Bear claws - a stylish accessory or a powerful amulet? Bear Fang and Claw: The most powerful Bear Fang Claw Magic Power Research

The fact that the bear is a symbol of Russia is known almost all over the world. The bear is a natural symbol, the personification of the character of Russia, its history, nature, etc. The bear is depicted on the emblems of many Russian cities. He is the hero of folk tales. But all these are only echoes of the mystical veneration that this beast enjoyed among our pagan ancestors. The bear is a symbol of unconquered paganism.

Having passed the stages of a deity and a totem, the sign of the bear becomes a talisman, a talisman that carries traces of the former meanings preserved by the people's memory.

Amulets from the claws and fangs of a bear

For our man, a bear is traditionally a sign of strength, and not an evil and destructive force, but a natural force, given by God. It is believed that the flair inherent in bears - "chuyka" is also transmitted to the owner of the amulet, amulet.

“A pine needle fell in the forest. The eagle saw, the deer heard, the bear smelled.

By the way, the name amulet comes from Aryan roots - Ber is a bear, hence the lair, takes, protect, shore, amulet. The idea of ​​kinship with the owner of the forest, who had a divine origin and was able to patronize people, was associated with the recognition of his fangs and claws as a magical attribute that preserves bearish energy, and their use as amulets and signs of strength.

An ancient pagan amulet - a fang or a claw of a bear in our time is hung around the neck, like an amulet, a sign of strength, or like a keychain in a car, it protects from the evil eye and helps to concentrate in time and not let the situation get out of control.

In the old days, when a boy was born in a family, a bear's claw was hung over the bed (from evil spirits and the evil eye, from illness and fear), and when he grew up, they hung it around his neck - "so that he was healthy, strong and not afraid of anything."

The bear's claw is considered the most powerful amulet! It is a symbol of a courageous warrior and a successful hunter.

Bear claw necklaces were very popular among the American Indians - it was believed that this talisman gives its owner strength and courage. As a talisman against the evil eye and damage, the ancient Slavs wore the claws and hair of a bear. The veneration of the bear among the Slavs is associated with the cult of fertility, the revival of nature.

The image of a bear was also an obligatory attribute of wedding ceremonies. In the beliefs of Russian Siberia, the claw of a bear was used both to upset the wedding (the healer had to “scrabble” with his claw several times on the way in front of the train to church), and to bewitch it was enough to scratch the chosen one with a bear claw. According to legend, the claw of the right front paw of a bear has an extraordinary miraculous power: if a girl manages to secretly scratch his beloved guy, he will passionately love her.

As amulets and amulets, claws and fangs have been widely used since the Stone Age. Claw and fang among many peoples is a talisman with mysterious power. With the help of a fang or a claw, you gain the spirit of an animal as an ally!

Among the peoples of Siberia and the North, the fangs of a bear were attributed the ability to drive away evil spirits and bring good luck to their owner.

For the Nenets, the fang of a bear is protection from evil spirits, a kind of demonstration of strength, good luck in hunting. The bear's fang (tooth) serves as a talisman for the Ostyak, saving him from illness and danger; it also tends to expose deceit and deceit. Among the most necessary items in the taiga are knives and steel, Khanty and Mansi hunters wore bear fangs on their belts that guarded the owner “from the back”.

The Nanai addressed the bear's fang with the following words: “You are strong, you are not afraid of anything - come, help me! My child, come, make bold "" or: ""My child is calling to guard (protect) you," and they hung a fang or claw to the cradle. Cases have been noted when the mother, when the child was worried, turned to the pendants of the cradle with a request to guard and protect the baby” [Ivanov S. 1977, p. 89]. Men wore a fang on their belts, women around their necks. Going to bed, the men put the belt under their heads. It was believed that in this way their sleep protected the spirit of the bear, protecting them from all misfortunes. The fang of a bear also protected from back pain.

The cult of the bear is also known among all the peoples of the Caucasus. Ossetians nailed a bear's claw or fang to the jamb of the house so that evil forces could not enter the house. It was necessary to hang the skull of a bear at the entrance to the house in order to protect the dwelling from evil spirits. For the same purpose, the claw and tooth (fang) of the bear were hung on the cradle of the child. The Ingush used bear claws to make amulets: it was believed that they bring happiness. Karachays were recognized bear hunters. Dangerous hunting for a bear gave skins, from which bear fur coats (ayyu ton) were sewn, and also the skins of the beast were laid on the floor.

The Abkhazians removed the skin from the killed bear, which they then carefully dressed, took the bear's fang and the right shoulder blade. The skin of a bear became a talisman of health, wealth and fertility. They guessed and determined the future by the shoulder blade. The fang of a bear was used as an amulet to prevent misfortune, attacks on hunters and wild animals on domestic animals. Often, the claws of a bear, the most powerful amulet, were placed in the cradle of a child by the Adygs (Adyghes, Kabardians, Circassians), he was kept under the mattress in the cradle of a child so that the child would grow up strong and strong, like a bear.

Since ancient times, amulets or amulets have been used by people in order to protect themselves or their loved ones from all sorts of negative influences. They were worn as personal adornments, as wall decorations, kept in a secret place. Such magic items were used very often, they even became part of the ancient Slavic culture.

A bear's paw, a claw, a fang - all these items were considered male protective talismans, it was believed that they were able to convey to their owner the strength, dexterity and wisdom of the animal. The bear claw amulet was one of the popular items. Our ancestors believed that the bear talisman had the following magical abilities:

  • attracting good luck;
  • protection from dark forces and negative thoughts;
  • courage and courage for its owner.

Also, the bear amulet was used in order to protect itself from negative influences from magic. Amulets - zoomorphs among the ancient Slavs were: a claw, a tooth, a piece of the skin of a dead animal. Such items were most often worn by hunters and miners, they believed that talismans convey to the owner such traits as strength and dexterity. Later they began to wear images of animals on metal, glass or stone to protect them.

bear claw

The bear claw amulet was considered a strong defense of its owner. It was also intended to convey all the strengths of the beast. The bear was considered a "pure" animal, that is, no evil force could take on its appearance. Ancient ancestors believed that this animal has a mind similar to a human, can understand human speech, but cannot answer. It was believed that meeting a bear in the forest was good. A bear's paw, a tooth, a claw - all these items were considered powerful amulets, they were passed from fathers to sons.

Despite the fact that the cult of the bear is a thing of the past among the Slavs, amulets from its claws have always been revered as powerful magical artifacts. It was often passed down from generation to generation. They wore it as beads, a bracelet or as a symbol on a belt. The bear was considered the patron of men, so hunters and warriors most often wore it. The bear's claw personified creation, fertility and prosperity. For ancestors, this animal was not simple, it was considered a connecting link between a reasonable person and the forces of nature.

Protective symbols for a boy

Since talismans and amulets were a very important and significant part of the life of the Slavs, a special children's amulet was made even before the child was born. Most often they were created in the form of dolls. If a boy was expected, his indispensable personal amulet was a bear claw. Sometimes it was not processed in any way, and sometimes it was an integral element of another amulet. For newborn boys, the doll was made in the form of a paw, a claw was sewn inside it. A protective talisman was hung over a child's cradle.

He protected the newborn from impure forces, ailments, slander, the evil eye. When the child grew up, he carried his talisman around his neck, belt or wrist.

Bear symbols

Although the claw was used most often as a defense, other parts of the body of the killed animal were often used, for example, the head, paw, and a piece of skin. The head or paw was used to protect domestic animals from the attack of predatory animals. In this case, the amulet was placed at the entrance to the barn or barn. Such protective items were used not only by the ancient Slavs, but also by other peoples.

At present, such symbols have not lost their protective qualities. Hunters also carry with them the claw or tooth of the animal they have killed. It is believed that such talismans help them in successful hunting and in protection from predator attacks during campaigns.

How to make an amulet

Every hunter can make a protective item. But do not despair if this is not possible. You can make yourself an amulet with the image of a claw or paw of an animal.

It is necessary to find a light-colored stone, take a black thread and black paint. A paw or claw pattern is applied to the stone, using resistant paint. Then bury the stone in the ground. Let it lie down for seven days, all this time it will be saturated with the energy of the earth, in order to subsequently give it to its owner. After seven days, the stone is dug up, a black thread is threaded through a hole made in advance, worn around the neck or on the wrist as a bracelet.

Wearing and meaning

A talisman with a depicted bear's paw will protect from the evil eye, evil thoughts, damage. Astrologers advise wearing symbols around the neck. It is believed that such a talisman will become a protection against magical negativity directed at the owner, from dangers, diseases, anger and envy of others. Talismans made from teeth, claws or scraps of animal skins have always been considered the strongest defenders against negative magical influences - damage, evil eye, curses, slander.

If a person makes such an amulet for himself, he will always be protected by the forces of nature, against which the magical influence exerted by a person does not have sufficient strength. It is very important in wearing amulets or talismans to show due respect for the sacred object, to believe in its protective abilities, to protect it, not to allow strangers to wear it and hold it in their hands. Otherwise, he may lose his defenses, or even harm the owner, causing him to become aggressive.

The bear's claw is one of the most powerful amulets. In ancient times, it was used by shamans and hunters wherever this mighty beast was found. It meant strength, protection of the weak, wisdom. And also - courage and fury, characteristic of the owner of the taiga and the European forest.

Separately, it should be noted that many peoples considered the bear as their symbol. He was often found on knightly shields, coats of arms of cities and entire kingdoms. Why it happened, and how you can use the bear claw amulet today, we will tell in this article.

The owner of the forest: what does the bear symbol mean

At all times, people believed in magical powers. Perhaps, ethnography knows not a single people who would be alien to mysticism. People have always asked for help and intercession from good gods, spirits and magicians. And from the evil ones - they tried to defend themselves or force them to serve themselves. They were an indispensable help in this matter.

The Slavic god Veles took the form of a bear and a bull.

Among the ancient men who were hunters and warriors, talismans made from the skins, fangs or claws of predatory animals were especially popular. Firstly, they were clear evidence of the strength, courage and good luck of a person who was able to defeat a boar, tiger or bear. Secondly, the life force of the animal is stored in such hunting trophies.

A bear charm, whether it is a trophy obtained from it or just an image, is a very powerful thing. In fairy tales and legends of the forest peoples, the bear is not only a formidable rival of the hunter. He is his protector, patron and guardian of the forest.

In fairy tales, evil spirits never take the form of a bear, because they are almost more afraid of him than they are of the cross. But the gods, yes. Veles, an inhabitant of the three Worlds, took on different guises. But among his favorite looks is a bull, which is still depicted on, and a formidable brown owner of the forest.

So the meaning of the bear as a symbol is quite unambiguous - he is strong and wise, and his followers will receive the same qualities. In our time, we, too, can, like our ancestors, use their beliefs for our protection and benefit.

Amulets with the attributes of a bear among the Slavs and other peoples

The cult of the bear was, as mentioned above, extremely widespread. The ancient Slavs especially respected the owner of the forest, in whom he was associated with Veles, the god of nature, magic and wealth. He was also very popular among the peoples of Siberia. It was believed that the bear keeps in itself all the qualities that delighted a person in the wild: indomitable power, abundance, deep wisdom.

The strongest amulets associated with the bear cult are, of course, the claws and skins of the beast. However, the ancients also revered simply the images of the "forest prince" on stone, metal or wood.

The bear is a symbol of strength, courage and kindness.

In addition to these images, archaeologists find many talismans with bear paw prints. People who today are trying to profess the faith of their ancestors call such amulets "".

Fangs or a bear's claw were hung over the entrance to a dwelling to protect the house from evil spirits. A charm with a bear's paw and with a separate claw, by and large, means the same thing, the difference is only in the way it is worn. A real claw can be worn around the neck or in a pocket, it has the energy of an animal. In the case of a paw, it will be more of a symbolic image applied to the amulet.

There is a version that the cult of the bear and other predators in the form in which it is recorded by the sources was brought to the Slavs by the Celts. Bear amulets were also popular among the Germans, along with. Among European peoples, the bear symbolized the same thing as among our ancestors. He was considered the personification of strength and power, but at the same time kindness. Therefore, both men and women willingly turned to him.

Bear claw: the meaning of the amulet

An amulet with a bear's claw symbolizes protection, strength, abundance and patronage of the forces of light. It also has the following properties:

  • Protects from evil witchcraft and the machinations of evil spirits;
  • Promotes health;
  • Protects from lies and hypocrisy;
  • Helps to preserve and increase livestock;
  • Attracts good luck.

However, you should be careful with bear charms. They have a very strong, wild and unbridled energy, and such a talisman can be harmful to a weak person.

How does a bear's claw protect against evil?

The functions of the amulet with a bear's claw are connected with the fact that the bear is the sacred animal of Veles. This powerful god among the Slavs corresponded to the Scandinavian Odin and the Greek Hermes. Veles was the god of magicians, merchants and shepherds, but he was also associated with Naviu, the other world. Spirits, including evil ones, live in Navi, witches and sorcerers draw their strength from there.

Unlike many otherworldly forces, Veles is supportive of people. Therefore, amulets from the claws and fangs of his totem animal are protected from the dark influences of Navi, for example, from possession, the evil eye and damage. After all, who can negotiate with otherworldly forces and convince them not to harm a person better than one who himself is their relative?

Wearing a bear claw receives the protection of Veles.

Protector and amulet for boys

The souls of children, according to Slavic beliefs, fly from the other world to move into the body of a baby. Veles, the god of Navi, still feels affection for them for some time, so he loves small children. It is believed that if you hang an amulet with a bear's paw or a claw of an animal over a cradle, then God will protect the newborn from illness and adversity.

Our ancestors believed that a bear would never harm a child.

If the boy grew up in the family of a hunter or a merchant, then Veles paid special attention to him, because the children in those days continued the work of their fathers. And merchants, as well as people engaged in hunting, he always favored. The bear claw protected such children until they came of age. You can also use it to protect your little ones so they grow up strong and healthy.

Bear amulet as an assistant in love affairs

Surprisingly, the bear claw also helps in love. It was believed that it was enough just to run it over a person’s skin to arouse passion in him. However, this will only work if the heart of the chosen one is not busy. Bear claw meditation can bring you some romantic ideas that will diversify your relationship. The amulet will save people of the age from impotence.

Who is this symbol for?

First of all, of course, travelers, merchants, military personnel and policemen. Veles was also the god of poetry and magic, therefore another meaning of the bear's claw is creative activity and knowledge. Thanks to this, bear talismans will suit writers, poets and artists, as well as people who are in dire need of worldly wisdom. For example, psychologists, teachers, investigators, judges.

Bear claws and fangs are also worn in the following cases:

  • If you have lost your life orientation or cannot make an important decision. In this case, the amulet will help you choose the right path.
  • If you need to develop your intuition or magical abilities.
  • When a person feels that he is sorely lacking what is called the "inner core" - self-confidence and self-confidence.
  • If there is a boy in the family. The wild, natural energy of the talisman will be in perfect harmony with the same energy of the kids.
  • When you need to spend a lot of time on the road.
  • For people who do not sleep well, you can hang a bear paw or a bear claw over the bed.
  • For those suffering from depression and fears, the amulet helps to feel calmer.

Where to get a bear amulet

Of course, it is best to get the beast on your own and protect it from the bear's claw. If you really decide on this, then remember that the animal needs to be killed only with melee weapons, our ancestors used special horned spears for this. The beast must be butchered right at the scene of the murder, and the claw should be taken from the right front paw, reading the cherished words.

The symbolic bear paw will be a good alternative to the parts of a dead animal.

Perhaps the vast majority of modern people will not be able to defeat the owner of the forests, and even without a gun. Therefore, the purchase of bear claws is allowed. Such amulets will be weaker, but still effective. You can either purchase a finished product or an unprocessed claw, for example, from hunters, and you can already make a charm out of it with your own hands. The second option is preferable, because this is how you invest your energy in the future amulet.
However, it should be remembered that times have changed, and there are not so many bears left in the wild. Therefore, it would still be reasonable to replace the real claw with a symbolic image. For this, the “bear paw” seal is suitable, the meaning of which will be the same as that of the parts of the killed animal, but no one will be harmed.

How to activate the bear claw

As a rule, amulets made from the fangs or claws of a bear are cleansed with salt water. Water from a pure natural spring is best suited. You can also take ordinary water and freeze it for a week, leaving it in a dark corner, and then melt it. At the same time, it is better to store it in earthenware. Add a handful of salt to the water, then soak the fang or claw in it. Leave for a day and then throw out the water as far as possible from the housing.

Then you need to activate your amulet. Clench it tightly in your fist, focus on the desires that you want to fulfill with its goal. When finished, the amulet can be worn. Wear without removing, in such a way that it touches the skin.

Amulets from claws, teeth of various animals have been used since ancient times as a personal or family amulet. The bear's claw is used to protect against negativity at the mental level (evil eye, damage, illness), it is used to attract good luck, health, and happiness into one's life. Also, talismans with bearish strength are able to enhance male character traits: strength, endurance, dexterity, and more.

bear claw

The bear personifies the strength of the spirit and body, connects the real and the afterlife, is the keeper of dreams.

The bear's claw is considered a strong male amulet, a real talisman with high magical power can only be obtained by defeating the bear in a fair fight. In ancient times, when killing a bear, it was impossible to use traps or firearms.

After defeating the owner of the taiga, the hunter performed a certain ritual so that the power of the bear would turn into an amulet. A bear claw amulet made according to all the rules was considered a family amulet and was passed down through the male line to subsequent generations.

Now any amulet can be purchased at the store, but it will not have all the properties that it had before, however, it still retains some of the power.

The value of the amulet

The bear has tremendous energy. The bear claw amulet is the keeper of the power of this beast.

The meaning of the bear claw amulet:

    protects from the negative influence of "black" magic, evil spirits, evil people and negative thoughts;

    has healing properties, banishes illness, attracts health, strengthens the soul and body;

    protects from deceit and helps in the search for the truth;

    helps to save livestock;

    protects against accidents.

It was believed that if the claw was placed in a pillow or hung over a bed, a person would not have nightmares.

In addition to the protective properties of the bear amulet, it contributes to the development of strength, endurance, fearlessness, dexterity, wisdom and other qualities necessary for a real man.

Thanks to the artifact, you can succeed in any business, but it is worth remembering that the path to success is not always safe. The price of success can be high. The power of the amulet, in addition to creative power, also has destructive, elemental energy.

The bear's claw is the strongest defense against witchcraft.

The ancient Slavs believed that the bear had great resistance to any magic. Bear claws were used by magicians and magi to protect against witchcraft, witches and various spirits of the Navi world.

The greatest power of the amulet is aimed at protecting against magical flows at the energy level. A person protected by a real artifact is not subject to the influence of damage, the evil eye, or a magical blow.

Amulet bear claw for a boy

If you hang a bear claw over the boy's bed, you will protect the baby from any negativity and bad dreams.

Real hunters and warriors were interested in the proper upbringing of their children. The bear claw became the first amulet for newborn boys, it was sewn into a toy paw and hung over the cradle, after the baby began to walk, the amulet with a claw was hung around his neck or belt. A child with such a talisman grew up with a strong spirit and body.

How is the amulet used in love magic

The bear claw was used both to attract the chosen one and to upset the wedding. The power of the bear talisman was considered so huge that to attract love, it is enough just to run a real claw on the hand of the person whose love you wanted to attract, but if the opponent’s heart is already taken, the rite will not work.

Who is this symbol for?

The bear's claw is considered a male amulet, will benefit in the following cases:

    With the loss of a goal in life or in situations where a person does not see a way out. The artifact will help you get out of a state of stagnation and create something new.

    When choosing a path, when a person stands at a crossroads and does not know where to go. Many people remember signs in fairy tales: you will go to the right ... to the left ... straight ahead .... In life, we also visit such crossroads, but it is not written what awaits us ahead. A bear claw amulet will help determine the right path.

    Those wishing to develop the 6th sense (intuition).

    To strengthen self-confidence, strengthening the "inner core". A confident person sets goals more accurately and achieves them faster.

    A bear's claw in silver is a strong amulet for babies. By hanging a boy over the cradle, you will protect him from any negative energy. In addition to the protective properties, the bear's claw forms male character traits in the boy: fortitude, courage, liveliness of mind.

    If the child does not sleep well, the bear's claw helped to normalize sleep.

    The amulet will help to gain health and peace of mind for people suffering from frequent illnesses or people with an unstable psyche.

    Motorists will be protected on the road.

Important. The bear's claw belongs to the male talisman, but in critical and difficult situations it is also suitable for a woman.

How to make an amulet

You can make an amulet from a real bear claw. If it is not possible to pour it into silver or cut it out, it is enough just to sew a bear claw into a knitted or sewn amulet.

How to activate the amulet

The bear's claw can be used as a keychain.

After buying a charm in a store, you need to clear it of negative and foreign energy. To do this, simply hold the amulet in salt water for a day and rinse under running water. If it is possible to turn to the forces of nature, do it as follows:

    go to the forest, choose the edge where it will be pleasant to be;

    bury the amulet in the ground and leave for 7 days;

    remove the claw from the ground and rinse with running water, it is good if it is a spring;

    make a fire and hold it a little over the fire;

    do not leave for a long time in the fresh wind.

When in contact with the elements, turn to earth, water, fire and wind with a request to empower your talisman.

When wearing a talisman directly on the body, the energy waves of a person and a talisman are adjusted. The closer and longer the contact, the higher the help of the talisman.

Since ancient times, people have sought to protect themselves from various negative influences. It was believed that charms and amulets could save from black magic, diseases, evil people and banal troubles. Protective attributes accompanied a person everywhere: they were worn under clothes or in a wallet, kept under the threshold or above the front door. One of the strongest talismans of shamanic-totem magic was considered a charm of bear claws. The sacred meaning of this artifact has survived to this day.

Bear claw: the meaning and essence of the symbol of male power

The claws and fangs of predators are considered male amulets. Symbols of courage, heroism and fortitude, they carry an unprecedented magical potential. The most popular "companions" of men are bear claws. Toptygin is a strong, hardy and intelligent animal. For many centuries, its power was considered to be of an exclusively creative nature. Among the associations that this wild beast evokes are fertility, unlimited health. The peoples of the North believed that the claws scare away evil spirits, among the Slavs they were used as a talisman against the evil eye, and the Indians wore them as an amulet that gives courage. Caucasians appreciated the amazing properties of this amulet. They nailed a bear's paw or claw to the jamb of the house, protecting the house from negative influences. The claws helped the Ostyaks to expose the deceit and deceit of people, and brought happiness to the Ingush.

Together with the natural amulet, the owner acquires the powerful energy of the owner of the forest. The main condition for wearing such a talisman is the ability to control oneself. Only in this case, the bear's claws will become a faithful assistant.

Sharp amulet against evil spirits

With the help of a bear claw, newborn boys were kept from troubles. Bear claws suspended above the cradle performed a number of functions:

  • they drove away the evil spirits that sought to disturb the baby;
  • protected the boy from childhood illnesses.

When the child got older, the bear claw product was hung around the neck, where it still served its purpose. It gave confidence, helped to grow into a real man!

Another purpose has an amulet. The claw of a bear, on which you can see various symbols, helps a person find harmony and happiness.

Is it possible to pass a powerful amulet from generation to generation?

The wisdom of the ancestors says: in order to get all the power and strength of a wild beast, you must kill it yourself. And best of all with the help of melee weapons. Only under such conditions all the energy of a hardy bear passes into his claws and fangs. The person who defeated the predator became the sole owner of this powerful amulet. The claw of the master of the forest could only be passed on through the male line. And with it all the accumulated energy. It is noteworthy that over time, the power of the talisman does not dry out, but only increases!

Animal amulet: from time immemorial to our days

Today, the claws of a predator protect their owners from trouble on the roads, repel people with bad intentions. It is enough just to place or above the entrance to the house! In addition, amulets strengthen mental health and strengthen the immune system. It is believed that the bear's claw is a talisman that helps in love affairs: it helps people suffering from unrequited feelings. You need to speak it and easily scratch the hand of the object of love experiences. In the shortest possible time, the attitude of the beloved will change significantly, tender affection, favor will appear. The love tandem will last decades, will be successful.

Natural energy: how to activate an artifact?

You can use the bear's claws as an amulet or a talisman only after they have been activated. Due to circumstances in the modern world, getting a bear's claw is not an easy task. However, esotericists assure: an amulet purchased in a specialized store can also bring good luck to the owner. To do this, you need to conduct a ritual of magical purification, supplement it with an activation process. Only after that the amulet will work in full force.

Bear claw can be cleaned in a variety of ways:

  • with the help of the four elements;
  • bathing in salt water.

To cleanse the four elements at the same time at home, you will need elements symbolizing these elements: a handful of earth, a small container of water, herbs or (they will represent the wind), a candle or a torch.

The ideal time for the ceremony is the growing moon. There is a second way to make everything easier - this will require spring water and ordinary table salt. It is salt that literally absorbs negative magical information.

Mixing water with white gold, as salt is also called, is necessary in a clay bowl. In this composition, the bear's claw should spend a day. Magicians recommend pouring used water on the ground. After this procedure, the amulet is ready to accept a conspiracy that can activate miraculous functions! Complicated rituals are not necessary, it is enough to calm down and appeal to the essence of the forest predator with a request to fill the talisman with special energy.

Bear claws - a valuable gift and a cure for depression

Has someone close to you lost faith in themselves and their own strengths? Are you becoming more and more depressed? Bear claws will come to the rescue! They can be given to men of any age, starting from birth. An excellent gift would be an accessory in the form of a pendant for a chain, a bracelet. A good option is an unusual or accessory for a car. Buying bear claws (you see the photo in the article) is worth carefully. A fake or the claws of other animals will not bring such a powerful magical effect!
