Types of men with whom you can not enter into a serious relationship. Harmful male and female habits

As the old Russian proverb says: men must be protected. Therefore, in this article we will consider the question - how to do it? And for this you need to know what is harmful for men.

It's bad for men to go shopping.

It turns out that this is bad for men's health. So a survey of Londoners showed that standing in line causes rage in every fifth Englishman. It even leads to an increase in pressure, which is extremely dangerous. In choosing purchases, the opinions of men and women are not compatible: men are interested in the device and quality, and women are interested in color and style.

sedentary lifestyle, which is bad for men.

Physical activity protects men from ulcers. After examining 11,000 subjects, American scientists found that duodenal ulcers often occur in men who lead a sedentary lifestyle. And very rarely in physically active men. This study was carried out at the University of South Carolina. In men who run at least 16 km during the week, the risk of ulcers is 2 times less. The reasons for the process are not fully understood. Perhaps - the level of stress decreases, the immune status increases.

In boys, the right half of the brain develops first.

In girls, on the contrary - the left. That is why boys begin to speak a year later than their peers, and at school they read and write worse. But the boys are better oriented in space, thanks to the developed right hemisphere.

Men need more oxygen.

Men breathe less frequently and more deeply than women. Therefore, in gassed cities, the lungs of men are at greater risk. They get more harmful substances than in women's.

A single bed is the way to a man's health.

Everyone knows that married men live longer than bachelors. However, according to doctors, it is time to reconsider some family values. The tradition of sharing a bed with his wife came from poor commoners. Whereas aristocrats always had separate bedrooms. According to doctors, this is very useful for the psychological health of men.

Stress is more dangerous for men.

No matter how strong our stronger sex is, it is less stress-resistant. In women, stress causes sleep disturbance, irritability, bad mood - not so scary. Much more detrimental stress for men. Its consequences are gastric ulcer, atherosclerosis, high blood pressure, ischemia. It turns out that dental chairs were designed specifically for men. Initially, the patient was simply seated on a stool. If women tolerated the treatment well, then men simply fell from it from fear and pain.

Men - cry! This is quite a masculine thing.

Why do men not cry or do it very rarely? Well, firstly, from infancy, they constantly hear that it is not masculine. And secondly, they are so arranged nervous system. The ability to cry at the right time is a kind of valve that works automatically for women. When you cry, endorphins are released - this dulls the feeling of pain and helps to calm down. So in men, this valve is inoperative, which leads to the accumulation of negative emotions, to an increased risk of heart and vascular diseases.

Ibuprofen hurts manhood

Long-term use of ibuprofen, according to scientists, can lead to male infertility. This drug reduces testosterone levels, leading to a decrease in the number of spermatozoa. This conclusion was made by scientists from Denmark and France.

Ibuprofen is often and long-term used for chronic pain and arthritis. Studies by scientists and observations of people who use ibuprofen have led to the conclusion that these men have lower testosterone levels, reduced sexual activity, worsened mood, and a feeling of chronic fatigue.

Male smokers are more likely to suffer from peripheral atherosclerosis.

This disease can be identified by the following signs: pain in the joints of the lower extremities when walking, which disappears when you stop. This indicates the presence of plaques in the artery. Which can lead to heart attack and stroke. It is necessary to conduct an ultrasound examination.

Physical exercise, balanced nutrition and self-care are the right set of habits that make men more beautiful. But there are also bad habits which, even with great efforts, do not allow us to achieve brilliant results working on your appearance and health.

10. You use every facial product in a row.

Many men do not have enough time and desire to find out which products are best to use for facial skin care. As a result, shower gel, liquid or regular soap is used.

These products contain harsh chemicals that damage the skin and make it protective layer thinner. If you choose a product specifically for your skin type (and it can be dry, oily or combination), then it will become softer and will have a fresher and younger look.

9. You remove a lot of water from the body.

Did you know that it is recommended to drink at least 8 glasses a day clean water? But even if you do, then the use of certain diuretics (diuretic substances) reduces your efforts to nothing. Remember, caffeine and alcohol are the main enemies, because because of them your body loses the most water.

Our body is 70% fluid, so in order for cells to function properly, dehydration must not be allowed. If you do everything right, you will look fit, and the skin will be clean and healthy. Therefore, if you cannot imagine your morning without a cup or several cups of coffee, then be sure to compensate for the loss of water as soon as possible.

8. You shave without foam or gel.

If you do not use shaving foam or gel, you will seriously injure the skin of the face: as a result, not only irritation and rash appear, but also ingrown hairs. The skin becomes dry. To avoid inflammation and cuts, just buy yourself a smooth shave.

Do not forget to also change the blade in the razor in a timely manner. Experts advise: before shaving, you need to wait until the pores open. To do this, you can just stand under warm shower and then apply shaving cream or gel to the skin of the face.

7. You often touch your face with your hands.

Between washing your hands, a million bacteria and germs accumulate on the skin of your hands. When you touch your face with your hands, all this dirt clogs the pores, which then causes acne. Also, do not rub or stretch the skin on the face: this is fraught with premature wrinkles.

6. You slouch.

Slouching isn't just bad for your spine. A hunched back does not have the best effect on how others perceive you. Incorrect posture is a subconscious demonstration of your laziness and self-doubt. If you stand and sit straight, your muscles will look more prominent, and women always pay more attention to athletic men.

5. You exercise just to eat more.

Do you love walking just because it takes you to the nearest burger joint? If you continue to deceive yourself that you can regularly afford high-calorie meals, because it is compensated by physical activity, you will soon notice how an impressive layer of fat is built up on your body. Of course, you can pamper yourself occasionally with harmful products, but not all the time. Exercising is necessary in order to look slim, and not to eat fatty and unhealthy foods. Such bad habits of men are not compatible with a beautiful figure.

4. You drink too much alcohol.

Alcohol has a appearance men both short-term and longer-term effects. As a diuretic, it dehydrates the body, so one drink is not enough for you and you want more. Even one alcohol party will turn into more pronounced wrinkles for you the next morning. In addition, such bad male habits in general do not lead to good.

Alcohol is a very high-calorie product, and you need to be careful with it. Daily consumption of more than 2 servings per day alcoholic beverages will contribute to the appearance of spots on your skin, and your body will begin to appear haggard and tired.

3. You eat too much sweet and starchy foods.

Sweet and starchy foods will never let you build the perfect body. They negatively affect the condition of the skin. Minimize your intake of all foods that contain flour, sugar, margarine, and any ingredients with complex chemical names.

Eat More Instead raw vegetables and fresh fruit. A handful of nuts makes a great snack. The influence of bad habits on men is manifested instantly, so watch your diet.

2. You don't use sunscreen.

Do you spend too much time outside when the sun shines bright and relentless? Without sunscreen, your skin will age faster, wrinkles will appear earlier, and your risk of melanomas will increase.

To protect yourself from the harmful effects of the sun, try not to be outside on a hot afternoon, use sunscreen every morning in the summer. Apply the cream to your skin throughout the day if you spend a lot of time outdoors.

1. You smoke.

Cigarettes contain over 4,000 chemical substances, 51 of which are lethal carcinogens. When you smoke, free radicals freely enter your body and damage DNA molecules. As a result, the skin becomes pale, deep wrinkles appear.

Of course, you already know about the dangers of smoking. But have you seriously considered that you can actually quit smoking? Weigh all the pros and cons of smoking. Yes, you enjoy smoking, but consider what benefits you will get if you get rid of this bad habit.

We hope that if you have any male bad habits, you know how to get the better of them.

Based on materials from the site http://www.askmen.com.

You tumble home in the morning, close the door loudly, take off your shoes loudly, go to the toilet loudly ... Damn it, at such moments you do everything loudly, even breathe. Finish your libations a couple of mugs early next time. Getting tipsy is fine, but getting drunk as a talking goo is another thing entirely.

2. Think cooking is a woman's job.

Guys, seriously, your hands are in place, your brains too. Yes, and you probably had a chance to see the stove before. So why do you think that only we should cook?

At least once in a while, you can do something on your own. And yes, here's the surprise - culinary feats take time and effort. Think about it at your leisure before sending us to the stove every single day.

3. Staring at other women


We are not blind, by the way. And we perfectly notice when you once again enthusiastically look at a pretty waitress. Be kind, do it not so obviously. Or at least take your eyes off her chest for a little while. Thanks a lot.

4. Give up your part of the housework

It is clear that we have different ideas about disorder, but still. If the other half says it's time to tidy up - as a rule, it really is time. And now the trick: take a window cleaner and wash these same windows. Wow, looks like your girlfriend is turned on! No, it doesn't seem like it is.

5. Watch only films for men

Your girlfriend has long realized that you like Fast and the Furious. The fact that she had to watch every movie in the franchise with you gave her this idea. Twice. A movie about cars is a good thing, but sometimes you want to pour a glass of wine and turn on some tearful nonsense like "City of Angels". We don't ask much of you, do we?

6. Talk only about yourself

Some men are so passionate about their own person that you want to bow down to them when they bother to talk about something else. Excessive self-love and the belief that everyone wants to know how you are doing are so-so habits.

7. Skip plans

When you systematically refuse something at the last moment, it infuriates us, and your friends, and colleagues. In general, everyone. If nothing really important happened, humble yourself, gather your will into a fist and, please, do as we agreed.

8. Fuck us


Everyone has the right to free time as he pleases, there are no complaints. But if for the sixth evening in a row you go to party with friends, but you don’t take us with you, it can be quite insulting.

9. Leave dirty dishes in the sink

Oh yes, your life partner is simply crazy about plates with the remnants of a meal and mugs in which tea bags sour. Rumor has it that if a man does the dishes, nothing bad will happen to him.

10. Don't go grocery shopping with us

Say you hate shopping? No problem, we will carry the heavy packages home ourselves. Just don't be surprised later that these bags don't contain your favorite food.

11. Snoring all night


Clearly you are not doing this on purpose. But if you know you snore while lying on your back, why not just change your sleeping position?

12. Pick your nose

Not in the nose, but in the ear or in the teeth - this process does not become more pleasant. For the love of all that is holy, do this sort of research on your own. And the prey of the umbilical collection, too.

13. Leaving hair on soap

Don't care where they come from. Is there any way to make them not be there anymore?

14. Don't clean up after yourself

You cut your nails and left, but your nails remained. Shaved, and all over the sink is now stubble. Closing a tube of toothpaste is not a royal affair, that's me. Throwing away a candy wrapper is not earlier than a couple of days after the candy is eaten - obviously, this is how a tradition unknown to ladies prescribes.

15. Ask us where your things are

Probably where you put them. I have not met a single woman, obsessed with the passion to daily hide the belongings of her faithful.

16. Sitting on the toilet for a long time

Anything can happen in life, but it is unlikely that you have such problems with digestion that each trip on well-known cases drags on for half an hour. No, let's be honest, are you hiding from us there or is it some kind of global male toilet conspiracy?

Here is the thing: if you constantly use the same toilet water, then over time you get used to the smell and imperceptibly increase the dose. You are fine, but the eyes of those around you are already leaking.

20. Eat with squelching and champing

You should have been told as a child that eating in the company of other people is as quiet as possible. In general, do not be surprised if one day you get a spoon on the forehead from a companion. Still, the nerves of many are not iron.

In the original article, the list consisted of 11 habits. It was not difficult for us to increase it to 20 points, now it's your turn. Dear readers, tell us what habits of men drive you crazy.

“A man and a woman are very different, some even claim that we are from different planets. Men and women have different views on the world, unequal physical capabilities, dissimilar characters, and men differ from women in appearance. Men belong to stronger sex. They position themselves as strong, courageous, smart and leaders in life. Men believe that they are our protectors, earners, breadwinners. A man, like a lion, is the master of life, the king of beasts. These are all the positive aspects that attract women so much, make our heart beat faster in unison with the wonderful feeling of love. But each light side has its own shadow. There is always something that poisons life, both for us and for our loved ones. Certain features of character sometimes prevent us from living, cause misunderstanding with others and can play a cruel joke. As is commonly believed, men are the stronger sex, but in our time it is often necessary to observe the opposite situation. I wonder what kind of men can be called disgusting? And what is behind this? Consider seven types of disgusting men,” says psychologist Julia Plyakha

1. A man who is a fan of himself

This is that disgusting type of man who is unlikely to walk past a store window without straightening his bangs. Loving yourself and your body is great, but complimenting yourself is too much. It's easy to offend him! Suffice it to say that he has an unfashionable T-shirt. All! Now scandal!

Psychologist's opinion:

Such men do not see reality and perceive the world around them the way they want. They do not see themselves equal and consider themselves impeccable. During a conversation, such a man constantly talks about himself, he is not enough, or rather, other people are not interested at all. They prefer to solve problems at the expense of others. Under no pretext do they admit their mistakes, admitting their mistake is tantamount to the collapse of the inner world and life ideals. They blame others for wrongdoing, but not themselves. Any conflict situation related to dissatisfaction with a woman is a threat to the existence of his personality for them. The narcissist prefers to give gifts and do something nice for himself, and only then for his beloved, you need to come to terms with this, but in this situation there is one plus - because the narcissist's house has everything you need and all the best.

The reasons for this type of behavior lie in early childhood. If the environment of the child makes him understand that he is important not in himself, but because of the performance of a certain function, or requires him to be different than he is in reality, then the child’s real feelings and desires are suppressed by him because of the fear of rejection. Such a child receives the message: "Be who I want you to be, and I will love you."

2. Nerdy whiner

Are you familiar with this? It is easy to figure him out of the company, he is unlikely to laugh at really funny jokes. Why? He has a "special" sense of humor. And yet, he is not happy with sunny weather, and he is not happy with rainy weather, he is never satisfied with anything at all!

Psychologist's opinion:

Psychologists note that being dissatisfied with something for such people is a normal physical reaction to external stimuli, which originates from childhood. The inner child of this person is not crying because something terrible has happened to him, he just needs emotional release. Male whiners usually grow up in a family where the father is absent either physically or psychologically. And the mother is overly caring, trying to protect her son from all problems as much as possible.

3. Mean

Surely this disgusting type of men needs to be moved to the first place in our ranking. Such a man will invite you to walk in the park and will not treat you to ice cream, because he took sandwiches with him, they should not disappear, especially since his mother tried, she didn’t even regret the meat.

Psychologist's opinion:

He does not spare money for himself and spends it with pleasure, provided that the purchase will be personally useful to him. Therefore, you should not be guided by "clothing", as a mean man can look quite presentable. Such a subject does not save on himself, but when the situation forces him to fork out for gifts and things that do not bring him joy, then all the signs of his greedy nature appear. Likes to get everything for free. It spends a lot of time looking for discounts, free entertainment, and the like. He also prefers to constantly calculate, figure out and seeks to gain even in small things. If he is lucky enough to buy a loaf of bread for a hryvnia in one of the stores cheaper than anywhere else, he will be incredibly constantly remembering this “extraordinary luck”. Rely on your own intuition in matters of male greed, and it will not let you down! Demand from your man only what he is able to give you and, based on this, decide whether this type of relationship suits you. It is unreasonable to demand diamonds from a man living on a modest salary. office worker. But it’s completely stupid to endure next to the owner of a heavy wallet who comes on a date without bothering to buy even a modest bouquet of flowers or any other pleasant trifle.

Why do men become greedy? The main reason for male greed is a strict upbringing in childhood or the example of a father who was not very generous towards his mother. As well as fears and complexes, insecurity in relationships, misunderstanding of women's hints, poverty or lack of funds in the past, selfishness and pronounced selfishness.

4. A man who promises a lot and doesn't deliver.

Here, the editors of sunny7 went too far. This type of man is not disgusting, but already familiar! On the first date, he is ready to throw at your feet not only flowers, but also stars, however, he does it all in words! We suspect that such a man reads a lot of books (very large +), since only he can come up with epithets in style: the uniqueness of your eyes embraces not only the heart, but also pierces the soul.

Psychologist's opinion:

Typical options for irresponsibility are the habit of relying on chance, postponing everything for later, not thinking about the future ... Irresponsibility is internally comfortable, but for other people it is a source of trouble and problems. "Did you do it or not?" - The responsible person he answers this question honestly and in the case of “didn’t do it”, he is ready to bear responsibility (punishments or payments). An irresponsible person eludes this question and runs away from responsibility.

Where does irresponsibility come from? By itself, responsibility does not appear in a person. If parents or other elders raised responsibility, there will be responsibility. Not brought up - there is nothing to swear. Swearing is also a manifestation of irresponsibility, shifting responsibility to someone bad, because of which all the troubles. As a rule, the irresponsibility of children is formed by their parents - either by their own example of irresponsibility, or by the lack of exactingness on this issue.

5. Bouncer

This is that disgusting type of man who has a lot of cars (allegedly), many important friends (also supposedly) and he makes great achievements in his life (again supposedly), which everyone knows about!

Psychologist's opinion:

His achievements at work and on the love front are obvious to everyone. And only because he tirelessly boasts of everyone and everything. On the one hand, what's wrong with a person sharing their successes at work? But what if he boasts not only about how he was the only one from the department to receive an award, but also about how he finally managed to get a girl to have sex on the first date? Women knowing this feature men can easily play with this, for example, a girl wants to get married, then she begins to praise all the charms of a man with pleasure, find virtues even where there are none at all, this is extremely pleasant for a man. But, alas, all this is for the time being.

The reason for such boasting may be certain situations from childhood. When a child has crossed the fine line between imagination and deceit. In certain cases, the child's fantasies can be directed to attributing to himself (or other) people non-existent character traits, achievements, etc. Bragging is an alarming symptom that indicates the presence of certain problems. If a child exaggerates his own or other people's abilities, communicating with peers, then he is not confident enough in himself. AT this case bragging is a defense mechanism, a wall behind which small man trying to hide from the problems of the real world.

6 Chameleon Man

Why? Because you live with him like on a powder keg: he is alone with you, he is different with friends, etc.

Psychologist's opinion:

This type of man is distinguished by an enviable duplicity. Alone with his girlfriend, he is tenderness and passion itself. He can literally burst into tears on her shoulder, talking about a drowned hamster. However, as soon as his friends cross the threshold, he immediately discards all sentimentality, begins to laugh out loud, make vulgar jokes and completely ignores his girlfriend, whom he just promised to give a star from the sky.

Such a bifurcation occurs when the heart says one thing and the mind another, and a person is between a choice: what to choose and what to listen to: the mind, which sometimes deceives, or the heart, which deceives very rarely? The heart dictates one behavior, and the mind dictates another. Of course, the heart plays a huge role. We behave as our heart dictates, but when the mind intervenes .... Then the most terrible and most nasty struggle within a person begins.

7. Tyrant

A disgusting type of man who knows for sure that only his opinion exists! He will do everything to make you dependent on him and even afraid! Terrible type. To be creative, to be beautiful - he is unlikely to understand the desires of a woman!

Psychologist's opinion:

This is a man possessed by a lust for power. He is preoccupied with the question “Who is the boss in the house?”, He is pissed off by the slightest disobedience. When someone or something is out of his control, it threatens his sense of omnipotence. Therefore, he seeks at any cost to suppress the will of those who are subject to him. Even if they just express their opinion, he regards this as an attack on his authority. The husband - a tyrant will make sure that his wife depends on him as much as possible, which is achieved very simply - he forbids her to work and bestows gifts as much as possible. large quantity children. At the beginning of the relationship, while he is not yet sure that the victim is in his hands, the prohibition may look mild - he will nobly say that "his woman should not work." A tyrant husband will not only be against work, but also against her communication with friends and relatives, against studies and hobbies - everything that disputes his undivided possession of her thoughts and feelings. External dependence is not enough for him - he wants to own a person completely.

One of the main reasons underlying domestic tyranny is resentment towards the mother. The connection between a son and his mother is very strong and for life. Much depends on its orientation, especially relations with the opposite sex, children. A huge psychological attachment to the mother remains in adulthood. The only difference is that the attitude towards her can be filled with gratitude and affection, when “mother is sacred”, or burning resentment, rejection, hostility. These mechanisms are formed in childhood, and sweep through life, controlling the actions and actions of a man. Often resentment against the mother grows and transforms into resentment against all women, against society as a whole. The subconscious feeling of deprivation, injustice pushes a person to take revenge and reproach, "punish" others, restoring his sense of rightness.

Life experience tells me that it is better to stay away from these 7 types of men. Rest assured, it will be difficult for you to recognize only the “chameleon man”, while the rest of the disgusting types of men will show all their “dignities” already on the third date. No, we do not dissuade, we just warn. Although, if you have great faith, time and inspiration to change men, go for it! Share your results with us!



Some habits inherent in a certain sex deliver considerable annoyance to the other. What infuriates women in men, and men in women?

Male bad habits

No, of course, I really love most men in general, and my own husband in particular. However, sometimes you really, really want to complain about their bad habits. No, I'm not talking now about smoking or the obsessive desire to "bite your nails." Although these are also bad habits. I'm talking about those that are annoying in men. Especially when you live next to them.

1. They come home late

Before the advent mobile phones, the classic phrase of a woman was: I have already warmed up dinner three times! With the advent of mobile phones, by the way, the situation has changed little. They still come home late and never warn about it! Either they have a meeting, then they will meet with friends, then the subway has broken down. In general, there is always a reason! The fact that I am sitting at home like a faithful dog and waiting for him is of little interest to anyone. Women's share is

2. Discussing women

And even in the presence of their halves. It's impossible to walk down the street. Not only will he turn his neck on the first long-legged beauty that comes across, but he will also begin to reason out loud. Sincerely expecting that I will support this conversation! Thank you, at least it still does not compare publicly. I don’t even want to think about what they talk about among themselves in a male company.

3. They scatter their things everywhere

It would be nice to just scatter it, which, however, is already disgusting in itself. So he also starts each morning by asking: Where are my socks? Where is my shirt? I always say this: Where I took it off yesterday, there it lies now. Pouting, offended, says that I'm grouchy. An attempt to force them to remove their things is perceived with hostility. And when I get tired of all this, and I fold the sweaters in neat piles, hang up my trousers and shirts, the whining starts to get even worse. Well, where did you put my things? Why are they clean, ironed and stacked?

4. Play computer games

All men need to relax after work. In our advanced age high technology most often they choose computer games for these purposes. Shooters, racing, football, strategy, well, or whatever, who likes it? Why? As an answer to this question, you can write a dissertation! In short, it is because they want to assert themselves somewhere else. Feel like Schumacher, Kaka or the Lord of the world.

5. They love to lie on the couch.

The second most popular way to relax. Well honey, I'm so tired. I won't wash the dishes. Let's sit on the couch. Oh, don't you want to? Do a lot? Well, then I'll go alone. Of course, if I sit with him, the house will turn into who knows what in two weeks! I won't survive this.

6. They don't like doing chores around the house.

The main reason for the two previous points. And a bunch of other problems. There is also a purely male work in the house. For example, drill a hole, drive in a nail or wash a dirty stove. To achieve that it was executed right here and now is unrealistic. You have to coax, persuade, shout, use tricks and even deceit. Well, it's actually easier to do it yourself. Only I prefer to press, otherwise they will get used to it, relax.

7. They love to get together with a purely male company.

“Darling, you will be bored there”, kiss on the cheek and goodbye for at least the whole evening. And even for a couple of days, if their "company" goes fishing, hunting, to a country house with a friend, and so on. Of course, in retaliation, I will gather my female guard. And we might even go to a strip club and have some fun. But I, in fact, somewhere in the depths of my soul love him very much. And I would like to sit with him alone, a purely mixed female-male company. I think we could find something to do...

8. Too emotional where they shouldn't be.

For example, they yell in a wild voice when ours score / do not score. And when I talk about what a goat my boss is, they nod sleepily in response. It turns out that a herd of men chasing a ball around the field is obviously more interesting than me and my problems.

9. They carry food

When I'm cooking. It doesn't matter if it's a meatloaf or a birthday cake. Everything you need to get into, everything you need to try. And if he also finds something really tasty, then destroy it in the bud before serving the dish on the table. Just have time to drive away like an annoying fly.

10. They snore in their sleep

Loud, raucous. And nothing helps. No pushing (pushing someone like that), no whistling ... So you have to stay up half the night! And by the way, we both have to work in the morning.

In fact, the list of bad male habits is endless. And each has its own set.

Women's bad habits

The first place is occupied, oddly enough - Smoking. Women's habit, annoying and unacceptable to many men.

“I don’t like it when a girl smokes cigarettes like LD or Java, but if she still smokes, let it be Vogue or something like that”

In principle, one could understand their skepticism about this if most of them did not smoke themselves. But, apparently, there are still traditional idealists in this world. And that's not bad.

The second irritating factor is women's lack of grooming and sexuality, when a woman does not take care of herself: she bites her nails, puts on some unfeminine and tasteless outfits that resemble a tracksuit or bathrobe.

Men also cannot stand the fact that a woman smells of sweat.

The third place is occupied by the banal "women's stupidity". That is, it is also a misunderstanding of certain, elementary things, constant “braking”, eternal tediousness.

The fourth place is a continuation of the third: it is annoying when a woman sticks with these nonsense, i.e. asks stupid, in a masculine opinion, questions, often demands something. “I am annoyed by the moment when I, busy with some important business, begin to be distracted.

Moreover, instead of understanding this and leaving, the woman tries to find out to the end what’s what, when she doesn’t want to answer her question, and there’s nothing to say, and there’s also no time to rant with her. ”

Questions like: “What are you thinking about now?” By the way, not only men are annoyed; some themselves, without suspecting it, can “blurt out” something that makes the girl just confused and nervous.

As a result, we get that a man cannot stand obsession, tediousness and exactingness on the part of women.

“It’s very annoying when my wife starts demanding gifts from me so that I always give them to her, regardless of whether there is a holiday. But, when I give her a souvenir or a plush toy, there are tantrums, tears and surprise, they say, if I have money, then the gifts should be significant. So - all these are fairy tales that "women" need only attention.

Fifth place is a counterbalance to the second, i.e. if before that we said that men don’t like it when young ladies don’t take care of themselves, then here it’s just the opposite - pretentiousness annoys. Especially if it is out of place: for example, if a lady puts on a short skirt and heels, leaving, for example, for nature, for barbecue, it will look very stupid.

Vulgarity and excess of cosmetics can also be attributed to this category.

Men appreciate modesty and naturalness in a woman more.

Plus, besides, vulgarity is manifested not only in clothes, but also in behavior, conversation: for example, men can’t stand it when a woman swears (although they themselves often allow themselves various obscene expressions in her presence).

On the sixth, not thriftiness and neglect of housekeeping are completely stuck.

"I love flowers. It's nice when there are a lot of plants at home, but I would like my wife to water them more often, and, in general, watch how they grow.

You can talk about the "trash" in the rooms, especially in the bathroom for hours: a huge number of different jars and pots with all sorts of junk, toys, bunnies-animals - Kindergarten some!”

On the seventh sit girlfriends and intimate conversations with them. Men do not like it when a bachelorette party begins to discuss all sorts of "nonsense" and, especially, to make jokes about the youngest person.

Eighth place is free for shopping. Oh! The eternal theme, well, men do not like all these shopping trips, especially when it comes to buying underwear or household items. “You can go to a car dealership, but for groceries or something else - no, it’s you yourself ...”

On the ninth, such habits that are unbearable for men are firmly entrenched: this is causeless panic, nervous twisting of hair, communication with gays and their exaltation, the manner of sleeping, and besides, teeth to the wall, constant tears and sentimentality for every reason. In general, this is already becoming a feature of every woman, and men consider these features as shortcomings.

And, finally, the tenth place is also a set of habits - shortcomings that poison men's lives. This is both a pessimistic attitude and girlish confusion, laziness, frequent lateness.

“I hate it when she starts to take her anger out on me, as if I were a scapegoat. I keep falling under her hot hand and, there is practically no living space left on me. And such girls are found in our villages.

Well, we end, probably, with the habit of repeating everything non-stop and walking with anyone and anywhere at night, constant weight loss or a great zhor.
