Test for non-standard thinking. Test "stereotypes of thinking

Taurus, March 17
These days, you should make decisions regarding any treatment only if you have sufficient information and considered all options. Nothing can be done in a hurry now.

Gemini, March 17
This day is not the best better time for hardening procedures, since you can only aggravate the situation. Try to strengthen the immune system in other ways, less radical.

Cancer, March 17
Today, no difficulties can spoil your mood! Keep it up! After all, a positive attitude will already help you cope with various frivolous ailments.

Leo, March 17
Today, the Lions, who have a penchant for overweight, you should be especially careful in choosing dishes. During this day, it is quite possible to aggravate the situation. Increase physical activity.

Virgo, March 17
Today, Virgos will not interfere with a light unloading diet. Try to avoid fatty and spicy foods, try to live one day without strong coffee and dark chocolate. And your liver will be happy.

Libra, March 17
Today, try to seriously evaluate the various opinions, no matter what they concern, even if it concerns your health. Only by analyzing different points of view, you can make the right decision.

Scorpio, March 17
Now try to be more in the sun, it will help you cheer up and increase immunity, especially if recent times you feel a bit depressed.

Sagittarius, March 17
Today, do not abuse coffee: it washes away calcium from the bones, so today, if you want to be in good shape in the morning, drink freshly squeezed juice or green tea with ginseng - whichever you prefer.

Capricorn, March 17
On this day, the stars recommend that Capricorns take care of their eyes with special care. Avoid rubbing your eyes and avoid wearing makeup if possible. From vigil in front of the TV, too, should be abandoned.

Aquarius, March 17
Check if you have everything you need in your first aid kit. If something is missing, replenish the stock. You won't need it now, but today is the day to put everything in order. Why not start with this?

Pisces, March 17
Now pay attention to the neck. Wrap it in a scarf or cover it with a collar: any draft can get to it, and then your whole body will not be healthy.

Are you a prisoner of stereotypes?

June 20, 2014

Many, unfortunately, tend to follow the stereotypes: label and think in clichés, evaluating different events and people. This feature is a protective property of the psyche, so it seeks to generalize the phenomena of reality in order to navigate them more easily. However, the tendency to stereotypical thinking makes our life boring and predictable, and also completely deprives the ability to be creative. After all, it is creative, and simply successful people they are distinguished by the fact that they are able to remove blinders from their eyes and see the beauty in what many do not notice. How much are you influenced by stereotypes? This will show our test.

Thinking outside the box is good because you can always find an original sentence in any (even completely mundane) situation.

But how do you understand that you have out-of-the-box thinking and that you really have a sophisticated mindset? For this, completely different tests are offered. But most of them are either simple enough or too straightforward to determine the presence of anything original.

And if you managed to successfully pass similar tests before, then do not rush to rejoice. Perhaps you came across too simple, primitive tests. So check out the one we offer.

This test is very simple, but it easily weeds out people with standard type thinking.

If you still can't find the error, then pay attention to the text of the task itself. The word "mistake" is at the end of the sentence. So simple, but for 90% of people this task is insoluble.

But if you successfully passed our test for non-standard thinking, then we offer you one more task. It is also simple, but slightly different in essence.

Imagine that you are driving a car on a cold rainy night. At the bus stop, you see three people. Grandmother is closest to the road, she is ill, she needs an urgent medical care. Next to her is the woman of your dreams, she is wet and needs to be taken care of. Behind them is an old friend who once already saved your life.

The car is two-seater and you can't take everyone. Think about who you're bringing. After all, the task is not only for non-standard thinking. It can also be seen as a moral and ethical dilemma.

As a driver, you have to let the old lady down and save her life. But you can let an old friend down by thanking him. But when will the opportunity to meet a soul mate again fall out?

This test was used in an interview at a large company. But only one of the two hundred candidates did not hesitate to answer. He suggested: “I will give the car keys to an old friend and ask him to take the old lady to the hospital. And I myself will stay with the woman of my dreams.


One of the signs of creative intelligence is the ability to solve non-standard tasks.

You take information, look at it from a different angle, and come up with a completely new solution.

How quickly can you answer these questions?

Find out what your brain is capable of.

How to develop out-of-the-box thinking

Many people mistakenly think that a person is born a genius. Creative thinkers intuitively know how to think outside the box. But this skill can also be developed with some practice.

1. Alphabet game

This simple exercise is very good at helping you start thinking creatively. Look at any word in a magazine or billboard (about 5-6 letters) and imagine it in your mind. Then put all the letters of the word in alphabetical order.

For example, take the word "Number". If we put all the letters in alphabetical order, we get i-l-o-s-h.

Do this exercise for 5 minutes three times a week, increasing the number of letters in a word to improve your skills.

After a while, you will notice that you begin to look at everything differently, and give birth to ideas that you could not even think of before.

2. Speak without the letter "e"

This fun game that you can play with your friends or family members will train your brain and make you smarter.

You need to talk to your interlocutor without using words with the letter "E". However, you should try to conduct the conversation normally, without making long pauses between sentences.

For example:

"What are you saying at this moment?"

"I'm sitting and waiting for dinner."

This is very effective exercise that makes you think creatively. When you get tired of the letter "E", choose another common letter, such as "P, A, L, S, T or H".

3. Add Single Digits Quickly

When you quickly add up small numbers in your head (4+7+9+3+2+2+8+5), it forces you to constantly change the information you need to work with and remember. For this exercise, you can take the date of birth of a person.

These are just a few useful exercises, which train your brain and help you remember the right information, getting rid of what you don't need.

So the next time you're standing in line at the store, instead of your phone, take out a ruble and start adding. serial number on a banknote.

Logic tasks - perhaps the most effective tool for the development of logic and thinking in both children and adults.

Solving a logic problem involves a complex thought process. This is the consistent performance of certain logical actions, work with concepts, the use of various logical constructions, the construction of a chain of precise reasoning with correct intermediate and final conclusions.

Unlike most mathematical and other types of problems, when solving logical problems, the key is not to find the quantitative characteristics of an object, but to determine and analyze the relationships between all objects of the problem.

Take a holistic approach

Among the whole variety of logical tasks, children often choose a couple of their favorite categories and immerse themselves in solving them. is that enough?

Surely most of us at least once passed tests for the level of logic. Most of them are made up of some syllogisms or trick questions. We do not offer such tests, because we know exactly what to determine the level of development logical thinking with a dozen or two questions, even approximately, is impossible. As well as developing non-standard thinking, solving only certain types of logical problems.

Classical logical, combinatorial and truth problems, regularities and mathematical puzzles, problems about figures in space and sweeps, for permutations and movement, for weighing and pouring; solved from the end, with the help of tables, segments, graphs or Euler circles - this is far from the whole variety of logical tasks, in the solution of which all kinds of mental operations are activated and creative, non-standard thinking develops.

Logic is a yummy for the mind

This is exactly what the students wrote on the blackboard before the start of one of the classes in our logic circle. What is the beauty of logical problems?

  • they will be equally interesting for children who are passionate about mathematics and for “humanists”;
  • many of them do not require knowledge of the school curriculum;
  • even a preschooler without reading skills can solve them (for example, sudoku, rebuses, matchstick puzzles, gears and other tasks in pictures).

Children love to solve logical problems and riddles. They are interested! When I worked at school, I saw that the guys cope with the program, mechanically remembering the way to solve certain typical problems.

And tasks with asterisks immediately enlivened the class, both strong and weak students were included in the discussion process. At home, the children already could and wanted to explain this task to their parents. But even these problems with asterisks were located on the pages of the textbook in a random way, no system was developed.

Bitno Galina Mikhailovna

head teacher of LogicLike, teacher of the highest category

Only a systematic and integrated approach creates favorable conditions for the formation of non-standard thinking. "Food for thought" should also be balanced and varied. Try it yourself and invite your children to solve just such a selection of problems. This will help identify those links in the logic that need to be worked harder.

Try it yourself

In the Logiclike online platform, created to develop logic and mathematical abilities in children aged 5-12, the authors tried to implement everything that is often so lacking for both students and teachers in school curricula. Consistency, involvement, interactivity, visualization, motivation... But first of all, it is food for the mind, the same “yummy” that makes a child think, reason, test his strength, be creative and rejoice when he manages to find the right solution.

  • If you want to develop non-standard thinking and flexible logic in a child, give him a good exercise for the mind in the form of a variety of logical tasks, for which you need to use different logical laws and solution methods (method from the end, tabular method, using graphs or Euler circles, etc.). e.)
  • Approach learning systematically: from theory to tasks, from simple to complex, from getting to know new types of tasks to reflection.
  • Consider the specifics of thinking in children of primary school age - use visual images and visual materials.
  • It is important not to impose a solution method on children, but to try to analyze it so that they themselves, through logical reasoning, find the correct answer.
  • Introduce game elements into the learning process, use the learning capabilities of IT.
  • Logic classes, like sports training, need regularity and a gradual increase in the complexity of tasks.

Work with your child and have fun!

Instruction. Consider the following list of false stereotypes. On a five-point scale, rate the frequency of occurrence of each of them in your life (1 - does not occur, 5 - occurs very often). Write down for yourself the stereotypes that are often encountered, which will allow you to better control and neutralize them.

Following the list of erroneous stereotypes, an exercise is proposed to help consolidate the skill of recognizing them in certain everyday situations.

    Filtration. you take away negative points and manipulate them, filtering out all the positive aspects of the situation.

    polarized thinking. Things appear either black or white; either good or bad. There is no middle ground.

    Overgeneralization. You are aiming for a generalized solution based on a single incident. If something bad happens, you expect it to happen again and again.

    "Connoisseur of people." Without relying on facts, you judge people and "know" why they act the way they do. In particular, you are able to determine how people feel about you.

    Catastrophic. You expect misfortune. When you hear about the problems, you immediately think: “What if I have the same thing?”

    Personalization. The idea that the thoughts, words, or deeds of other people are some kind of reaction to you. You also compare yourself to others, trying to figure out who looks better, etc.

    Controlled errors. If you feel external control - you feel helpless, you feel like a victim of the inevitable. Mistakes internal control you attribute to fear, random actions.

    Justice errors. You feel outraged because you think you know what is fair, but other people disagree with us.

    Censure. You hold other people responsible for your experiences and blame them or blame yourself for every problem.

    Must. You have a set of rules that dictate how you and other people should act. People who break the rules threaten you, and you yourself feel guilty if you break the rules.

    Emotional comprehension. You automatically believe that your feelings are infallible. So, if you are bored, then your partner is a stupid and boring person.

    Change errors. You expect others to change to suit your requirements if you apply enough pressure or woo them enough. You need to change people.

    Global level. You make a negative judgment based on one or two qualities, that is, you make an elephant out of a fly.

    To be right. You are sure that your opinion or action is correct. The possibility of error is not comprehended, and you move on to another problem, demonstrating that you are right.

    reward errors. You expect all your sacrifices and self-denials to be rewarded and feel bitter when they don't.

An exercise

The following exercise is designed to help you explain and identify false thought patterns. Refer the following judgments to the appropriate stereotypes.

    Is your position for me or against me?

    If you were more sexually open, you would be happier in your marriage.

    I feel depressed, my life should end there.

    He's always smiling, but I know he doesn't like me.

    I don't care what you think, I'll do it exactly the same again.

    You should never ask people intimate questions.

    He's been a loser since the first day he got here.

    You cannot beat the system.

    I worked, created and that's what I get.

    These actions of yours: always appear at the end of the month.

    There are few people smarter than me.
