. A hole is made up to 30 cm deep.
  2. Sand and drainage are laid out at the bottom of the recess (4-5 cm thick).
  3. The soil is moistened.
  4. The tree is carefully removed from the container and placed in the hole.
  5. Sprinkle with earth mixed with.
  6. Water the seedling and spray the leaves large quantity water.

After some time, it will be possible to propagate maple with fresh seeds. Vegetative reproduction hardly practiced because it is ineffective.

Features of caring for Japanese maple

Caring for a Japanese is important. It includes regular watering, top dressing and, if desired, the creation of a crown shape - branches in the first years of the plant's life.

Soil care and watering

The frequency and need for depends on climatic conditions territory, soil moisture. On average, it costs the soil in a day or two, making sure that there is enough water. Usually in hot weather, maple requires not only more abundant, but also its foliage. In the rainy season, additional moisture should not be given. If you deprive the tree of attention, then the leaves may begin to dry or even fall off.

And they are still producing. It consists in sprinkling the soil around the tree with bark. This protects the root system from drying out in summer and freezing in winter.

Many gardeners prefer to grow on their site not only healthy vegetables and tasty fruits, but also ornamental plants decorating the garden landscape. These plants include exotic Japanese maple - a wonderful representative of the botanical world, with a bright spreading crown.

The tree attracts with its original appearance, however, the question arises whether this exotic handsome man will be difficult to care for. To dispel doubts, in the article we will talk about the features of growing Japanese maple in our climate: we will find out how to plant a plant and how to care for it.

Description and features

Japanese maple is an ornamental tree, which, as you know, comes from Japan. About 100 are known today. various kinds and varieties: such a rare variety allows you to choose the most suitable variety and leaf coloring for any landscape design.

Japanese maple

The height of the Japanese maple can be from two to ten meters, and has a characteristic bright color of the foliage. Leaf colors can be as follows:

  • green;
  • red;
  • yellow;
  • pink

Other, more rare, shades of color are possible: it depends on the plant variety.

The shape of the plant is interesting and unusual: the Japanese maple has a lush, spreading wide crown, somewhat reminiscent of a palm tree. This is an ideal plant for autumn: with its wonderful variety of bright foliage, it is able to dispel any blues, cheer up, inspire creativity.

In the northern regions, unfortunately, outdoor cultivation of Japanese maple is very difficult: only if you place the plant in a large tub, which can be removed to the house or barn for the winter.


Today, the following varieties of Japanese maple are the most decorative and popular.


This is a low variety of a tree: it reaches a height of only one and a half meters. It has decorative wide leaves, a beautiful and bright orange-yellow hue.



It's for real unique variety, since the tree in this case leaves are inky black.

Beni Kava

This variety of Japanese maple has original bright red foliage, as well as ruby-colored bark. Can you imagine how decorative look has a plant.

Beni Kava


An interesting variety with a double color of leaves: in summer they are green, and by autumn they change color to golden.

How to plant

Although the procedure for planting a Japanese maple seedling is simple, however, it requires knowledge of some nuances. Let's talk about these nuances in more detail.

To properly plant a plant, you must prepare in advance:

  • the seedling itself: healthy and strong;
  • compost and peat for fertilizer.

First, you should dig a hole: its parameters should be approximately twice the size of the roots of the plant. If the seedling was bought in a pot, then it is necessary to carefully remove it from this container. Untangle the roots of the plant: also very carefully, without pulling.

Add peat and compost to the prepared hole. Place the seedling in the hole, sprinkle with soil on top, tamp.

On the video - planting a Japanese maple:

Around the seedling, form small sides of the earth along the diameter of the root circle. This will make it easier to water the plant, as the water will not be able to drain.

Water the seedling immediately after planting so that the roots take root faster. If the summer is very hot, the seedling will need to be watered more often and more abundantly.

Next spring, it is necessary to lay a mulch layer of earth mixed with rotten fallen leaves on top of the root circle of the plant. This layer will help moisture stay longer in the root circle, and also protect the ground around the seedling from weeds.

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Choice of location and conditions

If you have chosen a plant of a palm variety for planting, then it needs to prepare a shady place. All other types of Japanese maple prefer the sun. But, although many of the varieties tolerate direct sunlight, this does not apply to those that have a double leaf color: in this case, the plant only needs shade or partial shade. By the way, Japanese maple is not afraid of winds and drafts, so this parameter is not important here.

As for the soil, it should be well-drained and light. The plant prefers fertile, humus-rich soil with a slightly acidic reaction.. It is important that the root system of the plant receives moisture without obstacles and in sufficient quantities. Otherwise, the leaves of the Japanese maple may turn brown from lack of water.

The plant does not tolerate lime, so the area should not be treated with this substance. If the root system of the plant comes into contact with lime, this can lead to the fact that the leaves of the maple will begin to fall off.

It is important to know that these plants are quite thermophilic, and the harsh climate of the Russian north is unlikely to suit them. However, experienced gardeners carefully cover the tree for the winter, thanks to which they are able to grow Japanese maple even in cold winters.


For a tree, mulching is of great importance: this procedure must be carried out both in spring and in autumn. As mulch, use humus, tree bark, wood chips, compost. The procedure helps the roots of the tree to have constant access to moisture, protects the roots from freezing in winter, and it is also an additional top dressing and protection from weeds.


The plant in the first years of its life must be cut regularly, forming a crown. And then you can no longer cut, but only remove diseased and broken branches.

top dressing

In the spring, under the tree, it is necessary to make granular mineral fertilizers, and only then cover this dressing with a mulch layer. Keep in mind that nitrogenous components should be absent in the mineral complex, as they are not suitable for Japanese maple.

If the soil is fertile enough, then one feeding is enough for a year. If it is scarce, then it is necessary to feed the tree again in the summer. But you can feed the plant only until August. Then the introduction of any fertilizer must be stopped, as the maple must begin to prepare for wintering.

winter care

If the climate in your area is not very mild, be sure to cover the Japanese maple for the winter. As a covering material, it is recommended to choose garden fleece, as it is the warmest and most soft material. If there is a lot of snow in winter, then regularly free maple branches from this heavy precipitation.

Otherwise, the branches may not withstand and break. However, do not touch the tree when the branches are covered with an ice crust after a thaw: in this case, they are especially easy to break.

Japanese maple house

It is possible to grow this wonderful plant at home: in this case, a dwarf variety of maple is chosen. The Japanese believe that the presence of this plant has a positive effect on the energy of the apartment: it brings peace, happiness, peace and prosperity.

In addition to this scientifically unconfirmed belief, scientists have already proven that Japanese maple is able to purify the air in an apartment, and this has a positive effect on the microclimate of the home. In addition, the delightful flowering of the plant will delight you from spring to late autumn.

On the video - Japanese maple in the house:

At home cultivation Japanese maple becomes especially important to protect the plant from pests, since in this case the tree grows more tender.


The Japanese maple is usually propagated by seeds. You need to collect seeds in the fall, ideally - in October. In order to properly prepare the seeds for subsequent planting, they must be stratified. For this, the collected planting material is laid in a dry sand mixture and stored all winter in a cool place. In the spring, they are sown in a container, having previously treated it with a growth stimulator.

During the first summer, the seedlings do not stretch too much, but already at this stage it is possible to sort, leaving only the strongest and tallest specimens for further cultivation.

The first winter seedlings grown from seed are best spent indoors, still in their container. The next spring (the second in the life of the plant), the seedlings must be transplanted into pots of suitable size (separate for each specimen), and then, having grown a little more, transplanted into open ground.

If the climate or other reasons do not allow transplanting into the ground, make sure that the soil in the tub is rich in organic matter.

Application in garden design

The decorativeness of the Japanese maple allows you to use it as a decoration for any landscape design. The most advantageous way will look like a tree in single landing. In groups, the Japanese maple will pull the entire “blanket of attention” onto itself, therefore this species garden design not very suitable for him.

Japanese maple in garden design

If the tree is placed on a slight elevation, this will best highlight it and emphasize its beauty. Japanese maple also looks great against almost any other flowers, shrubs and trees. He can decorate with his presence a rose garden, a water zone, and a Japanese rock garden. But what conifers in landscape design suburban area can be used indicated

We examined the features of growing Japanese maple in the garden. As you can see, despite the exotic and rather original appearance, this plant can be grown quite safely in our climate. Following the advice from the article, you can easily grow this wonderful plant on your site, and decorate the landscape outside the window with a bright, cheerful spot.


Many consider fan maples to be a beautiful, whimsical toy. I also decided to buy my first maple only in 2004. Nevertheless, the confident opinion that this plant is not for our climate stopped. The result surprised me: it turned out that with a little effort on the part of the gardener, the fan maple quite loyally endures our winters.

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Now in my garden there are three fan maples, or rather, three varieties of palmate maple (Acerpalmatum): ‘Garnet’, ‘Atropurpureum’ and ‘Orange Dream’. Only three, because the choice of varieties for me was limited to an assortment of inexpensive planting material, which could be purchased at St. Petersburg garden centers. I am not a supporter of burying money, even in own garden- I try not to buy adult plants with a dubious prospect of wintering in expensive nurseries. It is better to choose a baby, let him get used to our climate, if he falls out, it will not be so pitiful for the money spent. Of course, this approach has its drawbacks, but I am ready to put up with them. As a matter of fact, today I would gladly plant other varieties, but until I find the right place for them.

What is the right place?

In nature, thickets of palmate maple tend to form undergrowth along with shrubs such as rhododendrons. And this means that when planting it, you need to choose partial shade and humus-rich soil. Like rhododendrons, palmate maple grows well on loose, permeable, acidic substrates, and even in the conditions of our rather cold Northwest, it prefers diffuse penumbra. In summer, he needs to compensate for the lack of moisture (especially in dry climates). A signal that the plant is suffering from a lack of water is withering young shoots and leaves. So the maple will have to be regularly watered and sprayed. It is even better to land it near a reservoir. To preserve moisture and maintain the level of acidity, you can also mulch the trunk circle. pine needles or peat with the addition of humus. Every spring, the mulch layer must be renewed.

Three nuances - so that the maple does not weaken

When planted in a well-filled hole, maple does not require top dressing during the season. In the future, it must be fed with a special fertilizer for heather. However, fertilizers should not be abused. An overfed plant cannot cope with fungal diseases, its bark does not ripen, and such a weakened bush most often dies during the winter. The cause of death can also be the so-called verticillium wilt, when without visible reasons leaves wither and wither on the plant and entire branches begin to die off. In this case, it is worth cutting all dead wood to healthy tissue, disinfecting the cuts and paying attention to watering (it is in a humid, warm environment that fungal organisms feel most at ease).

In the spring, I simply remove dried and damaged branches on my maples after wintering. At this time, there is intensive sap flow, and strong pruning is fraught with weakening of the plant. In mild climates, a more serious formative pruning is also possible, but again, it is recommended to carry it out in the fall, after leaf fall, when the crown structure is also clearly visible.

It acquired its name and synonyms for it (pallet-shaped maple) due to the characteristic shape sheet plate, which resembles an open fan or palm. Variety 'Orange Dream' is showy and bright among my maples. The reddish foliage of new shoots attracts attention in June, standing out against the background of the greenery of the crown. And in autumn, the leaf casts all shades of scarlet.

How to prepare it for winter

Ten years ago, few publications about the wintering of fan maples in the open field under conditions middle lane They said their unequivocal “no!”. However, the general mitigation of the climate and the successes of enthusiasts force us to gradually change the categorical tone. For the most part palm-shaped maples do not exceed one and a half meters in height. That is, in conditions of stable snow cover, their branches will be reliably protected from frost. However, you should not rely only on snow. Preparing maples for winter should begin at the end of July - August. Stop feeding nitrogen fertilizers. For better maturation of wood, no later than the beginning of September, phosphorus-potassium top dressing with microelements can be given. In the same period, reduce watering and loosening the soil, thereby stopping the growth of shoots. Immediately before wintering, remove all leaves - a source of food for pests. Finally, after the first frost, the shrub can be sprayed with a weak, 3% solution of any copper-containing preparation. To be sure, I still plant in a container. However, frosts without snow are not uncommon in the European part of Russia. Therefore, in order to be completely sure of success, maple is recommended to grow in a tub culture, transferring it to a dark, unheated room for the winter, with a stable temperature of about + 5 ° C.

Our reference

Dwarf varieties of palmate maple are often called Japanese maples. However, this is not a botanical name, but a synonym, more indicating the origin of the plant. Fan maples are usually associated with oriental motifs in the garden. However, nothing prevents you from trying them in other compositions. Graceful leaves fluttering in the wind will look good with cereals, conifers and many perennials:, garden geraniums, , .

But I chose a different wintering option: in a container, but in the garden. This was prompted by a sad story with my very first ‘Atropurpureum’ maple, bought back in 2004. After the first wintering in the open ground, the plant was heavily frozen, retaining only the lower tier of branches. To save it, I transplanted it into a 3-liter container and laid it on its side in a trench before the next winter. The effect was impressive: in the spring, absolutely all the branches were alive! Now everyone is mine fan maples immediately after the purchase, I plant them in large tubs (they spend the season in them), and with the approach of constant frosts, I put them right in the tubs and put them in a shallow trench - this way the branches stay under the snow longer. I solved the issue of wintering.

So why was the story of the first maple so sad? Alas, after that successful wintering, the bright spring sun burned the young, unaccustomed to the light crown in a week and the plant still died. I didn't know then... Containerized content has its own peculiarities. Maples living in a container need to soften the transition from a dormant state to a growing phase. Therefore, in the spring, expose the container to open sun you can’t do it right away, at first - only in partial shade! And in order to compensate for the natural evaporation of moisture, which inevitably increases in the light, the shrub must immediately be shed with plenty of water and repeat this procedure over the next week. In tub culture, plants are generally more demanding on moisture: they will have to be watered more often than ordinary garden ones.

At least once at the beginning of the season container maples it is necessary to feed with a long-acting complex fertilizer. Otherwise, in the depleted potted soil, the plant will gradually wither. But the transplant is not a problem: the root system of this type of maple is quite compact. I needed to transfer to a larger, five-liter container only in the fourth year.

Source: Maria KARELA

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Many types of maples look very decorative in the garden, especially in autumn, when their foliage turns bright red, yellow-orange, carmine tones. Perhaps, Japanese maples look the most impressive, they immediately attract the eye with their color and carved foliage and intricately curved crown shape.

Japanese maples is the common collective name for several species of maples native to the forests of Japan and Korea. They belong to: actually japanese maple, fan maple(palletoid) and shirasawa maple .

Acer japonicum Aconitifolium in autumn Japanese maple Aconitifolium summer color

Japanese maple (Acer japonicum) has insufficient frost resistance, and therefore it can only be grown in the south or as a tub plant. It is very beautiful, has deeply dissected graceful leaves and a complex color from green to cherry and burgundy.

Very beautiful and unusual looks in our gardens Japanese maple aconitophyllous (‘Aconitifolium ‘). Its foliage, cut to the ground, is green in summer and changes color to blood red in autumn.

Vine-leaved Japanese maple (‘Vitifolium’) was so named due to the shape of its leaf, it resembles a grape leaf. They are slightly dissected and end in several points. In summer, this species is also green, and in autumn it tries on a crimson outfit.

Acer Japonicum Vitifolium autumn outfit

The rarest Shirasawa Maple (Acer shirasawanum)

undersized, height up to 1.5 meters. Foliage is shallowly dissected, characterized by a large width of the plate. Classic varieties have yellow and orange leaves, form ‘Aureum’ - with an original border along the edge of the sheet plate. The leaves of this variety retain a golden color all summer, and in the fall they acquire a bright orange hue. Maple Shirasawa ‘Aureum’ is a winter-hardy shrub reaching a height of up to 4 m. He prefers sunny place or partial shade, and loose, not too wet soils. It is so ornamental that it is most often used as a tapeworm in the garden, and the small size of most varieties makes it suitable for growing as tub plants on a balcony or terrace.

Fan maple (Acer palmatum). Released to date a large number of varieties of this maple, they are all different small size bush, exquisite crown shape and magnificent autumn coloring of foliage.

Acer palmatum Orange Dream

Almost all Japanese maples that can be purchased from us are varietal, hybrids of fan maples by origin. Japanese maples proper and Shirasawa maples are much rarer and generally inferior to cultivated fan maples in the choice of different colors and forms of cultivation.

Maple Orange dream has greenish-yellow leaves with a red border around the edge, the foliage turns orange-red in autumn. This is a tall, fast-growing variety, within ten years it reaches a height of up to 10 meters.

Maple Shaina is a new dwarf variety, reaching only 1.5 m in height within 10 years, with a dense, bushy crown and deeply dissected leaves. The maple looks especially elegant in autumn, when its leaves acquire a carmine-red hue. ‘Shaina’ is great for planting in containers.

BUT new variety maple Shirazz, originating from New Zealand, got its name in honor of the most common grape variety in Australia "Shirazz". Its deeply dissected leaves show a unique play of colors: young green leaves are edged with a thin pale pink, sometimes blood-red stripe. And in autumn, the entire foliage turns bright red. The plant, reaching in adulthood up to 2 meters in height, forms a beautiful branched crown.

unusual maple Wilson's Pink Dwarf. In spring, its filigree pink flamingo foliage draws attention. In autumn, the leaves turn bright colors from light orange to red. This is a slow growing tree with a dense crown, after ten years it reaches a height of only 1.40 m. Wilson's Pink Dwarf great for planting in containers.

Slow-growing maples with dissected leaves give a special charm to the garden. green(grade Dissectum) and dark red(grade Dissectum Garnet) coloring. Their thinly dissected leaves turn yellowish-red and deep purple in autumn. At the old ornamental trees with hanging shoots, the width of the crown is sometimes twice as large as the height. Maples with dissected leaves should not be hidden in the garden, they should be allocated a prominent place, for example, in a seating area near a bench, near a stream, or on the banks of a pond.

Openwork dark red ‘ bloodgood ' is a tree-like shrub with a broad-globose crown and feathery leaves, with a delightful inky black shade of leaves and bright fruits, capable of showing an unusual dark coloration even in the shade. Crown height and width up to 4 m.

Variety ‘ Beni Kawa' with light leaves and a very bright red tint of the bark.

Japanese maple care

In order to successfully grow these beauties in the garden, you need to follow a few rules:

From own experience I can only say one thing: the "Japanese" are more unpretentious and winter-hardy than is commonly believed, and in the right place they successfully winter even at the latitude of St. Petersburg!

Japanese maples in the garden

Japanese maples have a very wide range of uses and can decorate not only Asian-style gardens. Strongly growing varieties with an umbrella-shaped crown at maturity reach a height of 4 to 5 meters, so they can be used in the garden as tapeworms. Older Japanese maples provide excellent shade for walking paths and recreational areas.

The decorativeness of maples lies in the amazing beauty of details with the general nobility and sophistication of silhouettes and shapes. After all, the contours of the maple, its shape lush crown and the graceful curves of the branches are no less filigree than the carved leaves. The lines of this plant are an impeccable example of picturesqueness, built on the harmony of naturalness and showiness. In Japanese maples, the crown is tiered or translucent, lush lace and almost weightless at the same time. And all the beauty of the foliage mass only emphasizes the decorativeness of each individual leaf, divided into elegant pointed lobes.

One of the typical landscapes of the Land of the Rising Sun is a quiet and secluded corner for relaxing under the shade of a maple tree, the beauty of which is “supported” by pillows of flowering chrysanthemums. The laconic, restrained, but surprisingly picturesque duet remains today perfect example selection of classic companions for the design of any garden. It also looks very good under Japanese maples ferns, Volzhanka, shadow sedge and rhododendrons (especially deciduous varieties, which also explode with bright fireworks of leaf transformation in autumn). Excellent companions of the Japanese maple are bamboo, funkia, azalea and other Asian garden plants. A very interesting combination will be Japanese maple with viburnum bodnantense ‘Dawn’ (Viburnum x bodnantense ‘Dawn’), or with Chinese dogwood (Cornus kousa var. chinensis). Under maples with a translucent crown, you can plant all not too tall and powerful decorative perennials and herbs suitable for planting in partial shade. But you can always limit yourself to a minimalistic design: decorative stone chips in the near-trunk zone and balancing the crown with one or two plants or large boulders around the perimeter.

In the garden, you can create fantastic and simply fabulous pictures by combining in small groups fast and slow growing maple varieties with different autumn foliage colors. Against the background of evergreens, for example, a hedge of laurel cherry or yew, the brightness and richness of colors intensify. Red-leaved maples tend to take on a carmine-red hue in autumn, while green-leafed maples change from golden yellow to orange-red.

The root system of Japanese maples, unlike domestic species, is slightly branched, with a small amount of thin hairy roots, so the plants planted under them receive enough water and nutrients.
