Diet "6 petals": an approximate menu for every day, reviews and results. Diet "6 petals": a wonderful flower from Anna Johansson The basic principles of the diet

Diet 6 petals- an effective diet of the Swedish nutritionist Anna Johansson (Anna Johansson). This diet has allowed thousands of European women to lose tens of kilograms! Johansson's "flower" technique continues to struggle with extra pounds today, winning more and more fans among women who dream of losing weight.

The diet that has helped thousands of women around the world!

The effect of the diet on extra pounds is really impressive! According to statistics, 8 out of 10 losing weight achieve maximum weight loss. The average daily weight per day is from 500 to 800 grams. In general, adherents of the “6 petals” diet manage to lose weight by the “desired” 10-15 kg in just a couple of weeks!

6 days - 6 mono-diets - 6 flower petals

The diet of 6 petals continues for six days, during which the person who is losing weight will follow 6 special mono-diets, sequentially following each other.

The first day is the first mono-diet, the second day is the second, the third is the third, etc. The Six Petals scheme is based on the sequential alternation of mono-diets. According to nutritionist Anna Johansson, who created this method for losing weight, a 24-hour mono-diet is a nutrition system that best gets rid of extra pounds.

Diet "6 petals" - the easiest and most joyful diet

Indeed, the 6-petal diet has earned the highest reviews from losing weight women! And this is due not only to its high efficiency in relation to extra pounds. Swedish nutritionist Anna Johansson, developing this technique, sought to psychologically support losing weight women. She gave her diet a subtle floral look by visualizing her menu as a hand-drawn flower.

By this, Anna is trying to say that her diet will help not only quickly get rid of extra pounds, but also maintain her health, mood, and a positive outlook on herself. After all, even the most effective weight loss program will be ineffective if it brings discomfort and depression to a woman, says Dr. Johansson.

In order to involve the losing weight in the game, in which every new day will bring him a sense of self-satisfaction and self-respect, the nutritionist suggested cutting out her own flower from paper, like the one shown in the picture above. It is not even necessary that the paper layout look like a "chamomile". You can depict a tulip, a lily, an orchid in the end ... The main thing is that your flower has 6 petals, which you will sequentially ... tear off.

Cut out your flower from paper and tear off one petal after each day spent on a diet!

Yes, yes, tearing off one paper petal every day, you will feel that this day was not in vain for your figure, that your willpower has overcome all the “delicious” temptations! Be sure to label the petals according to the picture above so you don't get confused!

Of course, whether or not to cut a paper flower is your own business. However, among the women surveyed who used the 6-petal diet, the best results were achieved by those who hung their own hand-carved flower on the refrigerator door.

How the diet works

The principle of the influence of the diet "6 petals" on excess weight is very simple! Its secret lies in the immediate physiology of our digestion, says doctor Anna Johansson.

Firstly, any mono-diet is, in essence, compliance with the rules of separate nutrition. By using a product prescribed in a particular “petal”, that is, the day of the diet, you do not mix incompatible elements that are detrimental to the figure.

For those who do not know, we note: such “competing” substances slow down the rate of digestion, resulting in the formation of proteins, fats or carbohydrates, which, without having time to be digested, are converted into subcutaneous fat. In the "6 petals" diet, there is no simultaneous use of different kinds of products, therefore, - says Anna Johansson, - the possibility of additional weight gain is excluded.

Secondly, - says the Swedish nutritionist, - daily mono-diets provoke rapid weight loss due to the monotonous diet throughout the day. According to studies conducted by the European Center for Weight Loss, a mono-diet lasting no more than 25 hours has the most aggressive effect on extra pounds. This is due to some features of our digestive system, or rather, due to its specific organ - the liver.

As you know, the liver is a repository, a kind of refrigerator for the whole organism. It stores various substances that “yet” are not needed by the body. In other words, this digestive organ holds a lot of nutrients “in reserve”. Remember, the main word here is "many".

Each day of the “6 petals” diet is accompanied by a certain mono-diet, following which, losing weight will consume one specific product: chicken, cottage cheese, fish, etc. The liver, which was discussed above, as well as the whole body, is fed up with boiled chicken meat even at breakfast and ... begins to wait for a new source of nutrition with a different chemical composition. Do you remember that the key word for the liver is "many" nutrients? But, friends, you will not use any other products during the day, because this is a daily mono-diet!

Thus, the following effect is achieved: the body, expecting something “new”, digests chicken meat (cottage cheese, fish, fruits, etc.) almost “for nothing”, practically without using its energy value. However, in order to function, it needs a source of energy. Fortunately for those who are losing weight, this source will be their own fat reserves, i.e. overweight. Subcutaneous fat will be consumed quickly enough, starting from the middle of the day. So you can imagine how much body fat can be burned on just one “petal” or on one daily mono-diet of the “6 petals” technique.

Thirdly: Another important feature of the diet, which allows you to effectively lose weight, is the protein-carbohydrate alternation scheme. The developer of the diet, doctor Anna Johansson, claims that 50% successful weight loss on the 6-petal diet is due to this particular scheme!

Judge for yourself:

Protein-carbohydrate alternation is one of the foundations for the success of the 6-petal diet!

As you can see, every day there is a change in protein nutrition for carbohydrate. This tactic allows you to "deceive" the body, forcing it to use the fat stored in the body, and at the same time not feel carbohydrate (energy) starvation.

As for the fat component of the diet of the “6 petals” diet, it is represented by extremely useful monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats (fish, cottage cheese, chicken meat), which cannot make up for the human fats consumed in the diet. Therefore, such fats are classified as dietary, and are present in the diet solely for a balanced diet.

So, let's summarize the main features of the "6 petals" diet, which allow you to quickly and effectively lose weight:

  • Protein-carbohydrate alternation provokes weight loss due to the use of subcutaneous fat reserves of the body.
  • The principles of separate nutrition, helping to part with extra pounds at an accelerated pace.
  • One-day mono-diets that allow you to “burn” body fat in an effective mode.
  • Lack of symbiotic digestion will prevent even the smallest weight gain.

Follow the sequence of "petals"!

In the “6 petals” diet, it is extremely important to follow the indicated sequence of mono-diets:

Day 1 - Fish mono-diet

Day 2 - Vegetable mono-diet

Day 3 - Chicken mono-diet

Day 4 - Cereal mono-diet

Day 5 - Cottage cheese mono-diet

Day 6 - Fruit mono-diet

Swedish nutritionist Anna Johansson, who developed the 6-petal diet, says that you need to follow the diet in the order in which it is indicated. You should not swap the menu, and, for example, on the 3rd day, carry out a cottage cheese mono-diet instead of the chicken!

The fact is that each mono-diet mentioned above fulfills its own role in the process of weight loss. In addition, the "6 petals" technique, as an effective tool for getting rid of extra pounds, uses a protein-carbohydrate alternation scheme. And this once again proves that it is impossible to change places in any case! Otherwise, you will violate the weight loss program provided by the 6-petal diet and its famous creator, nutritionist Anna Johansson.

In addition, each previous menu prepares the body for the next day's menu. It happens like this:

Fish mono-diet on the first day slightly "lulls" the body's vigilance, supplying it with a significant amount of Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids. These acids, in fact, are useful fat, which, due to its composition, is not able to be converted into subcutaneous fat deposits.

In addition, fish is the most easily digestible protein of all its existing species. Even turkey protein is inferior to it in its dietary properties.

Thus, a fish mono-diet, with a small amount of calories per day, will not only bring a significant weight, but also prepare the body for a plant-based vegetable diet due to the high content of high-quality protein.

A vegetable mono-diet prescribed to a person who is losing weight on the second day will further reduce the calorie content of the daily diet and enrich the body with useful vegetable carbohydrates, which, due to their structure, bring a small amount of energy at a significant cost for their digestion. Since the body needs additional energy to process them, it reduces the number of its own fat cells.

Thus, in one day of a mono-diet, you can lose up to 2 kilograms of excess weight. Vegetable mono-diets are even more effective if they were preceded by a purely protein diet. The 6-petal diet used only fish products the day before, which corresponds to a pure protein diet.

Chicken mono-diet will replenish protein reserves in the body. Since the previous day, losing weight followed a vegetable mono-diet, all the protein “eaten” with chicken will be spent without a trace on strengthening your muscles, and will in no way replenish body fat. Feeling a lack of carbohydrates, your metabolism will again be tuned to receive energy from the fat cells of the body, which will result in a significant weight loss in a given day.

The sequence of all six days of the diet is thought out as detailed as possible!

The cereal mono-diet is also rich in carbohydrates that help the body lose weight. Cereals, having a fairly hard shell, are difficult to digest by the stomach. Their digestion takes a lot of time and effort of the digestive system. The body, as in the case of a vegetable mono-diet, will make up for the missing energy at the expense of its own fat reserves.

Since the previous day, losing weight followed a chicken mono-diet, the complex carbohydrates of cereals will almost completely go to replenish glycogen stores. Therefore, the energy necessary for life, the body, again, will have to be taken through the use of subcutaneous fatty tissue.

The cottage cheese mono-diet on the fifth day will replenish the missing reserves of minerals depleted over the previous 4 days. At the same time, cottage cheese, being a low-calorie source of high-quality protein, will be almost completely split into essential amino acids, since its composition is closest to the “ideal” protein. Thus, the "curd" protein will not be converted by the liver into glucose, which will not be able to supply the body with energy. As a result, the metabolism will again have to turn to the stored extra pounds that you are so eager to get rid of.

The fruit mono-diet on the final, 6th day of the diet is designed to provide the body with complex carbohydrates - polysaccharides. The polysaccharides contained in fruits are difficult to digest by the human gastrointestinal tract, assigning huge doses of energy for this. Where do you think this energy will come from? Well, of course, from your fat reserves. It turns out that you are losing weight again!

As you can see, every day of the 6-petal diet is thought out in as much detail as possible! All 6 days are links of one chain, one consistent and effective weight loss program. “Therefore, in no case do not alternate them at your discretion!” Warns nutritionist Anna Johansson.

Diet menu "6 petals"

Day 1 - Mono-fish diet

It is allowed to use any kind of fish in boiled, baked or stewed form. You can use salt and mild seasonings, herbs. Allowed ear (without potatoes and other ingredients except greens), fish broth.

Day 2 - Vegetable Mono Diet

It is allowed to use any variety of vegetables in raw, boiled, baked or stewed form. You can use salt and mild seasonings, herbs. Vegetable juices are allowed.

Day 3 - Chicken mono diet

It is allowed to use chicken fillet (breast) boiled, baked or stewed. You can use salt and mild seasonings, herbs. Chicken broth is allowed.

Day 4 - Cereal mono diet

It is allowed to use any kind of cereals, cereals, germinated seeds, seeds, cereals, bran, fiber. You can use salt, herbs. Kvass is allowed.

Day 5 - Cottage cheese mono-diet

It is allowed to use cottage cheese, fat-free or with a low percentage of fat content. Milk is allowed.

Day 6 - Fruit Mono Diet

It is allowed to use any kind of fruit in raw or baked form. You can use spices such as cinnamon, vanilla, lemon zest. Fruit juices without sugar are allowed.

Diet "6 petals" prohibits the use of sugar and sugar-containing products!

Sugar throughout the diet should be eliminated from both food and drink.

Drinking regimen involves the use of clean drinking water, green or black tea. It is advisable to reduce the amount of coffee.

After a six-day period, the course of the "6 petals" diet can be started again.

How to get out of the 6 petal diet

The way out of the 6 petal diet depends on your future plans, if you plan to continue to lose weight, you can go on a long-term non-hungry balanced diet.

If you only want to consolidate the result, eat basically the same foods as on the diet, without restrictions on days, gradually increasing the caloric content of the diet to 1400-1800 kcal, depending on weight and physical activity.

It is advisable to continue to adhere to the principles of separate nutrition.

This nutrition system was developed by Anna Johansson, a well-known nutritionist from Sweden (which is why she is sometimes called Swedish). She devoted most of her life to the search for a miraculous "vaccine" for excess weight, and, in the end, she succeeded.

The program is very beautifully called the 6 petal diet, which makes the uninitiated associate it with flowers. In fact, it has nothing to do with them, but it allows you to achieve very impressive results.

The essence of the diet

Not so long ago, the 6 petals mono diet for weight loss was unanimously approved by the Association of Dietitians. Voluntary tests were conducted, which showed good results: losing weight lost about 800 grams daily, while maintaining good health.

At the end of the experiment, additional medical studies were assigned, according to which, many health indicators for all participants were improved. That is, this nutrition system allows you not only to fight excess weight, but also strengthens the body.

Its essence is in separate nutrition, due to which the necessary efficiency is achieved. Duration - only 6 days (hence the number in the name of the diet). During weight loss, it is required to follow 6 mono-diets, following one after another: for each - 1 day.

At the same time, it is strictly forbidden to violate the sequence, since it is an alternation of protein and carbohydrate days. During the day, you will have to eat foods that belong to the same food category and are identical in their chemical composition.

The order is:

  1. Fish day (protein petal);
  2. Vegetable (carbohydrate);
  3. Chicken (protein);
  4. Cereal (carbohydrate);
  5. Curd (protein);
  6. Fruity (carbohydrate).

Why, then, is the 6-petal diet so interestingly named if nothing like herbs and flowers is on the menu? This is nothing but a psychological trick from the developer. It is aimed at maintaining the "moral health" of losing weight.

Anna Johansson thus wanted to cheer up the followers of the nutrition system. She advises to make a flower with paper petals with your own hands, on which the name of the mono-diet should be written. This chamomile should hang in a conspicuous place in the apartment and motivate at times when you want to break loose. If you tear off a petal daily, this will enhance the effect and help you endure a hunger strike more easily.

Fish day. Do not be afraid to include oily fish (tuna, halibut, salmon, trout, herring, mackerel) in the menu of the 1st day. It is also quite useful, as it contains omega-3 - fats that accelerate lipolysis, reduce the level of "bad" cholesterol and improve overall health.

Products: lists, cooking method, servings

In order to correctly compose a menu for a 6-petal diet, you need to know the lists of allowed foods for each mono-diet and prohibited ones that will violate the weight loss scheme and harm.

Prohibited products:

  • canned food;
  • sweets (jam, sugar, chocolate);
  • bread, rolls;
  • oils - butter and vegetable;
  • alcohol, carbonated drinks, energy drinks;
  • smoked meats;
  • marinades;
  • pickles;
  • fast foods.

The allowed products are shown in the table below.

As part of the 6 petal diet, salt is one of the permitted products, but its amount must be strictly limited if you want to achieve good results.

Vegetable day. Despite the fact that on the second day all vegetables are allowed to eat, you should not get carried away with potatoes. It is still quite high in calories and can slow down the process of losing weight.


The diet has contraindications, as it leads to rapid weight loss. Because of this, the body experiences serious stress, and the functions of diseased organs can be impaired.

You can not test this method of losing weight in the presence of the following diseases and conditions:

  • lactation;
  • pregnancy;
  • diabetes;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • problems with the digestive tract, especially ulcers and gastritis;
  • kidney disease;
  • parallel drug treatment;
  • pathology of the endocrine system;
  • special medical nutrition (dietary table No. ...);
  • rehabilitation period after operations.

It is undesirable to use the technique for people whose work is associated with serious mental and physical stress. As it was revealed in the course of research, it reduces the level of performance and concentration. There will definitely be no surge of power.

Chicken day. Don't take the title of this step literally. The developer allows you to eat the meat of any dietary poultry, lean beef and veal. They will strengthen muscle mass and allow you to throw off subcutaneous fat.

Since the diet is very multifaceted, it needs to be thoroughly understood in order to avoid annoying mistakes that will interfere with effective weight loss. So you have to follow certain rules, many of which are written by Anna Johansson herself. We designed them in the form of questions that are most often asked by those who are losing weight, and the answers of nutritionists.

  • How many foods per day can you eat?

In order not to sort out calories, you need to measure out the portions that you plan to consume daily:

  • How many circles can you do?

Many are interested in how often you can repeat the 6 petal diet. If you want to continue it (Johansson herself recommends only 2 cycles lasting 2 weeks), then the menu of the 7th (intermediate between the petals) day can be represented by 2 options.

Option 1. Return to your normal diet as before, but minimize fatty, fried, spicy, salty foods, sweets, and carbohydrates.

Option 2. This may be a fasting day without gas.

  • How long can you diet?

No more than two weeks.

  • Which diet is more effective: favorite or 6 petals?

The 6 petal slimming system is distinguished by a greater degree of professional development. Its principles are scientifically substantiated and supported by nutritionists.

With your favorite diet, everything is much more complicated. First, the author is unknown. Secondly, the tracing paper from the Swedish technique is immediately visible, and not the most successful one. Interspersing mono-diets with drinking fasting days is quite dangerous for health. In addition, there are no fish and meat days in your favorite, so you won’t be able to amuse yourself with protein and phosphorus. Experts have been warning about the harmfulness of a large amount of liquid food for the stomach for a long time.

  • Can you drink coffee?

You can, but only black, without sugar, cream and milk.

  • How to get out of the 6 petal diet?

A very important role is played by a competent way out of the diet, which allows you not to regain the lost kilograms.

You can not immediately pounce on high-calorie foods: fatty meat, fried potatoes, sweets. First, consolidate the result by observing the principles of proper nutrition, taking care of a balanced diet. It is advisable to follow the rules of separate nutrition in the first 4-5 days after the Swedish fast, that is, do not combine proteins and carbohydrates in meals. The optimal calorie content of the menu is 1,400-1,800 kcal per day.

In addition, it is necessary to pay enough attention to and. They will keep the body and muscles in good shape, help to avoid sagging skin.

  • What can replace the fish?

If you can not eat fish (due to allergies or illness), then it is better to choose a different method of losing weight. Of course, you can replace it with seafood, but you will not get the amount of omega-3 fatty acids that the 6-petal diet is based on.

  • What can you drink?

Allowed drinks: 1.5 liters of pure water, coffee without milk and sugar, black or also without sugar.

  • How much can you drop?

Some, the most persistent, who did not break the rules, arranged unloading on the 7th day and actively went in for sports, lost 2 times more. Here, much depends not only on a well-designed menu and strict adherence to the principles of the nutrition system, but also on motivation, willpower, initial weight, and health status.

  • What are the hours for meals?

If you have to eat earlier, the time shifts exactly one hour.

Since the "chamomile" diet is distinguished by strict principles, it is necessary to strictly adhere to the routine. Many people complain that dinner is too late, but most still stay up until 11 pm, so eating 3 hours before bedtime is perfectly acceptable.

Cereal day. When eating cereals, you need to be careful with corn, which is a high-calorie food.


For the 6 petal diet, there is an approximate menu for every day with an indication of the time that will not allow you to make a mistake with the diet. You can only change dishes in it (for example, baked salmon for steamed trout), but the products must remain in the same food category.

Such a detailed menu for the week is distinguished by a balanced diet and adherence to all the principles of the diet. So useful advice from nutritionists: do not change anything in it.

Creative day. Do not get carried away with sour-milk products, which can cause strong fermentation, bloating and flatulence. Low-calorie cottage cheese and a glass of milk will be enough.


To make the 6-petal diet menu not only healthy, low-calorie and balanced, but also tasty, try to diversify your diet with unusual dishes. Some interesting recipes (one for each day) can be found here.

Fish day: pike soup


  • 200 gr pike fillet;
  • half a liter of water;
  • salt, spices, herbs.


  1. Boil the fillet in lightly salted water.
  2. Drain the broth, leaving a small amount at the bottom of the pot.
  3. Grind the boiled fish with the rest of the broth in a blender.
  4. Add spices and herbs.

Vegetable day: tomato soup


  • 0.5 kg of tomatoes;
  • 1 onion;
  • 3 cloves of garlic;


  1. Pour quite a bit of water into the saucepan.
  2. Dip chopped onion and garlic into it.
  3. Simmer for 10 min.
  4. Remove the skin from the tomato and cut into cubes.
  5. Add them to the onions and garlic.
  6. Simmer 5 min.
  7. Add water so that it completely covers the tomatoes.
  8. Simmer another 10 min.
  9. Turn off the stove, cool.
  10. Grind everything in a blender.
  11. Add salt, spices and herbs.

Chicken Day: Chicken Kiev


  • 250 gr chicken fillet;
  • bulb;
  • salt, spices;
  • parsley or cilantro;
  • egg white.


  1. Make minced meat from the fillet by passing it through a meat grinder.
  2. Chop the onion, you can lightly fry in a dry frying pan.
  3. Cut greens.
  4. Salt minced meat, season with spices, onions.
  5. Beat egg white, add to minced meat.
  6. Form cutlets.
  7. Pour water or chicken broth into an oven dish instead of oil. Put meatballs in it.
  8. Bake in the oven for half an hour at 180 ° C.

Cereal day: buckwheat cutlets


  • half a glass of buckwheat;
  • liter of water;
  • salt, pepper, herbs, seasonings.


  1. Boil buckwheat in lightly salted water.
  2. Cool and grind in a blender.
  3. Add spices and chopped herbs.
  4. Shape the cutlets, put on a baking sheet, into which you can pour a little water.
  5. Put the baking sheet in a preheated oven to 180 ° C for 20 minutes.

Curd Day: Dessert Mousse


  • a pack of fat-free cottage cheese;
  • 100 ml of milk;
  • 0.5 tsp sweetener;


  • Whisk all ingredients in a blender.

Fruit Day: Baked Apple


  • 1 green;
  • 1 dried apricots;
  • 1 prunes.


  1. Remove the core and seeds from the apple.
  2. Fill the recess with dried apricots and prunes.
  3. Put on a deep plate.
  4. Cover the top with foil paper.
  5. Bake in the microwave for 7 minutes.

Fruit day. Here you will have to limit the use of bananas, mangoes, persimmons and grapes, which are too high in calories for any diet.

The 6-petal Swedish diet is a very well-planned weight loss scheme. It is not in vain that it was developed by a professional - a nutritionist, who can be trusted with your health. Of course, you can’t lose 10 kg with it, but the weight loss will be noticeable.

The value of this program is primarily that the negative impact on the body is minimized. This will bring the figure in order with good health and without exhaustion.

Many people want to lose weight, lose extra pounds, while feeling good, eating delicious meals. How to combine all this? Anna Johansson solved this problem by offering a 6-petal power system. The author works as a dietitian, so she approached the issue of losing weight with professional knowledge. What does it represent mono-diet 6 petals, and what are the reviews and results of losing weight.

Mono diet improves metabolism

  • the first is fish;
  • the second is vegetable;
  • the third is chicken;
  • the fourth is cereal;
  • fifth - cottage cheese;
  • the sixth is fruity.

It is based on the phased filling of the body with carbohydrates, this happens daily. Improves metabolism, reduces weight. The sequence of days must be strictly observed.

Benefits of the diet:

  • efficiency, weight is reduced by 6-10 kg;
  • there is no feeling of hunger;
  • there are no strict requirements for products, for example, dairy products with a low fat content can be consumed;
  • a wide variety of acceptable dishes;
  • the body does not lack useful elements.

The alternation of mono-diets makes the body burn its reserves, dramatically reduce weight.

  1. You can not eat sweets, flour, spices.
  2. Food should be chewed well.
  3. Meals should be done in small portions.
  4. You should follow the order of alternation of days proposed by the diet.
  5. Drinking should not be combined with food.
  6. Freshly prepared meals should be consumed.
  7. Chocolate is banned.
  8. When preparing the dishes of the week, any kind of oil is prohibited.
  9. From coffee during the diet should be abandoned.

Petal is called tasty, because the dishes do not have time to get bored, they are distinguished by diversity and variability. Exhausting feeling of hunger is not felt.

Daily menu

You should eat for six days, alternating protein meals with meals that are high in complex carbohydrates.

The following alternation of days is suggested:

  1. The day prepares the body for the diet week.
  2. Vegetable day is filled with low-calorie meals.
  3. Chicken Day saturates the body with protein.
  4. Cereal day feeds carbohydrates.
  5. Cottage cheese day adds proteins, minerals.
  6. A fruit day saturates with complex carbohydrates.

fish day

Fish day saturates the body with useful fatty acids

You can eat 0.5-0.6 kg of fish. The following diet is offered:

  1. Breakfast: steam fish.
  2. Second breakfast: boiled fish.
  3. Dinner: wow.
  4. Afternoon snack: baked in the oven.
  5. Dinner: boiled fish fillet.

We fill the body with useful ones that will come in handy in the coming days.

Suitable varieties of fish: trout, salmon, sturgeon, salmon, hake, cod, blue whiting, telapia, lemonema, flounder. Cooked ear will be useful. It is forbidden to eat fried fish on this day.

When cooking, you should use a little salt, spices. It is desirable to add greens to the ear, but vegetables should be discarded. Drink tea without sugar. Don't forget clean water.

vegetable day

The second day is vegetable

You can eat 1.1-1.4 kg of different vegetables.

Menu for the day:

  • breakfast: mashed potatoes;
  • second breakfast: stewed vegetables;
  • lunch: carrot, beetroot salad;
  • afternoon snack: zucchini from the oven;
  • dinner: cabbage salad, cucumbers, tomatoes, greens.

On this day, the energy consumption for digesting vegetables should be more than what you get from food during the day. The body will begin to burn its fat reserves. The diet of this day consists of raw, stewed, boiled, baked. Drink green tea besides water. Vegetable juices are great for vitamins.

chicken day

3 day fills the body with protein

You can eat 0.5 kg of cooked chicken meat. The following diet is offered:

  • breakfast: boiled breast;
  • second breakfast: chicken cooked in the oven;
  • lunch: broth with fillet, greens;
  • afternoon snack: stewed chicken;
  • dinner: grilled chicken meat.

The body is filled with protein. Add chicken broth, tea. Let's not forget about water.

cereal day

You can eat 0.2 kg of dry cereals. The following diet is offered:

  • breakfast: buckwheat porridge cooked in water;
  • second breakfast: oatmeal with nuts;
  • lunch: boiled rice;
  • afternoon snack: cereal bread;
  • dinner: sprouted wheat.

It is allowed to add sesame seeds, 50 g of nuts and seeds, cereal bread, greens to the diet. Do not use honey, sugar. It is recommended to drink herbal and green tea.

cottage cheese day

On cottage cheese day, you can drink some milk and yogurt

The daily norm of the product is 0.5 kg. During the day, the following diet is offered:

  • breakfast: cottage cheese;
  • second breakfast: 1/2 milk, cottage cheese;
  • lunch: cheesecakes cooked in the oven;
  • afternoon snack: 1/2 cup milk, cottage cheese;
  • dinner: 150 g low-fat yogurt.

The body receives protein nutrition. It is acceptable to use 250 g of milk and a little natural yogurt. In addition to water, you can drink herbal tea.

fruit day

Fruit Day saturates the body with vitamins

The daily norm of the product is 1.5 kg. The following diet is offered:

  • breakfast: banana puree with apple;
  • second breakfast: orange, grapes;
  • lunch: oven-baked apples, pears;
  • afternoon snack: assorted fruits.
  • dinner: apple.

The body replenishes carbohydrates and minerals. You need to eat different in any variations and combinations. Drink juices, herbal teas. You can season with lemon, ginger, cinnamon.

How to get out of the diet?

To improve the result, you need to play sports

Termination is an important step. Most diets sin in that after a rapid weight loss and exit from the diet, losing weight gains even more kilograms in a short time.

You should fix the result obtained during the diet. It is necessary to pre-paint the menu, while making the most of those recipes that were used during the diet. The calorie content of meals should be gradually increased to 1450-1750 kcal per day. It is necessary to observe the principle of separate nutrition within 7 days. You can make small detours.

Experts recommend making the seventh day unloading. If not, then eliminate heavy foods from the diet. Be sure to drink clean water and juices. It is strictly forbidden to use sweet, fried, fatty, flour on the 7th day.

Do not forget about the benefits of sports exercises, they will help the body look good. Muscles will be more prominent. The skin will look better.

Massage and self-massage help to keep the body in good shape.

  • you need to drink more clean water, you need at least two liters a day;
  • should move more and play sports;
  • reduce the amount of salt;
  • diet must be observed;
  • increase the amount of vegetables and fruits consumed;
  • you need to eat less sweets;
  • use bread from wholemeal flour;
  • you can not reduce the number of dishes from cereals.

If you follow these simple rules, then the weight that was lost during the diet will no longer return.

Who is banned from such a diet?

You don't have to starve while following the chamomile diet. And this is its main feature, so this weight loss system is suitable for almost everyone. Excess body weight is gone. The flower diet has its contraindications. It should be abandoned by expectant mothers. When breastfeeding a baby, you should forget about the diet.

If there are diseases that require a diet, then this diet should be forgotten until recovery. With diseases of the stomach, liver, kidneys, refrain from the diet. The presence of diabetes is a serious contraindication, as well as heart disease.

If the body is deficient in vitamins and other elements, then you should not aggravate the situation. With diagnoses of anemia, beriberi, you need to improve the diet, and not limit it.

Transferred infectious diseases are a restriction for the diet. In other words, after the flu, SARS, no diets for a crescent. Otherwise, the body will not have time to recover, the disease will drag on and may cause complications.

In the recovery postoperative period, you should do without diets.

If the temperature rises, weakness appears, then the diet should be postponed to a more favorable time.

Any dietary restriction is a serious burden for the body, so it is advisable to consult before starting nutrition according to this system, because you need not only to reduce weight, but also not to harm your health.

Mono diet 6 petals, reviews

On average, weight loss is 400-800 g per day, depending on the build of the person losing weight. And the weight goes away every day. The final weight reduction is 6-10 kg.

All those who are on a flower diet claim that they did not experience hunger, because they need to eat every three hours.

Losing weight noted the following positive aspects of the flower diet:

  • no feeling of weakness, headache;
  • feeling of lightness;
  • some salt is present in the dishes, so dehydration does not occur;
  • the menu is quite varied;
  • nice results;
  • cooked meals are delicious.

The lack of a diet that loses weight is called the lack of sweets. Most often, negative reviews are associated with the fact that the principles of the diet were not followed.

Through diet, you can achieve good results in losing weight

If the quality of the products to be used were of low quality, then the diet may not be effective enough.

Doctors say that rapid weight loss is bad. Fatty tissues are burned, but along with them, the elasticity of the skin is lost. Diets adversely affect the condition of hair and nails. Therefore, during the diet, you should take care of them. And in order for the body to look good, it is necessary to actively engage in sports.

Nutritionists are usually extremely negative about any mono diets. They believe that muscles are often burned instead of fatty tissues, the body is dehydrated. The metabolic process slows down.

Nutritionists warn that you should use the diet no more than three times a year and you must first consult a doctor.

You can learn about another interesting and effective diet from the video.

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Lose up to 800 grams of fat per day without hunger and stress, eating meatballs, cookies and desserts - on a diet of "6 petals" it's real! Recipes for dishes that will restore your harmony and beauty can be found in the article!

Swedish nutritionist Anna Johansson's 6 Petal Diet (often referred to as the Chamomile Diet, Flower Diet) is based on a six-day mono menu. The creator of the diet visualized her idea as a flower with six petals (days). On each petal, she depicted a product that is allowed for consumption that day. The main thing is to use the products in the order in which it is recommended. Then for each six-day cycle you can lose from 2 to 5 kilograms. Let's take a closer look at the features of this power system.


The 6 Petal Diet breaks down the diet into cycles of six days:

  • the first is any fish;
  • the second - various vegetables;
  • the third is a chicken;
  • the fourth - cereals (cereals);
  • fifth - cottage cheese;
  • sixth - a variety of fruits.

The number of products per day by the “6 petals” slimming system has not been established, but nutritionists recommend adhering to the following restrictions: fish, chicken, cottage cheese - no more than 0.5 kg, fruits and vegetables - a maximum of 1.5 kg, cereals - no more than 0, 2-0.3 kg dry.

Important! Do not change products among themselves!

How much you can lose weight in one day mono diet for weight loss 6 petals depends on the individual characteristics of the body and physical activity experienced during the day. As a rule, weight loss is 500-800 grams.

What can you drink during weight loss? So this is water, tea, herbal infusions, juices.

The basic rules of the Swedish food system "6 petals"

  1. During the day, you can eat only one product.
  2. You need to eat often, in small portions, swallow food only after thoroughly chewing.
  3. Drink liquids between meals, not during.
  4. Products must be consumed exactly in the recommended sequence, since it contains the principle of alternating proteins and carbohydrates.
  5. Give up sweets, pastries, spices.

How long you can sit on a flower diet depends on your weight and patience. As a rule, after going through one cycle and taking a break, it is recommended to repeat the course. However, after leaving the six-day weight loss course, you do not need to immediately attack your favorite food. After all, health and weight depend on what you eat daily. Throw off as much as you can throw off on the Swedish food system, and continue to adhere to the principles of rational nutrition. Only then will you keep the effect of losing weight.

Women around the world have proven the effectiveness of the Swedish 6 petal diet. Doctors agree with them, because the principle of separate nutrition allows the body to take only useful substances from each product, without turning calories into excess weight. By adhering to nutritional recommendations, you will not experience hunger and stress. To cheer you up, you can draw and cut out a flower, write the name of the product on each of the 6 petals and color it with bright felt-tip pens. By hanging such a flower in a conspicuous place, you will remember your goal.


The diet of those who choose to follow the Swedish 6-petal food system will consist of only 6 foods for 6 days. One product per day, in strict sequence with recommendations. There is no need to make a special menu, choose the recipes that are familiar to you. Steam cooking recipes are preferred, with a minimum amount of oil and salt. Judging by the reviews, the products offered can be enjoyed all 6 days.

When preparing for a six-day mono-nutrition course, stock up on food for a week, based on the recommended amount for each product. The menu of each day may consist of the following recipes.

First day:

  • boiled fish with a little salt;
  • fish baked in foil;
  • soup with fish without potatoes and other vegetables;
  • steamed fish;
  • boiled fish.

Attention! Portion sizes should be such that you consume a maximum of 0.5 kg of fish during the day!

2 day diet six petals:

  • white cabbage salad with lemon juice;
  • grated carrots;
  • mashed potatoes without oil;
  • grilled eggplant;
  • any raw vegetables.
  • boiled chicken without skin;
  • chicken bouillon;
  • baked chicken in the oven;
  • chicken stewed in pieces;
  • boiled breast.
  • oatmeal boiled in water (you can add a little honey);
  • millet porridge with a little salt;
  • buckwheat porridge with a little salt;
  • unpeeled rice;
  • buckwheat.
  • a glass of fat-free kefir;
  • cottage cheese with low-fat yogurt;
  • cottage cheese casserole;
  • fat-free cottage cheese;
  • a glass of milk.
  • baked apple with a spoonful of honey;
  • oranges, kiwi;
  • peaches;
  • a pineapple;
  • fresh apples.

Drink mineral water, herbal and green tea between meals. In addition, on the corresponding mono days, you can drink broth from fish, chicken or vegetables.

fish day

The menu of this day consists of any fish, including oily. The main thing is not to expose it to frying and not to use canned food.

Fish contains omega polyunsaturated fatty acids, which act as antioxidants in the body. Therefore, the calories that it contains are indispensable for the body and do not lead to weight gain. As a liquid, you can drink the broth left after cooking the fish.

Recipe Examples

Fish in a steamer

Take a fish fillet (chum salmon, salmon or any other fish), salt it. Cook in a double boiler, covering the fillet with herbs.

Fish baked in the oven

Take the fish fillet, salt, coat with a mixture of garlic and herbs. Wrap in foil and bake in the oven.

Fish soup

Boil a piece of lean fish fillet. Grind in a blender, add chopped herbs, salt and heat again on fire.


The menu of this day consists only of vegetables. They can be eaten raw, as well as boiled, grilled or steamed. Vegetable soups, vegetable juices are allowed.

Despite the fact that vegetables contain carbohydrates, this day has a very low calorie content. Plus, they are rich in vitamins and minerals that are beneficial to the body.

Recipe Examples

Vegetable stew

Take tomatoes, carrots, cabbage, peppers, eggplant, onions. Throw the chopped onion into the pan, then the grated carrots, let them go a little. Add diced eggplant, tomatoes and peppers. Simmer with a little water and salt until tender.

Boiled broccoli

Boil cabbage in water with salt. Season with a sauce of lemon juice, chopped herbs and Provence herbs.

Vegetable soup "tomato"

Half a kilo of tomatoes, diced, stew in a deep frying pan with garlic and salt. After 10 minutes, add a little water (depending on what consistency you want to get) and simmer until tender. Kill the finished tomatoes with basil or other herbs of your choice using a blender.


This is one of the protein days of the Swedish weight loss system. Boiled, stewed or baked lean chicken meat is used as food, as well as chicken soup.

Chicken meat is rich in protein, and there are very few calories in it. However, proteins have nutritional properties, so you will not feel hungry.

Recipe Examples

Chicken cutlets in a steamer

Finely chop the chicken breast with a knife, add the egg, salt and finely chopped greens. Cooking in a steamer.

Chicken fillet in the oven

Spread chicken fillet with salt and finely chopped herbs. Wrap in foil, bake in the oven until tender.

Braised chicken in gravy

Cut the chicken fillet into cubes, place in a deep frying pan. Add salt, herbs. Simmer covered for a few minutes until done.


Your menu will consist exclusively of cereals. They can be boiled or simply poured with water and allowed to swell. You can add a small amount of salt.

Porridges are complex carbohydrates, they are digested for a long time, creating a feeling of satiety. In addition, cereals help cleanse the body.

A handful of nuts are also allowed, which can be added to a plate of porridge. It is allowed to drink a glass of kvass.

Recipe Examples

Buckwheat cutlets baked in the oven

Boil 100 grams of buckwheat, adding a little salt to the water. Mix buckwheat and herbs in a blender. Form the mass into cutlets, bake in a preheated oven for 20 minutes.

Homemade muesli

Pour boiling water over oatmeal, let it brew for 15 minutes. Add prunes or walnuts to taste.

Oatmeal cookies

Mix oatmeal (150 g) with skim milk (1 cup). Add quenched soda at the end of a teaspoon and some vanilla. When the mixture has swollen, form cookies and place on a baking tray, previously covered with foil. Bake in a preheated oven.


The menu of this day consists of cottage cheese. It is better to use fat-free cottage cheese, it can be seasoned with low-fat yogurt. You can also drink skim milk, kefir. If you have a question about how to replace cottage cheese, then it can only be replaced with a similar protein product. For example, ricotta cheese or cheese. However, remember that cottage cheese is still a priority, as it is low in calories and does not contain salt.

Cottage cheese contains a large amount of protein, and trace elements such as calcium, useful for the skeletal system of the body.

Recipe Examples

Casserole in a double boiler

Take a pack of fat-free cottage cheese, an egg, a tablespoon of semolina, raisins, five tablespoons of yogurt, vanilla or cinnamon. Knead the dough and place in the steamer bowl. Cook according to instructions.

Baked cheesecakes

Mix a pack of fat-free cottage cheese, a tablespoon of semolina and an egg. Dip cheesecakes in a mixture of semolina with cinnamon, bake in the oven.

Curd dessert

Whip cottage cheese and half a cup of instant coffee in a blender. Add a sweetener. Beat until frothy.


On the last day of the cycle, your diet consists of fruits and fruit juices. Fruits are used both raw, in the form of salads, and baked or stewed. Fruits are made up of fiber, contain few calories, so the process of losing weight will be active. Nutritionists do not recommend eating bananas for weight loss, as they have a high calorie content, and grapes, since they contain a lot of sucrose.

Recipe Examples

fruit smoothie

Blend mango with pineapple chunks in a blender. Fresh mint leaves can be added to the mixture.

Raspberry fresh

Blend raspberries in a blender. Sprinkle the finished dish with a little powdered sugar.

Favorite fruit salad

Dice mango, melon, kiwi, apple, orange. Add some lemon juice and half a spoonful of honey (if needed). Stir.


The course of the Swedish system for weight loss can include no more than 4 circles of six days each. How many circles you can do, you choose. Keep track of your health, your well-being during weight loss. It all depends on how many pounds you need to lose. One circle is enough for someone, and someone will have to go through four. Between six-day cycles, arrange a day of eating regular foods, with the exception of bread and sweets.

Getting out of the diet

Responsibly treat the exit from the diet. For the first few days, try to eat foods from the 6-petal diet, gradually adding other types of foods to them. The variety and calorie content of dishes should be increased gradually, adhering to a generally low-calorie diet. You can repeat the course of weight loss no earlier than 30 days after its completion.

To decide how to eat after a diet, just listen to your body. After all, you have already managed to wean yourself from harmful, unhealthy writing. Continue to limit the consumption of sweet, fried, fatty foods. Cook dishes in a double boiler or oven. And also, do not forget about light physical activity and a healthy lifestyle.

When asked if coffee can be drunk, nutritionists say that one cup of unsweetened black coffee certainly won't hurt. However, it is better to drink green tea or herbal infusions, which in themselves contribute to weight loss.


  • chronic liver diseases;
  • stomach ulcer;
  • kidney disease;
  • diabetes;
  • any diseases in which a strict diet is indicated;
  • heart disease;
  • you can not follow a diet during pregnancy and lactation.

The flower nutrition system is indicated for weight loss in almost all categories of people, as it does not involve starvation. However, whether the “6 petals” weight loss system is harmful for your body, your attending physician will answer, based on your state of health. If you follow all the recommendations, weight loss occurs quickly enough, so before you start adhering to this nutrition system, be sure to consult your doctor.

Application on Android

To make the process of the 6 petals mono diet for weight loss easier and turn it into an exciting activity, you can download the 6 petals diet app for free on your smartphone or tablet. This smart program will tell you in detail about each day of the weight loss course, help you choose a menu, build a graph of your weight change.

Nutritionists consider the Swedish system for weight loss very effective, as it implements the principle of separate nutrition that is effective for weight loss. For maximum results, follow these tips and tricks:

  • eat fractionally, in small portions;
  • drink plenty of fluids;
  • do fitness;
  • do not start the process of losing weight if you have just been ill and your body is weakened;
  • choose fresh products, do not cook for future use;
  • although salt and spices are not prohibited, try to minimize their amount, as they stimulate the appetite and retain fluid in the body;
  • while losing weight, do not drink alcohol, as it also contains calories and, moreover, stimulates the appetite.