How to brew black tea? How much to brew black tea for a delicious drink


In this article, we bring to your attention different variants(including a simplified technology) for the correct brewing of Chinese tea High Quality. This will help you get the most out of tea drinking and discover best properties tea is most complete - aroma, taste, aftertaste, impact. How to drink Chinese tea for benefits, not harm.

These simple rules They are also relevant in conditions when it is not possible to hold a full-fledged Chinese tea party.

Important aspects that must not be violated:

1. Fresh water of the first boil is used for tea (boil the water once until a slight disturbance on the surface and small bubbles form). Important: the water should boil at the same time, and not be underboiled. It is highly desirable that the water be either spring or purchased, of a good brand (good water from the companies Arkhyz, Senezhskaya and some others). Suitable also good quality filtered water. Before brewing green, yellow and white teas, water after boiling is allowed to cool to 75-80 degrees. Oolongs and pu-erhs can be brewed with boiling water.
2. Dishes for brewing must be preheated with boiling water
3. Tea is brewed repeatedly, up to 5-10 times as desired (the specific number of brews depends on the amount of dry leaf per teapot, as well as the type of tea)
4. After the next pouring of tea hot water, tea is almost immediately poured into cups
5. The tea leaf after draining the tea remains in the teapot without water to avoid over-brewing
6. Tea must be drunk warm

7. Tea reveals its taste characteristics to the maximum, and also brings maximum benefit body only on condition that all of the above is observed

In view of the above, we propose the following course of action:

1. Boil water until the first bubbles appear
2. Pour water into a thermos
3. Take a teapot * for brewing tea (or from), or, with a volume equal to the volume of cups by the number of people (if the cups are 100 ml, three people drink tea, then the teapot should be 300 ml)
4. Warm the kettle with boiling water or steam, also warm and
5. Place dry tea leaf** for brewing on a beautiful plate or in a special container "" (tea box).
6. So, we have: with boiling water, a teapot for brewing (empty and warmed up), cups by the number of people (warmed up), dry tea leaf
7. Pour tea into a warmed dry teapot for brewing
8. Tea is poured with water from a thermos and almost immediately poured into cups (or into, and from cups into cups). In this case, it is necessary to ensure that there is no water left in the teapot for brewing.

9. The first brew is drained (washing tea), they do not drink it.
10. Next, we brew tea, focusing on our taste preferences for strength as many times as we see fit.

11. For convenient brewing using the above-described strait method, you can do it on a tea board (chaban).

* or gaiwan - a special cup with a lid

** The amount of tea to brew depends not only on the volume of dishes, but also on the type of tea. On average, 3-6 grams are used. for 1 tea leaves by strait (for example, green teas are put about 3-4 grams, and oolongs - about 5-6). But there are no clear rules, so you need to try and experiment - if it seemed to you that the tea was brewed too strong (it became too bitter or too tart) - put a little less tea next time, or drain more quickly (make each brew less time). If the tea, on the contrary, is brewed too weakly, keep it longer. It is not worth adding or putting aside tea during tea drinking - this will disrupt the tea drinking process, as a result of which tea will lose many of its properties. After several tea parties, you will learn to feel and understand all the nuances of this process.

Note: If you are brewing pressed pu-erh, keep in mind that it takes a little longer to "dissolve" than loose tea. This is especially true for pressed ones. Such teas should be held longer at the first brewing. They open up most fully when cooked. open fire. It is convenient to break pressed pu-erhs with a special, other blunt but not too blunt object or simply with your hands. When breaking, it is desirable to maintain the integrity of the sheet.

Also, there is a large number of ways" quick brew", using a minimum of dishes. Although such methods cannot be called ideal, nevertheless they make it possible to simplify brewing as much as possible when there is no time for a full-fledged tea drinking. The most convenient, in our opinion, method (best for pu-erh):

1. Water boils to the first bubbles

2. A large glass teapot (1-1.3 l) is rinsed with boiling water

2. Put 10-20 gr. tea*

3. Infuse for about 5-8 minutes*

4. Only infusion is poured through a sieve (without a leaf) into a thermos

This method is very good because the tea remains hot for a long time, and at the same time does not stop.

*(depending on variety, to taste)

The specificity of brewing in Tipota lies in the fact that this teapot combines three items used in the “Tea Ceremony”. Namely, teapot tea and strainer. Thanks to design feature of this kettle, you can properly brew good tea in an office environment or when you want to get by with a minimum amount of dishes and there is no time for a long tea party.

The sequence of actions when brewing tea:

1. Open the top lid and put dry tea leaves into the upper compartment of the kettle. (preheat the kettle by rinsing it with hot water)
2. Pour water at the correct temperature for the selected tea category.
3. In accordance with the rules or according to own will When you feel that the tea has been brewed, press the button located on the lid of the teapot. The valve of the upper compartment will open and the tea infusion will move to the lower compartment of the kettle. And the tea leaf will remain on the strainer of the upper compartment of the kettle.
4. Ready tea infusion should be poured into a separate cup or cups. Next, we repeat the steps described in paragraphs B and C. As long as we are thirsty or the selected type of tea allows.


When it is not possible to use the above methods, you can brew tea simply in a mug or in an ordinary large teapot. In this case, it is important to be able to catch the moment when the tea has already been brewed and when it is worth pouring it into another vessel in order to avoid refilling, or drink it right away, not letting it infuse for too long. Here it is already necessary to do everything according to the sensations, to learn to feel the tea. But it is important to understand that the use of simplified brewing methods does not allow tea to fully reveal its properties. This is especially true for expensive tea - high-quality


The most important ingredient for making tea is the brew. It must be of high quality, fresh and properly processed. Elite tea can be easily spoiled by bad water. Fresh and clean water is suitable for brewing, it should not be too hard and contain harmful impurities. Hard water does not allow the essential oils of tea to be released, as a result, the drink does not fully reveal the flavor bouquet. hard to find clean water, filtering only partially copes with the task. The best solution may be the use of soft bottled water, as well as water from wells and springs.

Only freshly prepared boiling water is suitable for brewing tea. Water boiled many times is detrimental to the aroma and taste of the tea. Black tea is poured with water that is close to the boiling point (about 90-95 degrees), to brew green tea, the water must be cooled to 80 degrees, for white - about 70 degrees. Be aware that tender tea leaves can be boiled in boiling water, and the caffeine released gives the drink a bitter aftertaste.

Porcelain, earthenware and faience teapots are best for making tea. IN Lately heat-resistant glassware is gaining more and more popularity in the world, the main advantage is a bright visual effect. That is, we can observe in the process of brewing through transparent walls the metamorphosis of colors and the graceful dance of tea leaves. The most suitable shape of the teapot is spherical; there should be a hole in the lid through which the tea breathes.

The amount of tea used has a direct impact on the quality of tea. Usually, it is recommended to put about three grams of dry tea in a glass of water. But this rule is not absolute, since the amount of brewing depends entirely on the type of tea and personal preferences. Be sure to warm the kettle before preparing a drink, then pour tea leaves into it and immediately fill it with water of the required temperature. This should be done as follows: first, fill the kettle by a third, let it stand for a while so that the leaves swell and absorb moisture, then add water almost to the top. This, of course, is not a fundamental point. It is recommended to pour boiling water in a circular motion, the water evenly warms the walls of the kettle and washes the tea leaves.

White bubbles should form on the surface of the water. This good sign, which indicates that the water temperature was chosen correctly, and the tea is of high quality. Black tea is brewed from three to five minutes, green - two to three minutes. The infusion time depends entirely on the type of tea, water temperature. Too hot water leads to the fact that the bitterness of caffeine immediately prevails. Good quality tea can be brewed several times (green tea and oolong tea, excluding pu-erh).

Properly brewing tea is not an easy art. Without knowing the secrets, you can spoil the most delicious and rich variety.

Tea is considered to be the most delicious, fragrant and healthy drink. And the British, without any right to that 🙂, consider it their national treasure. In the sense that there are no tea plantations in the country of foggy Albion, but there are more connoisseurs and connoisseurs than leaves on the bushes of a large tea “deposit”.

It so happened that they are great masters of brewing. Below are tips from English culinary specialists on how to properly brew tea so that it meets the most stringent expectations. (Source: Family Circle).

What kind of water should be taken to make tea delicious?

The ideal option for these purposes is mountain spring and spring water. It is clear that in the conditions of urban life there is no need to talk about spring water, but even the most ordinary tap water can be significantly improved by filtering or simply settling in an open container for several hours.

Hard water above 8 mg equivalents per liter should not be used - it is not suitable for proper tea brewing. Of course, not every household has a device for determining this very stiffness, but just in case, we will proceed from the fact that it is more than moderate stiffness.

Hard water is not suitable for proper brewing of tea. It needs to be softened first.

In order to soften water, add a pinch of sugar, salt or baking soda. And you can apply more hard way, which consists in condensing the steam that comes out of the spout of a boiling kettle. The water obtained as a result of such manipulations will not only be soft and clean, but ideal, and better fit for proper tea brewing.

Under no circumstances should a metal kettle be used. The best option considered to be a porcelain vessel. By the way, the Chinese pay great attention to the varieties of clay - it must be special, "breathing" and imbued with the power of the place where it comes from. But we are unlikely to understand this Chinese magic, so we will limit ourselves to using a good, not too cheap porcelain teapot. It warms up better when compared with faience, and is softer in texture compared to glass.

A little about the temperature of the correct brewing of tea

When you read the advice of culinary experts about the correct brewing of tea, one general recommendation attracts your attention - bring the water to a boil with a “white key”. What it is?

"White Key" - a state when the water is filled with a mass of bubbles rising from the bottom. This moment should be "caught" exactly. If you overexpose water on fire, then when it hits a tea leaf, it will decompose all of it. constituent elements, destroy the bouquet and chemical composition tea. On top of that, long-boiled water will become harmful to the human body. If you do not hold up, the tea simply will not brew.

When brewing tea, “catch” the moment of boiling water with a “white key”. This is one of the main secrets of proper tea brewing.

Properly brewing tea is an art not only to please the taste, it is also intended to achieve the optimal combination. , activation of all the healing that it includes.

It is for this that it is necessary to strictly adhere to the rules of brewing, even the slightest deviation from which can lead to a violation of the favorable balance of substances in the infusion. Everything is important: including the time of drinking. According to British experts, 20 minutes after brewing, tea will become unfit for drinking, because as a result of prolonged brewing, the solution will be saturated with substances harmful to human health.

How to brew tea correctly? Step-by-step instruction

Wash the teapot in advance from the old tea leaves and dry it. Fill the kettle with fresh water and boil it over low heat.

After the appearance of groups of small bubbles in the water, causing it to become slightly cloudy, remove the kettle from the heat and wait until the water has cooled to 80-85 degrees.

Do not waste time and while the water is cooling, rinse the teapot 3-4 times with boiled water to warm it up.

Pour dry tea into a warm and slightly damp teapot at the rate of one teaspoon of tea for one cup of water entering the teapot, plus one more spoon for the teapot itself. The tea prepared in this way will be of medium strength.

Let the dry tea swell in the teapot for a few seconds.

Pour 2/3 or half of the cooled water that fits into the teapot into the teapot. Close it with a lid and - on top - with a napkin so that the holes in the lid and spout are closed.

Now let the tea steep. Leaf black teas are not recommended to be brewed for more than 5 minutes, black teas of small varieties - more than 4 minutes. Subject to all the above rules regarding the condition of the teapot, the softness of the water, its boiling with a “white key”, double pouring, optimal time insisting will be equal to 3.5-4 minutes. That much, and not a minute more.

Somewhere in the middle of this process, add water to the teapot, make sure that there is space between it and the lid. Cover the kettle again with a lid and a napkin.

Already at the end of the infusion process, add water to the very top. This triple filling contributes to a slower cooling of the water.

The foam that appeared in the process of insisting is a sure sign of the correctness of your actions. You should not shoot it, because many accumulate there useful material, For example, essential oils. After completing the infusion process, stir the foam with a spoon in the kettle.

How to brew green tea correctly?

Almost the whole process is similar to brewing black tea. The difference concerns the infusion time and pouring schemes. You can insist green tea no more than 8-10 minutes. You can fill it 3-4 times. During the first filling, water is poured in a layer of 1 cm, after 3-4 minutes the water is added to half the teapot, after another 2-3 minutes - to the top or up to three fourths of the teapot, after 2 minutes - to the top.

Important! Find out if a green drink is good for you - And - especially important! If you are preparing to become a mother, can you drink green tea -

How to brew red and white tea?

To brew red and white teas, you can use two methods:

  1. Pour a double portion of red tea into a very hot dry teapot (see how to brew black tea correctly) and soak for no more than 2 minutes, then add 2-2.5 cm of water, after another minute or two add water to half the teapot, and after another 2 minutes to the top (almost). Brewing time 4 minutes.
  2. Pour a triple portion of tea into a very hot dry teapot, fill it with water to the top and brew (hold) for 3 minutes, during which pour boiling water over the outside of the teapot.

English connoisseurs of white tea believe that this divine drink of emperors and future babies should be brewed at a temperature of exactly 85 degrees Celsius, arguing that only in this case will it reveal all the magical power of its subtle, refined aroma.

How to brew yellow tea?

In the correct brewing of yellow tea, there is one important nuance- soft mode with reduced infusion time. Yellow tea can be drunk immediately after the first filling (1-1.5 minutes), then brew it again (second filling - 3 minutes) and again (third filling - 4 minutes).

Adhering to all these simple principles, you can easily prepare a tea that will not only delight you with its unique aroma and taste, but also bring great benefits to your body.

The Golden Rule of Tea

Interestingly, tea can both excite and soothe.

Remember three magic numbers: 2-5-6,they will help you drink tea properly.

The calming effect of tea occurs 2 minutes after brewing, the exciting effect - after 5 minutes, but just a delicious drink with faint aroma- after 6 minutes (it is after this much time that essential oils disappear).

Balanced and beneficial features teas manifest themselves in full only 15 minutes after brewing, some medicinal (for example, antimicrobial) may manifest themselves after a while, but after 7-8 hours it finally turns into either a “special tool” or a real poison!

With wishes of a pleasant and healthy tea drinking!

It would seem, well, that could be easier than making tea. This simple question is not so easy to answer correctly. Probably every person familiar with tea believes that he, like no one else, has comprehended all the secrets of tea and certainly knows everything about tea better than others. Tea is also different, black and green, loose and in bags. This article will discuss how to brew tea correctly.

People who are well versed in tea recommend that when brewing tea, adhere to several general rules. When brewing, do not overheat the water too much, do not dilute it with water after brewing, and do not use metal utensils when brewing. Soft water is best for brewing tea. In order for the water to soften, it must be allowed to stand for 2-3 hours, after which it can be used to brew tea. Brewing tea should be done away from products with a specific smell. These products include meat, lard, fish, onions, garlic and some other products.

It is necessary to adhere to the norms of sugar added to tea, take no more than 20 grams of sugar per glass of tea. By the way, it is best to pour sugar into tea and stir it with a silver spoon, if one is at hand. Do not abuse or lack tea leaves. The amount of tea required for quality tea brewing depends on the type of tea. So for 2 glasses of black tea water, 1 teaspoon will be enough, while green tea will need one and a half to two spoons. If foam appears when brewing tea, it means that essential oils have not evaporated, and such foam should be left.

Water for tea

The water intended for brewing tea must boil, because in water with a low temperature, tea will not be able to fully brew. Boiled water is poured into tea leaves in a teapot. You can pre-rinse the kettle with boiling water, this will allow the kettle to cool more slowly. You need to fill the teapot with the norm of tea in such a way that later, after the tea is brewed, it does not have to be further diluted with water, but simply poured into a cup and drink tea.

How long does it take to brew tea?

How long does it take to brew tea? Usually tea immediately filled with boiled water is brewed in 5-7 minutes. During this time, the tea will fully brew and give the water its beneficial substances.
Should I brew tea again? It is possible to brew tea again, but it is not worth it, since good tea can only be obtained after the first brewing. If you brew tea again, then there will be nothing useful in it, it will be tinted, tasteless sweet water. It is also not worth adding new tea leaves to the old tea leaves. After brewing, the old brew must be replaced with a new one.

Where is the best place to make tea?

Where is the best place to make tea? Tea can be brewed both in a teapot and in a cup, and here and there tea will be fully brewed if it is poured with boiling water. In the old days, tea was brewed mainly in teapots; recently, many people have begun to brew tea in cups more and more often. This is facilitated by the sale of tea bags. However, many modern teas are impregnated with dyes and flavors. Therefore, such teas can even cold water color the water and give it a scent. But such an action cannot be called brewing tea, since good tea can only be brewed in hot water, tea cannot be brewed in cooled or cold water. From such tinting, water does not become tea.

Tea is a delicious, fragrant and very healthy drink with a rich history. A cup of tea will help to cheer up, set up in a friendly way and make a pleasant company for the pie, but only if the tea is prepared correctly. How to brew tea, what conditions to meet so that the tea leaf reveals the maximum taste and gives us all its useful substances, the Culinary Eden website will tell.

Initially, a few general recommendations for brewing any type and variety of tea. Tea should be as fresh as possible. This is especially important for green and white teas, oolongs and delicate red ones - they are very tasty and fragrant in the first 3-6 months after harvest, and then lose their properties. Black and herbal teas have a longer shelf life - up to 1 year. Only pu-erhs can not lose their properties for many years, provided they are stored properly.

Maximum tea flavor and aroma can be obtained by using soft water. On labels drinking water usually indicate hardness and mineralization. Best Performance mineralization - 50-500 mg / l, hardness - no more than 7 meq / l, ideally - 1 meq / l. When using water from a spring or from a filter, you will have to trust your own taste and outward signs: soft water has no sediment, and after boiling it does not leave scale on the kettle. Although they say that water has no taste and smell, when brewing delicate teas, the slightest shade of taste and aroma of water will come to the fore and prevent you from enjoying tea drinking. If only hard water is available, you can soften it by freezing it in the freezer. After defrosting, all the excess will precipitate, and the melt water will be much tastier.

Following important condition delicious and healthy tea- Brew it immediately before tea drinking. It is highly not recommended to use tea leaves that were prepared several hours, and even more so days ago. The Chinese say about such tea that it is similar poisonous snake. Drinking water should also be fresh. Do not reuse boiled water.

The choice of utensils for tea drinking is not as important as the choice of water and tea. It is better to use a thick-walled clay or porcelain teapot. If a large company has gathered for tea, you will need a container to drain the tea (in Chinese, chahai or a bowl of justice). It ensures that everyone gets tea of ​​the same strength. For Chinese-style tea drinking, small-sized dishes are used: a teapot or gaiwan (a cup with a lid) for 100-150 ml and cups for 30-50 ml. Chinese teas are brewed many times (up to 10 and even up to 15), and this volume is enough. European-style tea drinking with black teas is usually limited to 2-3 brews, so they need a larger teapot. In any case, the dishes must be warmed up with hot water before drinking tea.

How to brew white and green tea

The most delicate teas - white, green and some varieties of red - require very gentle brewing. The water temperature should not exceed 80 degrees, and if the tea leaves have white hairs, then such tea requires a temperature not higher than 70 degrees. Boiling water will completely kill the flavor of this valuable tea, and long brewing will make it bitter.

Delicate teas are recommended to be brewed in a small volume - teapot or gaiwan. There are no rules about the amount of a tea leaf, you need to focus on your taste: one teaspoon of green or white tea per teapot is enough for someone, and someone needs 3 times more.

The main thing to consider when brewing delicate white, green and red teas is the steeping time. These teas are not infused, but are immediately merged into chahay, and then into cups. At 4-5 brewing, when the intensity of taste and aroma decreases, you can leave the tea for a few seconds, and by 8-10 brewing, bring the infusion time to 1 minute. With this method of brewing, each tea leaves will have a rich aroma, rich taste and no bitterness.

Delicate white and green teas can also be brewed cold: put in glass jar a pinch of tea, pour water, refrigerate for 2-3 hours, then strain. This tea perfectly quenches thirst and invigorates.

How to brew black tea

Black tea (red according to Chinese classification) can be brewed with European or Chinese way. In the first case, a large teapot is used - 300-500 ml, and tea is taken one teaspoon per person, plus another spoon per teapot. Pour boiling water, leave for 5-10 minutes to taste. This method is suitable for most Indian, Ceylon, Kenyan, smoked, flavored teas and tea blends: Earl Grey, Lapsang souchong, English breakfast, Russian caravan, Golden Ceylon, etc. These teas European style brewing can withstand one, maximum two repeated brewing.

Delicate Chinese red teas require a more careful attitude and are brewed in the same way as green and white ones: in a small teapot, at a water temperature of 70-80 degrees, with a minimum infusion time - a few seconds at the first brewing and up to a minute at the last. Such teas can be brewed repeatedly until the taste and aroma disappear.

Oolongs are turquoise, similar to green tea, and roasted, similar to black, but the way they are brewed is different from other types of teas. To fully reveal the taste and aroma of oolongs, a whole tea ceremony with tea pairs was invented, but you can do without minimum set utensils: kettle, sieve, cup and small bowls.

To get a delicious oolong, you need to pour a third of the volume of tea into a heated small teapot. (That's why the teapot should be small.) Then we fill the teapot with water that has not come to a boil a little - 95-98 degrees. This stage can be determined by the so-called pearl strands - bubbles that rise from the bottom of the teapot in the form of strands of pearls. The first brew of oolongs is not drunk - it must be used to warm the cups, and then drained. The second and third tea leaves should be swift - 1-2 seconds. The following tea leaves can be made longer depending on how the tea behaves - whether it will give bitterness and excessive astringency. High-quality fried oolongs can withstand up to 10 tea leaves, and turquoise - all 15.

The famous Chinese Pu-erh tea is very interesting in terms of taste, aroma and effect on mood, but only if it is prepared correctly. Pu-erhs can be black (shu), green (shen), purple and white; pressed into various forms and loose. For pressed pu-erhs, you can break off a piece with your hands, and if it is pressed very tightly, use an awl or a special pu-erh knife. Otherwise, the principles of brewing for all pu-erhs are similar: put a small amount of tea in a heated small teapot, pour water close to boiling, immediately drain the first brew and do not drink it, but use it to warm the tea and cups. Subsequent brews are very short at first, then lengthen. Some pu-erhs can be brewed up to 20 times.

Another way to prepare pu-erh is boiling. In tea clubs, pu-erh is brewed in glass teapots on gas burner, and then left to insist on the fire of a candle. At home, you can use any small container, for example, a Turku, for brewing pu-erh, and an ordinary pot is suitable for camping. Pu-erh must first be crushed and washed, that is, pour cold water, hold for a few minutes and drain. Bring the water to a boil in a Turkish pot or pot, swirl the water with a spoon to make a whirlpool, and throw in the washed tea. On the lowest heat, bring the tea to a boil again, and you can pour into cups. If you need to cheer up more, you can leave the boiled pu-erh to brew for a few minutes. Re-brewing boiled pu-erh will not work.

For cooking, as a rule, black pu-erhs are used. They give a thick oily drink with invigorating properties. You can also cook green pu-erh, but the amount of tea leaves should be 3-4 times less than black - 5-7 grams per liter of water.

How to brew mate

Mate requires special equipment: a pumpkin bowl of calabash and a metal tube of bombilla. The method of brewing is extremely simple: half-fill mate in calabash, pour boiling water over it, wait a bit and drink gently through a straw. You can repeat the brewing many times.

How to brew herbal teas

Herbal preparations can be prepared in different ways: brewed like black tea, brewed like pu-erh, added to other teas. The main rule when dealing with herbal teas is not to combine herbs with opposite properties such as soothing mint and invigorating echinacea or St. John's wort. tea from dried apples, dried fruits, wild rose, hawthorn, apple and lime blossom can be brewed directly in a thermos without fear that it will become bitter.

Finally, a little trick on how to brew tea bags. Even bagged tea will turn out delicious and fragrant, if you do not fill the bag with water, but rather pour it into a cup of water, carefully lower the bag, trying to move it as little as possible, and after 10-15 seconds, take it out just as carefully.

Happy tea drinking!
