Does being overweight affect conception? Can excess weight prevent conception? Bulimia and conception

Hello again, dear followers! Today, as always, we will touch on a very important and necessary topic. How does being overweight affect fertility? Moreover, there are more than enough statements on this score. Can the excessive fullness of future parents really become an obstacle for them on the way to replenishing the family? That is what we will find out with you now!

What is "ideal weight"

Do you consider yourself or your partner overweight? If so, does this fact interfere with your life? Of course, excess fat mass (and now we are talking about it, and not about muscles!) Will not bring anything good to your life. And even more so, it will not be able to have a beneficial effect on the body.

In men, like overweight women, it can become an obstacle in the process of conceiving a baby. Let's find out how to detect the problem of extra pounds, and how to assess the degree of its "severity".

There is a special body mass index (BMI), which indicates the ratio of height and weight at all stages: deficiency, norm, preobesity and obesity. With the help of this tablet, you can easily calculate your BMI and determine the optimal weight for your height, so you can find out deviations from the norm.

If the problem still exists, of course, it is better to consult with specialists and choose a diet, as well as a set of physical exercises.

The main thing is not to "improvise" so as not to harm your body. An experienced doctor will tell you how to lose weight, how to eat right and will be able to answer all your questions.

Conception and overweight: fact or fiction

Of course, if you have extra pounds, this does not mean at all that you are infertile. However, scientists have long proven the fact that unhealthy fullness is the cause of a significant deterioration in fertility.

Of course, fullness as such does not affect the reproductive function, but it has a detrimental effect on the body. Therefore, it is more difficult for “lush” women to get pregnant (problems with the menstrual cycle, the development of infertility, etc.) and it is rather difficult to bear a baby (there is a risk of miscarriage, various complications of pregnancy, etc.).

The same applies to men! Statistics show that almost half of the cases of infertility in our strong half of humanity is accompanied by obesity of one degree or another.

Also, excess weight reduces the quantity and quality of sperm. In addition, large men can suffer from impotence, diabetes, and heart disease. All this hinders their ability to conceive.

How to lose weight or the basics of an ideal diet

So, let's assume that there is a problem with weight. The question arises: how to lose weight? Proper nutrition will help you get in shape and increase your chances of conceiving.

In order to "kill two birds with one stone", you will need to adhere to the so-called "menu for conception." This is a balanced set of products that will significantly help improve reproductive function and overall health.

What is included in this menu?

  • Avocado is one of the best foods for expectant mothers. Thanks to vitamin E, this product helps to regulate the menstrual cycle and ovulation.
  • Spinach (like other greens) is an excellent source of folic acid, which optimizes sperm production, egg production, and prevents clogged fallopian tubes.
  • Well-known oysters are a natural source of zinc. Which, as you know, helps to accelerate the mobility of a fertilized egg.
  • Whole is a storehouse of vitamin B, which contributes to the production of estrogen, which is necessary for reproductive function.
  • Carrots and the beta-carotene they contain help increase sperm count (in men) and fight endocrine system problems (in women).
  • Among other things, foods high in sulfur and selenium, such as eggs, shrimp, squid, or goose liver, will help stimulate both male and female fertility.

Well, my dears, that's all. I hope you have received comprehensive information on a given topic. Feel free to leave comments. Tell your friends and don't forget to subscribe to my blog.

All healthy kids - strong guys!

How are weight and conception related? Is it possible to get pregnant with a weight above and below the norm? To some, these questions may seem far-fetched. But in fact, putting weight in order can make the dream of motherhood a reality.

Women trying to get pregnant should pay attention to many factors: age, lifestyle, previous diseases, etc. However, few of them know that body weight is an important element that affects fertilization. This is an important factor that not only helps to get pregnant, but is also key when it comes to successful gestation.

Adipose tissue and hormones, or does weight affect the conception of a child?

Most people know that sex hormones are produced by the ovaries. However, almost 30% of them are the result of the activity of adipose tissue. Therefore, we can argue that there is an important relationship between it (and therefore weight) and the fertility of women and men.

What kind of weight affects the ability to conceive women - small or large? This factor can be influenced by both underweight and overweight. Due to the fact that adipose tissue is part of the endocrine system, hormonal imbalance can affect metabolism, which can lead to obesity.

To find out if the relationship between our adipose tissue and hormones is “correct”, it is enough to determine the ratio of height and weight, that is, you should use the body mass index (BMI - Body Mass Index). To get it, you need to divide the weight by the height squared. You can also find a ready-made table with values ​​​​on the Internet or in books, medical magazines.

Weight and conception: we consider different options

After the calculation or search in the sources, our result should be compared with the standard parameters. It is best if the resulting numbers are in the range from 18.5 to 24.99. And here are the results that should worry us:

    • a result below 18.5 means underweight - before attempting to conceive a child, it is necessary to systematically gain weight;
    • index greater than 25 to 29.9 - overweight. In order to get pregnant without problems, it is better to lose a few or several tens of kilograms;
    • more than 30 is an indicator of obesity. There are good reasons to believe that this factor will cause a lot of trouble when trying to get pregnant.

Overweight and conception: problems of expectant mothers with overweight

Is it possible to get pregnant with a lot of weight? Even a small excess of kilograms can lead to fertility problems. This is due to an excess amount of estrogens, which affect the disruption of the ovulatory cycle or contribute to its absence.

The problem of the influence of excess weight on conception also applies to those women who menstruate regularly and have no problems in this area. Keep in mind that too many kilograms can contribute to much more significant disorders, such as an increase in insulin or testosterone levels, or the appearance of common female diseases such as polycystic ovary syndrome.

The problem of extra kilos can and should be analyzed in terms of acquired and congenital overweight. In the first case, the “wrong” result is often the result of an incorrect diet, excess sugar and fat, etc. This situation allows you to lose extra pounds relatively smoothly.

However, if we are talking about a person whose overweight is associated with a genetic predisposition, then this is a more complex problem. Therefore, such women should carefully control their food intake, resort to physical activity and diet.

If the question of whether it is possible to get pregnant with a weight above the norm was decided positively, and the woman managed to conceive safely, this does not mean the end of her problems. What other risks can be expected in an interesting position?

  • Being overweight can cause miscarriage.
  • Often leads to diabetes mellitus or arterial hypertension.
  • Often, the result of extra pounds is a longer birth (often with a more difficult prenatal period) or the need for a caesarean section.
  • However, the problems do not end with the mother alone. Her obesity or overweight can cause diseases in the child. For example, neural tube defects and other congenital diseases are common.

How does being underweight affect conception?

The first sign associated with the influence of lack of body weight on the hormonal background is a violation or absence of the menstrual cycle. An indicator that something is wrong may be irregular ovulation. Hence the answer to the question, is it possible to get pregnant with a small weight, for example, 45 kg? All this leads to difficulties in conceiving a child.

Too thin people should be interested in what is the reason for their condition - is it a consequence of excessive weight loss due to diets, genetic problems, diseases or some kind of disorder?

Even if with a small weight it is possible to achieve the goal of becoming a mother, then insufficient weight can complicate the entire “interesting” period with an increase in nausea and vomiting. Also, low body weight can be the main cause of problems with pregnancy.

Impact of Eating Disorders on Women's Fertility

Today, there are many diseases that have a significant impact on the chances of getting pregnant. Particular attention should be paid to situations where a woman in her life has resisted or still has problems associated with anorexia or bulimia. These ailments violate the stability of the hormonal background, which makes fertilization difficult.

Anorexia and conception

In the case of the first disease, we are talking about a very modest amount and variety of foods, and often exhausting training, down to a dangerously low level of body weight. Therefore, without treatment, anorexia can lead to the cessation of the menstrual and ovulatory cycles, as well as serious disorders in the reproductive system.

Bulimia and conception

People who suffer from bulimia, due to constant overeating and then "returning" food through vomiting, can also have problems conceiving. Despite the fact that, as a rule, their body weight is normal, there are menstrual disorders. In this case, even the weight that does not differ from the norm and the conception of a child are “friends” badly.

Is there any chance?

In both cases, we are dealing with a depleted diet that does not provide the body with the necessary trace elements, minerals, nutrients or vitamins. Therefore, the libido of patients with such eating disorders is often very low, the quality of the eggs is not the best, and the uterus does not create enough favorable conditions for the development of the fetus.

However, treatment increases the chances of pregnancy in women with bulimia or anorexia. Therefore, despite so many threats and obstacles, there is a very real chance of becoming a mother.

Man's weight and conception: problems concern not only women

Of course, it is women who, as carrying new life in their bodies, should pay special attention to their weight. However, it should be remembered that "it takes two to tango." Therefore, the answer to the question of whether a man’s weight affects conception sounds like this: yes, the stronger sex can also have fertility problems in the case of an “incorrect” body weight.

  • Sperm production can be impaired if a woman's partner is overweight.
  • Also, extra pounds can increase the temperature of the testicles, which is dangerous for the health of the male intimate sphere.
  • Excess adipose tissue causes the conversion of testosterone to female estrone, which reduces the production of sperm and also reduces its quality, which can adversely affect a woman's fertilization.
  • Male libido is at risk when overweight.
  • Obese men often have difficulty getting aroused and getting an erection, as fatty deposits block blood flow to the penis.

It may seem that body weight does not significantly affect whether a woman can become pregnant or not. Often couples look for the root of evil in some kind of illness, disorder, or mental problem. However, in a number of cases, it is enough to simply think about whether a large or small weight does not affect not only the forms, but also the conception. The good news is that this is a problem that can be solved - unlike many others.

The modern world rehabilitates puffies. A full woman is sexy - say the media. Even famous couturiers create collections for fat women and release XXL models on the catwalk. Is it possible to get pregnant with obesity and is it necessary to lose weight before pregnancy? Isn't it better to give up diets and just enjoy life in your big body? Let's see what doctors think about this.

Ideal mass

Before planning a pregnancy, you need to determine your ideal weight for conceiving a child. And this is not a model weight at all. Exhaustion has the same negative (if not worse!) effect on conception as excess weight.

One of the most popular diagnostic methods is the calculation of BMI (body mass index). In order to calculate the index, you need to know your weight and height.

BMI = weight in kg / height in meters squared.

For example, let's calculate BMI with a height of 170 and a weight of 60 kg.


The ideal weight for conception should be as close as possible to normal BMI - 18-25. Being underweight or overweight can interfere with pregnancy.

Significant deviations from the norm are underweight and obesity.

Is it always necessary to lose weight

First you need to determine the cause of the high BMI. It should be understood that overweight is not always obese. Sometimes “excess” weight is swelling (for certain diseases) or an individual feature.

They talk about an individual feature in the case when the BMI is above the norm, but the proportions of the body are observed. This phenomenon can be observed in athletes with well-developed muscles and dense bone tissue.

Spanish volleyball player LILI

World No. 1 Serena Williams

In any case, with borderline values, it is necessary to take into account the proportionality of your body. Muscle tissue is much denser than adipose tissue, therefore, its contribution to the total body weight is more significant.

There are methods for calculating the percentage of adipose tissue in the body. At home, this percentage cannot be determined. Such diagnostics are done in private clinics, in public health centers, as well as in fitness centers. The norm for conception is 17-25%. If your BMI is above normal, but the fat content does not exceed 25%, then losing weight is not necessary for conception.

How completeness affects conception

The weight or body weight of a person plays an important role in the regulation of the hormonal background of a woman. In this case, it is not the mass itself that matters, but the fat content in the body. For example, a broad-boned girl weighing 67 kg, most likely, does not have excess fat. And if a short, asthenic girl with thin wrists weighs the same, then she does not interfere with losing weight.

In recent years, doctors have discovered that subcutaneous fat is essentially a large endocrine (that is, hormone-producing) organ. Obesity is a hormonal disease. With obesity in the body, changes in the endocrine system occur. Hormonal failure leads to metabolic disorders by the type of lipogenesis. In this case, in the body, fat begins to form from carbohydrates and is deposited in the subcutaneous fat.

The exact mechanism of how body weight affects conception is not described in the medical literature. Excess body weight does not have a direct impact on the reproductive function of a woman. But in favor of the fact that excess weight prevents pregnancy, many observations of doctors speak.

Sex hormones and obesity

Any hormonal disorders in the body are not isolated. Ovulation in a woman's body occurs under the influence of sex hormones. Sex hormones include estrogen and progestogens. Estrogens are synthesized in the ovaries and affect ovulation. Progestogens or pregnancy hormones are synthesized by the corpus luteum, placenta and a small part of the adrenal cortex.

Normal body weight depends on the physique.

The formation of the egg, its ability to fertilize and the successful implantation of the embryo also occurs under the influence of sex hormones. Uncoordinated work of estrogens and progestogens leads to an unsuccessful attempt at conception.

It is possible to determine whether weight affects conception by the presence of hormonal disorders of sexual function. Sex hormones regulate all the processes that precede conception: ovulation and the movement of the egg through the fallopian tube, the function of the corpus luteum and endometrium.

When the egg is fertilized, the regulation of sex hormones continues. Successful implantation of the embryo into the endometrium and successful formation of chorionic villi also depend on the production of estrogen and progesterone.

Hormonal imbalance in the body can affect the ability to conceive. And adipose tissue, in turn, affects the synthesis of sex hormones. If there is too much of it or, conversely, too little, then the hormonal balance is disturbed, and there may be no ovulation and conception.

obesity and infertility

Does Being Overweight Affect Conception? It has been found that overweight people find it difficult to conceive a child. Many experts link overweight and infertility.

At the same time, one can speak of infertility only in the case when unsuccessful attempts to get pregnant have occurred for more than one year. Unsuccessful conception from the first attempts can be a physiological norm.

You can't get pregnant for a long time and your doctor says that you have hormonal problems (for example, there is no ovulation, corpus luteum function is impaired, etc.)? Perhaps the reason lies in your obesity. With weight loss, the balance of hormones can be restored. Although it is possible that in addition to obesity, you have other causes of infertility. Therefore, do not take "weight loss" measures as a panacea. You need to be examined and treated.

What is the risk

It has been established that in women, obesity of the 2nd and 3rd degrees contribute to the disruption of the menstrual cycle and ovulation. Although there is no unequivocal answer to the question of why being overweight affects conception, there is no one in modern medicine.

It is possible to determine whether it is possible to become pregnant with obesity of the 1st degree after examining the hormonal background of a woman for the functioning of sex hormones. Often a small deviation from the norm does not affect the reproductive system.

However, even mild obesity will make carrying a baby physically exhausting for you. Not to mention serious deviations from the norm. Pregnancy with obesity often becomes a high-risk pregnancy. High blood pressure, swelling, varicose veins, heart problems - this is not a complete list of complications. Therefore, fat women should lose weight before conception, even if the hormonal background is normal.

How to lose weight to conceive

When planning a pregnancy, you need to determine your ideal weight for conception. If you are overweight, then you need to lose weight in order to get pregnant. There are many ways to lose weight and improve your fitness. To achieve a positive result, you need to review your diet.

Proper nutrition and physical activity contribute to the reduction of adipose tissue and the development of muscle. Sufficient intake of carbohydrates, proteins and fats normalizes the metabolism in the body. And physical training will help a woman cope with pregnancy and prepare for childbirth.

"Extreme" weight loss is impossible. Low-calorie and especially low-fat diets hurt a woman's endocrine system. Menstruation may stop, ovulation will disappear. Be sure to include fats in your diet (albeit in modest amounts). And the total caloric content of the diet when losing weight should not fall below 1500 kcal per day.

Exhausting physical activity, especially for unathletic women, will also not bring anything but harm. You need to do a little, gradually increasing the intensity of the exercises.

You need to lose weight slowly (about 0.5 kilos per week), otherwise rapid weight loss will exacerbate hormonal problems.

got pregnant and lost weight

Sometimes the pregnancy itself introduces an adjustment into the woman's body. In the first trimester, intoxications or early preeclampsia of pregnant women often develop. Clinically, preeclampsia is expressed in dyspeptic disorders.

With dyspepsia, pregnant women suffer from nausea, vomiting and loss of appetite. In such cases, they say "got pregnant and lost weight." Preeclampsia during pregnancy is an undesirable phenomenon, since the child from the first days of its development must receive the necessary amount of nutrients and minerals.

To determine whether your excess weight affects conception, you need to each on your own. With any fluctuations in the direction of excess weight, be sure to lose weight. Optimal body weight, good health of a woman shape the future health of a child.

Competently: gynecologist's comment

Obstetrician-gynecologist Elena Artemyeva answers questions from patients

— My height is 172 and weight is 51 kg. The monthly cycle is irregular. I haven't been able to get pregnant for four years now. Doctors say it's because of the weight and recommend IVF. Will it be possible to bear a child after IVF, given the lack of body weight?

- Your ideal weight for conception is in the range of 55-73 kg. If for some reason it is not possible to recover to these numbers and if it is not possible to get pregnant for so long, IVF is recommended. You will be able to bear a child, but try to eat very well during pregnancy.

- I'm 28 years old. We have been planning a child for 7 months, but fertilization does not occur. My husband and I went through an examination, everything is fine. With a height of 168 cm, I weigh 94 kilograms. I should lose weight, but I don’t know how the diet will affect conception. I want to try a vegetable diet.

- Weight for conceiving a child really matters. Losing weight is good for you, losing weight will increase the chances of conception. But rigid diets adversely affect the hormonal background. The diet should be balanced, and in a strict vegetable diet, proteins and fats are practically absent.

I have been overweight since childhood. Now I weigh 95 kg. My gynecologist said that the chances of pregnancy are low until I lose weight. What nutrition is necessary before planning a pregnancy and how to lose weight?

- You need to be examined by an endocrinologist. Often, with the endocrine form of obesity, special approaches are needed, and nutritional correction will not be enough. Be patient, you can't lose weight quickly. First of all, you need to organize the food. The calorie content of the daily diet is 1700-1900 kcal. You need to eat often, but little by little (5-6 meals). Focus on light foods - vegetables, fruits, low-fat sour milk, fish. Drink plenty of clean water - at least 2 liters. Don't eat at night. Eliminate smoked, salty, canned food, sweets, alcohol, limit flour. Spend at least one fasting day per week. Physical activity is required.

When you make the decision to get pregnant, there are many questions to think about. When is ovulation? What are the best positions for intimate relationships? If you get pregnant right now, when will your baby be born? Will you breastfeed? How long will it take you to get pregnant? Will your man be a good dad? As you can see, there are many issues that come with trying to conceive and so many factors to take into account. One of the most important factors is your weight.

Why is weight so important in conceiving children?

Weight is very important in conception. Both being overweight and underweight can be a problem. Weight affects our body in different ways, conceiving a child is just one of these ways. Hormones are the real reason for the connection between body weight and the possibility of getting pregnant.


Being underweight can be an unexpected obstacle in trying to get pregnant. Being underweight not only makes it harder to get pregnant, but also puts you at risk of having a low birth weight baby. The bottom line is that fat produces a small amount of estrogen, and too little can send the wrong signals to the brain. Sometimes, the body may even think that the woman is too thin to support the pregnancy, which can result in eggs and follicles not being produced properly and in sufficient quantities.


Being overweight before getting pregnant can really be a problem. The risk of complications during pregnancy increases. Being overweight can also cause your body to not produce enough hormones to make an egg mature. Some doctors have even suggested that as much as 25 percent of problems associated with ovulation and infertility may be due to obesity. Being overweight can also cause an increase in the production of androgens, male hormones that can prevent you from getting pregnant.

Ideal weight for conception

Ideal weight for conception? Well, this is very strange, since every woman has a different BMI (body mass index), which is considered ideal. On average, doctors recommend that women maintain a BMI between 19 and 25 for the best chance of getting pregnant. It's important to think about BMI and maintaining a healthy weight before you get pregnant, so try to put some thought into this beforehand. If you're worried about your weight, ask your doctor for some tips on how to reach your ideal weight.

Achieving a Healthy Weight for Conceiving a Child


  • m - body weight in kilograms
  • h - height in meters,

and is measured in kg/m².

For example, a person's weight = 85 kg, height = 164 cm. Therefore, the body mass index in this case is:

BMI \u003d 85: (1.64 × 1.64) \u003d 31.6

If you need to gain or lose weight to achieve a healthy BMI, a balanced diet with nutritious foods will help. A balanced diet increases your chances of conceiving, so be sure to include proteins, dairy products, fruits, and vegetables in your diet. Avoid extreme weight loss as this can lead to malnutrition.

If you are planning to become pregnant, talk to your doctor. It can help you reach a healthy weight. Your BMI isn't always accurate, especially since it doesn't take muscles into account. You should also take vitamins to make sure you have the nutrients you need for healthy fetal development in early pregnancy.

Excess weight does not just cause discomfort and aesthetic inconvenience. It often causes problems with conception.

Many people wonder how excess weight affects the conception of a child in women. Every unnecessary kilogram negatively affects the general state of health, is a prerequisite for serious diseases. Extra pounds interfere with conception, negatively affecting the menstrual cycle.

Excess weight prevents a woman from getting pregnant because adipose tissue is hormonally active. It produces estrogens (sex hormones).

With an increase in the amount of fat, the level of hormones increases, and "a lot" becomes the exact opposite of the concept of "good." In 25% of cases of infertility in the family, the cause is obesity in a man.

In men

Additional kilos have a detrimental effect on the ability to produce offspring in men as well. Overweight and conception are two related concepts in the field of male fertility. Unnecessary kilograms lead to a decrease in the normal number of spermatozoa, impair their motility, because adipose tissue is an endocrine organ that produces estrogen. An excess of these hormones contributes to the formation of a small number of male germ cells. Medicine has established that excess weight in men reduces the chances of conceiving a child.

Among women

Increased body weight prevents a woman from becoming pregnant. In a full lady, pregnancy occurs 30% less often than in a girl with a normal weight.

Such representatives of the beautiful half of humanity often risk abortion - spontaneous miscarriage occurs in the first trimester.

Fat girls who are in an interesting position are often prone to the following diseases:

  • diabetes;
  • hypertension;
  • violations of kidney function.

With increased body weight, the contractile activity of the uterus is impaired and it is much more difficult to give birth naturally. For obese patients, caesarean section is preferentially recommended. To diagnose the condition, a woman needs to consult with a reproductive specialist and a nutritionist.

Effect of adipose tissue on hormones

Fat cells play a significant role in the hormonal regulation of the menstrual cycle. In obese girls, the level of male hormones is almost three times higher than normal. As a result, women are often unable to conceive, their menstrual cycle is disturbed, and male pattern hair is observed.

The first menstruation in girls occurs when the mass of fat cells reaches the required level. This happens during puberty.

The early onset of menstruation in a girl is a “bell” about extra kilos in the future.

Favorable weight before pregnancy

Excess body fat, as well as insufficient, can be the cause of failure to conceive. Therefore, childbearing is only one of the problems caused by extra pounds. There is such a thing as a favorable weight, in which men and women will “make” a child without any problems (if there are no other violations).

male weight

We will pay due attention to how excess weight affects conception in representatives of the strong half of humanity. It is a mistake to believe that unnecessary kilograms of the male body do not affect the ability to fertilize in any way.

Excess body weight is a significant obstacle to childbearing: the amount of sperm and sperm motility are reduced. Extra pounds negatively affect the hormonal background. Fat deposited on the abdomen overheats the scrotum, which is detrimental to sperm. Men with large body weight in 95% of cases experience erectile dysfunction.

According to statistics, in half of infertile couples, a man has an extra 10-15 kilograms.

Female weight

It is impossible to name what the ideal weight for girls should be, since each has a different body mass index (BMI - the ratio of body weight and height of a person). It is he who is the determining factor in the question: how to get pregnant with excess weight?

Gynecologists advise girls to keep a BMI between 19 and 25. You should think about this in advance - establish proper nutrition, resume sports, and if necessary, consult a nutritionist.

How to get pregnant with fullness

If you have unnecessary kilograms, how to successfully get pregnant with excess weight? First of all, contact a specialist who will determine the BMI and make some recommendations. To conceive a baby, you need to normalize the weight, since excess weight affects conception negatively.
