print uno cards. Board game "Uno": exciting and interesting! Cards in a deck

Uno is an American card game. The name is translated from Italian and Spanish as "one". The game was patented in 1971 by Merle Robbins, and today the rights to this trademark belong to Mattel.

Number of players: 2 to 10. 6-8 players are best.

Game time: from 20 minutes.

A task: Be the first to discard your cards. On this, this round ends and the points are calculated on the cards remaining in hand.

Determining the winner or loser

You can count points in two ways - whichever you prefer.

  • The player who got rid of his cards first is awarded the sum of points remaining in the hands of all other players. And so in every round. The winner is the one who, after several rounds, scores 500 points. This option stimulates precisely to win the round, that is, to be the first to throw off your cards.
  • Players are credited with points calculated on the cards remaining in their hand (the player who got rid of his cards first gets zero points). And so in every round. The loser is the one who, based on the results of several rounds, will score 200 points, the rest are winners. This option encourages you to quickly throw off the most "expensive" cards.

Types of cards and their number

There are 108 cards in a deck.

Digital maps

"0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9" four colors.

"0" cards, one of each color. All other numbers are doubled. Total: 4 zeros + (9 numbers × 4 colors × 2 pieces) = 76 cards.

  • "Skipping";
  • "+2 cards";
  • "Change of Direction".

Each card with a picture of 4 colors in double quantity. Total: 3 pictures × 4 colors × 2 pieces = 24 cards;

Black active cards

  • "Color change";
  • "Color change and +4 cards."

4 cards of each type. Total: 2 varieties × 4 pieces = 8 cards.

"Cost" of cards

  • Digital cards - at face value 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 or 9 points.
  • Active cards ("Skip turn", "Change direction", "+2 cards") - 20 points.
  • Black active cards ("Color change", "Color change and +4 cards") - 50 points.

Dealing cards

At the beginning of the game, everyone is dealt 7 cards (in the dark, of course). The last card is dealt face up by the dealer in the center of the table. The card can only be digital. Picture cards and black cards are not suitable for the role of the first card. If necessary, the next card is laid out from the deck, and the "unusable" card is placed in the deck.

The game

The game starts clockwise. The player after the dealer goes first (the dealer changes each round, usually clockwise). During his turn, the player has the right to place one card on the center card according to the following rules:

  • or the card must be of the same color;
  • or the card must have the same number or the same picture (be an active card);
  • or be a black active card.

In the absence of a suitable card, the player takes one card from the deck (into the dark). If the card satisfies the above conditions - the player can lay out the card on the central card, if it does not satisfy - the player keeps the card for himself, says "Pass" and the move goes to the next player.

The game continues until one of the players discards all cards. After that, the points are calculated for the cards remaining in the hand (“the cost” of the cards was described a little higher).

Description of maps

Digital maps

Just numbers.

Note. In order to be able to distinguish cards with the numbers "6" and "9", they are made with underlining the number below.

Active cards (cards with pictures)


The next player skips his turn.

The player can "save" this card only by laying out the exact same card (same color, same picture), that is, by performing "Move Interception" (described below in the special rules).

"+2 cards"

The next player takes two cards from the deck (into the dark) and skips his turn.

The player can "save" from the effect of this card by laying out his card "+2 cards" of any color. The actions of the “+2 cards” cards are not summed up, and the last player on whom the chain ends takes only two cards from the deck and skips his turn.

"Change of Direction"

The direction of travel is reversed. For example, if it was clockwise, after laying out the “Change of Direction” card, it will be counterclockwise.

When playing multiple Change of Direction cards (this can also happen with Turn Interception), their actions are summed up. For example, two "Change of Direction" cards have no effect - the turn continues in the same direction as before, three "Change of Direction" cards change the direction of the turn to the opposite, etc.

Black active cards

"Color Change"

Allows the player to change the current color (to any, including the current color). The next player must put down any card of the given color. In order to place a "Color Change" card, the player does not need any special conditions, unlike the next card "Color Change and +4 cards".

"Color Change and +4 Cards"

It can be placed by the player only on his turn and only if the player (1) does not have the current color (moreover, the current number / active cards / black active card "Color Change" may be present - it does not matter, major lack of current color). Simultaneously with the laying out of this card, you must order a color (it can be any, including the current color). The next player (2) takes four cards from the deck (into the dark) and skips a turn.

Player 2 can only "save" from this card's effect by laying out the "+2 cards" card of the new ordered color (then everything goes as usual with the standard action of the "+2 cards" card).

Honesty check. If player 2, who is targeted by the “Change color and +4 cards” action, suspects that he is being deceived and player 1, who laid out this card, actually has the current color, he can ask player 1 to show his cards. If the suspicions are justified, player 1 takes his “Color change and +4 cards” card back to himself, takes four cards from the deck (into the dark), skips a move (in fact, the action of the “Color change and +4 cards” card has passed to player 1). If the suspicions were in vain, player 2 takes the four cards due to him from the deck, as well as two more cards for distrust and skips the turn.

courtesy rule. The game continues only after the player sorts his new four cards and says "Ready".

The UNO!

The player is obliged to warn that he has one card left and that he may soon finish the game. Laying out the penultimate card (while he has not released it yet), the player must have time to say "UNO!" (which means "one" in Italian). If the player does not do this, "good friends" (or one friend) may notice this and be reminded "UNO!". Friends must have time to do this from the moment the player releases his penultimate card until the next player's turn begins (laying out a card or drawing a card from the deck). For forgetfulness, the player who did not say “UNO!” in time takes two cards from the deck (in the dark).

Note. Players are not allowed to hide the number of cards in their hand (i.e. stack or hide under the table). Friends should always be in the know to help a forgetful player.


With a large number of mistakes, blunders, cheating, inattention, an additional rule can be introduced - for any erroneously laid out card, false cry, etc. the player takes two cards from the deck (in the dark).

Special rules (additions to the main rules)

These rules are not mandatory and can be introduced additionally if the standard rules were not enough.

Interception of the move

A player may go out of turn if he has exactly the same card as the top one in the deck. Exactly the same card means the simultaneous fulfillment of two conditions:

  • The same color.
  • The same number, or the same picture, or the black "Color Change" card.

Attention! These conditions do not apply to the "Color Change and +4 Cards" card - it is laid out only on its own turn.

Note. Turn interception does not work at the beginning of the game, when the first card of the deck is laid out on the center. At the beginning of the game, only the player, after the dealer, has the right to move.

Dealing two identical cards

If a player has two identical cards, the player may place the first of the identical cards on his turn and immediately perform a "Turn Interception" himself with exactly the same card.

But two identical cards cannot be laid out at once with one movement of the hand, only in turn: one card, then another card. Accordingly, the next player will have the opportunity to put a card on their turn, preventing the player from performing the "Interception of the turn".

"Seven Zero"

  • Every time it falls out 0 ”, all participants pass their cards to neighboring players in the direction of the game.
  • Every time it falls out 7 ”, the player who laid down “7” exchanges cards with one of the players of his choice.

UNO stacked

  • When a player places a card +2 cards”, the next player can also put the card “+2 cards”, and then the third player in a row must take four cards.
  • The same rules apply to cards " Color change and +4 cards»: When one player puts down a Color Change +4 Cards card, the next player can also put down a Color Change +4 Cards card, in which case the third player must draw eight cards. The last of the players who put the next card “Change of color and +4 cards” orders a color. If a player has placed a "Color Change and +4 Cards" card incorrectly and is "caught", the normal rules apply, but the amount of the penalty increases depending on the number of cards used.
  • Players may lay down cards +2 cards" or " Color change and +4 cards until they run out of them. For example, if 4 players in a row have put "+2 cards" cards, the next player (who does not have a "+2 cards" card) must take eight cards.
  • A player can only put one +2 cards or a Color Change and +4 cards per turn, even if he has several such cards in his hand.

Silent Two's

Every time someone posts " 2 ”, everyone should remain silent until the move again returns to the same person who laid out this deuce. The one who broke the silence takes two cards in his hand, immediately after that the silence is considered broken.

There is a slight improvement to this rule, since not everyone can clearly follow when “2” is laid out, and then it completely happens that everyone forgets who actually put it and when you can start talking. Therefore, the role of the deuce can take on black cards. Each time a player lays out a black card (plain or +4) and orders a color, everyone must remain silent until someone changes this ordered color, or until someone breaks the silence and draws two penalty cards . Coughing, laughing, shouting "UNO!" and contesting the "+4" card do not count as breaking the silence.

Card exchange

The player who put 5 ", may (at will) exchange one card with any player. Moreover, each of the changing chooses which card to give.

"Lazy" scoring

The winner and the loser are calculated at each round of the game. Winner the one who first threw off his cards is considered - and he starts the move in the next round. Losers the one who has the cards for the maximum number of points in his hand is considered - he deals the cards for the next round.

The advantages of such a calculation:

  • do not need a pen-paper to calculate the amount for each player for each round;
  • points on the remaining cards in hand are counted only by those who clearly have a lot of them;
  • you can stop after each round, without waiting for the sum of points for someone to reach a certain mark.

UNO to the center

The one who puts the penultimate card and shouts "UNO!" Does not remove his hand from the laid card. Other players must have time to put their hands on top of the hand of the one who shouted "UNO!". The last one takes 2 cards.

Circle color change

When laying out black cards (" Color change" and " Color change and +4 cards”), the color change occurs automatically to the color that is drawn on these cards next in a circle after the current one. For example, the game goes clockwise, the current color is red. After laying out a black card, blue becomes the current color. Or, for example, the game goes counter-clockwise, the current color is yellow. After laying out a black card, green becomes the current color.


Spare empty cards (of which there are 4 in the deck) can be assigned the value " +10 cards”, respectively, the next player must take 10 cards. The setup in this case is that a person takes 10 cards, and with a high degree of probability they contain “+2”, “+4” or the same “+10”. This person forces another to take a lot of cards, and so on in a circle. However, to finish the game in such conditions is almost unrealistic.


Map « Change of direction"of the desired color, the effect of active cards and even the black card "Change of color and +4 cards" returns back! For example, player (1) put the “+2 cards” card, the other player (2) with the “Change of direction” card returns the action of the “+2 cards” card to 1 player and he must already take 2 cards (or “be saved” by some way).

Until the last

After 1 player discards all cards, the game does not end, but continues until the last player. Accordingly, the 1st player wins, and the last player loses. And when two players remain at the end of the game, you can use beautiful combinations (for example, using the “Skip a move” and “+2 cards” cards to walk twice, thrice, etc.).

UNO in 7 rounds

After any player gets rid of his original 7 cards, the game is suspended, he takes 6 new cards from the deck into his hand and continues the game. The next time he runs out of cards, he draws 5 cards into his hand, and so on. And so on until he takes only one card and gets rid of it.

reset zero

If, when calculating points, the player has only one card left in his hand " 0 ”, then its cost is not zero points, but 50. This creates additional difficulties for the owners of zero cards at the end of the game.

For the game UNO H2O: "+1" and "+2"

Rule for the game based on game 101. Rule "+1" and "+2"(for UNO H2O decks with "+1 card" and "Color change and +2 cards"). If the player puts the last card "+1", then 20 points are subtracted from the total score, if "Color change and +2 cards" - then 40 points are subtracted from the score.

Uno is a card game invented in America. From Italian Uno, translated as "one". The game does not require a high level of strategic skills, it is not difficult, it can be played by two to ten people. Let's take a closer look at the game concept.

Uno card game - rules

The game uses 108 cards:

  • Cards of four colors - blue, red, green and yellow, which are numbered from zero to nine (76 cards in total, two for each color from one to nine, and a set of zeros). In the game, these cards are referred to as regular cards.
  • Eight cards called "take two", eight more called "move back", and eight more "skip the move", two for each color. These cards are called action cards.
  • Four more "order a color" cards, four "Take 4" cards, on a black background, are also action cards.
  • There are also four white "blank" cards, which are used to replace lost cards or to introduce additional rules.

Uno - game rules

  • Before the start of the game, the dealer must decide. To do this, players draw a card from the deck, whoever has the larger card becomes the dealer
  • After determining the dealer, all players are dealt seven cards. At the end of the deal, the top card is flipped face up, and the game begins with it. If an action card appears at the top of the deck (other than "take four"), then the player who is located clockwise from the dealer performs the action described on the card. If the card “Take four” falls out, it goes back into the deck, and a new card goes on top.
  • The order of moves is distributed clockwise
  • Each player, on his turn, is obliged to put one card on the game deck, but only if his card matches the top card of the deck in color or number. If the player does not have such a card, he draws another card from the deck, which is no longer necessary to put on the deck, regardless of whether it fits or not. Cards on a black background can be placed on the deck, regardless of the difference.
  • If the “move back” card is dropped, the player located counterclockwise makes the next move.
  • When the cards of the deck run out, the currently top card is removed, the rest is shuffled and a new deck begins.
  • The person who has two cards left, despite the fact that he is now making a move, must say "Uno"! until the next player moves clockwise.
  • The game ends after the player has placed the last card on the deck. Then the points of all cards remaining in the hands of the other players are counted. For simple cards, points are awarded according to the face value of the pictures, that is, for a card with number 9, 9 points are awarded, for action cards on a colored background, 20 points are awarded, on a black background - 50 points. All points are added and credited to the account of the player who put his last card on the deck.
  • The rules of Uno may vary, and you can end the game with 500, 1000 or more points scored, depending on the agreement.
  • It is also possible that the points are recorded by each player separately. In the end, whoever reaches 500 first loses.

Action card assignments

  • Empty - the use of the card occurs by agreement, for example, the card “empty” fell out, take 8 cards.
  • Draw Two - The next player in clockwise order draws two cards from the deck and skips a turn.
  • Move back - the game begins not clockwise, but against. The card is valid for one turn, that is, from the next turn, players play clockwise
  • Order color - the player who drew this card orders a color to the next player, who must make a move with the specified color card, or a card on a black background
  • Take four - the player who drew the card orders the color, the next player clockwise must take four cards from the deck and skip the move, the player who is further clockwise than the player who skipped the move must either be the card of the color indicated by the first player, or card on a black background. You can only move with the “take four” card if the player does not have a card of the right color to put it on the game deck.


How to play Uno, and without penalties? It is not interesting! Here is the list:

  • If any player, after putting his penultimate card on the playing deck, and until the next player looked like, did not say “Uno!”, Then he takes two more cards from the deck.
  • If a player told another player which card to play, or which one to play, that is, he told him, for any purpose for himself, then such a player must take two more cards from the game deck.
  • If a player put a card on the game deck that does not fit, that is, cheated, and this was noticed, then such a player takes two cards from the game deck.
  • If a player was like a “take four” card, and the next player who needs to take four cards doubts the honesty of the player who put the “take four” card, then he may demand that the latter show him his cards. If in his cards there is a color card that is suitable for this card to look like a game deck, that is, he cheated that the next player would take four cards, then he takes 4 cards from the deck. If the player who played the “take four” card does not have a suitable card to play, then the player who decided to check this player takes two more cards in addition to his four cards.

The game is quite interesting and addictive, I hope you understand how to play Uno, and now you will have the opportunity to spend rainy evenings with friends playing this wonderful game!

Recently, various board games have played a leading role in our leisure time, the passion for which has swept almost the entire planet. And one of the most interesting among them is the Uno board game, the rules of which are very simple and understandable to everyone without exception.

Contents of the game package

The Uno card game is always sold in a small bright red cardboard box. Opening it, you can see the following cards inside:

  • 108 simple cards in four colors - red, yellow, blue and green;
  • a stack of eight Draw 2 cards containing two cards of each color;
  • a stack of eight "Change Direction" cards, containing two cards of each color;
  • a stack of eight Pass Pass cards containing two cards of each color;
  • 4 cards with the name "Wild card";
  • 4 wild cards called "Draw 4".

Purpose of the game

Before figuring out the rules and Uno, you should decide on the purpose of this card game. And it is very simple - you need to be the very first to discard all your cards from your hands, while other players should have the maximum number of cards. Indeed, in the final game, players count the points for the cards that they have left in their hands, and then they are all summed up, and the final figure is recorded on the winner's account. The game continues until one of the participants reaches 500 points.

Game progress

Having learned the goal of the game, you can begin to find out in more detail how to play Uno, the rules of which, by the way, are quite simple. The first step is to shuffle the deck thoroughly, distribute seven cards to all players, and put the remaining cards in a pile face down. Next, one card from the set aside deck is turned face up and placed right next to it, so that cards are then placed on it in the “hang up”. After that, the first player can start walking from any card, for example, "Green Two". However, this is only if the open card from the set aside deck was a number, but if there was a card with an action, then the first player must already skip the move, take 2 cards or take some other action, depending on the open card.

Once a "digital" card has been dealt on the table, Uno's rules require the next player to deal any card of either the same color or the same denomination. So, behind the "Green deuce" it will be possible to lay out either the "deuce" of blue, yellow or red, or any other card of the green suit. And so the game goes round and round. If a person does not have the desired card, he draws cards from the set aside until he finds the one he needs. And when the set aside deck is completely disassembled, all the cards that are on the table go in its place, taking into account that we do not set aside only the last card, but leave it open so that the game continues. And of course, if you have action cards, you can play them by timing them.

Simple cards

Having learned the approximate course of the game, let's now find out how, according to the rules of the Uno card game, simple cards look like, the number of which is 108 pieces. So, simple cards are four suits - green, yellow, red and blue. And each of these suits has 10 denominations - from 0 to 9.

The meaning of the card "Draw 2"

Having dealt with simple cards, now let's find out the meanings of action cards, which, according to the current rules of the Uno game in Russian, can change the course of the game. And one of those cards is the Draw 2 card, which comes in green, yellow, red, or blue. So, having noticed that the player sitting next to you has few cards left, you will need to put it on the table so that this player draws two cards from the deck and skips the move. However, it will only be possible to place it if the color of this card matches the card lying on the playing surface, or another “Draw 2” card already lies there.

The meaning of the card "Change of Direction"

Another important active card, according to the rules of Uno, is the “Change Direction” card, on which two arrows are drawn pointing in different directions. If the player places this card on the playing surface, of course, or on the same action card or next to a card of the same color, then the course of the game is reversed. That is, initially the course of the game goes in a circle and the player who sits to the left of the one who first starts laying out his cards always goes next. So, if this person lays out a card with arrows, then the next one to go will not be the one who sits on the left, but the one who sits on the right of him.

Meaning of the Skip Card

Also in the rules of Uno in Russian it is indicated that often the turning point in the game can be a laid out “Skip a turn” card, which shows a crossed out circle. As the name implies, if this card was laid out, then the next player skips the turn, and the player following him goes instead. If two people play, then the next move is made by the same person who laid this card on the playing surface. And of course, you can put it only if it matches the color of the cards lying on the table or there is another card “Skipping the move”.

What is a "Wild Card"

Equally important, according to the rules of the Uno game in Russian, is a card with the unusual name "Wild Card", which depicts an oval divided into 4 multi-colored segments. Unlike other action cards, it can be placed regardless of whether there is another such “Wild Card” or a card with a certain color on the table. And the function of this card is to determine the further trump card of the game, that is, the color that the next player will have to lay out, unless, of course, he has another “Wild Card”. Most often, they try to save this card for last, so that later they can be like at the most opportune moment.

The value of the Wild card "Draw 4"

But the most important, according to the rules of Uno, in this exciting game is the Wild card "Draw 4", on which we see an oval, in the center of which four different-colored cards are placed. It is worth laying out this card, as you can order a game trump card, and at the same time the next player draws four cards from the deck and skips the turn. However, there is a very important nuance here! Such a card can be laid out only if you do not have a card of the desired color or value. Of course, initially no one will be able to know if you have the right cards, but if the next player doubts your honesty, he may ask you to show the cards. And in the event that cheating was confirmed, you will have to draw 4 cards instead, and that player will calmly play on, as if the Draw 4 Wild card was not in the game.

game over

A very important point of this game, according to the rules of Uno in Russian, is its ending. Because at the very hour when the player has only one card left, he is obliged to inform everyone present about this by shouting “Uno!”, Which means “One!” in Russian. Indeed, in this case, the players will be able to do something and not let the game end. And if you forget to shout to the players that you have only one card left, but someone will have time to notice it, then you will have to draw 2 more cards from the set aside deck, so you will again be far from the end of the game.

Penalties in the game

This is how our board game Uno ends. The rules of the game, however, do not end there. After all, they have one very important point, namely the presence of several game penalties, which add fun to the game.

  1. If during the game a player forgot to shout “Uno!” When he had one card left in his hands, and other players noticed this and pointed at him with a finger, shouting “Uno!”, Then the one who forgot to shout this word takes from the draw two cards.
  2. If during the game it was noticed how one player tells the other which card to enter from, and they pointed it out to him, then the teller must take two cards from the deck.
  3. If during the game the player either thought, or simply wanted to cheat, looking like the wrong card, and was caught red-handed, he must take two cards from the deck.
  4. We have already said what happens if a player is caught red-handed while playing a Draw 4 wild card. But in the event that a person, not believing in the sincerity of a player, told him to open the cards, and it turned out that he did not have other cards suitable for the move, then this person must take as many as 6 cards from the deck.


After we figured out the penalties, we can start counting points for each player, which, according to the rules of Uno, is very easy and simple. So, let's correlate all the cards with the points that they will bring to their owners, and therefore to the winner:

  • any card with numbers from 0 to 9 gives exactly the same number of points;
  • the card "Draw 2" gives 20 points;
  • the "Change of Direction" card gives 20 points;
  • the Wild Card gives 50 points;
  • the wild card "Draw 4" is worth 50 points.

Uno Spin Game Rules

When the creators of the Uno game noticed that their game had already become boring for the players, they decided to slightly diversify and supplement it, thanks to which the Uno Spin desktop appeared, which instantly acquired a bunch of fans. This game has all the same rules as the classic Uno, but it also comes with a small reel with an arrow and nine sectors on it, which each player spins before making their move. And depending on which picture the arrow points to, the player, or even all players without exception, must complete one or another task. Perhaps the player will have to draw cards from the deck until a card of the desired color is found, or, conversely, he will be able to discard all cards of the same denomination from his hand, or he may even have to fight with other players to lay out the largest card. In any case, all these tasks are extremely exciting, so playing this kind of Uno board game will be even more interesting.

Uno with interception

But we ourselves can change and complicate the game as we like by adding certain rules. So, the classic Uno game can be diversified by adding the possibility of interception to it. It consists in the fact that any player can intercept the move from a player who should be like, having managed to lay out his card on a pile of cards, which must be exactly the same color and denomination as the one that lies there. And in this case, the player who was supposed to walk loses his turn and waits for a whole circle, because the one who sits on his left hand throws out the card next to the one who was like. However, the Draw 4 Wild Card cannot be played in this case, it can only be played in turn.

Uno "seven-zero"

Even more exciting is the game Uno "seven-zero", the rules of which, of course, completely coincide with the classic version of this board game. However, cards of any color with the numbers 0 or 7 play a very important role here. If a player lays out a card with a face value of 0, then all players change their cards in a circle. That is, each player gives his cards to his neighbor on the left hand. If the player lays out a card with a face value of 7, then he can exchange his cards with any other player at the table at his discretion.

Uno stacked

There is another interesting variation of this board game. Naturally, the rules of the game in it are exactly the same as before, but there is some nuance. So, if a player put the “Draw 2” card, and the next player has such a valid card, then he can not take two cards from the draw and skip the move, but immediately put his card. But in this case, the player who must walk after him will have to take as many as four cards from the deck. However, if he also has a “Draw 2” card, then he puts it down, and the next player takes six cards. And exactly the same rules apply to laying out the Wild card “Take 4” on the table, however, in this case, the players will then have to take 8, 12, 16 cards and so on.

And finally, let's find out some interesting facts about Uno that will allow you to show off your erudition during the gameplay in front of other players.

  1. The first mention of the specifics of this game can be found in materials dated 1930, but it was officially registered only in 1971.
  2. At the moment, all rights to the implementation of the game belong to Mattel (USA), which also produces the world-famous Barbie doll.
  3. There are a huge number of variations of Uno games. So, for children under three years old, Uno Junior games are produced, and there is also a unique game Uno H 2 O, in which the cards are not cardboard, but plastic, half transparent and waterproof.
  4. The rules of this game are very similar to the rules of the famous Russian game "101", or as it is also called the "Czech Fool".
  5. Uno is the most famous card board game in the world with over 150 million copies sold.

"Uno" came to us from America. Today, this entertainment is enviably popular with men and women, as well as children of different ages. Not surprising, because "Uno" allows you to spend time fun and with interest, and, in addition, contributes to the development of attentiveness, ingenuity and speed of reaction.

To play this game, none of the players will have to spend too much time to figure it out. In this article, we will give the basic rules for playing Uno for children and adults, with the help of which you can easily understand what this fun entertainment is.

Rules of the Uno card game

The basic rules of Uno are as follows:

  1. Uno can be played by 2 to 10 people.
  2. To play, you need a special deck of 108 cards, which includes 32 action cards and 76 ordinary cards of a certain color and value.
  3. At the beginning of the game, you must determine the dealer. To do this, all players randomly draw a card and determine which of them has the largest. If one of the participants took out an "action card", he will have to draw another one. If 2 or more players have cards of the same value, they should compete with each other.
  4. The dealer deals 7 cards to each player. Another card is placed face up on the table to start the game. If there is an action card from the “Draw 4…” series in this place, it must be replaced. The rest of the cards are placed "face down" - they represent the "bank".
  5. The first move is made by the player sitting clockwise from the dealer. He must place on the first card any other card that matches it in color or value. Also, at any time, a participant can put any action card on a black background into the deck. If the player cannot walk, he must take a card from the "bank".
  6. In the future, all players replenish the game deck with the appropriate cards, passing the move clockwise. If action cards appear on the field, they determine what exactly the next participant should do - take cards from the “bank”, skip the move, transfer it to another player, and the like.
  7. When any person has 2 cards left in his hand, and he is about to put one of them on the field, he must definitely have time to shout “Uno” before the next player is like. If he forgot to say this, he should take 2 cards from the "bank".
  8. The "bank" never ends. If this happens, you should pull out the entire playing deck, leaving one card on the field, shuffle it and put these cards back into the “bank”.
  9. The game ends when one of the players threw off all their cards. At this moment, the dealer counts how many points are left in the hands of the other participants, adds up these numbers and writes down the entire amount to the winner's account. In this case, all ordinary cards are taken into account in accordance with their value, action cards on a white background give their owner 20 points, and on a black one - 50.
  10. The Uno game is considered over when someone has reached a predetermined amount of points, such as 500, 1000 or 1500.

Rules of the game "Uno Sorting"

The rules of the board game "Uno Sorting" - one of the varieties of the usual game - are completely the same as the classic version. Meanwhile, the cards in this variant have special meanings. So, normal cards in this case are garbage, action cards on a white background replace the images of garbage cans, and “black” cards are “recycling” cards.

The task of each player is to get rid of garbage as quickly as possible, correctly distributing it among the garbage cans. This game is great for boys and girls aged 6+ as it not only keeps kids busy and has fun, but also introduces kids to the basics of ecology and teaches them how to protect the environment.


The dealer shuffles the deck and gives each player 7 cards. The rest of the cards are stacked in the "Prikup" pile face down, and the top card from the "Prikup" is laid out face down next to it - this will be the "Discard" pile.

The game begins with the person sitting to the left of the dealer. He must place a card in the Discard pile that matches the card that is there in color, seniority, or value. The turn then passes to the next player.

If a card with the value "On the contrary" is placed in the "Reset", then the game changes direction, that is, the next one will no longer be the player on the left, but the one on the right. It will be so until the "Reverse" card is put in the "Reset" again. You have to be very careful not to get confused and not abuse your neighbor with sabotage. You will be lucky if you have suitable cards in reserve, in case the turn comes back to you.

If there is no suitable card in hand or the player does not want to spend it for some reason, then another card is taken from the "Prikup" card. If it fits, then it goes to the "Reset", if not, then the move goes to the next one, and the player takes the taken card for himself.

In addition to "On the contrary", there are several more active cards in the deck with different values, with which you can pretty much "annoy" your opponents. "Take two" - that the next player must take two cards from the "Prikup" into his hands at once. "Skip a move" - ​​the move goes to the next one. "Order a color" - this one can radically change the course of the game. It is placed on a card of any value and at the same time a color that will be convenient for the player who placed it. And further in the course of the game, it will be considered that the “Reset” contains exactly the color that was named, until someone changes it again.

The most "cool" card is "Order a color and take four". It not only changes the color of the game, but also instructs the next player to take an extra four cards from the "Prikup", skipping their turn accordingly.

The goal of the game is to discard all cards. When one of the players has only one card left in his hand, this is the most crucial, culminating moment. This player must shout "Uno!", "One". But if he forgets to do this, and someone convicts him of mouthing and shouts "Uno!" instead of him, then this player is penalized in the amount of two cards from the "Prikup". This is the point of the game - you have to be completely concentrated, and monitor not only your cards and the course of the game, but also the number of cards your opponents have in order to be in time before they realize, shout "Uno!", And also ensure that no one didn't break the rules.

Penalties apply for violations. For example, you can not prompt - a penalty of two cards from the "Prikup". If a player is caught putting in the wrong card, he must pick it up, take two more cards from the Buyback, and skip the turn. You can not use the "Order a color and take four" card without a good reason, but only if you really do not have a suitable one in your hand. If a player has aroused suspicion, then he is obliged to show all his cards to the person whose turn is next and who will be forced to take an extra four cards. At the same time, if the suspicions turned out to be in vain, the incredulous neighbor is punished with two cards from the "Prikup". But if his fears in the "setup" are confirmed, then the culprit himself takes four additional cards and skips his turn.

These are classic UNO rules. In the prospectus attached to the game, you can find other options for the game - together, in pairs. As well as complicated ways, like "UNO seven-zero", for example. If you decide to play this variant, then every time a zero comes up, all participants will have to give their cards to their neighbors in the direction of the game. And if a seven falls out, then the player who put it in the "Reset" exchanges cards with any player of his choice.

UNO is a game of attention and speed of reaction. Increase the pace of the game as you gain experience - up to the maximum possible. Once the learning period is over, the real battle begins. And, I must say, it is very addictive, and the benefits for the brain are tangible.
